So at the same time the district wants to shut my daughter’s school to save a couple hundred thousand dollars, the billionaire owners of the Sonics want taxpayers to pony up a couple hundred million dollars so that they can build a new arena with even more luxury boxes.
ah yes. I fully support those Citizens in their efforts.
For a liberal town, Seattle sure has a passion for getting hustled by sports-team-owner extortionists. This city has spent more on sports stadiums than on schools. What the fuck are people thinking?
There may be hope, though. Snohomish County send the smooth-talking, fork-tongued NASCAR bandits packing; hopefully, Kitsap County will have enough sense to do the same. And God forbid that the Governor or Legislature would ever go along with this highway robbery.
Goldystein….You don’t sound happy in socialist Seattle. Why not move to somewhere you libs would enjoy. Say, Haiti, Cuba, Zimbabwe, or Detroit?
You are deeply immersed in the bullshit of your Komrades.
How does that LEFTY shit taste Goldy??
Sports teams are welfare for upper middle-class white guys and their families. It’s about time we get something, don’t you think Goldy??
And, by a small majority, Washingtonians were smart enough to spend an extra nickel a gallon on roads and bridges that oil companies otherwise would have pocketed.
Here’s a refresher for all you right-wing idiots who remain clueless about how supply and demand works:
1. When consumers want more oil than producers can supply, prices go up until supply and demand are in balance.
2. Consequently, cutting gas taxes creates greater demand, and a supply-demand imbalance, that the market will correct by raising prices until they are again at the balance point.
3. If this balance point is, say, a pump price of $3.25 a gallon, then if you cut gas taxes by 5 cents a gallon, the pump price of gasoline will be $3.25 a gallon, and oil company profits will increase by 5 cents a gallon.
If you wingfucks still have questions about how supply and demand works, ask Redneck to explain it to you.
Francine Busby, the Democratic candidate running in the 50th CD special election against moderate GOPer Brian Bilbray, was speaking at the Joclyn Senior Center. After she spoke, during “Q&A” she was asked by a man in the audience (in Spanish):
“I want to help, but I don’t have papers.”
Busby responded: “Everybody can help, yeah, absolutely…you can all help. You don’t need papers for voting, you don’t need to be a registered voter to help.”
Why is this news? Can anybody help me out here.
Shit Goldy – If you want more schools in Seattle just start an initiative to raise taxes. It should be easy… the gullible kooks in seattle will tax themselves for almost anything. Certainly if you do it “for the children” they’ll go for it in overwhelming numbers.
Rabbit – I suggest you study the topic of “elasticity of demand”. Write back when you get it.
Hell, I will get a ballot to you even if your dead. Of course if you are overseas and in the military I aint promising anything. Hehe
The value of the Seahawks has increased about $600M since the taxpayers built a stadium for the second wealthiest man in the world.
Would it be too much to ask to insist that he pay us back for the cost of that fucking stadium when he sells the team someday?
What the fuck are you complaining about now, Cynical? Whatsamatter, are shareholders like you (and me) not getting enough corporate welfare from the taxpayers?
In case the rest of you are wondering, corporate welfare is five times as much as the grants to the poor, food stamps, medical assistance, housing assistance, etc. that wingfucks love to bitch about.
Or, put another way, even in the heyday of welfare programs, spending under the Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC) program never exceeded 3% of the federal budget in any year, whereas farm subsidies alone were gargantuan by comparison.
Oh, and if you live anywhere west of the Mississippi River, don’t overlook the huge federal spending on dams and irrigation projects, which in some places averaged $2 million per farm, or more. Ever hear of the Monumental Dam? They could just as well have named it after the taxpayer subsidy that built it.
Western ranching and agricultural is NOT profitable and would NOT exist if the federal government did not underwrite the losses. Some years back, I read in an EPA publication that 95% of America’s beef is raised EAST of the Mississippi River, and Florida is America’s largest beef-producing state. Betcha didn’t know that, huh, but the fact is those arid western states just aren’t that productive.
And Bush’s cabinet is staffed with CEOs who were experts at collecting government largesse, and none of whom has any experience running a business that has to survive in competitive markets without government handouts.
And just what — besides a really bad mood — makes you think that sending the Sonics on their way to Omaha or whatever provides more money for your school, or schools, or the war, or earmarks, or anything else? That’s just like Eyman or some other nitwit saying if you drop this gas tax all the great stuff in transportation that you like will be funded by greater efficiency elsewhere.
We need to ban tape recorders at political rallies. They create to much noise.
You’re so much more articulate than I, Redneck, so why don’t YOU explain that oil demand is relatively inelastic and therefore it takes LARGE price increases to effectuate SMALL reductions in demand?
And you, of course, know what makes oil supply so inelastic relative to market prices: Higher oil higher prices don’t put one drop of more oil in the ground.
The producer countries are pumping as fast as they can (except in those cases where production is disrupted by war, political instability, or other causes).
