Col. Terry Ebbert, director of homeland security for New Orleans, reports that the waters have apparently stopped rising in the streets of the Crescent City… but not due to some amazing feat by the Army Corps of Engineers. No, the credit goes to gravity. Lake Pontchartrain has finished draining itself into the city streets, to the point where the water is now level on both sides of the broken levees. The lake and the city have become one.
Thousands may lie dead in the nearly deserted city, their bodies floating in the streets or trapped in their attics where they drowned in the slowly rising flood waters. Hundreds of thousands are homeless, and estimates of damage now top $25 billion. And as a NY Times editorial scathingly points out, our president once again appears clueless in the face of crisis.
George W. Bush gave one of the worst speeches of his life yesterday, especially given the level of national distress and the need for words of consolation and wisdom. In what seems to be a ritual in this administration, the president appeared a day later than he was needed. He then read an address of a quality more appropriate for an Arbor Day celebration: a long laundry list of pounds of ice, generators and blankets delivered to the stricken Gulf Coast. He advised the public that anybody who wanted to help should send cash, grinned, and promised that everything would work out in the end.
We will, of course, endure, and the city of New Orleans must come back. But looking at the pictures on television yesterday of a place abandoned to the forces of flood, fire and looting, it was hard not to wonder exactly how that is going to come to pass. Right now, hundreds of thousands of American refugees need our national concern and care. Thousands of people still need to be rescued from imminent peril. Public health threats must be controlled in New Orleans and throughout southern Mississippi. Drivers must be given confidence that gasoline will be available, and profiteering must be brought under control at a moment when television has been showing long lines at some pumps and spot prices approaching $4 a gallon have been reported.
Sacrifices may be necessary to make sure that all these things happen in an orderly, efficient way. But this administration has never been one to counsel sacrifice. And nothing about the president’s demeanor yesterday – which seemed casual to the point of carelessness – suggested that he understood the depth of the current crisis.
While our attention must now be on the Gulf Coast’s most immediate needs, the nation will soon ask why New Orleans’s levees remained so inadequate. Publications from the local newspaper to National Geographic have fulminated about the bad state of flood protection in this beloved city, which is below sea level. Why were developers permitted to destroy wetlands and barrier islands that could have held back the hurricane’s surge? Why was Congress, before it wandered off to vacation, engaged in slashing the budget for correcting some of the gaping holes in the area’s flood protection?
It would be some comfort to think that, as Mr. Bush cheerily announced, America “will be a stronger place” for enduring this crisis. Complacency will no longer suffice, especially if experts are right in warning that global warming may increase the intensity of future hurricanes. But since this administration won’t acknowledge that global warming exists, the chances of leadership seem minimal.
For the past couple days I’ve tried to avoid politicizing this terrible, human tragedy… a fit of self-restraint I now deeply regret. If progressives should have learned anything from the aftermath of 9/11, it is that rallying around this president at a time of crisis only leads to further tragedy somewhere down the road. This is an administration whose arrogance is only matched by its incompetence and stupidity, and while Bush cannot be blamed for Hurricane Katrina itself, the lack of preparation for this inevitable disaster, and the slow response in its wake, is absolutely inexcusable.
As Philadelphia Daily News writer Will Bunch notes in an article that has been making the rounds of the internet, the Bush administration had nearly cut off desperately needed federal funds from New Orleans’ flood control projects… some of which would had been targeted directly at the 17th Street Canal, the site of the main levee breech. But even if the flooding couldn’t have been avoided, surely some of the chaos and loss of life could have. With 40% of its forces deployed overseas, the Louisiana National Guard lacks the manpower to conduct rescue operations and impose order on the flooded streets. And while forecasters knew days in advance that one of the strongest storms of the century was headed straight towards vulnerable areas of the Gulf coast… our military did nothing to prepare for rescue and relief.
If there is any bright spot in this whole debacle, it is that perhaps the people of Iraq will come to realize that our failure to rebuild their water, electricity and other essential infrastructure, or to ensure security, is not due simply to some malicious disregard for their welfare and safety. Apparently, we really are this incompetent.
A track record that doesn’t bode well for the people of New Orleans.
“If progressives should have learned anything from the aftermath of 9/11, it is that rallying around this president at a time of crisis only leads to further tragedy somewhere down the road.”
Goldy, I am not one to say this often — least of all in print — but fuck you. Your comments are a glaring example of what is wrong with Democrats — especially the “
proregressive” ones. Quit politicizing everything that happens. What’s next? You’ll blame the administration when the sun rises 5 seconds later than the Farmers’ Almanac predicted??Nobody is asking that you rally ’round the President. Not every President can be a motivational speaker like Reagan or Clinton (who locked himself away and studied Reagan speeches for hours). Admit it. You hate the guy and that’s that. The President could grant every one of your wackiest wishes and you’d still find fault somewhere. You and the rest of the Regressives are like a crazy girlfriend who’s never happy.
“…while Bush cannot be blamed for Hurricane Katrina itself, the lack of preparation for this inevitable disaster”
And what do you think should have been done? Did YOU know years in advance that Katrina was going to happen? Did you know the exact path of the hurricane? If so, you had better go work for the National Weather Service because they only posted odds of where it MIGHT go. And I watched those numbers and the projected path change REGULARLY because I have friends in FLA and the sister of a close friend lives in New Orleans.
The issue is that they planned for a Category 3 and got a 4.
And this is from Newsday: “Despite warnings from experts, the levees may also have contributed to an unwarranted sense of security among residents. Only 34 percent of respondents in a University of New Orleans survey earlier this year said they would definitely leave home if evacuation orders were issued ahead of an approaching Category 3 hurricane.”
And I’m guessing that if the National Guard had forced people out you’d find some reason to bitch about some civil rights violation.
The people (animals) who did not heed the New Orleans evacuation order are NOT victums. THEY ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!
Thank you BJ Clinton for dismembering our Armed Forces so that now we rely in the Reserve and National Guard to provide essential military services. We are learning the “wisdom” of BJ Clinton’s “peace dividend” policy.
By the way, when will our troops come home for Bosnia and Kosovo. If my memory serves me correctly (and I am sure it does) they were supposed to return home by Christmas. I guess BJ just didn’t tell us what century.
Goldy, you are wrong, partisan in the worst way.
I don’t get blaming everything from gas prices, to war, to weather on the president…. I mean you attack him on stuff that is fair (say war) but then as part of your pseudo-religious doctrine, also on storms, floods, etc.
I’d leave this alone, except someone has to counter your lie (lies left alone turn into Democrat “truths”).
Since Louisiana and N. Orleans are known as being politically corrupt, and with lots of known and rumored graft, etc,…how do you know that Huey Long and his political offspring didn’t relax zoning, land use, etc in exchange for favors and even money. And how do you know municipal works weren’t built in a shoddy manner, due to democratic party machine hacks getting a break?
You know, these guys had a) historical reason to fear a hurricane, b) 2 days warning of this one, and c) being below water level they knew they were at risk. So why did they stay.
And why did good “democrats” not govern better and force better building codes? I mean, the flattened houses happened only cuz the wind was too strong, and codes didn’t protect against that.
And all the looting; how come all your felow democrats are looting?
Obviously, it’s time to raise marginal tax rates on anyone making over $100k to 90% and give the money to the looters. In addition, we should nationalize the oil companies to get gas prices down, and outlaw filling SUVs.
And all the looting; how come all your felow democrats are looting?
Who says the looters are Democrats? Did you ask them, wrongon? Of course not. You don’t know anything worth a damn. You’re just stereotyping as Republicans usually do.
You are NOT wrong about this. I missed the speach but hear part of it this morning on the radio. I had written that I hoped I was wrong and this would not be politicized. The rally around the flag has already started and it is as empty as it ever was before. I had hoped I was wrong and hope it turns the other direction. I hope I am wrong.
There is no reasonable connection between Bush and Louisiana suffering. If Clinton had been president, I imagine you would have (justfiably) lashed out at people who claimed Clinton had caused such devastation.
Hopefully, this is a one-off. How about an update acknowledging you went over the line and, after thinking about it, admit you erred here. I think that would go a long way to your credibility. You often (justfiably) chide the Bush administration for not apologizing when they are shown to have wronged…now’s your chance to do the right thing: showing leadership by example.
i think goldy is right and doesn’t owe any apologies to anyone
HA! It must really be galling to all you ignorant “personal responsibility” fucks to have your AWOL-in-Chief’s irresponsibility and incompetence so inarguably thrown in your face.
You chaps forgot the last flood when the whole city was wash up the river from a smaller storm. The city was a lot smaller and they blame it on a weather man, you know blame the person who had nothing to do with the current events. I got a call last night to be on standby for duty down there in New Orleans’s. The service requested is to prevent looting and plundering of the city, sounds like BAGHDAD Iraq a few years back. You know we don’t plan for a this primitive Human reacation after the major event took place. Maybe afer the city is cleared out we should return it back to swamps and move New Orleans to higher ground so this will never happen again. You know global warming you folks talk a lot about.Yea the problem that Bush can fix today with a snap of a finger.
I heard a report that the prior convicted mayor had awarded pump contracts to cronies and they had undersized the pumps, and put substandard fill in the levees.
Made that one up, our own “October surprise” if you will, innuendo that only has scent of possibly true….
(learned that from you guys)
“How comfortable do YOU want yourself and your family to be if First Responders can’t get to you in an emergency? During a disaster, it takes at least three days or more for Emergency Officials to make sure the area is safe, and if it isn’t, the First Responders may not be able to get to you even if you call 911. As a result, you and your family need to build a 72-hour Emergency Supply Kit so you will be safe in case of disaster.” [emphasis mine]
Where did I get this? King County.
Lord help you, Goldy, when we have a big earthquake and if (Lord help your readers) a Republican is sitting in the White House, becuase it will be their fault for you not having food or water. Unfair? Not any more unfair than your post.
re 12: Righton, you really need to consider mental therapy for yourself. Speaking of Oct. surprises, can you think of where the “insurgents” may have acquired the explosives they are using against us in Iraq?
