KING-5 TV just released the first head-to-head poll in WA’s 8th Congressional District race between Republican incumbent Rep. Dave Reichert and Democratic challenger Darcy Burner… and I’m guessing both sides are going to claim they’re thrilled with the results.
According to the poll of 609 registered voters conducted by SurveyUSA, Reichert leads Burner 54% to 41% with only 6% undecided.
So if Reichert is leading by an apparently comfortable 13 point margin, why did one longtime Democratic politico ecstatically email me that these numbers are “freakin’ fantastic”…?
I’m guessing the biggest reason for Democrats to get excited is that Burner’s 41 percent is damn impressive considering she entered this race with zero name recognition, and has only just begun to make her first tentative forays into paid media. The poll was conducted 8/22 – 8/23, only a week after Burner made her first, small TV buy; her first direct mail piece is only just now reaching voters.
Much of Reichert’s lead can surely be attributed to a huge advantage in name ID — which must register a stratospheric ninety-something percent for the former sheriff and self-proclaimed Green River Killer catcher. It is also an advantage that is surely exaggerated by the fact that the poll did not screen for “likely voters”; this screen won’t come until after the primary.
Burner supporters can also be buoyed by the crosstabs, which show only 35% support for President Bush, significantly lower than SurveyUSA’s national average. Those who approve of President Bush’s job performance choose Reichert by an overwelming 93% to 4% margin. Those who disapprove choose Burner 66% to 27%.
The task for Burner seems clear. She needs to improve her name ID while persuading voters to identify Reichert with President Bush’s failed policies. Given the time and the resources, both can be achieved, and fortunately for Burner she has plenty of both.
Of course this is only a single poll, and not necessarily one of the most reliable. As I’ve previously pointed out, many respectable news agencies like CNN and the Associated Press won’t even report on robo-polls like SurveyUSA’s. (Let’s face it, nobody really believes that only 6 percent of voters are undecided at this point in the race. Many undecided voters simply hang up on robo-polls.) The fact is, KING-5 contracts with SurveyUSA because it’s cheap.
That said, one thing seems pretty obvious: considering the dynamics of the race and the unique political climate this year, 41 percent in August absolutely puts Burner within striking distance for November. Reichert supporters can take solace in the 13 point margin if they want, but I’m guessing their internal numbers aren’t nearly as comforting, and I guarantee the race will narrow as voters learn more about the candidates.
We’re off to the races.
Rich to me is anyone who makes over 25,000 a year bye the way ….
Commentby The Socialist […………………………………………………………………………There you have it!!! Tax at 100% MTR all income over 25 grand. Roger, I’m sure you agree!!!]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/24/06@ 4:02 pm
any over 50 k would be fine at 95 % and anyone onder that should be tax free…..
Commentby The Socialist [……………………………………………………………………………..Tax policy under Democrat “The Socialist”……..95% MTR after 50 K!!!! Now that will give me the incentive to roll out of bed and get to work!!!!!!]
I wonder what RubberStamp’s numbers will look like after voters find out he’s never hugged a rabbit?
WARNING: RABBIT HUGGING can KILL YOU… and your family will be harrassed by PETA pukes.
Thank God, Dave is SMART ENOUGH to avoid RABBIT HUGGING while dumb-as-a-goat-darcy has a reputation as a prolific (and prolifically dumb) RABBIT HUGGER
I’ll bet if I bit your fat ass and gave you rabies, you’d fucking die from that, too!
Which is more dangerous,
[ ] 1. this or
[ ] 2. taking a drug approved by Bush’s FDA
3 (continued)
ASS sure is a lazy fuck, even for a troll! All 3 links take you to the same news article. Republicans have no imagination or initiative.
Photo of Republican signing autograph
Photo of McGavick signing autograph
It’ll be interesting to see McGavick’s poll numbers after voters learn about his DUI.
McGavick doesn’t have to worry about his name recognition among one segment of the electorate — the police. They taped up his picture in the precinct briefing room.