World production capacity is roughly 85 million bpd, and world consumption is roughly 85 million bpd, and if gas prices were $6.50 a gallon, world production capacity would still be roughly 85 million bpd — getting the picture? You can’t sell what you don’t have no matter how high the price goes — this is called “inelastic supply.”
Finally, when selfish assholes like Redneck drive gas guzzlers, their consumption means there’ss less oil to divide up among the rest of us. We’re all paying higher pump prices because of Redneck’s bad choices in life.
Hey Redneck, why don’t you get an economy car, save yourself $150 a month at the pump, and pay your $100 gambling debt to Goldy? You’ll come out $1,700 ahead in your first year. And the best part is, you don’t have to pay taxes on the money you save by changing your wasteful habits.
Here’s a refresher for all you right-wing idiots who remain clueless about how supply and demand works:
From a Socialist Democrat I’m empress with the way you present your argument.
When consumers want more oil than producers can supply, prices go up until supply and demand are in balance.
Little Bunny does not need gas they hop everywhere. Besides the other folks can ride that mass transit system to nowhere. Hell just push out of the garage those old Yugo’s they get 60 miles per gallon.
Consequently, cutting gas taxes creates greater demand, and a supply-demand imbalance, that the market will correct by raising prices until they are again at the balance point.
Please do not cut any taxes in Seattle they need all the slop to balance their budgets. Ride the Metro and support Ron Sims Marxist system for the middle class.
If this balance point is, say, a pump price of $3.25 a gallon, then if you cut gas taxes by 5 cents a gallon, the pump price of gasoline will be $3.25 a gallon, and oil company profits will increase by 5 cents a gallon. Hell raise the price to $5.00 a gallon then we can go to Canada and gas up. There we can look into buying a new home and jobs for those folks from West Seattle.
If you wingfucks still have questions about how supply and demand works, ask Redneck to explain it to you.
Roger you really should demand we change over to Maoist form of government and you can fix everyone’s problems.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:24 pm
Where does Norm Maleng stand on the sports arena give-away to the Sonics?
Now let’s look at how Bush directly contributed to high gas prices by embarking on a foolish military adventure in Iraq. Wars consume huge quantities of oil; the Iraq war has to be taking at least a couple million bpd off the consumer market. At the same time, oil production from Iraq, which has the world’s second-largest oil reserves, has all but ceased because of the fighting there. So, combine military consumption with production disruption, and you’ve got both supply and demand inelasticity. BAM! pump prices triple on Bush’s watch! Although some unknown amount of that probably is due collusion with the oil industry and an official green light for anti-competitive practices in the energy industry.
I have one simple question for voters when they go to the polls this November:
Finally, when selfish assholes like Redneck drive gas guzzlers, their consumption means there’ss less oil to divide up among the rest of us. We’re all paying higher pump prices because of Redneck’s bad choices in life.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:47 pm
Roger get a real job and quite complaining. Maybe you can find something in Havana Cuba. The truth is known is that liberals created this mess in order to gain Political power in this state. Wow you little brains are running the whole state what is your problem? You should all be dancing in the streets of Fremont and sing songs about your hero Che.
I have one simple question for voters when they go to the polls this November:
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:54 pm
Hey can you say that in spanish?
1. At the same time, oil production from Iraq, which has the world’s second-largest oil reserves, has all but ceased because of the fighting there. So, combine military consumption with production disruption, and you’ve got both supply and demand inelasticity. BAM! pump prices triple on Bush’s watch! Although some unknown amount of that probably is due collusion with the oil industry and an official green light for anti-competitive practices in the energy industry.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:53 pm
Funny little Bunny you are using that new math they taught you in school. We went there for oil ask Michael Moore, you know your great Idiot.
klake, you are a hopeless idiot! First of all, I’m not a socialist at all, but a Capitalist Bunny — geez, man, how many times have I posted here that I own oil sector stocks and I’m profiting from high oil prices? Can’t you fucking read?
Secondly, where did you (not) learn to spell? Does your mommy drive around with one of those “Hooked On Phonics” bumper stickers? The word is not “empress” but “impressed.” As in, “I’m impressed with the way you present your argument,” NOT, “I’m empress with the way you present your argument.” Dolt!!!
Here’s a clue for ya, flaky klake: I took a lot of economics in college* and it was my best college subject — I had a 4.0 GPA out of a possible 4.0 GPA in that subject.
* If you don’t know what a “college” is, look it up in a fucking dictionary.
I have one simple question for voters when they go to the polls this November:
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:54 pm
Yes I retired to avoid paying your Taxes.
So what does Howard Schultz’s avarice have to do with Graham Hill School? Especially with 85% of the white students there being privileged enough to attend the excellent Montessori program, and 83% of minority students having to attend rather mediocre “Regular” program?
Here’s a clue for ya, flaky klake: I took a lot of economics in college* and it was my best college subject – I had a 4.0 GPA out of a possible 4.0 GPA in that subject.
