Sounds ok to me.
What are you so concerned about?
Did your brother lose his job here?
No doubt, we should try this same strategy in Washington State and start laying off some of the dead weight, government emplyees.
VOA says the move could save at least $300,000 in salaries and benefits each year.
Why not just call it “Voice of India.”
Are you all kidding?
Isn’t there anything you think should be done in this country? Do you have kids who are not young rich things waiting to take over? We need entry level work in this country so they can learn how things work. Contract out all the entry level stuff and soon we have nothing. Is having the cheapest possible our goal no matter what else happens? For God’s sake, take a longer term view of the world. What is the vision for the economic future for this country? What are we nurturing, as opposed to contracting out?
LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged - ask defeated Daschlespews:
Gosh, read the article – couldn’t find even one single mention of good ol’ GW let alone a reference to HIM specifically ordering the “outsourcing”.
I think we should start by Outsourcing the Democratic Legislature in Washington. It would save us taxpayers billions and billions over this legislative session alone.
I benefitted greatly from that article. off to the left side of the page I found this juicy tidbit
Now had I not read the VOA article I would not have read the better one about Tom.
Gosh, read the article – couldn’t find even one single mention of good ol’ GW let alone a reference to HIM specifically ordering the “outsourcing”.
He’s the president and controls federal agencies.
Alan d/b/a Dubysux NLSPspews:
KVI could save a bundle by replacing John Carlson with some Chinese guy to read Chris Vance’s script.
Alan d/b/a Dubysux NLSPspews:
BTW, for those of you who didn’t read the Open Thread, Don no longer exists. Don died and went to Hell for being a mean drunk, and Dubyasux NLSP, a no-liability sole proprietorship, is now being run by Alan, a retired guvmint hack attorney who, like Don was, is a mean drunk and even meaner when he’s sober.
Alan d/b/a Dubysux NLSPspews:
Could one of you Republican trolls please explain to me how Mr. Cynical’s washing machine works? I’m new here, and I just don’t understand how he changes $100 bills from L & I taxes for injured workers into Rossi slush funds simply by cranking them through the rollers. I want to know what’s INSIDE the machine. I also want to know what’s inside the Snohomish County voting machines that changed Gregoire votes into Rossi votes. I’ve always been fascinated by gears, springs, levers, and stuff like that and I just want to know how the washing machine and voting machines work, in case I want to build my own machines someday.
RonK, Seattlespews:
A Chinese Chris Vance? Say it ain’t so!
Vance’s knee-jerkery delivered with a think Indian accent? Now that could be an instant comedy classic.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You have literally gone mad sir.
Just breathe deep Don..
They nice boys with the white coats are on their way.
They have a special jacket for you too.
It’s kind of snug but it’s very, very special.
It will be difficult for you to post with the special jacket on.
Don, I’m sure you will find a way around it.
As a former guv’mint hack attorney, you know the rules are made for everyone except you.
Don, perhaps you will learn to post with your ample NOSE.
You know, the one that is in the front of your face?
My God, how can you miss it Pinocchio?
It’s damn near a foot long because you are such a lying sack of s***!
Don===PINCCHIO of Blog Posters
Add that to your confusing resume.
Hear the knock at the door Don?
It’s those nice boys in the white coat with your special jacket.
They are going to take you to special place too.
Have a great day Lunatic!
My question is, when are Patty Murray & Bagdad Jim up for re-election?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Why in the world are you deflecting attention away from Dean “Weird Al Yankovic lookalike” Logan’s deposition tomorrow??
It’s typical neither the Times or P-I would preview “the main event” starting tomorrow either.
Instead, it’s more fun to be outraged by little BS like this, huh?
Goldy–what do you predict will happen this week?
Will Logan hit a home-run?
Will Logan fail miserably and look just like a fool?
In response to your question:
“Will Logan fail miserably and look just like a fool?”
You say this as if this will be a new development?
The real question is, with the added mistakes that continue to arise, will the democrats stop protecting this clown and get rid of some dead weight, for once, and admit that the inmates took over the asylum in this area long ago.
His support on the county council has all but dissapeared, his name has become a punchline and his reputation has blackened (no pun intended) Simms already questionable reputation.
Cyn @ 15
No, it’s you Republicans and the BIAW with its L & I slush fund that have gone mad, as you will see after Judge Bridges makes his ruling, but you can keep calling me Don if it makes you happy. Although honestly, making you happy isn’t my job, that’s Mrs. Cynical’s job.
prr @ 16
Patty Murray was re-elected in November 2004 by a 17-point margin over George Nethercutt, and does not stand for re-election again until 2010.
Congressman-for-Life Jim McDermott was re-coronated in November 2004 with over 80% of the vote, and like all House members, will stand for coronation again in 2006 while speculation swirls about who the GOP’s human sacrifice will be next time.
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Why are all the conservatives unconcerned about this? I’m stunned that we are willing to let a communist stronghold broadcast democratic views; do you really think the Chinese are going to broadcast messages that run contrary to their political ideology? Again I am reassured that intellegent consevatives are becoming harder to find.
And your needless adoption of the very strick California Emmissions standards in Washington does not cost additional cuts and job loss in car dealerships, GM, Ford, and other Car manufacturers? The major car companies in America are meeting with their unions to see what cuts in benefits they can get from them. They are not in the fortunate position that this state’s legislature is, where they can just tax more, spend a whopping 12% more in their budgets, and give everyone 3 1/25 raises. The Automobile dealerships and manufacturers also suffer from BullShit Business Killing decisions in this state.
The sooner that automobile-related industries and businesses feel the pinch and recognize their folly, the sooner the national economy can set a course toward a balanced, equitable, sustainable economy. The US is overly dependent travel and transport, not just within the global economy, outsourcing of jobs etc, but also within local, regional, state and national economies; these economies, for the benefit of our money-centric morons on the Right, is a bit more complex than a paycheck and the price of beer.
Alan d/b/a /Dubyasuxspews:
Shawn @ 21
Don’t you realize the Chinese also are (a) buying all the U.S. debt that Bush is creating, and (b) propping up the dollar? Very, very soon now, the Chinese will be in a position to pull the plug on the U.S. economy by dumping U.S. debt securities and letting the yuan float. Conservatives aren’t concerned about that, either. The reason they’re not is because this would force them to question Bush’s reckless fiscal policies. The truth is that the only way Bush can fight his Iraq War and sustain his tax cuts for the rich at the same time is to hand over control of our economy to China. Welcome to the brave new world of neo-conservatism, where up is down, black is white, and the Chinese commies are our friends, trade partners, and financial patrons.
Alan d/b/a /Dubyasuxspews:
GS @ 22
Washington needs stricter emissions standards because our population is growing, so we have people and cars in our urban areas, which means each car has to pollute less just to keep air quality what it is now. That stuff coming out of the tailpipe is bad for you.
The 3 1/2% raise covers 6 years which is a little over 1/2% per year. Gasoline has more than doubled, food prices are up 30% to 40%, health care is up 10% to 12% a year, housing is climbing rapidly — and you think 1/2% a year is some kind of gift? It’s a massive pay cut, my friend.
And here’s what happens when state workers don’t get raises to keep up with inflation. They leave for better paying jobs. This turnover costs the taxpayers in countless ways. Costs go up for recruiting and training new workers. Inexperienced workers require more supervision, which increases the need for costly supevisory positions. Inexperienced workers also make more mistakes that cost the state money. Service to the public goes downhill and your permit (or whatever) is more likely to be screwed up or mishandled. State government as a whole becomes inefficient and more costly when underpaying public employees leads to high turnover.
Alan d/b/a /Dubyasuxspews:
typo correction
first sentence of #25 should say “so we have more people and cars in urban areas”
Alan d/b/a /Dubyasuxspews:
Let me ask you this, GS — would you accept a job requiring a maser’s degree that starts at $2,500 a month? Do you think it’s out of line to pay this employee, whose last raise was in 2000, $2,587.50 a month? You’re a piece of work.
If the Legislature adds an additional 15 cents a gallon to their 28 cents a gallon (10th highest in the nation) they will succeed in topping the list in having the highest gas tax in the states.
The recent legislation requiring Health insurance companies to cove mental illness’s is an example of regulation that causes the raising of health insurance costs directly. They are not going to absorb the costs of this new legislation, they are going to pass it on to the citizens of this state.
Similarly, the Washington state citizens said no twice to sales tax on food. So what is the legislature doing now, they are charging a new tax to the manufacturers of meat products which will be passed on to the consumers as higher cost of product.
I don’t agree with your premise that government employees are underpaid. Most people in the general workforce are either seeing no pay increase, loss of job, or pay cuts. So I consider underpaying of public employess (questionable) leading to a higher turnover to be a good thing! You folks should get out in the real world and find what is happening to benefits and pay out there!
