Both the Seattle Times and the Seattle P-I published editorials today lauding the recently announced Western Climate Initiative as a necessary and constructive step toward addressing an imminent environmental crisis.
The Times:
The Western Climate Initiative has overcome the most difficult step of any complex, worthwhile undertaking — getting started.
The announcement Tuesday of broad design recommendations for a regional market-based cap-and-trade program to cut greenhouse gases launched Washington, six other states and four Canadian provinces on the path of reducing pollution that causes global warming.
And the P-I:
Washington and other Western states have shaken off Bush administration-induced climate paralysis to summon themselves to responsible action. The states’ design of a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions should help inspire an overdue national effort.
Washington, California, five other states and four Canadian provinces laid out a regional cap-and-trade system with incentives on all the right sides: in favor of energy independence, technological innovation and clean-energy jobs. In contrast to the let-the-planet-cook policy in D.C., there’s responsibility, good government and smart economics all in one.
But even when in agreement, our editorial boards manage to once again demonstrate why our region is so fortunate to still have two major dailies. For example, the P-I gives credit where credit is due:
Gov. Chris Gregoire and other smart Western governors are wise to embrace the plan.
Whereas the Times…
In the absence of leadership from the federal government and the Bush administration, states around the country took it on themselves to explore workable, collaborative solutions.
Um… our “state” didn’t take it on itself to explore workable, collaborative solutions, our governor did… but God forbid the amen editorialists at the Times should actually mention Gov. Chris Gregoire by name, because you wouldn’t want to give her any credit for providing leadership, especially during an election year. Besides, we all know that Dino Rossi would have delivered the same kind of leadership because, um… he, uh, doesn’t believe in global warming.
I’m just sayin’….
The key 1st question Goldy is:
Can you have CREATION without a CREATOR?!
Trying once again to shift the question away from Gregoire’s $8 BILLION or 33% increase in spending to ANYTHING BUT THE DEFICIT!!
Seems like you view Gregoire as the reincarnation of Algore…the fruitcake who quotes whatever fruitcake justifies his premise….but then couches his statements with the famous “SOME scientists believe” wiggle words.
TEAM HORSESASS aka Goldy & Gregoire are on full-blown spin-cycle!
Nice try==No Sale.
This is Goldy’s website, not yours. You are the one trying to shift the question.
Willful ignorance huh michael?
No, Simple facts. It’s Goldy’s site, it’s Goldy’s post and the post is about leadership and the Western Climate Initiative.
Maybe you and Mr. Cynical maybe start your own blog.
re 1: It is a scientific axiom that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Why, then, do you need a creator? All you need is time and evolution.
Philosopher David Hume dispensed of the ‘creator’ myth by pointing out that the same logic used to posit a ‘creator’ leads to the inevitable question of: who or what created the creator? …ad infinitum
The ‘who’ that created the creator is inside the peanut-size craniums’ of people like Mr. Cynical. “It’s a mystery”. is not a satisfying answer. If I were to believe Mr. Cynical, then I would be forced to hold the ‘creator’ responsible for childhood leukemia.
So, the main question REALLY is: Why is Mr. Cynical in favor of childhood leukemia?
Now that Rev. Muthee has empowered Sarah Palin to cast out witches, we should ask Palin to help the fishwrapper’s editorial board to come to their senses by snapping her fingers to make them snap out of their trance.
@4 I hope you enjoyed my vacation while it lasted, fascist traitor, because it’s over and I’m baaaaack!!!
The Alice-In-Wonderland Party keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. Those “starve-the-beast” folks, who wanted to let Wall Street “invest” a trillion dollars of Social Security Trust Fund money (in what? bad paper?) with no strings attached, now want Congress to give Wall Street a trillion dollars of taxpayer money in exchange for bad paper … with no strings attached. Has anyone besides me noticed that coincidence?
headless lucy spews:
re 1: It is a scientific axiom that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Why, then, do you need a creator? All you need is time and evolution.
Philosopher David Hume dispensed of the ‘creator’ myth by pointing out that the same logic used to posit a ‘creator’ leads to the inevitable question of: who or what created the creator? …ad infinitum”
Philosopher David Hume did not dispense of the Creator question….he merely said he could not prove the Creator existed. Huge difference which Atheists like you love to misrepresent.
Go ahead and live your angry, godless life worshipping your own dubious intellect. We all worship something lucy. I prefer to worship God and Jesus Christ rather then your brainfarts and other musings.
Let’s see,,,what would be best.
Worshipping God and Christ…or headless lucy’s feelings and other human frailities??
Let me get back to you headless?
Ok,,I pick God & Christ.
Lucy, your house is built on sinking sand and an intentional misrepresentation that Hume said there was no Creator. You are a liar.
re 9: Debt is slavery.
Sometimes it is difficult to convince the would-be slaveholder that human beings are smart enough to find a way out of any trap.
You could ask the remnants of the French and Russian nobility about how that can work out.
Congress Agrees On Bailout Package
Media outlets are reporting that Congress has agreed on a bailout package under which, instead of having the government buy up to $700 billion of imparied mortgages, would create government insurance to encourage private companies to buy these frozen, with the private companies paying insurance premiums to the government for the coverage. This approach shifts the cost of the bailout from taxpayers to Wall Street.
re 10: You only get one life, Cyn. If you want to spend yours in a phantasy -land — be my guest.
What if an adult child of yours confided that the most satisfying aspect of his life was communing with a man who has been dead for 2000 years?
