A poll conducted by Military Times found a precipitous drop in President Bush’s support amongst active-duty military personnel.
Approval of the president’s Iraq policy fell 9 percentage points from 2004; a bare majority, 54 percent, now say they view his performance on Iraq as favorable. Support for his overall performance fell 11 points, to 60 percent, among active-duty readers of the Military Times newspapers. Though support both for President Bush and for the war in Iraq remains significantly higher than in the public as a whole, the drop is likely to add further fuel to the heated debate over Iraq policy.
Bush’s defenders will of course dismiss the relevance of this poll, but that’s not what they said back when the president’s numbers were strong.
In 2003 and 2004, supporters of the war in Iraq pointed to high approval ratings in the Military Times Poll as a signal that military members were behind President Bush’s the president’s policy.
So if USA Today and Fox News thought the poll was significant last year, I assume they’ll think it significant this year too, huh?
Over half of the respondents said they have been deployed in support of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. When the Commander In Chief starts losing the support of those he commands, I think that tells us a little bit about his job performance.
Minimum Wage Battle Shifts to States
With Congress in the grip of GOP neaderthals who think it’s fine to pay workers $2 a day, labor groups and other minimum wage advocates are shifting their efforts to the state level, where 17 states and D.C. have superseded the the federal minimum wage rate, and many more are expected to follow suit in 2006.
Business interests and conservative ideologues have opposed the minimum wage legislation ever since it was enacted in 1938 as part of FDR’s New Deal. They argue that setting a floor under wages drives up prices and destroys jobs.
But advocates of raising the minimum wage “said inflation had so eroded the value of the minimum wage … it was worth less today in real terms than at any time since 1955. They also cited studies that found that raising the minimum wage did not cause job loss, as opponents argue.”
For example, Tim Nesbitt, former president of the Oregon A.F.L.-C.I.O., points out that “despite having one of the highest minimum wages in the country at $7.25 an hour, Oregon had had twice the rate of job growth as the rest of the country.”
No doubt, Mark the Redneck will jump in and argue his “invisible hand,” when not busy jerking him off in public places, makes sure everyone is paid what they’re really worth. Bullpucky!!! That assumes equal bargaining power on both sides of the management-labor equation. The reality is business has vastly superior bargaining power compared to workers — especially when business interests control the government and deliberately pursue high unemployment policies that create millions of desperate job seekers in order to drive down labor costs and drive up business profits, which are already at record levels (although damned little of this is going to shareholders).
For the complete article, see http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01.....artner=AOL
You have to remember that military personnel deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and other far corners of the world don’t hear much about the scandals and corruption back home. Their main source of news is the military news system, and you can bet the administrative decides what gets into print or on the air in those venues. Bush’s poll numbers among active duty personnel undoubtedly would be even lower if service personnel received unfiltered news.
This weekend’s big news story, of course, is the 13 trapped coal miners in W. Virginia. Mining remains a very dangerous occupation, but it’s much safer than it used to be, thanks to federal mining regulation.
Here is yet another example of what economists call “market failure” — Mark the Redneck’s “invisible hand” will NOT produce safer coal mines. Never did, never will. Maybe it’s too busy jerking off in public. Because safety equipment and procedures come at an economic cost, the only way profit-driven mine operators will adopt them is by government enforcement.
And that requires guvmint attorneys like Roger Rabbit.
With Congress in the grip of GOP troglodytes who think it’s fine to pay workers $2 a day, minimum wage supporters are shifting their efforts to the state level, where 17 states and D.C. have superseded the federal minimum wage rate and many more are expected to follow in 2006.
According to the New York Times, “Opinion polls show wide public support for an increase in the federal minimum wage, which falls far short of the income needed to place a family at the federal poverty level. Even the chairman of Wal-Mart has endorsed an increase, saying that a worker earning the minimum wage cannot afford to shop at his stores. ‘The public is way ahead of Washington,’ Mr. Samuel said. ‘They see this as a matter of basic fairness, the underpinning of basic labor law in this country, a floor under wages so we’re not competing with Bangladesh.'”