Send campaign contributions to Mike McGavick c/o this address:
Click here for photo of McGavick pressing the flesh among a police audience:
oops i found Mark the red necks wedding picture :-/
Ignorance is bliss.
Is Darcy’s brother stationed in the Middle East?
I found a picture of Doctor JCH Kennedy Luxury S.U.V.
any over 50 k would be fine at 95 % and anyone onder that should be tax free…..
Commentby The Socialist [………………………………………………..Question: What if I refuse to produce taxable income at 95% MTR? Think about it, and then post.]
“The Socialist”, Is it possible that if the government LOWER MTRs [marginal tax rates] , I will produce more, and the total amount going to actually government increases? Think, then post…………….
The Socialist……….I can assure you that questions in posts 15 and 16 were NEVER asked of you in public schools.
May we never forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Question: What if I refuse to produce taxable income at 95% MTR? Think about it, and then post.]
Well I guess you wouldn’t pay taxes then buttnuts
Butt doen’t worry Dr im sure after the Socialist revolution you will probibly be in prison some place paying for your crimes agenst the people …… So no worries Mate
Now that we know that Haq was a devout Christian and a republican, we see that the right is really as racist as we always thought they were.
The christofashist republicans never cease to amaze me :-/
Yes and we know left turdball is neither smart or funny. But he’s a moonbat!
Puddybud only comes out every so often to spank the fat asses of libruls.
Yes and we know left turdball is neither smart or funny. But he’s a moonbat!
Puddybud only comes out every so often to spank the fat asses of libruls.
Commentby Puddybud— 8/24/06@ 8:03 pm
rofl yeah you made me laugh so hard I fell out of my chair ouch.
Evolutionary biology has vanished from the list of acceptable fields of study for recipients of a federal education grant for low-income college students.
It has always been an eligible major.” If a major is not on the list, students in that major cannot get grants unless they declare another major, said Barmak Nassirian, associate executive director of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
“If a field is missing, that student would not even get into the process,”.
That the omission occurred at all is worrying scientists concerned about threats to the teaching of evolution.
One of them, Lawrence M. Krauss, a physicist at Case Western Reserve University, said he learned about it from someone at the Department of Education, who got in touch with him after his essay on the necessity of teaching evolution appeared in The New York Times on Aug. 15. Dr. Krauss would not name his source, who he said was concerned about being publicly identified as having drawn attention to the matter.
An article about the issue was posted Tuesday on the Web site of The Chronicle of Higher Education.
The program provides $4,000 grants to third- or fourth-year, low-income students majoring in physical, life or computer sciences; mathematics; technology; engineering; or foreign languages deemed “critical” to national security.
“I am not at all certain that the omission of this particular major is unintentional,” he added. “But I have to take them at their word.”
Scientists who knew about the omission also said they found the clerical explanation unconvincing, given the furor over challenges by the religious right to the teaching of evolution in public schools. “It’s just awfully coincidental,” said Steven W. Rissing, an evolutionary biologist at Ohio State University.
Jeremy Gunn, who directs the Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief at the American Civil Liberties Union, said that if the change was not immediately reversed “we will certainly pursue this.”
Dr. Rissing said removing evolutionary biology from the list of acceptable majors would discourage students who needed the grants from pursuing the field, at a time when studies of how genes act and evolve are producing valuable insights into human health.
“This is not just some kind of nicety,” he said. “We are doing a terrible disservice to our students if this is yet another example of making sure science doesn’t offend anyone.”
Dr. Krauss of Case Western said he did not know what practical issues would arise from the omission of evolutionary biology from the list, given that students would still be eligible for grants if they declared a major in something else — biology, say.
Mr. Nassirian said he was not so sure. “Candidly, I don’t think most administrators know enough about this program” to help students overcome the apparent objection to evolutionary biology, he said. Undergraduates would be even less knowledgeable about the issue, he added.
