Some scientist says social networking causes lack
‘My fear is that these technologies are infantilising the brain into the state of small children who are attracted by buzzing noises and bright lights, who have a small attention span and who live for the moment.’
Oh I dont thin k thats realy very true—omg an ambulance just went bye…..
Di you see Hell’s Kitchen last week?Mises cuz basketball game.
Then they got up and were like “oh, no, that is so totally
Bloggers, on the other hand, are relentlessly focused. s Miss you! Happy b-day cutey 3.14!
The world needs more social networking. And cheese. Definitely more cheeses.
You saved me the time of pointing out the obvious. I thought of you when I read the article earlier today.
So the right wing tools have a champion in the emmesssemm:
A 3 minute Limbaugh segment on the evening news is soon to follow. Terrific.
OMG!!! BPE!!!
After feeling those tickles up his leg on national teev, the good folks at dailypus decide that chris matthews isn’t enough of an obama kissup. So now they are going after him.
Hasn’t lee educated you yet?
The correct number is 4:20.
re: 2, above:
(1.) Google for images of Sumner Redstone.
(2.) Select any one of the results.
(3.) Stare at it for 30 seconds.
Any questions?
Baroness Susan Greenfield appears to be one of those people who periodically make totally outrageous claims, which turn out to be absolutely correct.
[Deleted — Repetitive comment, see HA Comment Policy]
The MAJORITY of our troops hate obama and think he will surrender to our enemy.
this was interesting.