Just to be absolutely clear, I think it is safe to argue that if there’s one thing on which a majority of Americans agree, it’s that corporations don’t have nearly enough influence in state, local and national politics. So we should all thank the courageous justices of the United States Supreme Court for correcting this imbalance.
From what I’ve read it doesn’t sound that horrid.
We can go back and find ways to “regulate corporate political speech” that will pass muster with the court. I guess the question is, will we.
I look forward to regular working class Republicans and esepecially teabaggers denouncing how the influence of the economic fascists in corporate boardrooms will trample the rights of the little folk.
Or maybe I should look forward to the pretzel-like twists of illogic that they will use to praise the same events.
We need a simple amendment to the Constitution to the effect that:
That should do it.
This just in: Antonin Scalia has said that in another case, next term, they’re going to hold corporations have the right to vote! Yup, in every state where they are doing business.
And then next year is the big one — corporations will have the right to marry, just like a person. Equal protection of the laws, you know!
However, a Inc. will only be able to marry a Corp — having a Corp. marry a Corp. would be an abomination unto God! Yuck!
I regrettably doubt 98% of the people in this country have any understanding what the f**k just happened to them with the combination of events this week:
a) Pro Romney-Care candidate, Scott Brown, running and winning on being the 41st Republican vote against HCR.
b) Villager concurrence with TeaBagger logic of 41 beats 59.
c) Infinite Corporate control over political media and financing.
Sorry folks, if you ain’t currently rich, white and “Christian”, you are soooooooooo f**ked.
Actually, I think this decision could go down as one of the worst in the Court’s history. Finding that corporations have a First Amendment right of free speech that permits unlimited campaign donations unleashes a horrible genie upon our elections. As if we don’t have enough money controlling our elections already, this just opens the door for straight out purchasing of elections. There is also a certain irony in Clarence Thomas, who never met a constitutional right for individuals that he wouldn’t restrict, expanding corporate rights. James Madison is rolling over in his grave. Fortunately, it is a 5-4 decision and Stevens’ dissent is powerful.
Well the good news was this –
The next time some conservative whines about judges “legislating from the bench,” I’m going to point to this decision.
Corporations should be subject to the death penality if they are found to have committed murder or have been an accomplice thereof. They should be also able to go to jail. I bet if those provisions were pursued, there would be a little risk aversion in everything from on the job injuries to white collar crime. If they want to be “persons” then they can have the obligations of consequence, along with all of those “rights”.
RIP American Democracy
Born Sept 17, 1787
Died Jan 21st 2010
Enjoy the the new corporatocracy you fucking ignorant teabagging wingnut traitors!
The Roberts Court is clearly trying to surpass the Taney Court for worst in history. (And if bad laws are made from this I suppose they will be the worst wurst in history.)
@10 What a great comment! I like that.
Clarity would clearly tell me that Goldy
has goneremains unhinged, certifiably batshit crazy.3 posts on basically the same topic?
SCOTUS lifts lid on corporate political spending
by Goldy, 01/21/2010, 7:25 AM
Warning: I’m plotting to blow up the Supreme Court!
by Goldy, 01/21/2010, 9:25 AM
by Goldy, 01/21/2010, 2:02 PM
Empty Head Wingnut @ 14
If you think our new Corporate Overlords are going to have any use for you, other than cannon fodder and working for low wages, you are more deluded than… every other wingnut.
You even look the wrong way, or refuse to turn over your gun when they ask (and the definitely will!) they will slit your throat and shit down you neck while your family watches.
In fact, unstable morons like you will be the first to grease the wheels of the corporate machinery with your blood.
They have no more use for you.
@15 Damn, another great comment.
If I need to post an unstable moron, I’ll re-post it from your post above. Especially this gem:
I suggest either a therapist or a heavy dose of Alex Jones radio show. Either way, I can’t help you with your particular malady.
For chrissakes, Steve. Quit beating around the bush and ask the lad out for a date.
This is what Justice Stevens had to say about the corporatist decision from the Supreme Court:
“Although they make enormous contributions to our society, corporations are not actually members of it. They cannot vote or run for office. Because they may be managed and controlled by nonresidents, their interests may conflict in fundamental respects with the interests of eligible voters,” writes Stevens. “The financial resources, legal structure, and instrumental orientation of corporations raise legitimate concerns about their role in the electoral process. Our lawmakers have a compelling constitutional basis, if not also a democratic duty, to take measures designed to guard against the potentially deleterious effects of corporate spending in local and national races.”
It’s gonna be fun watching the likes of you Empty Head Wingnut when the corporate owned Congress passes laws taking away your gun, your right to free speech, and then starts paying you the same salary now enjoyed by Chinese prison labor.