Hmmm … another market failure? Another example of MTR’s “invisible hand” spending its time jerking off instead of doing its job?
“Advocates of an increase in the minimum wage said that inflation had so eroded the value of the minimum wage in the last nine years that it was worth less today in real terms than at any time since 1955. They also cited studies that found that raising the minimum wage did not cause job loss, as opponents argue. … Tim Nesbitt, the former president of the Oregon A.F.L.-C.I.O., said that despite having one of the highest minimum wages in the country at $7.25 an hour, Oregon had had twice the rate of job growth as the rest of the country.”
Republicans, of course, don’t believe in a fair day’s pay for a day’s work. They believe in taking more for themselves. They don’t like a level playing field where business owners and labor bargain from positions of equal strength, and to make sure the field is tilted, they deliberately pursue polices that create high unemployment and tear holes in the safety net in order to create a large pool of desperate workers who will accept low wages and bad working conditions to survive.
You gotta know, this falling in Bush’s numbers occurred even though our troops were being protected from the polluting presence of “Big Eddy” Schultz’s voice on Armed Forces Radio, and their being exposed only to to Rush Limburger. Wonder what effect Al Franken’s voice on Armed Forces Radio now will have? Plus, rumor is they’ll let Schultz on in the future.
A Little reality based Radio may cost him another ten points.
True Story:
My girlfriend was leaving Boston for Thanksgiving, and she was watching the airport TV, and then Gov. Bush was on, and the active serviceman said “This guy is going to get us into a war” before shaking his head and walking away. It didn’t mean much then, but it sure means a hell of a lot now.
I wonder how the troops will think of Bush’s “combat with a cedar” comment.
Goldy refers to Bush’s “job performance” in the last paragraph of his posting. I have a question…..
What job performance?
When has he done his job instead of promoting his parties sick, demented and draconian ideology?
I’m sure the US troops love Sen Kerry accusing them of terrorizing Iraqi women and children a couple of weeks ago too!
@ 6
John Kerry served. George W. Bush didn’t. Even if they don’t like Kerry’s politics, they respect his service.
Just for starters — what are the troops doing for sex in Iraq???? In the culure where who knows what Islamic law keeps sex our of the equation – where is the pussy, I have yet to see one photo of the whore house or off base call girl club.
Doing each other?
Or is the next gay theme movie about Broken Hearts in Bagdad?
One thing to note about this poll is that it shows that Bush’s support “slipped significantly in the last year among members of the military’s professional core.”
This is not just everyone groundpounder or supply guy, but these are the professional NCO’s and officer base we are talking here.
Frankly, without thier support the war IS over. The opposition to this war was never about pacifist counter-culture hippie types (as much as Bush wants it to be) but rather about a hard and cold pragmatic approach about what the likely outcomes of invading and occupying a major Muslim cultural center that had no connection to 9/11 would likely be.
Bush is losing the “military’s professional core” and with Rep. Murtha channeling the Pentagon brass on an over-the-horizon redeployment, the war is effectively over unless the war-monger Neo-con chickenhawks actually have enough power to keep us in.
Bush’s trashed the Democrats plan to pull the majority of troops out and redeploy them within striking distance to try and prop up the regime we just installed, not because he disagrees – it WILL happen – but because he wants to take credit for it come this year.
Watch for high-profile declarations of victory and parades for the troops come next fall – its cynical politics at its best, but at least the war will be largely over.
Doesnt sound like most military men I have ran into…
Tom Johnson@8
Tom, keep your Johnson in your pants and cool down…take a cold shower or something.
Johnson@8: Why is it you libruls always think of carnal things and project your simple thoughts on others?
Puddybud, like Rufus your cohort, he is still dreaming about ‘that dress’ and comments about it continually
I was extremely fortunate to retire from the Army in 2003, shortly after Bush started his exercise in stupidity. Those of us who have served, even those like myself who where lucky enough to avoid combat, had no illusions about what a cluster fuck this war would become. Dieing for my Country I have no problem with, but I do not want to die stupidly. The universe knows I wish I had been wrong, but no dice.