* If you don’t know what a “college” is, look it up in a fucking dictionary.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:59 pm
But weren’t you a REPUBLICAN when you were attending college?
Yes, Redneck, I know what an elasticity curve looks like, and what it means. Yes, I got an “A” in the Money and Banking course, and I know all about M1, M2, M3, and all those graphs with an X axis and a Y axis and lots of curvy and wiggly lines in different colors. Yes, I got an “A” in statistics, too. Fuck you, Redneck, if you want to “empress” me with your four degrees you can start by paying your gambling debts. Anybody who can’t or won’t pay off a $100 bet is a derelict, a bum, a hobo. Where do you live, in a cardboard shack under I-5?
“But weren’t you a REPUBLICAN when you were attending college?”
Commentby Richard Pope— 6/5/06@ 10:03 pm
No, I was a Republican when I was attending HIGH SCHOOL. In other words, I was a Republican at the same time I was having HORMONE PROBLEMS, and that’s probably not a coincidence.
Oops…it looks like klake is shit-faced drunk again.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:59 pm
Thank you Roger for your kind support, but I’m white and they would not let me into college. Now I’m impressed with you spelling and wish I went to your school but they did not allow rednecks. Now is that a Hoot.
Furthermore, all my high school Republican friends had ACNE.
Did YOU have ACNE when you were a high school Republican, Richard? Were you one of those guys who went to high school wearing a white shirt, narrow black tie, horn-rimmed glasses, with a face that looked like the lunar surface?
klake @ 26
“Yes I retired to avoid paying your Taxes.”
It shows. Lay off the bottle, dipshit. You’re soiling the comment threads with your drunken prattle!
But weren’t you a REPUBLICAN when you were attending college?
Commentby Richard Pope— 6/5/06@ 10:03 pm
I was a democrat. College was tough, boy I am glad I didn’t have to pay for it.
“Thank you Roger for your kind support, but I’m white and they would not let me into college. Now I’m impressed with you spelling and wish I went to your school but they did not allow rednecks. Now is that a Hoot.” Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:06 pm
I’m white too (see photo, but I had no trouble getting into college, so if you didn’t get in it must have been for some other reason, such as your being STUPID.
Folks check this out Roger daughter leading him down the street with a leash.
No, I think he’s just shit-faced stupid again. Klake can’t get drunk – he’s not intelligent enough to open the bottle.
but I had no trouble getting into college, so if you didn’t get in it must have been for some other reason, such as your being STUPID.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 10:09 pm
Nope I went to the same type of schools you did bunny.
Of course when do democrats use their own money to pay for anything anyways.
klake @ 32
“I’m white and they would not let me into college.”
Ummm…no…you were STUPID and they would not let you into college. Your personal experience aside, “white” does not necessarily mean “stupid.”
Are you saying that red and green thing she’s towing is a white rabbit? Yeah, that’s about your speed.
* If you don’t know what a “college” is, look it up in a fucking dictionary.
It shows. Lay off the bottle, dipshit. You’re soiling the comment threads with your drunken prattle!
Commentby dj— 6/5/06@ 10:09 pm
Dj does you wireless work down there in Pioneer Square on the park bench? How is that bottle of Thunderbird taste now days?
“We went there for oil” Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 9:59 pm
How’s that working out for you?
Steve @14,
It’s about priorities. There is only so much burden taxpayers will bear. It’s why I opposed the Monorail, even though I wanted it. It didn’t think it was worth the money, and I wanted to be able to raise those revenues for something that was.
“Yes I retired to avoid paying your Taxes.” Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:01 pm
Ain’t that just like a wingnut to quit his job and live in poverty to avoid paying taxes.
Here’s an idea — since we all hate paying taxes, let’s get rid of government and not pay any taxes. Then everything you own will become the property of whichever biker gang has the most guns.
1. Are you saying that red and green thing she’s towing is a white rabbit? Yeah, that’s about your speed.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 10:12 pm
Roger did you see Harvey on her leash? He sat up at the Bar told me all about how great he was and everyone love him
klake @ 40
“Nope I went to the same type of schools you did bunny.”
Hint for ya, klake, buddy: getting into college is more than just the school you came from.
Another hint: they weed out the stupidest ones first.
Hey klake, go watch “Mad Max” again, it depicts the no-government, no-taxes scenario very well.
“Nope I went to the same type of schools you did bunny.” Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:11 pm
You also live on the same continent I do, but that doesn’t make you a rabbit or make me an illiterate idiot.
Like I said before, dj, klake isn’t capable of getting drunk. He’s too stupid to get the cap off the bottle.
Hey klake, here’s a clue: Colleges don’t want people who can’t get a beer bottle open.
“Of course when do democrats use their own money to pay for anything anyways.” Commentby Dean Logan- Division Director KC REALS— 6/5/06@ 10:11 pm
The answer to this question is a function of how often Republicans give Democrats anything without charging them for it.
