I’m not much of a monorail supporter, but I had been impressed with the reasonable and forthright statements of Monorail Board member Cindi Laws during the project’s dramatic collapse. Um… until now: “Candidate accused of anti-Jewish talk.”
I’ll leave it to the fervently anti-Monorail folk to rake Cindi over the coals, but I was particularly amused (saddened?) by how she managed to spin her “apology” about as well as a flat-bottomed dreidel.
Interviewers said Laws apologized and, in trying to explain her remarks, said, “It probably is a poor reference,” but that Joel Horn, former executive director of the Seattle Monorail Project, used to joke that he and another staffer were the only Jews who supported the project.
They said she went on to say that Horn would refer to the opposition as “Jews Against the Monorail,” but that she was not anti-Semitic and that she once was engaged to a Jew.
Oy. A “poor reference”…? Ya think?
Cindi… a couple tips. First, I suspect your broken engagement might be perceived as more enlightening than you intended. Second, if you ever come across a group of African Americans boisterously expressing their camaraderie by calling each other “nigger”… don’t feel free to join in.
Does Cindi hate Jews? Probably not. But such clumsy, thoughtless and earnest repetition of ethnic stereotypes fuels the paranoia of people who do. Us Jews do not own all the downtown real estate… we do not own all the banks… we do not control the media… and we do not vote as a block. And we most certainly do not make political contributions based solely on whether there is a “berg” or a “stein” at the end of the candidate’s name.
(Though come to think of it… we do control the region’s most influential political blogs. Hmmm.)
This is proof that the people of this country need to grow thicker skin. I dont care if you are jewish, black, or any other race. As a matter of fact, I wonder why it is acceptable for a black person to call a white person a cracker, honkey or any other mix of racial terms but if the white guy so much as mutters the N word he is called a racist? Hell even the word negro in this day and age will get some circles pissed. In many public schools they have the equal of an afro club, try starting an ayrian club see how far you get. I am not saying that a person should be able to start an ayrian club, but other races shouldnt be able to do it either. I dont care what your racial background is, give us all a break and grow thicker skin while at the same time quit being so one sided about your problems.
chuck, would you be offended if somebody called you a cracker? You have just as much right to get angry over epithets as anyone else…
This isn’t the first time Cindy Laws has said something stupid. In 2004, when asked about the the monorail’s policy of awarding contracts in direct violation of The Washington State Civil Rights Act, Miz Laws replied:
“I don’t really care if it does,” Laws said. “It’s an unjust law, and sometimes leadership is standing up and opposing an unjust law.”
So Miz “Laws” makes her own laws and interprets them however she sees fit. Now that we know that she prefers some groups over others, it would be interesting to see if there is a pattern of discrimination on contract awards against Jews.
and also, you can’t escape the historical connotations.
I’m sure you know very well why an ‘aryan club’ or a ‘whites only club’ would never fly. People would think the first were nazis, and the latter were KKK. You know what? I would too. I bet you would, if you heard about it from a neutral source.
#4 is addressed to chuck@1
Cindy stuck her foot in her mouth, and like any politician, she can pay the price for it.
Next time I get called a cracker I am going to kick some ass!!! :)
Point is, an afro or black club, hispanic club native american club, offend many in the same manner, but it is an “acceptable” racism.
“People would think the first were nazis, and the latter were KKK. You know what?”
I dont understand why they would make such an assertion…
And is it right that public school tax money support racism with such clubs?
What an overblown topic.
The last thing Cindy laws is, is Anti-Semitic.
This is just another example of Seattle’s, politically correct BS.
Look to Boston, New York, Chicago, etc… and ask yourself, are there specific Jewsih neighborhoods? Black Neighborhoods, Italian, German, Polish, etc… and are they identified as such?
Absolutely, and the areas are better because of it.
As for Goldy’s comparrison to her saying the word Jew and it’s comparrison to the “N” word, he should be slapped for even bringing it up.
Let’s look at what she said:
“Laws added that much of the anti-monorail money in last year’s monorail recall campaign came from Jewish property owners and that a Jewish candidate could “get that money more easily,” according to notes taken by one of the union officials at the interview.”
Um… She’s right.
That’s what I wondered. Is it true that there has been an effort by the Jewish Community to prevent the monorail? It doesn’t sound like she was trying to say that Jews in general are anything in particular. It sounds like she was saying that Beth Goldberg has the support of the Jewish Community in opposiing the monorail. Is what she said mostly true, or is it a lie?
