Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan will be speaking at Town Hall tomorrow night, and afterwards she’s going to stop by Drinking Liberally and join us on our weekly podcast. We’ll save her a seat next to Congressman Jay Inslee, who will also be joining us for the evening.
Wow. What a jam-packed evening. First, Cindy Sheehan at Town Hall (Tues., Oct. 3, 7:30 PM… tickets only $5 bucks,) then Sheehan and Inslee at Drinking Liberally (8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.) Hope to see you all there.
Wow she can really drink beer or is it Cool Aid?
leave it to KKK Lake to make significant comments.
Goldy and Gang what say you about this bit of information listed on SP web site?
It was in some sense only fair, as the court file shows that Cantwell contributed to the failure of the marriage. Angela stated in an affidavit that “an affair that [Ron] had with another woman a week prior to our wedding” had “caused problems with my relationship with my husband”. The deposition of marriage counselor Dr. Early recounted Dotzauer’s admission of the affair. Early identified the other woman as “a former lady friend” of Dotzauer’s named “Maria”, who also had a professional relationship with Dotzauer’s company. Early declined to mention Maria’s last name, but sources familiar with the events confirmed to me that it was indeed Maria Cantwell. (If you doubt my claim of a confidential source, note that it’s already been reported that Cantwell and Dotzauer were an item prior to his marriage to Angela and that they had a business relationship. Unless Dotzauer had an additional girlfriend/business associate named Maria during the same timeframe, it’s almost certainly Cantwell. The fact that Cantwell was a sitting Congresswoman at the time of the deposition would explain why Early might have been reluctant to drop her last name. The fact that Angela insisted on deposing then Senator-elect Cantwell in late 2000, but didn’t attempt to depose other garnishee defendants, is also notable).
I would say
(a) The court file does NOT show “that Cantwell contributed to the failure of the marriage.” It shows that the ex CLAIMS this.
(b) This shows that there is nothing too irrelevant, dirty or spurious for the GOP to use it to muddy up a campaign.
So Cantwell apparently slept with her former boyfriend while he was still single 18 years ago, and his wife had an issue with this pre-marital relationship. And why is this is supposed to be relevant? I think people are more likely to feel sorry for Cantwell, that “GOP operatives” are willing to sink this low. Maybe we can blame McGavick, since Stefan supports him on SP. There must have been coordination!
Not quite as steamy as Klake’s daddy Tom Foley sleeping with underage Pages.
I don’t think there’s any voter traction here–dredging up some poor couple’s divorce dirty laundry from half a decade ago to try to jump-start roor Wimpy McToast’s campaign by raising his opponent’s negatives. I think the public disgust with the tactic wil end up outweighing any (if there is any) benefit.
I think you mean Mark Foley, not former House Majority leader and WA – 5th District representative Tom Foley.
You have no idea what a “BT” missile is do you??
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
I knew you’d surf the web for days trying to find the info. What a Jack Off you are, you wannabe military man.
Stay with what you conservatives do best: covering up for pedophiles and your incompetent Liar in Chief. L
eave the military stuff to the men. You stay to the kitchen holding your Mommy’s apron strings.
What a dick! I knew you wouldn’t know what a BT missile is. Like I said, it’s jargon that only a real sailor would know. I even told you wouldn’t find in on a Google search. And, yet, you looked around the web, even on Jane’s and posted what you found, which was still incorrect. Dumb ASS!
Every Surface Warfare Officer would KNOW what you’re talking about when you’re referring to a BT missile.
In the same way an “AFFF nozzle” (Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam) is referred to in the fleet as a “Donkey Dick,” a BT missile is jargon for a specific type of missile.
And, you have no fucking idea what I’m talking about.
Why is that?
Because you never spent any time in the Navy, let alone the fleet!
You punk!
It’s OK, though. Maria Cantwell only dated the guy because she had a drinking problem.
Hey, I’d watch that “drinking liberally” if I were you. It sometimes leads to e-mailing teenagers with sexual propositions. Boy, If I had a nickel for every time I came back from the tavern just really NEEDING some quick answers on penis size…
I skip your posts so I have no idea what you wrote and care less.
Hey sgmmac-
Still lovin’ you some Republiscum?
I think you should start a “HEADSTONE FOR CASEY” fundraising campaign… surely the liberal drunks can pull in a few bux to properly designate the grave of such an exploited dead patriot as the honorable Casey, son of the disgutlingly dishonorable cindy.
Who do you want to know about? I’ll tell you if I support them…
The VA provides headstones for veterans for free……. Why wouldn’t Casey have one?
Wow she can really drink beer or is it Cool Aid?
