It’s refreshing to see at least one business group that doesn’t take the responsibility of being an upstanding corporate citizen, lying down. The Nevada Brothel Association has asked lawmakers for the “privilege of participating” in the state tax system.
George Flint, a lobbyist for the state’s 28 legal bordellos is pushing hard for a bill that would impose a 10 percent tax on food and drink served in the brothels, plus a $2-per-customer fee. The bill would add about $1.6 million a year to state coffers.
”I know there are some of you that have philosophical problems, and maybe moral problems (with prostitution). I hope you can look beyond that and see the overall good that can be accomplished.”
I apologize if I have in the past unfairly maligned corporate whores.
I think it’s great, we have one of those whores as Governor in this state, and plenty of democrats willing to donate other peoples money and resources! Any tax and any money raising regulation is welcome at the “you all come back Washington State Brothel”! Hurry, it’s a limited time offer, but if you libs send in all your hard earned or stolen $$, you too can have a thourough feeding (and other pleasures experience) trough ready at your beckoning!
Yee Haww Slurrrrrppppp Gullpppppppp
Ooops Forgot!
We’ll leave the red light on for ya!
I apologize if I have in the past unfairly maligned corporate whores.
They are making the same play that the gambling interests in Washington did with the last initiative : increase the taxes on us, make it legitimate, and let us expand.
Didn’t work with Eyman’s initiative though even with the lure of lower taxes.
Didn’t work with Eyman’s initiative though even with the lure of lower taxes.>>>>>
It worked despite Eyemans initiative and the tribes keep all the money….
The sponsors of the ban, Democratic Sens. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and Ron Wyden of Oregon, worried that a lighter might have worked.
“This is a commonsense step to protect passengers in the face of a proven threat,” Wyden said. >>>>>>>>>>
The threat? Why cigarette lighters on airplanes…another stupid idea by a stupid democrat…
The threat? Why cigarette lighters on airplanes…another stupid idea by a stupid democrat…
Until someone sets off a shoe bomb and blows up the plane Chuck’s flying on. Oops!
dave, you have to realize that chuckie is the ‘original country bumpkin’ and has probably never been on a plane
Good point. I had just assumed he was one of those people who sprints to the smoking area at the airport before even bothering to pick up his luggage. You’ll never guess which industry opposed the restrictions of lighters and matches on planes from the very beginning!
Beware Cynical;
This is the first step, for you Whores over at Business Is Ass Wipeing, to pay up. You better get down to Nevada and get the swift boat people to drudge up something on the sponsors…Oh too late they are already whores. Relatives?
Hey Whiney, You can go online and get a Job application, remember even Jesus’s grilfriend started here, so you can follow in her footsteps….and since you like conservative men better, what a better place to meet them. beware though, if you don’t sign the oath, they probably kill you after or during.
Flown lots, used to build em as well
dan (dim bulb),
what kind of cult did you grow up in anyway? you never did answer that. are you trying desperately to “fit in” with this liberal crowd? LOL
dan sure proves why we conservative men are sexier, doesn’t he chardonnay ?? at least in vegas, even dan can get a female “date”. not that he goes that way.
Now Whine;
I already told you. You just have to read back. but you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth…a Repug Snuff film pays pretty well.
I’m not sure if Harry Reid and his mormon family would allow GAY BROTHELS. It is possible though that since Reid has family members in every industry in Nevada, some of his famliy works at a few brothels. what skeletons might be in dirty harry’s closet?
Maybe these fellas can open up a gay brothel in seattle, wait, they already have the bath houses.
DEM = DoesEasyMen. with the dem bath houses it might be hard to charge in seattle. they like the taxation part, tho.
the difference between the girly-man boy party and the real man party, common sense for one thing.
no woman wants a girly man like dan that has to be constantly babysat. women do not want to be with a dysfunctional girly man looking to replace his mommy.
The #1 agenda of narcsisistic liberal men is “ALL ABOUT ME” “LOOK AT ME” “SEE ME” “I’M GOOD BOY HUH MOMMY” .
