From an article at The Oregonian about how California may shutter its poison control center. Sounds like we’re not much better.
In Washington state, lawmakers have pulled 35 percent of the poison control program’s budget, forcing the layoff of its medical director. Without that position filled, the program risks losing its accreditation, which is needed to qualify for federal money.
For now, outgoing director William Hurley plans to volunteer to help keep it afloat while officials scramble for funding and consider filling the position on a part-time basis.
“We’re hoping this is a temporary problem,” Hurley said. “These cuts don’t leave us in a long-term sustainable position.”
We can’t even do basic shit like have a decent poison control center? That’s beyond pathetic. I suppose all the wee kiddies should just teach themselves to read warning labels in their overcrowded classrooms. Better yet, we can send the center out to an overseas shop but make sure the “free market” works by giving some well-connected, heavy-on-the-lobbyists firm a big old contract to farm it out for us.
This is the price we all pay when politicians make stupid, irresponsible pledges in order to get elected rather than stand up to the know-nothings.
But how good a person is Hurley for helping out gratis? Maybe he should be governor.
Hurley is a good person but I don’t think we should establish a precedent of expecting the governor to work for nothing. No doubt some politicians could afford to do so; politics has become a hobby for the rich, one in which citizens of ordinary means can’t participate. The trouble is, cheap lahor conservatives will have a field day with this, trickling it down to line workers for whom a state, county, or city paycheck is their families’ livelihood. Various GOP legislators have said for years these folks should get minimum wage, and to people of their mentality, paying workers nothing for their work is even better.
Here’s where the anti-worker, anti-taxes, anti-government crowd is going: They want to put all the taxes on workers, and pay workers nothing, which means no tax revenue, which means no government. The cheap labor conservatives get the best of both worlds: They not only “starve the beast,” but starve the people, too! It’s a two-fer. They’ll get an orgasm from that.
Yes, one more example of the shoddy quality of our own party — Gregoire in this case, Chopp in most cases, and Cantwell on the public option. You’d think after all that work we put into gaining a super majority, we might actually be making the right decisions.
If the rich white people in washington weren’t so greedy and actually put their money where their mouth is there would be enough $$. How much have you donated to your local government? Have you ever used loopholes to pay less income tax?
Hell, even gbs bragged that using loopholes he doesn’t pay federal income tax.
Don’t you know that the legislature already sacrificed so much by eliminating just a handful of boards? Political plums or safety of children? Pshaw!
Poor poor Pelletizer. There have been many articles on the additional state workforce hired since Queen Chrissy took the throne back in 2005. Why didn’t the queen juggle some departments, reduce their staph, (PuddyPun intended) and keep the poison control director?
Priorities Pelletizer Priorities. This wasn’t one of her priorities dumb bunny. And don’t tell me it’s not her fault. You and other HA libtardos have told us over and over “the adults” are in charge. They march to her orders fool. If the queen wanted to keep the position and reduce labor in other departments it would have happened. Only in dumb bunny world would a retard such as yourself think otherwise. Well cum to think about it, there are some other HA libtardos in dumb bunny world. Well they really showed us how their being in charge is working.
There is only so much blood one can squeeze from a penny let alone a dumb scraggly decrepit old bunny. Can ya dig it?
The Prosecution Rests.
How in the heck did any of us survive the days before they even had a Poison Control Center.
You KLOWNS are sooooo dependent on big government, you can’t even decide whether arsenic is a good thing to ingest or not without Big Mama’s input.
Jon…you are and always will be a LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN.
If only the poison control center was composed of H1B visa workers, they could have received some government help.
I have faith that once the pro-life people hear about how the Poison Control Center is in danger of losing its accreditation they will rise as one and demand a progressive income tax for Washington.
Close the poison center, but provide discounted college tuition rates to foreigners and illegals……yep, sounds about right for the wackadoodles running this state.
“I suppose all the wee kiddies should just teach themselves to read warning labels in their overcrowded classrooms.”
Oh for crying out loud…..Do you rely on the government to teach your kids what’s poison or not John? You waiting around for a government program to teach them to tie their shoes??
On the other hand, maybe you do…………
@4 Marvin Stupes, the point I’ve been making all along is that ordinary citizens don’t have access to the loopholes. The rich start out with tax rates much lower than ours and on top of that they get a plethora of deductions, write-offs, and shelters. I’ll bet there’s more people making $50 million a year paying no taxes than people making $50,000 a year paying no taxes.
@6 This has been hashed and rehashed on this blog, puddinghead. For decades, Washington state government tax revenue and expenditure levels haven’t kept up with population growth and inflation, let alone the generally rising standard of living (under which we should be able to afford better education, more health care, etc.). The fact state spending has been steadily declining in real terms gives the lie to your bullshit.
@11 “Oh for crying out loud…..Do you rely on the government to teach your kids what’s poison or not John?”
I’ll be short and sweet: If the government doesn’t stop greedy businessmen from putting antifreeze in baby formula, no one will.
Call that nanny government if you like. I want it. I don’t give a shit what your stupid ideology does to your own family, but I don’t want your twisted values inflicted on me and mine. If you want to live free of regulations, go find yourself a deserted island. You have no right to do this to the rest of us.
@10 What’s your evidence for this?
What? They dont have newspapers in rabbit land?
Pelletizingmoron@13: Puddy placed the hiring stats on this blog. Puddy guesses that pellet was too big for you to digest.
@14….Lenin would be proud of you.
“I’ll be short and sweet: If the government doesn’t stop greedy businessmen from putting antifreeze in baby formula, no one will.”
I’ll be even briefer…WTF?
What the F are you blabbering about?
I addressed John’s comments about NEEDING the government to teach his kids to read warning labels..That’s the very definition of a nanny state…
Nowhere did I state the agency should be eliminated, nor has it been….
“Call that nanny government if you like. I want it.”
Clearly you NEED a nanny….
“You have no right to do this to the rest of us.”
WTF are you blabbering about again????
I have every right to express my beliefs..Those rights are protected…
Do you now want to extend your nanny state to include gulags commrade? Lock up those who don’t walk in lock step with the party line?Hey, I think Iran is showing the world the kind of government you want…
hahha…rabbit is PWN3D……..
This is what happens when government spends our money on shit it has no business spending it on. The money should be used for essential services, Defense and infrastructure only.
De-funding poison control centers at the state level does not save the taxpayer and money. It simply shifts the problem to the local level where it will be handled less efficiently and at higher cost. People without access to a poison control center will call 911 instead. The 911 center will dispatch an ambulance, 2 or 3 paramedics, and probably a pumper and a batallion chief to answer the question.