Recently, the Obama Administration announced that it was applying sanctions against high-ranking Venezuelan officials. Few people deny that Venezuela’s government has committed human rights violations, as I’ve documented some of them in these roundups, but the main outrage over this move comes because of the hyperbole and the hypocrisy that went along with this move:
But the main object of South American ire may be the language leading off Obama’s order. It describes the situation in Venezuela as constituting an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
The U.S. government hasn’t typically described Venezuela as a major security threat. The 2015 Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, released last month by the director of national intelligence, devotes two paragraphs to Venezuela, neither of which describe the country as a threat to the United States.
But a senior U.S. administration official told reporters last week that the use of “national security” language is standard when issuing an executive order to impose sanctions. “Most of the sanctions programs that we have, from Iran to Syria, Burma, across the board, rely on these same types of national emergency declarations,” the official said.
Adam Isacson, senior associate for regional security policy at the human rights nonprofit Washington Office on Latin America, explained that under U.S. law, the executive has to declare a national emergency that threatens national security in order to freeze a foreigner’s assets by executive order.
“It has to look like a big, special thing, if you’re going to do it,” Isacson told The Huffington Post. “That’s why it has that stupid language at the beginning. I think the sanctions themselves are pretty legitimate. The United States has the right to decide who gets to do business and own property here in our country, and we should be limiting the number of human rights abusers who get to do that.”
Isacson also suggested that more people were worthy of sanctions. “Just look at New York and all the condos that are owned by Russian oligarchs,” he said. He noted as well the prevalence of human rights abuses in Mexico and Colombia, countries with which the United States enjoys good diplomatic relations.
So why is Venezuela being singled out here? Why are we so willing to damage relations with the region over a country whose record on human rights isn’t any worse than many other countries we remain strongly allied with?
I think part of the answer comes from a phenomenon that’s really well explained in Lawrence Lessig’s recent book “Republic, Lost”. One of the central insights of that book is about understanding the true nature of corruption in this country. It’s not simply a matter of the wealthy writing big checks in order to get what they want out of our lawmakers and other leaders. It’s about a system that relies on campaign funding and essentially forces lawmakers and others running for office to focus their attention and their efforts on the interests of those who can reciprocate.
The end result is that politicians end up in a bubble where they only hear and understand the issues and concerns of those wealthy enough to gain access to the bubble. This is not a phenomenon limited to either party. Democrats can become as captive to their wealthy interests as Republicans.
But the unique thing about Venezuela is that, unlike many other rights-abusing nations in the world, the victims of Maduro’s left-wing regime are often businessmen. Within the bubble of wealthy interests that politicians reside, this becomes seen as a more serious threat than when a regime targets activists or minorities or the press. In this context, the wealthy view themselves and their interests as the interests of the nation – and politicians follow suit. In reality, Venezuela is no more of a threat to U.S. interests than Saudi Arabia, Israel, or Egypt, but gets treated as if it’s far more threatening.
More stories from the past two weeks…
The Obama Administration is removing the federal requirements for its Office of Administration to comply with the Freedom of Information Act, making their already terrible record on transparency even worse.
Ed Pilkington reports that the U.S. government is still targeting Wikileaks in a criminal investigation.
Jeremy Scahill and Josh Begley write about CIA efforts to hack into popular Apple products for surveillance purposes.
Lucy Steigerwald writes about how private prison corporations are just a small part of the problems caused by the drug war and our mass incarceration madness. Mark A.R. Kleiman, Angela Hawken, & Ross Halperin write about how to reduce the amount of people we have locked up. And actor Michael K. Williams writes about why he’s taking up this fight as well.
Glenn Greenwald writes about the efforts of various western governments to censor websites that they perceive as supporting or encouraging terrorism.
Julian Sanchez writes about the “right to be forgotten” in internet web searches.
The FBI has preferred to keep their cell phone tracking capabilities secret rather than allow for the information to be brought up by prosecutors in criminal trials.
Senators Gillibrand (D-NY), Booker (D-NJ), and Paul (R-KY) introduced a bill that would move marijuana to a Schedule II drug and fully legalize it for medical use in the states that have approved it so far.
Wikipedia is suing the NSA and the DOJ over internet surveillance.
Hamid Khan writes about the drawbacks of Los Angeles using helicopters for aerial surveillance.
Jordan Smith writes about a case from Las Vegas where a very questionable murder conviction is receiving new scrutiny.
In Montana, a small-government conservative religious fundamentalist is trying to figure out how to more effectively insert government into a women’s uterus by making terrible analogies.
Radley Balko writes about what we’ve learned about the experience that Denver has had with its police body camera policies.
Protests have been happening in Aurora, near Denver, over the recent shooting of an unarmed black man.
Because Oklahoma University is a state-run school, expelling the students who sang a racist chant on a fraternity outing would be a clear violation of their first amendment rights.
Chris Geidner writes about the battle over gay marriage between religious fundamentalists in Alabama’s judicial system and federal judges who have held that their bans are unconstitutional.
Despite the resignations of several city officials in Ferguson, protestors are still fighting for more accountability. The New York Times writes about how the situation in Ferguson isn’t much different from what happens in many towns across America.