Dr. Krauss said: “Removing that one major is not going to make the nation stupid, but if this really was removed, specifically removed, then I see it as part of a pattern to put ideology over knowledge. And, especially in the Department of Education, that should be abhorred.”
oh i found a picture of puddybudy hahahahaa
DAY THREE 8/24: WHERE’S GOLDY ???????????????????
Tim Eyman came out in opposition to the property tax that never ends. Will Goldy open up his wallet to the greed of Seattle gummint, or get on Tim’s team to oppose the largest tax hike in Seattle’s history?
Will Mark and the Retarded Rednecks ever reach in to their collective wallets and pay their betting debts?
I doubt it. Because 1) They’re Cheap, 2)they’re Retarded and 3) they’r RepubliCONS.
Darcy Burner, on the other hand, would gladly pay, just as she gladly HUGGED A RABBIT.
Jeez, I’m gone for a week and I see none of my friends, the wingnuts, have taken my suggestion that they shower, put on some clean clothes, shut down their computers, and get out of their hovels and meet some people. In other words, getting a life. Instead they continue to troll and bore the living hell out of other people. C’mon, guys. Life is more than spouting your racist, anti-Semite, and otherwise white person dominant thought process.
Somewhere, out there, is a place for you. This isn’t that place, fellas. You’re hogging up alot of bandwith. Get real, get clean and get a life.
MTR is just a boil on Eyeman’s nutsack. Annoying, but pathetically funny at the same time
“the former sheriff and self-proclaimed Green River Killer catcher”
I don’t know whether Reichert crowned himself the the “cather” before the media did, or even if the investigation is something to be all that proud of, given how long it took and how many times they almost caught the killer. But it seems awfully peevish to imply that Reichert doesn’t deserve credit for being a driving force in the investigation.
Ahem, Robert D. Keppel could more properly be called the driving force behind the investigation. Age and health forced him to retire. Sheriff Good Hair warmed the chair and passed over the real killer until DNA,/i> clinched his identity.
Why is RubberStampReichert so afraid to debate a girl???
Remember when he stomped off the stage two years ago during his last debate like a little bitch?
Robert D. Keppel, PhD, UW, Criminology, 1995. Dave Reichert, A.A, wherever. Draw your own conclusions.
JCH gets busted again!
Well, Tree Frog Farmer, the conclusion I draw from your last post is that you are a partisan hack willing to spout any line you think might denigrate the opposition. Somehow, I feel sure that if Robert D. Keppel were a Republican candidate and Dave Reichert were his Democratic opponent, you wouldn’t be encouraging people to compare their academic credentials.
David Wright, comparing credentials, and length of service on a case hardly comprises hackery. Denying true credit where it is due is Hackery. Dave Reichert is third rate mind. Robert D. Keppel, Phd., president of the Institute for Forensics, wrote the book on finding serial killers.
Dave Reichert singlehandedly sidetracked the investigation by his dogged pursuit of an innocent cab driver.
Sir, you know nothing of which speak.
The ignorance of some Republican HACKSing. David Wright, because you are totally ignorant about law enforcement does not give you a pass to accept a third rate mind, a truly weak candidate, like Reichert, because he is a Republican. And it does not give you a pass to dismiss knowledgeable criticism of his failings as hackery.
Now that we know that Haq was a devout Christian and a republican, we see that the right is really as racist as we always thought they were.
Commentby LeftTurn— 8/24/06@ 7:55 pm
The christofashist republicans never cease to amaze me :-/
Commentby The Socialist— 8/24/06@ 8:00 pm
Lets do an instant replay again shall we:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
The truth hurts, dont it. Dont you just love it. hehehehe
GormlessDan@41 You are a Whacked Out Sicko, Commenting on a Whacked Out Sickop, one note charlie.
That’s a keeper, and he’ll be seeing it again. hehehe
JCH — What do you think the MTR (marginal tax rate) should be on income over $50,000? Over $250,000? $1 million? Under $25,000? Should everybody pay the same rate, regardless of ability to pay?
