Because the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is exactly like the rest of America.
Cute to throw in the concept of a Chicago Tea Party, when what’s actually happening is more like the attempted escape from Versailles.
I say take Santelli back to Paris, and keep an eye on him. Revolutionary analogies are fun, though! I’ll take the Winter Palace for $800, Alex.
This was hilarious to watch live. We knew it wouldn’t take long until America woke up.
Even the high school students are having second thoughts about him.
Obama talks are putting down America, The more he talks the more Americans are realize he has no clue what he’s talking about.
The only one’s having climaxes over him is MSNBC and HA.
I admire Rick Santelli for daring to speak the truth. Shame on John for wanting to deport people who don’t think exactly like he does.
Rick nails it! Hope he has a job tomorrow…
It’s about time we talk about the left using class warfare to keep the country divided. As long as the democrats can keep their voters hating those that have succeeded it’s Mission Accomplished.
What an ass.
There’s class warfare alright, & it’s been coming every day from business channels & from Republicans. The millionaires whine about how good poor people have it in the great economy they rigged.
A guy w/ a 7 figure salary & promotes the very tax cut/deregulation policies that got us in this mess is abusing people who are getting thrown out of their homes. that’s rich alright.
Goddamn greedy traders aren’t happy w/ any plan that doesn’t include backing semis full of cash to the trading room floor & throwing money at them.
One Big Ass Mistake America!
Ask Puddy about his take on class warfare.
He saw the light…that the Dems didn’t do jack, just used minorities to promote this Atheist Progressive nonsense.
We are already seeing Obama’s Inauguration Lovefest approval numbers on a downward spiral. Obama has used up a ton of political capital foolishly and irresponsibly with the PORKULOUS BILL, tax cheatin’ appointees, and his pals in Illinois dickin’ around in the mud.
Wise up and Grow up.
The Emporer has no clothes!
Cynical’s personality disorder is on the loose again.
Funny that, none of the big swinging dick types have a problem with bailing out Wall Street, but heaven forbid Main Street get anything more than the heel of a boot. Oh and by the way there can’t be any regulations that prevent predatory lending or stealing money from widows and orphans.
As goldy says the real danger in doing too little or even worse going down the austerity road is sowing the seeds of resentment that lead to unruly mobs lopping heads off.
Let’s give it three year and see what happens. If Obama’s mojo ain’t working by then, I’d say the Milk Chocolate Messiah has failed.
We’ll see…
That crook Stanford was at the Democratic National Convention givin’ lots of love to PELOSI!
More to come.
Change you can believe in?? MY ASS!
Americans agree that Republicans suck:
Republicans decide to keep Stanford’s money.
“I’ve been bought and sold”, says Cornyn.
Whatever. Let the R’s whine all they want, this’ll be a one-party democracy in 20 months, then we can really fix the mess the Bush Crime Family left for us. By putting them all in jail. Or in front of firing squads.
@15 “Or in front of firing squads.”
Provided that they get a fair (heh) trial first.
Now that wages are being cut, prices must be cut too! Otherwise, consumers will buy even less and the economy will contract even more.
In California, GOP Gov. Scharwzenegger effectively cut state workers’ pay by 9% forcing them to take two unpaid furlough days a month. He should cut state workers’ property taxes by 9%, too, because now they have less money to pay taxes with.
Of course, he and the California legislature won’t do that, so state workers will have to cut back even more on their consumer spending. That means an additional fall in state sales tax collections.
Ultimately, wage cuts — the Republican approach to budget crises — feed on themselves and make the situation worse.
To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let’s march, let’s march!
May a tainted blood
Drench our furrows!
The French have a good idea.
Steve@14: They only got 35% of the company funds and 22% of his personal funds. Your “adults” got the bulk along with the hugs and thanks of support for Democratic activities.
Dwell on that!
Chris said
Thanks for getting something right!
what a rich douchebag!
chicagoexpat@5 You called it on yourself…What an ass.
Apparently you aren’t reading the right Democratic blogs. There are thinking libtards who are worried about this class warfare act from the Gang of Obama and how the masses who play by the rules are being forced to pay for those who don’t. Anyone remember the CRA?