Spencer Ackerman and Zach Stafford write about two more cases where Chicago police used the Homan Square facility to hold marijuana suspects without access to counsel or proper due process.
Religious fundamentalists in the West Virginia legislature passed a 20-week abortion ban after it was vetoed by the governor.
In Virginia, liquor control cops viciously attacked a black UVA student, sparking large protests. Also in Virginia, an 11-year old was given a year suspension from school after officially mistakenly believed he was in possession of a marijuana leaf (it wasn’t).
Paul Solotaroff writes about a wrongful murder conviction in Philadelphia and attempts by city officials to retry the man whose life they’ve already destroyed.
The Brian Lehrer show recently discussed Attica prison and prisoner abuse.
Ireland is debating a gender identity bill.
The Guardian writes about the surveillance watchdog arm of the British government and its failures in providing proper oversight
A British airport employee was busted for taking pictures of the rape-scanner as his co-worker walked through it.
In Germany, Indian-born students are being discriminated against because of their home nation’s problems with rape.
IKEA has pulled some catalogs from circulation in Russia for fear that it violates anti-gay propaganda laws.
A man who was accused of the murder of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov claims that his confession was a result of torture and that he is innocent.
In Syria, the Assad regime is accused of using chlorine gas, a chemical weapon, in recent attacks against civilians.
Israeli soldiers are conducting night-time raids in Palestinian areas to question alleged rock-throwers as young as 9-years old.
Hamas is claiming that large numbers of recent arrests by the Palestinian Authority are politically motivated. Nicholas Kristof writes about the wretched conditions that the residents of Gaza face as a result of repeated bombing campaigns from Israel.
The Saudi government has sentenced a human rights activist to a 10 year prison sentence.
Egypt has sentenced to death political opponents of the regime.
There’s evidence of cluster bomb usage in Libya, but the government denies any role.
Chinese authorities arrested a man for trying to use Twitter to organize an anti-smog protest.
Three men in Myanmar are going to prison for posting a picture of Buddha wearing headphones.
Four men in Thailand are facing charges for leading protests against the military government.
Australian police have confirmed that they’ve been able to spy on journalists’ communication metadata.
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key went back on his promise to resign if the country’s authorities were found to be conducting bulk surveillance.
Hamas is claiming that large numbers of recent arrests by the Palestinian Authority are politically motivated. Nicholas Kristof writes about the wretched conditions that the residents of Gaza face as a result of repeated bombing campaigns from Israel. –
Where is Kristof’s commentary of the 1600+ rockets that rained down on Israel that led to the bombing?
Where is Kristof’s commentary on the $Billions of squandered international aid sent to the Palestinians and used by Hamas to build the tunnels used to capture and torture Israeli soldiers and civilians?
Lee, where is your civil liberties commentary on Dick Durbin…? You know where he claims Republican senators are racist taking away Loretta Lynch’s civil liberties “putting her at the back of the bus” by not voting on her being the next attorney general because she’s black. A direct attack on Rand Paul because Lynch’s civil liberties views differ with Paul.
Butt what about when Durbin chose not to vote on Janice Rogers Brown or Condoleeza Rice’s nominations? Durbin wasn’t being racist by denying these wonderful conservative black women their civil liberties to higher office by voting no against them?
Curious to why this was left out of the round up!
We all know Puddy doesn’t like our friend, Teabagger, but this is taking it a little too far.
“A proposed California initiative calling for “sodomites” to be “put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method,” currently sits on the desk of California’s attorney general, requiring her to title and summarize the ballot measure, according to the Sacramento Bee.”
I’d guess that’s what they meant by this,
“Religious conservatives have been encouraging activists and lawmakers to pledge to commit unspecified acts of civil disobedience if the court strikes down bans against same-sex marriage.”
You need to get a grip, Puddy. Putting a bullet in someone’s head isn’t civil disobedience, it’s murder.
Women in Afghanistan are slowly being turned back into chattel.
Of course, when you extremist Christians equate gays to Satan, murder might soon follow. Little wonder you want to make it legal to kill them.
“Members of the community expressed outrage over the weekend after photos of marquee outside the Knoxville Baptist Tabernacle Church were circulated online. The sign read, “Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights.”
“Andy Henry said that the church was trying to make a statement about gay rights.”
You’ve been warned, write like an adult or have your comments deleted. The latter two are ok, I’m leaving them up.
The bombing was not the result of rockets, it was the result of a kidnapping and murder.
Far more Palestinians are captured and tortured in the conflict than Israelis. Not even close.
None of that has anything to do with civil liberties. I have very serious issues with Lynch and I find Durbin’s commentary somewhat silly, but none of that has any relation to the kinds of things I include in this roundup.
Wrong again Lee…
Puddy’s original comment is FACTUAL and correct! Palestinians starting firing rockets into Israel 13 June 2014. The bombing campaign started on 8 July 2014!
Try again!
And what has that to do with the squandered $$$Billions in foreign aid the Palestinians received and some diverted to tunnel building vs. the “wretched living conditions” Kristof writes about?
Try again!