Everything else is gonna suck, but watching you get exactly what you deserve for your moronic wingnut support is gonna be sweet.
You moronic fool.
Hey, what’s the big deal? So now corporations can spend money buying politicians and running things?
Don’t they do that already?
I don’t always agree with Kennedy’s rulings (he really shit the bed in the kelo v. new london) deal, but he pulled his head out of his ass long enough to get it right on this one at least. Whining liberals cry about corporations but always seem to gloss over the Dem controlled special interests like Unions and
trial lawyersambulance chasing sacks of shit always filling their coffers and sinking their money into political races.The man is truly an enigma of legal thought as you don’t know which way he might swing in his legal reasoning. Either way, his is the key seat on the SCOTUS bench and hopefully healthy enough that the empty suit currently occupying the whitehouse will not be allowed to fill his seat in the three long 3 years Maobama has left in office.
Which leads me to the joke of the night:
Q: What happens when a lawyer takes viagra?
A: He grows taller
R.I.P. 1-21-2010
Long live the corporatocrisy.
I just call it Fascism……
The real joke of the night (supplied by Empty Head Wingnut)
Right, Goldman Sachs alone is paying 16 BILLION in just bonuses after the Bush bailout, and the unions are gonna compete with that.
You wingnut simpleton fool.
Where is it written in the constitution that the Supreme Court decides on the constitutionality of laws?
I think that the five justices who decided in favor of the corporations should be stripped of their offices.
They can decide on the constitutionalty of that from their front porches — sipping on some ‘old-time’ powdered chemical lemonade.
Their grandchildren should be forced to play with Chinese toys with high levels of poison in them.
Corporate profits belong to shareholders. Congress should pass a law giving shareholders the right to sue managers who squander their money on political advertising.
re 23: What if the donating corporation is controlled by foreign powers whose interests are antithetical to the actual citizens of the U.S.?
Should they be allowed to contribute all the money they want to influence our politics?
The fallacy and weakness of Justice Kennedy’s argument can be demonstrated by substituting the word mafia for corporation.
Corporate money can buy political influence only if the people believe their ads.
If every American turns off his TV, their billions will buy nothing, and they will have no power over us.
RE 23:
But Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority in a 57-page opinion, said the effort to divide MAFIA political spending into legal and illegal forms chilled political speech.
“When government seeks to use its full power, including the criminal law, to command where a person may get his or her information or what distrusted source he or she may not hear, it uses censorship to control thought,” he wrote.
Justice Kennedy wrote that, taken to its extreme, the restriction on MAFIA spending could silence media organizations or even allow banning such political-themed movies as “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.”
He rejected the view that government had an interest in preventing the MAFIA or unions from “distorting” political debate by funding ads. To the contrary, “The MAFIA may possess valuable expertise, leaving them the best equipped to point out errors of fallacies in speech of all sorts,” he wrote.
This argument falls flat. It has no legs.
RR @ 30
Not gonna happen. And there are enough sheep ready for slaughter like Empty Head Wingnut to buy the shiny advertisements the corporatocracy will be selling.
It is the law of the land. Just like I don’t approve of or support the erroneous Roe v. wade decision or the Kelo v. New london decisions maded by the SCOTUS, it is what it is.
Deal with it.
Let me translate # 33
@34 Yep, it sounds better in Sheep than in English.
Gee, I wonder if those rabid, greedy corporations
will consult their employees about campaign spending and political affiliations. The first ones I’d like to hear from are the NYT (INC.), MSNBC (INC.), Progressive Insurance, (INC.), Planned Parenthood (INC.) ad nauseam.
One step closer to the GOP Master Plan: Turning the USA into Mexico. Everything for sale, all services done for max profit. Police, fire, EMS, the courts, prisons, sanitation and road maintenance, all under corporate domain. Privatize those national parks so Dick Cheney’s buddies can strip mine ’em! Get rid of those pesky child labor laws and we won’t have to waste all that money on education! There’s an upside to this people, c’mon look at the bright side! Ride this nation like a rodeo horse! Spur the beast ’til she’s dead and then we’ll barbecue the carcass for our last meal!
@6 “a) Pro Romney-Care candidate, Scott Brown, running and winning on being the 41st Republican vote against HCR.”
There’s a point there. The good people of Massachussetts at least have something to fall back on, so a lot of them (even the sane ones) don’t feel they have the same stake in what’s going on at the national level.
Can’t help but wonder what things might be like now, had other states decided to to the same, and committed the wherewithall to put it in place before the economy went poof.
And it isn’t 98%….nobody knows exactly how this is going to play out yet. Just that it’s going to be major.
@31 “Mafia”, hell! Try “Chinese corporations”, or how about “al Queda”…
U.S.A. “It Has Electrolytes and Stuff!”