John McCain is one wild and crazy guy:
At an event this morning in Michigan, John McCain joked that going on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show is “dangerous experience”:
I also want to assure you that from my encounters with young Americans in the military and Google and colleges, universities, high schools, even — I even went on MTV Town Hall — interesting experience. Going on Jon Stewart: That’s a dangerous experience. Letterman, Leno — I try to reach out to young people. And every time I’m around a group of young Americans, I am enthusiastic and my faith is restored.
McCain is, of course, joking. But I think it’s funny that a conservative Republican, running for President, thinks that going on a cable show somehow wins him points with his GOP base. McCain has always been somewhat of a media whore. Take, for example, his turn hosting Saturday Night Live, for which he missed a critical spending vote.
I also find it odd that McCain says that his “faith is restored” by the young people who show up for The Daily Show taping. Those kids are high. Either McCain is one hip guy or he’s not paying attention.
Yes it is. It has given idiots like this moron a forum to spew vile, vacuous, drivel on the airwaves.
When you watch him with your barf bag, he gets his material directly Media Morons and Stink Progress.
Yes it is. It has given idiots like this moron a forum to spew vile, vacuous, drivel on the airwaves.
I think that there must have been an error… your links to Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity didn’t come through…
Rush is on Cable? Where so I can watch him.
Bill O’Reilly has the largest viewership of all Cable Shows.
Sean Hannity’s show is no slouch either. Where does Olbermann’s show stacks up where again?
I think these numbers are interesting for O”Reilly vs. Olbermann thru January 10 2008.
As one person said. “Not even in the same zip code”
BMA: Willingly giving you some of my favorite data sites.
Where do you “receive” your data? From the same warm sticky white kool-aid sites Half&Half(YLB) “receives” his data?
GOP-Controlled Court Decides It’s OK To Defraud Investors
Cable TV is not only dangerous to watch, it’s even more dangerous to invest in, especially when Paul Allen’s cable company, Charter Communications, is lying to you about how much money they’re making (losing):
“Court Rules Against Investors
“By PETE YOST,Associated Press
“WASHINGTON (AP) – The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled against investors who sue businesses for scheming to manipulate stock prices of publicly traded companies. …
“‘This is a very anti-investor opinion and it could severely impact the ongoing Enron case,’ said Patrick Coughlin, lead attorney for Enron investors.
“In the case before the court, the justices ruled against investors who alleged that two suppliers colluded with Charter Communications Inc. to deceive Charter’s stockholders and inflate the price of the cable TV company’s stock.
Charter investors do not have the right to sue because they did not rely on the deceptive acts of Charter’s suppliers, said the majority opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy. ‘No member of the investing public had knowledge’ of the suppliers’ deceptive acts, Kennedy wrote. …
“In dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens said the court is engaged in a continuing campaign to undercut investor lawsuits.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, if corporate crooks fail to tell you they’re defrauding you, you lose your right to sue them, according to the Republican justices.
Drug Companies Defrauded Consumers; FDC Did Nothing
Speaking of fraud, I also read in today’s news that clinical trials showing a major anti-cholesterol drug not only doesn’t work but is downright dangerous because it causes artery plaque to accumulate faster were kept secret by drug companies for almost two years while they continued to peddle the harmful pills.
“Cholesterol Drug Not Effective in Study
“By ALEX BERENSON,The New York Times
“(Jan. 15) – A clinical trial of a widely used cholesterol drug has raised questions both about the medicine’s effectiveness and about the behavior of the pharmaceutical companies that conducted the study, cardiologists said Monday.
“Merck and Schering-Plough, which make the drug, Zetia, and a pill that contains it, Vytorin, said Monday morning that Zetia had failed to benefit patients in a two-year trial that ended in April 2006.
“Merck and Schering repeatedly missed their own deadlines for reporting the results, leading cardiologists around the world to wonder what the study would show. At the same time, millions of patients have continued taking Zetia and Vytorin. … Now, barely a month after news articles … and Congress pressured the companies to disclose the study’s findings, the results are out.
“In a press release, Merck and Schering said that not only did Zetia fail to slow the accumulation of fatty plaque in the arteries, it actually seemed to contribute to plaque formation ….
“Dr. Steven E. Nissen, the chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, said the results were ‘shocking.’ … Millions of patients may be taking a drug that … rais[es]their risk of heart attacks …, he said.
” … Sales of the two drugs were $5 billion in 2007, and they are important contributors to Merck’s and Schering’s profits.
“The House Energy and Commerce Committee … said in a statement Monday that the negative results added to suspicions that the companies had deliberately sat on their findings from the study ….
“Worldwide, about one million prescriptions are written for Zetia and Vytorin each week, and about five million people are now taking the drugs worldwide.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nothing seems to work right since the Republicans took over the government: You can’t trust the medicines they approve, toys are unsafe, there’s toxic crap in your food, etc. A pack of monkeys could do a better job of running our government.
Hello! McFly!
McCain ISN’T a conservative.
Calling him (and he pretending to be) one doesn’t make it so.
Hey puddy — can you defend the incompetence and dishonesty of this administration? Why do you even try? Do you think that you and your family will somehow be spared from the dangerous food, medicines, toys, and other products this administration allows greedy businesses to foist on consumers if you paint lamb’s blood above your door?
And how does this pertain to McCain going on the Daily Show?