Of course, the less of your income the government taxes, the more incentive you have to work, save, and invest. Unfortunately, the MTR that produces the most incentive (and economic activity) — zero — also produces chronic government deficits, which debases the currency and ultimately brings about economic collapse. (What is the work incentive when your employer pays you with worthless currency?)
As you no doubt recall, Craig, back in the late ’80s many Americans rebelled against chronic deficits and strong political pressures for a balanced budget developed — there was even talk in Congress of enacting a constitutional amendment requiring balanced budgets. (How long ago that seems now; just another discarded Republican talking-point.) Well, you can’t get there by cutting taxes while increasing spending, and you can’t raise the revenue needed to finance Bush’s and the GOP congress’s current level of spending by taxing only people making $25,000 a year, can you?
So what do you suggest? Just running the printing press? Paying the government’s bills by producing more paper currency?
Posts 44 and 45 are (inadvertently) by Roger Rabbit under Mrs. Rabbit’s screen name.
JCH, you could adopt Perot’s approach: “Thank God I’m in a position where I have to pay $_____ of taxes every year!” Another alternative is to reduce your income to the level of a comfortable marginal tax rate. For example, you could divest yourself of income-producing assets by giving them to your kids, either as an outright gift or by putting them in an irrevocable trust managed by a third party for their benefit. Oh that’s right, people like you don’t have kids (see #12 above). Guess you’ll just have to bite the bullet and send in a big check with your Form 1040 … pinch those pennies until they scream for mercy, baby!
I repeat, Craig, how do you propose to finance the GOP’s spending of public money?
“Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal.”
That’s been asked and answered many times on this board. He was a conservative.
Why fuck around with feeding him, providing medical care, and guarding him so he doesn’t escape? Let’s just hang him and be done with it. Just kidding, haha! Republicans crack death-jokes all the time, so why can’t I?
“Yes and we know left turdball is neither smart or funny. But he’s a moonbat!” Commentby Puddybud— 8/24/06@ 8:03 pm
If you’re referring to “LeftTurn,” to the contrary, I constantly find LeftTurn’s posts to be witty, funny, entertaining, and above all informative and full of cogent insights; whereas you are merely … tedious.
“Puddybud only comes out every so often to spank the fat asses of libruls.” Commentby Puddybud— 8/24/06@ 8:03 pm
Yes, we’re well aware you need your mommy’s permission to use the computer. BTW, you can “spank” my cute cottontail anytime you feel like it! For a good time, call 1-800-LICK-ROG!
Where’s the $100 you owe Goldy?
You forgot to mention that Redneck is a (4) liar and (5) welsher. And oh yes, he’s also (6) an idiot — Welsher asserted that cutting taxes always increases revenue. Let’s fact-check that:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
(Data from official sources)
Nope, it doesn’t! Welsher didn’t know what he was talking about (again).
How can you NOT vote for her?
Well, it’s that time … I work the night shift, and it’s time for me to hop up the hill to Stefan’s million-dollar manse on Keystone Place and ravage his garden and lawn! Later, trollfuck traitors! I’ll see you when I see you, mates, unless they hang you first.
Off topic, but I just can’t resist:
This comic break brought to you by:
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and up way to late.
Abraham Lincoln:
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.â€
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and really, I have had enough. Today I resolve to not only speak out, but to act. I am going to actively campaign and support my party. I urge all of you who post on this blog to do the same.
It’s exciting to see the Far Left-wingers excited about being 13 points behind in a poll and the Republicans having current momentum on their side. The “I Hate Bush” drumbeat is predictably losing steam. Americans actually desire a specific plan…..on Iraq, Terror and the Economy. The Dem’s cannot deliver. Imagine that.
If America demands a specific plan then the GOP is doomed, unless you call swift boating your opponent, lying about the Iraq war and screwing over the American people a plan.