Cripes, you can’t even get into a Republican church unless you show the bouncer you’ve got $50.
It’s about priorities. There is only so much burden taxpayers will bear. It’s why I opposed the Monorail, even though I wanted it. It didn’t think it was worth the money, and I wanted to be able to raise those revenues for something that was.
Commentby Goldy— 6/5/06@ 10:15 pm
Goldy I’m impress you made the best comment right there and I really agree with you. So I’m not tipping dj’s bottle of Thunderbird wine. The Monorail did have a lot of potential for Seattle if it was built back in the early 70’s.
Roger Rabbit @ 52
“Like I said before, dj, klake isn’t capable of getting drunk. He’s too stupid to get the cap off the bottle.”
Well…that is just a difference between you and me. I’m an optimist.
You read the evidence and conclude that klake is, essentially, brain dead.
I read the evidence and conclude that klake is dumb as dirt, but not functionally brain dead—but, he always drinks heavily prior to posting on HorsesAss.
Hey…maybe Mark the Thieving Redneck can do a Chi-squared “analysis” to figure it out! Come on, Markie, show us your statistical chops!
Ha!!! This thread is less than an hour and a half old and already it has more comments than uSP gets in a week.
(Sorry, that was my inner rabbit speaking.)
A plan:
GIVE the Sonics’ owners the Key Arena. Let them run the concessions. Let them rent to the other users. Let them set the prices. Let them remodel as they see fit.
– if they sell the team, arena ownership follows the team;
– if the team leaves town or folds, the arena’s ownership reverts to the city;
– All repairs or remodels will be funded privately, either from sales & user fees or from voluntary contributions. No governmental funding for the arena. None.
An alternative plan:
TRADE the Key Arena for the Sonics. Let the rich folks own the arena. Let the city own the team. The arena owners can then charge what they want, to (a) cover costs and (b) keep the team from moving to another location.
Either of the above fantasies can be played-out for the Hawks and the Ms, as well.
1. Ain’t that just like a wingnut to quit his job and live in poverty to avoid paying taxes.
Here’s an idea – since we all hate paying taxes, let’s get rid of government and not pay any taxes. Then everything you own will become the property of whichever biker gang has the most guns.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 10:16 pm
Roger what makes you think I live in poverty just to avoid paying taxes? You also do not need a degree to be successful in life. Hell you do not need to read or write either. Tell me Roger how one can make that happen?
1. You also live on the same continent I do, but that doesn’t make you a rabbit or make me an illiterate idiot.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 10:18 pm
Maybe: but you sure could be an illiterate idiot.
I hear you Klake. You dont need to know math to work in my dapartment.
How does Goldy propose to address the racial inequities at Graham Hill School? Plain and simple, it isn’t right to allow 85% of the white students to attend an excellent Montessori program, while 83% of the minority students have to attend the mediocre-to-average “Regular” program.
The truth is that Goldy and his band of wealthy liberal fellow parents liked the racial inequities and had no plans — or desires — to address them. That is precisely why Graham Hill School is being shut down.
Just send the sonics packing—they already have a nice arena. They are sounding ungrateful.
“not functionally brain dead”
Does this mean we can’t pull his feeding tube?
Everybody needs an inner rabbit. Rabbit karma is good for you. So is proficiency with an AK-47, in case these arrogant right-wing fuckers stop talking about killing liberals and start organizing death squads.
Liberals must arm!
“Yes I retired to avoid paying your Taxes.” Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:01 pm
Ain’t that just like a wingnut to quit his job and live in poverty to avoid paying taxes.
Here’s an idea – since we all hate paying taxes, let’s get rid of government and not pay any taxes. Then everything you own will become the property of whichever biker gang has the most guns.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 10:16 pm [……………………………………………………………………………………Atlas has Shrugged, RR. Deal with it. Too fucking bad more and more producers are quiting and leaving the Democrat “redistribution” system.]
“Roger what makes you think I live in poverty just to avoid paying taxes?” Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:31 pm
Oh, I get it now — you’re one of THESE guys.
Robert Mugabe “redistributes” with armed thugs and AK 47s. The Democrats do it with “guvment” and taxes. What is the difference????
“You also do not need a degree to be successful in life.”
Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:31 pm
That’s true — Adolf Hitler didn’t have a degree, and he was quite successful at what he did … for a while, anyway.
“Maybe: but you sure could be an illiterate idiot.” Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:35 pm
I could be, but I’m not. On the other hand, I can make a colorable argument that someone who spells “impressed” as “empress” is an illiterate idiot.
Here’s an idea – since we all hate paying taxes, let’s get rid of government and not pay any taxes. Then everything you own will become the property of whichever biker gang has the most guns.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 10:16 pm [……………………….Here a liberal “progressive” [RR] defends taxes that forces American families to turn 40-50% of their income over to “guvment” in FICA [both sides], FED, State, local, property, sales, and indirect taxes and regulations. This is why Democrats are Marxists.]
