Eschaton has a post today regarding some rather poor planning by some teabaggers in D.C. It seems nobody got a permit to dump a million tea bags on public property, so they are winding up in the conference room of a right-wing stink tank. Nice.
And from here in Vancouver, WA., comes another oops.
Organizers of a Saturday anti-government-spending protest in downtown Vancouver have failed to get the required city permits.
“The fire department would like to know about canopies and tents and what size they are. If you have any cooking going on during the event, fire needs to inspect that as well. The police department needs to know about the gathering and the route the walk is taking. Are you going to be following the law and using the traffic signals and crosswalks? They also need to know about the route so if they have an emergency call, they don’t send cop cars flying through the crowd of people.”
The city was also kind of wondering about stuff like bathrooms.
Don’t get me wrong, permits should not be used to prevent free speech. While my experience with rallies and such is from the last century, usually you can call up government entities like parks departments and police departments and they’ll work with you. Mostly they just want to make sure everyone is safe, since if it’s on their property they can be sued if some horrible teabagging accident happens.
Luckily the Vancouver event isn’t until Saturday, so maybe things can be worked out.
UPDATE 3:54 PM– The Columbian has updated the original article (linked above) and it sounds like the organizers will indeed work everything out. Free speech rocks. Sadly, I will be cleaning lint out of drawers on Saturday.
What? It didn’t occur to them they might need permits? What do you expect from a bunch of fucking anarchists.
Look, teabaggers, exactly what do you want? That people who aren’t paying their fair share should be allowed to pay even less? Or perhaps no government at all — no schools, roads, cops, jails? If you low-wage redneck chicken pluckers are complaining the tax system screws you, I agree with you! Let’s work together on reforming the tax code.
Yes, let’s see. Republican incompetence? Check.
Hey Teabaggers! President Barack Hussein Obama just announced today that his people are going to simplify the tax code and reduce the tax burden on working people.
Start protesting!!!
I wonder why the anti-government teabaggers did not get the proper permits to run a demonstation?
Did they not have time to drive their Mercedes down to the local police station?
Has it been so long since they protested that they forgot that a crowd of people actually needs toilets, protection and fire-safety?
Isn’t that the whole point of the idiot protests – they want to pretend we don’t need any government – except to invade countries like Iraq that are no threat to us.
Does it really require a permit to place your scrotum in a Republican’s mouth?
Oh, I don’t know. Glenn Beck said something pretty cool about an hour and twenty minutes ago on his Fox News show. He said, in plain language, that Democrats suck and so do Republicans. I thought that was pretty cool.
It’s not about Republicans or Democrats – it’s about the horrendous spending done by both parties.
Do you think that maybe the people behind the teabagging events knew what teabagging meant, but decided to call it that anyway — much the way Limbaugh derisively describes his fans as ‘dittoheads’?
I can see Mellon-Scaiffe (no relation)in my mind’s eye smiling wryly as the ‘teabaggers’ descend to the streets to express their disapproval of GWB’s tax code.
I think this teabagging thing is about as real as Johnny Tremaine’s burnt hand
Teabagging, as I understand it, is done in gay dance clubs when gay male dancers brush their scrotums onto the forehead or face of one of the spectators, in response to getting a tip from the onlooker. I saw it demonstrated in a movie called “Pecker.” (I kid you not: that really, really was the title of the movie! I believe the kid who was in the first “Terminator” movie had the lead part, i.e., he was “Pecker.”)
You people make me sick.
You probably want damn good health insurance for that, and a Purple Cross policy in reserve.
@6 You probably want damn good health insurance for that, and a Purple Cross policy in reserve.
Goldy’s edit function isn’t working today, so I had to post that one twice.
@10 Republicans make me sick. Liberals aren’t warmongers, and don’t torture and kill innocent people.
All of you people need to get a job so “Dear Leader” Obama can tax you dry too! Oh, I forgot, you’re too busy reading gay porno.
JC @ 8:
Just like Sen. Larry Craig was “just picking up toilet paper” off the floor in a dirty men’s bathroom at an international airport.
I mean, doesn’t everybody clean up TP in public bathrooms?!?!?
@ 15:
Uhhhh, huh. Like you make more than a quarter million dollars per year. Keep it up, Chuckles.
In 2001 when Bush got his fiscal agenda rammed through congress there was a promise of more jobs, more business, less government spending and halving the deficit.
What did we get???
S-C-R-E-W-E-D!! That’s what.
12 weeks into the Obama administration you just woke up and realized somebody fucked over America?
Grow up. Your stupid, bat-shit crazy, child-like gibberish doesn’t fly anymore.
The American public wants answers, real answers. And ideas, except not the same old “cut taxes for Paris Hilton” bad Republican ideas, fresh, creative good Democrat ideas.
Deal with it.
Actually, do America a favor and don’t deal with it. That will keep you chimpanzees out of power — permanently.