MTR @ 27
First, there is not “property tax that never ends.” It’s a 20 year tax. Second, even though Tim Eyman has made NO commitments regarding what he might or might not do to oppose the measure, his particfipation is the best news the city’s backers could have gotten. He’s the Kiss of Death now. Go Timmeh!
List of republican politicians who were CONVICTED of sex offenses. These are just the ones who got caught AND convicted. There are 10 times as many under arrest, indictment or other charge. This is all a matter of public record.
* Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a
convicted child rapist in Florida.
* Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to
molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years
in prison.
* Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a
10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
* Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to
possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to
anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
* Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10
years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
* Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in
federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
* Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three
years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
* Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond
had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
* Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during
the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting
to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
* Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an
inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
* Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex
parties at the White House during the 1980s.
* Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at
the White House during the 1980s.
* Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of
having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
* Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child
porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
* Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex
crimes involving children.
* Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted
sexual assault on a child.
* Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working
as a congressional page.
* Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell
admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
* Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a
16 year old girl when he was 28.
* Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was
charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay
* Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for
distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
* Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was
taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual
activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug
* Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with
molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
* Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex
with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the
allegations were reported in the media.
* Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to
traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a
14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
* Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing
his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
* Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced
to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he
attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
* Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of
raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
* Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two
years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year
old girl.
* Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of
first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
* Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven
felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age
of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
* Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with
sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
* Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to
molesting a male child.
* Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual
assault on a teenage girl.
* Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
* Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was
convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
* Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty
to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
* Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest
to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
* Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of
child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months
in federal prison and fined $18,000.
* Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state
representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography
was found in his possession.
* Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin
Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex
from boys and girls over the internet.
* Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good
military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having
sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
* Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for
Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in
the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
* Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas
Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six
years in prison.
* Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A.
Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old
girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and
several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past
decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of
young women.
C’mon, guys. Life is more than spouting your racist, anti-Semite, and otherwise white person dominant thought process.
Somewhere, out there, is a place for you. This isn’t that place, fellas. You’re hogging up alot of bandwith. Get real, get clean and get a life. Commentby SeattleDan— 8/24/06@ 9:42 pm
You must be writing about moonbats. We on the right are neo-cons; whom, by definition, are NOT ANTI-SEMITES. Maybe you should take another break! We were named by moonbats!
Leftout of YOUR MIND @ 59:
Hmmmmm. Mike! admits he is a drunk driver, a bad father and that he lied to his employees. I am going to leave the “typical Republican” cracks for someone else.
Are we to expect that he will treat the citizens of WA any differently? He lied to calm the masses at Safeco. He will surely lie to calm the public masses. A liar is a liar is liar. The fact that he controlled the disclosure changes nothing.
I suggest you do some heavy reading. The polls are showing across the board support for change. You can only lie to the American public for so long before bullshit is called. We are now calling bullshit on our less than 40% approval rated president. As he slides down the pole (poll) of liars, so do all those cloaked in his shadow.
Have a nice November!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and fighting to save my country from being completely hijacked by RightWing extremists (jihadists). God is no justification for government action. And because I am feeling a bit punky today. Fuck you, John Craig Herman. Quit smoking pot and surfing all day. Get a job, become a producer. Motherfucker!!!!
I love it. “Americans desire a specific plan.” I beg to differ. Americans KNOW what the REPUBLICAN plan is…MORE incompetnece, MORE corruption, MORE ideology instead of science, MORE young men and women dying in Iraq when the results will not change, and MORE failure…
They’ve had enough, and the Republicans who have sowed the wind now will reap the whirlwind.
As for “Left-wingers excited about being 13 points behind in a poll and the Republicans having current momentum on their side,” Darcy Burner has risen from unknown to having 41% of the people in this poll say they prefer her. The incumbent candidate is barely over 50% after tw years in office and having blanketed his district (in which I live) with franked (taxpayer-financed, in case the term is new to you) four-color glossy direct mail pieces telling us wat great things he has accomplished. Republicans are in trouble ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY, dropping in polls against Democrats, and Darcy is kicking butt as a chellenger and she can match or BEAT the incumbent dollar for dollar. Momentum? Thy name is Democrat.
