From an April 2008 Congressional hearing in which Rep. Robert Scott introduces Rep. Dave Reichert:
“Our second witness will be the gentleman from Washington, Congressman David Reichert, who currently is in his second term in Congress. In addition to his notable work on the Green River task force, he has over 35 years of public service to the people of Washington. He has a bachelor’s degree from Concordia Lutheran College.”
Of course, Reichert only has a two-year Associate’s degree, and fitting his pattern, he never corrects this mistake, thus enshrining it in the Congressional Record.
[Hat-tip Dan Kirkdorffer.]
Nailed him. Good going.
Meanwhile, like a dog with a bone, the Pooper is still chewing on Burners’ degree from Harvard.
Dr. Goldstein,
Very true.
Very true.
What a liar.
So if I’ve got this right, the righties think it’s OK for Sheriff Hairspray to say he caught the GRK when he didn’t and that he has a BA when he doesn’t. Using this logic wouldn’t it be OK if Burner had lied?
I see McSame has picked up Al Qaeda’s endorsement. Apparently they think he’s as stupid as Bush, and they’ll get to go on living.
Goldy, you’re doing a great job on this. But why is it up to you to expose this stuff, not Sandeep and the Burner Campaign? Why wasn’t their initial comment for the Times piece a pivot to Reicher’s lack of qualifications?
On a technical note, the passage you cited is a part of the official hearing record of the Committee, not the Congressional Record.
@4 No. It’s more complicated. They’re trying to say it’s not OK that Burner told the truth. You see, it’s all about the babies. They’re saving the babies from being slaughtered by the satanic liberals, so they’re doing God’s work. This is a holy war, and ends justify means. It’s OK to lie, cheat, steal elections, keep other people from voting, break campaign finance laws, subvert democracy — it’s all God’s work, you see. So, lying about Reichert’s credentials is OK because that’s a very little white lie to serve a Great Big Purpose that God himself has sprinkled holy water on. Conversely, it doesn’t matter what the truth is about Burner’s degree, because she is The Enemy and therefore must be tarred in any way possible, even if they must lie about her. That, too, is doing God’s work to accomplish The Plan. Their rewards in Heaven for doing all of this will be very great. Meanwhile, in this world, they have to grit their teeth and put up with being misunderstood and wrongly judged by heathens. Their martyrdom at the hands of the Liberal Biased Media only depends their faith and makes them more determined than ever before to earn God’s favor by saving the babies. They are, after all, God’s special children so in the end nothing bad can happen to them and their reward in Heaven will be very great.
But I guess it’s okay if I let other’s exaggerate my resume
Actually, it should be others, not other’s. You generally form the plural of a word by adding “s” to the end, and never form the plurals by adding “apostrophe s”.
Darcy is the one who did the injustice to voters by saying she had a degree. Now you are trying to turn it around and show that Dave lied. Give me a break. He has never said he had anything more than an AA Degree. You are acting like little brats who do not get their way.
Sorry, Goldy…
But what The Darcy did is considered unforgiveable sin in the resume writing and distribution biz.
Corporate America routinely hands heads to those who do less resume fudging than did The Darcy, who repeated the canard so many times it began to sound like a stuck record.
But that’s irrelevent to you, isn’t it? Since she’s an ideologue of the extreme partisan left, no lie uttered from her lips is inexcusable or incapable of being parsed away.
Dude, Stalin was never this good in rationalizing his extermination of the Kulaks.
In the biz world, what The Darcy did is a vocationally capital offense – let justice be done.
The Piper
da pope is in da house!
@10 But you’re cool with someone, a Republican, of course, who lets the boss go along with the notion that he has a BS degree when all he has is an AA and, of course, exaggerating work experience to include in his resume accomplishments achieved by others. How situational of you.
@9 Looks like HA has another newly minted troll who pulls “facts” out of her ass and spews the standard-issue wingnut talking points without putting her own brain in gear.
I don’t suppose it’s good enough for you that a Harvard dean backed up Darcy by saying she accurately described her degree from that institution. And if you think Reichert never misrepresented his accomplishments, you must be new to this jurisdiction.
Let me explain something to you, honey. Many of the people on this blog are highly educated, well informed, and versed in reasoned argument based on well-researched facts.
So, if you want to argue here, you’d better come prepared. That means doing your homework and knowing what you’re talking about, because bullshitters get their butts handed to them on this blog.
@13 “bullshitters get their butts handed to them on this blog”
Not to mention the goatfuckers.