Oh, Goldy, give me a break. If Cindi were of a different strip the lefties in Seattle would have I-5 shut down by now.
I am not even going to pretend to know the inner politics of the Monorail.
Quite Frankly, the only reason this issue is even getting press is because someone used the catchphrase Anti-Semitic.
As this is Seattle, we know have liberal hordes running around saying: “Racism. Nazi, KKK, Hitler”
Grow up people.
Heres a newsflash:
There are Jewish institutions in this country that are not Temples.
Georgtwon University? American University? State Univeristy of New York @ Buffalo? The Hunan-Shalom Chines Kosher Restaurant in Boston? The Motzah ball (Christmas eve party) in all major cities?
Last I heard, these were all proud to be known as Jewish Institutions.
Wanna try something that won’t work out?
Try to being Non-Jewish and attempt to marry into a Jewish Family, then come talk about being excluded or judged because of your religious background.
prr @ 15
Assuming you meant Georgetown—WTF? It’s the nation’s oldest CATHOLIC/JESUIT university. Perhaps ‘Jesu’ and ‘Jew’ sound too much alike for you to recognize the difference?
I hear Bob Jones is a proud Hebrew school, too!
Goldy, two days ago you were talking about the need to have progressive think tanks in Seattle — i.e. the liberal equivalent of the Discovery Institute, Evergreen Freedom Foundation, or Washington Policy Center.
Fortunately, Seattle does have a liberal think tank. It is called the Rainier Institute. It bills itself as Washington’s only progressive think tank. And guess who happens to be the Executive Director of the Rainier Institute?
Torride Joe….
as I said before, Grow up.
prr @ 18 — Your error is hilarious, your cite in support even moreso: “Although the University Dining services does not reliably provide Kosher options, the JSA House boasts a Kosher kitchen that is available for use by students throughout the week.”
So this “Jewish” institution doesn’t offer Kosher meals in its own dining halls? (Like they thought THAT would fool anybody!)
And what’s Jewish about SUNY? Is it the “NY” part???
a) Absurdistan
b) Anal canal of the Universe
d) People who are Perpetually Offended
e) All of the above
ANSWER: (e) all of the above.
And you idiots wonder why you are in the perpetual gridlock you are in!! WTF!
It’s way easier to feign being offended than to actually accomplish something of value.
That is the true mark of the LEFTIST PINHEADS!
@ 18 It appears prriss sees Jews everywhere!
PRR @ 18
The webpage you reference includes the following: “As a matter of the school’s Jesuit tradition, Georgetown does not technically, officially have fraternities.” Do you think that the Jesuits (i.e. Society of Jesus) are a Jewish organization?
And here is a webpage entitled “Georgetown’s Catholic and Jesuit Identity”, which confirms beyond a reasonable doubt that Georgetown is a Jewish institution:
Is that true about the think tank and Laws???? That is some bitchin irony.
On the Jew thingy… I think it is a non issue. I think more and more people really don’t care about all this PC bs anymore. I know in my workplace we all laugh when our annual diversity training comes around. I alway joke that the minorities in our organization are not sensitive enough to my ethnicity…. you see… I am white trash.
The bottom line is there appears to be an older generation (probably 40+… and that includes me) that thought all this crap was a good idea. Most of us don’t care what race, creed or hair color anyone is. They are just people. However, there are extremes. Sensitivity to racist (or in this case antisemetic) remarks is a relevant reaction to the context in which it is spoken. In this case it was probably more of a poke at the stereotype than anything else. But alas, coming from a public official…..
Important Seattle Jews:
1) David “Super Jew” Goldstein
2) Stefan “Six Day War” Sharkansky
3) Ken “Good with the money stuff” Alhadeff
4) Philip “Nominally Conservative Jew” Gold
last but now least
5) Steve “Honorary Jew” Pool, KOMO 4
Well put; for once I agree with you. I could have lived without the ‘we do control the most influential blogs…..’ That statement is arrogant and makes you look foolish. Thanks.
You ignorant half-wit.
It’s not SUNY which is the State University system, It’s Suny@Buffalo whose Jewish Student Association proudly recognizes it’s goal of making this the largest Jewish University and the figurehead of the State of New York System, which by the way is a tremdously successful pursuit.
