The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. I invite you all to join me as I raise a toast to Judge Bridges, Gov. Gregoire, and an end to Rossi’s stunningly cynical election contest. And if you buy me a beer, I’ll toast you too!
Awww shucks. Gotta babysit tonight.
I’ll be there in spirit I guess. Enjoy!
I’m out of town tonight but I do want to buy you a beer Goldy.
I’d hope to buy one for dj too….and tj (although I know he lives in Portland). Perhaps he will let you know if he is ever able to be up here on a Tuesday night.
One topic of discussion ought to be John Kerry’s grades at Yale. It appears John finally had enough of a fallacy about his superior college performance to Bush…when in reality, his grade average was WORSE! Now I don’t put a lot of credence in college grades. Some of the most highly successful people I know struggled thru college. In fact, one friend og mine who owns a big ad agency in Colorado had the lowest GPA for a semester I have ever seen. He took 14 credits and got all F’s except for a 2 credit D-…..his GPA that semester was::::::::
.043!!!! That sucks! He hid it from his Grandma who was paying for his education, living expenses, car and beer money (we went to a Big Ten school).
The other topic for discussion might be discussing the “aftermath” of this election contest….
In a couple of days, after you LEFTIST PINHEADS have shot your wads gloating….what types of things might start dribbling out about issues that could not be part of this Election Contest, but may further the disdain for the Dems and KingCo in the “Court of Public Opinion”???
Think about it boys & girls???
I’ll tell you if you are getting warm!
We’ll play a little Marco Polo
Mr. I,
You have no friends here and never had much credibility. We’re not going to take your bait any longer. Please go over to (u)SP, praise Sharkansky up and down for his spreadsheets, his “homework” – and dittohead – it’s what you deserve.
There are much finer, more civil people on the right that are more than welcome here.
Once again, I encourage you to fuck off asshole.
I’m interested in meeting those on the Left with passion AND intellect.
Cocksuckers like you are the problem and never will be part of the solution to anything.
Ballot tabulation and internal controls are ACCOUNTING issues. What do you do for a living that qualifies you to speak on these issues?? What?? You take up space and pollute the air? That’s what I thought.
But you have a nice day John!
So … can these ACCOUNTING issues can be solved by somebody with a BIGGER BINDER?
Oh now you’ve taken “my” bait. Why doesn’t Atlas shrug?
I’m interested in meeting those on the Left with passion AND intellect.
Which explains your playful “teasing”. Who’s the PINHEAD now? The Sharkansky fanboy or the Sharkansky critic? You have a funny way of earning a civil engagement with smart people on the left.
What do you do for a living that qualifies you to speak on these issues??
I work in IT. I’ve worked for startups and I’ve worked closely with accountants. I know businesses can’t often track their inventory and get in lots of trouble for it. The list of examples is endless.
Once again, I encourage you to fuck off asshole.
I encourage you to do the same. Have a good life and good riddance!
Ron K–
With the current Election Contest Laws and Judges ignoring all reconciliation requirements before certifying….you are absolutely right.
But those Big Binders sure look good sitting on the shelf, don’t they?? Even if they are absolutely meaningless to the Canvassing Board and have absolutely no role in anything with any consequences.
Comment on 8
Oh no, we don’t want Mr. Cynical Irrelevant Idiot to leave, we want him to stay so we can keep bashing him and his lunatic rantings!
Tracking inventory is like tracking ballots…except KingCo receives the ballots, distributes most of them and then receives some of them back.
Don’t you think it is reasonable to:
a) Account for ALL the original ballot inventory? Those that were distributed in the mail and at the polls as well as those that were never issued??? That was not done here. Should it have been?? If you say no, my guess is your clients would have a problem with that.
b) When inventory is returned, shouldn’t there be a name that is associated with each returned ballot?? That was not done here. Should it have been? My guess is your clients would DEMAND a name and details of each and every item that is returned by customers. It wasn’t done here with ballots. Should it have been done??
Apparently not because the law doesn’t appear to reuire it.
