“Um, I guess it’s finally time to take Chuck’s gun away from him … ”
Can I have it?
I already own guns, but with all these Republicans running around who want to put liberals in concentration camps or kills us, you can’t own too many guns! Liberals must arm!
Roger Rabbitspews:
… and after you pry it from my cold dead paws, please make sure you give it to another liberal.
Broadway Joespews:
While we can lambaste ol’ Chuck plenty for his political views (my personal favorite being Robin Williams’ parody line, “Guns don’t kill people. Apes with guns kill people.”), I can actually remember something pretty funny about him. When his beloved Northwestern Wildcats went to the Rose Bowl several years ago, he reprised his role as Moses and ‘parted the waters’ for the Wildcats as they rode the Universal Studios tour. And if I remember correctly, he’d even had his costume dyed Northwestern purple for that occasion.
My deepest sympathies go out to his family.
Yea! One more right winger down – Puddydick – why not follow the example set for you by Mr. Heston? Stop stealing our air. Get on to the promised land and all that right wing christian shit.
Since you brought it up Left Turdball@5 why not show us all how it’s done?
If you fail the first time, I hear cold metal in the mouth does the trick.
Looks like the dickheads on Daily Kurse are already at it.
Goldy, why didn’t you link in your most favorite site?
Daddy Lovespews:
I’ll get it…
Daddy Lovespews:
What’s that supposed to mean? I read about half of the comment thread, and many people expressed disagreement with Charlton Heston’s political positions. What’s wrong with that?
As mentioned on an earlier thread, Mr. Heston supported some causes and candidates that are too conservative for my taste.
But… This is a man that championed civil rights before it was popular to do so. He marched with Martin Luther King, supported gay and lesbian equality way before it was politically correct, even among many liberals.
He argued his points with vigor, but honestly and openly. He cared deeply for his faith and his country, and was willing to stand up for what he believed in, even when it could cost him movie roles and fans. While I disagreed with many of his positions, he did not hide them, and believed in the ability of the American public to make decisions, given an honest debate of the facts.
We have some that will be snarky, and that will celebrate the death of anyone perceived to be conservative. These are also the folks that are not just willing, but anxious to adopt the techniques and standards of the neo-cons.
Those folks have far more in common with Mr. Gingrich and the neo-cons than they do with liberals. For them, the purpose of power is power, and they decide on their “beliefs” based on which side they see as giving them the best opportunity to gain more.
Mr. Heston was a kind of man that is getting all too rare. He was a person of good will that was willing to stand up and openly defend what he believed in. Lies, innuendo and deception were not part of his arsenal.
Honest people of good will, throughout the political spectrum, will miss him.
John – Thank you for your comments about Charlton. It is absolutely amazing to me to read some of the other comments and see the hypocrisy in them. There have been other deaths of famous people commented here and the general consensus was to be nice. That Goldy is leading this conversation down the wrong path..Well, I guess that’s Goldy!
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
Good riddance.
Boy, that is a twisting of Heston’s words, Barelli.
What he said was that homosexuals shouldn’t have more rights than normal folks. Or folks who make the decision to be normal. Heston did understand that race is an immutable characteristic and is therefore not a choice, unlike behavior.
He was a good man, a moral man, married to the same woman for well over 60 years. He understood, correctly, that God gives us the right to defend ourselves.
The left always hates good, moral men because it reminds them of their iniquity and sinfulness.
Lighten up. I didn’t say anything nasty about Heston, but when he famously delivered his “cold, dead hands” line, it was instantly destined to become his ironic epitaph.
I was actually a big fan of Charlton Heston the actor for his roles in what I consider to be a cheesy Sci-Fi trilogy of sorts, Planet of the Apes, Omega Man and Soylent Green.
When you live a life like he had — long, healthy, prosperous, successful — there is nothing to mourn.
Some neo-cons just cannot accept the idea that a liberal might actually say something nice about a conservative. Apparently you are among that group.
You are correct in saying that Mr. Heston did not believe that gays and lesbians should not have more rights than other folks.
And in his later years, he became far more conservative in his political views.
But neither did he say that they were less than human, or that they should have less rights than others. He didn’t believe they should be shunned or denied employment because of their sexual preference.