It is the Voice of America, and now it’s news coverage will be written by people subject to the retribution of the Chinese government, (which by the way, skipped straight from Communism to Fascism when Bush the First averted his eyes from Tiananmen Square.)
ProudAss @6,
Aren’t you embarrassed to make such a lame argument? Bush is the fucking President. It’s happening on his watch, and he is allowing it.
Cynical @17,
Um… the last time I checked, this wasn’t a blog devoted solely to election contest coverage. And the fact that my readership continues to climb as a focus less and less on that bogus lawsuit, suggests that you are not my core demo.
But since you ask, I think Logan is a technocrat who will calmly and honestly answer the questions put before him. Mistakes were made, and you can be sure the GOP lawyers will focus on them. We might even learn some new details… but nothing that will improve Rossi’s legal prospects.
Shawn @21,
The righties here feign a lack of concern because this is being done under a Republican administration, and there is nothing more important to them than party unity. If this was a Democratic administration outsourcing the VoA to China, you would hear howls of derision and outrage coming from the right.
GS @22,
You want to help GM and Ford? How about universal health care, so that we could put US manufacturers on an equal footing with their competitors overseas? $1500 of the cost of every GM car goes to health care, while it is only a couple hundred dollars for each car built in Japan.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
“Underpaying government employees” leads to inefficiency & high turnover???
You still bitch and moan about being underpaid and still stayed for 30 years you worthless pile of shit. I guess what you are really saying DonSux is that we taxpayers put our hard-earned money into a washing machine, you turn the crank, do nothing of value and it ends up in your pocket. Explain how that works DonSux so we can all get in on the scam.
The job requirement didn’t say Master’s Degree lameass.
It said Master-bators Degree which qualifies all the LEFTIST pinheads from Evergreen and other low-level institutions where you can write your own exams, programs and can get degrees in Ecology with NO SCIENCE CLASSES AT ALL!
Don–Bitter Guv’mint Hack Attorney who hates those who were successful in the real world.
LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged - ask defeated Daschlespews:
Aren’t you embarrassed to make such a lame argument? Bush is the fucking President. It’s happening on his watch, and he is allowing it. -Comment by Goldy— 4/17/05 @ 12:27 pm
Oh please, he’s the PRESIDENT, not the micro-manager of an amusing little blog.
And therein lies the DIFFERENCE between great leaders and little instigators – great leaders TRUST the people below them to make decisions without angst, whining for approval or fear of making ASSES of them.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Goldy’s “readership continues to climb”????
I’ll take your word for it…but know I’m responsible for a lot of that as many Right folks enjoy the entertainment value.
You aren’t counting Don’s 21 posts in a row as evidence of popularity are you?
You aren’t counting the fact that Don uses about 3 aliases and ends up many times with 1/3 or more of your total posts???
SoundPolitics is still way, way ahead of you Goldy.
If folks like me, chardonnay, prr, Chuck, angry voter and others leave…you’ve got nothing.
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Mr. Cynical-pants,
You are a master of the Ad Hominem argument.
Translated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.”
An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
1.Person A makes claim X.
2.Person B makes an attack on person A.
3.Therefore A’s claim is false.
The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).
So, when and if you are ready to address the issues and not our characters, please feel free to make constructive, valid arguements. I assume you can do this, can’t you.
No, I have no use for universal healthcare. I have seen how it works in Canada, and no thanks. It is too costly and provides nothing but long lines and halfass’d care. I want to help GM and Ford by allowing them to make and sell the cars it produces without over regulation from states like California and Now Washington, which force the prices of it’s cars to skyrocket by 1k to 3k and thus overall sales will suffer. At a time when they are already suffering to survive.
How many dollars of each car go to over bullshit regulation, taxes, and fees, etc. Now there is a figure I would like to see!
Also there are some good articles on the Seattle Times web site today about the democratic legislature gutting the I601 spending limits so they can ram their tax hikes through easier.
There are also front page articles about the many laid off Boeing workers who can hardly afford all of these BS tax and regulation hikes! Read em, Weep, and Remember!
RE: #32 “If Chardonnay, Mr, Cynical, etc left” I believe Gody’s readership and posting would increase–not decline. Fact is most reasonable folks won’t subject themselves to thevindictiveness of many of the Right. Don’t flatter yourselves, gentlemen of the right. Either leave or participate with meaningful dialog.
Three good reasons to do this in China. The minions will do as they are told, and not be influenced by subversive friends and associates as would US citizens. The major source of Satellite and Cable media is controlled by none other than Murdoch’s News Corp who will do whatever is necessary to maintain his profitability and his imposed censorship of material(it is quite possible the contract is going to a subsidiary). The communist regime needs to be supported because the US wants to keep claiming that the Pope and Reagan ended communism, and these sorts of capital contributions make it all seem so non-communistic. China’s corporate classes are heavily subsidized and indirectly owned by the Red Army’s vast networks of control over all financial operations in China. But don’t call it communism, because, well, we got rid of it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Shawn @ 33–
I’m flattered by your effort to put me in one of your convenient slots…the LEFTISTS are good at that whenever they cannot deal with someone who often disagrees with them. I do address the issues…just not the way you would prefer. Had I only known that my style was sooooo upsetting to you Shawn…I WOULD HAVE DONE IT EVEN MORE!
You must see how foolish the LEFTISTS appear when the try to lecture someone who is RIGHT. Shawn, just a suggestion. Rather than lecture me, why don’t you clean up your own dame house first and lecture the likes of jpgee, DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan and all the other LEFTIST goofballs. Lecture them first. Then perhaps I will take you seriously.
Otherwise Shawn, you simply come off as yet another LEFTIST pinhead whining that some meany from the RIGHT is being uncivil and mean. UNDERSTAND??
I didn’t think so.
GS @ 28
Washington has to spend big bucks on transportation because of past neglect. The Alaska Viaduct and 520 bridge have reached the end of their service lives. The Puget Sound region’s population has doubled since the existing traffic corridors were built and needs more capacity. This stuff has to be paid for somehow, it isn’t free. Comparing our gas taxes with other states is apples-and-oranges because we don’t have toll roads, which are commonplace back east. For example, you can’t drive through Chicago without paying tolls. Would you rather pay a 15 cent gas tax or a $2.00 toll for driving on I-5, or I-405, or Highway 99? Personally, I favor tolls, because as a retiree I won’t incur the toll costs of daily commuting and being on a fixed income I can’t afford the higher gas taxes. It should come out of the pockets of the people who are using the freeways every day, because they’re putting the wear on the pavement and creating the need for more lanes.
If you think state employees aren’t underpaid why aren’t you out there applying for one of those high-paying state jobs? Are you making over $3,0000 a month? If you are, it’s hypocritical of you to criticize the state workers’ meager COLA of 3 1/2% for 6 years.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Danny @ 36–
Please read my comment @ 38.
It applies to you too.
Exactly what “meaningful” comments have you rendered here?
Typical LEFTIST approach of try to minimize and marginalize those who dare disagree with Karl Marx and his Seattle Minions.
typo correction — I meant $3,000 a month
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Mr. Cynical-pants,
So, when and how do you address the issues? All I got was some defensive posing and whining back from you.
Mr. Cynical*spews:
Mr. Cynical @ 30
“I guess what you are really saying DonSux is that we taxpayers put our hard-earned money into a washing machine, you turn the crank, do nothing of value and it ends up in your pocket. Explain how that works DonSux so we can all get in on the scam.”
When taxpayers put their money into the machine, and the legislature turns the crank, work comes out before it ends up in the pockets of state employees. You get a lot of things for your money including:
1. Snow is plowed in Snoqualmie pass,
2. Children are protected from physical abuse, neglect, and sexual exploitation,
3. Disabled people are retrained and put back to work,
4. State lands are managed and produce revenue for the common schools,
5. Over 1 million public school children are educated,
6. Highways are built and maintained to support the state’s economy,
7. Fish and game laws are enforced to protect these resources for the enjoyment of all,
8. Public health is protected through immunization, epidemiology, and health education programs,
9. Society is protected by incarcerating dangerous criminals,
10. Contractors, common carriers, financial institutions, and others are regulated to protect consumers, the environment, and general public,
… and much more.
When you put L & I taxes for injured workers into your machine and turn the crank, the only thing that comes out is Rossi slush funds, which benefits nobody (not even Rossi).
* Mr. Cynical is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as a sudivision of Dubyasux NLSP which is owned by Alan.
LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged - ask defeated Daschle*spews:
Pet Poop @ 31
Bush is the Great Truster — he never fires anybody no matter how badly they fuck up, which goes a long way to explain why everything is so fucked up.
* LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged – ask defeated Daschle is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as a subdivision of Dubyasux NLSP owned by Alan.