Is that a problem???
If you don’t track this stuff in your inventory control system, how do your clients know if they are being ripped off or not??
Are your clients interested in controlling theft and having safeguards to identify if they are getting ripped off or not???
I would think so….in fact I KNOW so because that’s precisely why you have inventory control systems.
I guess it’s different with ballots, huh??
They aren’t as important as accounting for all you clients rectal condoms are they John??
Mr. Irrelevant (nee Cynical),
You certainly seem to have an infatuation with gay sex themes — always refering to anal sex and the like. What’s up with that? Calling people pinheads is just silly; but the gratuitous gay insults leave me wondering more about you than about those you attack.
Ah, Mr. Cyn-Irr, @ 9 “With the current Election Contest Laws and Judges ignoring all reconciliation requirements before certifying….you are absolutely right.
There is no BINDER BIG ENOUGH!!”
Bou, that did not take long. The paperwork from a judge ELECTED in a Rossi county calling all your claims HOGWASH is barely dry, and you begin you lunatic ravings!
I love it! WB Cyn-Irr.
Sounds like fun, should I bring my bong?
I did’t realize that Kerry was just as stupid as Bush. Interesting….
Comment on 13
12,000+ exhibits and all the judge could find was that 4 criminals voted for Rossi. Ain’t that interesting.
We had a saying in law school: How much your brief weighs on a bathroom scale is unrelated to its legal merit.
Oops I forgot to change my screen name back from a post I made in a previous thread.
Oh oh, Priscilla (@ 17),
You are in for another Cynical ass-chewing.
Can we come and celebrate our just presidential election?
pbj @ 19
“Can we come and celebrate our just presidential election?”
That might work better in a hard-drinkin’ cowboy bar.
Either that or a crack house.
Why would you want to celebrate our President’s re-election in a Gay Bar like the Mountlake Ale House??
Sounds like fun, should I bring my bong?
Only if you share.
I knew the LEFTIST PINHEADS would jump to multiple irrelevant posts to avoid the analogy of ballot processing and inventory control that I spelled out in Post #11.
John—where are you??? Trying to fix your inventory control systems to catch rip-offs?? If so, good for you. That’s what your clients should demand..and what you should deliver. Good inventory control systems!
Aren’t “winners” supposed to be gracious? I guess you guys think you can re-write ALL the rules, Hmmm?
You were right Goldy… guys won. The people of Washington lost, but YOU did win. And what a stellar candidate you threw away all your political capitiol on. LOL.
There is always a price to pay for ill-gotten gains.
Let the games begin……..
Sorry, I’m tapped out…
I suppose you already drank the beer I bought you the other day? Whether you did or not, cheers!
Dammit Mr Cynical/Irrelevant! Do you like Don/Alan/Wsux/Patrick(in drag) so much you need to emulate his morphing? Oh, well. I doubt I will get either of you mixed up…
Mr. Cyn-Irr and Xmasghost, It’s over. Why are you such sore losers? As for us being gracious, the State of Washington was attacked by a frivilous lawsuit! You are just lucky that the Repug party does not have to (yet) pay the costs for this attack on Democracy.
Go away, lick your wounds, and learn some lessons.
I will not support frivilous lawsuits
500X on the blackboard.
We are the state of Washington too….be careful your freudian slip is showing again………
Xmasghost… I know you are not that stupid. Are you?
Donna @ 28
xmas was th one telling us we were “whistlin’ past the graveyard”.
I wonder what she was doing?
Does anybody have a read on that Olympian item calling for Gregoire to resign?
If that’s a joke, it’s not a bad joke. If not … somebody needs to get out more.
P.S., that’s an Olypian report that the Republican Governors Association calls on Gregoire to resign.
Someone should call on ALL republicans to not only resign, but then move to Russia or Iraq where they can practice their favored forms of government, no freedom, no free choice, state sponsored religion, etc.
john..i was really hoping that justice would prevail and then we would have another election where there weren’t over a thousand votes that couldn’t be accounted for. i am truly surprised that all of you think that what king county did/didn’t do is alright.
it’s not about which “side” that wins……if our democracy takes a hit in the end.aren’t we all on the same side in the end?
have any of you thought of that?
i am truly surprised that all of you think that what king county did/didn’t do is alright.