For his time, that was pretty radical stuff.
And as for that last comment, “The left always hates good, moral men because it reminds them of their iniquity and sinfulness.“, well, it is a very neo-con sort of thing, to take a statement praising the man and claim that it shows hatred for him.
You neo-cons just cannot help but lie. It seems to be a part of your nature.
There is a hint of irony in proclaiming that your gun- which you so fervently defend your right to own, to protect yourself from those who would do you wrong, can be pryed from your cold dead hands only after it has failed to ultimately protect you. Aim straighter, I guess.
Agreeing wholeheartedly with the Rabbit, I too shall remain liberally armed. In fact, I want my own militia.
Goldy – I appreciate your comments and you are correct as this is a celebration of his life.
I’m with John. I’d also like to point out that most people (including the author of the NY Times obit, and especially those whose shrieking criticisms of Bowling for Columbine weren’t based on having actually seen it), aren’t aware that Heston did make a rather profound comment to Michael Moore.
When Moore asked him why he thought our nation has such a high incidence of gun deaths compared to many other countries, Heston replied, “I guess it’s because America’s history has so much blood on its hands.”
Shortly afterward, he walked away, as Moore continued to pester him. Maybe that was the befuddlement of an old man in the throes of dementia, or perhaps old Chuck figured he didn’t need to say any more.
Michael Moore, and all the rest of us, could do worse than to shut up for a minute or two and ponder the meaning of Mr. Heston’s statement.
God, I love it when pompous, self-righteous assholes like you and The World’s Greatest, Wealthiest, and Most Intelligent Network Engineer make wonderful statements like this: I can print it out and spread it about the office as an example of why conservatives can correctly be classified as subhuman.
For some reason I could never get into Soylent Green. Heston’s shriveled, bruised, washed up detective character is so over the top and so over-determined that it makes the movie unwatchable. Planet of the Apes is an overacted classic (“God damn you all to hell!!!”).
Never saw Omega Man, have to check that out!
And Goldy thinks the BIAW is out of line.
“…Heston was elected president of the National Rifle Association, for which he had posed for ads holding a rifle. He delivered a jab at then-President Clinton, saying, “America doesn’t trust you with our 21-year-old daughters, and we sure, Lord, don’t trust you with our guns.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 John: While I respect your good intentions, we can’t deal with neocons as if they were normal people, because they’re not normal people. I’m not speaking of Mr. Heston here. He was, as others have pointed out above, an honest conservative. Not many of those left anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
As for me, I’m not going to wait. I’ll never be without sin, and you sure as hell aren’t, so let the rock-throwing begin!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 See what I mean, John? You can’t treat these pigfuckers with the usual social graces. Ya gotta drop concrete chunks on ’em.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Charlie was OK as Moses but his flowing white beard and his acting were both overdone, although that probably was more Cecil’s fault than his.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 BIAW is out of line. Do you argue otherwise?
headless lucyspews:
“Bananas! Bananas! Bananas!” Charleton Heston
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Clinton, contrary to wingnut mythology, didn’t rape anyone. Brushing aside those females too old to remember the last time they were carded in a bar, and whose monetary urges impelled them to publicly fantasize about being hit on by a guy who hardly needed to settle for their likes, the worst that can be said of Clinton is that he encouraged a 21-year-old to throw herself at him.
Last time I checked, 21 years is considered of age; and there aren’t very many 21-year-olds around who are still sexual novices.
In any case, if you can’t trust your 21-year-old daughter with Clinton, that says at least as much about your parenting as it does about Clinton.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It would appear from #22 that our wing idiots are still planning to run against Clinton in ’08. To which I say, hooray!!!
Just watched Omega Man online and had several good laughs. It’s a direct-to-movie version of Ayn Rand’s The New Left, with the same bad makeup and special effects. The book also came out in 1971.
Was there something in Heston’s contract that said he had to go shirtless in every movie he’s in? I had to avert my eyes several times to avoid seeing Heston’s giggly middle aged chest, but somehow I made it to the end of the film–may he rest in peace.
As one can see the superfluous commentary against Charlton Heston is very telling around the standard 16%ers.
