Seems up here in the dark, rainy Pacific Northwest, we had a little stink on our hands that’s made national news, especially among those phony “War On Christmas” types who can never keep their facts, or religions, straight.
You see, over at Sea-Tac International Hyphenated Airport, they put up the usual, you know, Christmas trees. And some rabbi threatened to sue if they didn’t also put up a display of a Menorah to commemorate Hanukkah. Just like they put up at the City of Seattle and any number of other government-owned properties in the region. So what did the Hyphenated Airport brain trust do? Against the pleadings of the rabbi and his lawyer, the airport took the trees down instead.
And then, if you’ll pardon the Satanic reference, all Hell broke loose. That includes Bill O’Reilly, pronged tail and all.
The upshot now is that the airport has redecked its halls with trees, the rabbi says the whole thing has been blown way out of proportion (and he won’t sue), and some panel will meet — after the holidays, naturally –- to discussion among themselves how to be more inclusive.
And the Hell of it is (there’s that word again), the Christmas tree is not a Christian symbol. It predates the birth of Christ by a couple thousand years. As does the yule log, mistletoe, gift giving, the works. That whole just-after-the-longest-night rebirth of life thing. I’m even betting the fat guy with the reindeer and sleigh didn’t come from old Judea, either.
Most of what we know as Christmas, in other words, originated with the pagans (and, in some cases, the Romans), and was appropriated by Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ at the one time of year He couldn’t possibly have been born. The Bible is imprecise on this point, but we do know the shepherds were out tending their flocks — which doesn’t happen in the dead of winter. Desert winter nights are cc-c-o-l-d.
So, speaking on behalf of all Neo-Pagan and Wiccan types out there, perhaps I should threaten to sue Sea-Tac to include our religion, too –- but that’s no good, because they’re already using our symbol! Christians attacked us! (And isn’t that the way of the world?) More precisely, Christians attacked Christmas. But they were just the first of a long list.
Yeah, Christians have attacked Christmas. So have capitalist greed, insane consumerism, and the seeming lack of familiarity of many Christians with the basic tenets of their namesake, aka The Prince of Peace. Don’t believe me? Try combining, with a straight face, Bill O’Reilly’s name with any of the following phrases: Forgiveness. Turning the Other Cheek. The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth. Go ahead. I double-dare you. Lose and you have to watch his show, and vice versa: if you have to watch his show, you lose.
Or, as Gandhi said, “The only people in the world who don’t know Christ was a pacifist are Christians.”
(I should add that some of my best friends are Christians, and the ones I know that do try to follow their faith are wonderful, inspiring people. And, in my experience, a minority.)
And so we get tempests in treepots like this year’s airport fiasco. The reports are already swirling wildly that the rabbi demanded the trees be removed (he didn’t), that the Jews and the godless secularists at the ACLU are in cahoots (we should be so lucky), and that the liberals in Hollywood, hearing the word “war,” are scouting for a movie treatment (probably true). This preposterous nonsense is sort of like the run-up to the Iraq War, and, oddly enough, is being propagated by many of the same people. It’s fiction, based sorta loosely on what might once have been a fact, being harnessed in the service of a preordained and flatly ridiculous conclusion.
It’s a bunch of rich white guys, the folks screwing 90% of America, trying to create a fake controversy so they can stand with (as opposed to on) the little folks. What war on a holiday? By whom? How can the 80 percent of this country that calls itself Christian be under serious attack, let alone the threat of annihilation, by anyone, unless it’s some idiot who talks to and hears from God constantly and has his finger on the nuclear button?
Seriously, Christianity under attack by Jews, the ACLU, secular humanists and godless atheists? That’s like saying Burkina Faso is about to wipe out every member of the U.N. Security Council.
And, granted, such an attack would be the religious equivalent of Gallipoli. Where do I sign up? I want my trees back. While you’re at it, stop using the maypole, too. Go make your own springtime life-is-never-ending holiday. Call it “Easter.”
I am all for inclusiveness. But, I worry about the neglected deities. So many gods have had their jobs outsourced by Christianity and the West! Don’t you think Zeus and Odin deserve attention too??? How about Raven and Manitoba??? Are the Tomta still under the bridge? Is Loki living in boredom? Who listens to the Valkeries since the end of Nazidom?
Personally I am a devotee of Shaddai, one of the early Canaani deities that became folded into Hashem, the Deity of Judaism. It occurred to me that an under utilized Deity might welcome sume attention so I began asking Shaddai for help finding parking places. he is wonderful!
Our radar oven just stopped working, maybe I will ask Vulcan to fix it? … oh wait, Vulcan is alive and well in South Lake Union.
I’m 1-for-2 with you on this comment, Goldy. On the one hand, the Christmas Tree’s historical origins in history don’t matter; its meaning to the current culture is what matters. On the other hand, you’re right about so-called Christians giving Christianity a bad name. They’re doing more than that: They’re driving real Christians away from Christian churches and fellowship. I’ve been a Christian rabbit for years and years and years — but who wants to hang out with wingnuts? Personally, I can’t stand ’em.
It’s been my experience that the more loudly so-called Christians wear their Christianity on their sleeves, the more they need a strong dose of real Christianity. The people running around calling themselves “Christians” are right about one thing — their souls need saving! But they’re wrong about the most important thing of all — contrary to their cherised beliefs, they haven’t been “saved” yet.
Ummmm…. Geov,have you forgotten the Eostre is a Teutonic goddess associated with rabbits and chicks? That’s another one they borrowed from us Pagans.
Why would anyone spend A MILLION DOLLARS on a cell phone?
Why, to prove they can, of course (i.e., the “my cell phone cost more than your cell phone” crowd).
What KIND of person would spend $1,000,000 on a diamond-encrusted cell phone?
Um, the acquisitive kind.
And WHERE do the people who spend $1 million on a flashy cell phone GET that kind of money to burn, throw away, or squander — just to prove they’ve got more than anyone else?
From us, of course. By slipping tack-on costs into virtually every marketplace transaction from buying a can of peas to making a phone call. These are people who don’t produce anything, they just push money around in circles. The only thing they produce is electronic blips in their own bank accounts. And somewhere, somehow, some consumer is paying for it.
It used to be that robber barons spent a million bucks on a castle ( to impress the hoi-polloi … now, all a measly million bucks gets you is a lousy CELL PHONE. No wonder the Wall Street sharks want custody of our SOCIAL SECURITY money … they can’t make it anymore on their $50 million to $100 million annual bonuses.