“Is it the “NY” part???”
Are you kidding me? That’s an Anti-Semitic statement.
Tell me Ron, any watremellon references or Polish jokes you wanna get out there too? Late for that Klan meeting?
Georgetown? has one of the best Jewish academic records in the country. Look up the Jewish population in The District of Columbia, then look up the overall population, then go back and look at what the percentages of Jewsih Students attenting the Universty. It’s impressive the Jewsih Student Association and the alumni are proud to see it growing.
Why not flack over American University too, Ron?
I am guessing that you total existence has been on the west coast and you’ve never been to an actual ethnic region in your life.
prr, your arguments in #15, 18, and 26 are quite jumbled; could you please explain your position a little more clearly and without the histrionics? Thanks in advance.
Is there a sign at any of these refrences that says “Jewish Institution” then the answer is no.
Is there a very large Jewish Population that makes a point of establishing these places as having a very large and very proud Jewish population. Absolutely, 100%.
Unfortunately, Judaism (and most religions in general) are not nearly as much of a significant part of peoples daily lives and their communities in this city.
Unless you’ve lived in the communities, it does not make sense from a Seattle perspective.
Choke and die cynical. choke and die. If Seattle is the anal canal of the universe, you are the piece of shit moving through it, you worthless moron.
prr, I grew up in the DC area. Sadly for you, NO ONE would ever put “Georgetown” and “noted school for Jews” in the same sentence. Face it, you messed up.
so what’s your point?
How does your little tirade translate into cindi laws being anti-semitic?
Or is this just onethr case of you knit-picking some small insignifacnt item?
Mark1 @25,
That line was, of course, meant to be foolish by example… a parody of stupid stereotyping.
But subtlety and sarcasm are easily lost online.
Just for the record, I am a member in good standing of “Jews for the Monorail.”
There are a number of issues that I could address here, but I’ll limit myself to a couple I think are most important and get to the heart of this.
In #12, you say that “She’s right” that a Jewish candidate could more easily tap the anti-monorail funding sources within the Jewish community. In reality, you suspect she’s right, but it’s not at all clear that’s the case, for two reasons. First, if you are correct in another of your assertions – that Seattle lacks a meaningful Jewish community and that it is worse for it (#11) – how can we conclude that this non-existent community will support a Jewish candidate? Isn’t it more reasonable to conclude that these anti-monorail Jews are more likely to give to someone who’s anti-monorail? Second, you appear to be making the related assumption that the behavior of those Jews who supported the anti-monorail efforts in the past are representative of the rest of the Jewish community – whatever it may be. This is a questionable assumption at best.
What’s most important is the first of these critiques. Her concern should have been anti-monorail money, but she stated it as Jewish anti-monorail money. It’s an important distinction.
Laws admits that her comments were clumsy. I, like Goldy and you, doubt she’s an anti-semite. But I hope you’ll see how her comments can be cause for concern among Jews. If you were Jewish, would you be sensitive to statements that emphasize a) Jewish money, b) Jewish property ownership, c) Jews supporting Jewish candidates (the old “they stick together” line), and d) singles Jews out and re-enforces their “other” status?
In my opinion, Law admitted her mistake, not because she feels she was in error to say it but due to the fact that she’d have to deal with this kind of BS.
Ultimately, she is 100% correct in saying that anyone within a certain demographic, be that black, jewish, Native American, catholic, Dead-head or trekky would find support with their own community.
I do not see where her comments should be concerened amongst the jewish community.
If this were an issue in say, The Central District, and she made the comment that an African American would get better supprt, or a Gay representative in Capitol HIll, she would be just as correct in stating that.
In fcat, I would have more respect for her is she were to just say address this issue and move on as opposed to apologizing to the likes of the sheep on this board.
I do not see where her comments should be concerened amongst the jewish community.
With millions of Jews murdered in the last century, I think they might be justified in being a tad more sensitive than the rest of us over the way they are portrayed.
prr, I am Jewish and proud of it. I assume that you are Christian and proud of that. And yet . . . you seem to think there’s something sinister about Jewish groups.
I am flabbergasted that you’re taking the web page of a Jewish student association (and making up things about Jewish students in Buffalo) and trying to spin that into evidence that Jews control various “institutions” (like Jesuit universities and public universities, LOL). Why not just link to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Sheesh.
