Gov. Gregoire has a diary up at Daily Kos right now. Here’s a slice:
Why are they attacking me so early? Because they know there is something happening in our country – people are hungry for a new direction, away from the Bush Administration.
They are so aware of this fact that my opponent filed as a member of the “GOP Party,” hiding the fact that he is a Republican. And what is on my opponent’s website? The word “Change” in the largest font you have ever seen.
We all know that voters are desperate for change in our nation, ready to turn around the failed policies of the Bush Administration. But voters are smart. They know the kind of change they are looking for.
Republican Dino Rossi can spend millions on attacks, pretend he isn’t a Republican and even give lip service to change, but he can’t hide his George Bush record.
Why does Rossi run from the Republican brand?
He didn’t in 2004.
President Clinton said it best, “when Americans turn out in high numbers, Democrats get elected.”
This is going to be a high voter turn out election cycle.
What George W. Bush and the Republican led congress off 2000 – 2006 did was something Democrats could never do — destroy the Republican brand.
Thanks to George W. Bush, Tom DeLay, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, and the rest of the immoral felons in the Republican Party, they have killed off the Reagan Republican brand.
Prediction, by 2018 Reagan International airport will be renamed to honor the first African-American president, Barak Obama.
Then, the last of the Republican Brand will die off in the faded memory of every American. Liberalism will continue to live on and inspire America as it has done since our nation’s founding.
“In fact, he is so enamored with George W. Bush he has named his dog [Dubya]. I feel sorry for the dog.”
I am glad to find out that Governor Gregoire has a sense of humor. I always thought she was a little too much on the dry and serious side.
It’s not surprising that Rossi doesn’t want voters to know he’s a Republican, now that it’s come out that shoddy electrical work in Iraq by incompetent Bush-buddy contractors has killed 13 American soldiers, injured dozens more, and burned down over 200 U.S. military structures.
@4 I work in electrical engineering and construction and I’d very much like to read about this matter. Is there any link you can provide?
He didn’t in 2004.
President Clinton said it best, “when Americans turn out in high numbers, Democrats get elected.”
This is going to be a high voter turn out election cycle.
Highest turn out was 2004 and Bush won by a mile. Sorry you lose again.
Democrats can only win if there are two conservatives running splitting the vote.
Here you go, Steve. If the URL gets mangled, it’s a NY Times article from the first of this month. Or you can Google on “iraq electric shower”
You’d think our troops’ biggest worry would be about being killed by the enemy. Welcome to Bizzarro World.
Of all the two term presidents who never won a majority Clinton is probably the best. Yeah, I know he is the only one but still. heheehehe
Some of us might be more motivated to go vote for more Democrats if Pelosi and Reid would get their faces out of Bush’s crotch.
You’d think our troops’ biggest worry would be about being killed by the enemy. Welcome to Bizzarro World.
07/18/2008 at 1:23 pm
Speaking of which we haven’t heard the democrat “parade of bodies” count lately… I wonder why??? We must be running out of republican soldiers. heheheheehe
Rossi prefers the “G.O.P. Party.”
I believe, in speech, one would say that Rossi is “the Go-P-P candidate.”
And I’m quite certain Rossi is a big fan of trickle-down economics.
did not the bitch say she woild not raise our taxes.she is toast.hey crissy get a real job.
@6 Thank you. The article doesn’t go into enough detail for me to comment on the actual wiring problems. However, it’s really disturbing that the electrical problems were reported but, after four years of waiting, apparently nothing was ever done to correct them. Those troops of ours should have never, ever died in a damned shower.
@11 Home skooled, are you?
hey steve still sticking byebye in the shiter.
@1 While I understand the thought, I hope Obama is still alive in 2018.
Hear hear. After all he does have a cocaine habit.
Bush said he quit doing coke when is connection got busted in the early ’90’s.
I think his personal dealer’s name was something like Manuel Noriega.
“Bush said he quit doing coke”
Yeah, right. If you believe that, I’ve got a really nice bridge to sell you.
@ 18:
I didn’t say I believed it, I merely quoted one of Bush’s many, many, many lies.
But, if you have a bridge to unload might I suggest talking to a conservative. Those are some really gullible dip shits who will believe and buy any story no matter how much you’re patently lying to their faces.
I love watching the right wing turds try to cheer themselves up by quoting lies and irrelevancy!
20 Yup. It’s like watching someone who’s starving trying to drown out the growling of his stomach by hollering about what a wonderful meal he just ate.
Rossi may be an F candidate but for Gregoire to describe herself as an agent for change begs the mind.
I read a lot of shit here about “progressives” but then see folks happily riding in the bandwagon of show boats and apparatchniks.
In the case of CG, she is obviously no radical but she is also obviously not willing to take her office very far beyond the confines bequeathed to her by her predecessors . Leadership and CG are diffiult words ot use in onr sentence.
Another republican thrown under the bus buy 1023 year old FlipFlop McCain. Phil Graham is out. Who’s next?
Gregoire is sooooooo predictable.
Blame Bush.
Call opponent Bush.
Anything to deflect from the massive $2.7 BILLION Deficit SHE created for the upcoming biennium out of a huge surplus thru excessive spending….8000+ new State Employees, 35% increase in spending with an 18% increase in Revenue.
Gregoire is deflecting because she has no plan to fix the Fiscal Trainwreck SHE created.
Her silence on a plan to balance the next Budget means only one thing……….
Her plan is to RAISE TAXES!!!!
She can focus on the Republican vs. GOP thing all she wants.
The facts are the facts when it comes to her spending record and the Fiscal Trainwreck she created by not reacting.
Gov. Gregoire—
Why didn’t you call an emergency session and impose spending & hiring freezes, staff cutbacks etc.???