Dude, you’re the situational one…
You whine your way around The Darcy’s venal sin by use of a comparative morality analysis, a very typical liberal excuse for deviant behavior.
From the Voters’ Pamphlet we learn that Dave Reichert specifically says he has an A.A. while The Darcy claims a degree in computer science and economics.
Does The Darcy have a degree in economics? A degree of any kind?
That she has no knowledge of economis is patently obvious from her blather on the subject, but that is beside the point.
The Darcy lied…The Darcy lied…The Darcy lied.
She lied to the voters of the State of Washington…
The Darcy lied…
That she, and you, think she can get away with it or that it’s no big deal evidences the sewer-like nature of her, and your, ethical compass.
She lied…
The Piper
To all you swing voters out there, like me, the difference is Reichert corrected the misstatement on his congressional bio page, but Burner did not.
This speaks to Burner’s integrity.
See for yourself. One changed the misstatement. One did not.
@10 “Dude, Stalin was never this good in rationalizing his extermination of the Kulaks.”
Leaping from Burner’s resume straight to Stalin’s purges is quite an athletic endeavor, crackpiper! Are you trying to make Evil Knievel look like a piker?
@14 I was trying to ease her in one step at a time. I thought we should give her a little time to get acclimatized before bringing that up. She is, after all, a new troll and we don’t want to wear her out on the first day. Otherwise, we’ll never get new trolls to come to this blog and won’t have anyone to kick around after the old ones wear out.
@15 Venal sin is lying, piper, and that’s what you’re doing. A Harvard dean, no less, said Darcy “accurately” described her degree. What part of the word “accurately” does your pea brain fail to comprehend?
13. “Let me explain something to you, honey. Many of the people on this blog are highly educated, well informed, and versed in reasoned argument based on well-researched facts.”
Well you could have fooled me! I think you are pretty damn good at taking facts and distorting them to fit your own premise. You are no better or worse than our current news media that slants the facts to sway the thinking of voters. If you gave a damn about accuracy in reporting, you would at least try and be factual. Again, you sound like a whiney brat.
@16 Yeah, it took Reichert only 30-some years to stop lying about his education. There’s nothing for Darcy to correct because her description of her education wasn’t wrong in the first place. If you want to question it, why don’t you (a) try to get admitted to Harvard, (b) enroll in the same economics courses she did, and (c) see if you can pass them? She has more integrity in her toenail clippings than the whole cabal of you wingnut bullshitters. She also knows vastly more about economics than Reichert does, and quite frankly, I think she would have done a better job as a cop than he did even without any cop training. Ask the people who actually worked with Reichert and they’ll all tell you he was more grandstander than working cop and more hindrance than help. This guy is all showmanship and has delivered precious little for his district and constituents. Oh, and p.s., Darcy is ahead in the polls so it looks like 8th CD voters agree with me.
Help me understand.
Al Gore created the internet.
Chris Gregoire has a budget surplus. If I make $500 per week and only spend $400 per week till the end of the year. I will have about $1,000 in a rainy day fund. But I incresed by my spending by $3.2 billion and the debt comes due in 2009 and 2010. Unfortunately, I continue to make $500 per week in 2009 and 2010. It would be a lie to claim that I have a balanced budget.
Darcy claims to have a degree in economics. Darcy claims to have been a MicroSoft Executive and on and on and on. I have a military equivalent of a graduate degree but qualified that in my campaign. I did this for the obvious reasons (it is the truth). Darcy is a pathological liar and will say or do anything to get elected.
I feel like the Sarah Palin of the Democratic Party in Washington. I am tired of the lies and have called both Christine and Darcy on their nonsense.
Goldy you should be ashamed of yourself.
Jim Vaughn
@20 I’m not a journalist, nor do I pretend to be objective. I’m a lawyer, a Democratic Party hack, and a liberal propagandist.
It has become a pretty safe bet that whenever a Republican makes a claim or accusation, the opposite is actually true. So the Republicans claim that Bush is strong on terrorism, “the fundamentals of the economy are strong,” Obama is a socialist, McCain is for working people, Joe is a plumber, and Darcy Burner is engaging in resume fraud (also that she is dumb and unqualified), and that Reichert has a BA and caught the Green River Killer.
Anyone keeping score?
Evel Knievel never claimed to have a degree in economics.
Yet The Darcy’s theorems thereon do resemble those of Comrade Stalin.
The Piper
The type of “sin” is “venial” not “venal”..FYI.
As we know, the word “venal” refers to Republicans and their apologists.