None of us think that, you buffoon. We just don’t think that the mistakes that occurred were a form of political fraud.
it’s not about which “side” that wins……if our democracy takes a hit in the end.aren’t we all on the same side in the end?
have any of you thought of that?
As I’ve mentioned before on this board, I voted for Rossi, but I thought that as long as we followed the law with both the recounts and the fact that we could be sure that there was no one intentionally rigging the outcome, I’m satisfied with Christine Gregoire as governor. The fact that Republicans in this state have put partisanship ahead of the law and common sense, and cost serious taxpayer money with this absurd lawsuit is the reason that it will probably be a while before I can vote for a Republican in this state again. From Chris Vance down to the average Republican voter, the GOP in this state has proven themselves to be thoroughly dumber than I could have ever imagined.
Scott @32,
Somebody must have done you a horrible injustice somewhere in your past. I won’t blame public schools, but not just because I was a product of them myself. It is more the thought that members of the taxpaying community put forth such a monumentally wasted effort on your part that makes me cringe. Could it be that your teacher was Headless Lucy?
Xmas – that’s the problem with you people. The Judge saw evidence of 1678 illegal votes – I bet you think they all came from King County. There were problems everywhere. DJ has pointed out more than a few counties with higher error rates than King County. King County wasn’t unique – it only seemed unique because it has so many more voters than any other county.
Vance himself said at one point there were no corruption problems in King County. He had every right to say that because he and many other Republicans are engaged as poll watchers, volunteers, etc. – as they should be. If something crooked happened, someone would have seen it.
We’re bound by the rule of law. Nothing in the law as concerned this case called for a new election. There are strict rules for accession to power in this democracy and they are there for good reasons. I understand your disappointment. I’d feel the same way but we shouldn’t do over an election just because we didn’t like how it came out.
2008 isn’t that far away and I’m sure the Republicans who sat at home in the last election (I heard it was 80,000 in KC alone) will not take their responsibilities to show up and vote so lightly the next time.
Comment on 21
Yes, I thought something was strange about that place.
Was that you dancing in the pink tutu on top of the bar, Mr. I?
Mr. Irrelevant @ 23
So who’s against inventory control and accounting for ballots? Not me. I think it’s a good idea, but let’s concentrate our initial efforts in areas where the need is greatest. The first place it should be implemented is Ohio, so you Repubs can’t steal another presidential election there.
More on 23
Here in Washington, I would pick Snohomish County as the first site for a pilot project, because that’s where Bush got 3,000 votes in a precinct with 800 voters.
Comment on 26
I still think the Dems should go for Rule 11 sanctions.
Comment on 27
You fooled me! I thought you guys came from a rock on the far side of Pluto.
Comment on 31
Are you sure that wasn’t the Governors of Pluto’s Moons Association?
Comment on 33
Who said what King County did was alright? Did you quit taking your Ritalin again? (Does your mother know this?) Justice did prevail, to wit: Rossi and the GOP had their day in court, the judge admitted their evidence and listened to their witnesses, and didn’t get creative but decided the case according to the law. The problem is you don’t understand the definition of “justice.” Let me help you. “Justice” doesn’t mean that if you don’t have evidence to prove your case, you win anyway.
dear john……..”Xmas – that’s the problem with you people.”
you people? do you mean people in general or those not in your “tribe”? in case you haven’t noticed i always keep my discussions to actual discussions not name calling or childish rants.until everyone does that we won’t solve any problems like the ones in king county.and what bites “us”[you people] this time will come back to bite you next….don’t you think? isn’t it better to actually win something fair and square where everyone feels okay about the results? otherwise isn’t it a bit too much like buying yourself a trophy and screaming “i won i won”?