4 Well, of course! Where did you THINK the Eostre Bunny tradition came from?
4 (continued) Needless to say, I’ve known about rabbits’ divine connections all along. Eostre personally appointed me to my present position of King of the Rabbits. I must have shown her a really, really, really good time!! You can have a good time, too! For a really, really, really good time … call 1-800-SUCK-ROG.
It’s easy to figure out why goddesses (e.g., Darcy Burner) like rabbits better than Republicans. After all, would you rather hug one of these or one of THESE ? It’s a no-brainer, folks.
I have a confession to make. Although I consider myself a pretty good Christian for a pagan symbol, I’m not really into that “meek” stuff. I figure it’s enough just to not be a lying, thieving warmonger! That takes it out of you, and I’m too exhausted to be meek.
When did Christmas trees become holiday trees? Christmas is a Holiday that somewhere over 85% of Americans celebrate (I am not that concerned to google the right number). Everyone agrees that Christmas trees are not a religious symbol. Whoever Geov is seems to think that the war on Christmas equals a war on Christianity. He also seems to think that a rabi who brings a lawyer ready to file a lawsuit in 48 hours is somehow not a threat. I am sure that Geov also believes that the CIA killed JFK and that Diebold is the only reason that democrats won the recent election.
I am also sure that while Geov believes the Christmas tree is not a religious symbol that he would concede that a Menorah is in fact a very important religious symbol. I would have to ask the brain surgeon Geov how he reconciles a threatened lawsuit to include a religious symbol (the menorah) with a non religious symbol (a fucking christmas tree) could you please explain that to me?
I believe in the god of the Ghostbusters….GOZER
Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!
Re: 9. It is easy rabbit losers like burner are naturally atracted to losers like you.
Those holiday trees are still SECULAR symbols if they don’t have any religious ornaments. Calling them “Christmas trees” doesn’t change this in any way.
The menorah — especially displayed in the manner the learned rabbi desired — is a Jewish RELIGIOUS symbol. While they use electric lights, instead of blessed oil, they light these things starting on the first evening of Chanukah, one more light every night, for the entire eight days of this Jewish religious celebration.
The menorah would be like having Advent candles also displayed. Three purple and one pink. Electric lights of course, but light up one additional bulb (in the proper order) each of the four Sundays before Christmas. Then turn the lights off once Christmas arrives.
Holiday trees don’t always have lights in public displays. If they do, the day they are turned on (usually early December) has no religious significance, nor does the day they are turned off (sometime around New Years).
If the learned rabbi wants the menorah to have equal treatment with the holiday tree, there can always be a reasonable compromise to make the menorah less religious and more secular. Simply erect the menorah on the same day the holiday tree is erected. Turn the menorah lights on (all of them at once) at the same time the lights on the holiday tree are turned on. And turn off the lights on both devices at the same time. And if the holiday trees has no lights, neither should the menorah. And take them down at the same time.
Rob @ 11
I am using the word “holiday tree”, since the trees in question are displayed in public places, without religious ornaments, as purely secular symbols. Using the term “Christmas tree” gives legitimacy to the novel concept that a purely secular symbol needs to be balanced by a purely religious symbol of some other faith.
Re: 14 yeah what he said.
11 “Whoever Geov is”
Geov is a somebody; you’re a nobody. “Geov” is former long-time Seattle Weekly writer Geov Parrish — and is well-known in Seattle’s journalistic and progressive communities. Who the fuck are you? Some beer-swilling, ignorant, redneck who can’t reproduce because he can’t figure out which hole to put his pecker in! Lots of people care about what Geov thinks — because Geov has something to say — but nobody cares about what YOU think, because you’re an ignorant redneck who has nothing to say.
I agree with you Richard, you are far more versed in religion than I am. My point is that most of us grew up calling it a Christmas Tree. I think it had something to do with CHRISTMAS. I was raised as catholic and we never thought of the tree as a religious symbol.
Looks like the right wing liars will have to come up with another lie since the first one didn’t work.
Re: 17 I was looking for a hooker once and read Seattle Weekly once, as that is all it had to offer. I visited your mom again though instead.
Rob @ 14 & 18
It’s still not a religious symbol. And I do see this is Geov’s thread, and not Goldy’s. And Geov says it isn’t a religious symbol either.
What I have a problem with is people who use the holiday tree/Christmas tree as a straw man. They first falsely call it a Christian religious symbol. Then they say it is wrong to display only the “symbol” of Christianity, and either demand that actual religous symbols of other faiths be displayed, or that the trees be removed.
And these antics are an attack on Christianity — and an unjustified one as well. A true frontal attack on the religion itself would be unsuccessful. And if truely religious symbols were displayed — such as a Navitity scene and Advent candles — such an attack would be justified. But if there is no actual state “establishment” of Christianity to complain about, then they claim these secular trees are religious symbols, and demand that something be done about them.
Richard, we are still in agreement. It’s a Christmas Tree, it’s Christmas and we have a tree that families have fun decroating together and trading presents under. As you can probably tell I lean to the right/libertarian in my politics and am not that religious. I do not in anyway however try to be politicaly correct. I still don’t know at what point in time liberals became progressives as an example.
Rob @ 22
In the USA culture, I am sure that non-religious or atheist people who display a tree in late December also tend to call it a Christmas tree — even though they have no intention of believing or observing the Christian faith. They still tend to have those darned trees, and call them Christmas trees — since that is the word in our language for them!
The Communists in the Soviet Union certainly didn’t do away with the Christmas tree — they just called it a New Years Tree. Not sure whether they kept Christmas as a public holiday back then — but they sure kept those trees and teh tradition of year end celebrations and gift giving.
11 (continued) It’s a bit disingenuous to say Christmas trees have nothing to do with Christmas (a religious holiday) and everybody calls them “holiday trees” anyway (which is not true). It’s even more disingenuous because wingnut halfwits like you OBJECT to calling them “holiday trees” ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS (i.e., the phony “war against Christmas”).
I’ll accept your figure of 85% as approximately accurate, for discussion purposes. Let’s say 85% of Americans identify with the Christian religion. (Although it’s a hell of a stretch to say 85% of Americans are practicing Christians, or even church-going ersatz Christians.)
What about the First Amendment rights of the other 15%?
Do you wingnuts even understand what the First Amendment says? No, and that’s why this controversy exists. There was never a problem in this country about religion until wingnuts came along and decided to shove their religion down everyone else’s throats — and claimed the First Amendment gives them the right to do it.
The First Amendment says exactly the opposite of what wingnuts claim it says. The First Amendment has absolutely nothing to do with what you can believe, say, or practice as an individual. The First Amendment applies only to government. It says government can neither establish nor interfere with any religion.