The New Orleans disaster is, of course, the fault of the Reagan and Bush regimes. Even now, Bush’s largest consideration is to keep the supply of crude oil in an unimpeded flow to the refiners. I was very impressed by his use of the word,”infrastructure”. That’s the thing that must have taken him a few days to learn.
Are you guys kidding wake up and soon smell the 30% approval. This is by far the worst President of my lifetime (A period that includes Nixon)
Goldy, about time we start operating like Republicans. This COULD have been prevented with 1/100th the cost of the Iraq war. No joke
Being President is about priorities and responsibile choices. No President gets it all the time, but Bush has fails amost with almost everything.
And Politicize how dare Republicans accuse Democrats of Publitizing this when the President is using his usual M.O. of uttering this and 9/11 in the same sentence.
Bush He said that while the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 were a man-made disaster, the aftermath of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Katrina were “just as serious in both cases.”
jcb @ 2
“The people (animals) who did not heed the New Orleans evacuation order are NOT victums. THEY ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!”
Does that also include the old and infirm? You know, those who were physicallly unable to evacuate?
I don’t think President Bush has been as inspiring or tactful as most of us would have wished in the last few days. But I think the federal government is doing all it reasonably can, considering all the circumstances. Decisions in a crisis are made simultaneously by people at all levels, and people are human. I don’t see Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco, Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, or New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin — all of them very dedicated Democrats — criticizing Bush or his administration for causing this catastrophe or not doing enough to deal with it.
Maybe Democrats should try harder to address the real concerns of the people if they want to win political power. Too many liberal Democrats keep sneering at religion and insulting people’s faith. This simply is not a winning strategy. People may not like GOP economic policies that much, but insult their faith, and they will vote Republican in droves. I note that Blanco, Landrieu, and Nagin — Democrats who got elected — all have strong personal faith and are relying on it in this crisis.
I was looking at the Seattle Weekly article this week where Knute Berger slams intelligent design:
The polling numbers are quite revealing: 64% of people nationwide believe that God directly created human beings, and 10% more believe that God quided their evolution through intelligent design. Only 22% believe in evolution. 44% believe that God created the universe in six days, just as described in the Bible.
Presumably, Democrats aren’t going to win too many political races if they publicly call three quarters of the US population dumbasses for having particular beliefs about God. You need to drop this kind of harmful rhetoric, respect everyone’s religious beliefs, and focus on issues that people might really agree with you on. Lots of people are receptive to the Democrat position on economic issues, while very few are receptive to the Democrat position on God and faith.
Just something to think about.
Making crap up again I see. You’re pathological.
You deluded wingnuts all you do is love Bush.
That’s all you’re about: love of Bush.
When in doubt about spending 300 billion in Iraq: you love Bush.
When in doubt about the failing economy: you love Bush.
When the Times-Picayune reports that Corp of Engineers dollars were cut from Louisiana: you love Bush.
You love Bush when he gives tax breaks to the rich and you love Bush when he sends your sons and daughters to be killed and maimed in a war of choice.
Face it wingnuts, you just love Bush.
How come the city is so ill prepared?
Why no batteries for police radios?
Why let looters nail the gun shops?
Town looks like they partied instead of prepared.
It ain’t Bush you blame, its Blanco, Landriue, prior corrupt governers (Edwards?)
Mark @1,
YES! Yes I did know, that eventually… eventually a powerful hurricane was going to strike New Orleans head on! We all knew it!
And if you read my links you’ll see that FEMA and COE and everybody else knew that the levee system wasn’t able to handle such a storm, and in fact was sinking, and needed billions of dollars of improvements. Congress even created SELA (under Clintion) to try to prevent this inevitable disaster, but Bush cut the funds to virtually zilch to feed his war in Iraq.
Furthermore it was clear by the end of last week that a massive storm was going to hit the gulf coast, and by Saturday that a Cat 5 could be heading straight for NOLA, and what did Bush instruct the military to do in preparation? Nothing!
And then you and your ilk attack me for blaming Bush for what happens on his watch, when you’re still blaming Clinton?! Clinton, who rebuilt FEMA from the joke it had become, only to have it dismantled again by Bush into little more than a very poorly managed bank?! Gimme a break!
Yes… Bush deserves blame… for what is surely the most incompetent administration in generations. And for us, the loyal opposition, to rally around him again and let him twist another national tragedy into political ammunition for his twisted and heartless agenda, would be more than just a misplaced sense of loyalty… it would be total abdication of our responsibility to provide informed dissent.
Fuck me? Fuck you! And fuck this stupid, incompetent president, who stayed on vacation, non-business as usual, and watched one of our nation’s great cities slowly get wiped off the earth… and did nothing. And you know why he did nothing? Because he and his flat-earth, intelligent-design, small-government, free-market ideologues simply don’t believe its the government’s responsibility. If people were too stupid or too poor to get out before the storm hit, it’s their own damn fault, and a sign of their own moral and mental weakness… that’s the only kind of “natural selection” the Bushies believe in… blame the victim! To Bush, those thousands of bodies floating into the bayous are God’s mysterious work.
Well fuck that.
George W. Bush is perhaps the worst president since James Buchanan… if not worse… and it would be irresponsible to continue to top my criticism with butter and sugar.
Town looks like they had a misplaced trust in the folks whose responsibility was to maintain the levees.
Thanks, Goldy.
All you wingnuts do is hate Clinton.
Face it, you just hate the guy.
9/11 happens on Bush’s watch and you blame it on Clinton. Clinton’s to blame for everything.
That’s all you’re about: hatred of Clinton.
Well, captain codpiece, chickenshit in chief and his keystone kops administration have shown themselves to be COMPLETELY incompetent in the face of ANY kind of challenge or disaster.
What a bunch of clueless, arrogant, selfish, coddled, souless, fucks. These asses CLAIM to be caring religious folk. PFEW! Whatever religion they think lets them get away with shit like this…I spit on it.
Shame, shame, shame on you who apologize for their WILLFUL DISREGARD for the welfare of the citizens they are charged to protect and serve.
These words ahve NEVER been more true:
“chrismasghost, mark the redneck, mark (the stupid), karl, bf, IDGAF, Richard Pope, janet s, Gary, thomas trainwinder, klake, jon, pacman, no wonder: You support Bush. Bush is a lying murderer. Therefore you are accessories after the fact to murder.”
Amen Goldy.
It is more important than ever to keep up the pressure on these evil bastards.
Fight the Power!!
We need a Allan Colmes type on this comment board. To add a little fairness and balance.
Well, you know, you got a point there Mark that all progressives are about is hatred of Bush.
Well, you know, you got a point there Mr. Cynical, that the LEFTIST PINHEADS in Seattle have a statue of Lenin in Fremont.
Well, you know, you got a point there Zip that if give the goverment too much taxing authority they’ll just crank up the waste, fraud and abuse.
Well, you know, you got a point there Stefan that KCREALS can’t be reformed unless Logan is fired and a concerned citizen like yourself is put in charge.
Nice try FTC.
If only it could work.
Here’s an interesting take for those who think the President doesn’t bear any responsibility here: (Hope that works)
These words ahve NEVER been more true:
“chrismasghost, mark the redneck, mark (the stupid), karl, bf, IDGAF, Richard Pope, janet s, Gary, thomas trainwinder, klake, jon, pacman, no wonder: You support Bush. Bush is a lying murderer. Therefore you are accessories after the fact to murder.”
I have disagreed with about 99% of what the posters you listed have said on this board (or, at least, the manner in which they have said it), but this is too much for me. I refuse to accept this as a legitimate expression of political disagreement. Supporters of President Bush have a lot to answer for, but I will never call them accessories to murder.
I orignially came to this site because I oppose Tim Eyman’s approach to politics – lie, cheat and steal; demean and defame anyone who disagrees with you – and your comment is as bad as what Eyman does. I tend to agree with you on matters of policy, but if this is the politics you want to encourage, I’ll have to respectfully oppose you.
Please reconsider your comment.
“George W. Bush is perhaps the worst president since James Buchanan”
Goldy, what do you have against gay folks like James Buchanan?
Democrat looters empty the gun shops of weapons and ammo. Hmmmmmm’ I thought Democrats hated guns and believed in strict gun control. Was there a “waiting period” for these fine young “progressive” youths? Did the Democrat looters take a “safety class”? Did the black Mayor of New Orleans station cops outside of each gun store to insure that weapons were secure? Democrats: society’s parasites!!!
To all my partners-in-crime on the right:
Lighten up. Sit back and watch the left wing self-destruct in their zeal to tar GW, as well as the thousands of US, LA and New Orleans employees. (Hate the response – love the responders.) Ignore the historically corrupt politics of the region and let the left shift all responsibility to the current President. The common folk know better, and the left will be worse off in the end.
I even speculate that if the levis had been blown up instead by terrorists the GW-haters would be minimizing the response and damage issues. Otherwise the war machine might get revved up again.
Well, you know, you got a point there NoWonder that the left is the Blame Bush crowd and if they keep it up they’re going to self-destruct.
P.S.: a simple “yes” or “no” will do.
‘yes’ or ‘no’?
to what question? :p
Goldy may have a point. There is some good material being posted on the internet, which proves that Bush is responsible for Hurricane Katrina.
When Bush replaced the finest emergency manager (Witt) with a political crony who knows nothing about emergency management (Allbaugh), how can you say Bush does not bear some blame?
When he strips FEMA’s ability to prepare for disasters (cancelling Project Impact) in favor of Homeland Security initiatives and a stated goal to privatize FEMA functions, how can you say Bush does not bear the blame?
Bush ABSOLUTELY has to answer for the damage he has done to FEMA and for re-allocating money needed for prevention to his ill-conceived war. It ins’t blind Bush hatred, it is a statement of REALITY.
I thought locals had prime responsibility for health, safety, welfare, right? We don’t have a national police or fire force. What’s up w/ city of NEW ORLEANS and LOUISIANA?
I thought a lot about this situation. Thought and thought and thought… the only conclusion I can come to is that we must raise taxes on the rich. But I can’t figure out what kind of taxes to raise. Just raise income taxes or a whole slew of new ones. Can you moonbats help me out?????
Can’t wait for Chrissie to use this to argue down 912, argue in favor of the seawall/salmon beach boondoggle.
if only New Orleans had a viaduct…..
Well, you know, you got a point there Mark the Redneck that the progressive left just wants to raise taxes on the rich to say like the outrageous level they were under Clinton.
You know those terrible times when 20 million jobs were created.
Once again you live down to your label as a LEFTIST PINHEAD or LENIN’s USEFUL IDIOT!!!
You are mighty clever with words Goldy….but I did catch the part where you said:
“the Bush Administration had “””NEARLY””” cut off desperately needed Federal Funds from New Orleans Flood control projects”
NEARLY Goldy???? Nearly??? NEARLY Goldy???
Where did that come from??? NEARLY?????? Either they did or they didn’t….and the answer is they didn’t. They were simply questioning how it was actually being spent.
You LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’s USEFUL IDIOTS) will stoop to any level to take a shot at push. You probably blame Bush for your hideous Pee Wee Herman/Gilbert Gottfried/3 Chipmunks voice, huh Goldy??? Bush makes you talk with your testicles in your throat, right? And all your other personal issues….Bush’s fault, right Goldy? Are you gay bcause of Bush??
As others on this site point out from time to time, a critical difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats believe that public policy should reflect that we are a community and Republicans believe that public policy should promote selfishness, or, as they euphemistically refer to it, individualism. Democrats still hold the notion of “all for one and one for all” as a value. The corresponding Republican value is “I got mine, so fuck you.” The notion of sacrifice for the common good is alien to the Republican mindset.
@39 I’m surprised you’re willing to show your face after the shameless lies you were spouting the other day. You really are shameless.
Perhaps I should have said in 39–
Are you NEARLY gay because of Bush??
Sometimes it’s amazing being me…. I absolutely marvel at my ability to think of good stuff sometimes. Here’s my idea…. check this out: I call it “Adopt-A-Looter”.
Nawlins is never gonna be the same. It’s gonna be months or years before there’s even a semblance of normal life. So what should all those people do in the meantime? Live in a sports stadium? No. Instead, I think all you good “progressives” who are so enlightened should invite a looter to live in your home, so they can rebuild their lives. Surely, many of you have space in your homes for them. Surely you have the compassion… it’s not just a bunch of hot air right? You could pay all their bills for them while they recover. Don’t worry about them stealing your stuff… as Wabbit pointed out, once they’re not so desperate they’ll return to their law abiding ways. Really. You could invite them to DL and StatesmanMcDermott could meet them. And here’s the best part: since they’ll be living here, they could register to vote here and it would be perfectly legal. All you’d have to do is fill out their ballots for them to make sure it’s done correctly.
Would it be better to cut off funding for NPR and NEA and give that money to the people in Nawlins? Just wondering where you progressives have your priorities. Surely the people’s needs is greater than the need for a propaganda machine or porngenerator right?
Clueless @ 39 – Shit, you’re right. So here’s another good idea. Given Algore’s impressive accomplishments in the field of network technology, I’ll bet he could figure out a way to make water flow uphill. Problem solved.
Actually we could also create a 5 year Public Works Administration and put them to work digging the tunnel. While you or I would hire them at min. wage, no doubt libs would have them earn $30/hr or whatever is the prevailing contractor wage. Creates another government agency. And they could ride Metro to the jobsite, not use 21st century bulldozers (old fasioned pick and ax) and thus also save fuel…
damn, why has this hurricane thing brought the absolute misanthropic worst in the righties?
Its frightening!
44…..Mark…..Perhaps Kennedyland [the MASS Cape] should “take in” 20 or 30 thousands looters. Also, Hillary’s home town in New York [sorry, piss poor speller] has yet to annouce just how many “newcommers” they will take!! Finally, Chris Dodd CONN must take in ALL THE REST!! This will show the Republicans who really cares!!!
I haven’t been to this site, or any political site for some time, as I am becoming too numb with politics. (I reckon the partisan rhetoric from both sides like getting kicked nonstop in the nuts, VERY painful and something I do NOT want to become numb too… though I almost wish I could.) But Goldy’s current diatribe brought back to my mind an old comic strip of Bloom County. It was one where Milo wastalking to his Editor-in-Chief about what the headline should be for a story he was writing. The Editor asked what it was about. Milo talked about the horrors of Aids, bad Hollywood films, the increase in acne, and the decline of service in fast food service and how are these, and all other sorts of unconnected bad things happening. The Editor thinks for a moment, then screams:
And Milo thanks him and goes to the presses.
The moral of this story is that no matter what happens, people will find a way to pin it on somebody they hate, in this case, President Bush. And I find this sad that in a situation such as this, you choose politics over humanity.
I hope you are happy with this.
46.Windie……I think you need to lead the way!! Donate your home to the looters!! Show us you care!!
LIbs would holler loud for help if mobs starting stealing Volvos in Montlake
Mr Loocy said: “The New Orleans disaster is, of course, the fault of the Reagan and Bush regimes. Even now, Bush’s largest consideration is to keep the supply of crude oil in an unimpeded flow to the refiners. I was very impressed by his use of the word,”infrastructure”. That’s the thing that must have taken him a few days to learn.” WTF USSM?
The levees are Reagan and Bush’s problem? Who controls LA? Bush? Reagan? Why didn’t N.O. put in triple levees like the Dutch after their flood in the last century? Yes Goldy, when the earthquake destroys much of Seattle’s infrastructure it’ll be Bush’s fault. So Bush proposed a reduced the SELA budget? Did it get approved? Why didn’t that powerful senator Mary Landrieu scream bloody murder? Where were the congress people from LA?
And all you lefty shitheads who say it’s Bush and the Kyoto treaty just go to the NOAA site and tell me that the Cat 3, 4, & 5 hurricane levels have increased? or
Remember these useful idiots: Scientists and Engineers for Change? They placed billboards around the US stating: “Global warming = Worse hurricanes. George Bush just doesn’t get it.” Yeah more shit from the left. View these useful idiots here:;orgid=803
Oh yes JDB, you like to state Paul Krugman for your analyses: Well here is the site that you will choke over:
Excerpt to clarify an urban myth, casual to the point of carelessness: “a loose standard where every dimple, hanging chad and pinprick was a vote” — by this standard, Gore would win by 393 votes;
“a tougher standard where a dimple counted only if the ballot had other dimples on it” — by this standard, Gore would win by 299 votes;
“a still tougher standard where a ballot had to have chads detached by at least two corners to count as a vote” — by this standard, Bush would win by 352 votes
“A vote was counted only when a hole was cleanly punched, the most restrictive standard” — by this standard, Bush would win by 416 votes.
46 – Well, you know, you got a point there Mark the Redneck about Al Gore’s taking the initiative to starting up the internet. I mean he sponsored funding for NSFNET in the Senate and hounded Cabinet heads to make their Departments have their own websites as VP.
You know that awful stuff about goverment being more accessible to the people.
I don’t think Al Gore can reverse the laws of physics but you’re certainly capable. You’re a “successful” engineer after all.
Well, you know, you got a point there Pudster about the left blaming Bush and all for cutting funding to FEMA and Corp of Engineers budget for Louisiana. And after all, there’s a front on the war on terror to support in Iraq. We have to set priorities and if a little natural disaster like a hurricane makes a million people homeless, well, something’s got to give.
Clueless – Should we also cut off funding for NPR and NEA? Just wondering what your priorities are…
Goldy @ 21
I never blamed Clinton.
And you are not the “loyal opposition.” That term implies some sort of respect, decorum and collegiality. And CLEARLY you and the Regressives are nothing of the sort. It is bulls**t when the GOP plays political games purely to stymie the Left. It is also bulls**t when the Left takes every event that happens and finds a way to call a partisan press conference.
Furthermore… Grow up about the Bush’s “vacation.” You and I and anyyone with 1/2 a brain knows that the President can NEVER take a leave-the-cell-phone-at-home vacation.
Well, you know, you got a point there Mark the Redneck about NPR and NEA. The progressive left believes they should have the highest priority while moderate and center-right folks think a second front on the war on terror should have the highest priority.
Things like figuring out where 8 billion of CPA money went and funding for Corp of Engineers projects in Louisiana should be lower priority as well.
If anything, Goldy understates the magnitude of the Administration’s negligence. Read the complete Will Bunch article here:
“In early 2004, as the cost of the conflict in Iraq soared, President Bush proposed spending less than 20 percent of what the Corps said was needed for Lake Pontchartrain, according to a Feb. 16, 2004, article, in New Orleans CityBusiness.
“On June 8, 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana; told the Times-Picayune: “It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us.” “
How come i gotta pay for a viaduct but N Orleans folks can’t do squat without the feds? Did they spend zero of their own money?
Is New Orleans just a show city, place for tourists to go, nobody actually works or does anything relevant there?
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I was working on a reasoned response and got sidetracked (WORK again, dangit). When I got back, I found the trollies had made the point for me.
The hate, the venom, the lack of sympathy, empathy…basic human understanding; the mind and spirit-numbing obsession with their own narrow self-interest and the ignorance of the principles this great Nation was founded on is appalling with these guys/gals.
I’d like to take that comment back. I really would. And given the mindset this particular (albeit small) group of wingers have…it looks like capitulation from me ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.
Sorry, man…and bless you on your journey.
rujax;, spare us the piety
Where do I start?
Goldy is absolutely right. Of course Bush bears a lot of responsibility here – not for the hurricane itself (I’ll leave that line of bullshit to the assholes on this board who are implying that the moral turpitude of New Orleans has brought down God’s well-deserved wrath), but for gutting FEMA natural disaster funding – in this case for levees and direct assistance – and putting the money into an ineffective homeland security charade that resulted in little more than color-coded terror alerts that were directly tied to the need to distract attention from Bush’s latest fuck-up or drop in popularity.
Before Bush’s Iraq misadventure (which will likely go down in history as an greater strategic blunder than Vietnam), the primary operational mission of the National Guard was to maintain order in the event of natural disasters or major domestic security problems. Yes, the move away from a massive standing army and increased reliance on the National Guard for overseas operations was a somewhat bi-partisan affair – mostly due to detente with the former Soviet Union – but Bush is the first (and I hope only) POTUS to commit so much of the NG to an overseas war – a war that he was specifically advised would require hundreds of thousands of troops. So, to Mark @1 – fuck you (or, in Cheney-approved terms) go fuck yourself.
As to looting – most of the reports of looting I’ve heard involved food, water, and diapers. Yup, those are some greedy brown people, aren’t they? (And before you Rethugs do your usual BS and change the subject, of course I deplore the looting of TV’s and firearms at Wal Mart, and isolated shooting incidents that have occurred) You selfish pricks evidently have come to the conclusion that since they couldn’t afford to get out of town, so they deserve what they get. Perhaps they should wait for the federal response that hasn’t come and let their kids starve instead, right? Of course, since they’re just a bunch of poor black looters who lack the proper reverence for private property rights in the face of imminent death and total disorder, shouldn’t they just be shot on sight? Oh wait, that’s right, the National Guard is in Iraq because of WHO? DING DING DING – yes, give that man a kewpie doll, the correct answer is GW Bush.
The 3 days of canned food and water I have in the larder won’t do me much good in an earthquake if a gas main breaks and the house burns down (or – in the case of New Orleans, is totally flooded), but that would be the result of my deep moral failings and inability to be a good self-reliant Murikan too, no?
X – Blah blah blah…. Tell me… are you going to join the Adopt A Looter program that I suggested @ 44? Don’t give me any bullshit… just tell me how many looters you’re going to invite into your home.
I’ll serve as many of the ones taking food a meal as I can, you selfish fuck. Fuck you.
It is sickening enough to watch this catastrophe unfold …
And then to watch the blaming of the victims begin …
Here you have some of the poorest of the poor in the entire country. They had no way financial or otherwise to leave town.
They are starving and thirsty and slogging around in filthy water for four days. The authorities are moving far too slowly to get them help and there is a lack of national guard available due to other political decisions. The vast majority of the looting is for survival; you’d do it too if you were in their shoes.
The media as usual focuses on the few bad apples who are not looting for survival.
The whole crowd of refugees, most of whom are focused on nothing more than surviving, gets painted with the same broad brush.
Pathetic. Inhuman. Where is the compassion for these, our fellow Americans?
Another observation, these Rethugs sure are bigger advocates of “every man for himself” individualism in corporate-friendly economic theory than they are in real world poor folks facing an actual life-or-death disaster practice.
1 & 2
You two idiots exemplify what is wrong with the right wing and why liberals think wingers are not merely stupid but evil.
You’re damn right it’s Bush’s fault! Who do you think is responsible for cutting money to the Corps of Engineers for New Orleans levees in order to give tax breaks to the wealthy? Do you think that was an act of God? Who stripped FEMA of its emergency management functions, and let the federal government’s emergency planning and preparedness fall through the cracks? Donald Duck?
Who the hell is supposed to be in charge of mobilizing the nation’s resources and response? Isn’t that the job of the commander in chief? Do we have a commander in chief? WHO THE FUCK IS IN CHARGE?
When they campaign for office, Republicans feed us their bullshit about taking “personal responsibility.” But when have any Republicans (or their troll supporters) ever taken any personal responsibility for their misjudgments, mistakes, and screwups? Never! One of the hallmarks of this administration is its refusal to ever admit a mistake or accept responsibility for anything it fucks up, which is nearly everything. Exhibit A: “they planned for a Category 3 and got a 4.” Well duh … how many Cat 4’s and 5’s have hit populated areas of the U.S. in the last 20 years, you dumb fuck? You’re damn right it’s negligent to not plan or prepare for a Cat 4 or 5 storm in the Gulf of Mexico!
JC Bob, your post @2 is one of the most vicious things I’ve ever read on the internet. Get your fucking head out of your ass! Those people were POOR, they had no transportation, no place to go, no money for food or shelter when they got there — and a lot of people simply couldn’t get out of the city because the roads were jammed with traffic! Blaming this tragedy on the victims is beneath contempt. You are truly an evil bastard!
And by the way you lying bastard, Clinton increased the military and it was Bush and Rumsfeld who REFUSED to fund the increase in military manpower that Democrats have been calling for.
I can hardly wait until you two have to face St. Peter and explain your sins in this life.
What hurricane Katrina has woefully taught us is that in the 4 years since 9/11 the Bush administration has failed miserably to prepare for a major disaster regardless if it’s caused by Mother Nature or terrorists — Bush has failed America, again.
If it wasn’t a hurricane it just as easily could have been an act of terrorism that broke the levees in New Orleans. And, had it been Al Qaeda, the response from this administration would have been the same — POOR.
4 years is plenty of time to have made contingency plans for catastrophic disasters in all of our major cities. But, it is apparent that Bush hasn’t. Maybe if he didn’t spend 25% of his presidency on vacation he could have found the time to ensure this happened instead of fishing, golfing, and falling off his bike.
At this point in history it no longer matters what President Clinton may, or may not have done right or wrong. History will show that Bush had ample time to prepare for the next major catastrophe but he chose a different course of action.
Bush supporters are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of the common good for our nation.
Ok trolls… stop building straw men and think for one second.
Progressives are saying that Bush cut 80% out of the Corps of Engineers budget for securing the levees. (This does not equal hating Bush…)
Progressives are saying that Bush should not have gutted FEMA and placed an estate laywer in charge of the agency while firing a person who specialized in disaster management. (This does not equal just hating Bush)
Progressives are saying that Bush should have not been on vacation eating cake with John McCain and playing guitar with Marc Willis on the same day tens of thousands of Americans were dying. That a massive storm was going to hit somewhere on the gulf coast causing massive damage was foreseeable by at least 2-3 days. Much could have been done to put in place a response beforehand. Nothing was done. (This does not equal hating Bush)
Ok, there are three substansive mistakes made by Bush in the past two years that directly lead to problems we are having right now. They are not based on some irrational hatred of the man, but rather are policy mistakes that he is accountable for.
So lets drop the irrational belief that this is about blind hatred for Bush. If you want to defend his choices go ahead. For me this is incompetance and neglect of the highest order.
Mark the Redneck @44–
Adopt-a-Looter!!!! Now that there is funny stuff…I don’t care who y’ar!!!
How could I not see this Mark! The greatest ideas are often right in front of our noses.
In the spirit of Mark’s brilliant suggestion I decided to:
Did you know that almost the entire City of New Orleans is somehow related???? I found out the hardway. Now I’m responsible for 298,342 relatives of Al Sharpton. That’s the bad news. However, the good news is that I was paying taxes that went to most of those relatives anyway.
If you are after truth then tell us what share of the blame you want to foist onto your Dem governor and Dem mayor and Dem senators and Dem city council?
Or is this really still a bash bush exercise?
KOMO’s always-ascerbic Ken Schram said it better than I can (I know about copyrights and all that, but this one deserves to be reproduced in full).
“Ken Schram Commentary: It’s A Razor-Thin Line
“September 1, 2005
“By Ken Schram
“SEATTLE – It’s a razor-thin line between compassion and contempt.
“There are the people who contact me wanting to know where they can send money to help those who’ve been devastated by Nurricane Katrina.
“And there are the people who contact me to say: ‘Screw ’em. Everyone was told to evacuate. Those who were stupid enough to stay don’t deserve “free handouts.”‘
“It’s a razor-thin line between looting and surviving.
“I’m not talking about the low-life’s helping themselves to electronics and jewelry.
“But if pilfering bread, diapers and something to drink is looting, then I’d bet we’d all be looters in similar circumstances.
“Also interesting is how the media fuels the nation’s racial imagery.
“Here’s one news photos of a white couple with the caption: ‘Two residents wade through chest-deep water after finding bread at a local and soda from a local grocery store…’
Here’s another photo of a black man with the caption: ‘A young man walks through chest-deep water after looting a grocery store…’
“It’s a razor-thin line between selfish and selfless.
“How many people are so furious about the increased cost of gasoline in the wake of Katrina’s destruction that they’ve rationalized they can’t afford to send $50 to the Red Cross to help those who have nothing left?
“Yes, it’s a razor-thin line.
“And all it takes is a hurricane to show how close to the edge we really are.”
We all know who Schram is talking about when he uses the word “contempt.” Actually I don’t think his words are strong enough. He should have called the selfish, hateful, right-wingers “evil bastards” because that’s what they are.
Now Roger…..
I know you mean well…but as usual Ken Sham mixes apples and oranges and is clever with words. There were PLENTY of news stories that characterized blacks as helping themselves to food to survive….PLENTY.
Ken Sham finds 1 in a thousand news stories to attempt to inflame and misrepresent this tragedy.
Ken Shameless is shameless.
I’ll bet conservatives donated half or more of the relief efforts. Churches are raising money and sending help at an incredible rate. Ken Sham the Shameless ignores that and focuses on the 1 in a thousand news story to condemn the human race.
Ken Shameless is a piece of shit.
“There is no reasonable connection between Bush and Louisiana suffering.”
There are at least two things that contributed to the tragedy for which Bush is directly responsible: He cut funding for Corps of Engineers work on the levees, and in the course of homeland security reorganization, he stripped FEMA of its emergency management functions without getting comparable capabilities up and running in another agency.
Remember when President Clinton ordered the missle strikes on Al Qeada terrorists camps in Afghanistan and Sudan on Aug. 20, 1998?
Do any of you remember what the Republicans were focused on that week?
Well I see in this thread the Wingys are being true to form: Blame the victims; and deny responsibility for Bush’s wrongheaded policies and sheer incompetence.
ya’ll libs watching the feds explain ? (or not interested in facts, truth?)
Dem governor of Lousiana ignored this pending disaster….what about that rodent man.?
You got to love Republicans:
“It makes no sense to spend billions of dollars to rebuild a city that’s seven feet under sea level, House Speaker Dennis Hastert said of federal assistance for hurricane-devastated New Orleans.
“It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed,” the Illinois Republican said in an interview Wednesday with The Daily Herald of Arlington, Ill. ”
I’m wondering if he would have said the same if the hurricane had hit Corpus Christie or Houston. Strange he isn’t saying the same for Buloxi, or demanding that the Florida Keys be evacuated. Love to see Jeb Bush handle that one.
“The polling numbers are quite revealing: 64% of people nationwide believe that God directly created human beings, and 10% more believe that God quided their evolution through intelligent design. Only 22% believe in evolution. 44% believe that God created the universe in six days, just as described in the Bible.”
The scientific evidence supporting evolution is overwhelming. If 64% of the public believed the earth is flat, the earth would be round anyway. So what’s your point, Richard? That a majority of Americans are ignorant and stupid? That’s not news. Just look at who they elected.
Thank you for your devine insight. The Bible is wrong because you say folks are stupid??
64% of Americans don’t believe the Earth is flat.
64% is the number of Americans that believe Goldy is gay!!!
JDB; you are a good liberal; confronted with logic you start shaking. Its a good question to ask, though we all know it will get rebuilt. Modern day Venice, always at risk, cute for the tourists, local work in hotels and restaurants serving the tourists…
Comment on 24
“These words ahve NEVER been more true:
‘chrismasghost, mark the redneck, mark (the stupid), karl, bf, IDGAF, Richard Pope, janet s, Gary, thomas trainwinder, klake, jon, pacman, no wonder: You support Bush. Bush is a lying murderer. Therefore you are accessories after the fact to murder.’
Bush and his sheep followers have taken politics to a whole new level. Politics is no longer about differences of opinion. They have turned politics into hate. The right-wingers hate us. It’s time for us to hate them.
Roger Rabbit……..Did you help Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton loot those 42 inch Sony plasma TVs from WALMART? [Are there pictures?]
Why not blame Bush? He’s the guy running things. When everything goes to hell you blame the guy in charge.
Wrong Again @ 36
No city, county, or state has the resources or capability of responding to a disaster of this magnitude on its own. That’s why the president declares a disaster and mobilizes federal resources, dolt! Except this president doesn’t mobilize anything except lies and lame excuses. All hat, no cattle.
Reply to 37
Endorse your check over to Uncle Sam and send it in.
The funny thing about “individualism” is that when the community no longer exists neither does the wealth or freedoms of individuals.
Yes Mark, you are amazing — so much education wasted on such a small mind.
If we had a real President…
Why does New Orleans even have government, if they are worthless now?
New Orleans Mayor Issues ‘Desperate SOS’
In a statement to CNN, Nagin said: “This is a desperate SOS. Right now we are out of resources at the convention center and don’t anticipate enough buses. We need buses. Currently the convention center is unsanitary and unsafe and we’re running our of supplies.” [Hell, the Democrats always seem to have a shit load of buses around election time!]
@90 I refuse to believe that you actually believe that statement righton… you can’t be that stupid.
Clueless: For one you make some sense. Eventhough I like Bush, he could have said some of those things. I don’t agree with the headline though.
Did you see Shepard Smith yesterday …oh that’s right lefties don’t watch Fox News… ask that policeman what is going on? The policeman would not answer him. Instead he had a camera taking pictures. That policeman was clueless, truly clueless!!!! I wonder whom he voted for in 2004. Let me guess…
@82 And like a good conservative you simply ignore any reality that does not fit your own ideas. Bush was negligent on this one and it cost lives.
But at least he has a good cabinet to back him up… no wait, Condoleezza Rice was so concerned by the greatest tradgedy to hit America in our lifetimes that she had to take in a nice comedy on Broadway and buy herself several thousand dollars worth of shoes. Compassionate conservatism indeed….
“This is a national disgrace,” said Terry Ebbert, head of New Orleans’ emergency operations. “FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control,” Ebbert said. “We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims but we can’t bail out the city of New Orleans.”
This quote says it all. It matters who you put in charge of FEMA and it matters if the president’s priorities are rebuilding nations governed by Islamic Law or rebuilding devastated American cities.
The choice for Bush is clear and it’s not to the benefit of America.
The choice for American voters next November couldn’t be any clearer either.
Vote for the Republicans who are building Islamic nations.
Or, vote for the Democrats who created 22 million, high-paying American jobs.
Puddy @92 Going to have to give me a little more to go on here Puddy… as written it doesn’t make any sense.
Here is another little tidbit for you all on the Bush Administration’s handling of New Orleans…
Despite being ranked as one of the top 3 most likely disasters to hit the US in 2001, the Bush administration cut off funding to NO for its disaster mitigation programs.
“The Federal Emergency Management Agency shook up its way of distributing disaster preparedness money when it introduced its Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program in 2002. Given the program’s criteria, Louisiana appeared to have been a shoo-in for federal dollars for 2003, the first year the program began awarding money. Instead, Louisiana got nothing.”
Good call… but don’t worry trolls, nothing to see here. Bush is perfect and any criticism of him or his administration is only the result of some irrational hatred towards the man. Can’t think of a single mistake he ever made.
In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war.
In 2004, the Bush administration cut the Corps of Engineers’ request for holding back the waters of New Orleans’ Lake Pontchartrain by more than 80 percent. Additional cuts at the beginning of this year (for a total reduction in funding of 44.2 percent since 2001) forced the CAs of early 2004, the Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity Hurricane Protection project was “about 20% incomplete due to lack of funds.”
The Bush administration’s 2005 budget underfunded the project by roughly $16 million.
This spring, the Bush administration proposed “the steepest reduction in hurricane- and flood-control funding for New Orleansorps to impose a hiring freeze.
Local officials are now saying, that had Washington heeded their warnings about the dire need for hurricane protection, including building up levees and repairing barrier islands, “the damage might not have been nearly as bad as it turned out to be.”
The president told us that we needed to fight in Iraq to save lives here at home, and yet–after moving billions of domestic dollars to the Persian Gult–there are bodies floating through the streets of Louisiana.
What does George W. Bush have to say for himself now?
Nindid @ 95.
Good link, thank you.
Before this disaster I could not have told anyone that I specifically knew what Bush was slashing out of the federal budget and what the ramifications of those cuts could be. But, now that I know he was so irresponsible giving tax cuts the rich while he took away from such vitally important national programs, it begs the question: What else has he taken away from that we don’t know about that is the next disaster waiting to be magnified by his risky gambles?
Wrongboy (aka Pudbud) @ 82
The day I see logic from you Wrongboy, is the day I shake in my boots.
There is nothing wrong with the question; there is plenty wrong with asking it now.
And isn’t it interesting that that drugged out, good time rock n’ roller Rush Limbaugh is to busy attacking Democrats instead of using his show to raise help for those that are suffering. Compassion, a word Republican’s use, but don’t really understand.
Good to see the Big Lie still lives….
You guys are good, tying a disaster to Bush to tax cuts to Gulf War….
Lets just nationalize the city; gov’t there is worthless, make it New Orleans, District of Columbia (south)
I can’t even believe that any of you are taking time to argue this. WHO THE FUCK CARES. Our fellow Americans are in need, they are desperate. While you assholes send your money to MOVEON.ORG, I am sending what I have to the RED Cross.
Our family donated to the American Red Cross.
I cannot speak for the “Compassionate Neocons” :)
^—follow the link to the guys livejournal blog. It reads like a war diary.
Sobering and scary, lord of the flies stuff.
BTW, the wife already gave to disaster relief, $250. So I puts the money out so I can mouth off at the lefties.
JDB: I wanted to validate the latest rant from the intellectually challenged JDB. I realize your puny low gravity mind can’t type the URL for Rush, so here it is for you regarding DRAs. Once again your LEFTIST PINHEAD IGNORANCE reigns supremo!
Hey TTBB Useful Idiot: We contribute $250 every other month to disaster relief. What say U, leftist useful idiots?
Amazing that Headlice Loocy is missing from this thread. Oh yeah, he doesn’t do charities, just LEFTIST PINHEAD sites.
At least Condaleeza Rice actually BOUGHT her shoes!
okay the ‘unconfirmable I gave one-upsmanship’ is getting kinda insane. Isn’t enough that everyone gave?
Irrelevant @109 LOL… thanks for the laugh. As you have said before, I take all of this a bit too seriously. I usually don’t read your posts but I am glad I caught this one!
Wrongboy @ 107
And what percentage of his show, the most listen to in broadcast, did he spend on being helpful versus attacks? Let’s face it, Wrongboy, a link on a web page is not the same thing, is it?
And, speaking of your incredible wrongness, how is the hunt for the three islamic terroist and the shoulder fired missle that the Airforce “chased off” from the base, but didn’t arrest, going? Been waiting for an update on that one for two weeks, Wrongboy!
Hey Wabbit – You gonna lead the “Compassion Convoy” down to Nawlins to kickoff the Adopt-A-Looter program? They need a place to stay that’s not on the 50 yard line.
Fellow right wingers;
Its our legacy from past slavery. South full of ex agricultural workers, in a tough spot. Those folks are dirt poor, though oddly compared to the poor in really bad parts, they still eat, get TV, etc. But compared to most of us, they have it bad.
Our fight ought to be about their dirtbag leaders, all the seat warmers who occupy office down there. I really wonder what government was for, if it wasn’t to help either make their lives better, or to protect them.
Cynical and righton – Would you guys join me in sponsoring Woger Wabbit in going down to Nawlins to kick off the Adopt-A-Looter program? He could set a wonderful example for us knuckle draggers. He could be as famous a Cindy Sheehan. Wouldn’t that be great to have one of our own HAs on TV and be famous for their compassion?
I’m afraid Wabbit may be the wrong furry unit at the wrong time. Wabbit has been sick and his resistance is a bit fragile. I don’t think he could even last a day with all that fecal matter sadly covering the town. The last thing those poor folks need is for us to send a cripple down there for them to have to care for….know what I mean. Besides, Wabbits don’t swim very well either.
A better choice to send down their is GOLDY. He’s already immune to shit cuz he is full of it!!! Only problem is those Cajun folks would not take kindly to his wretched voice. I’m afraid Goldy would get chopped up and thrown into the Gumbo or Jumbalaya!!
Gosh, it’s good to see you have such loyal readership from the far right Goldy. Maybe they’ll actually learn something from your blog rather than all circle jerking each other on Soundpolitics.
Unkl Witz—
We be watchin’ you Unkl. We are learning something from you all right….what a fucking idiot is truly all about. The problem is learning anything of “value” from you. That’s pretty unlikely.
Cynical @ 116 -yeah, maybe you’re right. A six pound rabbit would end up on the grill as soon as he got there. So maybe torridjoe or heath or bill or goldy could set an example for us.
Maybe they could get Statesman McDermott to accompany them. Great photo op.
‘For the past couple days I’ve tried to avoid politicizing this terrible, human tragedy… a fit of self-restraint I now deeply regret. If progressives should have learned anything from the aftermath of 9/11, it is that rallying around this president at a time of crisis only leads to further tragedy somewhere down the road.’
Goldy, 9/1/05
What a stinking, steaming pile of equine excrement !!
Below is the post from two days ago where you initially tried to politicize this issue.
‘Yes, the circumstances in New Orleans are somewhat similar to the looting that occurred in Baghdad in the wake of Bush’s poorly planned invasion. In both cases we failed to provide our military sufficient instructions to stop the looting… nor gave them the troop strength to do so.’
Goldy 8/30/05 12:25 PM
Gimmee a break, you PHONY!
Well, you know, you have a point there righton about the benchwarmers in the state of Louisiana who don’t want to risk being called a traitor and pipe up when Corp of Engineers funds are diverted to Iraq and the investigation about the missing 8 or 9 billion. Those benchwarmers they’re just too timid about certain folks pointing the finger at them and saying that they don’t support the troops.
Bravo, Goldie… And yes, “we” are that incompetent… After all, look at how many fools voted for the idiot-in-chief…
But there is still something that could be done to make this a win-win… If we rendered down the Repuglican leadership, we’d get enough fat to make enough biodiesel to last this nation five years…
The Repugs could at last really serve man…
Hey Clueless – Was it also wrong to divert funds to NPR and NEA instead of giving it to Corps?
You know what they should have done? They should have taken a page from the AirAmerica playbook stolen money from poor chirrens in NYC to pay for the Corps.
123 – Well, you know, you have a point there Mark the Redneck about NPR and NEA that I addressed in 58. Those timid congressman who are afraid to face the wrath of their constitutuents who support public radio or their rich constituents who depend on the NEA to support their local ballet company – well those politicians ought to grow more spine. Because after all there is no higher priority than opening a second front on the war on terror in a country that was economically blockaded and had planes patrolling their northern and southern frontiers. That 8 or 9 billion dollars that we just can’t seem to figure where it went – well that’s just a pittance compared to NPR and NEA, isn’t it?
Bigbyrd: Great call. Goldy spews a huge pile of …
Noun 1. excrement – waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body
body waste, excreta, excretory product, excretion
faecal matter, faeces, fecal matter, feces, ordure, BM, dejection, stool – solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels
fecula – excreta (especially of insects)
wormcast – cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm
human waste – the body wastes of human beings
pee, piddle, piss, urine, weewee, water – liquid excretory product
vomit, vomitus, puke – the matter ejected in vomiting
waste, waste material, waste matter, waste product – any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted
guano – the excrement of sea birds; used as fertilizer
Where is the great leadership like Rudy Guiliani did when the 9/11 attack occurred? The d u m m o c r a p i c city administration ran. Many of the police ran from what I can see from news reports. In the French Quarter (been there, done that) the police station is over taxed. Why didn’t the democratic governor Blanco and the democratic mayor Ray Nagin react b4 the hurricane came? They knew the potential damage. I am trying to determine if the lack of batteries for radios is true. Yet these leftist schmucks blame Bush. These looting thugs vote d u m m o c r a p i c! Look at who they are. I am not being racist. It was the HA leftist pinheads of WA who said that the voting patterns of the big cities don’t hold here. Well you HA leftist pinheads identified who is looting The Big Easy.
Windie: My bank posts the cancelled checks on their web site. I can go all the way back to October 2003. Me posting them would do nothing to dissuade LEFTIST LOONIES. We gave and we give. Notice JDB has nothing to add to the argument, so he is left to personal attacks as his method of last resort.
124 – And the 8 or 9 billion of high priority money is just a drop in the bucket compared to the funds that Guam Republican Evan Cohen stole from the Boys and Girls club as well, isn’t it?
What is “chirren”?
I think it’s understandable why the wingtards are in such denial:
Falwell, Bin Ladden, pick your throwback. The first amendment has to go. We have to stamp out the fundamentalists no matter what it takes.
Tax the churches!
Puddy, simply put shove it. This is a national emergency. It’s not a few square blocks with 90+% of the city’s infrastructure intact. The city’s infrastructure is gone. THe state is reeling. It is the job of the federal government to assist. All emergency planning principles indicate individuals are responsible for the first three days. Time’s up. The government should be ready by now. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Everyone knew a major hurricane was possible in New Orleans. Bush response, cut maintenance for the levees, reduce FEMA focus on natural disasters. It is criminal negligance.
One more thing — we all know that the Department of “Homeland Security” was just another boondoggle spigot for defense contractors, but now it is abundantly clear that the DoHS has no fucking plan whatsoever for dealing with either a man-made or natural disaster on this scale!
What the fuck have they been doing for the last four years!?!
Hey GeoCrackr – Scientists report that planet Mars is also experiencing global warming. Given the GWB is not president of Mars, and that there are no SUVs there, how do you explain that? (Hint… The Sun)
National Guard primary mission is not disaster relief. It’s for killing assholes after we have a protracted period of childish liberalism that makes despots think they can fuck with us.
Poverty… we’ve put the nation in debt to the tune of one TRILLION dollars trying to “fix” poverty. It hasn’t worked. Here’s an idea: how about personal responsibility? How ’bout using the free education system, getting some marketable skills and going to work every day? Or is that aksing too much?
131 – Hey you know Mark the Redneck you have a point there about that one trillion dollars only…
what about that other 6 trillion dollars?
#128…GeoCrackr writes…..I point the finger in your face and say, “You helped this happen.” [hehe] Liberals [communists] are funny, aren’t they??
Geocrakr: Using Air America? Wow that’s funny. Blood on our hands. Oh yes, every problem demands federal government intervention. What are the state, parish, and city responsibilities? Oh yes, they are democratic so they don’t have responsibilities. Yes, the great Trillion $$$ experiment …oops… the great society really worked didn’t it? I remember headlice loocy asking PacMan his take on the Deadstart Program and his thoughts on poverty. PacMan said he would tell loocy if he answered about his college degree. I still wait for the loocy response so I can read PacMan’s response. Another great society program and what is shown for it?
Hey there clueless – Didja unnerstand my point bout global warming on Mars? Whatcha fink of dat? Do ya fink dere’s a point in banning SUVs from Mars?
And canya share a point on the role of the Nashunal Guards? Are they for killing assholes or not?
Hey idiot the Redneck… Mars can’t experience global warming as it lacks the prerequisite atmospheric components & concentrations. You’ve been scammed… Did you even take a science class? Or go to school?
And where’s a Hummer with a hitch when you need one?
134 – Well, you know, you have a point there Mark the Redneck about global warming on Mars. It’s a pretty cold place from what I recall and any sunspot activity would surely heat it up a bit. President Bush is setting a high priority on a manned mission there you know. Maybe not as high a second front on the war on terror or even Corp of Engineer dollars to Louisiana now that the levees are broke but still pretty high. When we get to Mars we’ll get to the bottom of that global warming problem over there for sure.
And the National Guard are often brought in to bring order in the midst of a civil disturbance and rescuing a family from a rooftop that’s just an old fashioned “hostage extraction” operation – textbook military.
I’d be careful about the “killing assholes” part there Mark the Redneck. If the tables were turned you’d be in pretty big trouble, old pal.
Dan B–
It’s pretty apparent to all of us that the only “Hummer” you’ve ever gotten has been from a fellow man!
@137: I’m afraid I don’t follow your lingo. Is this something you picked up in prison, or perhaps a ghetto?
Dan B, U’s mus be gnu ’round here. Most of here know about a good hummer. Some leftist HAs male friends give it to their friends each and every day. GBS told PacMan to get one recently. Cynical is no ghetto dweller, perhaps U R? Maybe U need remedial Internet training. Google this Dan B: Mars +Global +Warming. Take your time and read. Maybe you can get edumicated!!!
Mark the Asshole & Pudless:
Yes, I know you only believe in “personal responsibility” because you don’t understand the principles of cause and effect, but here’s the thing — we’re not talking about Mars or the Great Society. We’re talking about hundreds and perhaps thousands of your fellow Americans dying, not to mention $trillions in damages that, like it or not, is mostly going to come from your tax dollars, as a direct result of the governmental policies that you endorse. Make no mistake — this is your fault.
whoa, this post went from bad to worse…see ya..
Cracked_GeoMetro: Google this: Corrupt +Louisiana +Politics.
For those who can’t distinguish affect and effect read below!!!
Maybe in your Internet walking you just may find this doosy of a quote: “For years now, our elected leaders have been blaming our long-suffering public education system as the chief reason that our state has been unable to attract new jobs. But a new survey by the private, nonpartisan Council for a Better Louisiana (CABL) shows that 29 percent of voters statewide believe that Louisiana politics and our corrupt political image are the primary reason that we have trailed other Southern states in job creation for more than two decades. Only 19 percent rank the state’s education system as the primary drag on job creation, behind the 22 percent who cite the state’s overall “business and employment” climate.” Tell me about what you can’t understand? If that isn’t cause and effect (intent), then you can’t comprehend the affect (influence)!!! You know the affect of having D u m m o c r a p s leading the state for decades.
Cracked_GeoMatro: Post is hung up. Google Louisiana + Corrupt +Politics. You will see who controlled the LA Bayou state for a long time; leftist d u m m o c r a p s.
Good Riddance!
Looks like captain codpiece, chickenshit in chief has a new trifecta to be excited about:
1) A failed “war of oppotunity” w/ a prisoner abuse scandal
2) A national security scandal w/ a little (actually BIG) political coruption scandal on the side
3) A completely mismanaged natural disaster that destroys a major American city, killing thousands of its most vulnarable residents.
He wanted to distinguish himself from his daddy… and BOY did he. The republicans will be absolutely RADIOACTIVE for the next 25 years when all this is over!
Rujax: You may be right or there may be an event between now and then unforeseen that “When in the course of human events it becomes necessary…” to keep your side out of power for another two years. Maybe Howard Dean will make our day again!
I have been lumped with the bush loving-lying pathologists. Pleae note that 80% of my postings support Goldy — I am closer to the center than some left wingnuts and quite a bit distanced from the bush side.
ll in all, Bush is a lousy president. But he is blameless with respect to Katrina.
@139…You are not communicating.
The internet serves me well; I don’t need your perversions, wherever they come from. I suspect you and your fellows are all too familiar with the crowbar hotel.
Google is alright if you are a layman. I don’t need junk reading to realize “global warming” on earth and on mars means two entirely different things.
You are an idiot. Please, don’t breed. or at least, sterilize your get, legitimate or otherwise. And that goes X2 for RedMark…
It is a fact that the Clinton administration set some tough policies on wetlands, and it is a fact that the Bush administration repealed those policies – ordering federal agencies to stop protecting as many as 20 million acres of wetlands.
Last year, four environmental groups cooperated on a joint report showing the Bush administration’s policies had allowed developers to drain thousands of acres of wetlands.
Does this mean we should blame President Bush for the fact that New Orleans is underwater? No, but it means we can blame Bush when a Category 3 or Category 2 hurricane puts New Orleans under. At this point, it is a matter of making a bad situation worse, of failing to observe the First Rule of Holes (when you’re in one, stop digging). Just plain political bad luck that, in June, Bush took his little ax and chopped $71.2 million from the budget of the New Orleans Corps of Engineers, a 44 percent reduction. As was reported in New Orleans CityBusiness at the time, that meant “major hurricane and flood projects will not be awarded to local engineering firms. Also, a study to determine ways to protect the region from a Category 5 hurricane has been shelved for now.”
The commander of the corps’ New Orleans district also immediately instituted a hiring freeze and canceled the annual corps picnic.
Our friends at the Center for American Progress note the Office of Technology Assessment used to produce forward-thinking plans such as “Floods: A National Policy Concern” and “A Framework for Flood Hazards Management.” Unfortunately, the office was targeted by Newt Gingrich and the Republican right, and gutted years ago.
In fact, there is now a governmentwide movement away from basing policy on science, expertise and professionalism, and in favor of choices based on ideology. If you’re wondering what the ideological position on flood management might be, look at the pictures of New Orleans – it seems to consist of gutting the programs that do anything.
Unfortunately, the war in Iraq is directly related to the devastation left by the hurricane. About 35 percent of Louisiana’s National Guard is now serving in Iraq, where four out of every 10 soldiers are guardsmen. Recruiting for the Guard is also down significantly because people are afraid of being sent to Iraq if they join, leaving the Guard even more short-handed.
The Louisiana National Guard also notes that dozens of its high-water vehicles, Humvees, refuelers and generators have also been sent abroad. (I hate to be picky, but why do they need high-water vehicles in Iraq?)
This, in turn, goes back to the original policy decision to go into Iraq without enough soldiers and the subsequent failure to admit that mistake and to rectify it by instituting a draft.
The levees of New Orleans, two of which are now broken and flooding the city, were also victims of Iraq war spending. Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, said on June 8, 2004, “It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq.”
This, friends, is why we need to pay attention to government policies, not political personalities, and to know whereon we vote. It is about our lives.
Test……Filter Test……Only white Republican males loot. Test………..
What a bunch of hateful spew from Puddy and others. If you cannot understand that this is a national disaster requiring a federal response, you are simply ignorant about disaster preparedness, emergency response and recovery.
Preparedness- the levees were a federal responsibility, and the federal government cut the maintenance funds.
Response and recovery- it is FEDERAL POLICY that individuals should expect to be self-sufficient for three days after an event. THe government is then expected to provide assistance. The scope of this disaster clearly exceeds local capabilities.
This is what this federal government says its policy is. I have been subjected to several FEMA training sessions, and that is what they have sold to the locals.
Are you deliberately ignoring the suffering of your fellow Americans?
No K: We, the wife and I sent disaster relief money. We send $250 every other month because it’s the right thing to do. What have you done? I have only seen three moonbats say they sent money. “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” – Who said that? Please show me where the levees are a national responsibility.
The Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for any work within navigible waterways. A fact.
FEMA is a national agency responsible for emergency response (the “E” should give you a clue).
When the earthquake hit here locally I went to staff the emergency response center, not to care for my wife and children. What the fuck do you really know about emergency response and preparedness?
How about this one-
After 2003 the Army Corps of Engineers sharply slowed its flood-control work, including work on sinking levees. “The corps,” an Editor and Publisher article says, citing a series of articles in The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, “never tried to hide the fact that the spending pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security – coming at the same time as federal tax cuts – was the reason for the strain.”
In 2002 the corps’ chief resigned, reportedly under threat of being fired, after he criticized the administration’s proposed cuts in the corps’ budget, including flood-control spending.
Hey Dan – You better get hold of those morons at JPL and tell them about your “prerequisite atmosphere” theory. I’m sure they’ll be fascinated. Let us know what they say.
Or what about this-
Before 9/11 the Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the three most likely catastrophic disasters facing America: a terrorist attack on New York, a major earthquake in San Francisco and a hurricane strike on New Orleans. “The New Orleans hurricane scenario,” The Houston Chronicle wrote in December 2001, “may be the deadliest of all.” It described a potential catastrophe very much like the one now happening.
Dan B—@140
You have got to be kidding me..
You honestly don’t know what a “hummer” is???
Well Dan B., it’s like this….
Remember when that horse fucked your life partner to death?
That’s not a hummer.
However, remember when Rujax put your winkie in his mouth?
You are truly a first-class fool DanB
Yes! Let’s kill all the looters stealing inventory out of WalMart just to survive. Typical Republican prioritizing.
Mr. Cynical is a self-hating homo of the Roy Cohn variety. Don’t pay him no nevermind….
Nah, Cynical is just trying to pull people’s chains. A rather sad way to get his kicks day in and day out, but who am I to stand in the way of his good time.
It’s all Bush’s fault. And Reagan was an old duffer who memorized a few speeches and authorized death squads and drug sales by the U.S. gov’t. It’s his fault too.
Roger Rabbit……..Did you help Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton loot those 42 inch Sony plasma TVs from WALMART? [Are there pictures?] -Comment by JCH— 9/1/05 @ 2:28 pm
Oh yes, those rotten, evil, capitalist pigs over at WALMART as opposed to those sweet, gentle, kind, philanthropists over at (baby murder is a choice) Planned Parenthood
Let’s recap, shall we…
Sweet, gentle, kind, philanthropists:
As a courtesy to women fleeing Hurricane Katrina, we will offer one free cycle (one month) of birth control or one free Emergency Contraception kit to women presenting to a PPHSET clinic with a valid Louisiana or Mississippi driver’s license. We also are offering one depo injection at a total fee of $41.00 (we are waiving the office visit charge, and offering the depo at a 50% discount). This offer is good until September 10th. For those at The Astrodome, we are one block east of the ENSEMBLE Metro Rail stop, call 713-522-3976.
Rotten, evil, capitalist pigs:
BENTONVILLE, Ark., Sept. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Following President
Bush’s announcement today that former Presidents Bush and Clinton will lead a nationwide fundraising effort to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina, Wal-Mart President and CEO Lee Scott contacted President Clinton and the White
House and committed $15 million from Wal-Mart to jump-start the effort.
As part of this commitment, Wal-Mart will establish mini-Wal-Mart stores
in areas impacted by the hurricane. Items such as clothing, diapers, baby wipes, food, formula, toothbrushes, bedding and water will be given out free of charge to those with a demonstrated need.
Wal-Mart previously donated $2 million in cash to aid emergency relief efforts and has been collecting contributions at its 3,800 stores and CLUBS, and through its web sites.
Well now, golly, gosh gee whiz birth control (that you pay for!) vs necessities.
Well now, golly, gosh gee whiz, was it WALMART or Planned Baby Death that’s been the victim of looting by lawless thugs?
Now lucy…
You accuse me of being a self-hating homo???
Something tells me you know everything there is to know about self-love! That probably explains your coke-bottle glasses, huh?
Do you really think I get kicks out of teasing the LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS)???? Now I enjoy volunteering at the Food Bank and with kid’s sports. However this volunteer job is downright painful! I’m offended you would think I actually enjoy this. WHAT KIND OF SICK BASTARD DO YOU TAKE ME FOR ANYWAY!!!!?
Well now, golly, gosh gee whiz, ASS, do you mean lawless thugs like this one?
Michael Griffin stationed himself behind the Pensacola [FL] Women’s Medical Services clinic next to an unmarked rear door and shot Dr. David Gunn, the clinic’s founder and abortion provider. Gunn took three bullets in the back and died two hours later.
Or maybe this guy? Surely that’s who you meant.
Eric Robert Rudolph is charged with the January 1998 bombing of a Birmingham, Ala., clinic that killed a security guard and seriously injured a nurse, as well as bombings at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, at a lesbian bar in Atlanta and another clinic in Georgia.
Talk about the poster-child for mental cases like yourself, ASS.
Or maybe you were thinking of this.
[i]A doctor who performed abortions was shot to death by a sniper in his western New York home Friday night in an attack denounced as “terrorism” by the state’s governor.
A doctor who performed abortions was shot to death by a sniper in his western New York home Friday night in an attack denounced as “terrorism” by the state’s governor.[/i]
Yeah, poor fucking Wal-Mart.
“I think all you good ‘progressives’ who are so enlightened should invite a looter to live in your home, so they can rebuild their lives.”
You haven’t heard? All over the country, people are opening their homes and taking in Katrina refugees! The American spirit of generosity and community comes through!*
(*I’m referring to real Americans, not the ersatz pretenders who wrap themselves in the flag and loudly proclaim how “patriotic” they are — while proclaiming everyone else “unpatriotic”.)
“Americans Open Homes to Storm Refugees
“ATLANTA (Sept. 1) – Every night since Hurricane Katrina pounded the Gulf Coast, Fredia Rainey has been glued to the tragic TV reports on the rising death toll and the thousands of people left homeless by the storm. Finally, the worsening situation reached a tipping point in her mind. The least she could do, she figured, is make available a spare bedroom in her west Georgia home.
“Across the nation, people like Rainey are offering up their homes as temporary shelters to the storm’s refugees. On the Web site, hundreds of people — some from as far as Oregon and New Hampshire — are eagerly offering free or extremely cheap room and board for victims, even knowing those strangers may stay for months.
“‘We’ve got all this room. Why not host a family, a couple, someone who needs help?’ asked Linda Donewald, an empty-nester who is offering her Mesa, Ariz., home to refugees along with space for a pet cat or dog. ‘Even if it’s 110 degrees, I’m sitting here on dry land. And these people have nothing.'”
“In Valdosta, Ga., five volunteers have offered up their homes …
“Federal officials … applaud the efforts as a way for the average citizen to help in the wake of a disaster.
“‘That kind of system, individual to individual, is a great way to go,” said David Passey, a spokesman with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. ‘There are a lot of great Americans out there.'”
wrong again @ 47
“I would hire them at min. wage”
Yeah I’m sure you would. But would you hire a minimum wage worker to repair your car or remove your appendix? You get what you pay for.
Well now, golly, gosh gee whiz, LibbyDave, try to be relevant… and timely.
Link 1: 12 Years Ago (back in March)
Link 2: 7 years ago
Link 3: 7 years ago
Moral relativism at it’s best: LibbyDave equates evil bombing 7 and 12 years ago (in the LAST century, no less!), respectively to “evil” Walmart, who is trying to mitigate the pain and suffering of hurricane victims, while Planned baby death is aggressively working to be damned sure no life affirming births come out of the hurricane tragedy.
What an ideology, you lib groupies got there!
Navigatable waterways. Was the 17th street levee on a navigatable waterway? Hmmm… I’ll investigate and get back at you.
reply to 85
I don’t hate YOU, JCH. Hating takes energy, and you’re not worth the effort.
Well now, golly, gosh gee whiz, LibbyDave, try to be relevant… and timely.
To hell with that! You aren’t going to weasel out with that chickenshit argument. And by the way, asswipe, the last century was only five years ago.
You want moral relativism? Here it is:
Link 1: 12 Years Ago (back in March)
Link 2: 7 years ago
Link 3: 7 years ago
As if terrorist attacks on doctors somehow depreciate in relevence because they happened in the ’90s. I’m sure that logic would go over real well to counter the blame-Clinton crowd when they recall the 1993 WTC bombing or the attack on the USS Cole.
Reply to 127
“What is ‘chirren’?”
That’s the term racists use for black “children.”
“Hey GeoCrackr – Scientists report that planet Mars is also experiencing global warming. Given the GWB is not president of Mars, and that there are no SUVs there, how do you explain that?”
It won’t surprise me if the first men to land on Mars discover evidence that Republicans once lived there.
No, not THAT Bush — THIS bush!
“WAVELAND, Miss. – For five hours, 14 members of Waveland’s police department held on desperately to a spindly bush as they watched the town they swore to protect being torn apart by Hurricane Katrina. …”
It’s a sad commentary that a plant has saved more lives than our ineffectual president.
Rhat was awfully big of you to avoid politicizing this tragedy for what, a few days. Ever heard the term “look before you leap”? You leaped before the bodies are buried just like every other lefty with 20-20 hindsight.
The rescus response has been pitiful, agreed. How about telling us how you can be so sure that you know why you smartass?
What if the local authorities had something to do with “calling off” the feds after the storm passed and everybody (including you) thought that NO had “dodged a bullet”? How do you know who did what and who made the critical decisions during the first day or so? Maybe you should wait until the facts come out before you dis the Prez over this. By leaping on this so quick you prove that you are just another lefty hack, following the lead of all the other lefty blogs.
“Even with full funding in recent years, none of the flood-control projects would have been completed in time to prevent the swamping of the city, as Democrats yesterday acknowledged.”
Bush administration: incompetent from head to toe.
I think people who put out propaganda that abortion is equivalent to murder should be charged, convicted and jailed when someone murders an abortion worker because of the propaganda/garbage that you spew. Then we’d see how deep your convictions on this issue really run. You only put that idea out there so you can justify the real murder and misery that you practice and advocate. Nixon was very smart when he had a few students murdered by the National Guard and thereby de-activated much of the youth revolution. The same tactic could be used against abortion protestos when push comes to shove—and it will! Somewhere along the line some parent or relative of a murdered abortion worker is going to put two and two together and the terrorism of the Right will begin tyo fall right back into their own midst. You guys are just a pussy hair away from it. So, keep pushing! I can’twait to see the looks on your face when that happens.
George W. Bush is perhaps the worst president since James Buchanan… if not worse… and it would be irresponsible to continue to top my criticism with butter and sugar.
Comment by Goldy— 9/1/05 @ 9:23 am
Hey Goldy you are blowing a head gasget? The Gov ov this state never prepares for anything untill after the fact, why should the Fed’s do their work for them. The Nat Guard can’t do anything untill the local goverment instructs them to duty. That has been the case in WTO, Fires, Floods, and other events that you wouldn’t think about. So take another green pill and melow out.
headless lucy @ 180
‘I think people who put out propaganda that abortion is equivalent to murder should be charged, convicted and jailed when someone murders an abortion worker because of the propaganda/garbage that you spew.’
If you thought that abortion is the killing of a person I would hope you would feel differently. Then anyone who advocates or defends abortion would be guilty of murder also?
kfmonkey said this awhile back, but people blaming clinton for the lack of response today, FOUR YEARS after 9/11, is exactly like going to a restaurant and getting served a pile of human feces, then declaring, well you should have seen this place 6 years ago under the old management!
and you people making comments about how no one should’ve built there–this wasn’t some new resort town built for the view, it was the 5th busiest port in the f#cking world and the nation’s most impoverished city. for that reason alone it was one of the most important places in this country, and hard to imagine it not being among the absolute highest priorities for our govt to protect. It’s crucial to our economy and stability.
goldy, you’re right it was gravity that stopped the rising water. But you forgot to mention it was INTELLIGENT gravity, called upon from on high by dubya himself.
Puddy @ 171
Any waterway which was ever involved in commerce is defined as navigible. There are creeks in this state which once floated logs to market which are by definition navigible. Additionally, the Corps is responsible for filling and grading permits in wetlands.
I can’t believe anyone is sticking up for Bush on anything. He’s not even really a “republican” and he is a long way from “conservative”.
First, he started a whole new federal dept. for the stated purpose of preserving homeland security, but frankly, I for one have not seen any real benefit of this move.
Second, he made some sweeping changes to our constitution (The Patriot Act), and is continuing to lobby for their renewal. How is this conservative? Not only that, he is lobbying for a constitutional ban on gay marriage. Shouldn’t he be a proponent of state’s rights? As I recall, republicans are supposed to lean in that direction.
Third, his administration has gutted FEMA, and displaced a large percentage of our national guard in order to continue an operation which started as an illegal* invasion of Iraq. In the face of the current crisis in Louisiana, this was clearly a bad move.
*I say illegal, in that it goes against the United States’ long standing (public) position of engaging in strategic warfare and not participating in all-out pre-emptive strikes. Come on, if we were really so down on Iraq that we wanted to overthrow the regime, why not take the traditionalist approach of engaging in CIA sponsered “black-ops”?
When Nixon screwed up, it was a primarily Republican group of people who saw to it that he was impeached, and thus justice was served. Where the hell, are the real republicans now? You know, the ones who actually care more about preserving our way of life in this country, and less about filling the tank on their new Hummers?
Oh and just for the record, I voted for Rossi, although I did not much care for either candidate. Gregoire *is* a gutless pinhead – at least I’ll think so until she does something worthwhile – speaking up against I-912 would be a start. Also, where was Patty Murray when a senator’s signature was needed to contest the voting scandal in florida?
Anyway, at this point both parties make me sick. I firmly believe that this country is long overdue for a viable third option.