Three different readers forwarded me the same email this morning, originally sent to the Washington State Trial Lawyer Association’s listserv. The email was authored by attorney Stan Rumbaugh, the moderator of KBTC’s public affairs program, The South Sound View, and reproduced here with his reluctant permission.
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [WSTLAEAGLE]Good Morning,
I am doing a series of interviews for PBS on a few of the more contested races. Reichart/Burner, Owen/ Johnson and Roach/Ward are featured. When interviewing Pam Roach for my TV special, all was a little tense. She is clearly a lawyer hater, and arrived at the interview with a list (big one 500+ names for sure) of lawyers who contributed to “her opponent”. The interview went reasonable smoothly, after I assured her that Yvonne had not attempted to directly disparage her during the morning filming of Yvonne’s interview. Pam also knew the interview was live to tape, since everyone cannot be scheduled all in order.
After the interview concluded, I was taping the segue to Yvonnes interview, saying something to the effect of “next, we will hear from Senator Roach’s opposition, stay tuned”. No sooner had the lights gone dark than Pam Roach jumped up, directly in my face, and screamed “you’re a fucking liar, you told me Ward had already been on and didn’t trash me, and now I find out she is coming up next, you are a god damn liar”. Nearly an exact quote.
It was a surreal moment and, needless to say I was a bit put off. The film crew could not believe what they were seeing, and I patiently explained to Pam how TV magic puts taped interviews together. She apologized, and I asked her if she thought she had received a fair chance to respond to the issue oriented questions. She said she had, and I said ok, then that’s it. Goodbye.
On the way out, she again apologized to my producer, and said that she was just so frustrated because her opponent was “such a bitch” that she was not thinking right. In the end, everyone associated with the program (South Sound View) agreed that Pam needed some heavy medication, and had no place in the State Senate with that kind of behavior.
If anyone else is as offended as I am, dig deep and send Yvonne a check for whatever you can afford. Pam Roach is vindictive, and unfit to serve.
Uh-huh. So if Yvonne Ward is “such a bitch,” what does that make Pam Roach?
Looks to me like the pressure of a dead heat race is beginning to get to Roach. So please help make Roach even more nervous, and give what you can to Democratic challenger Yvonne Ward.
Pam Roach is actually Janet S or vice versa. And she’s a fucking cunt!
Ah reminds me of her roses outburst on the Senate floor.
Nice to watch those Mormon family values in action. Way to go, Pam. In addition to her anger management issues, Pam likes to carry a gun. The Republicans must be so proud of her . . .
only rubber stamp repugs woukd think of voting for Roach. You know the types: pudpuller, jch, amerikkka1st, mtr, proudlyinflatedASS, kkklake, janet s, etc. No internal thought processes, just talking points and kkkoolaid from the wingnut trough.
Did Pam say that her rant was off the record? You guys did have the sense to record it didn’t you?
So post the comments of Pottymouth Pam.
Stan Rumbaugh is a straightforward guy. His depiction of Roach’s rant is surely accurate, and hardly out of character for her. She is an embarrassment to the state.
Her and Lois McMahon give a good battle for “most embarrassing” member of our state legislature
And the news is???????
Potty mouth at @ 1
_______ on you
Thomas @8,
I think you are confused. This is the HA not the AP.
A stern tonguelashing!
Ouch! I’m getting horny!
Uh, Thomas. Roach and her ilk are the ones who constantly remind us poor proles that they (republicans) are paragons of moral virture, fiscal rectitude, and visionary clarity.
I guess calling your opponent a “bitch” could qualify on the last count, but piston packin’ pam would have to be speaking to a mirror to give the description any semblance of veracity.
All is forgiven if you are pointing out that this is par for the course for Roach. Yes, no news there!
What is the news?!?! A senior state senator acting this way is sure news to me. She happens to represent me in the state senate but I sure hope she doesn’t for much longer.
I guess this is just another case of IOKIYR syndrome, which shows just how strong the morality of our conservative friends really is.
