If you’re interested in nominating Obama and improving the Democratic platform, Saturday Sunday is the first day in the process.
Those of you who were able to resist attempting mischief in the Republican caucuses and thereby retained your eligibility for the Democratic caucuses can collect your reward this Sunday, as Washington Democrats begin the process of selecting 130 folks to represent us at the Democratic National Convention.
Even though Obama has already accrued enough delegates to get the nomination, it’s nice to be able to voice your support. I’ve never caucused for a winner, so maybe I’ll go just for that. But the other thing is to improve the platform. The big push by activists will be for a marriage equality plank.
I’ll be caucusing Sunday afternoon, and running for delegate to the LD/County level with a pledge to support the nomination and re-election of President Barack Obama and the inclusion of explicit marriage equality language in the county, state and national platforms. I’ll be asking for a similar commitment from those who seek my vote for delegate to any level as the process advances.
If anyone knows of any other planks activist groups are pushing, I’d love to hear about them in the comments. Universal single payer health care and an end to the drug war are two ideas off the top of my head that would probably benefit from a platform fight, but I don’t know of any activist groups pushing for them in the platform.
Anyway, you can find your caucus here. Good luck.
Carl, are you a closet Republican (i.e., instigator of dirty tricks and proponent of voter fraud)??
SUNDAY, not Saturday, is the first day of the process. Please edit paragraph 1!!!
SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1:00pm
SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1:00pm
SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1:00pm
People should be pushing for passage of ENDA
5thDemocrats in Maple Valley (yes, there are some) will caucus at Tahoma Jr. High at 25600 SE Summit-Landsburg Road in Ravensdale this Sunday at 1:00. Anyone who will be a registered voter in the November election of 2012 is eligible to participate. Thank you for this forumn!
@1, Fixed. At least I got it right in the headline. I believe you have the power to edit my posts if you see that sort of thing in the future.