Mr Cynicl
Alan d/b/a Dubyasuxspews:
GS @ 34
Our system is even more costly and, if you’ve visited an ER lately, you get long lines and half-assed care. Americans pay more per capita for health care than any other country but we’re way down the list in quality of care. Part of the reason is our system has more overhead (e.g., multi-million-dollar administrator salaries). Another reason is the cost of care for the 45 million Americans with no coverage is passed through to the paying customers. Since you’re already paying for the health care those folks receive, why not provide them with coverage and cut your costs at the same time? Universal coverage would actually save you money because their care would not longer be tacked onto your insurance premiums and medical pills, and they would be receiving regular care instead of ultra-expensive ER care.
Mr Cynical, Zaporro et al. If you would learn how to read….and how to understand the flow ot the comments in this blog over the past 4 months…you would see that the dem’s have only retaliated with offensive comments after you and your troll brigade have instigated the ‘name calling’, ie, cynical, prr, chardonnay chuck, rush, av. You are all great and quick to throw out unwarranted sexual references, references of sissies, references of mental health. Maybe you should all learn to read and someday sanitymight go your way. Cynical, I am quiet sure you will jump on your ‘little’ soap box so graciously given to you by Goldy to try to make me ‘feel bad’. lol, but in reality it only makes you look like what you seem to be, a lonely, insecure, extremist that does not really have a life. In my life I would imagine that my ‘friends’ have been evenly split, left and right. I have never found extremests in my daily living like the group of people I mentioned above. And I thank God for that. 80% of the USA is basically centrist. It is the 10% at each end that we need to be worried about, and your group seems definitely in that FRINGE
shawn @ 33 , they all come over here to vent their frustrations and talk as they do normally in their houses with their children and ‘loved’ ones. YOu see, uSP will not allow that kind of language so they come here to ‘feel at home’
Mr. Cynical*spews:
Mr. Cynical @ 38
My name isn’t “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan,” it’s now Mr. Cynical, but you can call me “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan” if it makes you happy, although your happiness is really Mrs. Cynical’s rresponsibility not mine.
* Mr. Cynical is a 50% owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP, which is owned by Alan. The other 50% of Mr. Cynical is owned by some guy who calls himself Mr. Cynical.
Mr. Cynical*spews:
jpgee @ 47
You don’t need to explain anything to Mr. Cynical or psychoanalyze him. Just call him a right-wing asshole and let it go at that. That covers the situation.
* Mr. Cynical TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshore subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Mr. Cynical-pants just likes to see people post remarks about him wheather they agree with him or not. Here’s another ego-cookie for you.
* LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged – ask defeated Daschle is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as a subdivision of Dubyasux NLSP owned by Alan. -Comment by LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged – ask defeated Daschle*— 4/17/05 @ 4:51 pm
My name isn’t “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan,” it’s now Mr. Cynical, but you can call me “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan” if it makes you happy, although your happiness is really Mrs. Cynical’s rresponsibility not mine.
* Mr. Cynical is a 50% owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP, which is owned by Alan. The other 50% of Mr. Cynical is owned by some guy who calls himself Mr. Cynical. -Comment by Mr. Cynical*— 4/17/05 @ 5:04 pm
So now, in addition to being a drunk and a pretty in mauve pink metrosexual, Donnyboy is an admitted thief.
I’m not a thief. In the first place, I didn’t steal anything, and number two, I didn’t admit stealing it.
How can I steal something you don’t own? This is a liberal blog. As you Republican trolls constantly remind us, liberals are socialists. Under socialism, everything is publicly owned, and what’s your is mine and what’s mine is yours. All screen names are community property and anyone can use them.
If you don’t like it, sue me.
* Presidency + 55/100 Senators + 232/435 House Reps + 30/50 Governors = WINNING TEAM! TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshore subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Shawn @ 54
I’m with you, seems several posters have lost it.
Alan d/b/a Dubyasux, Mr. Cynical, Chardonnary, et al.spews:
marks @ 55
No, the only thing they’ve lost is their screen names — due to a series of recent mergers under which Dubyasux NLSP, a no-liability sole proprietorship, is expanding its scope of operations to include what I call the “Pac Man Offense.” I’m nw eating their screen names!
Shawn Paulsonspews:
What the hell are you people talking about? Why don’t you just use your name?
G Davisspews:
Shawn @ 54 and marks @ 55-
Well I’m sure glad I’m not alone in scratching my head here…apparently several of the regulars have tipped right on over is right!!
I’ve been absent for a while and if this is what the place has devolved to, I think I’ll continue my absence.
You folks that are engaging in this completely juvenile name change-bash faster than the next game should be ashamed of yourselves…all of you…this is how you treat your own home or the homes you visit?
It’s fun to trash someone’s place of business?
Goldy is far too lenient…this is like watching the spoiled brat kid down the street who’s just begging for a swift swat!
Danny somewhere up in this thread said it best…if the trolls-trashers (from all politial persuasions) left Goldy’s site would grow…
I can only suggest growing up…and in the meantime I’ll just wander back off where I came from…I got no time for this sort of BS…
I’ll bet goldy can eliminate one ip address, and cure 90% of the problem.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Don aka et al
I hope you are having fun with your little game of steal others names.
Shawn–like it or not, I’m Mr. Cynical.
It’s your a$$hole LEFTIST Guv’mint hack atty DON who gets drunk and starts this confusion. An identity crisis for sure.
Why don’t you Lefty’s clean up your own house?
Don posts over 1/3 of the posts in his drunken stupor.
G Davis @ 58
I hope you stay, but I understand your point. I have of late kept to the dustier threads with some other folks who want real discussion. I had hoped the advent of the Open Thread would allow the expulsion of any pent up sillyness. This stuff here gets old real quick.
Mr. Cynical*spews:
Mr. Cynical @ 60
What’s this, one of our most strident right-wing trolls calling upon Goldy to — dare I say the word — REGULATE his blog? I thought people of your persuasion were AGAINST regulation and FOR freedom? What are you worried about, anyway? That, without (gasp) REGULATION these threads will descend into “confusion” (or, who knows … CHAOS)? Just like society would, if society wasn’t (gasp) regulated?
Well, you may be Mr. Cynical, but I’m Mr. Cynical too. This is a liberal web site, and as you have often pointed out, liberals are socialists. Under socialism, what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours; everything is community property. So, if you want to use “Dubyasux” — go right ahead! I won’t mind! After all, this is the Socialist Blog of where there IS NO PRIVATE PROPERTY!]
If you want “your” screen name treated as private property, and don’t want someone else using “your” screen name, why are you posting on a liberal blog where there is no private property opr regulation, and where, as Goldy said, “anything goes”? If you want to post in a regulated blog where other posters treat your screen name as private property, you should be posting at (un)Sound Politics, not on the socialist blog.
* Mr. Cynical TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshore subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Mr. Cynical-pants,
I never said you were the name blender; geez you’re paranoid. I thought you were one of the honest assholes here, sorry to confuse you.
Left or right, this name thing is stupid.
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Maybe Mr. Cynical-pants is outsourcing his posts to China, that ought to save hime 300,000 stupid remarks a year.
Alan d/b/a Dubyasuxspews:
Shawn Paulson@ 62
Shawn Paulson at Open Thread, Comment 2:
“Let the name calling begin!
Comment by Shawn Paulson— 4/15/05 @ 11:55 pm”
Shawn are you saying it’s okay to call other people names, but it’s not okay if I call myself names — not even the same names they call themselves?
No the name thing is not stupid. It makes a point — actually several points — and very important points at that.
Goldy said, “Anything goes.” But we can’t really live in a society in which anything goes, can we? Because such a society can’t function.
Certain individuals come to this liberal blog and falsely say liberals are socialists. Under socialism, there’s no private property, and what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours. That is not what liberals believe, nor is that how liberals have conducted themselves on this blog. But if they accuse me of being a socialist, why should they be surprised if I start acting like one? If, because someone else judges you wrongly, you have to do the time then why not commit the crime?
I wondered how long it would take for the rightys who incessantly
decry regulation and believe everyone should be allowed to do as they please to demand regulation of screen names if I started messing with their screen names. It took 20 minutes. Well, if someone demonstrates a legitimate need to regulate use of screen names on a blog to prevent chaos, then perhaps this also illustrates a legitimate need to regulate some other things in society as well — such as what people can do with their land in rural King County.
Maybe what we should do here is sit down together, discuss the screen name issue, and reach an agreement on respecting each other’s screen names. If this experiment at cooperation, negotiation, and compromise is successful, then we can also try to reach agreement on some other things — for example, agreeing not to “out” or identify posters. When you have even one person on a blog doing that, another blogger who (for whatever reason) doesn’t want to be “outed” or identified, may very well take actions to cover his tracks — such as using false names, and frequent name changes, and even using other people’s screen names to create confusion and obscure the trail.
We now have a situation here in America where the political party in power doesn’t want to discuss, negotiate, compromise, make concessions, or reach agreements on anything. Their attitude is, our way or the highway. That’s no way to run a blog and it’s no way to run a country either.