What the “establishment clause” means is that government officials can’t use government powers, property, or offices to promote religion or favor one religion over other religions. What many people don’t understand is that Alabama’s Judge Roy Moore didn’t merely install his Ten Commandments monument in that state’s Supreme Court building; he also refused requests from representatives of other religions to display icons of their religions there. In other words, he gave an exclusionary preference to one religion — and not even a religion selected by a vote of the people, or by the people’s elected representatives in Alabama’s legislature, but a religion that he personally and arbitrarily chose himself — his religion. This is religious tyranny, exactly what the Constitution was written to prevent, because the people who wrote the Constitution by and large fled Europe to escape religious tyranny!
So — what about the 15% who are not Christians, and don’t want the 85% majority using the power, property, and offices of government to expose them to Christian iconography?
Well, the good rabbi, for one, is a cultural realist. He didn’t ask the Port of Seattle — a taxpayer funded government agency — to remove the Christmas trees. Neither did his lawyer. All they asked for was equal access. The Port denied him equal access to public property and the travelers who pass through it. In other words, by displaying Christmas trees (which many people consider a symbol of a Christian religious holiday — including the people who most loudly defend their right to call it a CHRISTMAS tree and not a “holiday” tree) and refusing to display the rabbi’s menorah, the Port officials used government property to prefer a symbol of one religion to the exclusion of a symbol of another religion. That’s exactly what Roy Moore did — and it’s a constitutionally protected right when an individual does it on private property, but is unconstitutional when a governmental entity does it on public property.
The situation is made more complicated by the tree’s ambiguity as a symbol. While the decorated seasonal tree displays (“holiday trees” for short) clearly are a symbol of a Christian religious holiday to millions of Americans (probably to the majority of Americans), to some Americans the tree is merely a cultural tradition, or a symbol of the gift-giving season, or a symbol of the retail discount season, or simply something that shows up during the studded-tires season. Interpret it the way you want, whatever rings your bell.
But here’s the catch. To people for whom the holiday tree is a Christian religious symbol, it’s a “Christmas tree” — and they insist on calling it a “Christmas tree” and complain about other people calling it a “holiday tree.” There wouldn’t be an argument, or a problem, if Sea-Tac Airport put up “holiday trees.” But that’s not good enough for those folks — we have to call them “Christmas trees” or they take offense. Shoving their religion down our throats is the whole point — that’s what they’re all about. What they’re making a big deal about is NOT nomenclature, but their “right” to shove THEIR religion down OUR throats — you not only have to look at their “Christmas tree” if you want to fly, you also have to CALL it a “Christmas tree,” or you’re in trouble with these folks. It’s the same principle behind Moore parking his rock in the Supreme Court rotunda, where everyone entering the court building is forced to walk past it to get to the court rooms. Moore’s message was, either read the Ten Commandments, or you don’t have access to the courts. Trouble is, those are STATE courts in a PUBLIC building.
Is “Christmas tree” versus “holiday tree” worth squabbling over? After all, it’s just semantics. You bet your ass it is. Nobody cares about the terminology; what we’re really fighting over is whether one group has a right to USE GOVERNMENT to force THEIR religion on the rest of us.
It’s not even accurate to refer to this group as “the majority.” There is no religious majority in America. There is no religious denomination that can claim remotely close to 50% of the American population as members. Every religious denomination in our country is a minority.
Our country has a population of 300 million, and even the largest denomination — the Catholics — represent less than 25% of the population; the largest Protestant denomination — Baptists — represent only 16% and charismatics (which take in most of the evangelical/fundamentalist groups) represent only 2%. And it is not, by and large, the Catholics who are making an issue of “Christmas trees” versus “holiday trees” or trying to shove their religion down our throats — by and large, the “War Against Christmas” folks are the noisy fundies who make up a tiny percentage of the overall population.
Why is this worth fighting for? To preserve our religious freedom from government intrustion, of course. When organizations like ACLU sue to enforce First Amendment rights — and notice the defendants in these suits are ALWAYS government officials and entities, NEVER churches or individuals — they’re not attacking religion or trying to remove it from our society; they’re protecting religion and helping it to thrive and proliferate … by keeping government from establishing one religion and stifling the rest. These lawsuits make our country freer, not less free, and more religious, not less religious.
But wingnuts are too stupid to understand that.
Re: 23 I have never in my life of 54 years and being raised as a catholic ever heard of anyone praying to their Christmas Tree. I do have a bunch of Jewish friends who do pray to a Menorah. Geov should go back to the Seattle Hooker Weekly and rethink his compairison.
13 How do you figure I’m a “loser”? My party just took control of Congress, and strengthened its control of state government. I don’t have to work. After two weeks in captivity, I escaped from the concentration camp for rabbits at Bunny Meadows and I’m back in my hole in Green Lake Park, unfettered by parks department fascism. Despite the $50 bounty on my pelt, I’m still wearing my own fur coat. I get laid every 10 minutes. In short — I won.
13 (continued) I’ll bet you can’t say you get laid every 10 days, let alone every 10 minutes. Loooooser.
Roger Rabbit @ 24
It doesn’t matter if lots of people call them “Christmas trees”. They may have a religious relationship to many Christians, but they are a secular symbol.
What matters is that (1) the trees are truly secular symbols as displayed at Sea-Tac (no religious ornaments, etc.) and (2) the Port of Seattle calls them “holiday trees”. See, for example:
There would be a problem if the government officially called them “Christmas trees”. Just like it is okay for the government offices to close on Saturday and Sunday. But if the government said they were instead closing offices for the Jewish Sabbath and the Christian Sabbath, that could present a major religious freedom/establishment issue.
14 Those holiday trees are still SECULAR symbols if they don’t have any religious ornaments. Calling them “Christmas trees” doesn’t change this in any way.
I don’t agree, Richard. And, as a lawyer, you should know better. Calling them “Christmas trees” ipso facto turns them into a symbol of a Christian religious holiday. That’s why the Christianists* (*not to be confused with “Christians”) insist on calling them “Christmas trees” and get mad at people who call them “holiday trees.”
14 (continued) Even you know that, Richard, and your comment @15 proves it.
Re: 26. 13 How do you figure I’m a “loser”? Hmm I don’t know, could it be that you pretend to be a rodent? yeah that’s the ticket.
14 (continued continued) I agree with you on the menorah, Richard. The Port can’t allow the menorah display, for the same reason it can’t allow “Christmas” displays. But “holiday trees” are okay.
