Expect some light posting through the weekend, as I participate in Camp Wellstone, an intensive three-day training program for progress candidates, campaign managers, and activists. I’ll post my thoughts and observations on the sessions after I’m done.
Do you have to wear your Khaki Knickers, hiking boots & kerchief around your neck??? Do you sit around a campfire, tell scary stories and sing Kumbai???
People come out of these “Progressive training camps” all loaded for bear…NOTHING CAN STOP US NOW attitude. You will feel that false high that PROGRESSIVENESS is the wave of the future!!
Then you will come out of there obnoxious as hell for a week or so until you snap out of it and realize it’s all a big hype!!
My God, I can’t fathom how disgusting it would be to have to eat, sleep and interact with a bunch of LEFTIST PINHEADS for 3 fucking days!!! My Gawd!
Irrelevant @1:
You sure spend a lot of time around here with us LEFTIST PINHEADS, so you must have this secret desire to join the winning team.
Don’t you work for a living? Or are you here on the BIAW payroll to be a professional asshole? If so, tell them they’re wasting their money.
Kind of a Pinko Commie name you have pal.
I have worked hard and invest well the past 30+ years. No I’m not on BIAW’s payroll. Everyone who disagrees with you is either on BIAW’s payroll or one of Karl Rove’s operatives or part of some vast Right-wing conspiracy.
It seems you are a little thin-skinned this morning Ivan. Perhaps you ought to start your day with a quick visit to http://www.shantimai.com
She will calm you, center you and oh yeah…take your money gladly!
Ivan is an I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!
Mr. Unintelligent has just returned from the Jeff Gannon-Guckert 3 day school of professional journalism and hot man-love. The featured speaker was Karl Rove, whose topic was, “Better Latent than Never.” I can see already how your style is more anally focused than ever. Right? You, BITTER FRUIT!!!
Now Now LOONEY! http://www.shantimai.com for you too!
I would never hit a link that you put up because you’re a devious, destructive asshole, Mr Incoherent.
Comment on 1
Jesus told me personally (in a vision, of course) that when MR. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD kicks the bucket ol’ Satan is going to throw him into a compartment where he’ll have to eat, sleep, and interact with a bunch of LEFTIST PINHEADS for fucking eternity! Mr. J thought this was funny; in fact, He was laughing uproariously.
Comment on 3
“I were a high school dropout who can’t even spell I-G-N-O-R-A-M-U-S and now I are a fucking millionaire thanks to BIAW, unrestricted development, and the real estate bubble!” — Mr. UNINTELLIGIBLE PINHEAD, June 11, 2005, 8:26 AM, at Puyallup, Washington
Another comment on 1
That stupid fuck can’t spell K-U-M-B-A-Y-A either. See # 8 above.
Reply to 4
Lucy, I think that’s supposed to be, “Better latex than leather.”
Junior Communist Camp for pissy little “never served in the military” socialists. Enjoy, Goldenstein!
Prissy @ 8—
I KNEW you would be the dumbass to fall for my spelling of I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S.
You see Prissy, I did spell it EXACTLY right because you are both IGNORANT and an ANUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even Headless Looney was smart enough to see where I was headed with this one. BUT NOT YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!!
IN addition, Do a Google search on KUMBAI…Dipshit.
You are soooooo gullible and easy to pull the rug out from under.
Almost as easy as pulling that stupid looking RUG off your cranium!!!
This is not in any way productive.
You don’t even have the slightest meaning of the word.
Eating Urinal Biscuits and Blogging on Government Time IS NOT PRODUCTIVE.
These are just words. So what.
Lucy. our resident irrelevant troll is never productive. his life is spent in la la land, dreaming of strong republican male friends and wishing his wife would let him leave his house with his latex and leather.
U2 are a fool. How productive was your Post #14????
You LEFTIST PINHEADS cannot stop reading and reacting to my posts. It’s hysterical!
This is the 15th comment on this thread.
Are any of yours relevant???
Think about it.
WOW…. a camp for progressives? how progressive could you possibly be if you have to sit around in a circle and have others tell you how to be progressive? you know the old saying that a commitee never came up with an idea right?
the red chinese did the same thing though…and it worked out just PEACHY for them……lol.
and looking at U2’s posts………gee, how come sensitive, thoughtful liberals always imply someone might be gay when they want to insult them? it’s a very interesting pattern…….
Have you noticed how these LEFTIST PINHEADS are constantly making unproductive, irrelevant posts about unproductive, irrelevant posts??
They seem to be caught in a vortex!
I wish the LEFTIST PINHEADS would please stay on topic!!
Reply to 11
Excuses are like assholes, Mr. Ignoramus: Everybody’s got one.