We will leave Iraq, sooner or latter. The only question is, do we leave with most of our military still intact?
Here’s a theory: Bush will capture Osama just before the 2006 interim election. I’tll help the GOP chances in 2006.
What do you think?
Why would decent men and women in uniform support a cowardly, draft dodging, chickenhawk like Baby Bush? This punk relied on his daddy to keep him out of Nam and didn’t have the heart to even complete his obligation to a cushy NG unit full of daddy’s boys who all skipped ahead in line to avoid war.
In the last paragraph Goldy refers to Bush’s “job performance”. I have a question. What job performance?
When has he performed the job he swore an oath to do?
Just wondering.
Puddybud @ 11: Why is it you Rethuglicans always deny that “carnal thoughts” are natural (ur here ain’t ya? Which means ur Mom and Dad had carnal thoughts.) and try to force your deluded view on the rest of us?
Any modern Army would do well to emulate our forefathers and bring the comfort battalion with them.
Bell Towner,
Yes, Kerry served in the Navy and went to Vietnam. Bush served in the National Guard. There are people who despise Kerry’s service and there are people who despise Bush’s service.
Soldiers in Afganistan and Iraq get news reports. It isn’t filtered by the Administration. They watch CNN, MSNBC and FoX news on Satellite and online.
comfort battalion???????
Just maybe today will be the ‘official’ turning point in the lowly direction that this administration has set for us. Abramoff will plea bargain and (as MTR likes it) squeal like a pig (from Deliverance). That should give about 83.49% of the idiots in this administration and the wingnuts in congress/senate seizures until their names are in print.
“The wheels of justice grind slowly and exceedingly fine in their mesmerizing progress toward justice, which is vengeance. Vengeance is justice.” Geo. W. Bush in a speech to third graders at a military base in Idaho
If Tom Delay (aka “the Bug man “, aka “hot tub Tom”, aka “The Hammer”) is any indication, my Republican Foes will not give up easily. They will use every legal loophole, every appeals process, and every attempt to delay (no pun intended) any criminal investigations.;id=10084
On the other hand, these are not standup guys. Randy Duke folded like a house of cards when confronted with the evidence.
more pot calling the kettle black.
I so enjoy it.
I see even in 2006, 5+ years after he was first elected President, you Bush Apologists cannot defend Bush without bringing up a Democrat (Kerry, Clinton, etc). Lame and Pathetic.
Defend the man instead of attacking someone else.
PuddyBud planted his foot in his mouth when he said
So, let me get this straight. Bush is plagerizing Clinton? And you think this is a good thing?
I had no idea how much you admired Clinton, Puddybud.
Mr. Puddybud,
No hands are dirty in Presidential Administrations, but I have a question. What do you do when your own acting Attorney General refuses to sign off on your schemes and machinations because he feels you are doing things that are blatantly illegal?
It boils down to trust. You and your conservative friends are willing to grant President Bush unlimited power to do what he feels is right, and you trust him not to misuse the this power to smite his enemies.
If President Bush knew what the hell he was doing, I might cut him some slack. He does not. President Clinton did know what he was doing, and he was willing to try something different if a strategy was not working. President Bush is clueless. He does not know the first thing about administration and government and he refuses to listen even when confronted with absolute proof that he is wrong and his policies are a disaster.
Robert @28
I voted for him and I think he is doing a very good job of protecting America. I don’t need to compare him to anyone nor do I need to apologize for him.
There were others that I would have voted for before voting for him, but it was a choice between him and Kerry and I wouldn’t vote for Kerry because of his action in Vietnam, directly after Vietnam and his actions during the campaign.
End of Story!
Oh the irony of the “But but but but Clinton did it too” defense.
When a Dem is elected President in 2008, I just want to establish the following:
If the the Democratic President violates the law the Constitution by executing warrantless wiretaps, you are going to STFU.