You imply that we Jews keep to a tight circle in which we scheme together and keep others out. That’s a mean, dumb old myth; apparently you don’t know us very well. Jews aren’t exactly famous for unity of purpose; have you never heard the saying, “Two Jews, three opinions”?
As far as the supposed difficulty of “being Non-Jewish and attempt[ing] to marry into a Jewish Family” (what’s with the capital F in Family? Jews ain’t the Mob), you are sketching an inaccurate picture. Intermarriage is all too common, and Rabbis have been bemoaning it for a long time because the kids end up being raised Christian instead of Jewish. The more common problem (thankfully less pervasive in places like Seattle) is the opposite one: that the Jewish member of the couple is ostracized by the Christian family and told in no uncertain terms to get lost (or become a Christian). A close friend (ex-gf) of mine just a couple months ago had her engagement broken off by her fiancee because his parents (in Illinois) told him that if he married a Jew they would disown him. I wish I were kidding, because she was a wreck after he dumped her.
Now that’s anti-Semitism, pure and simple. Does Cindi Laws harbor anti-Semitic sentiments? Well, maybe not consciously, but she shares some awfully disturbing views with you, prr. One Jewish monorail opponent does not make the rest of the Jewish community monorail opponents. Hell, several Jewish monorail opponents do not make the rest of the Jewish community monorail opponents. (And by the same token, a few Jewish property owners does not make many Second Avenue property owners Jewish.) The Jewish community in Seattle is fairly small; but it has room for many different social groups and religious traditions, let alone political leanings. I don’t care whether it’s you, Cindi Laws or anyone else, trying to paint Jews in a bad light using a broad brush is likely to get you into trouble. And not just because it’s a mixed metaphor.
Of course, most of your comments, while asinine, demonstrate a non-threatening level of intelligence. You cited the Matzah Ball (ours is called LatkePalooza, FYI) as proof of a Jewish cabal or conspiracy to, I don’t know, enable Jewish friends in their 20s and 30s to have a fun time out? What narishkeit.
1. Cindi Laws is a friend of mine.
2. I am every bit as Jewish as David Goldstein, Stefan Sharkansky, and Ken Alhadeff.
3. Cindi’s statements were dumb, but *I* do not consider them anti-Semitic. Others are free to set their own thresholds. I consider my own to be pretty low.
4. When the right-wingers around here condemn the racist Asian-American Michelle Malkin for proclaiming that it was OK to put Asian-American citizens of Japanese ancestry into relocation camps, then, and only then, will I discuss Cindi Laws’ purported anti-Semitism with them.
“I do not see where her comments should be concerened amongst the jewish community.”
Right. Take your fears and blame them on the Jews . . . no problem there.
Ivan @ 38
‘4. When the right-wingers around here condemn the racist Asian-American Michelle Malkin for proclaiming that it was OK to put Asian-American citizens of Japanese ancestry into relocation camps, then, and only then, will I discuss Cindi Laws’ purported anti-Semitism with them.’
Why would someone (right or left) condemn an pundit’s opinion, especially if one has not read what you are referring to? By the way, is what Maulkin wrote really racist, and can you refute her points?
Silly request. If everyone had to refute what might be stupid and/or offensive opinions from every pundit for the left and right wings there would be no time for HA’s to entertain.
prr, Re: marrying into a Jewish family. I did that, and I’ve been totally welcomed. My wife has been welcomed into my Christian family. There are households of every stripe where marrying a person of a different faith or race or nationality is forbidden. Jews do not have a monopoly on that view, and in my experience the majority of Jewish families to not subscribe to it. Your generalization does not hold.
I dont find it suprising in the least that another donk has had to take back what they said about the Jews. If it werent for the social restrainst that exist today a lot of your extreme donks would be calling for the Jews to be thrown into the gas chambers.
The Monorail was originally billed as the FASTEST way to get from Ballard to West Seattle. :)
Now the Monorail can be called the FASCIST way to get from Ballard to West Seattle. :(
RP @43
I’m wit ya…funny indeed…
What do you moonbats think of Cindi’s defiance of the law:?
In 2004, when asked about the the monorail’s policy of awarding contracts in direct violation of The Washington State Civil Rights Act, Miz Laws replied:
“I don’t really care if it does,” Laws said. “It’s an unjust law, and sometimes leadership is standing up and opposing an unjust law.”