Illiterate Anus Hole @ 18
You want us to stay on topic? Really? As your vaporous (or is it vapid?) pal points out there’s only so much to say about a progressive camp. It’s more fun to trade insults with an idiot who farts out of his mouth and talks out of his ass.
Speaking of camps, the SS crowd run their own camps. To wit:
“Republican Roundtable is an organization dedicated to recruiting, training and polishing Republican volunteers, activists, candidates and other leaders. It’s a great organization that I’m proud to be a part of.” http://www.soundpolitics.com/
Sounds boring. (sniff)
Well I’ll bet they don’t sing “Kumbaya.” What does they sing the “Horst Wessel Song?” ha ha ha
Oh hey everybody lookee what I found on uSP. Our very own Mr. Illiterate posted this:
“Goldstein is going to a LEFTIST PINHEAD training camp for so-called “PROGRESSIVES” called Camp Wellstone. Can you imagine how awful it would be to spend 3 days eating, sleeping and every waking moment with a bunch of LEFTIST PINHEADS IN HEAT!!
“These goofballs will come out of that camp all hyped up…filled with anger, rage and unreasonable optimism. They will be prepared to try and destroy the quality character of every R candidate”
Mmmm … yeah. You guys would know all about destroying candidates, wouldn’t you Mr. Thuglican? Can you spell M-C-C-A-I-N or C-L-E-L-A-N-D? Nah, you can’t spell. You’ve already proved that.
All these Christo/Nazi Fascists can do is name-call. I’m not just “implying” that Jeff Gannon-Guckert is a male prostitute with some very close and powerful connections in the white house, I’m stating it as a fact. It’s not the prostitution, it’s the lying. And Tom Delay and Jim Wright and our laconic congressman, Hastings and Abrammoff and druggie Rush. All crooked Rep. Christo/Nazi Fascists. I really wonder how long it will take Irving Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz to realize the true nature of their Christo/Fascist Nazi running buddies?
Awwwwwww PRissy
You are still the consummate IGNORANUS!!!
Where is your sense of humor douche-bag??
Even headless Looney-tic understond this zinger.
Rather than just chuckle, you come out all venomous….
Hell, I high-five you on some of your RARE humor that is even remotely funny.
Stay on point thatPrick! You are ruining the conversation level of this fine Blog. Please clean it up!
Irrelevan ranting @ 25
Rather than just chuckle, you come out all venomous…
From the person who spews the most venom on this forum? Give me a break.
You are off-topic again personally attacking me!
Uncalled for!
I few years ago I participated in a national environmental policy listserv that was quite good . . . for a while. Alas, it was gradually hijacked by ONE troll — a guy who admitted that he was a p.r. executive for a corporation with rather neanderthal enviro policies. The listserv moderator didn’t like the idea of censoring the troll”s increasingly disruptive comments, and he simply couldn’t stomach the escalating flame wars. So the moderator shut down the listserv. You should have seen the gleefully vile parting shot of the troll — who’s tone is all too similar to that of our beloved Mr. Irrelevant.
During the downward spiral of the listserv I didn’t realize what was going on, so I did what many folks on Goldy’s blog tend to do — I “fed” the troll. Very bad idea — it just gave him more agenda-setting power.
I don’t have a clue as to whether Mr. Irrelevant is merely a social retard with too much time on his hands, or if he is a “professional” blog destabilizer with a carefully researched method to his madness. Either way, I don’t see how he has added any productive analysis to this thread. And I don’t see why folks even bother responding to his juvenile attacks (topped, of course, with his delightful projection: “You are off-topic again personally attacking me!”).
Life is short, there’s much to do, and our systems of communication can be all too fragile.
Now I’m a Professional Blog destablizer???
C’mon Green thumb–
I’ve had many civil conversations here with those few LEFTISTS I consider worthy of a civil conversation…(dj, tj, Goldy and several others who have since disappeared)
Do you honestly believe the LEFTIST PINHEADS haven’t been unnecessarily hostile and inflammatory!!
Gimmee a break!
The topic here Green thumb up yer ass is Camp Wellstone…not lecturing those of us who are RIGHT about civility or launching nonsense about “Professional Blog Destabilizers”
YOU TOO GREEN THUMB can be a PROFESSIONAL BLOG DESTABILIZER. Just send 6 payments of 49.95 to Santorum for President 2008!!
lucy…didn’t gannon/guckert just work on building web sites? i don’t think you control what the client has on his website do you?
this story gets more and more blown out of context…..if that’s all you libs have and you are stuck with howard dean too…get used to being the minority party……..
Reply to 28
He works for the BIAW laundry. He puts L & I taxes for injured workers into a washing machine that turns it into Rossi slush funds.
Reply to 30
No. Gannon/Guckert pretended to be a legitimate reporter, and was issued White House press credentials without question, even though he was using a fake name. (How’s that for security?) Then, in presidential press conferences, he asked the president “seeded” questions designed to make the administration look good. In other words, he was a paid propagandist posing as a reporter.