Why have you chosen to ignore one of your main functions…The Budget??
Remember when CynCyn talks about a deficit – he proves he’s nothing but a lying cunt. There is no deficit. He’s making it up because he knows there’s nothing else he can do. Rossi sure hasn’t got any accomplishments to tout.
Ask Cyn to prove it and watch him shut the fuck up like the bitch he is.
And then ask him why the record deficit that DOES exist in DC doesn’t bother him.
She is leading in the polls and will ride a BIG Democratic wave to victory and no amount of lies from a baby-raping maggot like CYN CYN can change that.
@24 Mr. Cynical whines, “why” “Why” “Why”
Why aren’t you completed outraged, 24/7, that the corporate media doesn’t cover the Republican pedophile scandal the same way they went after the Catholic Church?
Notice how CynCyn cuts and runs from ANY thread where he’s challenged to back up his bullshit? I wonder if he goes and hides in his closet when he’s called out afraid that someone will actually find his worthless ass? Must be terrible to live in such fear CynCyn.
Gregoire has created a massive $2.7 BILLION deficit for the upcoming 2009-11 biennium she must address some time.
The Senate Ways & Means Committee 6/08 Report:
Gregoires own Office of Financial Management reported this:
Gregoire’s own man, Vic Moore said this:
“We know there is going to be some pretty significant belt-tightening that we are going to have to do in this budget,” he said. “We understand that we are going to have some significant challenges, we are using the processes that we have used in the past to look at government spending.”
No answer…just gobbledy-gook.
He did not rule out TAX INCREASES so one would presume that is the way she will go.
@3 You are one dumb motherfucker. Of all the
stupid shit that comes out of your hole.
I pray that you die of ass cancer.
28 Cyn
I can’t believe you posted a link to the very document that proves what a liar (and a bad one) you are. You’re so obviously cherry-picking numbers that you’re covered in juice. Or, you’re really, really stupid and I overestimated you. I hate doing that, so don’t be stupid.
You see, the whole reason for the Rainy Day Fund (or, as it is listed in the Outlolok, the “Budget Stabilizaion Account,” is, as even you can probably figure out, there to stabilize the budget. The way it does this is that it gets spent to offset budget shortfalls.
So this, yet one more fucking time, is the reason that your citation of a “massive $2.7 BILLION deficit” is a damnable lie, sir. The total deficit after stabilization in the very document you cite is a relatively easy-to-handle $1.95 billion (5.6% of a $34 billion budget).
THERE IS NO DEFICIT IN WASHINGTON and asslicker Cyn has no proof otherwise ….
Now on the other hand, Monkeyface Bush has created the largest federal deficit in US History as well as the largest trade deficit in US History. Now THAT doesn’t bother the lying piece of shit CynCyn at all…
I found an article that has a little more detail and a photograph of Ryan Maseth with his Mom. The article outlines some of this young man’s heroic actions during the war. You can read about his Mom’s courageous search for the truth.
Perhaps Mark, Cynical, PU and Jane would care to take a very close look at that photo. Yes, look at his photograph. Say his name out loud. That young man is dead. For all his courage and bravery in the field, he died in a shower because KBR, like yourself, could give a shit about the fate of our troops. Look at that damned photo, you bastards.;page=1
What an idot Gregoire is, she is campaigning for CHANGE, Someone might want to tell her that she is the status quo.
I was wondering when someone would notice that.
To me she’s the worst governor we’ve had in this state since Dixie Lee Ray.
She can compare Bush to Rossi all she wants. Rossi’s views on Stem Cell Research, abortion, and the Iraq war have ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING on what happens in this state. Rossi can’t change the national policies on those items anymore than she can. I think this has got to be the dumbest campaign stategy I have ever heard. Where did she learn this one from? The Hillary Clinton School of Politics?
It seems the only thing she can do is point to Rossi and say “well I suck but he sucks worse”
Not what you’d expect from the incumbent. Run on your record Chrissy. Or don’t run at all.
No Transportation Plan.
No Plan to spend w/o touching Rainy Day.
No Workable education plan.
Who are we talking about?
Transportation in WA (especially Western WA) has to be a multi-pronged approach. Rail doesn’t, and won’t ever cut it. We are too rural and that won’t change. Just buses won’t cut it. Just concrete won’t cut it. A combination will. What ever happened to all the dire priorities we were force fed? ViaDuct, 520, etc? As soon as Gregoire, Sims and Nichols found out they couldn’t force feed their transportation plan to WA State we haven’t heard a thing about them. Wonder how important they really are to our “leaders”?
As far as I can tell neither Gregoire or Rossi can budget w/o touching the Rainy Day fund. And calling it the “Budget Stabilization Fund” is really disingenuous when you look at how the fund was sold to the people of WA State. Get real.
Neither of them really tell you how they are going to actually fix education in our state. Gregoire says she has plans but everything I’ve seen is just the same ol’ with new names or a really minor tweak. Rossi won’t flesh out his plan deep enough so that anybody can make a decision whether it will help enough. Both pander ridiculously with statements like, “We have to fix education in our state.” What a couple of jackholes.
Change, the only thing worth noting. People in this blog talk about it negatively at Rossi and that is fine. But you are talking about it at a national level, not state. This is a state election. Change in WA State is something other than Democrat one party rule. Think about all the crap in WA State you all whine about every single day on this blog and then look at the party that absolutely controls WA top to bottom. I think you would realize that we would be better with at least some semblance of balance. But you all don’t think that way as far as I can see (a very few do). You all look at it as a matter of control not management. Running a state is management, not control. Management is balance and leadership, not control. We have none of that, and I don’t, or rarely, hear, read, or see anything like that proposed by most of the commentors on this site, rarely by a contributing writer.