@23 (continued) However, that said, I do fact-check; I’m scrupulous about factual accuracy; and, in keeping with established academic conventions, I provide sources for the information I use, and support my propaganda with reasoned argument. I’ve even posted retractions when factual errors came to my attention (and this occur occasionally).
In other words, I don’t simply repost bullshit mass-circulation e-mails churned out by wingnut lie factories, like our troll friends do, because it requires no work on their part, or regurgitate partisan talking points like you just did because it requires no thought on your part. We don’t respect laziness or sloppiness around here.
The Crackpipers’ blither-blatherings resemble those of Professor Irwin Corey.
A CYA stunt not unlike the SOP among the HA Happy Hooligans…
You just can’t bring yourself to face the fact that The Darcy is the emptiest of suits.
I do understand – the shattering of illusions and myths is hard to endure.
BTW…don’t wait up for Santa this year – he ain’t comin’.
The Piper
@24 Well, I know their score is 0. Not sure what ours is, I haven’t kept track, but I know we’ve been kicking A LOT of wingnut butt lately. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit they keep coming back for more, because I don’t know how we’d entertain ourselves without trolls to kick around.
The bigger problem for Burner is that she is a SERIAL LIAR.
One lie on it’s own isn’t as big of a deal as SERIAL LYING which she is guilty of.
Lying about being a Microsoft Executive when she was a feeble at best Middle Manager, Lying about her role in the Ames Lake Assoc.—ridiculous and now this whopper.
SERIAL LIAR==Darcy Burner.
Goldy should know that HE is responsible for creating this SERIAL LIAR by coming to her defense on every LIE. Goldy, it’s called ENABLING. Now (head-noggies to Goldy), we all know you have a thing for Darcy and your enabling will likely reward you in some erotic way. Good for you if it means breaking the 4-year “love-less” dry spell….but think about your ENABLING responsibility. It’s kind of like believing everything your kid says at face value and fighting her fights for her.
@29 “A CYA stunt”
Are you calling a Harvard dean saying Darcy accurately described her degree “a CYA stunt”?
It looks that way, but I’d like to verify that, because I want to make sure that’s what you actually intend to say before we all start laughing at you.
I help hire people every now and again and when I do I make phone calls and send emails checking on backgrounds. The fine folks at Harvard have said that if I were to call them they would OK what Ms. Burner has said.
@31. You have been proved to be the liar on all of your 3 measly attempts at attack politics. And yet you can’t give them up because you know that lying is all you have. Not you or anyone else have been able to refute the word of Harvard’s dean that Darcy Burner has a degree in CS and Econ. It’s very entertaining watching you try though!
It looks like Cynical got his ranching work done already. Goat ranching is such easy work, you know.
Cynical, having a goat tied up in the back yard does not a rancher make.
i guess jim vaughn lied when he showed up at our democratic legislative district caucus and gave a speech claiming to be a democrat when in fact he was a republican operative hellbent on keeping the $10B a month going to the iraq occupation.
35. Steve spews:
Once again, Steve aka Rog, has to resort to the goat thing when he has no response to the fact that Burner is a SERIAL LIAR!
34. Auburn’s Finest spews:
This KLOWN also says that somehow I have been proven to be a liar on all 3 counts…offering ZERO evidence.
Burner said she has a degree in ECONOMICS to try & convince voters she has the education to tackle ECONOMIC problems. It’s call PUFFING or in her case LYING!
Goldy, I think you are a pig without lipstick! Horses Ass really does not depict your words or philosophy. Swine does.
@38 “Swine”
That’d be bad news for Goldy as Republicans are known pigfuckers.
@34. I wish I were capable of the comedic brilliance you consistently display. Alas, I have not earned the necessary degrees that you must have from Klown [sic] college.
You are claiming that Burner’s degree in SC and Econ is not a degree in Econ. By that logic, it’s also not a degree in SC. But that logic is wrong. Its a degree in each and both, SC and Econ. Please keep trying to claim otherwise and providing us all with comic gold!
37, that is.
Help hire every now and then? Pa-leeeeeze!
Compare that to 25 years in the executive search business where I sourced, recruited, and placed hundreds and hundreds of professionals from first line supervisors through corporate officers.
I’m here to tell you that what The Darcy did in fasifying her resume is cause to have the Mark of Professional Cain stamped upon her forhead for all to see from here to eternity.
She would be so toast there isn’t enough jam in the world to cover her over!