(Its OK If You Are Republican…)
Lois McMahon isn’t in the Leg. any more. Derek Kilmer beat her in ’04 and is poised to become the next state senator from the 26th.
“In addition to her anger management issues, Pam likes to carry a gun.” The Republicans must be so proud of her . . .
Commentby proud leftist— [……………………………………………………………..Women who “carry” are generally not victims. Democrat felon criminals tend to leave “packing” women alone. hehe, JCH]
Roach = Rummy = Bush = Condosleezza = Wolfie = Ney = Rove = McGavick = the whole G.D. bunch of ’em.
A nurse has spoken of her terror after she was attacked by a giant pig which charged the horse she was riding and then savaged her after she was thrown to the ground. Suffering from broken ribs from the fall, Carolyn Robinson feared for her life as the enraged pig hurtled at her.
Question: Was the pig in a pantsuit?
holy fucking shit!!!
Yes. she’s still embarrassing to human beings everywhere.
Nice to watch those Mormon family values in action. Way to go, Pam. In addition to her anger management issues, Pam likes to carry a gun. The Republicans must be so proud of her . . .
Commentby proud leftist— 10/13/06@ 5:47 pm
In liberal run Seattle carrying a fire arm is a must. Pam should know better then to grant an interview to someone who works for PBS. I guess her judgement is lacking in that regard. She is still better then the POS dem running against her.
If you are a religous Jew in Seattle you better be packing heat. You never know whne a crazed out liberal is going to go bezerk…. hehehe
guess calling your opponent a “bitch” could qualify on the last count, but piston packin’ pam would have to be speaking to a mirror to give the description any semblance of veracity.
All is forgiven if you are pointing out that this is par for the course for Roach. Yes, no news there!
Commentby proud to be an Ass— 10/13/06@ 6:50 pm
Hey the truth hurts. A bitch is a bitch. Any women who runs as a democrat is a bitch.
About 10 or so years ago, I had a job that required me to attend a lot of House and Senate hearings. I remember one where they were discussing a gun law. I can’t remember the specifics other than the state sheriffs’ association supported the bill, so it couldn’t have been too out there. When one of the sheriffs sat down to testify, Roach pulled out a video camera and started videotaping him from her seat at the committees table. She was basically telling the guy that she was going to personally destroy him.
“Television is altering the meaning of “being informed” by creating a species of information that might properly be called disinformation… Disinformation does not mean false information. It means misleading information – misplaced, irrelevant, fragmented or superficial information – information that creates the illusion of knowing something, but which in fact leads one away from knowing.”
Neil Postman
This is the kind of information you get from Rubberstamp Reichert and Redline Mike????
The trolls give a sort of sniveling and sweatily paranoid edge to the comments section on HA. They were allfull of arrogance and hubris a few years ago, but I knew the big slide to oblivion had come for them when an arrogant and sneering shithead like “Mr. Cynical” rightly rechristened himself, MR. IRRELEVANT. You’ve all long since joined him.
“Given such severe cognitive deficits,Conservatives are prone to perseveration on a pathological level. Sadly,it’s all too easy to reduce the substance of Conservative arguments to these simple terms:
*Tax and spend Liberals
*You hate America
*Liberal Media
*Bill Clinton lied about a blow job
*Big Government
*Personal Responsibility
*Socialistic Program
*From my cold dead hands
*Gays are destroying the country”
Commentby MtRainier— 10/13/06@ 5:55 pm
New movie out ladies edit by MtRainier.
“Cuba has … been condemned for not allowing its people to flee the island. That so many want to leave Cuba is treated as proof that Cuban socialism is a harshly repressive system, rather than that the U.S. embargo has made life difficult in Cuba. That so many millions more want to leave capitalist countries like Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, El Salvador, Philippines, South Korea, Macedonia, and others too numerous to list is never treated as grounds for questioning the free-market system that inflicts such misery on the Third World.”
Michael Parenti
Hey Lucy – I think you should do some actual field research. Why don’t you head out to Cuber, Mesko, Nigeria and some of the other places you think are so fucking great and let give us a full report in a few years. Throw in Canada too and let us know how taxpayer funded health care works.
