I think a lot of people who read these sort of things are mystified as to how it happens.
The owner of the construction business told police he believed Alexis was angry over the parking situation around the work site. Several workers reported Alexis staring at them prior to the shooting.
Seattle detectives ultimately arrested Alexis a month later. According to police, Alexis told detectives he had been “mocked” by construction workers and said they had “disrespected him.” Alexis also claimed he had an anger-fueled “blackout,” and could not remember firing his gun at the victims’ vehicle until an hour after the incident.
Alexis also told police he was present during “the tragic events of September 11, 2001″ and described “how those events had disturbed him.” According to police, detectives later spoke with Alexis’ father, who lived in New York at the time, who told police Alexis had anger management problems, and that Alexis had been an active participant in rescue attempts on Sept. 11, 2001.
Seattle detectives referred the case to the Seattle Municipal Court for charges. Court records indicate Alexis was not charged.
I certainly am not in a position to place blame for this, but clearly something let him fall through the cracks. And we can see where that ended up. Obviously, most cases like this won’t end up as mass shootings, but when things don’t get resolved, they escalate. And when they escalate with a gun around, there is more chance things will go badly. When someone shoots tires, that should be the best time to take their guns.
We should really as a city and as a state see if there’s anything we could have done differently.
Someone screwed this one up. The Seattle Police arrested Alexis on June 3, 2004, for an incident that happened on May 6, 2004. He was booked on felony malicious mischief, since the victim initially reported $800 in damage. He was in court the next day on the county prosecutor’s King County District Court first appearance calendar. The county prosecutor usually does not file these charges right away, so Alexis was simply released.
On June 14, 2004, the victim told Seattle police that the damages were only $200. That made it a gross misdemeanor, instead of a Class C felony. The next day, police sent the case to the Seattle City Attorney for filing in the Seattle Municipal Court.
If Alexis had been convicted of the gross misdemeanor, it would not have taken away his right to buy or carry a gun. It might have held him up from enlisting in the Navy. Maybe he would have gotten help. Who knows?
“When someone shoots tires, that should be the best time to take their guns.”
Yeah, I would say so, too.
A guy suffering from Parking Spot Rage shoots out car tires. He obviously has some antisocial issues. Yet, he still can legally get a gun. Now let’s see, who would’ve thought his antisocial issues would escalate and someday he’d shoot 26 people? Hmmm. I think his gun rights should have been revoked when he shot the tires. It’s the prosecutor’s job to charge and get convictions that will deprive the depraved of legal access to guns.
But Republicans believe anyone should be able to get guns without a background check and carry them anywhere without a permit.
I won’t vote for that.
@1 The bigger issue, Richard, is the cockamamie concept that packing heat is a right and not a licensable privilege. The Second Amendment is ambiguous. If SCOTUS can’t be trusted to give it a reasonable interpretation, then maybe it’s time to clean up the Amendment’s language.
What’s next, privately owned F-16s, for those who can afford them? An F-16 can’t kill you any deader than an AR-15. Why should civilians have access to military weapons designed for killing human beings — and useful for very little else?
This person was mentally deranged. Can’t pass this information on between states. Ohhhhh no. Butt it’s a gun issue, not a crazed nut needs help issue!
And above Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit is a real dumbfuck. The truth is right out there for all to see while his vile bile pollutes threads.
Moronic idiot wabbit! Carl claims he’s not in a position to place blame but the self-promoting judge jury and executioner Roger DUMBASS Wabbit is!
@5 Be careful of what you wish for. If you turn this into a crazed-nut-needs-help-issue, I’ll serve you up 99% of the Republican Party’s membership.
A plea bargain will allow a crazed nut who sprayed the White House with an assault rifle to serve only 10 years on 1 count of property destruction and 1 count of unlawfully discharging a firearm. Prosecutors dropped 17 other charges including attempting to assassinate the president.
This means a crazed nut will be off the streets for 10 years (or less with good behavior credits), and then won’t be able to pass a background check for acquiring guns, which means he’ll have to get them at gun shows.