I hear she’s a Corona girl.
Is Jay Inslee dating Cindy Sheehan?
Is Jay certain he wants to be seen in a public place with this woman?
Jay is likely to run into a whole heard of aggressive pacifists at the Ale House.
Not how I would expect him to want to spend an evening.
He probably won’t show if Sheehan is there….it will be a great photo-op though.
Jessie Jackson has added former Chicago democratic congressman Mel Reynolds to the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition’s payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton’s last-minute forgiveness spree. Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud & lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious; however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.
This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate, then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate.
His new job? Youth counselor.
I thought you Democrat loved queers, homos, fags, and kiddie porn lovers. If Foley’s problem is “just about sex” shouldn’t we just “move on”? hehe, JCH
You have no idea what a “BT” missile is do you??
Every Surface Warfare Officer would KNOW what you’re talking about when you’re referring to a BT missile.
In the same way an “AFFF nozzle” (Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam) is referred to in the fleet as a “Donkey Dick,” a BT missile is jargon for a specific type of missile.
And, you have no fucking idea what I’m talking about.
Commentby GBS [………………Just talked to my old boss [XO on a DD-963 class after his “gator tours on Newport class LSTs], and he didn’t know the term “BT missile off the rail”. My experience is “Gator Freighter”, [3inch 50s] with DCA [ yes, “A triple f” and PKP in every engineering space along with HALON systems] experience and a department head tour as “OPS”. Lots of message writing and watch standing as OOD [fleet]. 3 WESTPACS and 1 “IO” tour. Now, as a fucking E-3, you would have worked in deck and stood watches as helm and lee helm on my bridge. Maybe you might have been a “lookout”. Maybe you might have been a mess cook. Regardless, my E-7 chiefs would be responsible for you ass. Certainly not me. BTW, The ONLY words out of your mouth to me would have been “yes sir and no sir”, and only after asking your LPO to talk to me.
The Good Dr. Kennedy doth protest about perversions a bit much.
Project much, Douchebag?
Cindy Sheehan = A good Stalinist. It will be interesting to drink beer and see who gets coziest with her. Eventually she is going to stick on some good backside like toilet paper mishandled.
JCH @ 20:
You’re full of shit. Anytime the term “left the rail” is used it means the missle has successfuly launched.
A missle can, for a variety of reason, not successfuly leave the rail system.
Any “Surface Warfare Officer” would know that, JCH.
Your complete lack of knowledge on the subject demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that you NEVER served in the Navy.
“BT” stands for “Big Time”.
Can you at least guess what a Big Time missle would be???
Yeah, can you say, nuke?
Uh-huh, I knew you could. Do you know what “nuke” is short for?
C’mon, think, think, – clue for you, JCH, your failed pedophile protector in chief butchers the word all the time.
Truth trap set, truth trap sprung. JCH, you’re like Puddybud. You claim military service, like Puddybud did, but the truth later came out that he “signed up” in college but never actually served time. I suspect this is the case with you. You tried to enter the ROTC program at Penn State, but clearly you were not officer or sailor material and therefore you were rejected from serving our great nation.
Better luck next time!
P.S.: Since you never served, I would NEVER give honors to you as an officer in the United States Military.
You didn’t earn it, nor do you deserve it.
You are the worst kind of pathetic loser. You’re even worse than a member of al Qeada.
Here’s how I’d address you: “Fuck off, punk!” Followed by **PUNCH**
Like I said JCH, you would’ve had to servce to know the naval jargon;
Like an “A triple F” nozzle is a called a Donkey Dick by sailors,
a nuclear missle is called a BT or Big Time.
Leaving the rail means the weapon launched successfully.
Bonus question for you: What’s the term used if the missle doesn’t leave the rail successfully and what is the next immediate procedure for a “hot” weapon stuck on the rail.
C’mon, JCH, this is basic “Surface Warfare Officer” stuff. Anyone who stood OOD Officer Of the Deck watch MUST know this information to be qualified to stand OOD watch.
Tick, Tock Pedophile. How long will it take you to surf the web for this answer, since you don’t know from your own military experience.
GO! Times a wastin’!!
It’s been 2 1/2 hours and youi still haven’t found out what to do with a “hot” missle stuck on the rails yet?!?!
What’s up, “LT”?
Why doncha call your “XO” buddy?
Maybe your imaginery “XO” friend can help you!
C’mon JCH, what’s it called when a missle won’t launch and what is the immediate procedure that every Officer Of the Deck MUST know to be OOD qualified?
What if you were standing watch and a missle failed to launch, what would you do to save your crew and ship?!?!?
Besides wetting your pants, that is.