Congresswoman Cathy McMorris deserves re-election in the 5th District because she is a good fit for her conservative district.
So wrote the Seattle Times in their Wednesday endorsement of first-term Republican Rep. Cathy McMorris. Which raises a very important question for 5th District voters: are you going to let a bunch of Seattle liberals tell you how to vote?
These are the people who are sucking your hard-earned tax dollars West of the mountains to build their gold-plated tunnels. These are the people who want to take away your guns and tear down your dams. Hell, the Times even opposes I-933, an initiative designed to protect your property rights… and they have the gall to tell you who is or is not a good fit for your district?
Screw Seattle, that’s what I say, and screw their hand-picked, establishment, career politician Cathy McMorris. There’s a reason rancher, farmer and Democratic challenger Peter Goldmark drew so many Republican primary voters in bright red Okanogan County: the people who know him best — Goldmark’s own neighbors — know that he really is the perfect fit for his district.
As for those pansy, gay-marriage-promoting, liberal city folk at the Seattle Times, the only part of the 5th District they know is the four lanes of I-90 that runs through it… and a couple of crowded men’s room stalls along the way. (If you know what I mean.)
Absolutely priceless!
As for those pansy, gay-marriage-promoting, liberal city folk at the Seattle Times, the only part of the 5th District they know is the four lanes of I-90 that runs through it… and a couple of crowded men’s room stalls along the way. (If you know what I mean.)
No GOLDY enlighten me about pansy, gay-marriage-promoting, liberal city folks in Seattle? The previous leaders of this country were a bunch of Farmers and not legation lawyers. Tell me GOLDY why they don’t love you like bin laud in followers? Maybe it’s because you are a bit off mark in your thinking? Could be that your friends are in this election for themselves, and not the people who voted for them to representative their point of view?
What’s a “legation lawyer?”
Very strange, I just got a really wild error in posting a comment on I-920. It said I couldn’t connect to the server and I had the wrong address, but it posted the remark.
Then when I clicked on these comments, it jumped to a MSN search.
On my travels through Washington’s rural areas, I see how those folks live, and they don’t seem very oppressed by land use regulations. They throw garbage out their back doors, fill up their acreage with junk vehicles, cut down all the trees, and pretty much do as they damn please. So what, exactly, are they complaining about?
Well, one thing they’re complaining about is the state making them fence their cows out of streams. The streams, the water in the streams, and the salmon swimming in the water are all public property; and the federal and state governments are spending over a HALF BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR to protect and restore endangered salmon runs, which were once the basis of a billion-dollar fishing industry, but the red-county rednecks feel put out if they have to put up a barbed wire fence to keep their cows from pissing and shitting in the publicly-owned stream, kicking in the banks, and digging up the spawning beds with their hooves. What the hell are these yahoos thinking, anyway?
You can’t reason with people like that. You have to enforce the law, and if they still don’t comply, throw their asses in jail.
I keep hearing from the inbred right wingers that the media is liberal. Better tell the Times that – now that they have a right wing blogger (Postman) and are endorsing GOP candidates.
So I can’t help it – klake is just begging for a response!
A: The leaders of our country were, in fact, lawyers. George Washington was a career military guy who ran a farm when he was around, but from John Adams on down, our first Congress was made up of lawyers (who doubled as ranchers, farmers, brewers and priests). As for legation lawyers, I’m pretty sure you’re right, none of them handled legation.
B: I definitely don’t love GOLDY like a bin laud in follower, but it’s not because GOLDY’s a “bit off mark” in his thinking. It’s because he hasn’t yet called for the overthrow of Western style Democracy. But I’ll keep my eye on this one – klake seems to have an insider scoop.
C: I’m quite sure that I didn’t elect anyone to representative my point of view. In fact, I don’t think I can, since that phrase makes no sense.
klake, I beg you: Please respond. Your writing style is so far the funniest thing I’ve seen today, next to GOLDY’s Seattle-bashing.
The Seattle Fish Wrapper has endorsed Reichert and McMorris, and I’m sure McGavick is next on their agenda. Does anyone see a pattern here? It’s that pesky “liberal biased media” showing their partisan colors!!
klake isn’t trying to be funny. He writes like that because he’s illiterate.