Daddy Love:
So, you have no problem calling Heston a “gun-nut” and ending with his life and causes being considered “political nutdouchebaggery” from doriangz?
So, you have no problem saying “I’m not gonna pretend Heston was what I’d consider to be a net gain for humanity, just because he died.” from Marcus Tullius?
So, you have no problem Fairy Tale saying in a post that said, “Things are already getting better in America”?
RE: 29.
Juanita Broaddrick.
Also, Paula Jones was sexually assaulted. He dropped trou and said he was gonna. She described his “boyish” charms in deposition (he’s a smallish man with no girth). He paid up IMMEDIATELY!
Actually, the Omega Man was based on Richard Matheson’s novel “I Am Legend”, recently remade into a movie with that title. And Heston’s overacting is exactly what made movies like Planet of the Apes, Omega Man, and especially Soylent Green so much fun. Heston’s acting falls into the same category as William Shatner’s: delicious scene chewing. It is an art unto itself.
I was about to jump in and tell you that many of the comments over at Daily Kos were sympathetic to Mr. Heston. Unfortunately, the tone of that thread has turned uglier, and the more reasonable voices got disgusted and left. (You’ve got knee-jerk conservatives on your side, we’ve got some knee-jerk liberals too.)
Sometimes it seems that both liberals and conservatives only want to keep their favorite portions of the Constitution, and ignore the rest.
Which gives us some folks that defend the second amendment, and ignore the loss of habeus corpus, and others that protest the loss of privacy rights while ignoring the second amendment. People that defend the Stranger’s right to print some pretty outrageous stuff, while clamoring for Faux News to be shut down.
(I don’t think they should be shut down, but as long as they have a right to spew garbage, I’ve got a right to ridicule them for it.)
Of course, many of the liberals here are in favor of the entire Constitution, which does leave us with the neo-cons worst nightmare, a bunch of armed liberals. We may not shoot first, but we can shoot back.
Hypocrisy is a part of the human condition, and while we can have some wonderful arguments about which side is more hypocritical, it’s obvious that neither side is entirely without sin.
Yes, Mr. Heston’s acting was fun to watch, and I agree about Soylent Green. Heston took a rather mediocre Harry Harrison story and turned it into a classic movie.
With regards to “I Am Legend”, the Will Smith version was decent, but I think that the Omega Man was at least as good, and possibly better considering that Heston didn’t have the benefit of the whiz-bang special effects.
Goldy @34: Yeah, I was making a bit of a joke. A long long time ago I read The New Left and today I was just struck by the parallels between Ayn Rand and The Omega Man, and by the fact that the two came out the same year (both turning a flummoxed and stodgy old lens on the hippie culture).
The late 60s – early 70s is a really fascinating time and it’s fun to see how old media and pop culture addressed the various upheavals of the day.
Thanks for the movie tips. I’ll have to give Soylent Green a second chance (I’ll blink or skip the parts where he’s shirtless in that film), and I’ll look for I am Legend.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.”
You have to remember, these guys voted for rapist as their candidate for POTUS.
@32 Puddy .. given your gladiatorial efforts here, it seems strnage that you would criticize other who behave the same way form the other side.
So .. I think I will ascend my version of Mt. Sinai and look down on a;; trolls .. right and left and say God damn you’all.
Personally, I like John’s comments above. I know too little of Heston’s life and devotion to other issues to have any desire to jump on him. My favorite was his role in Ben Hur. God damn the Romans.
As for the Apes series, the metaphoric implications of Moses at the hand of superior apes should be obvious to all.
41 “God damn the Romans.”
We’re Romans now, my friend. The chariots just go a little faster around the NASCAR tracks.
38/39 Laura Bush once caused the death of one person by accident. Her husband has caused the death of countless thousands not only deliberately, but with tremendous enthusiasm.
My heart goes out to Charlton Heston’s family and friends.
I don’t think you get it. Just because some person who identifies as a liberal writes something like that does not mean that any other person who reads that board or identifies as liberal agrees with or believes what was written.
The comments you reported were the opinions of the people who wrote them. I don’t agree with them, and don’t have a good opinion of people who write stuff like that. They are not liberal canon just because they were posted in the comment section of a blog.