As a republican I say lets give it a rest already. We lost this round but the war is not over. Heck I need a drink after this anyway. I wouldnt mind joining the Dems at their party…. you know play a little pin the tail on the aborted fetus or kill the Shivo.. you know have some Liberal fun..
Procilla @ 42 I agree with you wholeheartedly. But Pluto only has one moon, Charon.
I believe it was named after the acronym, Corrupt Hack Assinine Republican Organization of Nimrods.
Priscilla @ 39
I saw Randy Gordon’s presentation on the Snohomish Co. lawsuit. That is one seriously and maliciously flawed set of voting machines. I’m optimistic justice will prevail there as well and these rigged voting machines will be banned for good.
Felix @ 47 Do the Snohomish touch screens give a reciept?
Celebrate truth and victory!
xmas @ 44
If I had a dollar for everytime I’ve read the words “LEFTIST PINHEAD” from Mr. C. in this forum, I’d be getting fundraising calls from the WSRP.
I’m sorry if “you people” got your dander up. How convenient that apparently those two words caused you to ignore everything else I had to say.
John @ 50 our pet trolls have dug themselves such a deep pit, with their smarmish attitudes of know-it-all, their hyperclimactic slurs and clumsy dunderheaded nonsense, they have nothing left but false umbrage, and scampering back to the rest of the Kool Aid drinkers in their squalid dwelling at (u)SP.
Oh yeah, and they are false elitists and nattering nincompoops of negativism!
Break out the champagne fellow social*sts! We have nothing to lose but these Trolls!
Break out the champagne fellow social*sts! We have nothing to lose but these Trolls!
Cheers! To the ascendancy of the Faceless State, the trampling of individual spirit, the slavery of humanity as a whole, and whatever other evils we’re supposed to be for.
(Me? I just want a few inalienable rights and a little social justice on the side. Is that so wrong?).
Donna @ 51
Nicely put however after a bit of body blow they appear to be crawling back. Mr I. is carrying on as if nothing happened. Oh well, back to the fray.
Hey I am at the party. We had a vote on which table Would buy the first round. It was a tie but one table hasnt counted there provisional ballots yet. Woah…check out the chick in the blue dress. I think I have a chance… I’m wearing my Clinton pin. Peace.
Goldy was on the right track about the multiple facets of this election contest. The problem is you LEFTIST PINHEADS have gotten all bogged down in Bridges legal decision. What’s next??
Oh, the R’s are just going to roll over and quit.
Is that what you LEFTIST PINHEADS think??
Oh and John…how convenient of you to avoid commenting on the analogy of elections/ballots with Inventory Control systems you claim to have expertise in. How convenient.
Winston Smith..prototypical Wa. resident
WeAre honoring the aphorism, ‘he who argues with a fool, is one
Righton, no argument here.
Mr. Cyn-Irr “Oh, the R’s are just going to roll over and quit.
Is that what you LEFTIST PINHEADS think??”
Nope, i imagine they will actually do what the have imagined the Democrats have done and which (u)SP has advocated: Commit actual election fraud.
How sweet it will be too see their dumb HeHaw-watching asses hold off to jail!
You don’t get it fo you Mr. Cyn-Irr? there was no fraud. No ballot stuffing. Just a close election, here in the land of the free, home of the brave.
And Rossi lost. Both the election and the PR battle.
Have fun imagining that you can get away with what we never tried, and never would.
Mr. I @ 57
Sorry, I was busy reading Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book, while listening to Michael Savage on the radio calling me a Maoist. Guess that would make me both a leftist and a pinhead. Is that what you mean by “LEFTIST PINHEAD”, or are you just trying to chip in to John’s fundrasing efforts?
jsa @ 54, I was just having a little fun at all the times I have been called a “Champagne Social*ist”. I would love some champagne, but more so, I would love an economic state that did not breed on social warfare* where we without, will never win.
*note is meant WARfare, not welfare.
Reply to 56
That’s me, and I’m a guy, you stupid shit.