But being the sheeple you are, keep marching to that drumbeat…
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
That’s right puddy I’m ready for a little class warfare and decimation against the upper class.
’cause if things continue to get worse that is the next step. Angry mobs will be dragging the rich from their homes and letting them off with a beating if they are lucky and worse if they are not.
Why don’t your treat your neighbor as you like to be treated yourself you fucking right wing hypocritical Christian (probably) asshole?
Guess not.
Helping working and middle class people out who have shaky toxic mortgages is wrong but bailing out criminally mismanaged banks is perfectly okay. Not to mention that when there is a foreclosure down the street it effects the value of everyone’s home you self righteous fuckers. This asshole on cable is a hero to nitwits but he offers no real idea on what to do except to say why should I pay for my neighbor’s bad mortgage. It’s like the “get a job or two you lazy fuckers”,when his banker and trader buddies created a situation where there are no jobs. It’s all about his own selfish self centered idea of his personal property and fuck everyone else. These ruling class assholes created this crisis because of their personal greed and selfishness and are happy to sit there and rant because they got theirs. Have some fucking compassion and empathy for ordinary people you assholes.
And then go fuck yourself!
Who, exactly, are these “rich” that are to be mobbed? Care to quantify who is “rich” so I know if I should start stockpiling even more rounds?
Chris Stefan, Class Warfare King.
Why? I already said I support helping anyone who had legit mortgage put down equity to buy the house and they lost their job. But I’m against anyone who bought a house and they could not afford it from jump street.
Bring this up to Democratics Barney Frank Maxine Waters, Gregory Meeks, Lacy Clay, Artur Davis, and Chris Dodd fool. Watch the video again fool.
Democrats Defend Fannie/Freddie from Regulation – 2004 Video Butt you give the Democratics a pass.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
Watch the video in #26. See the other videos on the right. Clinton administration’s “BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” They forced banks to make BAD LOANS and ACORN and Obama’s tie to all of it!!!
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
anyone with half a brain knows neither ACORN or Bill Clinton are really connected to the immediate housing mortgage meltdown crisis.
Mortgage adjusters, underwriters and bankers approved these loans without documentation because they were after a quick buck. They made millions. Fuck the long term outcome. The unethical brokers took the mortgages and packed them up into toxic securities that they spread throughout the world. That’s why small towns in Norway and Iceland are now broke because they bought these inflated sub prime mortgage backed securities.
ACORN is a organization that helps poor people that’s all. You thing something is wrong with helping poor people you red neck twit?
If you want to watch something substantive instead of just parroting right wing rhetorical bullshit go to:
You know this ACORN argument is also your attempt to raise your subtle racist crap.
Just what the fuck has ACORN every really been found guilty of in a court of law? Hardly anything you cracker. Most of these mortgages that are in trouble are probably white folks as if that has anything to do with it anyway.
When your done watching the program move to fucking east Texas where everyone is as ignorant as you are and probably would buy into your horseshit theories.
anyone with half a brain knows neither ACORN or Bill Clinton are really connected to the immediate housing mortgage meltdown crisis.
Mortgage adjusters, underwriters and bankers approved these loans without documentation because they were after a quick buck. They made millions. Fuck the long term outcome. The unethical brokers took the mortgages and packed them up into toxic securities that they spread throughout the world. That’s why small towns in Norway and Iceland are now broke because they bought these inflated sub prime mortgage backed securities.
ACORN is a organization that helps poor people that’s all. You think something is wrong with helping poor people you red neck twit?
If you want to watch something substantive instead of just parroting right wing rhetorical bullshit go to:
You know this ACORN argument is also your attempt to raise your subtle racist crap.
Just what the fuck has ACORN every really been found guilty of in a court of law? Hardly anything you cracker. Most of these mortgages that are in trouble are probably white folks as if that has anything to do with it anyway.
When your done watching the program move to fucking east Texas where everyone is as ignorant as you are and probably would buy into your horseshit theories.