During the 2002 and 2004 elections, Republicans tried to sow fear in the American public by claiming that they were the only ones who could keep America safe. This from the same people wo have driven Iraq to the brink of disaster, left Osama Bin Laden on the loose to attack again, and who continue to ignore our security needs at home.
Katrina showed the Republicans cannot cope, our borders are seives and they are encouraging vigilantes to patrol, our ports are not secure, they’ve CUT TSA workers, they’ve CUT funds for airline detecion equipment, North Korea is now a nuclear power, Iran has no rival in the Middle East…
Americans now KNOW that they’re not safer with Republicans in cahrge. We’re LESS safe.
Daddy Love:
Nice spanking. You may now ask the question of the WingNuts: WHO’S YOUR DADDY NOW, BITCH?”.
Arrogance and stupidity, hallmarks of WingNutland, will insure that spanking is complete.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and never (even the candidate seems to be the better person) voting for a Republican again. Ever!!!! (Can’t chance them getting a foothold again).
Democrats enjoy a 15 point edge among adults asked to chose parties if the congressional election were held today in a poll conducted 8/4-7 by Harris Interactive.
If the election were held today, 30 percent say they would vote for the Republican candidate while 45 percent would vote for the Democratic candidate—similar to last month, when 31 percent said they would vote Republican and 44 percent would vote Democratic.
Dems owe much, but not all, of their edge to women, according to the poll:
“While women favor the Democratic candidate by a wide margin of 22 percentage points (50% for the Democratic candidate vs. 28% for the Republican), men favor the Democratic candidate, but by a smaller margin of seven percentage points (40% for the Democrat candidate vs. 33% for the Republican).”
The poll also found surprising strength for Democrats among conservatives, with nearly one-third (32 percent) saying they would vote for the Democratic candidate in their district, compared to 50 percent for the Republican.
Good Moring, John Craig Herman:
Fuck you!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Bunny Hugger
60 should read Good morning…. but I was not really sincere anyway.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and just plain rude to WingNuts.
Excerpts from the AP-IPSOS poll results:
“…in the South, Bush’s approval ratings dropped from 43 percent last month to 34 percent as the GOP advantage with Southern women disappeared.”
“the AP-Ipsos poll suggested the midterms are clearly turning into a national referendum on Bush. The number of voters who say their congressional vote this fall will be in part to express opposition to the president jumped from 20 percent last month to 29 percent, driven by double-digit increases among males, minorities, moderate and conservative Democrats and Northeasterners.”
“…On the generic question of whether voters would back the Democrat or Republican, 55 percent of registered voters chose the Democrat and 37 percent chose the Republican, a slight increase for Democrats from last month.”
Geeez. 69 not 60 for reference at 70
A major L.A. Times/Bloomberg poll addressing global warming and other environmental concerns brings more bad news for Republicans. The poll, conducted 7/28 to 8/1 in the midst of a nation-wide heat wave, indicates that Dems have a strong advantage on the entire range of environmental issues. For example, when asked which party “does a better job in Congress when it comes to handling environmental issues, the Democrats of Republicans?,” 50 percent favored Dems, with only 22 percent chosing the GOP. The poll also showed heightened concerns about global warming, with 73 percent of respondents agreeing that is is “a serious problem,” compared to two-thirds back in 2001. The poll addressed a broad range of major environmental issues, and none of the statistics favor the GOP. The issue is a huge winner for Dems.
And according to a Washington Post ABC News poll reported by Peter Baker and Claudia Deane:
“Among voters across the board, 38 percent say they are more likely to oppose candidates who support Bush on Iraq compared with 23 percent who are more likely to support them.”