Actually, the number of lawyers in the Legislature and Congress is at an all-time low. Legislative bodies used to be dominated by lawyers, but that’s not been true for several decades now. In the old days, when lawyers weren’t allowed to advertise, holding a political office was one of the few ways a lawyer had to get his name before the public and attract business to his law practice. In those days, lawyers didn’t have to work a 70-hour week to make a modest living, either. Today, most lawyers are working too hard trying to make a living to have time for politics.
Newspaper endorsements mean close to nothing- and they mean nothing when the newspaper is 250 miles across the state. Yawn.
The one I’ll be interested in the the Spokesman-Review. They endorse Barbieri last time around. They might do Goldmark, too.
I suspect klake also suffers from some kind of brain damage.
Don’t hold your breath. The Spokesman-Review is controlled by the Cowles family, who are about as hard-right as they come.
Every once in a while, I check out the Vancouver Columbian’s letters-to-the-editor because they have some really amusing wackos running around down there.
Dave Saalfeld of Vancouver wrote:
“Let’s have some smarts this election, some intelligent voting instead of pushing one another’s politics.
“I’m an independent but try to vote for whoever can carry the ball. This happens to be the most dangerous time for the United States in the past 60 years, and Bush has his hands full and doing a pretty fair job. That’s point one.
“The Democrats have a split group of far-outs and most with no plan at all. That’s point two.
“Point three is that there are always some weird politicos in every group who don’t make the whole group bad. That takes care of Mark Foley.
“Point four is that this is not the time to change horses in the middle of the creek, or we are really going to be in trouble.
“Point five is to remember that the employment picture is exceptionally low. Point six is that the economy and stocks are the highest they have been in years.
“Now, just who are you going to vote for when you have all the facts and cards on the table? Are you going to be an ignoramus or an intelligent nonpartisan voter?”
Well … first of all, Dave, I’m going to be an intelligent nonpartisan voter* … and vote a straight Democratic ticket.
(*I’m usually a partisan Democratic hack, but I’ve decided to take the high road in this election and do what’s best for the country.)
Frankly, Dave, I think you fell off that horse and hit your head on a rock in the middle of the stream. You seem to have forgotten the Soviet Union, Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Korea, and Vietnam — all of which happened within the last 60 years. What distinguishes the current decade from the preceding six decades is that we’re now the world’s only superpower, and do not have to worry about what the final outcome will be when somebody starts something.
Nice job of finessing Mark Foley, Dave. But the “one bad apple” theory doesn’t deal with the GOP leadership’s attempt to cover up Foley’s indiscretions — and years-long failure to do anything to stop him. And, of course, your blithe one-sentence dismissal of GOP moral failures totally fails to address the systematic, institutionalized GOP corruption that totally pervades Congress and much of Washington D.C.
You also earned a point for creative writing in your slick effort to puff an economy that is leaving most Americans behind.
As for your claim to be an “independent” and “nonpartisan” voter — you’re just a fucking liar, Dave. But then, why should anyone be surprised that a Republican (a) doesn’t want to admit he’s a Republican, and (b) lies about being a Republican?
Uh, Roger, like I said, the S-R endorsed Barbieri over McMorris in 2004. I’m not saying it’s a lock, but occasionally we do get a pleasant surprise.
Yeah, I’m with #9. It’s the liberal media. The Times really needs to get with the times and start opressing straight white cristians, hating America and helping the terrorists to win!
Alice Johnson wrote to The Columbian:
“What Mark Foley did was sickening, but don’t judge all persons of his party by his actions.”
You’ve got a point, Alice. I’ll also judge them by the actions of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Dennis Hastert, Bill Frist, Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, Jack Abramoff, and a host of others. Things are so bad I can honestly say we’d all be better off if Republicans limited themselves to molesting teenaged boys, and knocked off the warmongering, murder, torture, and stealing for a while.
I hear ya, but I’m not holding my breath, if you know what I mean.
Okanogan County is interesting. I carried Okanogan County every single time I was on the ballot — in both the September primary and November general elections for Attorney General in 1996 and 2000. Not only that, but I just outpolled an incumbent judge who owns a home in Okanogan County (and who was eliminated in the primary). (At least she owns a home — the other candidate in my race lost his home in a foreclosure sale in August 2005.)
In any event, there were no contested party primaries in Okanogan County for any of the county offices in either party, nor were there any contested primary races for either District 7 or 12 in the state legislature.