I hope some of you trolls are beginning to get the idea that maybe we need rules, understandings, respect for each other, and a willingness to reach for common ground in the middle to make things work better for everyone.
I’ll see how things go and decide in a couple of days whether the name thing will continue or be put on the shelf.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
It’s the LEFTISTS screwing around with the names Shawn.
You ought to feel right at home with the other Whack-jobs from the LEFT.
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Mr. Cynical-pants,
READ my post! I NEVER SAID YOU WERE THE NAME CHANGER! Are you able to read or not?
sybil has up to 16 personalities. don has only begun to show us all that’s brewing in his PVS brain. I think we’ve seen about 10 so far. this is so funny to actually see him on his way to the hospice funny farm. it’s a one way trip don, mixing prozak w/weed and alcohol.
You can call me don if you want, or you can call me chardonnay if you want, whatever makes you happy. But don’t expect me to make you happy; I don’t love you.
* Chardonnay TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshort subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Mr. Cynical @ 60
“Why don’t you Lefty’s clean up your own house?”
That wouldn’t be Mr. Cynical calling for Goldy to impose some (gasp) regulation, would it?
Alan d/b/a Dubyasuxspews:
Mr. Cynical et al.
You constantly tell us that liberals are socialists. Under socialism, what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours. I can use your screen name, and you’re welcome to use mine. Surely you knew this when you chose to troll on a socialist blog? So why so surprised? Now, on the other hand, if liberals AREN’T socialists and liberals DO believe in private property, then your screen name would be yours and I wouldn’t use it, would I?
A bunch of my posts disappeared into Goldy’s filter, so don’t be surprised if they appear all at once.
your are becoming a liability to yourself because of these multiple personalities. I don’t think even meds will help you now. only option is to call George Felos. Tell your wife Dr Cranford will do what ever it takes to get the feeding tube put in. I’m pretty sure the hospice will allow alcohol to be fed thru the tube. watch tv, get drunk, lay around all day. you are old anyway don, you are wasting space on the earth. make algore proud keep the earth in the balance.
sybil, be careful, those hospice facilities can be hazardous. keep a rape kit in your room. watch out for the male nurse bunghole bandits.
alan* is a big evil terd, BET Corporation the parent company of don*/dubyasux*/sybil*/alan* So go ahead and sue me, I have nothing because I am nothing. i was a big zero in life, It was my love of the hippy commune I was in durring the purple haze period. I have no regrets.
Shawn Paulsonspews:
Alan d/b/a Dubyasux @66,
@2 I only observed that the name-calling would begin, I do not condone it nor recommend it. In other posts, I admonish Mr. Cynical for his name calling.
I said that the name changing issue is stupid, but perhaps that is too harsh. What I mean to say is that it is confusing and I really cannot see a point to it.
If protecting your identity is important to you I can understand using different screen names, but this is beyond identity protection, it is just silly how much you embellish them. Still, I am not sure it is art, but I will protect your right to use whatever names you want.
To be fair this is not all Don’s fault but this is a cry for help. it’s the alcohol, he has a disease. Group intervention people!! Maybe we can save him from PVS. It takes a village, we all need to help.
G Davisspews:
chardonnay, give it a rest will ya?
In my increasingly humble opinion whatever point was trying to be made with all the tomfoolery has failed.
I’ve been around here and other blogs-forum sites long enough to understand the trolls. Giving the attention they crave only invites their presence longer…reduces all participants to the snake belly level of those seeking to disrupt civil discourse.
I understand completely having fun, ribbing, humor…but I could never participate in the troll mentality of hanging out simply to disrupt. I’m not talking about Don here, as from what I saw before he has every right to retaliate even if his tactics seem extreme. I’m talking about folks who have no desire to listen to differing perspectives but simply want to ridicule, deride those of different thought which ultimately drives folks like Don to retaliation.
Any of you been to Speakers Corner in Hyde Park? At the moment this place and so any other blog-forum sites sound increasingly similar…who can outshout whom. It’s a grand spectical for the short term but frays sensibilities long term.
As I read through the latest 5 or so entries on this site (that’s as far as I got before quitting ;0), I see each degenerate into juvenile bickering. These sorts of sites to me represent the only place(s) left to find differing viewpoints discussed as if we were all gathered at our local coffee shop rather than the Speaker’s Corner mentality of the national scene. To waste the grand opportunity for we the citiens to discuss local and national issues of mutual interest is just a reflection of what ails our nation most today…lack of civil discourse.
If Goldy continues to insist *anything goes* on this site, I’m personally faced with the seeming neverending choice…do I throw up my hands and walk away from here or do I continue to post with the idea that if I speak to civil comment others will follow and drown out the juveniles?
My mood shifts daily…yesterday I didn’t have the energy to hang in…today I do…at least for a short while… ;0
We all know our own personal agendas here. Perhaps if each of us put ourselves in Goldy’s shoes for the moment and applied the Golden Rule to our actions we would all think twice before we did unto his place of business what we would not do to our own.
Just a thought…
I’m now off to sift through the trash for thoughtful posts to respond to…anyone care to join me?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
No in this lifetime dork.
G davis–
I will credit you with generally thoughtful posts…certainly not 100%. As far as personal agenda’s go….an agenda is a “PLAN” to accomplish something. An agenda is a GOOD thing and is very personal. You make it sound like someone with a personal agenda has Herpes or some other STD.
To have an agenda, you need a damn plan. It’s a good thing.
79 (first) then 78
Well no, Pierre, that’s not gonna happen here. Nor do I think that’s anyone’s goal. What MIGHT be attainable, though, is debate as opposed to mudslinging. This would be no mean achievement, and like the survival of our democracy, a favorable is not assured.
This brings me to the subject of retaliation. In my view, liberals have been doormats far too long, and need to kick some ass to keep the right wing’s bully elements from getting completely out of hand. That’s a statement of my world view, and this blog is merely a microcosm of the outside world, where the same general principles apply.
“Retaliation” is not the right word, because I fuck with trolls, period. They come to this blog looking for trouble, and I don’t want them to be disappointed, but I don’t need any motivation to do it. I do it for sport, in the same way I used to burn ants with a magnifying glass when I was a mean little kid. I have no agenda other than troll hunting is fun and I do it with a clear conscience because they’ve got it coming, and they’re all going to Hell anyway for having lived mean, selfish, evil lives. In addition, they’re ugly, have zits, and can’t get laid.
oops — correction — sentence should say “a favorable outcome is not assured.”
It wasn’t a failure. To the contrary, it had the trolls in an uproar, which was the whole idea. Goldy intervened within minutes, so I’d bet money he got sniveling e-mails from the whiney little trolls. Goldy asked me not to steal their screen names anymore, so I’ll have to think of some other way to mess with the troll weenies.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good for Goldy!
Reasonable standards starting with the Left WingNut Whacko Don et al.
I did not send Goldy any e-mails Don.
Neither did anyone else from the RIGHT.
It was folks who you might agree with but that think you are a f***ing fool.
Don–keep up your foolishness and crazy rationalizations. Do you really think you have the trolls in an “uproar”???
Don subscribes to the theory “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me…than a frontal labotomy!!!
Problem is Don…it’s time for surgery Gnutcase!
and best of all deals Don, even though you are in a PVS, you can still legally vote in WA.
The left scolding the left. lol, poor Goldy, his own peeps!
Mr. C @ 84
OMG could it be that our very own troll Mr. Cynical is in favor of “reasonable standards”? Isn’t that a whole lot like REGULATION? I thought you were against that?
BTW my name is Alan, but you can call me Don if it makes you happy, although your happiness is really Mrs. C’s responsibility.
It seems to have YOU in an uproar. Otherwise, why are you posting on the subject?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The LEFTIST pinheads have screwed up big-time. They arrogantly sat back while the R’s systematically went thru the KingCo Election process. I warned you jokers to get busy. Simply claiming there were problems elsewhere wouldn’t mean anything to the Judge. You needed timely proof.
Now your lawyers are running around like chickens with their heads cut-off in desperation trying to do this…TOO LATE!!
Can you spell U-H-A-U-L???
G Davisspews:
Cynical @ 80
You say *an agenda is a “PLAN” to accomplish something. An agenda is a GOOD thing and is very personal. You make it sound like someone with a personal agenda has Herpes or some other STD.
To have an agenda, you need a damn plan. It’s a good thing.*
Ookkk…I have not said agendas were good or bad, I simply said we all know our own…how you manipulate that into something sinister is your doing not mine.
Oh and your @ 84 post is just plain stupid…
chardonnay @ 85
You say *The left scolding the left. lol, poor Goldy, his own peeps!*
See that’s the sort of thing adults do…they discuss things…but then anyone who’s stoogy enough to use the word *peeps* would not be able to understand that.
Would you trash your own house the way you continually trash this place? What’s wrong with sprinkling in some content with all the trolling?