Were her academic credentials enough to qualify her for a degree in economics? Standing alone and without the computer junk, was she entitled to either an AB or SB (the nomenclature for undergrad degrees at Harvard) in economics?
Yet, The Darcy was heard on the radio saying it over and over and over and…you get it?
Out of her own mouth she claimed an academic credential she didn’t have.
Face it – she’s a liar. But that simply makes her a typical netroot, MoveOn, DailyKus type, doesn’t it?
The Piper
@22 “Al Gore created the internet.”
No, he didn’t, and never said he did. Only wingnuts say that.
“Chris Gregoire has a budget surplus.”
Yes, she does. She turned around the $2.2 billion deficit she inherited from the budget written by Dino Rossi and created a “Rainy Day Fund” that has several hundred millions of dollars in it.
“If I make $500 per week and only spend $400 per week till the end of the year. I will have about $1,000 in a rainy day fund. But I incresed by my spending by $3.2 billion and the debt comes due in 2009 and 2010.”
Yes, Gregoire did increase spending by approximately 33% in her first 4 years. A significant part of that spending increase was to fund two voter-passed initiatives whose implementation was deferred under the Rossi budget for lack of funds. Initiatives are the law and must be implemented. There was also a lot of catch-up in transportation spending because senate Republicans had blocked such spending for a decade and our highways were falling apart. No highways, no commerce; no commerce, no economy — that’s how that works, my friend. She also restored health care funding for 40,000 poor children who Rossi threw to the wolves to “balance” his budget. She also approved raises for state employees who otherwise would have gone for 6 years without a COLA. That wasn’t a gift; when you don’t pay people, they leave, and your labor costs go up because you have to train new people and less experienced workers are more likely to make costly errors. State spending also went up because our population is growing, so we have more children in our public schools (which is over 45% of the state budget) and more citizens using services, plus everything the state pays for costs more because of inflation.
All of these spending increases were necessary and justifiable, and the state had the revenues to do it without raising taxes. Gregoire did not raise taxes.
Despite the spending increases, Gregoire’s budget didn’t put the state in debt. That’s simply a lie. The state constitution prohibits deficit spending, and no Washington legislature or governor has ever approved a budget that required borrowing money to cover operating expenses. That’s illegal.
“Unfortunately, I continue to make $500 per week in 2009 and 2010. It would be a lie to claim that I have a balanced budget.”
If you are making $500 a week, spending $400 a week, and putting $1000 a year in a rainy day fund you have a balanced budget plus a surplus. Gregoire’s budget balanced and had a surplus which was put in a rainy day fund.
The state doesn’t have a $3.2 billion deficit. The current state economic forecast and revenue projection for the biennium running from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, projects a revenue shortfall of $3.2 million. That’s a projection, not a deficit, and it’s somewhat speculative because it attempts to predict future events, and these projections are constantly changing as they are revised and updated quarterly. Given the effect of the failure of Republican laissez-faire economic policies and financial deregulation on the national (if not global) economy, it seems likely revenues will be less in the next biennium because we are now in a recession, which tends to reduce consumer spending and sales tax revenues. This is a consequence of our state’s foolish reliance on sales taxes as the principal source of state revenue. Gov. Gregoire is already taking steps to deal with this by cutting state spending wherever possible, for example, by freezing hiring. Her opponent, by contrast, is making expensive promises to voters and promising tax cuts at the same time. Realistically, there’s no way he can fulfill his campaign promises without raising taxes or cutting spending on education and health care. We got a good look at how he “balances” budgets back in 2004 when he imposed a $250 monthly “bed tax” on elderly nursing home patients.
“Darcy claims to have a degree in economics.”
She does have a degree “in economics,” according to the former dean of the Harvard academic department that issued her degree.
“Darcy claims to have been a MicroSoft Executive and on and on and on.”
Darcy was a Microsoft executive in charge of a staff and a budget of about $16 million.
“I have a military equivalent of a graduate degree but qualified that in my campaign.”
I have no knowledge of this, so can’t comment.
“Darcy is a pathological liar and will say or do anything to get elected.”
Opinions are like assholes: Everybody’s got one. You’re entitled to your own opinion, but you’re not entitled to your own “facts.” See above.
“I feel like the Sarah Palin of the Democratic Party in Washington.”
I’m not aware that you have any credentials as a Democrat. Any claims you make along these lines seem ludicruous to me. I wouldn’t go around boasting about being the Sarah Palin of anything if I were you, but that’s your business.
“I am tired of the lies and have called both Christine and Darcy on their nonsense.”