During a national disaster, conservatives are not going to finger-point or play the blame game, or god help us, hold our elected and appointed officials accountable, they are going to STFU.
If, during a major national disaster, the Democratic President plays with a guitar and cracks moronic jokes, the Vice President disappears, senior cabinet members go to Broadway shows, shop for shoes, and go to Baseball games, conservatives are going to STFU.
If, during a major national disaster, the Democratic President continues to stay on vacation, conservatives are going to STFU.
If the Federal response after a disaster is slow and people die because if it, conservatives are going to STFU.
If, when informed of a major terrorist attack, the Democratic President just sits and stares blankly for seven minutes, conservatives are going to STFU.
If this President gets us into a war based on lies and then runs it poorly, conservatives are going to STFU.
If a major terrorist attack occurs, and the leader of that attack of it is not captured, conservatives are going to STFU.
If there are runaway deficits and the President never vetoes a spending bill, conservatives are going to STFU.
If gas prices are 3 or more dollars per gallon, conservatives are going to STFU.
If a top administration official purposely outs a Covert CIA agent, conservatives are going to STFU.
If the Democratic President appoints political cronies for important positions that exceed their credentials or experience, conservatives are going to STFU.
puddybud, why is it that you rightie trolls think that spelling things badly (librul, murka, meskins) is funny/cute?
All it does is make ya look like a moron.
Serving in Islamic countries has always been tough. In the sixties my bro spent two years listening to Soviet intel traffic up in the Khyber Pass. The bright lights were Kabul. . . it cost him $40 US on the black Market for two warm stale San Miguels. He got out to Constantinople ONCE in twenty two months. Needless to say, this was a major cultural shift from his tour in Japan.
The people in this survey are non-coms and officer cadre. They’ve been serving long enough to have served under both Dems and Rethugs. They’ve also served long enough to be well schooled in the Geneva Conventions. Some of them are cognizant of our criticisms of the German installed Vichy government in France and the sui generis of the Fourth Geneva Accord;that you, as an Occupying Force, cannot create a Sovereign Government, nor can you,as the Occupying Force, change the laws of an existing Sovereign State, nor can you legitimately set up Special Courts.
Now if you don’t mind destroying what is arguably one of the finest military programs ever, keep following the Chimpster and his neoconvict thugs in their folly. . .and be happy in replacing this professional military with a praetorian guard. . .saleable to the highest bidders and willing to auction off the highest offices of the land.
Has anyone bothered to read the poll results in context?
This is not quite the bad news it is being hailed as.
windie: Thanks for looking out for me. I didn’t realize you are the Bill O’Reilly of ASSes!
Donnageddon: I DID admire Bill Clinton. Me and the wife voted for him in 1992. Surprised. He did this country some good and he did this country some bad. I have read the nuclear football author, Lt. Col Patterson, I read Dick Morris’ book, I read Rich Miniter’s book. After reading and compiling that information I was shocked that Clinton dithered in foreign enemy safety matters because he didn’t see the need! But you all dismiss the WMD argument after Bill left January 20, 2001.
Godly, why did you IGNORE this opinion regarding the “Wiretaps” in the NY Times? If he is the newspaper’s ombudsman, and after the Frank Rich/Paul Krugman/Maureen Dowd exposés of fictitious reporting the NY Times said they would do better, why are the publisher and head editor ignoring his concerns over the story?
Somehwere, in an alternet universe, a small bit of fact may be gleamed from the post @ 37.
But here in the world of cold cruel reality, it makes as much sense as another plop left behind in the wake of Puddybud’s irrelevent train if disrailed thought.
Puddy: Is your wife as made up as your “Friends” are?
Just askin’
@ 38 You will find the opinion is accompanied by this footnote
Why would Goldy ignore that opinion ?
Why the hell not!
sven, I would be interested in how in context you can
spinfind this not to be bad news.Puddybudd @ 39 if you would learn how to read, and not keep trying to look cute with your misspellings, you would see that I stated your dear friend RUFUS keeps talking about that dress. I never stated you did. Maybe you just felt ‘justafiably guilty’ as you should in 99% of your posts. Neocon Shill!