Not only that, but choosing a Democrat ballot meant being able to vote in a lot fewer uncontested primaries. The GOP had a full slate of legislature candidates in both Districts 7 and 12. The Democrats had no candidates in District 12 at all, and didn’t file a candidate for one of the District 7 state house seats.
3,233 Democrat ballots — 2,996 for Goldmark, 20 write-ins, and 217 undervotes.
3,343 Republican ballots — 2,964 for McMorris, 37 write-ins, and 342 undervotes.
On the other hand, if you look at the other 11 counties in the 5th CD, Cathy McMorris got a significantly larger percentage of the vote in all of those counties than I have ever received in any of the times that I have been on the ballot out there.
Latin Americans working outside their countries will send $60 billion home this year, a 12 percent increase over 2005, the Inter-American Development Bank said Wednesday. Bank officials who have studied the flow of money since 2000 said the potential for the money fueling development south of the border is limited. The estimated 30 million families receiving the money across Latin America usually have limited access to banks and other means of saving, and they mostly use the cash for necessities such as groceries. […………………………………………………Tax this money at 50%. Dems love new taxes!!!]
Best line I’ve seen today:
“Congress’ approval ratings are lingering around the mid-teens longer than Mark Foley on a Saturday night.”
Question: How can our Iraq “experiment” work out, and the government of Iraq monopolize the use of force and keep peace, without an air force?
Looks like Klake may have changed his meds a bit. His new lack of coherence suggests that perhaps JCH shipped him some of his Maui Wowie.
Hmmmm.. projects the Senate races at
Dem 50
Rep 49
Currently Tied 1
And the House races at
Dem 229
Rep 202
Currently tied 4
That site sees Reichert being re-elected, I’m afraid. But a 229-206 House? I’ll take it.
In the Senate, if Lieberman wins, you just KNOW he’s going to fuck the Democrats.
Man, wait ’til the subpoenas fly!
@ 27:
If JCH smoked Maui Wowie he’d be a lot cooler than the raging ass hole, racist, homophobic, lying about his military service punk that he is.
LT Puddle Pirate we’re at GQ; who has the conn?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (CNN)
Tha man’s name was Karl Rove. Hey, just kiddding. But wouldn’t you think he’s Republican? I’m just sayin…
Did mention the Republican candidate caught red-handed in some good ol’ GOP voter suppression?
Cheat to win, cheat to win. So what does Dave Reichert cheat at?
McMorris will win handily. There is no KCE to “find” votes for Democrats over here.
Remember, I told you first!
Hey, Kos (thanks to mcjoan) has a Burner/Reichert WA-08 story today!
IF the RNC’s ham-handed “Darcy’s going to raise your taxes!” scare mailers are affecting “affluent voters,” I’m surprised that they’re that stupid. Stupid enough to think that Dave walking hand in hand with Bush and DeLay to quarter-trillion dollar deficits is a good idea, and stupid enough to think that little Darcy will be responsible for separating them from their hard-earned. Or even that keeping her out will keep the Democrasts from controlling Congress.
33 Eastern Wa Voter
Bold prediction, since she is ahead in the polls.
33 Eastern Wa Voter
But if McMorris wins, no committee or subcommittee chairs for her. She’ll be voting with the minority, watching from the sidelines while the adults get something freakin’ DONE that doesn’t involve gay-bashing or flag-burning amendments.
Just had to bring you Seattle Liberals back to reality. You people are spinning so much, you gotta be really dizzy by now. Perhaps if you close your eyes, click your heel and make a wish, you will have more of a chance.
“But if McMorris wins, no committee or subcommittee chairs for her. She’ll be voting with the minority, watching from the sidelines while the adults get something freakin’ DONE that doesn’t involve gay-bashing or flag-burning amendments.”
WHEN she wins, she will be in the majority. And George Bush will still be president no matter which party controls congress. Not even lieberal think they will get a veto proof majority when they are dreaming.
Actually it is an easy prediction since the King County liberal vote stealing machine won’t get near the ballots.
Well, one thing they’re complaining about is the state making them fence their cows out of streams. The streams, the water in the streams, and the salmon swimming in the water are all public property; and the federal and state governments are spending over a HALF BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR to protect and restore endangered salmon runs, which were once the basis of a billion-dollar fishing industry, but the red-county rednecks feel put out if they have to put up a barbed wire fence to keep their cows from pissing and shitting in the publicly-owned stream, kicking in the banks, and digging up the spawning beds with their hooves. What the hell are these yahoos thinking, anyway?
