Later in the week, I’m going to send out candidate questions to everyone running for Seattle mayor. I have my own ideas about what to ask, but I thought I’d throw it out to the comment section before I send anything off.
The general rule is it would have to be broad enough that it could be asked to all of the candidates so no in your first term questions for McGinn or legislature questions for Murray, for example. But there are more general questions about things that happened in McGinn’s first term or in the legislature when Murray was there. I talked to Lee and Darryl at Drinking Liberally and there was some discussion of Metro and I-502, but we weren’t sure if that’s a city question. I’m definitely going to ask a police reform question.
Here are the questions I emailed out to City Council candidates 2 years ago.
Aside from Seattle mayor, I think I’m going to ask the top 2 people in each City Council seat after the primary. Are there any other seats you’d like to see questions asked?
I got nothing. Can’t stop the tunnel boondoggle.
For Bruce Harrell: How many nights per month do you sleep at your swanky condo in Bellevue, and how many in the 37th District?
Do you support restoring the Seattle Waterfront Streetcar?
It would be the same set of questions for all of the candidates, and that is too specific to one candidate. Also, I had heard those rumors before, but I don’t really care.
I was thinking something about what should the waterfront look like. I may include something about a streetcar in that.
I take your point about general applicability. However, I think the question is germane. The man presumes to lead the city….a city he seemingly finds distasteful to live in.
I admit – I have it in for Harrell, though with what I find to be good cause – of all the mayoral candidates I’ve spoken with (namely all of them) I find the relentless sloganeering he employs in place of thoughtful specifics to be a MAJOR red flag. My gut response to my conversations with him is, “This guy is a dolt.”
This would be my general follow-up to whatever you have:
Given that the city is essentially maxed out for revenue for non-capital projects, for every dollar of additional spending in your proposals, what are the specific cuts you would make to pay for them?
Carl, as I mentioned the other night, a good question related to marijuana policy would be:
Will medical marijuana collective garden storefronts in Seattle have to abide by the 1000-foot rule established for I-502?