Cougar: I assume the Cougar is for a WA State grad?
You said: “Puddybud, like Rufus your cohort,” blah blah blah, something about a stained dress, blah blah blah
From Merriam-Webster: — formerly used with as, unto, of b chiefly British : closely resembling the subject or original
Main Entry: like
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, alteration of ilich, from Old English gelIc like, alike, from ge-, associative prefix + lIc body; akin to Old High German gilIh like, alike, Lithuanian lygus like — more at CO-
1 a : the same or nearly the same (as in appearance, character, or quantity)
Cougar, you must keep in mind that Puddybud hasa an almost god-like ability to scour the internet for right-wing posts backing his dubious claims. He usually posts those internet quotes with out attribution.
But now we see that Puddybud has mastered the use of online dictionaries. Their truly is nothing this boy-wonder is not capable of!
Beyond that, I have no idea what brain burp made him post the definition for “like” @ 44.
Maybe he just wanted to amaze us with his new found ability!
WindieASS: The wife is not made up. On Feb 4, we’ll be together for 26 years. Oh yes, Puddybud will meet PacMan for lunch with GBS. Now that is creepy right windieASS? Somewhere I read you turned 30 in November or so? So while you were still in diapers (at 4 being developmentally repressed) we got together! Did you say you have two kids? Are they goats? I have two children. Are you married or is Rosy Palm your “wife”?
umm, did I ever say I was married, or had kids?
no wait, I know the answer to that one: no I didn’t
(another puddybud classic– lie)
as to ‘pacman’ I’ll believe it when I see it, not before.
The point is, Puddy, that you lie so much that you can’t be trusted about anything. Its come to the point that I just assume anything you say is a lie, just to be safe (I’m waitin’ on GBS’s report, but not holding my breath)
If the best you can do is accuse me of being a retarded masturbator into bestiality, then you have a long ways to go. In fact, I’d be worried if you said I was the height of grace and honesty…. Given your record that would make everyone believe I were a congenitally twisted pervert, whos only interest was sex with manatees’
The polls show many things, but need to be seen in context.
for example, this question:
Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?
Approve 54%
you would expect 46% +- a few percent to disaprove, but the reality is this:
Disapprove 25%
No opinion 9%
Decline to answer 12%
Thats a 21% margin of uncertainty.
this question:
Regardless of whether you think the U.S. should have gone to war, how likely is the U.S. to succeed?
Very likely to succeed 31%
Somewhat likely to succeed 42%
Not very likely to succeed 17%
Not at all likely to succeed 3%
No opinion/no answer 6%
we have a 73% total combined belief, a 17% disbelief and 9% uncertainty. But I could report it as only 31% feel we are very likely to suceed and leave it there.
Also the poll should take into account that over 50% of the people have not been deployed, which means that most of them have no first hand knowledge of what is going on over there, and are recipients of the constant barrage of the media and the politicians negative spins.
Finally, the poll is part of a large all emcompassing satisfaction survey, most of which is being ignored.
What is enlightening, are these two parts though:
Congress has my best interests at heart.
Strongly agree 2%
Agree 29%
Disagree 40%
Strongly disagree 17%
No opinion/no answer 11%
They may waver on the pres, but they dont like congress much.
Another, re: the media
Some people think that by criticizing the military, news organizations weaken the country’s defenses. Others think that such criticism helps keep our country militarily prepared. Which position is closest to your opinion?
Weakens defense 62%
Keeps nation prepared 22%
Don’t know/no answer 16%
In general, do you think news organizations get the facts straight, or do you thnk their stories and reports are often inaccurate?
Get facts straight 11%
Stories often inaccurate 81%
Don’t know/no answer 7%
And they love the MSM….
Despite all of it, the most interesting answer is this one:
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your job?
Completely satisfied 36%
Somewhat satisfied 49%
Somewhat dissatisfied 12%
Completely dissatisfied 3%
No opinion/no answer 0%
85% aggregate satisfied
Would you recommend a military career to others?