You lefties need to get off this BIAW kick. First of all the members in the BIAW are members by their own free will. You lefties have been extorting money(for decades)from the unions which members dont have a choice in joining. The hypocrisy is just amazing.
Mr. Irrelevant
Since folks like to critic your spelling, I thought id offer a quick refresher for ya…
HEIDI – (noun) -Greeting.
HIRE YEW – Complete sentence. Remainder of greeting.
Usage: Heidi, Hire yew?”
BARD – (verb) – Past tense of the infinitive “to borrow.”
Usage: “My brother bard my pickup truck.”
JAWJUH – (noun) – The State north of Florida. Capital is Lanner.
Usage: “My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck.”
BAMMER – (noun) – The State west of Jawjuh. Capitol is Berminhayum.
Usage: “A tornader jes went through Bammer an’ left $20,000,000 in improvements.”
MUNTS – (noun) – A calendar division.
Usage: “My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I ain’t herd from him in munts.”
THANK – (verb) – Ability to cognitively process.
Usage: “Ah thank ah’ll have a bare.”
BARE – (noun) – An alcoholic beverage made of barley, hops, and yeast.
Usage: “Ah thank ah’ll have a bare.”
IGNERT – (adjective) – Not smart. See “Arkansas native.”
Usage: “Them bammer boys sure are ignert!”
RANCH – (noun) – A tool used for tight’nin’ bolts.
Usage: “I thank I left my ranch in the back of that pickup truck my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago.”
ALL – (noun) – A petroleum-based lubricant.
Usage: “I sure hope my brother from Jawjuh puts all in my pickup truck.”
FAR – (noun) – A conflagration.
Usage: “If my brother from Jawjuh don’t change the all in my pickup truck, that thing’s gonna catch far.”
TAR – (noun) – A rubber wheel.
Usage: “Gee, I hope that brother of mine from Jawjuh don’t git a flat tarin my pickup truck.”
TIRE – (noun) – A tall monument.
Usage: “Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise, I sure do hope to see that Eiffel Tire in Paris sometime.”
RETARD – (verb) – To stop working.
Usage: “My grampaw retard at age 65.”
FAT – (noun), (verb) – a battle or combat; to engage in battle or combat.
Usage: “You younguns keep fat’n, n’ ah’m gonna whup y’uh.”
RATS – (noun) – Entitled power or privilege.
Usage: “We Southerners are willin’ to fat for are rats.”
FARN – (adjective) – Not domestic.
Usage: “I cuddint unnerstand a wurd he sed…must be from some farn country.”
DID – (adjective) – Not alive.
Usage: “He’s did, Jim.”
EAR – (noun) – A colorless, odorless gas: Oxygen.
Usage: “He cain’t breathe…give ‘im some ear!”
BOB WAR – (noun) – A sharp, twisted cable.
Usage: “Boy, stay away from that bob war fence.”
JEW HERE – (noun) and (verb) contraction.
Usage: “Jew here that my brother from Jawjuh got a job with that bob war fence cump’ny?”
HAZE – a contraction.
Usage: “Is Bubba smart?” “Nah…haze ignert. He ain’t thanked but a minnit’n ‘is laf.”
SEED – (verb) – past tense of “to see”.
VIEW – contraction: (verb) and pronoun.
Usage: “I ain’t never seed New York City… view?”
GUBMINT – (noun) – A bureaucratic institution.
Usage: “Them gubmint boys shore is ignert.”
How much choice do the employees of the companies who join BIAW have? The taxes their employers pay to L & I for workers benefits are taken out of their pay — don’t kid yourself otherwise. Sure the employers pay it. But they also look at the cost of the total compensation package and payroll taxes and benefit costs do reduce the salaries employers are willing to pay.
So, back to my question. If a worker doesn’t want the L & I taxes his employer is paying to the state to go to BIAW and end up getting used for Republican political crap, how much say does he have about it? What do you think will happen if he complains to his boss? He’ll be invited to work elsewhere, that’s what.
So get off your fucking high horse about unions. Nobody is forced to belong to a union. You can either opt out of union membership and just pay the shop fee, or go work for a nonunion shop — it’s called FREE WILL. Oh, I see … you want the union wages … but you don’t want to pay the shop fees. That’s called FREELOADING pal. You want your co-workers to pay all the costs of getting those union pay rates and benefits. Well FUCK YOU! If you don’t like it go live in a “Right To Work” state and work in a sweat shop for $5.15 an hour.
Get out of here, jackass.
Comment on 34
I knew it! I knew it! Mr. Ignert cain’t even spal GUBMINT rat!!