Saw Carlos Mencia when he was here coupla weeks ago. He pointed out that Mesko is such a shithole that people there would rather live in Yakima. Imagine that…
Who took my roses???????
I guess we will take the seats however we can get them. LOL You have got to read this.
“Maybe Democratic candidate Michael Arcuri is running strong in this Republican House district because he pledges to expand health coverage, balance the budget and raise the minimum wage.
Or maybe it’s his piercing Italian eyes and runner’s physique.
“He is pretty good-looking,” observed Paula Ferrin with admiration, as the 47-year-old district attorney worked the crowd at a local senior center.
Democratic operatives do not publicly say that they went out of their way this year to recruit candidates with a high hotness quotient. Privately, however, they acknowledge that, as they focused on finding the most dynamic politicians to challenge vulnerable Republicans, it did not escape their notice that some of the most attractive prospects were indeed often quite attractive.
There is a certain logic to the trend. Back in 1994, when Republicans seized power in Congress from Democrats, the GOP had a number of fresh-faced challengers who knocked off incumbents who had grown worse for the wear after years of committee hearings and fundraising receptions.
This year, it is the Democrats who have several ripe opportunities to unseat Republicans, some of whom have grown gray and portly during their years in power.”
Here is the link:
Funny how that works.
“Eyes don’t need no mofo ID. I vote Democrat at every poll in Detroit, Broward County, King County and Gary, ID! I gets da smokes from da Democrat bitch who drives da bus on ‘lection day! I gets KFC with ma food stamps. I gets King Cobra from the DNC. I gets Black Velvet after eyes vote Democrat, and I gots a mother fucking 42 SONY after Katrina from Best Buy after eyes fucked up da security window!! You white modda fuckas be trying to steal the ‘lection by only lettin me vote once! Then you mofos will try ta stop ma Democrat guvment check!!! White devil mofos!!!” [Daddy Love]
Several years ago I participated in a non-partisan candidate interview of Pam Roach when she was running for County Council. She spent the entire interview trashing her opponent instead of respondeing to questions about her own positions or reasons she was running for office. It was a surreal experience.
Since then, while lobbying in Olympia, I’ve had the opportunity to see Roach in action . My favorite story is when she was hearing testimony from someone who works for a hispanic community agency. Roach said that she speaks Spanish, then demonstrated by saying in Spanish, “I have a gun in my purse.”
It was disconcerting to say the least. Please, please, please let her lose in November.
re 30: You missed the point — idiot.
Pam Roach has been the pet drunk of the Republican senate caucus for a decade or more. She comes to the session drunk, stays drunk while it’s going on, and goes home drunk. Her outbursts usually happen while she is in a blackout, so she doesn’t remember whatever she has said or done. It sounds like her decades of heavy drinking have done quite a bit of brain damage.
It would be sad if she wanted help; as it is, it’s just ugly.
I thought that Roach was a devout Mormon. An outburst at a reporter does not make her unfit to serve. Pam’s Record makes her unfit to serve. I know Yvonne from when we served as state committee people, seemed like a neat lady.
I always enjoyed how Pam R. was on Kent Pullen’s payroll as an aide and never showed up to work in his office. Collecting a government salary (funding her “part time” legislative position) while criticizing government waste.
Look it up.
only rubber stamp repugs woukd think of voting for Roach. You know the types: pudpuller, jch, amerikkka1st, mtr, proudlyinflatedASS, kkklake, janet s, etc. No internal thought processes, just talking points and kkkoolaid from the wingnut trough. Commentby MtRainier— 10/13/06@ 5:55 pm
I see Mt Rainier is STILL drinking from those used CONDOMS. They must be TASTY! Liquid protein for his useless mind. Pam is not in my district STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID moron! BTW are you related to Daddy Love; same framing of “issues”, same STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID commentary!
And the news is??????? Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 10/13/06@ 6:07 pm
Excellent Point Thomas. Moonbats are short on mental acuity, so the littlest thing gives them election erections!