Actually, it’s more complicated than what I indicated @32. It’s an interesting question whether a government entity violates the First Amendment if it opens its property to displays by all comers — in other words, is it unconstitutional to allow religious displays on public property so long as no religion gets favored treatment and all religions have equal access to the property? I think the answer is probably yes, it’s still unconstitutional, but the question is slippier and the answer more subtle than in the straightforward case of an individual or group trying to use government property to promote their religion to the exclusion of others. That’s clearly unconstitutional.
Wingnuts seem to have a knack for doing things that are unconstitutional. In fact, it’s easy to figure out wingnut ideology. All you have to do is refer to the Constitution. There is no constitutional right they don’t want to abridge, and every governmental power or activity they support is unconstitutional. It’s that simple — they’re anti-constitutionalists.
18 And I’m far more versed in constitutional law than you are.
Re: 33 . Thanks for the commentary rodent but as usual with liberals it lacked any facts to back it up. As they say in the great state of Texas, you are all hat and no cattle rodent.
18 My point is that most of us grew up calling it a Christmas Tree. I think it had something to do with CHRISTMAS. I was raised as catholic and we never thought of the tree as a religious symbol.
Just what the hell did you think CHRISTMAS is? A football schedule? A discount sale? The beginning of tax preparation season? Holy baby Jesus, did they teach you NOTHING in your Catholic church?
Hint: “Christmas” is Jesus’s birthday (at least, by tradition, if not in actuality).
18 (continued) And what the fuck do you think “Easter” is? Roger Rabbit’s birthday?
Actually, I WAS born on Easter, but that’s another story.
No wait, I’ve got that wrong. I was born on March 15, and was adopted by my human family on Easter. And, about two months later, I was unceremoniously dumped in Green Lake Park. The father of the human girl who adopted me plucked me out of my cage at 2 AM and drove down Aurora Avenue with his lights off, stopped at the edge of the park, popped the door open and tossed me into the bushes, then slammed the door and roared off. Fucker must’ve been a Republican. I was one of the first rabbits in Green Lake Park. When I arrived, there were only about 10 or 20 of us, mostly females. Now there’s 10,000 of us!!! And most of them are my children.
Re: 36 Christmas is a national holiday rodent. What do you not understand about that ?
Re 39: what ever happened to the great liberal tradition of abortion on that day?
20 rob says: Re: 17 I was looking for a hooker once and read Seattle Weekly once, as that is all it had to offer. I visited your mom again though instead. 12/14/2006 at 12:34 am
My mommy is dead. (sniffle) She was run over on Green Lake Way by a speeding SUV driven by a heartless Republican bastard. So — you’re into necrophilia? How long have you been fucking dead animals, you pervert?
21 Then they say it is wrong to display only the “symbol” of Christianity, and either demand that actual religous symbols of other faiths be displayed, or that the trees be removed.
Oh c’mon Richard! You know the rabbi never asked for removal of the trees — that was a brainwave of the brain-dead bureaucrats who run the port, you know, the same ones who cut sweetheart deals with their business buddies at taxpayers’ expense. You can do better than this, as you’ve proed many times.
21 And these antics are an attack on Christianity
Nobody’s being deprived of their religion. All anyone is saying is you can’t use government power, property, and offices to peddle your religion.
Re: 42, she got run over after I put the bitch back out on the street. I saw it happen but didn’t report it. By the way it was a stoned hippy in a Prius that got her. We both will miss her.
22 You know what, rob? I have absolutely no problem with you calling it a “Christmas tree.” Even if you were a port official, I wouldn’t even have a problem with you calling it a “Christmas tree.” Why? Because your calling it a “Christmas tree” doesn’t make it a religious symbol — because you’re not treating it as one.
But it’s a different story when people who DO consider it a religious symbol — and insist on calling it a “Christmas tree” precisely for the purpose of giving it a Christian connotation — demand that everyone calls it a “Christmas tree” and attack you for calling it a “holiday tree.” They’re trying to shove their religion down our throats, and when people do that, it’s time to shove back. They’re fucking with our constitutional rights, and we don’t allow that.
Re: 46 Now that I dwell on it rodent. I may be your dad.
Of course, rob, you DO realize, don’t you, that as a nonbeliever you’ll go to Hell? “The wages of sin are death.”
So you see, rob, basically you’re fucked no matter what you do. If you’re a believer, then you can’t put “Christmas trees” on public property (but “holiday trees” are okay). If youre a nonbeliever, you can put “Christmas trees” on public property but you’ll spend eternity in Hell. Frankly, between the two, I think the “holiday tree” is the better deal.
48 That’s damned unlikely. I have too much intellgence to have descended from your chromosomes.
23 Richard — did the commies shoot people for calling it a “Christmas tree”? Betcha they did.
Re: 51. Have you ever thought about sharing you intelligence with us or are you still pretending to be a rodent?
I suppose I need to revise my comment @24 in view of the fact rob has admitted he’s a nonbeliever. Disregard my foolish assumption that rob subscribes to any Christian (or other religious) tenets. He’s merely a stupid wingnut who exists in a religious vacuum, like an eggplant or fence post.
I wonder if all the eggplants will go to Hell because they’re atheists, or if God makes exceptions for insentient organisms? If the latter, you may be off the hook, rob.
28 What matters is that (1) the trees are truly secular symbols as displayed at Sea-Tac (no religious ornaments, etc.) and (2) the Port of Seattle calls them “holiday trees”.
Makes you wonder why they took them down, doesn’t it?
Re: 51 as an example of you so called intelligence. Why again would you spend enternity in Hell if you were a non beliverer and put a Christmas tree on public property? I missed that in chatocism class.
Port of Seattle officials took down the “holiday trees” because:
[ ] 1. They have stupid lawyers
[ ] 2. They’re cowards
[ ] 3. They wanted to piss the whole country off at the rabbi
[ ] 4. All of the above
At first I thought Goldy had gone off off off the deep end. Then I noticed it was Geov. Wow, I know how to set off Geov’s rant button. I can’t even figure out what his main point was.
On the other hand, I’ve been calling the damn things “Christmas trees” since I was a pollywog athiest. But I’m a fucking athiest now. So fuck it. I’m going to call them “Holiday Trees” from now on. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Goddam fundy bastards ruining my fun. Fuck all a ya! And your horses! And everybody else too! Happy goddam holidays to you!
31 How do you figure I’m a “loser”?
By reading your comments.
35 It takes a wingnut idiot like you to confuse this with this
54: Oh I am a believer rodent, I am not religious however. The last time I went to an organized church was over 20 years ago. As for being a wingnut, I would have to ask you how I fit in there? Most liberals decription of a wingnut have a strong religios tenant to it. Now I know that you only pick the part of questions that you believe puts you in the best light. Tell me rodent, what is your defintion of a wingnut?