Y’o, I’m sure there’s a lot of asses you’d know anywhere, and klake is one of them.
What would you “progressive” Democrats do if the producers just quit? Who would you tax? Each other? [Atlas has Shrugged]
Do you think Tim Eyman will dress up as SATAN tomorrow 6/6/6 when he grandstands outside the Secretary of State’s office for his 4:00 p.m. news conference?
If he doesn’t have enough signatures for Referendum 65, he can go STRAIGHT TO HELL.
78. cont……Roger Rabbit, who would pay for your “guvment” retirement? Can you imagine Democrat welfare hacks, union “guvment” employees, or inner city blacks taxing each other to pay you? Classically funny!
Bottom line: Democrats are parasites.
William J Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA
Cynthia McKinney, DEMOCRAT, GA
Speaking of “tax protesters,” it should come as no surprise that the Bush administration is looking the other way from right-wing loonies who refuse to pay taxes, instead of enforcing the law:
“After four decades of organizing by right-wing tax protesters, U.S. officials have largely caved in on enforcement”
Pat [Beat the shit out of a black security bitch in LAX] Kennedy, DEMOCRAT, RI
“Roger Rabbit, who would pay for your “guvment” retirement?”
Glad you asked. I paid for it. Every cent of pension money I’ve ever received from the state is MY money that was taken out of MY paychecks.
Illegal aliens from Mexico: next generation of Democrat voters
86..RR..Bull shit…..You were a “guvment” hack parasite for years. ALL your income came from the taxpayers. You are nothing but a burden on the private sector.
Let me explain something else about Washington state government retirees, JCH. There is NO retiree health insurance subsidy. Washington state government retirees pay the full cost of their health insurance, which for a retiree and his/her spouse is nearly $1,000 a month, and this goes up by at least $100 per month every year.
Roger Rabbit, like the welfare hacks and illegals…….Just another burden on the private sector
89, RR, You are nothing but a public sector burden. Just another POS who couldn’t or wouldn’t work in the private sector.
I paid for it. Every cent of pension money I’ve ever received from the state is MY money that was taken out of MY paychecks.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 11:07 pm
You must have retired fairly recently. Give it another year or two, and your pension payments will far exceed that small portion of your salary that you contributed.
Good question, JCH. But YOU don’t know the answer. What would YOU know about producing anything? All you ever did was take money out of one pocket and put it in a different pocket.
91…..Multiply the parasite Roger Rabbits by a hundred millions, and the private sector goes broke. Atlas has Shrugged.
Let me explain something else about Washington state government retirees, JCH. There is NO retiree health insurance subsidy. Washington state government retirees pay the full cost of their health insurance, which for a retiree and his/her spouse is nearly $1,000 a month, and this goes up by at least $100 per month every year.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 11:09 pm
And you must not be 65 yet either. Once you qualify for Medicare, the cost of the health insurance will go down quite a bit.
“Bottom line: Democrats are parasites.”
That’s an interesting statement, considering that Democrats do all of the work, and Republicans do nothing but live off other people’s work.
93, No one had to pay me unless they wished. This is the way of the free marketr. Taxpayers were forced to pay you. Get the difference? Roger Rabbit: “guvment” hack parasite
RoThat’s an interesting statement, considering that Democrats do all of the work, and Republicans do nothing but live off other people’s work.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 11:13 pm
[………………………….Roger, You are a true uneducated Democrat. You have not a clue of the “free market”. “Guvment” must control for you to have an income. No wonder you needed a “guvment” job.]
Hawaii is run the same way. Democrat “Guvment” hacks rule…….Everyone in the private sector is nothing but a source of revenue. The only difference is the weather.
Good night dumbass Democrats!! Maybe your “guvment” checks will come this week and you can bitch and complain that others who work in the private sector are greedy and mean spirited. Fuck you libs!! Atlas has Shruged!!
Taxpayers were NOT forced to pay the rabbit. The State needed his services so they hired him. If there weren’t so many screwed up parents out there, there wouldn’t be a need for his services.
Furthermore, you have no idea what dedication, hard work and selfless service government workers go through to take care of arrogant ungrateful jerks! It takes a very special “giving” person to continue to work for pennies in the public service sector.
I get a government pension too and a VA disability check and I don’t give a damn who likes it or not!
Get off the public servants asses over their pensions, almost all are underpaid and overworked.
RR: “I paid for it. Every cent of pension money I’ve ever received from the state is MY money that was taken out of MY paychecks.”
Hmmm…awfully ‘Cynical’ sounding there, Rabbit. Oh wait, when Cynical makes money, it’s okay to take it, but yours we need to leave alone. Riiiiiiight.
There, did you hear that? At 71. Our adorable tiny chromosomal abnormality YO uses all his might to pick up his little embryonic head and squeek out:
And he flopps back down again.