You can’t reason with people like that. You have to enforce the law, and if they still don’t comply, throw their asses in jail.
You don’t get it, I would love to take you on a tour and show you how untrue this is.
Republican criminal number 2,343,234,341
No wonder the right wing morons were trying to blame ABC. They’re into this Foley thing up to their eyeballs.
Now that WHATADICK Cheney will have to open the books, maybe we can find out just how many times he was meeting with his secret lover, the fake reporter Jeff Gannon and how many times JackOffJack was in the VP’s office selling America to the highest bidder.
E3 GBS,…………………………………………………………………Special Evaluation…………………………………… Not recommended for promotion to Petty Officer Third Class. Not recommended for retention. Recommended for 6 months of mess cook duties, and then for administrative discharge upon completion of additional commission officers wardroom support duties. Botton line: Total shitbird. Let him wash dishes in the officer’s mess, and then sack this shitbird!!!!! JCH, LT, USN [1110]
Sorry Seattle Times. Because of your endorsement of McMorris, and Reichert, I pulled my $10,000 a year advertising in your paper.
I will be damned if I give a Republican newspaper a nickel. It would be all right if you endorsed these Republican lying traitors, but you trashed Darcy.
Baaaaaaad News.
I have fished the waters of this state for most of my life. I have witnessed on many occasions precisely what Roger Rabbit describes: “the red-county rednecks feel put out if they have to put up a barbed wire fence to keep their cows from pissing and shitting in the publicly-owned stream, kicking in the banks, and digging up the spawning beds with their hooves.” All too frequently, I have encountered favorite streams that have become unfishable mud puddles because of unrestrained cattle. You are either blind or a complete liar to deny such facts. And, by the way, I’ve seen cattle damage on one of Washington’s best streams as recently as this past May. Why do you people have such an aversion to the truth?
Facts Support My Positions, Chack out the New York Times earnings report today. Typical liberals: stock down, earnings down hehe, JCH
And, by the way, I’ve seen cattle damage on one of Washington’s best streams as recently as this past May.
Commentby proud leftist [………..Are you sure thet weren’t welfare Democrats pissing and shiting in the streams? Just “axing”………]
Hey, JCH,
Thanks for your ongoing racist rants. Remember last week when I said I’d send a dollar to Darcy Burner and Peter Goldmark for each of your rants? Well, I just sent Peter Goldmark a check and will send Darcy one here shortly. Rather than waste time actually counting your rants, I just estimate them at 15-20 per day. I think I just might hit my donation limit with both of them at the rate of your rants! Keep it up, old sport.
Can’t really care what that Times says; haven’t seen them spending much time over here digging into stories or reporting on what happens in the 5th. The race is much closer than confident repugs think. McMoRod (her actual legal name is McMorris-Rodgers) is making all these efforts to appear bi-partisan, creating some hideously false advertising to suggest how competent she is, while running as far and and fast as possible from her entwined connections with Pomblo, Foley, Blount, Hastert, DeLay (all of whom she has worked for in these last two years). Her campaign strategy is really quite simple: Attack, Lie, Look Cool, Obfuscate, Hide, Outspend, Lie some more. That almost spells alcohol… oohohh dear…
JCH @ 45,
You’re such and embarassment to yourself. How can someone claim to be Surface Warfare Officer, Officer Of the Deck qualified and not know who has the conn when a United States War Ship goes to battle stations?
How can you NOT know that?
Let alone what “material condition” of your ship means.
You lying putz.
You’ve never written an eval for anyone in your life. Unless, of course, you wrote one while you were in your mommy’s backyard navy.
You fucking Puddle Pirate.
Commentby americafirst— 10/19/06@ 3:26 pm
Ah, it’s my Phalangist buddy. I haven’t seen one of your long, rambling quotes from far-right sources for a while.
I see you’re getting better about hiding the actual sources for your quotes, although I’m really not sure why. Still, quoting a blog that is quoting another blog and claiming this as some sort of reference seems a bit silly. After all, I could quote something off Daily Kos that quoted a Democratic Underground bit, but I think you might take exception to my simply expecting you to believe it.
