David Carrier, who mounted a vigorous campaign against incumbent Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, has conceded the race this evening as today’s totals show Benton with a lead of roughly 51%-49%. In a news release Carrier urged citizens to be vigilant.
We can’t afford to sit back while Senator Benton blocks legislative solutions that will improve our lives and the lives of our children. We can’t allow him to miss legislative sessions, committee meetings, and important votes. We can’t allow him to blow off meetings with constituents. We can’t let him get away with false allegations and deceptive campaign tactics. The people of the 17th Legislative District deserve better, and must hold him accountable.
Doesn’t sound like Carrier’s going to fade away quietly to me.
Carrier’s run was an impressive showing by a novice candidate running against one of the best funded Republican incumbents in the state. Here’s hoping Carrier decides to run for office again at some point, be it in the 17th LD or for some other position.
8th Congressional District – 2008
Reichert – 134,071 – 51.22%
Burner – 127,668 – 48.78%
8th Congressional District – 2006
Reichert – 129,362 – 51.46%
Burner – 122,021 – 48.54%
Note the identical percentages. This suggests the degree controversy had no impact. It also indicates the political and economic events of the last two years had no impact, either. One must wonder whether anything could loosen Reichert’s grip on the district. The guy seems bolted to this seat.
8th Congressional District – 2004
Reichert – 173,298 – 51.50%
Ross – 157,148 – 46.70%
Garrett – 6,053 – 1.80%
Combine Ross (D) and Garrett (L) and you get 48.5%. It’s obvious what’s going on. Reichert has a lock on 51.5% of 8th CD’s votes and his opponents get what’s left. In 2 tries, Burner didn’t dent this district any better than Ross + Garrett did. If you ran one of the 12 Apostles against Reichert, he’d get 51.5%. Weird.
folks who know the district well have said all of this over and over and over .. and it is going to take a better candidate than an imported talk show host or sweet non qualified mommie to beat him
the Dem campaign money making campaign establishment has done very well indeed in these races … win or lose their fees have raked in millions
need to start over completely and sweet darcy please run the PTA for a decade or so…
Eric Omeig? for starters??? he feels bare knuckle to me
The door is open for Dale Murphy!
yeah, she lost both times. HARHARHAR….nyuk,nyuk,nyuk
@5 Enjoy it, Rickie Dickhead, because he’s all you’ve got left — a worn-out minor-party congressman who has no influence and whose district will get no money. Congrat, 8th District Repukes, for shooting your own balls off. I couldn’t have done it better myself.
but he has really nice hair!
Carrier has the same amount of class that Burner has…none. Two seats dominated by Dems and Carrier looses the senate seat, pathetic. A democrat tidal wave and you loose only proves what a suck ass (or dick as the case may be) candidate you are.
At least he didn’t torch his own house as a cheap grab for sympathy like “the” Burner did in the 8th congressional race, but hey the stakes are so much higher at the congressional level.
Maybe Carrier will lie about his education, god knows it worked for Dacy…oops.
Quick update….Burner looses in both King and Pierce County. Pathetic
Hey Rick D – stop stealing my Nyuk nyuks!