G Davisspews:
As to the retaliation failure comments above, I think you’re wrong. I think you’re above this sort of thing as you’ve shown to be a very valuable voice in prior times.
The trolls are trolls and most certainly aren’t worthy of your time…
What’s the problem?
Sounds ok to me.
What are you so concerned about?
Did your brother lose his job here?
No doubt, we should try this same strategy in Washington State and start laying off some of the dead weight, government emplyees.
VOA says the move could save at least $300,000 in salaries and benefits each year.
Why not just call it “Voice of India.”
Are you all kidding?
Isn’t there anything you think should be done in this country? Do you have kids who are not young rich things waiting to take over? We need entry level work in this country so they can learn how things work. Contract out all the entry level stuff and soon we have nothing. Is having the cheapest possible our goal no matter what else happens? For God’s sake, take a longer term view of the world. What is the vision for the economic future for this country? What are we nurturing, as opposed to contracting out?
Gosh, read the article – couldn’t find even one single mention of good ol’ GW let alone a reference to HIM specifically ordering the “outsourcing”.
I think we should start by Outsourcing the Democratic Legislature in Washington. It would save us taxpayers billions and billions over this legislative session alone.
I benefitted greatly from that article. off to the left side of the page I found this juicy tidbit
Now had I not read the VOA article I would not have read the better one about Tom.
Gosh, read the article – couldn’t find even one single mention of good ol’ GW let alone a reference to HIM specifically ordering the “outsourcing”.
He’s the president and controls federal agencies.
KVI could save a bundle by replacing John Carlson with some Chinese guy to read Chris Vance’s script.
BTW, for those of you who didn’t read the Open Thread, Don no longer exists. Don died and went to Hell for being a mean drunk, and Dubyasux NLSP, a no-liability sole proprietorship, is now being run by Alan, a retired guvmint hack attorney who, like Don was, is a mean drunk and even meaner when he’s sober.
Could one of you Republican trolls please explain to me how Mr. Cynical’s washing machine works? I’m new here, and I just don’t understand how he changes $100 bills from L & I taxes for injured workers into Rossi slush funds simply by cranking them through the rollers. I want to know what’s INSIDE the machine. I also want to know what’s inside the Snohomish County voting machines that changed Gregoire votes into Rossi votes. I’ve always been fascinated by gears, springs, levers, and stuff like that and I just want to know how the washing machine and voting machines work, in case I want to build my own machines someday.
A Chinese Chris Vance? Say it ain’t so!
Vance’s knee-jerkery delivered with a think Indian accent? Now that could be an instant comedy classic.
You have literally gone mad sir.
Just breathe deep Don..
They nice boys with the white coats are on their way.
They have a special jacket for you too.
It’s kind of snug but it’s very, very special.
It will be difficult for you to post with the special jacket on.
Don, I’m sure you will find a way around it.
As a former guv’mint hack attorney, you know the rules are made for everyone except you.
Don, perhaps you will learn to post with your ample NOSE.
You know, the one that is in the front of your face?
My God, how can you miss it Pinocchio?
It’s damn near a foot long because you are such a lying sack of s***!
Don===PINCCHIO of Blog Posters
Add that to your confusing resume.
Hear the knock at the door Don?
It’s those nice boys in the white coat with your special jacket.
They are going to take you to special place too.
Have a great day Lunatic!
This is the rise of Satan, quote unquote.
I think the Voice of AMERICA should stay in multicultural AMERICA!
And in other news, The Bush Administration is looking at other ways to cleanly, improve the genral welfare in Washington State.
My question is, when are Patty Murray & Bagdad Jim up for re-election?
Why in the world are you deflecting attention away from Dean “Weird Al Yankovic lookalike” Logan’s deposition tomorrow??
It’s typical neither the Times or P-I would preview “the main event” starting tomorrow either.
Instead, it’s more fun to be outraged by little BS like this, huh?
Goldy–what do you predict will happen this week?
Will Logan hit a home-run?
Will Logan fail miserably and look just like a fool?
In response to your question:
“Will Logan fail miserably and look just like a fool?”
You say this as if this will be a new development?
The real question is, with the added mistakes that continue to arise, will the democrats stop protecting this clown and get rid of some dead weight, for once, and admit that the inmates took over the asylum in this area long ago.
His support on the county council has all but dissapeared, his name has become a punchline and his reputation has blackened (no pun intended) Simms already questionable reputation.
Cyn @ 15
No, it’s you Republicans and the BIAW with its L & I slush fund that have gone mad, as you will see after Judge Bridges makes his ruling, but you can keep calling me Don if it makes you happy. Although honestly, making you happy isn’t my job, that’s Mrs. Cynical’s job.
prr @ 16
Patty Murray was re-elected in November 2004 by a 17-point margin over George Nethercutt, and does not stand for re-election again until 2010.
Congressman-for-Life Jim McDermott was re-coronated in November 2004 with over 80% of the vote, and like all House members, will stand for coronation again in 2006 while speculation swirls about who the GOP’s human sacrifice will be next time.
Why are all the conservatives unconcerned about this? I’m stunned that we are willing to let a communist stronghold broadcast democratic views; do you really think the Chinese are going to broadcast messages that run contrary to their political ideology? Again I am reassured that intellegent consevatives are becoming harder to find.
And your needless adoption of the very strick California Emmissions standards in Washington does not cost additional cuts and job loss in car dealerships, GM, Ford, and other Car manufacturers? The major car companies in America are meeting with their unions to see what cuts in benefits they can get from them. They are not in the fortunate position that this state’s legislature is, where they can just tax more, spend a whopping 12% more in their budgets, and give everyone 3 1/25 raises. The Automobile dealerships and manufacturers also suffer from BullShit Business Killing decisions in this state.
The sooner that automobile-related industries and businesses feel the pinch and recognize their folly, the sooner the national economy can set a course toward a balanced, equitable, sustainable economy. The US is overly dependent travel and transport, not just within the global economy, outsourcing of jobs etc, but also within local, regional, state and national economies; these economies, for the benefit of our money-centric morons on the Right, is a bit more complex than a paycheck and the price of beer.
Shawn @ 21
Don’t you realize the Chinese also are (a) buying all the U.S. debt that Bush is creating, and (b) propping up the dollar? Very, very soon now, the Chinese will be in a position to pull the plug on the U.S. economy by dumping U.S. debt securities and letting the yuan float. Conservatives aren’t concerned about that, either. The reason they’re not is because this would force them to question Bush’s reckless fiscal policies. The truth is that the only way Bush can fight his Iraq War and sustain his tax cuts for the rich at the same time is to hand over control of our economy to China. Welcome to the brave new world of neo-conservatism, where up is down, black is white, and the Chinese commies are our friends, trade partners, and financial patrons.
GS @ 22
Washington needs stricter emissions standards because our population is growing, so we have people and cars in our urban areas, which means each car has to pollute less just to keep air quality what it is now. That stuff coming out of the tailpipe is bad for you.
The 3 1/2% raise covers 6 years which is a little over 1/2% per year. Gasoline has more than doubled, food prices are up 30% to 40%, health care is up 10% to 12% a year, housing is climbing rapidly — and you think 1/2% a year is some kind of gift? It’s a massive pay cut, my friend.
And here’s what happens when state workers don’t get raises to keep up with inflation. They leave for better paying jobs. This turnover costs the taxpayers in countless ways. Costs go up for recruiting and training new workers. Inexperienced workers require more supervision, which increases the need for costly supevisory positions. Inexperienced workers also make more mistakes that cost the state money. Service to the public goes downhill and your permit (or whatever) is more likely to be screwed up or mishandled. State government as a whole becomes inefficient and more costly when underpaying public employees leads to high turnover.
typo correction
first sentence of #25 should say “so we have more people and cars in urban areas”
Let me ask you this, GS — would you accept a job requiring a maser’s degree that starts at $2,500 a month? Do you think it’s out of line to pay this employee, whose last raise was in 2000, $2,587.50 a month? You’re a piece of work.
If the Legislature adds an additional 15 cents a gallon to their 28 cents a gallon (10th highest in the nation) they will succeed in topping the list in having the highest gas tax in the states.
The recent legislation requiring Health insurance companies to cove mental illness’s is an example of regulation that causes the raising of health insurance costs directly. They are not going to absorb the costs of this new legislation, they are going to pass it on to the citizens of this state.
Similarly, the Washington state citizens said no twice to sales tax on food. So what is the legislature doing now, they are charging a new tax to the manufacturers of meat products which will be passed on to the consumers as higher cost of product.
I don’t agree with your premise that government employees are underpaid. Most people in the general workforce are either seeing no pay increase, loss of job, or pay cuts. So I consider underpaying of public employess (questionable) leading to a higher turnover to be a good thing! You folks should get out in the real world and find what is happening to benefits and pay out there!
prr @1 (et al),
It is the Voice of America, and now it’s news coverage will be written by people subject to the retribution of the Chinese government, (which by the way, skipped straight from Communism to Fascism when Bush the First averted his eyes from Tiananmen Square.)