Thomas Trainwinder: Reread post #11. My comment in #42 stands and I wrote it before reading post #11.
Funny how that works!
re 30: You missed the point – idiot. Commentby headless lucy— 10/13/06@ 11:08 pm
No headless, his point was spot on. People will take real capitalism over socialism or communism or your favorite system, nazism any day of the week. Be sure to take a year off from teaching those minds full of mush and while on sabbatical share your wealth with the poor.
Mike! SUCKS (hehe)
re 44: No, Mike! SUCKS, you did miss the point. Millions run from capitalist countries to escape the “top-down” social structure. And what do they come to? They may think it’s the land of milk and honey, but they soon find that they are being used as cheap labor to keep the actual citizens (us) underemployed and over a barrel.
Have you ever seen a tiny apartment occupied by 20 or more illegal aliens just scraping by?
Mike! SUCKS. You voluntarily go through life with blinders on, but I have seen people like you on their deathbeds filled with nothing but regret for the selfish, wasted lives they’ve led.
One, as you may or may not recall, was Lee Atwater — Karl Roves Guitar Playin, Doppelganger.
See how clever and smart I am! You are much too dull to come up with the humorous bon-mots that I do with a little twist of my pinky as I sip my mint frappucino and chuckle at your inane attempts at sophisticated humor.
As Snagglepuss would say: “It is to laugh!”
Lucy @ 47
You were sleeping with Lee Atwater before his Death???
Atwater’s deathbed confession and request for absolution is pretty well known. Get your head out of the dirt.
30 MTR
So comedians are where you do your research on immigration policy?
41 MWS
Ooh, you called me “stupid.” Now that you have developed this brilliant debating strategy, how will I go on?
The Cook Political Report:
I wish I’d said that. But don’t worry, I will.
37 If what you’re asserting is true, then it’s genuinely sad. If what we’ve been hearing all this time is the booze talking, one can’t help but wonder what the “real” Pam might be like.
Here’s a moonbat’s dream: 29 BILLION DOLLARS in new taxes.
And that’s before fuckups and overruns.
Just in case you’re wondering how I vote on these things, it’s real simple. I have two rules:
1) I vote FOR all tax cuts.
2) I vote AGAINST all tax increases.
I don’t give a fuck about all the “harm” that greedy politicians say will happen if taxes are cut. I don’t give a fuck about all the “good” that will happen if taxes are increased. They get too fucking much of my money already. They can make do with what they have.
@10, 12, 13, 42, 43, (11),
By “And the news is”, I meant — doesn’t everyone know this about Roach already? I was neither defending (I don’t) nor supporting (I don’t) her. She is an embarassment..I just thought everyone knew that.
You know what MTR (and MWS for that matter)(oh, and I musn’t forget the dear JCH), YOU as a voting individual, as a class of voting individuals, and soon as a National consesus of voting individuals are now, in this county (King) and in this State(Washington) and soon in this country…
So FUCK OFF!!!!!
And I sincerely hope you CHOKE on your your morning GRUEL!
BOSTON – Former U.S. Rep. Gerry Studds, the first openly gay person elected to Congress, died early Saturday at Boston Medical Center, several days after he collapsed while walking his dog, his husband said. He was 69.
Studds fell unconscious Oct. 3 because of what doctors later determined was a blood clot in his lung, Dean Hara said.
Studds regained consciousness, remained in the hospital, and seemed to be improving. He was scheduled to be transferred to a rehabilitation center, but his condition deteriorated Friday and he died at about 1:30 a.m. Saturday, Hara said.
Hara, who married Studds shortly after gay marriage was legalized in Massachusetts in 2004, said Studds was a pioneer who gave courage to gay people everywhere by winning re-election after publicly acknowledging his homosexuality. […………..Perhaps a little Democrat “Tookie Williams” HIV/AIDs had an impact here? I wonder how many Pages got the HIV/AIDs “Tookie love” from Gary? We’ll never know, as the MSM refuses to report on a DEMOCRAT!!!!!!]