Re: 60, Uhmm rodent I was quoting you when I posted “how do you figure I am a loser” but thanks for clearing that up loser.
40 rob says: Re: 36 Christmas is a national holiday rodent. What do you not understand about that ? 12/14/2006 at 1:24 am
Christmas is also a religious holiday.
Rodent , You are too easy. Is there anyone on this blog with any intelligence other that Richard Pope or is it all people like you and the insainly intelligent “mirror”?
41 I’m personally opposed to abortion on religious and moral grounds. None of my children have been aborted. However, several hundred of them have been run over by cars. No problem; there’s more where they came from!
46 You must have been fucking some other dead rabbit. Fucking wingnut pervert.
Re: 64. You should call the ACLU then rodent, why is the government celebrating a religious holiday. You are so without a clue.
53 I like being a rabbit. You should be able to understand that … you like being a wingnut. But being a rabbit is infinitely more respectable than being a wingnut. Being a rabbit has social advantages, too. For one thing, the expectations aren’t demanding, because nobody expects anything of a rabbit. (This is also true of wingnuts.) But, even better, a rabbit is more likely to get a BIG JUICY HUG FROM DARCY BURNER!!! As a wingnut, you won’t get the time of day from Darcy. Eat your heart out!!
Re: 66. So who did you vote for in the last 2 elections. You voted for Bush didn’t you? I knew it!
Re: 69. I do hope that you and Darcy are happy together and now that she is unemployed I will look for her ad in the Seattle Weekly.
57 rob says: 51 as an example of you so called intelligence. Why again would you spend enternity in Hell if you were a non beliverer and put a Christmas tree on public property? I missed that in chatocism class. 12/14/2006 at 1:45 am
#51 is perfectly logical, which is more than anyone can say for any of your comments. You weren’t much of a Catholic; you can’t even spell “catechism.” You must have slept through that class, like you slept through civics class, English class, and all your other classes. But then, like I said, the advantage of being a wingnut is that nobody expected more from you. Wingnut = low expectations.
62 Tell me rodent, what is your defintion of a wingnut?
An emotionally needy person who suspends belief in facts and disciplines himself in the art of irrational thinking in order to satisfy a visceral desire to live under a fascist government.
68 rob says: Re: 64. You should call the ACLU then rodent, why is the government celebrating a religious holiday. You are so without a clue. 12/14/2006 at 2:06 am
The government isn’t celebrating a religious holiday. It’s simply giving everyone a day off work so individuals can celebrate a religious holiday, or not, as they choose. You are so unable to understand the distinction.
72: now that you have corrected my spelling rodent. Care to answer the question? Of course you don’t liberals don’t answer questions. They change the subject to hide their ingnorance. By they way Rodent, I never claimed to be a good catholic.
70 That’s none of your fucking business. My ballot is secret. But if you must know, I wrote in my cousin Vinny for King County prosecutor. So many people are disgusted with our prosecutor, Norm Maleng, a GOP partisan hack who coddles voting law felons, that thousands of people opted for a write-in candidate instead. I wrote in my cousin Vinny.
Re: 73. That sounds like a liberal to me rodent. It doesn’t fit my world view however.
Re: 76. I knew you voted for Bush.
62 You were asking me what a “wingnut” is. This isn’t definitional, but one way to spot a “wingnut” is with a simple literacy test. Many wingnuts can’t spell simple words like “to” let alone complicated ones like “definition” or “catechism.” And most, like Y’o and that Sharansky guy, can’t spell their own fucking names! Illiteracy isn’t always, but frequently is, a clinical indicium of wingnutism.
79: Really is that how you spot them? 75% of the liberal vote are undereducated black, hispanic and union votes. You should get rid of all those wing nuts.
75 You go to Hell for being a nonbeliever, not for putting a Christmas tree on public property. God doesn’t give a hoot what you do on public property; She’s too busy to worry about trespassing misdemeanors; that’s Norm Maleng’s bailiwick. Why the hell should you get into Heaven if you don’t even believe there is a Heaven? Basically what God seems to be saying is She doesn’t care if you’re a Catholic, a Protestant, a fundie, or whatever … as you long as believe in Her. She doesn’t even care if you’re a “good” Catholic, or a lazy one, or even an indifferent one. You don’t even have to go to church! In fact, your chances of getting into Heaven probably are better if you don’t, because you’re exposed to more bad influences in church. Believe me, most of the people who go to church need to be there! The reason is, sinners are welcome in Heaven. All you have to do is say, I’m sorry. That’s why all the wingnuts will go the Hell. The arrogant pricks refuse to say, we’re sorry.
Rabbits automatically go to Heaven because we’re too simple to be nonbelievers. We don’t even think about it. We take God for granted. We just call Her by a different name, that’s all. To us, God is known as The Big Mama Rabbit In the Sky.
77 You’re mistaken about everything else, so naturally you’d be mistaken about the definitions of “wingnut” and “liberals,” too.
78 See #83.
Re: 81. Rodent, you have to get off that crack pipe. Your rant in 81 had nothing to do with the question.
83: again all hat and no cattle rodent.
80 rob says: 79: Really is that how you spot them? 75% of the liberal vote are undereducated black, hispanic and union votes. You should get rid of all those wing nuts. 12/14/2006 at 2:28 am
I didn’t say illiteracy makes a person a “wingnut” by definition, idiot! I only said illiteracy is an indicium of wingnutism. Another sign of a wingnut is a simpleton who thinks one symptom adds up to a diagnosis. But even illiteracy + simplemindedness do not = wingnut. To get a wingnut, you have to add a number of other ingredients, including …
a disdain for scientific fact
narrow mindedness
intellectual rigidity
a propensity for lying, larceny, and violence
destructive stubbornness
And some other things. Basically, a wingnut is somehow whose intellectual and moral wiring is fucked up.
“someone” not “somehow”
Re: 84. So you are morally and personally opposed to abortion but you put that aside and voted for Kerry? So tell me rodent, were you for abortion before you were against it?
85 I answered your question — you go to Hell for being a nonbeliever, or for being nonrepentant. You can be an evil lying thieving warmongering bastard, but you have to be sorry. Wingnuts aren’t sorry. That’s why you’re going to Hell. How is that not answering your question?