ProudAss @6,
Aren’t you embarrassed to make such a lame argument? Bush is the fucking President. It’s happening on his watch, and he is allowing it.
Cynical @17,
Um… the last time I checked, this wasn’t a blog devoted solely to election contest coverage. And the fact that my readership continues to climb as a focus less and less on that bogus lawsuit, suggests that you are not my core demo.
But since you ask, I think Logan is a technocrat who will calmly and honestly answer the questions put before him. Mistakes were made, and you can be sure the GOP lawyers will focus on them. We might even learn some new details… but nothing that will improve Rossi’s legal prospects.
Shawn @21,
The righties here feign a lack of concern because this is being done under a Republican administration, and there is nothing more important to them than party unity. If this was a Democratic administration outsourcing the VoA to China, you would hear howls of derision and outrage coming from the right.
GS @22,
You want to help GM and Ford? How about universal health care, so that we could put US manufacturers on an equal footing with their competitors overseas? $1500 of the cost of every GM car goes to health care, while it is only a couple hundred dollars for each car built in Japan.
“Underpaying government employees” leads to inefficiency & high turnover???
You still bitch and moan about being underpaid and still stayed for 30 years you worthless pile of shit. I guess what you are really saying DonSux is that we taxpayers put our hard-earned money into a washing machine, you turn the crank, do nothing of value and it ends up in your pocket. Explain how that works DonSux so we can all get in on the scam.
The job requirement didn’t say Master’s Degree lameass.
It said Master-bators Degree which qualifies all the LEFTIST pinheads from Evergreen and other low-level institutions where you can write your own exams, programs and can get degrees in Ecology with NO SCIENCE CLASSES AT ALL!
Don–Bitter Guv’mint Hack Attorney who hates those who were successful in the real world.
Aren’t you embarrassed to make such a lame argument? Bush is the fucking President. It’s happening on his watch, and he is allowing it. -Comment by Goldy— 4/17/05 @ 12:27 pm
Oh please, he’s the PRESIDENT, not the micro-manager of an amusing little blog.
And therein lies the DIFFERENCE between great leaders and little instigators – great leaders TRUST the people below them to make decisions without angst, whining for approval or fear of making ASSES of them.
Goldy’s “readership continues to climb”????
I’ll take your word for it…but know I’m responsible for a lot of that as many Right folks enjoy the entertainment value.
You aren’t counting Don’s 21 posts in a row as evidence of popularity are you?
You aren’t counting the fact that Don uses about 3 aliases and ends up many times with 1/3 or more of your total posts???
SoundPolitics is still way, way ahead of you Goldy.
If folks like me, chardonnay, prr, Chuck, angry voter and others leave…you’ve got nothing.
Mr. Cynical-pants,
You are a master of the Ad Hominem argument.
Translated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.”
An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
1.Person A makes claim X.
2.Person B makes an attack on person A.
3.Therefore A’s claim is false.
The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).
So, when and if you are ready to address the issues and not our characters, please feel free to make constructive, valid arguements. I assume you can do this, can’t you.
No, I have no use for universal healthcare. I have seen how it works in Canada, and no thanks. It is too costly and provides nothing but long lines and halfass’d care. I want to help GM and Ford by allowing them to make and sell the cars it produces without over regulation from states like California and Now Washington, which force the prices of it’s cars to skyrocket by 1k to 3k and thus overall sales will suffer. At a time when they are already suffering to survive.
How many dollars of each car go to over bullshit regulation, taxes, and fees, etc. Now there is a figure I would like to see!
Also there are some good articles on the Seattle Times web site today about the democratic legislature gutting the I601 spending limits so they can ram their tax hikes through easier.
There are also front page articles about the many laid off Boeing workers who can hardly afford all of these BS tax and regulation hikes! Read em, Weep, and Remember!
RE: #32 “If Chardonnay, Mr, Cynical, etc left” I believe Gody’s readership and posting would increase–not decline. Fact is most reasonable folks won’t subject themselves to thevindictiveness of many of the Right. Don’t flatter yourselves, gentlemen of the right. Either leave or participate with meaningful dialog.
Three good reasons to do this in China. The minions will do as they are told, and not be influenced by subversive friends and associates as would US citizens. The major source of Satellite and Cable media is controlled by none other than Murdoch’s News Corp who will do whatever is necessary to maintain his profitability and his imposed censorship of material(it is quite possible the contract is going to a subsidiary). The communist regime needs to be supported because the US wants to keep claiming that the Pope and Reagan ended communism, and these sorts of capital contributions make it all seem so non-communistic. China’s corporate classes are heavily subsidized and indirectly owned by the Red Army’s vast networks of control over all financial operations in China. But don’t call it communism, because, well, we got rid of it.
Shawn @ 33–
I’m flattered by your effort to put me in one of your convenient slots…the LEFTISTS are good at that whenever they cannot deal with someone who often disagrees with them. I do address the issues…just not the way you would prefer. Had I only known that my style was sooooo upsetting to you Shawn…I WOULD HAVE DONE IT EVEN MORE!
You must see how foolish the LEFTISTS appear when the try to lecture someone who is RIGHT. Shawn, just a suggestion. Rather than lecture me, why don’t you clean up your own dame house first and lecture the likes of jpgee, DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan and all the other LEFTIST goofballs. Lecture them first. Then perhaps I will take you seriously.
Otherwise Shawn, you simply come off as yet another LEFTIST pinhead whining that some meany from the RIGHT is being uncivil and mean. UNDERSTAND??
I didn’t think so.
GS @ 28
Washington has to spend big bucks on transportation because of past neglect. The Alaska Viaduct and 520 bridge have reached the end of their service lives. The Puget Sound region’s population has doubled since the existing traffic corridors were built and needs more capacity. This stuff has to be paid for somehow, it isn’t free. Comparing our gas taxes with other states is apples-and-oranges because we don’t have toll roads, which are commonplace back east. For example, you can’t drive through Chicago without paying tolls. Would you rather pay a 15 cent gas tax or a $2.00 toll for driving on I-5, or I-405, or Highway 99? Personally, I favor tolls, because as a retiree I won’t incur the toll costs of daily commuting and being on a fixed income I can’t afford the higher gas taxes. It should come out of the pockets of the people who are using the freeways every day, because they’re putting the wear on the pavement and creating the need for more lanes.
If you think state employees aren’t underpaid why aren’t you out there applying for one of those high-paying state jobs? Are you making over $3,0000 a month? If you are, it’s hypocritical of you to criticize the state workers’ meager COLA of 3 1/2% for 6 years.
Danny @ 36–
Please read my comment @ 38.
It applies to you too.
Exactly what “meaningful” comments have you rendered here?
Typical LEFTIST approach of try to minimize and marginalize those who dare disagree with Karl Marx and his Seattle Minions.
typo correction — I meant $3,000 a month
Mr. Cynical-pants,
So, when and how do you address the issues? All I got was some defensive posing and whining back from you.
Mr. Cynical @ 30
“I guess what you are really saying DonSux is that we taxpayers put our hard-earned money into a washing machine, you turn the crank, do nothing of value and it ends up in your pocket. Explain how that works DonSux so we can all get in on the scam.”
When taxpayers put their money into the machine, and the legislature turns the crank, work comes out before it ends up in the pockets of state employees. You get a lot of things for your money including:
1. Snow is plowed in Snoqualmie pass,
2. Children are protected from physical abuse, neglect, and sexual exploitation,
3. Disabled people are retrained and put back to work,
4. State lands are managed and produce revenue for the common schools,
5. Over 1 million public school children are educated,
6. Highways are built and maintained to support the state’s economy,
7. Fish and game laws are enforced to protect these resources for the enjoyment of all,
8. Public health is protected through immunization, epidemiology, and health education programs,
9. Society is protected by incarcerating dangerous criminals,
10. Contractors, common carriers, financial institutions, and others are regulated to protect consumers, the environment, and general public,
… and much more.
When you put L & I taxes for injured workers into your machine and turn the crank, the only thing that comes out is Rossi slush funds, which benefits nobody (not even Rossi).
* Mr. Cynical is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as a sudivision of Dubyasux NLSP which is owned by Alan.
Pet Poop @ 31
Bush is the Great Truster — he never fires anybody no matter how badly they fuck up, which goes a long way to explain why everything is so fucked up.
* LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged – ask defeated Daschle is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as a subdivision of Dubyasux NLSP owned by Alan.
Mr Cynicl
GS @ 34
Our system is even more costly and, if you’ve visited an ER lately, you get long lines and half-assed care. Americans pay more per capita for health care than any other country but we’re way down the list in quality of care. Part of the reason is our system has more overhead (e.g., multi-million-dollar administrator salaries). Another reason is the cost of care for the 45 million Americans with no coverage is passed through to the paying customers. Since you’re already paying for the health care those folks receive, why not provide them with coverage and cut your costs at the same time? Universal coverage would actually save you money because their care would not longer be tacked onto your insurance premiums and medical pills, and they would be receiving regular care instead of ultra-expensive ER care.