Rujax!, Did you “know” Former U.S. Rep. Gerry Studds, DEMOCRAT, MASS?
59………cont………Rujax, Gary Studds, DEMOCRAT, MASS is still “stiff” for you!!! Enjoy his “DEMOCRAT “Tookie love”!!!!
Realy, RUFUS, as bad as the effects of anthropocentric climate change may be, they still have not canceled out autumn or winter. “It’s cold outside today, so clearly there’s no global warming.” Do you realize what a dunce your statements make you appear to be? Is that how you want to represent yourself?
A nurse has spoken of her terror after she was attacked by a giant pig which charged the horse she was riding and then savaged her after she was thrown to the ground. Suffering from broken ribs from the fall, Carolyn Robinson feared for her life as the enraged pig hurtled at her.
Question: Was the pig in a pantsuit?
Daddy Love— “Global Warming is soooooo bad that coastal real estate in Hawaii is dropping in value because of the rising ocean levels and expected flooding!!!! Oh wait…………….It’s not???? Never mind!!!! ]
Oh Boy!
ANOTHER REPUBLICAN Congressman is under investigation by the Justice Department.
Poor misunderstood (Crazy) Curt Weldon (R-Still looking for WMD’s).
Under investigation for influence peddling.
Imagine that, another corrupt REPUBLICAN Congressman.
I’m shocked. SHOCKED!!!!
(This is getting too easy.)
A lot of the animosity toward Roach stems from her drafting a bill outlawing bestiality.
In bizarre story a man who identified himself as Dr. JCH Kennedy was reportedly seen wandering the Pioneer Square area last night. The individual was said to be shouting, crying and repeatedly asking passersby if they know the whereabouts of (deceased gang member) Tookie (Williams). Declaring that he was looking for Mr. Williams so he coud “Get down like I used to with my chocolate pop.” The obviously disturbed individual wandered into the night murmering about “Doctors, Kennedys, and HorsesAsses.”
A lot of the animosity toward Roach stems from her drafting a bill outlawing bestiality.
Commentby Luigi Giovanni— 10/14/06@ 10:10 am
Apparently it bothered YOU.
55 MTR
Well, those of us who DO want roads to drive on, sidwalks to walk on, and bridges that don’t fall down will feel free to ignore your “rules.”
@55: So if commander codpiece asked for a public plebiscite on a tax hike to pay for the war in Iraq vs. putting it on the national credit card, you would vote against it?
A very simple test of your assertion. Let’s see if you can pass muster, Vagina Lips.
A lot of the animosity toward Roach stems from her drafting a bill outlawing bestiality.
Commentby Luigi Giovanni— 10/14/06@ 10:10 am
Not really, Luigi. Most of the animosity toward Roach stems from the fact that she is a fucking lunatic.
Honestly, some of these Pammy stories are hillarious.
Has anyone considered putting up a website or just a page devoted to these legends of lunacy?
The political aspects aside, her antics are hysterical.
There are unplumbed depths of entertainment here.
As a bleeding heart liberal, I can give Roach a pass on this. Nobody else has ever had a twinge of anger over perceived betrayal? That’s what is wrong with politics these days. So may lies, exaggerations and such stupidity.
I thought mostly on the right . . . sometimes this behavior speaks to the passion of the person who displays it. Sorry we are not all as PC as we should be. Don’t like this kiss and tell . . .
I guess if the truth be known, I’m not crazy about most lawyers either. I worked for the Court so I have some basis to say this. Not to mention my own personal purchase of their over-priced and under-whelming knowledge and competency.
he got tired of MTR’s micro and started giving himself oral gratification
Rujax!, Wrong guy. I don’t leave the islands. Atlas has Shrugged.
@37- Charles Smith, you ate one mother-fucking, lying, son of a bitch. Roach is NOT a drunk, and you can put up some proof, or admit you are lying to make yourself look important to the idjits here on HA.