Hang in there little anuploidy.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 9:47 pm
“You’re so much more articulate than I, Redneck, so why don’t YOU explain that oil demand is relatively inelastic and therefore it takes LARGE price increases to effectuate SMALL reductions in demand?
Finally, when selfish assholes like Redneck drive gas guzzlers, their consumption means there’ss less oil to divide up among the rest of us. We’re all paying higher pump prices because of Redneck’s bad choices in life.”
So in the same post you’ve said that someone driving a gas guzzler makes no difference in the price of gas for the rest of us. Or it does.
Sounds like Kerry commenting on his Iraq war votes in the 2004 election.
I just came back from a meeting of the log cabin republicans. Saw Klake, Pope and surprisingly, Janet S who turns out to be a tranny. Ms. Cynical was there sporting her latest boob job and JCH was in the back room turning tricks. The platform of the log cabin republicans is to be gay but then attack gay marraige hoping it will distract America from the failed war in Iraq, Bush’s failure to find Osama, the high gas prices, loss of jobs to overseas workers, staggering deficits, corruption at every level of the republican party, record trade deficits and America’s failed health care system.
gee goldy,
I was looking for news on the travel exceeses by Baghdad Jim?
As for your school; yeah, any gov’t that can give you everything, can take everything (paraphrasing ronnie)
As for sports teams; i’m with you, but why do seattle dems get so behind Paul Allen and other hustlers..?
Yes Righton I am sure you are VERY concerned about public officials abusing travel. Of course you’ll no doubt be interested to know that Congressman McDermott comes in WAAAAAAAY behind your republican buddies. 8 of the top 10 traveling Congressman and Senators are republicans and the top three abusers are of course republicans but that won’t bother you since you’re just a hypocrite.
Yep I was just waiting to see which one of the inbred righties would leap into that trap and no surprise that RightOff would be the stupidist of the stupid.
Hey jackoff. . . if McDermott’s travel is a problem you must REALLY be pissed and (about to be indicted) Denny Hastert who traveled TWICE as much. In fact the article I linked showed that the rethugs own 80% of the top travel abuse. So when you attack McDermott, be sure to attack your fellow cowardly republicans. I’ll be waiting for your post….
“Second Report Blasts DOT’s Handling Of Dock Project”
OLYMPIA – An outside investigator’s report rips the state Department of Transportation for mishandling a Hood Canal bridge project that cost taxpayers $87 million.
The state and tribal leaders allowed a massive dock project to be sited on Port Angeles waterfront land that turned out to be the long-forgotten site of an ancient tribal village and burial ground.
The latest study is the second that faults the department and the other players in the expensive miscalculation. The new report, released Friday by the Joint Legislative Audit Review Committee, was conducted by independent investigators, Foth and Van Dyke, a Green Bay, Wis., firm.
Hey Wingnuts:
We’ve been talking about education a lot lately and I’ve found a great piece on teachers, teaching and the meaning of progressive values. In summary:
Mrs. Milne taught me progressive values, alright. I learned from her the value of
– diversity, as opposed to conformity
– volunteerism, as opposed to compulsion
– principle, as opposed to prejudice
– justice, as opposed to persecution
– education, as opposed to indoctrination
– empowerment, as opposed to endangerment
– guardianship, as opposed to dictatorship
And I’ve viewed the world with the help of her lessons ever since.
1. That’s an interesting statement, considering that Democrats do all of the work and Republicans do nothing but live off other people’s work.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/5/06@ 11:13 pm
Roger can’t blame the Republicans and Democrats for do nothing but live off other people’s work, but you can sure blame the Socialist Democrats. The state has been run by a bunch of moles with no VISION and chaps like you vote for them every election. Now you may think you are a Democrat but you always vote in one of Mao’s favorite idiots (Socialist Democrats).
I’m no fan of the Sonics current management. Wally Walker is among the worst front office guys in any sport. And Howard Schultz and the other owners are getting the WORST ADVICE EVER. Playing hardball with Seattle right now is the dumbest thing they can do. UNLESS they WANT to leave. Then…caio, baby!
I am opposed to the City rebuilding (or building) the arena for the Sonics after doing the job 6-8 years ago. Without significant participation from the team they can take their raggedy-ass basketball team to some city (good luck) that wants them.
What the fuck is “People For More Important Things” doing sticking their noses in another civic-sports team controversy.
Just WHAT “more important things” have they been doing for the last TEN YEARS??????????????
Let’s see their impressive resume of civic advocacy.
Let’s see their ongoing participation in the debates about ohhhh…KID’S ballfields, Magnussen Park, School Funding, City Transportation and Land Use issues. Got anything? I didn’t think so. And don’t give me that…well the members were in their communities, you know, doing the work, man…bull-shit.
Dear P.F.M.I.T…You’re going to be dismissed as the lame ass nimby’s you are. You had a chance to “be a contender” a while ago.
Where were you?
Hitch your wagon to another horse, Goldy (pun intended). These
clowns got NO CRED.
And, boy, did she teach it.