Daddy Lovespews:
I don’t have a problem with those comments. They are the essence of free speech.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Obama Supporter says:
You have to remember, these guys voted for rapist as their candidate for POTUS.
Must have been one of the Kennedy boys.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
John @ 10–
Thank you for pointing out some of the examples of who Charlton Heston really was.
Bottom-line: A man of principles.
He was issue oriented.
He believed in the Constituion.
He was in many ways a Libertarian….keep big government outta our lives.
A lot of Liberals admired Heston.
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS of HA show their hatred-dominating politics once again.
Thanks again John.
Heck, I felt the same way about Martin Luther King.
All the above being said, as to the original question (such as it was) raised at the beginning of this thread….NO.
Leave the damned gun in his cold, dead hands. Better for all of us that it gets buried along with him.
Finally, having watched Alzheimer’s cause my own mother to disintegrate before my eyes with agonizing slowness and even more agonizing surety, I have the greatest Sympathy for Mr. Heston and his family and friends, just as I do for the Reagans. I also applaud the wisdom and grace with which both of those men stepped out of public life with most of their dignity intact.
ByeByeGOP killed his single celled brain long ago
Fortunately your passing Goldy will be such a non-event that there won’t even be any need for the classless reductions of it, such as yours of Heston’s.
“Finally, having watched Alzheimer’s cause my own mother to disintegrate before my eyes with agonizing slowness and even more agonizing surety, I have the greatest Sympathy for Mr. Heston and his family and friends, just as I do for the Reagans. I also applaud the wisdom and grace with which both of those men stepped out of public life with most of their dignity intact.”
Disagree on other issues as we may – sometimes vehemently – I respect and would be glad to shake the hand of anyone who has the generosity of spirit to make such a gracious statement. That person I would like to call friend.
The Piper
PS: Nobody mentioned Major Dundee and Khartoum, perhaps Heston’s best movie and one very relevent for today.
Even though Moses stuck around a long time, his people are still wandering in a wilderness. http://en.epochtimes.com/news_.....t-foot.jpg
“Um, I guess it’s finally time to take Chuck’s gun away from him … ”
Can I have it?
I already own guns, but with all these Republicans running around who want to put liberals in concentration camps or kills us, you can’t own too many guns! Liberals must arm!
… and after you pry it from my cold dead paws, please make sure you give it to another liberal.
While we can lambaste ol’ Chuck plenty for his political views (my personal favorite being Robin Williams’ parody line, “Guns don’t kill people. Apes with guns kill people.”), I can actually remember something pretty funny about him. When his beloved Northwestern Wildcats went to the Rose Bowl several years ago, he reprised his role as Moses and ‘parted the waters’ for the Wildcats as they rode the Universal Studios tour. And if I remember correctly, he’d even had his costume dyed Northwestern purple for that occasion.
My deepest sympathies go out to his family.
Yea! One more right winger down – Puddydick – why not follow the example set for you by Mr. Heston? Stop stealing our air. Get on to the promised land and all that right wing christian shit.
Since you brought it up Left Turdball@5 why not show us all how it’s done?
If you fail the first time, I hear cold metal in the mouth does the trick.
Looks like the dickheads on Daily Kurse are already at it.
Heh heh heh so easy…
Goldy, why didn’t you link in your most favorite site?
I’ll get it…
What’s that supposed to mean? I read about half of the comment thread, and many people expressed disagreement with Charlton Heston’s political positions. What’s wrong with that?
As mentioned on an earlier thread, Mr. Heston supported some causes and candidates that are too conservative for my taste.
But… This is a man that championed civil rights before it was popular to do so. He marched with Martin Luther King, supported gay and lesbian equality way before it was politically correct, even among many liberals.
He argued his points with vigor, but honestly and openly. He cared deeply for his faith and his country, and was willing to stand up for what he believed in, even when it could cost him movie roles and fans. While I disagreed with many of his positions, he did not hide them, and believed in the ability of the American public to make decisions, given an honest debate of the facts.
We have some that will be snarky, and that will celebrate the death of anyone perceived to be conservative. These are also the folks that are not just willing, but anxious to adopt the techniques and standards of the neo-cons.