Now for all you Roach-bashers. If she is such an unworthy, why do her contributors include:
Aerospace Future Alliance (the Machinists and others), Operating Engineers 302, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, SEIU, Sheet Metal Workers Local 66, WA St Council of Firefighters, WA State Labor Council AFL-CIO, Iron Workers District Council, WA Fed of State Employees, WA St Building and Construction Trades Council AFL-CIO, and IBEW Local 46, among many other progressive voices?
As for Stan Rumbaugh, if this is the sort of games he is playing while moderating a public television station’s public affairs programming, I can only hope he is replaced very soon. If a conservative had done this to one of your lefty candidates, you’d be screaming for the moderator’s head on a platter, so stuff your hypocrisy before replying.
And Goldy- stuff the “reluctant” permission. Reluctance would have resulted in permission denied. Rumbaugh has gotten what he set out to get- typical trial lawyer ethics in play.
And Goldy- Ask Andy Stern the real question- why does his union attack progressive Democrats like Helen Sommers, because she won’t give ’em a blank check on the public treasury, but then supports conservative Republicans like Don Benton, Joe Zarelli, and… Pam Roach? Would love to hear him answer THAT question.
Jim King, I’m fairly certain I’ve never eaten even one mother-fucking, lying son of a bitch. They are too much trouble to cook.
For evidence of what I wrote, you might contact anyone you know who is on the legislative staff of either party.
Charles L. Smith- I’ve KNOWN Pam Roach since she served as Kent Pullen’s aide in Olympia. I’ve never seen Pam drunk, and I doubt you casn get anybody in Olympia that has. Nice cowardly pass off you fucking jerk- the old “Go ask someone else” play, because you cannot back up your words, can you?
You made a claim- back it up, or just admit you are a lying motherfucker, jerk.
Jim King, fighting hard to be named ‘Queen For The Day’. Tough battle when the contestants are: ‘on your knees’ Rufus, ‘micro penis’ MTR, ‘condom guzzling’ PuddyButt, ‘cut and paste’ kkKlake and ‘uSP’s chimp wannabee’ Michael.
Lke anyone believes this cow-fucking asswipe Jimmy Queen would tell the truth if he’d seen Pam Roach/Janet S drunk?
Roach was nearly arrested for DUI but let go because she’s a legislative member. EVERYONE knows that story. And if Queen would stop looking for a child to molest long enough to see the light of day, Queeny would also note that just about everyone who’s ACTUALLY had contact with this cunt thinks she is batshit crazy!
Unsubstantiated rumor has it that Roach is actually jq’s ‘partner’s’ mother.
No damage here from the 6.3 earthquake off Kona. BTW, The security gate still works, so GBS and JDB can’t enter and loot. Could be big surf om the Kohala coast!!! [If I were a black Democrat I could blame George Bush, go loot a HDTV from Best Buy, get a free FEMA trailer, and a $2000 credit card from the Red Cross to buy Marlboros, Black Velvet, KFC, and King Cobra!!!!]
More of the usual lies from the usual asswipes- time and place of the almost DUI, losers, or everyone knows you are lying, yet again.
Besides, if the State Labor Council and SEIU find her worth backing, who cares what you degenerates think?
he got tired of MTR’s micro and started giving himself oral gratification Commentby PudwackerSuxMWS— 10/14/06@ 12:30 pm
This has to be Mt Rainier and his used condom sucking skills. You can see he has no argument.
I don’t think Roach is a drunk (she’s a religiofascist) – I think she’s barking mad. I believe it’s time we did a little Roach eradication in both the House and the Senate. Both are infested (but if Pammy goes down, baby boy will follow out of sheer pique).
This is truly par for the course for Our Pammy; she’s a complete whackjob. She must have moved the Roachmobile three times to try to get Kent Pullen’s seat on King County Council when he died, then tried to imply that Julia Patterson was a meth dealer in her attack ads. Patterson, unsurprisingly, beat her by a healthy margin.
The only reason Roach ever had a career at all is that she sucked up to Kent Pullen and rode his coattails into that Senate seat after the districts were gerrymandered.