OUCH !! danny’s probably already crying to mommy !!
better tone it down a notch, char. he’ll crumble… you know those girly”men”.
Oh, good catch…
GS @ 1
Ain’t that just like a Republican to bitch about paying taxes for his weekly night out.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Chuck @ 5
What does anyone need a lighter on a plane for? You’re not allowed to smoke on the plane. I guess it’s a “freedom” thing.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
jpgee @ 7
Probably rolls his own and has never seen a lighter, either.
Danw @ 9
Even if chards got a job in a whore house, she still couldn’t get laid.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Chuck @ 11
Oh God, that’s the last time I’m getting on a Boeing plane unless it was built after April 14, 2005.
What did they fire you for Chuck, cheating on L & I?
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
chards @ 12
What are you trying to desperately fit into, chards? The pants you wore yesterday?
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
robbed @ 13
You don’t have to go to Vegas. Chards will pay you to screw her in her trailer on the dirt road to Black Diamond.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
It is very telling that the one capitalist enterprise you approve of is a brothel.
chards @ 15
“what skeletons might be in dirty harry’s closet?”
Ann Coulter? She looks like s/he/it escaped from a gay brothel.
robbed @ 16
That’s chards, except she can’t get anybody to do it free. She has to pay them.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Well this thread started out with great promise but got real boring after the Repug trolls took it over, so I’m going to go do something else today. They know nothing about sex except by reading books. They can’t even get laid in a whore house. Beats me how they reproduce. Must be through some process of virus replication or something like that.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
don, good morning, your up bright and early this morning.
I see you have a new name again. cute.
you know barney frank is right? didn’t he have a brothel in his home? LOL
You cant fuck there either but you can carry a penis
and as a dem, we know his brothel had no women.
But seriously if I did smoke I would want one after my plane landed by the way you can have 4 books of matches with you.
Remember when barney frank’s live in lover was running a male prostitution ring, including kids, out of barney’s basement?
wow, talk about ethics. most of the customers were all dems.
White Wing Whine @ 35
Was Jim/Jeff Guckert/Gannon part of the product line?
Whine did you call me a Mamma’s Boy? I am gonna call her and see if it’s true. LOL
But in the mean time why don’t you see if you can get on Guckerts website, some of the GOP like the little boy figures.
35. don’t the dems get 95% of the gay vote? their “strongest” group. the party appeals strongly to “guys” like dan and John. ‘nuf said.
robbed, @ 38 um, only the really left flamers vote dem, most gays vote libertarian. see ruth bennet.
36/37 are you tolerant fellas now slamming guckert? he’s one of you, never mind his politics.
We need to take up a collection for robbed…the $2.00 charge we can send to the Whine…that’s 8 times. they both deserve a pity F**K…..but robbed no killing this time.
Whine hates Gay Repug shills for the whitehouse? That must mean she hate the Bush..which means she hates the Troops, which means she is un American, which means she needs to be shot when bombing, I mean protesting outside planned parethood.
Cheesy Chuckie @ 32
I don’t go to those places. Here’s why:
1. I don’t want to catch what you’ve got,
2. Those girls in the pictures are Republicans. You can tell by the fake tits. Also by the fact they’re whores.
3. My wife would kill me.
4. I can’t afford it on my meager state pension.
5. I’m wanted in Nevada for a caper there in 1968.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Danw @ 40
They don’t deserve it, but they both need it in the worst way, and we should take up a collection for them to get it just for the sake of social peace.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
oh all your cute little scenarios…really a classy bunch.
Vermont congressman Bernie Sanders has paid his wife and daughter more than $150,000 in campaign consulting fees in the past several years. incest?
we definately need a ‘democrat only’ brothel in DC:
Joe Lieberman paid his son Matthew $34,000 and daughter Rebecca $36,000 to work on his presidential campaign.
Jon Corzine paid his daughter about $15,000 to work on his upcoming 2006 reelection campaign. sheesh, keep it in the family.