Do they make Jack Boots to fit Jack Rabbits?
Your comments @9 sound anti semitic to me.
Please Sam Adams – you need to drink your beer and actually think before typing- that was not an anti-semetic remark @9 – just a biblical reference to not being spared the plague of inferior and deadly products due to lack of regulation.
McCain is the media darling – even if he calls out a kid as a “little jerk” or walks around Baghdad in a flak jacket with an escort and they clear the place first – just to show it is “supposedly” safe.
No – McCain is a Bush hugger who is a big war supporter. A man who is now against corruption after he was involved with it in the Keating 5.
A candidate who was against Falwell before he was for him. A man who pandered to the religious right after he criticized them.
the poor guy is on some days (when they adjust his meds) and way off other days. If he is ever elected – I hope he doesn’t start a nuclear war on his off days by mistake.
he used to have some credibility – but he has lost that by cozying up Bush and pandering to the religious right.
With Rabbit, relevence to the thread isn’t…relevent. A law unto himself, the sanctions against off-topic posts or calling people certain names doesn’t seem to apply to him.
Then again, we don’t hold lower orders of life forms to the standards applicable to human beings.
The Piper
Satellite TV is more dangerous…No one ever fell off a roof trying to get a clear cable picture during a storm. Besides, when the invasion comes, satellite dishes will be used to guide them in, and those who have them will be the first ones eliminated.
Dennis Kucinich told me so.
The Piper
“…@11: Please Sam Adams – you need to drink your beer and actually think before typing- that was not an anti-semetic remark @9 – just a biblical reference to not being spared the plague of inferior and deadly products due to lack of regulation.”
Speaking for the Rabbit are we?
Bibilical reference? Yes. It was the Jews that marked their doors in this fashion.
I take RR’s suggestion that those who mark their doors in this fashion are in with Bush and the “greedy businesses.”
Besides, I’d rather drink whiskey.
@13. Is RR also immune to the rantings of the internet spelling police?
I didn’t realize eating carrots made one priviledged.
Rabbit picks and chooses what rules apply to him and what don’t. Oft times, the picking and choosing skitters about like so many bunnies in the filed…all in the same day.
He accuses, then thunders against those who accuse. He’ll do what he rails against others for doing. It’s in his nature, there’s nothing he can do about it.
Not the brighest of mammals, rabbits are marginally good for amusement, using parts of them for key chains and glove lining, and, of course, eating. The best rabbit is a cooked one. Here’s what my people like to do with a rabbit:
Scottish Rabbit Curry Recipe
1 Fresh Rabbit
6 oz Streaky Bacon
6 Button onions
4 tb Butter
1 tb Flour
1 tb Curry-powder
1 t Mushroom-powder
Celery (optional)
Coco-nut (optional)
Salt and cayenne to taste
1 pt Well seasoned stock
1. Choose a fat, fresh rabbit. (To test it, examine the kidney.) Cut it into at least twelve pieces; brown these in butter, with onions. When browned, if you wish delicate cookery, pour off the butter and add three-quarters of a pint of well-seasoned stock, one large spoonful of curry-powder and one of flour, six ounces of streaky bacon cut into half inch cubes, and also half a dozen button onions.
2. Season with a teaspoonful of mushroom powder. Simmer this slowly for half an hour at least, stirring it. Add what more seasonings you think required, as cayenne, a little turmeric, or some acid. Pile up the pieces of rabbit and pour the sauce, which should be thickish as in all curry dishes, over them. Serve with plain boiled rice in a separate dish.
3. Fresh coco-nut is an excellent ingredient in mild curries. Rasp and stew it the whole time; we do not like green vegetables in curries though they are sometimes used. Mushrooms are an enrichment, celery is good, and onion is indispensable.
Never met a rabbit I didn’t want to eat!
The Piper
Goldy: I realize you don’t listen to me much as I’ve given you many weekend topics which you skip, but here is a suggestion. Since the Pelletizer loves to drop his itworthless pellets in every thread, why not make a special thread each day called
“Roger Rabbit’s Pellets” {time and date stamp}
since he has issues following thread headings (the mind is a terrible thing) and Darryl must feel sorry for the ol man since Darryl can’t come to grips to delete his useless pellets from every thread.
Blood on the lentil? What plant did you use to put the blood on the lentil?
Another cry for help?
The meds need tweaking?
Not enough sleep?
Call me when you are feeling better.
Piper: “Not the brighest of mammals, rabbits are marginally good for amusement”
Petting in petting zoos, caging for house pets, hopping around to amuse babies and little children, use in perfume and lotion experiments, shooting them with viruses and bacteria, etc.
You know God behind the scenes guides all. He guided YLB to choose Clueless. He guided Roger Rabbit as fitting for someone with small cranial function in his “retirement” years. How big is the rabbit brain anyway?
Piper: “Not the brighest of mammals, rabbits are marginally good for amusement”
In many threads he talks about screwing female bunnies – isn’t that sick? Can you say shrinkage? In another thread he mentioned he was a man acting the bunny fool for effect.
Isn’t this the Sybil syndrome?
How Do You Catch a Unique Rabbit?
Unique Up On It.
2. How Do You Catch a Tame Rabbit?
Tame Way.
It’s not that cable tv itself is evil, its that some of the entertainment on cable tv can be a little troubling!