Those folks have far more in common with Mr. Gingrich and the neo-cons than they do with liberals. For them, the purpose of power is power, and they decide on their “beliefs” based on which side they see as giving them the best opportunity to gain more.
Mr. Heston was a kind of man that is getting all too rare. He was a person of good will that was willing to stand up and openly defend what he believed in. Lies, innuendo and deception were not part of his arsenal.
Honest people of good will, throughout the political spectrum, will miss him.
John – Thank you for your comments about Charlton. It is absolutely amazing to me to read some of the other comments and see the hypocrisy in them. There have been other deaths of famous people commented here and the general consensus was to be nice. That Goldy is leading this conversation down the wrong path..Well, I guess that’s Goldy!
Good riddance.
Boy, that is a twisting of Heston’s words, Barelli.
What he said was that homosexuals shouldn’t have more rights than normal folks. Or folks who make the decision to be normal. Heston did understand that race is an immutable characteristic and is therefore not a choice, unlike behavior.
He was a good man, a moral man, married to the same woman for well over 60 years. He understood, correctly, that God gives us the right to defend ourselves.
The left always hates good, moral men because it reminds them of their iniquity and sinfulness.
You @11,
Lighten up. I didn’t say anything nasty about Heston, but when he famously delivered his “cold, dead hands” line, it was instantly destined to become his ironic epitaph.
I was actually a big fan of Charlton Heston the actor for his roles in what I consider to be a cheesy Sci-Fi trilogy of sorts, Planet of the Apes, Omega Man and Soylent Green.
When you live a life like he had — long, healthy, prosperous, successful — there is nothing to mourn.
Some neo-cons just cannot accept the idea that a liberal might actually say something nice about a conservative. Apparently you are among that group.
You are correct in saying that Mr. Heston did not believe that gays and lesbians should not have more rights than other folks.
And in his later years, he became far more conservative in his political views.
But neither did he say that they were less than human, or that they should have less rights than others. He didn’t believe they should be shunned or denied employment because of their sexual preference.
For his time, that was pretty radical stuff.
And as for that last comment, “The left always hates good, moral men because it reminds them of their iniquity and sinfulness.“, well, it is a very neo-con sort of thing, to take a statement praising the man and claim that it shows hatred for him.
You neo-cons just cannot help but lie. It seems to be a part of your nature.
There is a hint of irony in proclaiming that your gun- which you so fervently defend your right to own, to protect yourself from those who would do you wrong, can be pryed from your cold dead hands only after it has failed to ultimately protect you. Aim straighter, I guess.
Agreeing wholeheartedly with the Rabbit, I too shall remain liberally armed. In fact, I want my own militia.
Goldy – I appreciate your comments and you are correct as this is a celebration of his life.
I’m with John. I’d also like to point out that most people (including the author of the NY Times obit, and especially those whose shrieking criticisms of Bowling for Columbine weren’t based on having actually seen it), aren’t aware that Heston did make a rather profound comment to Michael Moore.
When Moore asked him why he thought our nation has such a high incidence of gun deaths compared to many other countries, Heston replied, “I guess it’s because America’s history has so much blood on its hands.”
Shortly afterward, he walked away, as Moore continued to pester him. Maybe that was the befuddlement of an old man in the throes of dementia, or perhaps old Chuck figured he didn’t need to say any more.
Michael Moore, and all the rest of us, could do worse than to shut up for a minute or two and ponder the meaning of Mr. Heston’s statement.
God, I love it when pompous, self-righteous assholes like you and The World’s Greatest, Wealthiest, and Most Intelligent Network Engineer make wonderful statements like this: I can print it out and spread it about the office as an example of why conservatives can correctly be classified as subhuman.
For some reason I could never get into Soylent Green. Heston’s shriveled, bruised, washed up detective character is so over the top and so over-determined that it makes the movie unwatchable. Planet of the Apes is an overacted classic (“God damn you all to hell!!!”).
Never saw Omega Man, have to check that out!
And Goldy thinks the BIAW is out of line.