The WaPo poll reports that 52 percent of respondents favor the Democratic congressional candidate in their district, with 39 percent for the Republican and respondents now “trust” Democrats to do a better job fighting against terrorism than Republicans by a margin of 46 percent to 38 percent. The poll indicates Dems have “a big advantage among independents,” according to Deane and Baker.
Oh, sorry, that should have been:
“respondents now trust Democrats to do a better job fighting against terrorism than Republicans by a margin of 46 percent to 38 percent…”
Worth emphasizing. Taste defeat, Republicans. Democrats may be celebrating a political trifecta in November — winning majorities of the House, Senate and governorships.
The Republican strategy to call for a “Democratic Plan” is an old political strategy which calls for the opposition to be specific so they can be criticized on the details, while remaining vague themselves.
Suppose you own a company. You hired a general manager to deal with the day-to-day operations. But after five years, you find that (a) he has repeatedly lied to you, (b) his current expansion plans are doomed, yet he insists on continuing to throw good money after bad and “stay the course”, (c) the company, which was quite solvent when he took over, is now deep in debt and losing more money each day, and (d) when faced with an emergency, his hand-picked subordinates screwed it up very badly, even while he was praising them, (e) everytime he makes a mistake, he blames somebody else.
So you confront the incompetent manager, and you let him know you intend to fire him. “Show me a plan!” he cries. “Show me a specific, detailed, plan on how you will run the company if you dismiss me! If you don’t (or can’t) show me a plan, then you HAVE to keep me!”
Would you waste your time trotting out a series of plans for him to ridicule? Of course not. You would fire him on the spot, and hire somebody else.
Geez, and Republicans keep claiming to be good at business. If Republicans ran their own businesses that way, they would be out of business and broke within a few years. Why should we let them continue to run the business of our nation?
By the way, notice the trend? Bush started working buying (not selling) oil & mineral rights, apparantly didn’t set the world on fire, but no specifics are available. His father sets him up in an oil exploration & lease business, it gradually goes insolvent until it is rescued by his father’s supporters, who set him up in a second business which likewise is purchased by his father’s supporters at inflated prices, leaving him a small deposit on a professional sports team, also financed by his father’s supporters who make him the figurehead general manager. The team loses money, but makes it back when they sell the team. His father’s supporters then push him into the Governor’s office, he is re-elected, and then they push him into the Presidency.
Each time he leaves behind a mess, but somebody bails him out, giving him the opportunity to claim he was a “successful” businessman. Now he has royally screwed up the operation in Iraq, and instead of fixing the problem before the next President takes over, he has insisted that American troops will remain there for the next two + years, and it will the the “next Presidents” job to decide what to do with Iraq.
Unfortunatley, Mommy Bush was too busy to teach Georgie W. to clean up after his own mess when he was young.
You would think the Republicans would be putting pressure on Bush to get out of Iraq, as quickly as possible, considering how much damage it is doing to them, politically, at home. They still may plan something along those lines in the summer of 2008, where they will “declare victory and go home”, just in time for the 2008 Presidential elections.
But for now, Bush seems determined to continue to push for an American military solution to the problem of Iraq’s inherent internal instability, leaving it to the “next President” to decide what to do there.
Is it possible that Bush is convinced that (a) the Democrats will win the Presidency in 2008, and (b) he wants to give them the “hot potato”, just to spite them, so he can then claim that any problems in Iraq post-2008 were due to the Democratic withdrawal, rather than the screw-ups his administration made in Iraq in 2003-2008?
By the way, has anybody noticed how McGavick is campaigning for a “change in the Senate”? Funny, if he were elected, and all other things being equal, there would be NO change in the direction of the currently Republican-held Senate. Mike “Bought and Paid for by Safeco” McGavick is trying to confuse voters into who is a Republican and who is a Democrat.
I really think we need to call him on this every time he advertises such drivel. There needs to be a 30 second TV ad which shows his picture and the quote, then the facts.