“If you people would get up and get an education and a job, this wouldn’t happen to you.”
“white county clerk” – The vomit producer @9 forgets St Louis County voted heavily Democrat [sic] FOREVER! No matter how many times he produces his spew, FACTS are FACTS! So there is a very high probability this lady is a Democrat [sic]. And Puddy has demonstrated time and time again the violation of civil rights Democrats [sic] have done to minorities on this blog since 2005!
Not correct:
Clear as day. The latest bombing campaign was over the kidnapping and murders. Palestinian militants have fired rockets into Israel proper at many points. Wasn’t the stated pretense for the bombing campaign.
Living amongst corruption is not a green light to have your civil liberties violated on the scale that Israel does in the occupied territories.
Clanging Speech.
Word Salad.
These are the major voices of the Republican Party. These are the people who most Republicans would like to emulate, if they only had the vocabulary. Ask any hard line Republican, they will say that “Human rights” are a myth and have no place in political speech. When the CEO of Nestle’ makes the claim that nobody has the “right” to water, and water rights should only be available to the people who can purchase them, intelligent people realize that he isn’t speaking from the point of view that humans have the right to basic survival, but only that humans are subject to the whims and will of the people who own their rights as humans, to be delegated and rationed as they see fit.
Such is the essence of Fascism.
From your own site @11…
Puddy stands behind his original post above!
Seems you applaud the diversion of tens of $$$Million of foreign aid being diverted into terrorism tunnels! Seems you equate any Israeli action against people whom have publicly vowed to eradicate Israelis from the face of the earth is A-OK! Since most of your libtard friends scream when Puddy delivers right thinking sites… Puddy will use CBS News…
Billions that could have been used to improve the plight of the lowly Palestinian was diverted for personal use. Even Israel gave $1 Billion to them.
Puddy brought this up many times from many sources. Yet all we read from HA Democrats[sic] are how bad Israel is! Never anything bad from the Palestinians. The PLO has not rejected it’s original charter for the destruction of Israel. Hamas calls for the obliteration or dissolution of Israel, and all Lee screams about is how Israel protects it’s people!
Situation normal in Israel and Palestine.
So what about Venezuela being a threat. Shouldn’t we be solving this the old fashion way. Like send in the marines? Or have we grown as a nation…maybe or maybe not since it seems the same reasons we always invaded in the past held sway. Hurray for the United States Marines. Hurray for Dole! Hurray for American oil companies! Maybe give a little slice to the Palestinians?
If the people Pinochet’s regime drugged, stripped naked, and threw out of airplanes into the Atlantic Ocean had been businessmen, you can bet we would have done something about it. And every foreign thug dictator understands that the only Americans our government allows them to kill are nuns and journalists.
Speaking of civil liberties, is it just a weird coincidence that of all the zillions of underage college students who have snuck into bars over the eons, the one who gets the crap pounded out of him by liquor cops happens to be black?
Civil Liberties are always lost in liberal college towns through actions of liberally leaning officials.
Nope, still wrong:
Want to keep humiliating yourself?
Nope, never said anything like that. Are you doing your SJ impersonation now?
What I’m saying is that the average Palestinian shouldn’t be punished for the corruption that occurs within the Palestinian leadership. When a black leader is found to be corrupt, is that justification for me taking away your rights?
Apparently you like pain! Then you hijack three paragraphs while Puddy is only allowed two… Typical Democrat [sic] never follow the rules you place for others to follow. So, you really must like your ASS getting kicked…,_2014 Untick in rocket attacks…
Israeli air strikes hit targets in Gaza
Army says 12 locations in Gaza hit, including ‘concealed’ rocket launchers and weapons manufacturing sites.
29 Jun 2014 19:32 GMT | Politics, Middle East, Israel
So in closing in June at least 45 rockets were fired Starting June 13. For all of June it was at least 65 rockets! Puddy will place that link in the next response.
More Lee ASSkicking…
Seems June 13 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before June 29.
Lee’s ASSkicking continues. Puddy still stands by the original PuddyQuote above!
Can you say SMACK?
Let’s go back to the original comment…
Again for all to read Lee’s second ASSkicking… The wretched conditions the Palestinians live in are due to the redirection of $$$Billions of foreign aid to other activities starting with Yasser Arafat and continuing after his death and NOT due to the Israeli bombings. Palestinians continue to support leaders whom point hatred to Israel and directed tens of $$$Millions to terror tunnels. The average Palestinian was being punished because of their leadership. If that money was used for it’s original purpose, the Palestinians would have improved living conditions. Puddy has submitted multiple links over the years to back this up. There is the crazed databaze of a certain FOOL detailing all those linked entries. Puddy even used CBS in this thread. Lee offered what?
crickets chirping. Puddy stands by the original comment above.
HRW – Human Rights Watch is a leftist leaning organization so their antipathy to Israel is known. Just Google “human rights watch israel bias”
From WikiPedia – The George Soros Open Society Foundation is the primary donor of the Human Rights Watch, contributing $100 million of $128 million of contributions and grants received by the HRW in the 2011 financial year. The $100 million contribution from the Open Society Foundation will be paid out over ten years in $10 million annual installments.