As I discussed a while ago, I’m sending out these questions to various Democratic candidates for contested races. I’m being somewhat more selective than I was with City Council where I just asked both people going on no matter how serious people might consider their candidacy. So no questions for Inslee’s or Cantwell’s Democratic primary opposition. Also, no Kastama since it’s Democrats only. I also didn’t do the 1st Congressional District since it’s being fairly well covered, and I didn’t do Superintendent of Public Instruction since it’s non-partisan and I may do some more of these for the general.
These will go Monday, so it’s your last chance to get something in. It’s the same question to every candidate, and it has to be fairly general, and since it’s email there won’t be follow up; if people give bullshit answers, you should feel encouraged to call bullshit in the comments.
Sec of State
1) How will you make sure elections are fair?
2) The last Democratic Secretary of State retired in 1964. What makes you think you’re going to finally flip that?
3) Sam Reed has been pushing to count the ballots that are received by election day (like in Oregon) rather than the ones postmarked by election day. Do you support or oppose this?
4) What legislation, if any, will you lobby for as Secretary of State?
1) How will you use the performance audits as a tool to improve governance.
2) What in your background would make you a good auditor?
3) What legislation, if any, will you push as auditor?
36th and 46th Legislative Districts
1) The state’s paramount duty is education. Do you feel the state is living up to that duty? If not, what needs to happen to live up to it?
2) Washington State voters recently rejected an income tax. Most of the revenue that the legislature might be able to pass is quite regressive. Will you push for revenue, and if so, how will you make sure the burdens don’t fall on the poorest Washingtonians?
3) There is a good chance that the State Senate and/or the Governor’s Mansion will be controlled by Republicans after the next election, and certainly most legislators will be more conservative than people who would be elected in a Seattle district. Given that how will you get your agenda passed?
4) You’re running in a race with many Democrats who share similar positions. What separates you from the rest of the field?
5) Seattle and King County give more to the state than they get back. Part of this is reasonable things like the cost of providing education and social services in rural and suburban areas, but part of it is a lack of respect for Seattle and King County with the legislature that treats us as an ATM. How will you make sure your district gets its fair share of revenue without harming education or social services throughout the state?
…And they’re sent. I edited them a bit from when I first posted them.
1) How will you make sure elections are fair?
That’s easy: make sure the vote-counters aren’t cheating and are counting correctly. You may have to put them under armed guards who look over every thing the vote-counters count!
“2) What in your background would make you a good auditor?”
Well, he or she should at least be a CPA with many years of experience in the business world and/or government accounting. Don’t just elect somebody who has no accounting background because he or she has a “D” or “R” attached to his or her name.
Do you support the various military bases in our state?
Do you support people on your side demonstrating against our troops when they return home?
Do you support OWS types and their anarchist themes?
Do you support hard time for anarchist crimes?
Do you support the various military bases in our state?”
It’s time for us to shrink the military empire, and that will mean closing bases and laying-off soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. That will impact Washington, too. We simply cannot afford the American Empire any longer. We are borrowing money from foreigners to defend their countries. We’re approaching $16 trillion in debt, and it’s time to call a halt to the craziness, no matter how much it benefits jobs at Boeing or Halliburton. It’s also time to let Israel, South Korea, and Europe to fend for themselves.
Let’s develop a policy of non-intervention into the affairs of other nations.
@ 4
But if we don’t destroy other countries infrastructure and strip them of their domestic natural resources they might become communist!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
“2) This last Democratic Secretary of State retired in 1964. What makes you think you’re going to finally flip that?”
Because Kathleen Drew, who has kicked Nickels’ butt in all the Seattle district endorsements, is running a statewide campaign, appearing everywhere, banging on doors, phone banking, and dialing for dollars all day, you dumbshit.
Kathleen is one of the very most outstanding candidates on the ballot, and just because you’re ignorant of her campaign doesn’t make that any less true.
Are you having Publicola withdrawls?
I’m not sure why you think I’m ignorant of her campaign. I haven’t taken sides in that primary, but I’ve written positavely about her in the past; most recently a paragraph about her speaking at my CD caucus. If she has a good answer, I hope she hits it out of the park.
Another question…
Do you support using public funds for “green projects”, when the experiment so far has been a failure?
More horseshit from the YEC (Young Earth Creationist).
His link goes to a WaPo hit piece by card-carrying wingnut Marc Theissen, something he linked to on the other thread, where it didn’t do what he said it did there, either.
Theissen waxes poetic about a democratic ‘backlash’ over attacks on Romney re BAIN. He links to a FoxNews site (of course) that trots out Booker/Rattner/Ford, again. With the wingnuts going this apoplectic over the Bain-oriented attacks, you know they must be scoring points – and why wouldn’t they?
Of course, puddles’ link has NOTHING to do with any sort of data or analysis showing “experiment so far has been a failure”
Once again puddles can’t find his ass with a flashlight. Oh, wait, maybe he used the flashlight the wrong way…
Again, puddles, how did Noah keep the velociraptors from eating the Emperor Penguins?
So how would ButtPutty use a flashlight?
Or Emperor Penguins from eating the velociraptors.
How do posts 10 & 11 have anything to do with the thread?
Ummm nope. It’s Obummer and James Kelley and Federico Pena at Vestar that are making my day ya moron! Who are those two? Well they are high up in the Obummer camp. You know two Obummer Capital Venture Vultures, laying people off left and right. Latest two weeks ago in CA. About 1,000 peeps will lose their jobs.
Oh yeah they are ad hominem attacks by idiot libtardos. That’s always welcome by the head libtards.