You haven’t “called” anyone on anything. All you’ve done is screech the usual wingnut talking points like the rest of the wingnut monkeys screeching on this blog.
“Goldy you should be ashamed of yourself.”
Goldy is a hard-working patriot who is helping save America from wingnut lunatics like you and I’m extremely proud of him.
“Jim Vaughn”
Who is Jim Vaughn? I’ve never heard of you. As far as I can tell, you’re another run-of-the-mill, reality-challenged, wingnut idiot spewing the same canned wingnut bullshit as the rest of our stupid, lazy, wingnut trolls.
Fraternally yours,
Roger, King of Rabbits
@26 People who can’t spell words correctly usually don’t know what they mean, either, because they’ve never bothered to open a dictionary.
No it’s not. When you went to check her references with Harvard, Harvard would and has said that what Ms. Burner is saying is true. So who should I believe, Piper Scott or the university that granted her degree?
YellowDog@24: You need to stop pissing on the fan and receiving the blowback! The yellow will wash out.
“Joe is a plumber”. – Correct. He uses his bosses contractor’s license. Want’s to purchase his bosses business. Wean yourself from the Daily Kurse warm man-made kool-aid.
@31 FYI for new trolls, Mr. Cynical is a lot like Piper, except he’s more insecure and therefore uses more caps and boldface in his rants. And in case you’re wondering about the reference to “ranching” in #35, Mr. Cynical has fled from Washington (outstanding warrants? he hasn’t said) and is now hiding out in Montana.
Pelletizer@47: You making personal equivalences?
Still trying to define “IF”?
How is the Haitian experiment going?
Cuyahoga County – how are your Donkey friends?
@48 Personal equivalences? What are you talking about? And shouldn’t that be spelled “equivalencies,” you illiterate fuck? Are you too lazy to use spell-check?
YellowDog@24: No terrorism on US soil since 9/11. More fan blow back?
I wonder if Joe Biden knows Al Qaeda plans to make their next US Soil foray if Obama wins? Maybe some intelligence was trickled up to Ol’ Joe when he visited Katie’s diner.
Michael you are drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution again.
During the Oct 10th debate with Dave Reichert, Burner said in her opening statement, “I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard”.
Thems her words.
@36 Was he running for something? Is he one of those LaRouchies who hang around Democratic Party events and try to pass themselves off as Democrats?
Piper, you finally asked the right question, but you mistakenly thought it was a rhetorical one:
Were her academic credentials enough to qualify her for a degree in economics? Standing alone and without the computer junk, was she entitled to either an AB or SB (the nomenclature for undergrad degrees at Harvard) in economics?
Here is what the full econ requirement is now:
I count a minimum requirement of 2 math courses and 5 econ courses. She did all that and the thesis. Now will Reichert and his friends at the Times apologize?
@37 Let the record show that Mr. Cynical-Idiot still thinks I’m Steve and Steve is me, even though this has been openly refuted several times.
Here let me help you: Equivalences
Your brain is full of aluminium. Look that up.
@38 lacks substance. I think this new troll is an especially lazy one.
@40 Don’t know how familiar you are with Mr. C but yes, he’s something of a comedian, and thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit for that! The rest of our trolls are cloyingly drab and humorless.
Pelletizer@54: It’s easy for Cynical to think you and Steve Purveyor of Steve’s Stupid Solution are equivalent.
Moronic statements
Repetitive commentary
Similar singular thought processes
Professed love of animal sex
42, 25 – I’d like to see crackpiper tell a prospective employer that Darcy falsified her resume — and then get sued for libel.
So by your silly logic Clinton received a surplus from the budgets written by a Republican Congress.
You finally got it right. Clinton DID receive a balanced budget from Republican budget writers.
Piper, Santa ain’t coming? Shoot!
@45 (continued) (the edit function gypped me out of my 5 minutes so I have to continue this in a separate comment)
I’ll bet if a prospective employer asked Piper if Darcy falsified her educational qualifications on her resume, he would say “no.” Know why? Because Piper is an ex-lawyer and knows saying “yes” would expose him to legal liability.
You see, if she sued him for libel, and put the former dean of the Harvard academic department on the witness stand, and Piper tried to rebut his testimony with his creative hair-splitting … well, you get the picture.
Or, at least, I’m sure Piper does. As an ex-lawyer, he knows perfectly well he can say things on this blog that he couldn’t get away with saying under oath in court.
If that’s so, why is she in full lock-down panic mode as if she got caught with her hand in a cookie intern?