Yes 82%
No 13%
No opinion/no answer 4%
And 82% recommended
If you had to decide today, would you re-enlist or — if an officer — extend your commitment?
Yes 70%
No 19%
Don’t know/no answer 11%
And a fairly strong reenlistement factor.
My point really, is there is a lot of valid data there, and it all needs to be seen in context. All polls get like this, the stories cherry pick what they want.
The question is: Did Puddybud and the long sufferring Mrs. Puddybud met on the “special” little bus at school? Or at a convention of Bigfoot and Leprechaun believers?
Puddybud and < -anyone-> making children!! Now that is scary!
You guessed it sutckonstupiddon.
No stuckass if you have progeny thats a shock!!!
WindieASS wrong as ever.
Lets examine the logic of Puddybud
Proposition 1 : You guessed it sutckonstupiddon.
Proposition 2 : No stuckass if you have progeny thats a shock!!!
Therefore : WindieASS wrong as ever.
Wonderful, Puddybud! Your logic is… er… un.. uh… impeacheable!
WindieASS: If you were at the Alderwood mall this evening you would have had a Mr & Mrs Puddybud sighting. Borders Bookstore does have a section just for you windieASS. It’s the “___ for Dummies” book section. You know, the yellow books at the 5th grade reading level with the pictures and cartoons to assist the mentally challenged. I bet you own the Blogging for Dummies right? There is a new title each month. That should keep you busy for a while!
That’s because stuckonstupiddon, I answered both of you in one blog entry. No wasted space and fewer pixels used. But StuckASS being the dull knife of ASSes, it’s hard for the mustard seed-sized brain to comprehend more than a five word sentence with words five letters or less.
Here Mr. Comprehension, I’ll break it down for ya.
You said: The question is: Did Puddybud and the long sufferring Mrs. Puddybud met on the “special” little bus at school? Or at a convention of Bigfoot and Leprechaun believers?
I answered in chronological (you know in time stuckASS) order:
— You guessed it sutckonstupiddon.
Puddybud and making children!! Now that is scary!
–No stuckass if you have progeny thats a shock!!!
There you go. I answered windieASS after you because I read his response after yours. I always want to read that spewed from the mind of Stuckonstupiddon first, to get me laughing, then I read other ASSes responses.
Just imagine that sight! Two round pink bodies lumbering through the mall, admiring all the shiney objects and spreading the gospel of loving hatred, and misinformed advice.
Wish someone had known and had a camera handy!
Ah Puddybud, your “explanation” @ 52 for your incoherent post makes every thing clear now! You were clearly answering the lingering voices in your head, and posting it for everyone to geuss at.
Great job Puddybud!
Your fan,
and you people think you understand humor and sarcasm…
The problem with you, puddy…
Is that the sadness of you kills the funny
Well Windie, at least I try to be humorous. You, on the other hand are devoid of humor! A black hole of humor!
Mr_”Comprehension”@54: Pink bodies? Nope you dope. My body has never been pink. Where did you get that amazing bit of information? Can I assume your body is grey white like a beluga whale?
did I mention that you’re sad? Seriously Puddy. It feels like 3rd grade in here. What do we get from you? “I know you are, but what am I?!” Its pathetic to see how quickly any comment or argument one of your opponents comes up with is parroted back.
Maybe windieASS you are still a child! If you just turned 30 you are still a child. When I want adult conversation I enjoy the tête-à-tête with the adults: GBS, Dr E and Mr X at times. When I blog against you, it is 3rd grade wordsmithing! Parroting and then dissecting it apart? Isn’t that better than misrepresenting and twisting their words – the classic windieASS debate tactic!
puddy, puddy, puddy.
please. You’re trying to hard. You magically decide that you have something you think will make me mad, and you keep hammering it. Its pathetic… As is your bizarre tribute/plagarism of my arguments, and even my phrases.
I feel bad about training you to be better on forums, tho’.