You see, Mrs. Milne led us in prayer before leading us to lunch in the cafeteria. I didn’t think anything of it at first, save that we didn’t say the blessing when we were in first and second grade. However, I could not help to notice that when we lined up to pray before lunch, two of the girls in the class would stand apart.
And I’ve viewed the world with the help of her lessons ever since.
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/6/06@ 8:01 am
They really work the smoke and mirrors on that article Clueless, but you cannot pray in these state schools unless you are Muslim. Folks read the whole article it is really great and to the point but not in my back yard (Seattle School District). That philosophy will not be allowed in NIMBY schools for it conflicts with their values and principles. Their hero’s are Chairman Moa, Stalin, Hồ Chí Minh, Ron Sims, Greg Nickels, Pol Pot, and they support only their values and principles.
The really big question is: Can the public extrapolate from the Sonics query for money to the expensive stadiums and such that highschools seem to require to the fact that no one ever hears about the Ivy Leagues sports programs because, guess what, sports has nothing to do with higher education?
#113 (Easily “klake”‘s supidest post EVER)
(Usually I just blow by this moron…but I got sucked in today for some reason. And I know how all the pig-fuckers like the current administration and the republicans in congress get elected…pandering to idiots like this will do it, for sure.)
Fuck you “klake” and your moronic bullshit.
You hraed easily the stupidest fmost clueless bastard on this board. Does the phrase “critical thinking” mean anything to you?
If english is your second language…take some fucking lessons.
If you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about…
Just Shut The Hell UP!!!
hraed easily the stupidest fmost
are easily the stupidest most
(so I can’t “keyboard”…sue me)
LeftTurn you undines are getting a little tight? Baghdad Jim really spends too much time supporting villains of humanity and sleeps threw to many fights and forgets to get off at his designation. Now is it true he is going to Somalia to support al-Qaida after it seized Somalia’s capital yesterday?
Touring Iraq in 2002, Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., center, and Rep. David Bonior, D-Mich., second from right, listen to the plant manager at a water treatment project in Rastama, Baghdad. / P-I File
Hey jackoff. . . if McDermott’s travel is a problem you must REALLY be pissed and (about to be indicted) Denny Hastert who traveled TWICE as much. In fact the article I linked showed that the rethugs own 80% of the top travel abuse. So when you attack McDermott, be sure to attack your fellow cowardly republicans. I’ll be waiting for your post….
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/6/06@ 6:42 am
98 trips by McDermott led way for the state
WASHINGTON — Lawmakers from Washington state — especially Rep. Jim McDermott — as well as their spouses and staff spend a lot of time in airplanes, and not just because their districts are a continent away from Capitol Hill. A study released Monday by the non-partisan Center for Public Integrity found that Washington state lawmakers, their spouses and staff accepted 443 privately funded trips over the last 5 1/2 years to places as exotic as Casablanca, India, Paris and China and as mundane as Yakima, Kalispell, Mont., and the North Slope of Alaska. The cost of those trips, according to the study, was $990,263.
re 113: Anyone can pray at any time they want to in school: PRIVATELY! Like the Muslims do. Right wingers are just playing the , LOOK AT US! WERE POOR LITTLE VICTIMS! CARD AGAIN. Your kid, klake, can pray all day to JAYZUS in school if he wants to. He just can’t write a prayer forcing EVERYONE to pray with him.
Why must you twist this issue to inflame the retards?
Just leave the stupid little fuck ALONE.
Maybe he’ll GO AWAY!
(hint, hint)
re 117: …and, klake, point to one instance where a person changed their vote on something because of the trip. You won’t because you can’t.
The reason Republicans are going to jail is because they get a freebie and change their position to accomodate the givers wishes. That’s the difference , retard.
comment by klake yesterdayisawedmyfingeroffbecauseiwastoostupidtogetitout ofthewayandthenatthehaspitoltherewasamuslimtheresoistrtedtoprayandhesaid icanreadyouthoughtssostopchristianandiwassoscairedipeedmypantsandthyey makemecleanupevensotheliitlemiorostykiddidnthavetoothereisaidiamdiscrimint eandthatthrowmeoutwithbloodtomyfingure
Taxes are to politicians as Crack is to the addict, they can never get enough, and they will hurt those who get in the way of their supply.
klake the flake @ 113
Just mosey on over to your favorite website flakey klake.
Look at the stars on the back of the elephant. The top point of the stars is pointing down. The stars are upside down, flakey klake.
The upside down star is a symbol of the goat, flakey one. The point in the down direction is the beard of the goat and the two points on the upside are the horns.
What does the goat stand for klake? SATAN. Your party is a bunch of Satan worshippers and you and the rest of the knee jerk winger crowd are their dupes.
Just ask Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Phd who worked psy war for Reagan and Bush I. He’s an unabashed Satan worshipper and the staunchest of Republicans because the traditional planks of the Republican party are the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.
Testify, flakey klake, testify!