A plea bargain will allow another crazed nut who sprayed the White House with an assault rifle to get sentenced to 10 years for 1 count of property destruction and 1 count of unlawfully discharging a firearm. Prosecutors dropped 17 other charges, including attempting to assassinate the president.
This means a crazed nut is off the streets for 10 years or less (with good behavior), and then won’t be able to pass a background check for buying guns, which means he’ll have to get them at gun shows.
@5 (continued) “Aaron Alexis passed recent background checks by employer and gun store”
Uh, yeah, that’s the issue isn’t it.
I wonder if Puddy can pass a gun check. If I can,* he probably can.
* I’m a Vietnam Veteran who thinks he’s a rabbit.
– DUMMOCRAPTS like you actually look at the facts first about Aaron Alexis and his background checks?
– DUMMOCRAPTS stop blocking all mental health information and allow Congress to pass a solution where all states get mental health info from other states on their crazy residents?
– DUMMOCRAPTS start enforcing the gun laws on the books first before trying to pas feel good laws that do nothing?
Yeah Puddy will give you 100% of Congressional DUMMOCRAPT Libtards!
Already have DUMBASS Wabbit!
BTW three times already!
DUMBASS Wabbit see #11!
@12 Big deal. Anyone can get a CCW permit in this state. I think I’m a rabbit, and I have one.
Another example of a “responsible gun owner” who passed background checks.
Another example of a “responsible gun owner” who passed background checks.
Not that you have to pass a background check to get a gun. If you can’t, there’s gun shows for people like you.
Let’s see…
Mentally deranged shooters
Seung-hui Cho – Virginia Tech
Adam Lanza – Sandy Hook, CN
James Holmes – Aurora CO
Aaron Alexis – Washington Navy Yards
Their mentally deranged history blocked by DUMMOCRAPTS from being available for gun checks!
Hey DUMB Wabbit why you double post?
And where is the proof of this DUMBASS Wabbit?
So why did you ask DUMBASS Wabbit? EPIC FAYLE again!
If the Republicans and NRA are so concerned with mentally ill people not getting guns, why did they recently back legislation that would require any person who was involuntarily committed to an institution to get their guns back as soon as they were released?
Speaking of Mental illness.
All those filthy liberal feminists, putting poor helpless men in prison without considering their feelings or their own “christian” responsibilities.
As always, I will take this with a grain of salt. After all, I’ve never met a “christian” who bears any personal responsibility for their own weaknesses or actions. It’s all god’s fault.
@18 “Hey DUMB Wabbit why you double post?”
You’re the computer expert around here. You tell me why it’s double posting. We expect you to explain this stuff.
@20 You missed my point, which is, if you and I can get them, maybe they’re too easy to get.
@24 Apparently that’s the “college” homeschoolers send their kids to when they “graduate” from home school. Btw, has anyone ever flunked home school?
@ 25 RR
No, because they’re never actually tested for anything until after they graduate. My school is full of “homeschooled” kids who will never go to a real University because they’re all totally indoctrinated into the prosperity gospel/Christian dominionist fascism and cannot reason or write at even half their age level. A couple of my English professors have openly complained about this in private conversation. Basically, those kids are dumber’n dog shit. The future of America.
On another note, Apparently $172,000 per year just isn’t enough for those poor, poor, starving congressmen. Tsk tsk. Must be so hard for these guys to make ends meet. What ever shall we do?
Well DUMB Wabbit… you’re an idiot.
That’s plain and simple!
Prolly leftist pinhead DUMMOCRAPTS like this leftist pinhead English professor from MSU!
Thanks for the MSU professor reminder OWS Racist Fraggy!
Puddy does not agree with Grassley-Cruz.
@4 Roger,
You can already have a supersonic fighter plane. Paul Allen has a couple of them (An F-5 and a Mig-29).
He has some tanks and big ass 88mm anti aircraft/anti tank guns to go with them.
@14 Roger,
Not everyone. One has to pass a background check first to get a CPL.