@1/10: If a creator is needed for the world, then who created the creator?
Now that the crisis has been solved, John More Of The Same can debate Sen. Obama tomorrow night, after all!
Now that Congress has just saved taxpayers $700 billion, I wouldn’t be surprised if Congress’ approval rating goes up from its current 9%.
As I understand the proposed bailout, it’ll work like FDIC deposit insurance, wherein banks pay premiums into a fund from which claims are paid, with no direct taxpayer subsidy of the bad debt.
As a liberal proponent of regulated capitalism, I like this approach better than the idea of the communists in the Bush administration’s of confiscating private property from poor taxpayers and redistributing it to rich crooks!
@8 Rodent:
Is that what you are calling it? I heard you were “banned”. Wow, I can’t believe that! As far as vacation, you have nothing to vacation away from. I thought maybe your family was having an intervention for you while you were wearing that special “jacket” with no arms. It’s OK, I know soon enough your failing health will catch-up with your mental disorders and O.C.D., and then we will be rid of you forever old man. Cheers!
Roger Rabbit Endorses Bush Third Term
That’s right, since George W. Bush has been allowed to serve out his second term in the White House, I think he should get a third term — in federal prison! If Congress won’t impeach him for his crimes, then President Obama’s U.S. attorneys should prosecute him for those crimes!
@18 “I heard you were ‘banned’.”
Does it look like I’m banned? Holy shit, you are an idiot!
You think I never go out of town? Didn’t you read my “public notice” announcement last Friday that I was going on a carrot farm inspection tour this week? Gawd, you’re even dumber than you look!
Who started this stupid “banned” rumor? Mr. Cynical? The idiocy of you wingnuts never ceases to dumbfound me. And they let you vote?! God save us!
@18 (continued) “we will be rid of you forever”
I hate to break this to ya, but this is forever! You have died, gone to Hell, and I’m your punishment.
@21 Careful, Roger. Guys like Mark obviously have a very fragile reality construct. Comments like yours might lead them over edge and down, down into the abyss, never to return. I’d much rather we save that for the first week of November.
When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you.
@23 LOL. I hear that the “Eyes of the Abyss” are like red flames.
@22 You mean he has to wait until suicide is legalized before he can rid us of himself forever?*
* Hey, just kidding! I’m merely parroting Ann Coulter’s sick humor!!
@23 That’s a pretty good description of where Republican government has led us to.
Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
Cynical, I read on Open Market last week
about Lehman was one of the prime bankers for Al Gorebasm’s carbon chit system. Now withthe demise of Lehman (another Donkey money fund)… Oh no, how will Al pay for his $11,000+ a month energy bill for his mansion?
Cynical look up Al Gorebasm’s trading firm GIM and Lehman. Bush is a smart man here…
“Senator Hillary Clinton wants the taxpayers, and risk-averse people who took out fixed-rate mortgages, to subsidize people who took out adjustable-rate mortgages. In today’s Wall Street Journal, she says that people with adjustable rate mortgages should be able to keep their introductory low interest rate forever, even though no one would ever have offered them a permanent rate that low, and even though the introductory adjustable rate is lower than the rate they would have received on a fixed-rate mortgage.”
Damn, if I only knew… Does this also work for those introductory rate credit cards which are always coming in the mail? Can I charge them up to the max and apply for more?
re 30: That black-hearted bitch! Sarah Palin would never suggest such a thing — because she doesn’t know what a fixed-rate mortgage is.
There are no soccer-mom homilies to inform her on this issue.
By the bye, Rossi’s a hypocritical ass who tries to play both ends against the middle.
…and YOU are a hypocritical ass for pointing out that research in adult stem cell research (in the U.S) has come a long way — since the foetal cell research was banned.
@27 So true. Cultural neurosis carried to the extreme.
headless lucy spews:
“re 10: You only get one life, Cyn. If you want to spend yours in a phantasy -land — be my guest.
What if an adult child of yours confided that the most satisfying aspect of his life was communing with a man who has been dead for 2000 years?”
It’s telling that the angry fringe lunatic LEFT have all confessed or shown themselves to be devout Atheists.
Since Gregoire is one of the Captain’s of TEAM HORSESASS….it makes you wonder how a devout Catholic Girl could stand being in the party of angry Atheists??
20. Roger Rabbit spews:
“Who started this stupid “banned” rumor? Mr. Cynical? ”
Hell no Rog…if they banned you, I would be the 1st in line to raise heck!
I don’t believe in censorship.
Keep spewing garbage Rog!
You are THE KING!
headless@31, me hypocritical? Moi?
Sacre bleu. I’ve never had a beef with adult stem cell research. Check this blog cheese cake eater! Show me otherwise!
BTW have you tried their latest assortment of cheesecakes lately? Yuuuuuummmmmmmy!
Algore has gotten himself in quite a pickle with the Lehman Bros. decision he made.
I know plenty of folks who got adjustable rate mortgages knowing full well real estate prices could drop…yet did it anyway because they believed and risked that they wouldn’t for better current cash flow.
As far as I’m concerned, they deserve to suffer losses.
Fixed Rates were a bit higher TODAY.
They took a risk on the future and lost.
And now Clinton wants us to bail them out.
Pretty sick.
Cynical@34: I seem to remember a saying:
Politics makes strange bedfellows!
@37 “Politics makes strange bedfellows!”
What’s your goat got to do with your treasonous politics?
Republican pedophile hangs himself.
Good riddance.
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.