A very late notice here, but I’m scheduled to be speaking sometime between noon and 1pm today at the Cannabis Freedom March in Volunteer Park. After the march, I’m supposed to be on a panel in Westlake Park with Alison Holcomb and Douglas Hiatt speaking about cannabis laws. If I’m sitting in between them, I’ll be wearing a full suit of armor to protect myself.
Since you brought it up, I just have to say again that the urine drug test is utter and complete trash. I isn’t and never has been an impairment test. It just shows that at some indeterminate time in the past you supposedly had cannabis in your system. In fact it doesn’t even detect the actual drug, THC, which gets you high. Instead it detects an inert non-psychoactive metabolite by product created by your body! So you can get fired from your job (or be denied unemployment in Florida) because of something you did days or weeks ago which isn’t impairing your work performance in the least. Imagine you drink a six pack of beer on Friday night. You remain sober for four or five days later and yet you still fail a urine drug test and are summarily fired from your job. Is this fair? Oh and by the way, did you know the governor of Florida who instituted mandatory random drug tests for state employees and people on unemployment or welfare is also a prime investor in a urine drug testing company? Follow the fucking money.
Yeah, I know that a lot of employers want to test for drugs so they can say their workplaces are “drug free.” Funny how they never include our most dangerous drug, alcohol, in that drug testing. Can you imagine the furor that would arise if employers said that only teetotalers could work at their businesses? It would give new meaning to the term “domestic terrorism!”
Let’s stop doing the popular and politically correct thing and start calling cannabis what it really is, marijuana.
couerage would be if every pot smoker in the state put a you tube video on a web site showing their faces and saying i smmoke pot, what’s the big deal? followed by all legislators who’ve smoked pot admitting it and talking about it.
it’s hard to have social change if peole want to stay in the closet. this allows the other side to portray pot as dangerous, etc. the pro pot freedom side is largely AWOL from the public debate. When it’s public schools you have every legislator proudly telling his story abuot how she went to public schools. It’s even on questionnaires for candidates — hey you DID go to public school, didn’t you? But pot? it’s like we all want to keep everyone hidden as a pot smoker, out of fear. this needs to stop. HAlf or more of the legislators ahve smoked pot! if they would just come out and talk about it that would do more to shift public opinion in one month then any number of studies, facts, reasonable debates, initiatives, etc.
and yes the whole medical mj thing is a bit of a dodge IMHO. Yes people need it for medicine, but yes there are scores of people who push that simply because it’s politically more feasible but the result is we have NO public figures out there saying
hey I smoke pot. I like to get high. It’s nice. IT’s comparable to wine or scotch, but different. It makes me mellow. or whatever. I have smoked a joint a day for 30 years, watch me light up.
You know half the legislators smoke pot. They’re afraid to say so. Time to be more courageous I say.
Thanks to you Lee and all the folks out in the streets to defend the rights of medical cannabis patients! My work schedule is such that I cannot participate in the politcal activism, but believe me, your wrok and dedication is very very much appreciated.
There was something nagging me and now I got it. Getting marijuana legalized reminds me of the Old TLC song sung by Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes – Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls chorus.
So are you going to talk about legalization and if we going to create a plethora of laws for giving marijuana to minors like alcohol?
To leftists it’s always have it their way or nothing at all.
You almost made a point there. Almost. Maybe the closest you’ve come. Do you want to try again?
If I can suggest something, on your second attempt, type it up in Word or Notepad and send it to someone with at least a high school education. If they can understand it, then come back here and post it, and I’ll be happy to reply.
At first glance I thougt it said,”Free cannabis march.”