86 I already answered that. If you can’t tell the difference between a rabbit and a cow, that proves you’re a wingnut.
87: no that is not what you said in your first feeble try, it is what you said in you second feeble attack libtard. Did you ever hear the phrase that the first impression is the only one you get? Asshole
89 rob says: So you are morally and personally opposed to abortion but you put that aside and voted for Kerry? 12/14/2006 at 2:42 am
Yes. I’m not a one-issue voter like some dumbasses are.
89 (continued) rob says: So tell me rodent, were you for abortion before you were against it? 12/14/2006 at 2:42 am
I’ve never been for abortion, and I’ve never been against legalized abortion. I’m for legalized abortion because people will get abortions anyway and illegal abortions killed lots of women, and also because I think each individual should answer the religious and/or moral questions for himself — and not force his/her religious and/or moral beliefs on others. I personally think abortion is a moral wrong, and it’s against my religion, but I don’t think government has any business imposing my personal views on the entire country. If you get an abortion you’ll go to Hell unless you’re sorry you did it. That’s the way I see it.
90: Maybe you don’t understand english. The question was how are you condemmed to hell if you are a non beliver and put a christmas tree on public property. In the spirit of the great liberal Seattle School system I will give you a do over retard. Just this once. Now either answer the question or go to bed.
92 Your interpretive difficulties are not my problem.
94: Yeah that’s what Kerry said before he backed abortion. Liberals should just say they are hypocrites and be done with it. All of you attempt at explaining your hypocrisy is boring rodent.
96: just answer the question or admit you are to feeble to answer it.
95 Jesus fucking Christmas, how many times do I have to explain this. You go to Hell for being a nonbeliever. You go to jail for putting Christmas trees on public property. One is an offense against God; the other is an offense against secular law. You also go to Hell for not repenting your sins. Taking Jesus’s name in vain is a Sin. I’m sorry I did it, God. I’m a fucking sinner. More than anything, I’m a fucking rabbit, which is NOT a sin — it’s what God designed me to do it — but I’m sorry I said “Jesus fucking Christmas.” I just couldn’t think of any other way to get through to this wingnut idiot! The whole key is being sorry, rob. If you’re not sorry, you’re fucked.
Wow! This thread is already up to 100 comments! That’s more than the sucky little competing blog gets all year.
But then, what can you expect from a blog that promotes jihad against innocent Americans:
Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago.
Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
Note: HA’s ace researcher, Richard Pope, has made a pretty convincing case that FullContactPolitics is defeated GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold, who got 15% of the vote. He was lucky to get that much; if 43rd District voters knew Griswold is pro-terrorist, he would’ve been hard-pressed to beat Low Tax Looper’s 4%, even though Griswold didn’t murder his opponent like Looper did. Griswold only daydreams about murdering people so his party can win elections.
99 and 100: re: 99. rodent, according to my limited knowlege of religion you are not condemmed to Hell for commiting a misdemenor. Although in you alternative world I could see how you would believe that.
re: 100. Liberals are to chickenshit to hang out on conservative blogs for more than just a drive by and you and I are the only one’s on here.
re: 101 I have no idea what you are talking about there. I don’t hang out on conservative blogs. I don’t need the reinforcement that liberals do.
As for Nancy Pelosi, she just keep adding to her misteps. First Surrender Murtha got spanked, then Impeached Hastings didn’t make it and now she has Reyes as chairman of the intellegince (joke) committee that has no idea who Al Quida is or Hesbollah. I feel safe with that face stretched whench in charge don’t you ?
Of course Reyes did ask if he could answer the question about hesbollah in spanish. The reported said sure and he still couldn’t answer it.
The reporter should have said look dumbass, you are a member of the House of Representitives of the United States of America. Speak English or go home!
Maybe Mr. Hanky is the solution.
Since the Moonbat! nature is on full display here; may we on the right assume the Moonbat! children spawned from the loins of Moonbat! posters wake up December 25th and don’t receive “Christmas” presents, neatly displayed under the “Christmas” tree? How about a film Christmas evening since Goldie loves to show You Tube events, maybe you can post your You Tube lovelies of crying children and prove us right you all don’t give presents to your undeserving Moonbat! children!
Come on Moonbat!s, we know when your children rush down early Monday, you’ll say Happy Holidays! Right! Such hypocrites you Moonbat!s.
Furball says Holiday tree vs Christmas tree is all about semantics. The prima facie argument why Moonbat!s are Moonbat!s. To a Moonbat! saying Merry Christmas or Christmas Tree is a pejorative! Moonbat!s are too funny this time of year!
Why in Bellevue Square Mall, Alderwood Mall, and Northgate Mall are so many Moonbat!s shopping for “Holiday” presents? But wait, the Moonbat! economic theory says the economy sucks. Moonbat!s can’t get a decent wage. Maybe the You Tube events will be children crying after all Goldie!
Furball says: 13 (continued) I’ll bet you can’t say you get laid every 10 days, let alone every 10 minutes. Loooooser. 12/14/2006 at 1:06 am
I get laid all the time by a lovely human female. More than I can say for you who still claims up front and bold he loves bestiality! STUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIID Moonbat! Loooooooser!
Rob: I think all Moonbat!s should show up to work December 25th, since they hate what Christmas stands for.
You don’t have to speak or sue for us scandahovian pagans, we can do just fine thanks. Been biding our time for the last 2006 (or is it 2008 ?) yrs pretty successfully taking over the world’s “christian” holidays. Haven’t gotten as far with the hebrews or muslims, but we’ve only had a thousand or so with those last guys, and the damn desert is way too hot for reindeer and sleighs anyway.
102 rob says: rodent, according to my limited knowlege of religion you are not condemmed to Hell for commiting a misdemenor.
Jesus fucking Christmas! Where did I say that? I said you go to Hell for being a nonbeliever, not for putting a Christmas tree on public property! Apparently you never made it past “My Pet Goat” in reading comprehension class, either. Sorry, God; forgive my language, but it IS frustrating …
102 “Liberals are to chickenshit to hang out on conservative blogs for more than just a drive by and you and I are the only one’s on here.” 12/14/2006 at 3:03 am
That’s not true. I’m a registered user on Free Republic. However, they revoked my posting privileges after 1 post — and they also deleted my post. I’m not too chicken to hang out on Freep, but they’re too chicken to let me post there.
As for the sucky little competing local blog, there’s a very good reason why I don’t post there. Stefan makes you give him personal information as a condition of posting. Then he “outs” you, subjecting you to job discrimination, harassment, and perhaps even firebombing of your burrow. It’s not worth going through all that just to argue with a GOP candidate who advocates blowing up American passenger planes as a tactic to improve his chances of winning an election in a district that votes 85% Democratic.