Hey LT-
060606…Bush Crime family holiday!
Multiply Roger Rabbit by millions, and rabbits will own all the stocks! Capitalist Bunny Power!!! :D :D :D
Roger Rabbit buys stocks so I can live like a Republican without doing any work, just like them.
Who the hell is “Chairman Moa?”
Actually, we do hear about Ivy League sports programs — just tick off a list of top varsity basketball teams, for example.
“Hmmm…awfully ‘Cynical’ sounding there, Rabbit. Oh wait, when Cynical makes money, it’s okay to take it, but yours we need to leave alone. Riiiiiiight.” Commentby W.T.L.H.— 6/5/06@ 11:24 pm
Where do you get that from, you ignorant fuck? Do you think I don’t pay taxes on my pension income? Do you see me bitching about the taxes I pay on my meager pension income, like you wingfucks bitch about your preferential tax rates after getting your free ride on all your deductible “business lunches” etc.?
A Republican is someone who buys a $1.2 million yacht, gets a tax credit for buying the yacht, spends all his time playing with his friends on his yacht, deducts the yacht as a “business expense” (i.e., “entertaining business clients”), and then brags about how “hard he works” and bitches about taxes other people pay.
Buuuut … I’d just like all you Republicans who bitch about the taxes I pay on my meager pension to know that I appreciate your keeping me in your thoughts.
Who the hell is “Chairman Moa?”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/6/06@ 9:52 am
Mao Zedong (help·info) (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976), also transliterated as Mao Tse-Tung (in the now less commonly-used Wade-Giles transliteration), until his death in 1976, had retained his unquestionable place in the Politburo of the Communist Party of China since 1943 and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China since 1945. As a prominent leader and a veteran having fought many battles, Mao, during the Chinese Civil War, led the Communist Party of China (CPC) to a series of victories that drove the Kuomintang and its troops to the island Taiwan in the south of China.
The dumbfuck thinks you’re SERIOUS.
A Republican is someone who buys a $1.2 million yacht, gets a tax credit for buying the yacht, spends all his time playing with his friends on his yacht, deducts the yacht as a “business expense” (i.e., “entertaining business clients”), and then brags about how “hard he works” and bitches about taxes other people pay.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/6/06@ 9:58 am […………………………………………………………………….Er, RR, that sounds like a Kennedy or a Kerry. Kerry loves 125 foot Chris Crafts, and his wife pays taxes at the 12% rate. So your comment is typical Democrat bull shit.]
The dumbfuck thinks you’re SERIOUS.
Commentby Rujax206— 6/6/06@ 10:20 am
The rabbit is always serious now you are different piece of art work.
“Gore in ’08! He’s already won once!”
I’m curious…
..what kind of “art work” am I?
And what does that have to do with…well..anything?
So let me see if I can try to decipher what Klake – the inbred moron is trying to say. Are you trying to say that it’s a problem that Jim McDermott traveled? And if so isn’t a problem that 100 republicans traveled more? And isn’t it a bigger problem that of the top ten travelers, (McDermott wasn’t one.) 8 of 10 are republicans? And so isn’t it a problem that the top three were republicans? Help me understand how all 8 of your brain cells work Klakey?
I think “klake” is the Andy Kaufman character on “Taxi”.
Shit…maybe he IS Andy Kaufman.
“Yes, I got an “A” in statistics, too. ” – Rabbit Brain
If you got an “A” in statistics, it wasn’t a real statisics course. Probably some watered down course for weenies who couldn’t handle advanced calculus.
OK Rabbit brain, derive the binomial distribution for us. Hell, you probably don’t even know what that is.
pbj_returns @ 139
“derive the binomial distribution for us.”
Oh, brother…another wingnut who thinks he knows statistics because he remembers a term from an elementary statistics course.
YO @ 71

Keyboard Illustration
that’s the distance you’d have to move your pinky in order to stop looking like an illiterate bastard. It’s probably not worth the effort though, because we’d know better anyway
And while I’m on the maddox kick – he really says it best – to all of you Konservative Krime Klowns:
You know what the best thing about knowing that the [libs] you pick on will always be more successful, have hotter girlfriends, a home that doesn’t have wheels, and a stock portfolio with numbers larger than you can count is? Doesn’t matter, get me a coffee.
Hey Mark the Thieving Redneck – next time you bag my groceries put the damned CANNED FOOD ITEMS in the bottom, and double bag the heavy stuff, you DOLT.
“Oh, brother…another wingnut who thinks he knows statistics because he remembers a term from an elementary statistics course.”
Obviously it must have been too difficult for you or you’d show us the proof instead of throwing insults as ignorant socialists must when their mouth’s write checks their asses can’t cash. I’ll make it easy on you since you don’t claim to have gotten an “A” in statistics. Prove the hypergeometric distribution, if you even know what that is.
Goldy & Co. = Yer basic anti-capitalists with capitalist bank accounts.