Just so we have your quote in proper context –
Your reference – from “Free Republic”, those same wonderful folks that tried to stop Andy Stephenson (the fellow that reported about Jenna Bush’s attempts to buy liquor while underage) from running a fundraiser to help pay for his cancer treatment. (He died of cancer a while later, as his surgery was delayed too long.)
quotes another blog – “FrontPageMag” that fine outfit that welcomed Ann Coulter after that bastion of the left, the National Review, fired her for being incoherant.
Hmmm. I always enjoy tracking down your references. I hadn’t heard that bit about Free Republic until I started checking this out.
Planning any more quotes? How about something from National Vanguard, or maybe from the Kinsman Redeemer Ministries?
“In addition, GBS does not support the value of every individual, regardless of race, creed, or color. His inability to follow orders, his frequent UCMJ violations, and his lack of formal education renders Seaman GBS unsuitable for promotion and retention”. [GBS, I’ll bet you received a “shitbird” eval every six months!!!!]
A Department Head does not answer questions from Seaman GBS Shitbird!!! As you were, E3 Shitbird!!!!
55……….BTW, Get the fuck out of OFficer’s Country!!!! Return to the mess deck!!!
Maybe that was “Proud Leftist” and GBS shitting and pissing in the streams??
JCH, [If I was a black Democrat, Big Island, Hawaii]: “Where’s ma mofo FEMA trailer? Where’s ma guvment credit card? Where’s ma guvment check? Bush made da earthquake!! He owes me!! Eyes gotsa gets ma KFC, ma Black Velvet, and ma King Cobra!! Eyes gots da 42 inch plasma SONY HDTV by lootin da Best Buy in Hilo!! But what about ma “surround sound”!! I bet votin Democrat, so I bees gettin da mofo check NOW!! You white devils owes me!!!” …………………………………………………………………………….. [Sorry, but I’m a Republican. I take responsibility for myself and my property. Insurance, sweat equity, and an “I’ll clean up myself” attitude!!! Fuck you Democrat “Victims”!!!! You are nothing but social parasites!!!!!!! JCH]
“You’re such and embarassment to yourself.”
Commentby GBS [……………..Busted to E3. UCMJ voilations. Division officer and Department head turned their backs. XO’s inquiry. Captain’s Masts [several?]. GBS, You should know a little about being a total shitbird. Shitbird in the Navy…….Shitbird in Life!!! Yes, like all Democrats, you were a “victim”, right?]
Goldie wrote: “So wrote the Seattle Times in their Wednesday endorsement of first-term Republican Rep. Cathy McMorris. Which raises a very important question for 5th District voters: are you going to let a bunch of Seattle liberals tell you how to vote?”
You finally admit the Seattle Times is LIBRUL MSM!!!!!
Thank you Goldie.
GBS, recruits out of “A” schools are “push button” E4s!!! After several years, you were an E3!!!! Total shitbird, and certainly not retained!!! A SEAL??? Right!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!
Liberal newspapers…….downward circulation and stock price. Dying a slow death!!!!
Sorry, Richard, but I can’t vote for you in the N.E. District Court race. Bar ratings do matter. I’m sorry about your personal problems, but if you can’t organize a law practice, you sure can’t run a court. Get your life in order, show us you can run a law practice properly, then come back.
MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (CNN) A law enforcement official told CNN that a man has admitted he posted a fake bomb threat against National Football League stadiums in major U.S. cities as part of an Internet competition with a person in Texas to create the scariest terror scenario possible. Tha man’s name was Karl Rove. Hey, just kiddding. But wouldn’t you think he’s Republican? I’m just sayin… Commentby Daddy Love— 10/19/06@ 2:44 pm
Daddy Love, that’s where the tire slashing donk moonbats live.
22 (continued)
I’m going to vote for your OPPONENT, Frank LaSalata. I only mention it to rub your face in it. I received my absentee ballot today and I’m filling in the oval next to Frank’s name as I type.
Planning any more quotes? How about something from National Vanguard, or maybe from the Kinsman Redeemer Ministries? Commentby John Barelli— 10/19/06@ 4:37 pm
John: Is your sphincter too tight today? I never see you scream when your moonbattic friends use muckracker or moveon or media matters? Why is that? Funny how that is!
We don’t need a veto-proof majority, or enough votes to impeach. All we need is a majority in one house of Congress to unleash a torrent of investigations and subpoenaes. If the GOP loses even one house on Nov. 7, George W. Bush will become a lame duck the next day – his presidency will be effectively over.