WOW! What a party! There were 25 or 30 of us at the Montlake Ale House. I had a great time finally meeting some of my favorite liberal/progressive posters. And, of course, it is always fun to hang with Goldy.
A special thanks to the surprise showing of the evening—a personal appearance by Governor Gregoire! Thanks Gov. for showing up. And, thanks for picking up the tab for the beers, Champaign, caviar, and steaks from your Governor’s Citizen Appreciation Fund.
WOW! What a party! There were 25 or 30 of us at the Montlake Ale House. I had a great time finally meeting some of my favorite liberal/progressive posters. And, of course, it is always fun to hang with Goldy.
Yeah good to see everyone and to have Cynical/Stefan to stop by too. Hard to believe they are the same person.
Erik @ 66
Cynical/Stefan – no way that can be true.
Gosh I wish I was there…
Correction please….
I’m no longer Cynical….I’m now Irrelevant!!
Stefan and I do have some things in common in our backgrounds and seem to look at the politics of Washington State in a very similiar way. I respect his willingness to stand up to you LEFTIST PINHEADS. He won’t stop….nor will many many others.
You dorks can bask in the glory of a bad election and virtually impossible election contest law but this is a battle where there is no beginning and no end. You now have tens of thousands of highly motivated adversaries…..and growing.
This election contest aftermath is what is really important. If you think spinning this contest as the R’s having no business contesting to begin with is going to help you gain supporters, guess again. You should be putting 110% effort into immediate, substantive reforms.
But you won’t do it…cuz your LEFTIST PINHEADS.
Let’s see where lipservice and cosmetic changes get you.
Start by firing Huennekens.
That will show you mean business.
So why weren’t you at the Mountlake Ale House Gay Bar????
Already cozy at home watching your kiddie porn collection with your NAMBLA pals??
No anger by the left in dems/elections folks who carried the ball across the goal line. They “honored” all votes, even if the math didn’t work.
Business as ususal, despite the judges 8 or so words of admonition in his 55 minute discourse.
NOT…righton@69. Who is angery? The Repers appear to be having an idenity crisis. Self projection is a strange but revealing syndrome, tells a lot about the speaker. Thanks for sharing your anger even though your NOT right-on.
Chee man…
Where’s the left wing outrage over this crummy election?
Cynical/Irrelevant @68,
Um… you were always irrelevant… and judging from the way you drank the Rossi/GOP/BIAW kool-aid on the election contest, you were never really all that cynical.
Reply to 68
No, Cynical-Irrelevant Idiot, you have very little in common with Stefan. As irrelevant and off base as you are, you can’t possibly by as irrelevant, ignorant, and off base as Stefan. Not even a contest.
Reply to 72
Make no mistake, Wrong-Headed, we libs are OUTRAGED by the phony PR, bullshit lawsuit, and depraved lies flung about by the Repubs and their boot-lickers and lackeys over this whole election business.
6 months of ranting, untold barrels of ink and uncounted airs of air time, not to mention $2 million in legal fees — and all they’ve got to show for it is 4 more votes for Gregoire.
That speaks for itself.
Goldy @ 73
How about a post about the victory party last night? Any pictures?
Pictures….from a Gay Bar???? are hard up for entertainment.
I guess you and your NAMBLA buddies are tiring of whatever it is you do to get your kicks. How can you possible be affiliated with an organization as disgusting as NAMBLA John????
Oh, I forgot… are a PROGRESSIVE!!!
Let’s see…it’s now been 50 hours since Bridges decision.
How have you improved the election system OJ???
Are you still looking for the killer?
all-righty-then @ 79:
You know, most of have finished grade school. One or two of us have even finished grad school.
Calling people peter puffers doesn’t work nearly as well these days as it did back in Ms. Hanson’s class in Slowwater Elementary School.
p.s. fix your caps lock key.
your right, I’m sorry…Goldy’s a knob gobbler…my bad.
your point being…
Reply to #64 – Yeah I found that out when you turned around. You should really do something about that stain dude.
Progressive Majority would like to thank Wellstone Action! for partnering with us to put together the t