She was not awarded a degree in economics. When she said she had a degree in economics during the 10/10 debate, she LIED…
And, from a professional vocational standpoint, she commited unforgiveable sin. No self-respecting headhunter will have anything to do with a resume cheat.
The Piper
@46 Well, puddy, the local authorities who enforce the licensing laws say he doesn’t have the license required by their jurisdiction and therefore can’t legally do plumbing work in that jurisdiction. If push comes to shove, I suspect their interpretation will carry more weight with the judge than his.
@50 “No terrorism on US soil since 9/11.”
So you, like Palin, think abortion clinic bombers aren’t terrorists? But your assertion isn’t true anyway, there was an incident at LAX.
43 You got it. With Rossi, the very best we’ll get is that you’ll have some nice new concrete to drive on if you can afford the gas and you’re not too sick to drag yourself behind the wheel. The worst is that he’ll get halfway through spreading our butt cheeks for Kemper Freeman building an 8-lane 520 and run out of places to steal the money from to finish it.
Oh the desperation of you HA lefties is so delightful. hahahhaha
Darcy may not have a bachelors in economics, but after this election I think she will earn her PHD in crying. hehehehehee
So Goldy. If Darcy Burner loses again because for the second time in a row because she was less than fully truthful about her resume, will you admit that you are pretty lame as a Netroots attack dog?
@55 Let me help you, puddinghead. Using the same dictionary you linked to, the plural form of “equivalence” is “equivalencies,” to wit:
e·quiv·a·len·cy (-kwv-ln-s)
n. pl. e·quiv·a·len·cies
@64, “If that’s so,…”
What, do you suppose I just created a fake harvard doc and somehow spoofed the url to a domain? I mean, I’d have to have a special degree in CS to do something like that…
You agree that she has a degree that includes the economics studies required to major in econ, no? By all accounts, her degree says the word “economics” on it, no? You agree that it would be correct to say her degree is in CS and Econ, no? I don’t see where there is still room for the so-called lie. Sounds like another successful debunking by Burner to me.
@56 I like British spellings (and accents), puttybutt. They’re pretentious. I’m all for putting on airs when you’ve got the intellectual equipment to justify it. No, I don’t mean you, pud.
Pelletizer@65: You need to read more.
@61 Let’s accept, arguendo, your premise that Congress rather than the executive is responsible for the federal budget. We won’t fuss with Bush’s concept of a unitary executive (which implies a Congress of his own party falling into line with whatever he wants) for now.
According to that, a Republican Congress did produce a budget with a surplus while Clinton was president.
All I can say is, that sure didn’t last long, did it? As soon as a Republican president got in, the Republican Congress’s fiscal discipline went to hell in a handbasket and now we’re over 10 trillion dollars in debt.
How did that happen, pudwhacker? Sounds to me like Republican congresses need Democratic presidents to keep them from spending like drunken sailors.
Pelltizer@72: Caught again and you just can’t admit it? Sucks to be you!
@67 All any voter needs to know about Rossi is that he’s promising to build 2 extra lanes across Lake Washington for $1 billion less than what 6 lanes cost, and the engineers don’t have any idea where he expects them to put the approaches.
Ditzy, I mean Darcy circling the bowl….
Goldy dives in after her, pud in-hand.
Both disappear suddenly.
*crowd clapping*
@68 “Darcy may not have a bachelors in economics”
Darcy does have a bachelors in economics. Her opponent doesn’t have a bachelors in anything, and wasn’t even an effective cop.
@69 So Harold. If Darcy beats Reichert, as the polls indicate she’s going to, will you admit you’re a blowhard?
54. Roger Rabbit spews:
With the constant goat banter, I’m sure you can understand why that is so easy to do.
Pelletizer@74: Who writes the final US Federal Budget for approval?
[ ]The president
[ ]Congress
[ ]Pelletizer
[ ]Goldy
[ ]yelling loser boy
[ ]Pelosi
[ ]Obama
Mark1 @ 77
That there is funny stuff…I don’t care who y’ar!
Goldy is too much of a coward to commit suicide by flush however. Goldy would get his l’il pinhead right up over the rim…and wave bye-bye to Darcy. Then find some other Progressive Semi-Hottie to stalk.
Good try the link said: “redirected from Equivalences”
Stupid bunny!
Pelletizer@70: Interesting title: “On identifying name equivalences in digital libraries”
Or “Canonical Equivalence in Applications”
Per your stupidity these authors misspelled it.