Goldy; why is the left so anti semitic anyhow? Vanessa Redgrave in the 70’s, british left for a long time, our left of late, most of european left….
what gives? maybe its cuz you lefties long ago gave up on rational thought, and embrace any stupid kooks who come along, and even kooky anti semites (jesse, al, hilary)
any stupid kooks who come along, and even kooky anti semites
Like Robert “Little Jew” Dornan? or your buddy JCH?
Redneck @ 45
Have your buddies at EFF file a lawsuit if you really think she broke the law. Guffaw!!! EFF defending civil rights!!! My sides are splitting!!
moonbat; what’s dornan got to do w/ a liberal anti semite, and i don’t know what jch is
she got a nice fluff piece by the tiems this morning. they forgot to put it on the op ed page…
Righton – The Cindi story in today’s paper is hilarious. She sentenced herself to “sensitivity training”. LMAO.
mark, even funnier/sadder is that she’s getting credit for gracefully taking the whipping.
In a real world, she’d get dumped on big time, even by the papers, and then she’d apologize vigorously, go learn from a rabbi, etc etc. end of story.
Reeducation is their answer for drunk judges, stupid Cindy Laws, drug addicts, etc. Never personal shame and accountability.
Don’t tell her Starbucks has a Jewish CEO; might stop her from drinking her daily latte… (if i were more clever i’d satirically list every fake jewish cabal that she and jesse and sharpton could come up with).
@40 When the right-wingers around here condemn the racist Asian-American Michelle Malkin for proclaiming that it was OK to put Asian-American citizens of Japanese ancestry into relocation camps, then, and only then, will I discuss Cindi Laws’ purported anti-Semitism with them.’
You realize that Germans and Italians were put into camps too, right? Not only in the United States, we actually went around to other Western Hemisphere countries and rounded them up there too.
Monorail board member’s words distorted
At first glance, it does appear that Seattle Monorail Project board candidate Cindi Laws’ statement about local Jews contributing to last year’s campaign against the monorail could be considered anti-Semitic when she spoke in her interview for the Labor Council Board endorsement.
But I think her comments, for which she has publicly apologized, were taken out of context. In her defense, she has told me that the labor council was questioning whether her opponent Beth Goldberg was a viable candidate.
According to Laws, when asked the question about Goldberg, she pointed out that many of the major opponents to the monorail appear to be Jewish, including downtown developer Martin Selig, who contributed close to $400,000 to fund the “recall effort” last year. She suggested, without knowing if these contributors are indeed part of a Jewish community in Seattle, that they might be major source of contributions for Goldberg, who also appears to be Jewish, and anti-monorail. This would, therefore be a legitimate point to make when speculating about how a candidate might raise money to be viable, because every candidate has constituent groups that help them, and those groups of people are often of one ethnicity or race.
Let’s be honest about the way local politics work. Networks of people work together to support or oppose candidates and ballot measures.
As a Jew from Seattle who has experienced anti-Semitic remarks, I know how ugly and surprising anti-Semitism can be. However, as someone who has worked in local politics, I have the deepest respect for Laws and the work she has done on many issues, including civil rights. She is clearly not an anti-Semite.
The above is a letter to the editor published in the Seattle PI
Maybe the King County Democrats need some sensitivity training. Can you believe this one?
This happened last night, Tuesday, August 23, 2005. With full knowledge of Cindi Laws virulent anti-Jewish statements.
Ezra @ 52
There was no reason to bring anyone’s religion into this matter whatsoever. That was inexcusable. The only reason for doing so would be to play on common stereotypes about Jews and common prejudices against Jews.
Martin Selig is a wealthy property owner and is passionately opposed to the monorail. Selig donated a bit over $354,000 to I-83, an anti-monorail initiative, last fall. The fact that Selig may be Jewish is totally irrelevant to his opposition to the monorail.
Laws should have left anti-Jewish stereotypes and prejudices out of her discussion. The fact that nearly a million dollars was contributed against the monorail in the fall of 2004, combined with the fact that several passionate opponents gave large sums of money, would be sufficient to make a monorail opponent like Beth Goldberg into a potentially viable candidate. Goldberg’s last name, her ancestry, or her religious beliefs are entirely irrelevant, and should have not made it past Cindi Laws’ loose lips.
Josh Feit has written a wonderfully satiric piece in the Stranger: