Speaking at the Baptist World Alliance’s centenary conference in Birmingham, England, former President Jimmy Carter blasted Bush administration policies in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, where prisoners have been held indefinitely, without charge or access to lawyers.
“I think what’s going on in Guantanamo Bay and other places is a disgrace to the U.S.A.,” he told a news conference. “I wouldn’t say it’s the cause of terrorism, but it has given impetus and excuses to potential terrorists to lash out at our country and justify their despicable acts.”
“What has happened at Guantanamo Bay … does not represent the will of the American people,” Carter said. “I’m embarrassed about it, I think it’s wrong. I think it does give terrorists an unwarranted excuse to use the despicable means to hurt innocent people.”
Notice my emphasis on the word “unwarranted.” Carter clearly stated that terrorist acts could not be justified, and while Guantanamo “may be an aggravating factor … it’s not the basis of terrorism.” Carter, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, also continued his long standing criticism of the Iraq war.
“I thought then, and I think now, that the invasion of Iraq was unnecessary and unjust. And I think the premises on which it was launched were false.”
Yeah, I know… you righties are going to instantly jump in attacking and maligning Carter, but he is one of the few true statesmen our nation has, and a voice of wisdom and reason that is heeded overseas, if not here at home. It is also one of the curious ironies of American politics that one of the figures most reviled by those on the religious right, is a man who was arguably the most genuinely and passionately devout President in perhaps a hundred years… and an Evangelical Christian to boot.
Go figure.
‘I think it does give terrorists an unwarranted excuse to use the despicable means to hurt innocent people.’’
The terrorists are not looking for excuses to kill infidels.
Gee…who knows more about global politics, geopolitical strategy, the dynamics of the middle east, the effect the US policies on pre-emptive war and torture of detainees…a wingnut wanker from Washinton State, or a man who dedicates his life to public service as not only a former Secretary of the Navy, Governor of Georgia, and President of the United States…but an internationally respected Election monitor, and humanitarian both in this country and all over the world.
Nahhh he won’t no nothin’ about any of that. No Sireee, he don’t have inside sources that tell him more about whats going on than we’ll ever WANT .
2, Cont’d…
…to know. Keep watching your FAUX circle jerks, moron.
Twenty-five years after his term is over, the only post-presidential item on Bush’s resumé will be clearing weeds back on the ranch.
What “peace” did Carter bring? None. He was (and still is) a weak pacifist. If anything, he made the situation worse by failing to confront radical islam.
President Reagan should have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Through his policy of “Peace through Strength” and ending the Cold War by breaking the back of the USSR, he brought real peace to the world.
What you libs refuse to understand is the violence (or the threat thereof) DOES solve everything. Our enemies laugh at our words. The only way to bring peace is to destroy their ability to make war. Works every time.
Oh yes, Jimmy – just something about a supposed adult still using the preschool variation of his name.
Oh yes, Jimmy – that patriot who has never met a dictator he doesn’t like:
– diplomatic recognition of Communist-occupied China, and his betrayal of our loyal friends on Taiwan.
– the crown of St. Stephen, which loyal Hungarians had protected from the Nazis, but which Jimmy gave the Communists to legitimize them.
– The Panama Canal: The United States bought and paid for the Canal Zone as surely as you bought your house, except that the United States paid in gold. The United States had–and still has–title. The United States built the Canal after France had failed. The United States paid fees for the Canal to Panama every year. Indeed, the United States created the nation of Panama for the purpose.
But Jimmy Carter ignored all this. He grovelled in apology for our history in Panama, and sent his diplomats to arrange the betrayal of our country. Under Jimmy, the treaties that would terminate U.S. ownership were moving through the Senate. But the Senate balked. The senators feared that the treaties did not sufficiently protect American interests. So something called the DeConcini Reservation was born. Named for Arizona Senator Dennis DeConcini, the Reservation would have allowed the United States to intervene in an emergency to protect the Canal, a provision that satisfied other members of the Senate.
Carter took the Reservation to Omar Torrijos, the Marxist crook then dictating in Panama. Torrijos rejected the DeConcini Reservation, insisting on absolutely no conditions for the gift of the priceless American property Carter was scheming to give him. So, Jimmy told Torrijos privately that he could delete the Reservation from the version of the treaty Panama would adopt.
But Jimmy didn’t tell the U.S. Senate. He knew that, were the Senators informed, they would throw the treaty out. That’s right! Carter committed fraud on the Senate. He allowed Torrijos to ratify one version of the key treaty, while the U.S. Senate innocently ratified another.
– North Korea’s number one cheerleader
– Apologist for Arafat.
– Castro adulator.
Word has it Mr Worst President is micromanaging his state funeral plans all the way down to the type font of the programs. Better he should sit down, shut up and concentrate on that than running his treasonous big mouth on foreign soil.
Concentrate on your peanut farm burial old JIMMY boy – America will finally find reason to thank you for something.
rujax206 @ 3
‘Keep watching your FAUX circle jerks, moron’
You forgot to address the single point I made. (Sticks and stones….)
Carter is indeed a gentleman, there is no argument with that. However, he was an unmitigated FAILURE as President of the United States. Even the the PBS “biography” of his presidency, outlined and aknowledged it. I remember all too well every failed policy (or lack thereof) and every failed attempt at management of a miriad of problems here and abroad. It’s laughable that Democrat “revisionists” try to paint his tenure in the whitehouse as anything else other than a complete and total JOKE.
Violence has never solved anything. ANYTHING. Wars always end in negotiations. Both sides believe they are right and that the other side has wronged them. The side that wins the war gets to write the history books and thus “shows” everyone else that they were right. Are terrorists right in what they do? Hell no! But did we provoke their anger by using and exploiting other people and cultures to our own personal gain? Hell yes! As long as we never change our attitude towards the rest of the world we can expect that people will keep getting pissed off and trying to kill us. We can try to kill them faster but that will only piss off their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins, aunts, uncles and children. Eye for an eye until the whole world is blind.
Fine, NoWonder, I’ll address your point. The hardcore jihadists don’t need an excuse, but the people that they try to lure in to their cells do. Abu Ghraib is the recruitment poster for the terrorists. Thanks for providing that for them.
“Abu Ghraib is the recruitment poster for the terrorists. Thanks for providing that for them”
WINNER! WINNER! WINNER! of the single most ridiculous, irrational and sttatement not supported by fact of the day!
Thanks for playing mindless moonbat! We have a lovely six month supply of honey Glazed Chicken and rice pilaf served in the comfort of Club Gitmo. the choice of terrorists and idiots like you!
Ok trollie’s…as bad as you think carter was…chimpy will achieve the glorious honor of WORST.PRESIDENT.EVER.
…And in the category of “Most Corrupt Administration in American History” (drumroll) the envelope please…the George Walker Bush Administration!!!! (Music!!!…Standing Ovation!!!…Wild Applause!!!) “Accepting for the Bush Administration is Vice-President, Dick Cheney” (More Applause…Whooping; Hollering) VP holds up hands for quiet…the room is silent…Cheney looks over the crowd with piercing black eyes…
“Fuck You.”
Ya know folks, and this’ll sound odd coming from me…but yer boy is really gettin’ a raw deal here. chimp’s got no more idea of what his gummint is doing than you or I have. Somewhere…in the Black Hills…in the SUPER DUPER SECRET BUNKER, Dicky the Dick…the REAL President…is pulling the levers and calling the shots. Anyone who believes that petulant twit has been given any REAL power is smokin’ somethin’ I want a bunch of.
Re: Bad Presidents; Ronnie Ray-gun should have been impeached for all the shenanigans his goons pulled in Central America and the Middle East. Oh…and don’t forget how the “Great Communicator” got 241 marines KILLED on his watch. Then the frickin’ Pope and gets the Soviet Union busted up and ST. Ronnie gets the credit. Wow. St. Ronnie. Whattaguygottaluvvim. Whaddayasayfolkslesgivvimahand.
Last Add; re:#1
OK, knownothing…populations rise up against an occupation, an oppressive dictatorial ruler, or any one of an infinite number of intolerable social, religious or economic conditions. The more weak and powerless the afflicted are against the adversary, the more “creative” they become in thier combat…their struggle against the oppressor (think the British thought of the Colonists as “terorists”?). I don’t know why you loonies think this is all something new. This sort of conflict has been going on from time immemorial. You idiots who refuse to heed the lessons of history are getting to repeat them. It’s a real Neo-CON Job. With NO Lube.
Rujax..You are without a doubt, hands down, certifiably INSANE. Get help, therapy and medication quick because you are one sick, demented and obviously mindless, pathetic inhabitant of this planet and soon to be fulltime resident of Western State Hospital. Anybody who is clearly clueless as you is a clear and present danger to themselves and others.
You know when I read the crap you spew I feel EXACTLY the same way. Backatcha buddy!!!!
I remember when Carter relinquished control over the Panama Canal as stipulated in the original lease. How the wrongwingers cried foul and outrage over honoring an international agreement. Bitter they were, brutally forced to tolerate Carter’s 55 mph speed limit threat to their freedom, carelessly dismissing the marked decrease in the freeway death toll.
Carter’s Home Weatherization Tax Credit Program made homes cleaner, more comfortable and healthier. Innumerable historic homes were preserved. We saved enough energy to buy a decade of time before reckless energy consumption outpaced our ability to produce it, mostly because subdivision housing compounds continued to sprawl over the land and fill with republicans.
Unmitigated failure? IDGAF must misconstrue the word ‘mitigate’ to mean something to do with might, as in the forceful use of power, ie, might makes right. Rightwingers, like IDGAF, like crooks, blame others for their failures, like only democrats are to blame for the traffic nightmare.
The future car will incorporate “rooftop” photovoltiac solar panels. Carter may not have realized how farsighted he was on that technology when he installed panels on the roof of the White House.
“Mark” @ 5
Please find a new posting name. “Mark” is already taken… by ME.
rujax @ 12: “Then the frickin’ Pope and gets the Soviet Union busted up and ST. Ronnie gets the credit.”
Go read a book instead of the DNC/MorOn.org “history from our perspective” pamphlet. As someone with immediate family and friends who lived (and suffered) under the hammer and sickle and WERE THERE for the fall, I can tell you that Reagan had a GREAT DEAL to do with it.
You’re one of those sad, sad people who takes everything you have in this country for granted. All you do is bitch, bitch, bitch to the tune of your party’s talking points. When was the last time you fell to your knees, kissed the ground and were thankful for everything this country has given you?? Moron.
rujax206 @ 12
‘You idiots who refuse to heed the lessons of history are getting to repeat them.’
This is actually a better description of the left wing here in the US. You have been reading too many revisionists text books, in public school I presume.
Try reading some real history. It will open your eyes.
The person posting as “Mark” isn’t me — who has posted as “Mark” long before this other person.
“Mark,” please find a new posting name.
I had 12 years of Catholic education, sh*tforbrains. I’ve read and experienced plenty of history, thank you very much. The reason we are in this mess right now is because of a war mongering/profiteering group of corrupt elites and the dumbasses like you who apologise for them.
There is NO PROFIT IN PEACE. These asshats do not want peace. They want war. Muddy conflicts in murky lands. They know exactly what they are doing. they’re keepin’ the war machine hummin’! Sell those arms, move that ammo. War is Good! Why didn’t I buy Halliburton instead of contributing to Habitat for Humanity? My bad.
Power, Money, Control. That’s what it’s all about here, nowundawundabread. YOU read some history! You read about failed Empire. You read about uncontrolled ego and megolomania. You read about wars of Imperialism and selfish national interest. The Brits caught their terrorists in four days. Where’s ol’ Osama Bin Hiding??? What happened to “Dead or Alive”. I really was expectin’ chimpy to put on his ten-gallon hat and six-shooter and go in after the bad guy hisself. You just don’t get it do you? They don’t want him caught! We can put men and women in space and we can’t catch some dumbass camel jockey? Just because he’s a “friend of the family”???? Those people make me puke.
This is what’s gonna happen here…the freest, fairest, most liberal Democracy…the beautiful human experiment that all men are created equal…sold out by those who were charged to protect it. It’s all on you, jackass. I’ll laugh when you get sold like everybody else.
Here’s a ‘lil illustration (that is…I’m gonna show you somethin’ now that backs up my point…for you righty retards):
Is Carter still alive?
rujax206 @ 20
You should have followed the Haliburton links for the income announcement. The KBR numbers for Iraq-related work are as follows:
Revenue: 1.4 Billion
Income: 48 Million
Net margin: 3.4 %
Nice try. Keep it up and we will win!
For a running dog imperialist lackey you sure don’t know how to read a balance sheet. No wonder (indeed!) you believe the tripe these snakeoil salesmaen feed you. whattadummmshit.
rujax @ 19: “I had 12 years of Catholic education”
Repeating the 3rd grade 4 times doesn’t count toward 12. Besides, you’re probably from the crowd that worries more about how Johnny FEEEEELS about 2+2=5, than teaching him that 2+2=4.
I did notice that you avoided everything I said beyond the first sentence. I’ll say again that you’re one of the sad wacko Lefties who takes everything they have in this country for granted — and bitches about it from dusk ’til dawn.
OK. I’ve changed my post name.
Anyone who thinks President Reagan should NOT get a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Cold War, please direct your hate and intolerance to “Mark The Redneck”. Ref Comment #5.
Thats 12 consecutive, sequential years of education, MARK..two and 1/2 years at what was then a State College in Washington State (paid for by having TWO morning paper routes and performing at night…as a bass player in a fucking country western bar, you dirty minded son of a bitch), MARK. 15 years supporting myself as a performing artist, MARK. 8 years in as a sales professoinal for a US company (that contributes to Democratic Candidates, BTW) that is a leader in it’s field, MARK. 15 years as an independent contractor in the insurance industry and 7 years as a BUSINESS OWNER (started from scratch, thank you) in Washington State, built up to employ three people beside myself, MARK. No body handed me fucking ANYTHING, MARK. So fuck you and your “I’m a REAL AMERICAN and you’re not” bullshit, MARK. YOU’RE THE MORON, MARK. Anything else, bitch?
hey Mark, I hope you know which “Mark” I mean. The redneck cracker Mark.
What “peace” did Carter bring?
Uh, he is the ONLY president to get an Arab or Muslim country to sign a peace treaty with Israel. Reagan didn’t. Nixon didn’t. Bush I didn’t. Clinton didn’t. LBJ didn’t. Ford didn’t. And W, despite having opportunities to do so that previous presidents could have only dreamed of, has made it nearly impossible for himself to do so.
Mark (or Mark the Redneck, I guess), if you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s a good idea to shut the hell up. Reagan certainly expedited the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, by doing so with the tactics that he did, he gave the Mujahedin in Afghanistan the means to eventually overtake the government in Afghanistan, he enabled Saddam Hussein to build up a dangerous arsenal that ended in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, he fostered a deep sense of distrust in much of Latin America that continues to hurt our ability to do business in that part of the world, he contributed to the wave of terrorism that came out of Lebanon in the 80s, and he managed to supply BOTH SIDES in the Iran-Iraq war with weapons.
Considering that Yassir Arafat has won a Peace Prize, it’s not that ridiculous to think of Reagan winning one. But I sure as hell won’t be voting for him. Most of the problems we face today in the Middle East are after-effects from the mistakes we made there in the 80s.
Thehim – Peace in arab countries? Really? Do tell. Seems like there was a never ending reign of terror by arab terrorists against Israel. Or is that OK with you? And the problems we have there today are PRECISELY a result of Carter’s refusal to confront them.
President Reagan ended the Cold War with the Strategic Defense Initiative. We did a test with the Airborn Optical Adjunct program that proved that the technology would work to shoot down Soviet missiles. Once the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction was obsolete, and it was clear we would WIN, the commie reign was over.
Jimmy Carter style pacifism only encourages our enemies. The only thing that stops them is killing them and their war machine.
Rujax – You’re incohernt now. Are you directing your hate at me “Mark the Redneck” or the other Mark?
If I understand you right, you’re a high school gradiate and college dropout? Is that right?
Whichever “Mark” wrote #24…you’re the fuckhead I’m “incoherently ranting” at.
Yeah Redneck I “gradiated” from high school. Looks like you didn’t.
Redneck @ 29 You ignorant communist symapthiser! The Cold War ended because Communism is an inherantly bankrupt economic philosophy! Why you would state that an unproven and uniformally acknowlegded failure that was SDI brought an end to the Cold War makes it clear to me that you are an American Hating, Democracy-trashing, Capitalism-bashing traitor!
Go the fuck to Cuba if you love communism so much asshole!
Donna…YOU on a roll is a beautiful thing!
Go go go go go!
Rujax – Wow. You gradiated high school? I’ll betcher mammy and pappy wuz real proud of y’all. First one inna family I bet. But what didja tell them when you tried to splain why ya need all dat fancy “book larnin'”???
Fuck you redneck, looks like you ain’t got none yet.
Thehim – Peace in arab countries? Really? Do tell. Seems like there was a never ending reign of terror by arab terrorists against Israel. Or is that OK with you? And the problems we have there today are PRECISELY a result of Carter’s refusal to confront them.
Do you have any knowledge of the Middle East at all? How exactly are the problems we have there today the result of Carter? Do you have any evidence to back this up that isn’t derived from your own ass?
The Camp David Peace Accords were signed between Egypt, Jordan, and Israel in the late 70s with Carter as the mediator. Since then, the government of Egypt has recognized Israel’s government. As has Jordan. In the Sinai peninsula, land that Israel gave back to Egypt after capturing it in the 1967 war, it became a place where Egyptians and Israeli visitors have co-existed peacefully for two decades. It has only been in the past year that terrorism has found its way back to this part of the Middle East.
So, yes, there has been peace in Arab countries and even some pockets where there’s been peace with Israelis, although places where peace was the norm have now started to have to deal with an increase in terrorism that has affected the entire region in the past few years.
Arab terrorism is not OK with me. Neither are idiots like you who have a kindergarten-level of the view of the Middle East yet think you’re some kind of expert. Either read some books, learn the history, or shut your trap. You’re not helping this country by being an ignorant ass.
President Reagan ended the Cold War with the Strategic Defense Initiative. We did a test with the Airborn Optical Adjunct program that proved that the technology would work to shoot down Soviet missiles. Once the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction was obsolete, and it was clear we would WIN, the commie reign was over.
Uh, no. The reasons for the failing of the Soviet Union were much more related to economic factors than to specific military assets. We bankrupted them because Reagan saw the Soviet leadership dying from rot. It was a strategy that worked, but had side effects (as I mentioned previously) that are far from desirable today. Today, Russia is still struggling to build a democracy and Putin still makes attempts at the kind of totalitarian rule that used to be the norm there. In addition, the Russian mob has inordinate control there, another after-effect of the quick implosion of communist government, rather than a smoother transition to market reforms. Look at China and see how much better the transition is for them. Their Communist government is dying, but capitalism is taking over, not mob rule. Pulling down the wall was nice, but long term stability is better.
Jimmy Carter style pacifism only encourages our enemies.
Yes, but George Bush style belligerence gives them followers.
The only thing that stops them is killing them and their war machine.
Nope. That’s actually what makes more terrorism. The world is complicated, my friend. It requires a little bit more rigorous thinking than you’d like. Fighting a uniformed army is not the same as fighting terrorism. It’s more like fighting the war on drugs. The worst way to fight it is to believe that you can control individual behavior through intimidation and torture.
rujax206 @ 23
‘For a running dog imperialist lackey you sure don’t know how to read a balance sheet.’
I think you mean income statement. (Your welcome.) Did you not read the links provided by your source. The Iraq operations of KBR had the results I posted.
Nope. That’s actually what makes more terrorism. The world is complicated, my friend. It requires a little bit more rigorous thinking than you’d like. Fighting a uniformed army is not the same as fighting terrorism. It’s more like fighting the war on drugs. The worst way to fight it is to believe that you can control individual behavior through intimidation and torture.
Cookies and milk won’t stop terrorists. Terrorist operate with support networks in safe countries and safe houses. By making those harboring and aiding and abetting terrorist pay for their actions, the safe networks will dry up.
Reply to 1
No, but they’re looking for arguments to persuade potential recruits to kill infidels, dumbass.
“President Reagan should have received the Nobel Peace Prize.”
For what, secretly arming Central American right wing death squads so they could go out and murder defenseless peasants and nuns? Mark, there are times when you are truly offensive, and this is one of them.
No Mark, President Drooling Old Fool should have been impeached.
Reply to 8
Would you prefer we elect a warmongering liar instead? Never mind, don’t answer that.
IDGAF thinks “mitigate” means making it legal to dump MTBE in drinking water.
While you’re busy handing out credit for the bustup of the USSR why don’t you throw some the way of Churchill, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, John Paul II, Lech Walensa and Solidarnocz and — not least — Gorbachev?
The Soviet Union would have fallen without Reagan, but we would still be stuck in a Cold War with a USSR without Gorbachev.
They should create a War Prize and give it to the biggest warmongers and death dealers on the planet. Maybe Reagan could get that one. Shrub certainly would.
“President Reagan ended the Cold War with the Strategic Defense Initiative.”
Who the hell do you think you’re kidding? 25 years later, the fucking thing still can’t hit a target drone in a scripted test.
Carter needs to keep his mind on lumber and nails. He’s at least capable in that arena, but clueless in matters of Geo-political ideologies and conflicts. Politically, he is a major embarrasment (every time he opens his mouth, anyway) to the USA. I’m ashamed I voted for him, but I take one consolation from that. I learn from my mistakes.
Karmalies @ 47 “Politically, (Carter) is a major embarrasment (every time he opens his mouth, anyway) to the USA”
What part of “Carter is loved respected and admired world wide” did you hit yourself on the head with? Dumbass.
pbj @ 38
“Terrorist operate with support networks in safe countries and safe houses. By making those harboring and aiding and abetting terrorist pay for their actions, the safe networks will dry up.”
I don’t think that it’s just that simple. But, if the Bush administration really believed in making nations pay for harboring/aiding and abetting terrorists, they’d do well to start with two nations known to harbor and finance terrorists: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Neither of them are on our shit list.
“but clueless in matters of Geo-political ideologies and conflicts
I hope you’ve got some evidence for that claim. Carter regularly displays a breadth and depth of knowlege on both of these issues that eclipses anything Bush could come up with.
Hey people! Listen to what Carter says. After all, when it comes to appeasing terrorists and humiliating America, Carter is the expert.
“Oh yes, Jimmy – that patriot who has never met a dictator he doesn’t like:
That’s a pretty large, blanket statement. It certainly is not defensible. One could certainly make the same statement of GW Bush, and it would also not be defensible. But, if I take you to mean that a true patriot would not like any dictator he meets (which of course means I’m reading in to your statement), then we’ve certainly got far more problems with Bush, who seems to have no problems with Islam Karimov, Turkmenbashi, Ilhan Aliyev, Pervez Musharraf, Hosni Mubarak, etc.
“- North Korea’s number one cheerleader
– Apologist for Arafat.
– Castro adulator.”
Details please.
@ 9 ,
Violence has never solved anything. ANYTHING.
Other than end fascism,nazism,slavery and communism, violience has never solved anything.
E @ 49,
I don’t think that it’s just that simple. But, if the Bush administration really believed in making nations pay for harboring/aiding and abetting terrorists, they’d do well to start with two nations known to harbor and finance terrorists: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Neither of them are on our shit list.
Saudi Arabia has been cooperating with us. Do you want us to invade them? What actions would you have us take against Saudia Arabia other than what we have done?
Same thing for Pakistan. We used bases in Pakistan to help our invasion of Afghanistan. If you look on the map, you will notice that Afghanistan is a land locked country. Do you propose we invade them too? Again, please list what actions you would take that aren’t already being taken.
So now we know that Jimmy Carter is still as clueless as he was when he was president. If he had done his job then we could have avoided this war
Gary @55,
You’re going to blame Jimmy Carter for the Iraq war? You are pathetic.
Jimmy Carter knows all about pathetic Goldy:
“I think what’s going on in Guantanamo Bay and other places is a disgrace to the U.S.A.,” he told a news conference at the Baptist World Alliance’s centenary conference in Birmingham, England. “I wouldn’t say it’s the cause of terrorism, but it has given impetus and excuses to potential terrorists to lash out at our country and justify their despicable acts.”
You know what else is disgraceful?
When a former US President gives him stamp of approval to a fraudulent election:
“After an arduous negotiation, the Electoral Council allowed the OAS [Organization of American States] and the Carter Center to observe all aspects of the [Venezuelan] election process except for the central computer hub, a place where they also prohibited the presence of any witnesses from the opposition. At the time, this appeared to be an insignificant detail. Now it looks much more meaningful.”
Carter has “given impetus and excuses” to potential dictators around the world. How’s that for disgrace?
Oh, you want more?
Then how about a former US President who refuses to give his stamp of approval to two free and fair elections in the world’s oldest continuously-functioning democracy:
It was obvious that in 2000 these basic standards were not met in Florida, and there are disturbing signs that once again, as we prepare for a presidential election, some of the state’s leading officials hold strong political biases that prevent necessary reforms.
Carter there gave “impetus and excuses” to those who would claim this country is no better than the brutal dictatorships it opposes.
You want even more?
Then let’s hear it for a former US President who tried to conduct his own, private foreign policy while his nation prepared to oppose a conquering madman:
During the buildup to the Gulf War in 1990 and 1991, Carter unsuccessfully worked to undermine the foreign policy of America’s democratically elected president, George Bush. Carter behaved as the Imperial Ex-President, conducting a guerrilla foreign policy operation that competed with the actual president’s. What’s disturbing about this behavior is not that Carter opposed war with Iraq. Many Democrats opposed going to war, and they worked within the American system to try to prevent a war that many predicted would be bloody (which it was, for Iraq). But Carter went further than merely lobbying Congress to oppose military action or speaking out in an effort to tilt popular opinion against the coming war. He used his status as a former president to engage in foreign policy, a deliberate effort to subvert the democratic process.
That time, Carter gave “impetus and excuses” to none other than Saddam Hussein.
“But wait,” as Ron Popeil says, “there’s more!”
How about a former US President who has been linked with Oil-for-Food scandal figure Samir Vincent:
In 2000, Vincent led Iraqi religious leaders on a tour of the United States to push for an end to sanctions against Saddam. Among the people who the group met with was former President Jimmy Carter.
Did Carter give “impetus and excuses” to the people profiting from starving Iraqi children? You make the call!
Of course, Carter also had a softer side. So soft, he had nothing but praise for Yassar Arafat:
He was the father of the modern Palestinian nationalist movement. A powerful human symbol and forceful advocate, Palestinians united behind him in their pursuit of a homeland. While he provided indispensable leadership to a revolutionary movement and was instrumental in forging a peace agreement with Israel in 1993, he was excluded from the negotiating role in more recent years.
That’s right: Carter gave “impetus and excuses” to the followers of the man who almost single handedly invented modern terrorism.
You want even more? Look. I’ve got a computer. I have an internet connection. I know how to use Google – we could go on like this all day and all night. And even then, we’d only cover Carter’s career as an ex-President.
Even so, if our actions at Gitmo truly are shameful, Carter would know. After all – if there’s just one great expert on being a truly pathetic excuse for a president, it’s got to be Jimmy Carter
name your poison.
Fight the bastards over there or over here. Clinton didn’t fight them over there and you got 9/11 to show for it. Oh I forgot you guys blamed bush for that one too.
I would have to agree with IDGAF. Jimmy Carter’s lack of response to the Iran Hostage situation allowed that to linger on a lot longer than it should have. I would say that he had one of the worst foreign policies of any president in the last 50 years but then i’d be leaving out Bill Clinton.