Whine has been running one of these out of her house for years, and not paid taxes. Cynical explained that you actually have to take money in, instead of paying out to pay taxes on it. what a great way to avoid paying taxes, but that’s what their good at. Not Sex…paying Taxes
You want Lieberman? you can have him. Paul Newman for Senate.
Barbara Boxer directed $15,000 from her political-action committee, “PAC For a Change,” to a consulting firm run by her son. The year before, she funneled $115,000 to the same firm. now that’s just sick, mother-son, talk about a mommy’s boy.
DNC Brothel,
Howard Dean’s younger brother runs the website Democracy for America (DFA), which was created by Dean last year to help manage his presidential campaign. Dean’s younger brother Jim also worked for DFA in its earlier incarnation, Dean for America, during the 2004 presidential primaries. oh geez, sibling on sibling. liberal stands for “anything goes”
You need a new prescription counselor if you think Anne coulter is anything but a hot blond bombshell. I suppose Helen Thomas is the liberal ideal hottie?
2 bit Whine
Which one again called the FAA and reported a plane missing? Try it today, then call the ACLU to defend you in court, because your mind has been ravaged by Syphillis. I am sure we can make you a protected group as well.
Don’t forget his buddies under indictment either.
FAA ACLU syphillis, please try and make sense. I realize you are trying to be funny but it kinda has to make sense first. slow down and gather your thoughts.
hey guys, check this out, great idea, a cloning brothel
PARIS (AFP) – The birth of the clone of a castrated horse was to be announced in France and Italy by the genetic engineering laboratories Cryozootech of Evry, France, and LTR-CIZ of Cremona, Italy
The cloned foal will be used exclusively for breeding purposes. He is to transmit his genetic prowess to his offspring, restoring the reproductive capacity of the gelding from which he was cloned
i swear it is more than a coincidence it is about a dicklesshorse.
Well this thread started out with great promise but got real boring after the Repug trolls took it over,
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP – Comment by BIAWsux2*— 4/14/05 @ 10:46 am
Poor DonnyDrunk – our fact challenged sot:
Previous to this post, there were 51 posts, 27 of which were scribed by PETLIBS (that’s 53%) and of those 27, 12 were scribbled by DonnyDrunk (that’s 44% of the PETLIB posts)!
Well,well,well, a little off topic, but
Big fuckin’ surprise THERE, huh?
Hey how about Harry Reids kids getting all that money from there home state.Guess thats better than the oil for food kickbacks in Texas
chards @ 53
chards must be REALLY desperate if she’s getting interested in dickless horses now.
Petshit @ 54
Stop blaming your nonsensical drivel on me. I didn’t post any of petshit’s stuff. Petshit did it.
I propose that the Democrats get all the “privilege” of paying taxes. They seem to like it so much ….when someone ELSE is doing it. Time for them to join in.
That proposal is old, VRWC. Republicans want Democrats to pay all the taxes but they still want to spend it – on themselves, of course.
stalevinegar # 35, heah, I remember that news, and if I remember correctly your two oldest sons were on the payroll. Now they are truly cornwhole criminals
it’s corn-hole, you bunghole.
VRWC @ 59
Your true colors are showing. Republicans want to use public services, but want someone else to pay for them. REPUBLICAN = FREELOADER
Not a good time to call us Republicans freeloaders. Filing day tomorrow, for those who file. Probably not an issue for you.
Tomorrow, as Americans pay their taxes, millions are benefiting from the much needed tax relief that was championed by President Bush and Republicans in Congress. Because of the tax relief, Tax Freedom Day, the day when Americans finally have earned enough money to pay off their total tax bill for the year, is 18 days earlier than it was in 2000 when Bill Clinton was President. Thanks to President Bush and Republicans in Congress, while many Americans prepare to file taxes tomorrow, we can celebrate Tax Freedom Day today because we are keeping more of our own money.
EugenicsBouy @ 65
I once skipped a credit card payment and celebrated the much needed payment relief.
Problem is, I owed even more money the next month, plus had even more interest thrown in, and a penalty. It sure felt good for the first few weeks though.
