For a guy running as “a new kind of Republican,” and railing against a Republican opponent who “is part of the establishment, having been recruited by the D.C. power brokers,” you’d think Clint Didier might have found a more personal and, I dunno, this-Washingtonish return address for his fundraising envelopes.
Oh, and by the way Clint, if you’re wasting your money sending expensive, six-piece, full-color mailers to the kinda Seattle liberals who would immediately hand it over to me for public ridicule, your “new kind of Republican” Beltway direct mail house might want to buy themselves a more targeted list.
Take a look at this page:
and search for the address from the envelope. Coincidence?
So what does the mailer look like?
Even if it’s juvenile it’s still a good sign for the Didier folks that they have any mail going out at all.
Might Rossi be forced to spend $ in the primary?
Don’t look to the teabaggers for a “new kind of Republican.” It’s definitely the same old, same old kind of Republican.
But now both Saint Ron Paul and former AG Eikenberry have endorsed Didier (pronounced Did-ee-ay, unless you are Clint Didier trying not to seem too “French” and pronouncing it Did-eer). Maybe my fond dreams of Dino having to spend a hefty chunk of his campaign cash fending off a challenge from the right will come true.
Well, Clint’s consistent about his pronunciation. In the NFL he was always called DID-ee-er, never DID-ee-AY.
In the hoary tradition of Des Plaines, Illinois, and many other mangled non-English names.
well, interesting.
the GOP is doing some weird targeting. I get a couple messages a month (5 to 10) of strong Ds getting their generic “socialism in a handbasket, fear! fear! fear!” mailings.
I honestly appreciate them spending their money this way.
Dunning Didier for his Frenchy surname sure riles up the morans. They will level their index fingers at the end of their pudgy little arms with steam escaping from their beet-red faces and denounce you as a racist — or worse.
slow day technical writing about the Kin today daddy love?
National Processing Center is a front for a soylent green factory. It’s a move toward food independence for America!
Didier isn’t even nominated yet and there’s already a competence issue.
These GOP mail houses frequently fleece the fringe candidates out of their money by sending out mass-mailings. The guys running the mailings probably don’t really care who it goes to as they get to bilk Didier out of his funds and reap the profit. I feel kind of bad for Clint for likely being taken… wait… nope.
Donor Beware: A Guide To The Scammiest Conservative Direct Mail Shops
# 10: Thanks for the link, it’s very informative. It’s also humorous that one of those involved is named “Kreep”.
But it seems that it’s pretty widespread in Tea-Party circles these days to use PACs and fundraising as a way to enrich personal pockets. Both right-wing senate candidates in Florida, Charlie Chris and his opponant, have been troubled by reports that some fundraising efforts mainly went into the pockets of those involved.
Palin’s in a category all her own – she’s raised quite a bit of money with her PAC, but parcelled it out rather parsimoniously. I’m sure she’s giving herself enough of a salary from the PAC to avoid the wardrobe fiasco following the last presidential campaign. But for the most part, I’m thinking that she’s husbanding those funds for use later in the 2010 campaign, to support candidates who have a chance to win and will then owe her big-time when she runs for President in 2012. It’s quite possible she could buy the Republican nomination by simply using her endorsement power and PAC contributions to create loyalty among future GOP convention delegates.
# 11: Of course, if Palin does run, we could have quite a bit of fun with her failure to complete her term as Alaska governor.
Future ad:
(Background picture of Richard Nixon waiving goodbye from Marine One)
Voiceover: In 1974, Richard Nixon was the first person to President to resign while still in office.
Morph into background picture of Palin:
Voiceover: In 2009, Sarah Palin resigned rather than complete her first term of office as governor of Alaska.
Morph into picture of White House:
Voiceover: In 2012, Palin now says she wants to be President.
Morph into another picture of Palin:
Voiceover: If Palin couldn’t complete one term as governor of her state, can we trust her to complete four years as President, or will she be the second President to resign while in office?
@9 Murray has been elected three times and there has always been a competence issue.
That being said, I won’t be supporting either in the primary.
Farmer Fred @13:
Yeah, you guys always take issue with competence.
“Yeah, you guys always take issue with competence.”
Shouldn’t you also?
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
But we do.
Have you forgotten the half term Governor Sarah Palin and “God told me to run” Susan Hutchinson already?
Au contraire, Ekim.
We cherish competence. What we take issue with, as in the cases of Palin, Hutchison, Didier, and a slew of others, is incompetence. That, and showing up Farmer Fred by turning his phrase on its head, was my point.
Incompetence in governance is the centerpiece of Republican politics. Paraphrasing a former President, their approach to government is the problem.
No, I have not. Did not support either one. Have you forgot Pelosi, McDermott, Carter, Boxer, Obama (jury still out on this one, but looks worse everyday)etc?
Phrase re-worded correctly: “What we take issue with, as in the cases of Palin, Hutchison, Didier, Pelosi, McDermott, Carter, Boxer, Obama and a slew of others, is incompetence.” Or perhaps this was your intent all along? Not really disagreeing with you, but you seemed to have forgot some major names in your statement.
“Incompetence in the state of Washington’s governance is the centerpiece of Democratic politics.”
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
Nice smackdown by Farmer Fred. These libtardo fools never see their party incompetence. That’s why McDimWitt is continually reerected.
There goes rhp6033 again ranting through his ASS. As Puddy said earlier (ask the arschloch to verify), if she was dressed like you from WalMart, you libtardos would call her trailer trash. Of course no one asked Odumba who paid for Michelle’s clothes on the campaign or his suits with his near $billion campaign war chest? Now why was that rhp6033?
Uhm, no. The actual legitimate envelopes for Didier’s campaign look nothing like what you have posted, and actually go to Eltopia. I’ve passed out a few thousand of them, so I’ve had a chance to get a really close look at them.
Munchkin @21:
So you’re saying, then, that somebody is using Didier as the Yellow Brick Road to campaign fraud? Seems a bit far-fetched, seeing as the “National Processing Center” uses exactly the same name as Didier’s official committee.
Contrived of course. We know there’s an competence issue with the incumbent. Her own words damn her…
Who’s the alternative to Patty Murray?… “Whose Shoes Will You Choose?”
Oh the political rhetoric – how about electing an innovator, job creator, small business man, father, husband, an enlightened man who empowers his employees.
He is not a politician by any means. What a breath of fresh air. His name:
Visit his web site at If you like what you see, host a meet and greet in your neighborhood and he will come and speak and have a question and answer period. Democrats and Republicans alike are supporting him. He doesn’t look at parties to divide us, rather he treats each person as having something valuable to say. He empowers people. He is full of common sense to ensure that we work together to get results.
Polls show that he is closing the gap – again, check out his website at