It would be a great day if gov fat ass’ limo hit a bridge abutment. But hopefully not right after eating dinner, it would be quite messy after he explodes.
Rick Perry said Trump shot a bullet through McCain and hit veterans. These people are running to represent Uncle Sam or Yosemite Sam?
Teabag her in Declinespews:
@2 how about son of Sam.
Christie has said he will shut-down legal cannabis in WA and CO. That’s reason enough to to NOT vote for him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 How many more reasons do people need to not vote for this blustery blowhard?
@3 They certainly think God is telling them some crazy stuff a lot. Who knows how She’s appearing to them when she says these things: a dog, a burning bush, a piece of toast, a morning stool,…
Governor Christie is in the middle of contract talks with New Jersey Transit employees, that have broken down. Since only the employees represented under the Railway Labor Act can strike, they are in a holding pattern. Last month, President Obama appointed a Presidential Emergency Board to mediate the situation, which comes with a 120 day cooling off period. The PEB was requested by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, but the Governor of an affected state could have asked for it, which probably Governor Cuomo or Governor Wolf, as a strike would have affected the MTA and SEPTA, and secondary pickets would have gone up at stations they share with New Jersey Transit, such as Penn Station, Hoboken Terminal, and 30th Street Station.
It would be a great day if gov fat ass’ limo hit a bridge abutment. But hopefully not right after eating dinner, it would be quite messy after he explodes.
Rick Perry said Trump shot a bullet through McCain and hit veterans. These people are running to represent Uncle Sam or Yosemite Sam?
@2 how about son of Sam.
Christie has said he will shut-down legal cannabis in WA and CO. That’s reason enough to to NOT vote for him.
@4 How many more reasons do people need to not vote for this blustery blowhard?
@3 They certainly think God is telling them some crazy stuff a lot. Who knows how She’s appearing to them when she says these things: a dog, a burning bush, a piece of toast, a morning stool,…
Governor Christie is in the middle of contract talks with New Jersey Transit employees, that have broken down. Since only the employees represented under the Railway Labor Act can strike, they are in a holding pattern. Last month, President Obama appointed a Presidential Emergency Board to mediate the situation, which comes with a 120 day cooling off period. The PEB was requested by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, but the Governor of an affected state could have asked for it, which probably Governor Cuomo or Governor Wolf, as a strike would have affected the MTA and SEPTA, and secondary pickets would have gone up at stations they share with New Jersey Transit, such as Penn Station, Hoboken Terminal, and 30th Street Station.
Anyone else see a resemblance to Tony Soprano?
@4 There were plenty of reasons before that.