“…Heston was elected president of the National Rifle Association, for which he had posed for ads holding a rifle. He delivered a jab at then-President Clinton, saying, “America doesn’t trust you with our 21-year-old daughters, and we sure, Lord, don’t trust you with our guns.”
@10 John: While I respect your good intentions, we can’t deal with neocons as if they were normal people, because they’re not normal people. I’m not speaking of Mr. Heston here. He was, as others have pointed out above, an honest conservative. Not many of those left anymore.
@13 “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
As for me, I’m not going to wait. I’ll never be without sin, and you sure as hell aren’t, so let the rock-throwing begin!
@15 See what I mean, John? You can’t treat these pigfuckers with the usual social graces. Ya gotta drop concrete chunks on ’em.
@20 Charlie was OK as Moses but his flowing white beard and his acting were both overdone, although that probably was more Cecil’s fault than his.
@21 BIAW is out of line. Do you argue otherwise?
“Bananas! Bananas! Bananas!” Charleton Heston
@22 Clinton, contrary to wingnut mythology, didn’t rape anyone. Brushing aside those females too old to remember the last time they were carded in a bar, and whose monetary urges impelled them to publicly fantasize about being hit on by a guy who hardly needed to settle for their likes, the worst that can be said of Clinton is that he encouraged a 21-year-old to throw herself at him.
Last time I checked, 21 years is considered of age; and there aren’t very many 21-year-olds around who are still sexual novices.
In any case, if you can’t trust your 21-year-old daughter with Clinton, that says at least as much about your parenting as it does about Clinton.
It would appear from #22 that our wing idiots are still planning to run against Clinton in ’08. To which I say, hooray!!!
Just watched Omega Man online and had several good laughs. It’s a direct-to-movie version of Ayn Rand’s The New Left, with the same bad makeup and special effects. The book also came out in 1971.
Was there something in Heston’s contract that said he had to go shirtless in every movie he’s in? I had to avert my eyes several times to avoid seeing Heston’s giggly middle aged chest, but somehow I made it to the end of the film–may he rest in peace.
As one can see the superfluous commentary against Charlton Heston is very telling around the standard 16%ers.
Daddy Love:
So, you have no problem calling Heston a “gun-nut” and ending with his life and causes being considered “political nutdouchebaggery” from doriangz?
So, you have no problem saying “I’m not gonna pretend Heston was what I’d consider to be a net gain for humanity, just because he died.” from Marcus Tullius?
So, you have no problem Fairy Tale saying in a post that said, “Things are already getting better in America”?
RE: 29.
Juanita Broaddrick.
Also, Paula Jones was sexually assaulted. He dropped trou and said he was gonna. She described his “boyish” charms in deposition (he’s a smallish man with no girth). He paid up IMMEDIATELY!
Actually, the Omega Man was based on Richard Matheson’s novel “I Am Legend”, recently remade into a movie with that title. And Heston’s overacting is exactly what made movies like Planet of the Apes, Omega Man, and especially Soylent Green so much fun. Heston’s acting falls into the same category as William Shatner’s: delicious scene chewing. It is an art unto itself.
Soylent Green is a classic. Everything about it.
I was about to jump in and tell you that many of the comments over at Daily Kos were sympathetic to Mr. Heston. Unfortunately, the tone of that thread has turned uglier, and the more reasonable voices got disgusted and left. (You’ve got knee-jerk conservatives on your side, we’ve got some knee-jerk liberals too.)
Sometimes it seems that both liberals and conservatives only want to keep their favorite portions of the Constitution, and ignore the rest.
Which gives us some folks that defend the second amendment, and ignore the loss of habeus corpus, and others that protest the loss of privacy rights while ignoring the second amendment. People that defend the Stranger’s right to print some pretty outrageous stuff, while clamoring for Faux News to be shut down.
(I don’t think they should be shut down, but as long as they have a right to spew garbage, I’ve got a right to ridicule them for it.)
Of course, many of the liberals here are in favor of the entire Constitution, which does leave us with the neo-cons worst nightmare, a bunch of armed liberals. We may not shoot first, but we can shoot back.
Hypocrisy is a part of the human condition, and while we can have some wonderful arguments about which side is more hypocritical, it’s obvious that neither side is entirely without sin.