103 “101 I have no idea what you are talking about there”
No, you wouldn’t, would you? Try this on for size:
Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
Worse than disgusting, huh. Now click on this link to see where I copied it from:
Finally, on a previous HA thread, our own intrepid researcher, Richard Pope, convincingly identified “FullContactPolitics” as the loser of this election race:
How? The guy ID’ed himself by using his screen name and real name in the same comment, and Richard found that comment, that’s how.
” … terror attack on … passenger aircraft … casualties … maybe that’s just what we need.”
Is that clear enough?
The context of that comment was day-after-election sour-grapes griping about the Democratic victory.
That’s the kind of anti-American hate speech that gets posted on Stefan’s blog. He discourages liberal posters by making you reveal who you are to a hostile webmaster … but lets wingnut haters use his blog to post messages hoping for American terrorism deaths as a means of helping Republicans win elections. Utterly disgusting. I’m against censorship, but there are limits to everything. If it were my blog, that post would have been deleted posthaste, and that guy wouldn’t be welcome on my blog anymore. I’m for free speech, but you gotta draw a line somewhere, and I don’t tolerate pro-terrorism, anti-American shit.
104 You guys FUBARed everything you’ve touched, and you’re bitching about a few mistakes by Pelosi? Clean up your own house before you throw rocks at ours.
105 rob says: The reporter should have said look dumbass, you are a member of the House of Representitives of the United States of America. Speak English or go home! 12/14/2006 at 3:14 am
If I were Reyes, I would have answered, “Jodete y aprieta el culo!”
108 Mike Webb SUCKS says: Furball says Holiday tree vs Christmas tree is all about semantics. 12/14/2006 at 7:03 am
No I didn’t. I said it’s all about the First Amendment prohibiting government from establishing or preferring one religion over others, in order to preserve the religious freedoms of all.
108 (continued) Of course, I realize you wingnut simpletons are incapable of understanding that intent is everything in law.
121 Therefore, if a port official puts up a “holiday tree” and calls it a “Christmas tree” out of cultural habit and without intending any religious reference, he hasn’t violated the Constitution; but if wingnuts insist the port call its holiday trees “Christmas trees” with the intention of foisting their religion on Christmas season travelers, what they want the port to do is violate the constitutional rights of said travelers. The legal result flows from the intent, you see.
121 (continued) To use another example, if I rip your guts out with my powerful hind feet equipped with razor sharp claws — like this — with the intent of making you bleed to death, I’ve committed a criminal assault; but if I was merely attempting to install another belly button and botched the job, it’s merely negligence, which is not under the jurisdiction of criminal courts at all but rather is a civil matter.
123 Unless, of course, you showed up at my burrow with a gun; in which case, it’s reasonable self-defense.
109 “I get laid all the time by a lovely human female. More than I can say for you who still claims up front and bold he loves bestiality!”
I’m a rabbit. Fucking cute furry female rabbits is what I do. Why would I want to fuck one of you beastly humans?
109 So how OLD is that human female you call “lovely”?
109 (continued) They’re not much to look at after they hit age 40.
109 (continued) And most of them start to sag a lot sooner than that. Humans are a defective design.
110 Mike Webb SUCKS says: Rob: I think all Moonbat!s should show up to work December 25th, since they hate what Christmas stands for. 12/14/2006 at 7:08 am
Let’s review:
Christmas = Jesus’s birthday
Jesus is for peace
So are liberals
But wingnuts are for war
Therefore, liberals = pro-Christmas, wingnuts = anti-Christmas
All: As you can see, attempting to reason with wingnut fools is spinning your hind feet in sand. It’s like trying to teach sanskrit to a cucumber.
Wow! This thread already has over 130 posts! That’s more than the sucky little pro-jihad blog gets in a month.
Wow, you guyz really are full of hate in here.
It’s sad.
Letter to Santa from the rodents cousin
132 You guys can dish it out, but can’t take it — whiny little crybabies.
Click here for picture of wingnut (the wingnut is on the right).
132 What’s sad is our elections are being hacked and a bunch of lying, thieving, warmongering, torturing fascist cockroaches have turned our once-great country into a banana republic.
Why should anyone like Republicans, in view of the hateful things things Republicans do?
“Massacre of the Buffalo Soldiers
“by Greg Palast
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television …. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’
“The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters, in this case Florida, to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. …
“(See this scrub sheet at;size=o )
“Our team contacted the homes of several on the caging list, such as Randall Prausa, a serviceman, whose wife said he had been ordered overseas.
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot.
“Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. The operation, of which the purge of Black soldiers was a small part, was the first mass challenge to voting America had seen in two decades.
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses.
“A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists … said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’
“These GOP caging lists were obtained by the same BBC team that first exposed the wrongful purge of African-American ‘felon’ voters in 2000 by then-Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Eliminating the voting rights of those voters … caused Al Gore’s defeat in that race.
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. However, in Tallahassee, the Florida Bush campaign’s spokespeople offered several explanations for the list.
“Joseph Agostini, speaking for the GOP, suggested the lists were of potential donors to the Bush campaign. Oddly, the supposed donor list included residents of the Sulzbacher Center a shelter for homeless families.
“Another spokesperson for the Bush campaign, Mindy Tucker Fletcher, ultimately changed the official response, acknowledging that these were voters, ‘we mailed to, where the letter came back – bad addresses.’ The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad.
“The apparent challenge campaign was not inexpensive. The GOP mailed the letters first class, at a total cost likely exceeding millions of dollars, so that the addresses would be returned to ‘cage’ workers. ‘This is not a challenge list,’ insisted the Republican spokesmistress. However, she modified that assertion by adding, ‘That’s not what it’s set up to be.’
“Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaws mass challenges of voters where race is a factor in choosing the targeted group.
“While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. However, … [w]hen asked if Republicans would use the list to block voters, Tucker Fletcher replied, ‘Where it’s stated in the law, yeah.’ … Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For people who claim a right to send other people’s children to their deaths purportedly to bring democracy to Iraqis, who don’t want it, Republicans sure work hard to deny Americans the right to vote in their own country. Scumbags. And these pigfuckers think we should be polite to them? Fuck you guys! We liberals don’t do “nice” anymore. We tried “nice” — and look where it got us — you slimebuckets applaud the soon-to-be-a-convicted-voting-fraud-felon Coulterbeast for saying liberals should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed.” You want us to be nice to you? Go fuck yourselves. Better yet, do humanity a favor by committing suicide and ridding society of your stench.