Mr Cynical, Zaporro et al. If you would learn how to read….and how to understand the flow ot the comments in this blog over the past 4 months…you would see that the dem’s have only retaliated with offensive comments after you and your troll brigade have instigated the ‘name calling’, ie, cynical, prr, chardonnay chuck, rush, av. You are all great and quick to throw out unwarranted sexual references, references of sissies, references of mental health. Maybe you should all learn to read and someday sanitymight go your way. Cynical, I am quiet sure you will jump on your ‘little’ soap box so graciously given to you by Goldy to try to make me ‘feel bad’. lol, but in reality it only makes you look like what you seem to be, a lonely, insecure, extremist that does not really have a life. In my life I would imagine that my ‘friends’ have been evenly split, left and right. I have never found extremests in my daily living like the group of people I mentioned above. And I thank God for that. 80% of the USA is basically centrist. It is the 10% at each end that we need to be worried about, and your group seems definitely in that FRINGE
shawn @ 33 , they all come over here to vent their frustrations and talk as they do normally in their houses with their children and ‘loved’ ones. YOu see, uSP will not allow that kind of language so they come here to ‘feel at home’
Mr. Cynical @ 38
My name isn’t “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan,” it’s now Mr. Cynical, but you can call me “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan” if it makes you happy, although your happiness is really Mrs. Cynical’s rresponsibility not mine.
* Mr. Cynical is a 50% owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP, which is owned by Alan. The other 50% of Mr. Cynical is owned by some guy who calls himself Mr. Cynical.
jpgee @ 47
You don’t need to explain anything to Mr. Cynical or psychoanalyze him. Just call him a right-wing asshole and let it go at that. That covers the situation.
* Mr. Cynical TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshore subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Mr. Cynical-pants just likes to see people post remarks about him wheather they agree with him or not. Here’s another ego-cookie for you.
* LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged – ask defeated Daschle is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as a subdivision of Dubyasux NLSP owned by Alan. -Comment by LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged – ask defeated Daschle*— 4/17/05 @ 4:51 pm
My name isn’t “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan,” it’s now Mr. Cynical, but you can call me “DonSux/W/Alan/CrazyMan” if it makes you happy, although your happiness is really Mrs. Cynical’s rresponsibility not mine.
* Mr. Cynical is a 50% owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP, which is owned by Alan. The other 50% of Mr. Cynical is owned by some guy who calls himself Mr. Cynical. -Comment by Mr. Cynical*— 4/17/05 @ 5:04 pm
So now, in addition to being a drunk and a pretty in mauve pink metrosexual, Donnyboy is an admitted thief.
She has morphed yet again.
What the hell are you people talking about?
Presidency + 55/100 Senators + 232/435 House Reps + 30/50 Governors = WINNING TEAM! @ 52
I’m not a thief. In the first place, I didn’t steal anything, and number two, I didn’t admit stealing it.
How can I steal something you don’t own? This is a liberal blog. As you Republican trolls constantly remind us, liberals are socialists. Under socialism, everything is publicly owned, and what’s your is mine and what’s mine is yours. All screen names are community property and anyone can use them.
If you don’t like it, sue me.
* Presidency + 55/100 Senators + 232/435 House Reps + 30/50 Governors = WINNING TEAM! TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshore subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Shawn @ 54
I’m with you, seems several posters have lost it.
marks @ 55
No, the only thing they’ve lost is their screen names — due to a series of recent mergers under which Dubyasux NLSP, a no-liability sole proprietorship, is expanding its scope of operations to include what I call the “Pac Man Offense.” I’m nw eating their screen names!
What the hell are you people talking about? Why don’t you just use your name?
Shawn @ 54 and marks @ 55-
Well I’m sure glad I’m not alone in scratching my head here…apparently several of the regulars have tipped right on over is right!!
I’ve been absent for a while and if this is what the place has devolved to, I think I’ll continue my absence.
You folks that are engaging in this completely juvenile name change-bash faster than the next game should be ashamed of yourselves…all of you…this is how you treat your own home or the homes you visit?
It’s fun to trash someone’s place of business?
Goldy is far too lenient…this is like watching the spoiled brat kid down the street who’s just begging for a swift swat!
Danny somewhere up in this thread said it best…if the trolls-trashers (from all politial persuasions) left Goldy’s site would grow…
I can only suggest growing up…and in the meantime I’ll just wander back off where I came from…I got no time for this sort of BS…
I’ll bet goldy can eliminate one ip address, and cure 90% of the problem.
Don aka et al
I hope you are having fun with your little game of steal others names.
Shawn–like it or not, I’m Mr. Cynical.
It’s your a$$hole LEFTIST Guv’mint hack atty DON who gets drunk and starts this confusion. An identity crisis for sure.
Why don’t you Lefty’s clean up your own house?
Don posts over 1/3 of the posts in his drunken stupor.
G Davis @ 58
I hope you stay, but I understand your point. I have of late kept to the dustier threads with some other folks who want real discussion. I had hoped the advent of the Open Thread would allow the expulsion of any pent up sillyness. This stuff here gets old real quick.
Mr. Cynical @ 60
What’s this, one of our most strident right-wing trolls calling upon Goldy to — dare I say the word — REGULATE his blog? I thought people of your persuasion were AGAINST regulation and FOR freedom? What are you worried about, anyway? That, without (gasp) REGULATION these threads will descend into “confusion” (or, who knows … CHAOS)? Just like society would, if society wasn’t (gasp) regulated?
Well, you may be Mr. Cynical, but I’m Mr. Cynical too. This is a liberal web site, and as you have often pointed out, liberals are socialists. Under socialism, what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours; everything is community property. So, if you want to use “Dubyasux” — go right ahead! I won’t mind! After all, this is the Socialist Blog of where there IS NO PRIVATE PROPERTY!]
If you want “your” screen name treated as private property, and don’t want someone else using “your” screen name, why are you posting on a liberal blog where there is no private property opr regulation, and where, as Goldy said, “anything goes”? If you want to post in a regulated blog where other posters treat your screen name as private property, you should be posting at (un)Sound Politics, not on the socialist blog.
* Mr. Cynical TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshore subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Mr. Cynical-pants,
I never said you were the name blender; geez you’re paranoid. I thought you were one of the honest assholes here, sorry to confuse you.
Left or right, this name thing is stupid.
Maybe Mr. Cynical-pants is outsourcing his posts to China, that ought to save hime 300,000 stupid remarks a year.
Shawn Paulson@ 62
Shawn Paulson at Open Thread, Comment 2:
“Let the name calling begin!
Comment by Shawn Paulson— 4/15/05 @ 11:55 pm”
Shawn are you saying it’s okay to call other people names, but it’s not okay if I call myself names — not even the same names they call themselves?
No the name thing is not stupid. It makes a point — actually several points — and very important points at that.
Goldy said, “Anything goes.” But we can’t really live in a society in which anything goes, can we? Because such a society can’t function.
Certain individuals come to this liberal blog and falsely say liberals are socialists. Under socialism, there’s no private property, and what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours. That is not what liberals believe, nor is that how liberals have conducted themselves on this blog. But if they accuse me of being a socialist, why should they be surprised if I start acting like one? If, because someone else judges you wrongly, you have to do the time then why not commit the crime?
I wondered how long it would take for the rightys who incessantly
decry regulation and believe everyone should be allowed to do as they please to demand regulation of screen names if I started messing with their screen names. It took 20 minutes. Well, if someone demonstrates a legitimate need to regulate use of screen names on a blog to prevent chaos, then perhaps this also illustrates a legitimate need to regulate some other things in society as well — such as what people can do with their land in rural King County.
Maybe what we should do here is sit down together, discuss the screen name issue, and reach an agreement on respecting each other’s screen names. If this experiment at cooperation, negotiation, and compromise is successful, then we can also try to reach agreement on some other things — for example, agreeing not to “out” or identify posters. When you have even one person on a blog doing that, another blogger who (for whatever reason) doesn’t want to be “outed” or identified, may very well take actions to cover his tracks — such as using false names, and frequent name changes, and even using other people’s screen names to create confusion and obscure the trail.
We now have a situation here in America where the political party in power doesn’t want to discuss, negotiate, compromise, make concessions, or reach agreements on anything. Their attitude is, our way or the highway. That’s no way to run a blog and it’s no way to run a country either.
I hope some of you trolls are beginning to get the idea that maybe we need rules, understandings, respect for each other, and a willingness to reach for common ground in the middle to make things work better for everyone.
I’ll see how things go and decide in a couple of days whether the name thing will continue or be put on the shelf.
It’s the LEFTISTS screwing around with the names Shawn.