Americans are not keeping more of their own money. Bush has just allowed us to defer our payments for a few years while he goes out on a spending spree and charges an additional couple grand per year for every man, woman, and child in America.
Control the LIBERAL population: spay/neuter your PET LIB! @ 65, basically correct, but you forgot to add that your children, granchildren and probably great grandchildren will be paying our ‘freeloading’ for the stupidity of the ‘spend and send’ regime currently still in office.
Don–Of all people to call ANYONE a freeloader. Allow me to remind you of your own ADMITTED pathetic life.
1) DON failed to make it in the private world. 10 years of making less than $1000/yr. at his AMWAY business. BITTER towards those who were successful and not stupid like him.
2) 30 years Guv’mint Hack Attorney admittedly at a job that made zero difference in our lives. Paper-shuffler and A$$HOLE DSHS Atty. who ruined some innocent peoples lives in an effort to be BIG BROTHER. A real hero Don!
3) Don now sits on his ass while his wife works and draws a fat pension based on 60% of his highest 2 years salary.
Don’s a real man’s man folks. A bitter, pathetic soul. Pray for him.
The deadline for filing income taxes may be April 15th, but the average taxpayer will not earn enough cumulative gross income to pay for federal, state and local government spending and regulation until sometime in July. In fact, the cost of spending and regulation now exceeds $24,000 per person, PER PERSON, NOT PER TAXPAYER, per year.
As for tax rates, we are reminded of these supply-sider words from a former president who crusaded for tax reduction: “Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased — not a reduced — flow of revenues to the federal government. … The present tax codes … inhibit the mobility and formation of capital, add complexities and inequities which undermine the morale of the taxpayer, and make tax avoidance rather than market factors a prime consideration in too many economic decisions.”
Ronald Reagan?
Try John F. Kennedy.
EugenicsBuoy @ 69
If Reagan had followed “Supply Side Economics” properly, it just might have worked. Supply side economics as an academic theory assumed that the government would be shrunk in proportion to the loss of tax revenue. That is, you cut income, and you cut expenses by at least enough to offset the lost income.
Neither Reagan nor the Bushs were able exercise the kind of fiscal responsibility: they forgot to shrink government. Oops! They wanted the political benefit of giving tax breaks, without taking seriously the responsibility and doing the hard work of creating a concomitant reduction in government.
That is how “trickle down economics” differs from supply side economics: promise the people a tax break, but all you do is defering their tax payments for a later date (or generation). “piss on ’em, they’ll pick up the tab later.”
Try John F. Kennedy.
EugenicsBuoy @ 71
I am not sure if post 71 refers to 70 or not, but Kennedy did not implement trickle down economics. It was Reagan (with a little help from Carter) who really blew the lid off of fiscal responsibility. Until Reagan, inflation adjusted national debt had been nearly constant from shortly after the end of WWII.
Reagan set new standards in deficit spending and growth of the national debt. Clinton took 6 years to turn the ship around and begin paying off some of Reagan’s credit card bills. Bush Jr. came into office, cut taxes and began spending like a 15 year old on crack with a pile of stolen credit cards.
Capture the excitement in pictures at
If you had actually read the posts, you would have easily seen that the QUOTE – “Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government. … The present tax codes … inhibit the mobility and formation of capital, add complexities and inequities which undermine the morale of the taxpayer, and make tax avoidance rather than market factors a prime consideration in too many economic decisions.” – came from John F Kennedy
And surely you understand that debt is GOOD for economic growth…
EugenicsBuoy @ 73
I did see that Kennedy said that. But Kennedy did not massively outspend income. That did not happen until Reagan.
My point is that Reagan tried to implement “supply-side economic” policies, but did so very badly. He forgot about the “shrinking government” half of supply side economics.
Help, call the police, the bland and the blonde. If you are the “real” Ruth Bennett who I used to terrorize the LPH nat. during the “crane vs. everson days, with good friends murray and justin. then we do know each other. I have been after you for many years off and on. I am a farmer now and often crave more crazy people. My phone is (808) 982-9016, call or e-mail.