132 (continued) Show me a rightwing message board — any rightwing message board — and I’ll show you dozens of comments full of hate speech agtainst liberals. Fuck you, Jack, you sanctimonious hypcrite.
Have you POS wingnuts figured out yet that you piss us off?
roger said……..
Oh c’mon Richard! You know the rabbi never asked for removal of the trees — that was a brainwave of the brain-dead bureaucrats[***you mean like the election bureaucrats? dean logan???***] who run the port, you know, the same ones who cut sweetheart deals with their business buddies at taxpayers’ expense[***like dean logan and chris gregoire you mean???***]. You can do better than this, as you’ve proed many times.
roger roger roger….you do know better than that, don’t you? aren’t you a lawyer….which entitles you to be at least somewhat less naive’ than most about litigation….right?
the reason they took the christmas trees down is because of people like you. they knew that if they left them up and the rabbi kept bitching and threatening to sue if he didn’t get his own way[little foot stamp here-oy] then the loons like you would come out of the woodwork….more than happy to oblige him. and the media circus would follow where, instead of saying he didn’t really mean it like he is now, the rabbi would be telling us all that he felt’disenfranchised’ by the mere presense of christmas trees.
here’s a thought for all of you more-than-nutty seattle-ites….maybe we should stop YOU from decorating [with lights] the statue of a mass murderer. lenin.[oh i know i know…it’s work of art. so are hitler’s paintings .you want them decorated idolized????]
god…only in seattle.
and that, my friend, is not a compliment.
wow…this blog should really be called “roger rabbit says” because that’s about all you see roger…what is your fixation with gloating about this blog getting more comments than SP when most of the comments are made by you…..and who are you exactly? goldy’s middle finger or index?
goldy…my condolences.
here’s a little roger-ism i missed.”You go to jail for putting Christmas trees on public property.”
really roger…you do? and on what planet would that be?
you know….as an officer of the court you have a responsibility to be accurate about the law. but as a lawyer we all know that lying just comes naturally to you.
go to jail…indeed. sheesh………
Roger Rabbitt
Enough .. the thread gets unreadable if you post too much!
143 wow! this thread is already up to 144 posts! That’s more than the sucky little competing blog gets in 3 months! Wanna try for 200? No? Aw, shucks.
140 the vaporous one said …
[***you mean like the election bureaucrats? dean logan???***]
[***like dean logan and chris gregoire you mean???***].
roger roger roger….you do know better than that, don’t you?
aren’t you a lawyer
….which entitles you to be at least somewhat less naive’ than most about litigation….right?
the reason they took the christmas trees down is because of people like you.
they knew that if they left them up and the rabbi kept bitching and threatening to sue if he didn’t get his own way then the loons like you would come out of the woodwork….
more than happy to oblige him.
You’re not giving the port bureaucrats nearly as much credit as they deserve for cynical cleverness. They took the trees down to teach the rabbi a lesson. Don’t think for a minute they wouldn’t do the same to you, or any other member of the public who dares to remind them that they work for us, not the other way around.
and the media circus would follow
… here’s a thought for all of you more-than-nutty seattle-ites….maybe we should stop YOU from decorating [with lights] the statue of a mass murderer. lenin.[oh i know i know…it’s work of art. god…only in seattle.
So what? Nashville has a kitschy statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest (founder of the KKK).
So why can’t Fremont have a kitschy statue of Lenin?
It’s true the statue was imported by an art lover, and displayed as art, not as a political message. The guy was a successful entrepreneur and hardly a Red! Art is what you make of it. Why not make a pilgrimage to Fremont — and pee on it? After all, we won, Lenin lost, so why not rub it in!
12/14/2006 at 6:42 pm
It’s a fine example of “Russian heroic” sculpture; but I don’t care for it, as I find that style cloying.
Be happy he didn’t bring this one here.
141 who are you exactly?
I’m your conscience.
142 You guys daydream all the time, so why can’t I daydram just a little?
“You’re not giving the port bureaucrats nearly as much credit as they deserve for cynical cleverness. They took the trees down to teach the rabbi a lesson. Don’t think for a minute they wouldn’t do the same to you, or any other member of the public who dares to remind them that they work for us, not the other way around”.
OMG! rabbit, you wascally critter….you knew it all along. just like goldy admitting that “AS IN ALL WARS THERE IS GOING TO BE COLLATERAL DAMAGE”
and yet, you all stood up for dean logan when he was busy telling VOTERS [real ones] that he didn’t have to answer to them. JUST BECAUSE HE WAS A DEMOCRAT TOOL DOING YOUR DIRTY WORK.
very interesting……..
out of the mouths of babes and bunnies………
and roger-baby….daydream all you want but the law requires you to not be giving out advice/making statements that YOU KNOW to be untrue especially where it concerns law. you know it, i know it.
and sweetie….i am YOUR conscience.
especially this time of year…you hear those chains rattling in your burrow and you should be worried.
The port of Seattle antisemetics are almost as bad as the fucking nazis on this blog.All you Northwest christian assholes who think that CHRIST mass has nothing to do with christianity,can all go fuck yourselves!If CHRIST mass isnt a religeous holiday then fuck your tree.Burn it!Throw it out put up what you holier then thou christians who pretend to be about peace usually say when your not lying about CHRIST mass,Your death threats.Just hang up a big sign that lists all the christian death threats against jews.That oughtta go nicely with peace on earth and forgivness and compassion.
Notice that when the jews have a problem with christians they ask to talk about it followed up by lawfull action, and when the christians have a problem with jews they threaten to kill them……Interesting isnt it.
Fuckin asshole nazis!
I have an idea why dont all you big tough Northwest christians go fuck yourselves!
and remember that jews controll most of the worlds economic trends via the world bank,see if we lend you redneck fuckin racists any money to build that Arby’s youve been dreamin of.
Christianity is a new born religon compared to the hebrew faith,we were here five thousand years ago we will be here long after you idiot christians have destroyed yourselves by eliminating contraception.
Saying that CHRIST mass has nothing to do with religon is like naming a holiday “jewish” then while celebrating it claiming its not religeous.
I think we should start shoving small menoras up christians assholes,its not like they would feel it with all the other BULLSHIT thats up there.
Happy Channukka and Merry fuckin CHRIST mass!!!
To answer the next “christian” while Im gone.
More later: us jews have to actually work for a living unlike you christian cretans who lounge about all day long on unemployment and wellfare.
Fuckin mongrals!
Had that jew not died you fucking christians would be shit outta luck.
Youd have to actually work for a living.
and regarding that pastor on Robert Mack king 5 news, I hope he comes out of the closet and reveals he has hepatitus B.
Im audi.