You ought to feel right at home with the other Whack-jobs from the LEFT.
Mr. Cynical-pants,
READ my post! I NEVER SAID YOU WERE THE NAME CHANGER! Are you able to read or not?
sybil has up to 16 personalities. don has only begun to show us all that’s brewing in his PVS brain. I think we’ve seen about 10 so far. this is so funny to actually see him on his way to the hospice funny farm. it’s a one way trip don, mixing prozak w/weed and alcohol.
You can call me don if you want, or you can call me chardonnay if you want, whatever makes you happy. But don’t expect me to make you happy; I don’t love you.
* Chardonnay TIC is a 50% owned tenancy-in-common operated as an offshort subsidiary of Alan d/b/a Dubyasux NLSP.
Mr. Cynical @ 60
“Why don’t you Lefty’s clean up your own house?”
That wouldn’t be Mr. Cynical calling for Goldy to impose some (gasp) regulation, would it?
Mr. Cynical et al.
You constantly tell us that liberals are socialists. Under socialism, what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours. I can use your screen name, and you’re welcome to use mine. Surely you knew this when you chose to troll on a socialist blog? So why so surprised? Now, on the other hand, if liberals AREN’T socialists and liberals DO believe in private property, then your screen name would be yours and I wouldn’t use it, would I?
A bunch of my posts disappeared into Goldy’s filter, so don’t be surprised if they appear all at once.
your are becoming a liability to yourself because of these multiple personalities. I don’t think even meds will help you now. only option is to call George Felos. Tell your wife Dr Cranford will do what ever it takes to get the feeding tube put in. I’m pretty sure the hospice will allow alcohol to be fed thru the tube. watch tv, get drunk, lay around all day. you are old anyway don, you are wasting space on the earth. make algore proud keep the earth in the balance.
sybil, be careful, those hospice facilities can be hazardous. keep a rape kit in your room. watch out for the male nurse bunghole bandits.
alan* is a big evil terd, BET Corporation the parent company of don*/dubyasux*/sybil*/alan* So go ahead and sue me, I have nothing because I am nothing. i was a big zero in life, It was my love of the hippy commune I was in durring the purple haze period. I have no regrets.
Alan d/b/a Dubyasux @66,
@2 I only observed that the name-calling would begin, I do not condone it nor recommend it. In other posts, I admonish Mr. Cynical for his name calling.
I said that the name changing issue is stupid, but perhaps that is too harsh. What I mean to say is that it is confusing and I really cannot see a point to it.
If protecting your identity is important to you I can understand using different screen names, but this is beyond identity protection, it is just silly how much you embellish them. Still, I am not sure it is art, but I will protect your right to use whatever names you want.
To be fair this is not all Don’s fault but this is a cry for help. it’s the alcohol, he has a disease. Group intervention people!! Maybe we can save him from PVS. It takes a village, we all need to help.
chardonnay, give it a rest will ya?
In my increasingly humble opinion whatever point was trying to be made with all the tomfoolery has failed.
I’ve been around here and other blogs-forum sites long enough to understand the trolls. Giving the attention they crave only invites their presence longer…reduces all participants to the snake belly level of those seeking to disrupt civil discourse.
I understand completely having fun, ribbing, humor…but I could never participate in the troll mentality of hanging out simply to disrupt. I’m not talking about Don here, as from what I saw before he has every right to retaliate even if his tactics seem extreme. I’m talking about folks who have no desire to listen to differing perspectives but simply want to ridicule, deride those of different thought which ultimately drives folks like Don to retaliation.
Any of you been to Speakers Corner in Hyde Park? At the moment this place and so any other blog-forum sites sound increasingly similar…who can outshout whom. It’s a grand spectical for the short term but frays sensibilities long term.
As I read through the latest 5 or so entries on this site (that’s as far as I got before quitting ;0), I see each degenerate into juvenile bickering. These sorts of sites to me represent the only place(s) left to find differing viewpoints discussed as if we were all gathered at our local coffee shop rather than the Speaker’s Corner mentality of the national scene. To waste the grand opportunity for we the citiens to discuss local and national issues of mutual interest is just a reflection of what ails our nation most today…lack of civil discourse.
If Goldy continues to insist *anything goes* on this site, I’m personally faced with the seeming neverending choice…do I throw up my hands and walk away from here or do I continue to post with the idea that if I speak to civil comment others will follow and drown out the juveniles?
My mood shifts daily…yesterday I didn’t have the energy to hang in…today I do…at least for a short while… ;0
We all know our own personal agendas here. Perhaps if each of us put ourselves in Goldy’s shoes for the moment and applied the Golden Rule to our actions we would all think twice before we did unto his place of business what we would not do to our own.
Just a thought…
I’m now off to sift through the trash for thoughtful posts to respond to…anyone care to join me?
No in this lifetime dork.
G davis–
I will credit you with generally thoughtful posts…certainly not 100%. As far as personal agenda’s go….an agenda is a “PLAN” to accomplish something. An agenda is a GOOD thing and is very personal. You make it sound like someone with a personal agenda has Herpes or some other STD.
To have an agenda, you need a damn plan. It’s a good thing.
79 (first) then 78
Well no, Pierre, that’s not gonna happen here. Nor do I think that’s anyone’s goal. What MIGHT be attainable, though, is debate as opposed to mudslinging. This would be no mean achievement, and like the survival of our democracy, a favorable is not assured.
This brings me to the subject of retaliation. In my view, liberals have been doormats far too long, and need to kick some ass to keep the right wing’s bully elements from getting completely out of hand. That’s a statement of my world view, and this blog is merely a microcosm of the outside world, where the same general principles apply.
“Retaliation” is not the right word, because I fuck with trolls, period. They come to this blog looking for trouble, and I don’t want them to be disappointed, but I don’t need any motivation to do it. I do it for sport, in the same way I used to burn ants with a magnifying glass when I was a mean little kid. I have no agenda other than troll hunting is fun and I do it with a clear conscience because they’ve got it coming, and they’re all going to Hell anyway for having lived mean, selfish, evil lives. In addition, they’re ugly, have zits, and can’t get laid.
oops — correction — sentence should say “a favorable outcome is not assured.”
It wasn’t a failure. To the contrary, it had the trolls in an uproar, which was the whole idea. Goldy intervened within minutes, so I’d bet money he got sniveling e-mails from the whiney little trolls. Goldy asked me not to steal their screen names anymore, so I’ll have to think of some other way to mess with the troll weenies.
Good for Goldy!
Reasonable standards starting with the Left WingNut Whacko Don et al.
I did not send Goldy any e-mails Don.
Neither did anyone else from the RIGHT.
It was folks who you might agree with but that think you are a f***ing fool.
Don–keep up your foolishness and crazy rationalizations. Do you really think you have the trolls in an “uproar”???
Don subscribes to the theory “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me…than a frontal labotomy!!!
Problem is Don…it’s time for surgery Gnutcase!
and best of all deals Don, even though you are in a PVS, you can still legally vote in WA.
The left scolding the left. lol, poor Goldy, his own peeps!
Mr. C @ 84
OMG could it be that our very own troll Mr. Cynical is in favor of “reasonable standards”? Isn’t that a whole lot like REGULATION? I thought you were against that?
BTW my name is Alan, but you can call me Don if it makes you happy, although your happiness is really Mrs. C’s responsibility.
It seems to have YOU in an uproar. Otherwise, why are you posting on the subject?
The LEFTIST pinheads have screwed up big-time. They arrogantly sat back while the R’s systematically went thru the KingCo Election process. I warned you jokers to get busy. Simply claiming there were problems elsewhere wouldn’t mean anything to the Judge. You needed timely proof.
Now your lawyers are running around like chickens with their heads cut-off in desperation trying to do this…TOO LATE!!
Can you spell U-H-A-U-L???
Cynical @ 80
You say *an agenda is a “PLAN” to accomplish something. An agenda is a GOOD thing and is very personal. You make it sound like someone with a personal agenda has Herpes or some other STD.
To have an agenda, you need a damn plan. It’s a good thing.*
Ookkk…I have not said agendas were good or bad, I simply said we all know our own…how you manipulate that into something sinister is your doing not mine.
Oh and your @ 84 post is just plain stupid…
chardonnay @ 85
You say *The left scolding the left. lol, poor Goldy, his own peeps!*
See that’s the sort of thing adults do…they discuss things…but then anyone who’s stoogy enough to use the word *peeps* would not be able to understand that.
Would you trash your own house the way you continually trash this place? What’s wrong with sprinkling in some content with all the trolling?
As to the retaliation failure comments above, I think you’re wrong. I think you’re above this sort of thing as you’ve shown to be a very valuable voice in prior times.
The trolls are trolls and most certainly aren’t worthy of your time…
Hi! How at you with weather? At us absolutely of gloom = (
As to me to create the same page?
As to me to adjust correctly time on my computer?