Stupid Pelletizer!
@73 Puddinghead, I really think you should straighten yourself out on the spelling of the plural form of “equivalence” before you come at me with this, but since you have, I’m compelling to point out that the WINGNUT OPINION BLOG you linked to doesn’t even support Joe’s claim to be a “plumber.” They go on at some length about his employer’s license, but we’re not discussing Mr. Newell. The subject of the conversation is Sam Wurzelbacher. And according to your own WINGNUT OPINION BLOG Mr. Wurzelbacher is, at best, an apprentice which is not the same thing as a “plumber.” But the legal difficulty with his working as an apprentice is that he dropped out of the apprenticeship program, you see. Face it, puddykins, your man McCain fucked up (again) by not vetting his man (again) before elevating him to national prominence. This is at least twice that McClumsy has got bit in the ass by this. That doesn’t make him look like the kind of careful executive we need managing the multiple crises his Republican predecessor created, does it? I think you’ll have to agree, the McCain campaign has done some very sloppy work and “Joe the Plumber” has backfired on them in a big way.
@75 Caught at what? I said “aluminium” is the British spelling of “aluminum.” That’s true, just as Darcy’s statement that she as a “degree in economics” is true. You don’t get to rewrite the dictionary or make up your own spellings or definitions, pudpuss. Sorry.
Why do Republicans always lie?
McCain campaign volunteer makes up story of being robbed, beaten and disfigured by a big badass black guy for having a GOP bumpersticker on her car:
@80 How does the fact you’re a goatfucker is widespread public knowledge turn me into Steve?
@81 With respect to the bank-breaking record-deficit budgets I referred to, puddy, the correct answer is your boot-licking, ass-kissing Republican “Congress” which does whatever Bushboy — he of no-veto infamy — tells them to. Everyone understands, however, that’s a mere technicality and practically speaking it’s really the Unitary Executive Guy who’s been driving us into collective bankruptcy.
A wise person would have bought some more when the market was waaaaaay down. 24 stocks where the dividend yield % exceeded the P/E,,,unbelievable. However, I refuse to talk about my personal investments!!
Instead, I would like to talk about APPLES…as in the fruit. We have a bunch of trees and harvested dozens of bushel baskets. It’s kind of a pain in the ass as to what to do with all of them but we:
**Made & Froze 10 gallons of pure juice. Did it with a Jack LaLane Juicer. What a f*cking mess!! But when you cut it with water (even amounts) and sugar…it’s dang good.
**Made apple jelly, apple/rasberry and apple/jear jelly. Another f*cking mess.
**Sliced apples, seal them and froze them.
Then we traded apples for things like rasperry’s, plum’s, pear’s etc. so we could make the combo jelly’s or freeze.
We also made a freeze apple crisp’s & apple pie’s and froze them. Easier to do 10 now…than 10 one at a time.
Any other ideas for apples?
They are just slightly tart and real juicy.
We put a bag in the cool cellar..not sure how long they will last.
The nice thing about livin’ the rural life is doing stuff like this with your neighbors.
Same thing with fish & meat. Swap around.
We eat good! But this apple thing is damn messy.
Cynical seems to think anybody here who calls him a goatfucker is some sockpuppet of mine. Yeah, sure, Cynical. I think it’s just some paranoia that goes along with his projection, insecurities and feelings of inadequacy – all symptoms that his head will soon explode. I give the goatfucker a little less than two weeks, say, by November 5th.
@87 Well whaddya know, McCain has liars and posers working for him, just like ACORN. Maybe now he’ll be better able to empathize with their problems. It’s hard to get good help for minimum wage.
Pelltizer I have a response but for some reason a simple word has my response stuck.
First off Pelletizer where have I said I like McCain?
T i m e S t a m p
C i t a t i o n
Look it up dumb bunny, as you’ll be looking for a long time.
Second, It’s your left-wingnut media trying to slam Sam Wurzelbacher who by Ohio law can use his bosses license. Maybe that’s why McCain has started coming back in the polls.
Regarding Equivalances – You can’t fathom being wrong AGAIN!
Police: Campaign Volunteer Lied, Injured Self
Ashley Todd, 20, is now facing charges for filing a false report to police
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― Police say a campaign volunteer confessed to making up a story that a mugger attacked her and cut the letter B in her face after seeing her McCain bumper sticker.
At a news conference this afternoon, officials said they believe that Ashley Todd’s injuries were self-inflicted.
Todd, 20, of Texas, is now facing charges for filing a false report to police.