I’ve said it before, but what the hell it bears repeating. There are people that you can have a real debate on the issues with on this blog, but you simply aren’t one of them. Coming up against someone with the essential disregard for the truth that you have… it was disheartening at first.
Eventually, however, I figured I could play another role. There are people here that focus on your attempts to be factual… (and they’re largely ignored). I decided that my role would be to deal with your methods. The essential dishonesty and dirty tricks that fuel your whole blogging style. And apparently I do a good job.
If you read around, there are reasonable people (several actually), and I’m willing to debate the facts with them.
The problem is you
longer response in limbo;
but I just wanted to note…
Puddy’s “30 year olds are children!” is right up there with PRR’s “Catholics aren’t Christian!” and MTR’s “Vaginas make women stoopid!” in the ’embarassing rightie quotes hall of fame’.
Windie: I have adult conversations with adults. I have stated that for months, but somehow in your small intellectual prison you missed that. Go back and visit how GBS and I, Dr E and I, and Mr X and I write to each other. Maybe you’ll learn something and GROW UP! What experiences have you learned from after college for 8 years? Not much. Why does a person have to be 35 to become president of the United States? You live in a bubble and you are imprisoned by it!
I have an essential disregard for the truth? You are kidding? We have an islamofascist group hell bent on destroying our culture. But that truth train passed you by. We have a robust economy right now. But that truth train passed you by. The Iraqi people like the American soldiers. Go to soldier blog sites and read how they are pissed at the librul MSM. But that truth train passed you by. The American people prefer to live and stay alive. The latest polls have demonstrated this. The NSA “spying scandal” is blowing away. But that truth train passed you by. Have a good day windieASS. GO back and read the Puddybud prononucements to adults you child-minded dolt!
I am so sorry I thought you had children. I realize you having children would be a hazard to our society!
Erratum: pronouncements instead of prononucements.
and… puddy expresses the power of terror.
and wow. I forgot your momst basic rule. You want things to be true therefore they are.
Not convincing tho’… you keep echoing the same stuff, with nonexistant or ‘flawed’ evidence.
Anyways, for the record, I tried to have an ‘adult’ discussion with you a few days back. You’d asked a question that interested me, and I put a lot of work into answering it…. All for nothing. You were too busy fighting with other people. One would almost think that you’re here for the fighting, rather than to actually discuss things…
Refresh my memory windieASS. What did I say above that IS NOT true?
Regarding the adult conversation, I remember only one. It was about Evolution vs. Creative Design. What other are you expressing above?
Puddybud @ 63
“Why does a person have to be 35 to become president of the United States?
Uh, because Article II, Section I of the Constitution says so. And, and, they must be native born and must have lived in the United States for 14 years.
Now, here’s the $68 questions: Are those cumulative years or consecutive years?
puddy: http://www.horsesass.org/my-co.....6&c=1 (go down to 86, and skip the part where I’m finishing up with yossarian)
as for the other part, I’ll answer your question when you quit calling me ‘windieASS’. thats like me calling you ‘Buttbuddy’
Windie: The ASS part is as follows.
You are a lover of Goldy’s politics. Goldy’s politics are of the donkey persuasion, ASS! He is the headASS of HorsesASS. You are an ASSHead because you AGREE with Goldy’s politics. Get my play on terms? Hence you are windie the ASSHead or using the contraction method = windieASS! It has nothing to do with the butt!
well I certainly agree with goldy more than I agree with you :p
He’s a bit much of a party hack for me (imo the left posters on HA are not nearly as monolithic as the right)…
anyhoo, WindieASS made me think of certain of mr. Irrelevant’s juvenile insults ;)
No windie, I play on words. And for rujax206ASS this is an original thought! To make your smiles work better leave a space from the leading colon :) ;) :0 :p :P
I thought :O and :p were legit. Oh yes I used a zero.
Maybe :o
see, you can be reasonable :p
why are you so nasty/angry all the time?
Confirming a rumor first heard here … Goldy has confirmed that State Senator Bill Finkbeiner intends to vote for the anti-discrimination bill.