So Furball: Nothing gets done for the next two years. Who do you blame? The moonbats!
FascistFuck is out of rehab?
53 (continued)
I thought National Review fired Coulter for making the death threats.
53 (continued)
BTW, speaking of incoherent, see 54-59, this thread
Nothing got done this year when the GOP controlled both houses, so what’s the dif?
The neocon dream of a Thousand Year Reich on American soil is dying before our very eyes. It lived only half as long as the original TYR.
Furball, You mean the 40 years moonbats controlled Congress?
Roger Rabbit @ 63 & 65
At least I am honest and financially responsible. And responsible for my family. I will make no apologies whatsoever for stepping up to the plate and raising my daughter — who happens to have very demanding special needs. Before she turned three in January of this year, it was overwhelming for me. I had to take her to 12 to 15 hours per week of therapy and education appointments. (It wasn’t possible to arrange for day care during this time last year, due to the demanding schedule of appointments for my daughter.) I will not apologize for placing my daughter first, ahead of other things.
And in spite of everything hitting me back in late 2004 and 2005, I was able to provide for my daughter, pay all of my bills, and EVEN MAKE MY HOUSE PAYMENT. Yes, I AM PROUD THAT I OWN A HOME FOR MYSELF AND MY DAUGHTER. And even proud that I own a far larger percentage of my home, than does the bank.
While my daughter’s special needs situation is very demanding, it will not prevent me from performing my duties as judge. Katie is enrolled full-time in the Bellevue school system (they start at 3 for children with special needs), and in day care which is coordinated with her school program. I will be able to put in a FULL work day every day, and even spend some extra time in the evenings reading legal briefs on hotly contested motions.
Frank LaSalata is neither honest, nor financially responsible. He used to own a home, but defaulted on his mortgage and lost it in a foreclosure sale on August 12, 2005. LaSalata borrowed an additional $405,000 (beyond his original mortgage amount) against his home’s “equity” through a series of refinancings. The last refinancing was in March 2003. LaSalata then stopped making payments as of December 2004 and allowed his home to be sold at foreclosure — EVEN THOUGH HE WAS MAKING PLENTY OF MONEY LAST YEAR AS A so-called “full-time substitute judge” and could have easily afforded his house payments.
In April 2005, LaSalata purportedly “sold” a utility easement to his neighbors for $12,000 and pocketed the money. I say purportedly, because his property was mortgaged and his mortgage company didn’t sign off on the easement. LaSalata used a “bargain and sale” deed — in which he falsely represented that his property was free from encumbrances. The August 2005 foreclosure of the pre-existing mortgage would have wiped out his neighbor’s interest in the easement.
When LaSalata filed for judge on July 24, 2006, state law required him to file a personal financial disclosure statement and complete the form “under penalty of perjury”. Among other things, a candidate has to disclose any real property that they currently own, as well as any real property that has been bought or sold in the last year. LaSalata tried to conceal his mortgage foreclosure from the public. He conveniently omitted this from his financial disclosure form filed on August 1, 2006.
Documents supporting all of these FACTS concerning LaSalata can be found by clicking the “My Opponent” link at
In the alternative, you can go directly to the “My Opponent” page at the following address:
“I don’t believe that stating the facts in an election is mudslinging. I regard that as merely informing the voters.” Frank LaSalata, Seattle Times, 09/30/2006
I think we should contact the State and ask them to look into Dickey Pope’s responsibilities with his special needs daughter. If he’s going to put being a judge ahead of taking care of his daughter, then maybe he shouldn’t get to do either?
By the way, think this position is extreme? It is the one held by republican Janet S regarding Darcy Burner. And unlike Pope, Burner’s child does not have special needs and has a second parent in the home.
What’s good for the goose Janet S – what’s good for the goose!
Pope, Why would you respond to liberal scum like RR and GBS? Not worth your time or energy.
Ahem, the reason so many Rs voted a democrat ballot was so they could vote for Hong Tran in the primary, just to make it exciting for Cantwell. Those voters will be histoire come Nov. Just thought you’d like to know. Why some of us in the 8th did that. Except when it came to the dem primary race, we wrote in our dog’s name (really) instead.
How about the rest of the quote Clownstein?
There are sometimes when I say no I won’t. There are sometimes when things come to the floor like Schiavo. I was one of five republicans that voted with the Democrats on Schiavo because that was the right thing to do.