Goldy, Maybe you guys could revive the old CCC camps, and/or modify them to be like Soviet Pioneer camps (where young went for brainwashing)
i wanna hear if you at good Demo tofu, or rich Kerry demo veal and salmon? or maybe its salmon, as long as its wild, not farm raised?
Ghost @17,
You don’t get it. Camp Wellstone doesn’t teach candidates, activists and campaign managers how to be better progressives… it teaches progressives how to run better campaigns. It’s the same kind of candidate training the Republicans and their surrogates have been providing for years.
Be afraid… because we’re learning to do what your guys do.
is dean (logan) baby there, getting canonized by his bros?
Hey Righton how come you’re not in Iraq getting cannonized?
Hey Goldy Righton is complaining about me on the open thread. He wants to know if I’m your evil twin.
Fuck you, Righton. Fuck the horse you rode in on, too. Oh and I almost forgot to mention that you’re a fucking racist … no, make that a VIRGIN racist.
Well it’s just about time to change my screen name again.
Priscilla will soon be no more.
I find you chronic use of foul, hateful language both inappropriate and unnecessary. I consider myself to be a Liberal
but am ashamed to be in the same category as you. I’ll still support mainly Democrats…but more and more reluctantly. I voted for Christine Gregoire but will not do so again. Her attitude toward this messy election was offensive and she raised taxes and pushed a dishonest budget that does not fully fund State Pension obligations.
I feel Bush is dishonest too. Pathetic borrow and spend moron.
However, I believe my fellow Liberals are quite naive about the Muslim Extremist mentality….and have used this terrorist acts as a way to try and achieve political gains. Quite appalling…so I actually held my nose and voted for Bush.
Perhaps you folks on the LEFT and Right can grow up some day. The world does have much evil. America is a great place. Let’s build some things of value, not just make people more & more dependent on government and waste valuable time and resources bickering.
Reply to 45
Is that you, Pet Libs? Or are you another righty troll pretending to be an ex-liberal, ex-Democrat, ex-Gregoire supporter? You’re as transparent as the Repubs’ legal arguments, haw haw haw!
Reply to 45
Is that you, Pet Libs? Or are you another righty troll pretending to be an ex-liberal, ex-Democrat, ex-Gregoire supporter? You’re as transparent as the Repubs’ legal arguments, haw haw haw!
Comment by Priscilla— 6/12/05 @ 10:42 am
Not me, kitten – I would never even pretend to be a lib – the very thought is revolting.
I despise the Chrisbitch and the smarmy lib leadership around the country. Many wonderful middle America mainstream dems (not you kitten)are friends and neighbors, and they are disgusted as I with the arrogance and sniff the air elitism of the far left leadership… hence the reason kerry lost, and hence the reason Gregwhore lost the election but “won” the court case. The next election is entirely hers to lose and with her dismissive attitude of you peasants, she surely will.
Take your union dues and jobs and shove it moron. Ask a boeing machinist how far he got with the union and where is working now. I dont need a donk to get a good paying job. Ask a public school teacher or some of the building trade workers wether they have FUCKING free will in paying off the democrats. Again your assinine BIAW rant is hysterical when compare to the extortion of the unions. Are you that much of a dumbass to think that you bring up the BIAW and not get the union dues issue slamed in your donk face. IDIOT!!!!
Don’t compare unions with BIAW, shit-fer-brains. Union labor built this country. BIAW uses tax money to prop up bottom feeders like Dino Rossi.
goldy, what would happen if you banned the cursing? Prissy wouldnt be able to communicate
@ 50
He’d have to get an entirely new domain…what a pain in the ass!
Reply to 50
See e.g. #47, specifically, the reference to “Chrisbitch.” What goes around comes around, pal.
BTW – fuck you. Fuck the horse you rode in on, too.
Hey Goldy,
What would happen if you banned stupidity? Righton wouldn’t be able to commuicate.
BoogieWonderland @ 45
Fuck you! This blog is a little on the edgy side.
Oh. . . and welcome to Horses Ass! :)
BoogieWonderland @ 45
Fuck you! This blog is a little on the edgy side.
Oh. . . and welcome to Horses Ass!
Comment by dj— 6/13/05 @ 12:05 am
Yeah, edgy in an irrelevant, snooze fest kind of way.
goldy @39…….goldy are you losing your sense of humor? that was a rhetorical tongue in cheek question…..
we all know that lefties get together to share a brain…..LOL.
Oh yeah — did I remember to tell you rightys to fuck yourselves? And I don’t want to forget — fuck the horse you rode in on, too.
ooops — should be plural “horses” — my bad. If all of you fat r/w slobs sat on 1 horse it would cripple the horse.
If anyone reads any posts from that dispicable, lying, piece of shit Pudster “Wounded Knee” tell him I’ve responded to his post on the Shiavo Autopsy thread @ 269.