Yes, Mr. Heston’s acting was fun to watch, and I agree about Soylent Green. Heston took a rather mediocre Harry Harrison story and turned it into a classic movie.
With regards to “I Am Legend”, the Will Smith version was decent, but I think that the Omega Man was at least as good, and possibly better considering that Heston didn’t have the benefit of the whiz-bang special effects.
Goldy @34: Yeah, I was making a bit of a joke. A long long time ago I read The New Left and today I was just struck by the parallels between Ayn Rand and The Omega Man, and by the fact that the two came out the same year (both turning a flummoxed and stodgy old lens on the hippie culture).
The late 60s – early 70s is a really fascinating time and it’s fun to see how old media and pop culture addressed the various upheavals of the day.
Thanks for the movie tips. I’ll have to give Soylent Green a second chance (I’ll blink or skip the parts where he’s shirtless in that film), and I’ll look for I am Legend.
“Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.”
Laura Bush killed a guy.
There’s your link, 38.
You have to remember, these guys voted for rapist as their candidate for POTUS.
@32 Puddy .. given your gladiatorial efforts here, it seems strnage that you would criticize other who behave the same way form the other side.
So .. I think I will ascend my version of Mt. Sinai and look down on a;; trolls .. right and left and say God damn you’all.
Personally, I like John’s comments above. I know too little of Heston’s life and devotion to other issues to have any desire to jump on him. My favorite was his role in Ben Hur. God damn the Romans.
As for the Apes series, the metaphoric implications of Moses at the hand of superior apes should be obvious to all.
41 “God damn the Romans.”
We’re Romans now, my friend. The chariots just go a little faster around the NASCAR tracks.
38/39 Laura Bush once caused the death of one person by accident. Her husband has caused the death of countless thousands not only deliberately, but with tremendous enthusiasm.
“Soldiers don’t destroy nations. Morally corrupt commanders-in-chief destroy nations.”
My heart goes out to Charlton Heston’s family and friends.
I don’t think you get it. Just because some person who identifies as a liberal writes something like that does not mean that any other person who reads that board or identifies as liberal agrees with or believes what was written.
The comments you reported were the opinions of the people who wrote them. I don’t agree with them, and don’t have a good opinion of people who write stuff like that. They are not liberal canon just because they were posted in the comment section of a blog.
I don’t have a problem with those comments. They are the essence of free speech.
Obama Supporter says:
You have to remember, these guys voted for rapist as their candidate for POTUS.
Must have been one of the Kennedy boys.
John @ 10–
Thank you for pointing out some of the examples of who Charlton Heston really was.
Bottom-line: A man of principles.
He was issue oriented.
He believed in the Constituion.
He was in many ways a Libertarian….keep big government outta our lives.
A lot of Liberals admired Heston.
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS of HA show their hatred-dominating politics once again.
Thanks again John.
Heck, I felt the same way about Martin Luther King.
All the above being said, as to the original question (such as it was) raised at the beginning of this thread….NO.
Leave the damned gun in his cold, dead hands. Better for all of us that it gets buried along with him.
Finally, having watched Alzheimer’s cause my own mother to disintegrate before my eyes with agonizing slowness and even more agonizing surety, I have the greatest Sympathy for Mr. Heston and his family and friends, just as I do for the Reagans. I also applaud the wisdom and grace with which both of those men stepped out of public life with most of their dignity intact.
ByeByeGOP killed his single celled brain long ago
Fortunately your passing Goldy will be such a non-event that there won’t even be any need for the classless reductions of it, such as yours of Heston’s.
“Finally, having watched Alzheimer’s cause my own mother to disintegrate before my eyes with agonizing slowness and even more agonizing surety, I have the greatest Sympathy for Mr. Heston and his family and friends, just as I do for the Reagans. I also applaud the wisdom and grace with which both of those men stepped out of public life with most of their dignity intact.”
Disagree on other issues as we may – sometimes vehemently – I respect and would be glad to shake the hand of anyone who has the generosity of spirit to make such a gracious statement. That person I would like to call friend.
The Piper
PS: Nobody mentioned Major Dundee and Khartoum, perhaps Heston’s best movie and one very relevent for today.