Todd initially told police that she was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield and that the suspect became enraged and started beating her after seeing her GOP sticker on her car.
Police investigating the alleged attack, however, began to notice some inconsistencies in her story and administered a polygraph test. Investigators … received photos from the ATM machine and ‘the photographs were verified as not being the victim making the transaction.’
This afternoon, a Pittsburgh police commander [said] Todd confessed to making up the story.
[Quoted from KDKA TV under fair use.]
Now Rodent,
Take your pill like a good old-man and try and turn back the tides of your O.C.D. flare-up today. You know what the Doctor said about your blood pressure and the risk of your head spontaneously exploding.
Yep, she sure did say that. The dean of the department at Harvard that granted her degree said the statement was fine by him.
@90 Hoard cash, Cyn, hoard cash. The worst (i.e., best buying opportunity) is yet to come.
@59 Pudz sez: “Professed love of animal sex”
The development of your state of denial is nearly complete, Pudz.
@94 You’re voting for Obama, puddy?
Another one bites the dust.
@95 “It’s your left-wingnut media trying to slam Sam Wurzelbacher who by Ohio law can use his bosses license. Maybe that’s why McCain has started coming back in the polls.”
The people who administer Ohio licensing laws say otherwise. All the rightwing-owned media did was quote those public officials — the media aren’t responsible for what the news is, pud.
P.S., McCain hasn’t started coming back in the polls, pud. He’s actually dropping further behind in most polls. Are you referring to yesterday’s AP poll showing a 44%-43% race? For a thoughtful analysis of this poll, see “The Stumper” in Newsweek’s online magazine, wherein it is explained that the AP poll got its results by assuming that young voters will break heavily for McCain and 40% of the U.S. voting population are evangelicals.
@99 Cynical’s money is just as real as his ranch. Ranching in Montana is such easy work, you know. It allows Cynical plenty of time for posting on a Western Washington political blog from morning to night and still have time for lunch in Lacey, which is, hmm, just a short hop from the BIAW headquarters. In other words, he’s your typical Republican goatfucker – everything he says or writes is a lie.
@97 Actually I’m feeling pretty carefree these days, markie boy.
97. Mark1 spews:
Actually Rog’s bigger problem is the world’s worsr case of Hemorrhoids. They have swollen so much they have obviously impacted cranial functions. What Rog really needs is a Preparation H bath!
That would be the calming effect of your pills. Feel euphoric huh?
@106 So what if I have hemorrhoids? It’s not your problem, so why are you worrying yourself about it?
@107 I get quite a bit of calming effect from the polls showing the Repugnant Party and its candidates about to get buried under an avalanche of voter payback. And you? What do you do for relaxation these days?
Looks like Sally the New Troll left already. She sure didn’t last long. This blog needs some new trolls with a little fortitude. We keep getting the ones with no guts.
@110 “We keep getting the ones with no guts.”
And no brains.
Scott and Reichert – buttheads.
Came across a great site:
Vote for buttheads like Palin and Dubya to get asses stamped on their heads. Hilarious and timely. Pass it on…
@110 &111
I actually have a business and have to work for a living. You dems are probably spending your time on this blog on your companies dime. I don’t have that luxury.
I bet ‘Sally’ is the latest incarnation of ‘Hannah’.
Kind of early to be declaring war on Christmas isn’t it Pooper?
@46: I’ve always wanted to own the company I work for, so I guess I’m a plumber too.
@50: As far as we know, Martians haven’t landed on U.S. soil since 9/11 either, but as for Bush’s effectiveness on terrorism, the opinion among experts seems to be that al Qaeda is now as strong as it was before 9/11 and that our various wars have led to a boom in recruitment.
@114 I take it that means she’s yet another Puddy sockpuppet.
GoatSexFiend@117: Wrong again. Goldy cleared this up long ago, but you continue to drink your concoction, Steve’s Stupid Solution.
It wouldn’t surprise me that Hannah and Sally are Stupes sock puppets in some respects.
They all may be different people but they carry out the same agenda and Stupes is more often than not around to circle jerk with them.
If “Sally” blurts that she “loves those Puddy ‘facts'” or something to that effect then that’s the dead giveaway.
@118 “GoatSexFiend”
Poor Pudz, he just can’t bring himself to admit that he and the rest of the trolls here are just a bunch of BIAW-paid goatfuckers. But don’t worry yourself, Pudz, your goatfucking, hatred of America, lies, projection and denial will all become utterly irrelevant to me on November 5th.