Illinois congressman Danny Davis and an aide took a trip to Sri Lanka last year that was paid for by the Tamil Tigers, a group that the U.S. government has designated as a terrorist organization for its use of suicide bombers and child soldiers, law enforcement sources said. Davis’ seven-day trip came under new scrutiny this week following the arrests of 11 supporters of the organization…
The idiot terrorists Democrats once again display their ‘loyalty’ to the U.S. Note this will never be covered ny the drive by MSM.
It’s been a busy year for state Senate candidate Donovan Riley: The liberal Democrat moved into the south side district in November, then dumped more than $65,000 of his own cash into his campaign and, finally, got caught apparently voting twice in the same election. And now he’s out. Gee, what a fucking surprise! A Democrat committing voter fraud? Who would have thought??????
Just one more example of blatant vote fraud courtesy of the Democrat party. Donovan Riley voted TWICE in the 2000 election, once in Illinois & once in Wisconsin. [If he was a black Democrat, no questions would have been “axed”, as any and all questions concerning black Democrat voter fraud are racist.]
For years now, we have been deluged with the news that the earth’s oceans are warming as a result of atmospheric changes due to the combustion of fossil fuels.
Typical of these was a 2005 story titled “Where’s The Heat? Think Deep Blue,” from United Press International, describing a recent paper in Science by NASA climate modeler James Hansen. UPI’s “Space Daily” wrote that “Over the past ten years, the heat content of the ocean has grown dramatically.”
Hansen’s study covered more than just the ocean surface temperature, which can fluctuate considerably from year to year. Rather, by considering a much deeper layer of water (the top 2,500 feet), Hansen actually calculated the increasing amount of heat being stored. According to the UPI story, this provided “a match” with computer model projections of global warming.
The ocean is a huge tub that integrates and stores long-term climate changes. Consequently, when computer models are based on ever-increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, the deep oceans warm, warm, and warm. Like a big pot on a small burner, it takes time to start up, but once the process starts, nothing should be able to stop it.
That’s the conventional wisdom of our climate models, but like the conventional wisdom on so many other aspects of life, it’s not true to nature.
In the next few weeks, John Lyman of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will publish a paper in the refereed journal Geophysical Research Letters showing that, globally, the top 2,500 feet of the ocean lost a tremendous amount of heat between 2003 and 2005 — in fact, about 20% of all the heat gained in the last half-century. [….Congratulation to President Bush for solving “global warming”!!! If Bush was the cause, then certainly he gets the credit here!!!!!!!!! hehe, JCH Democrats: dumb shit domestic parasites!]
GARY, Ind. – Officials on Thursday indefinitely canceled classes citywide after teachers, striking for a fourth day, blocked streets and swarmed a car attempting to park at an elementary school. Two picketers were slightly hurt as the car rolled through the crowd. [[…………………………………………………………………..Not a Republican around for miles!! Right out of “Lord Of The Flies”, or “Bonfire Of The Vanities”. Democrats at there best!!!!!] JCH
When Fascism Comes To America, it will be wraped in the flag and carrying a cross.
~Sinclair Lewis
“The idiot terrorists Democrats once again display their ‘loyalty’ to the U.S. Note this will never be covered ny the drive by MSM.”
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/25/06@ 8:20 am
JCH, the reason the MSM won’t carry the story is simple. Because you’re a fuckin’ LIAR!!
NOAA State of the Climate Report 2005 (,b>Dr. John Lyman, contributors):
“According to the Smith and Reynolds global land and ocean surface temperature dataset in use at the NOAA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), the globally averaged annual mean surface temperature in 2005 was the warmest since the inception of consistent temperature observations in 1880. Unlike the previous record positive anomaly of 1998 (+0.50°C), the 2005 global anomaly of 0.53°C above the 1961-90 mean occurred in the absence of a strong El Niño signal. The record ranking of 2005 was corroborated by a dataset maintained at NASA…”
GBS @ 86
No, he’s right. Josh Marshall’s TPM Muckraker, a liberal reporting source, reports. But did he know? Who knows?
Daddy Love @ 75:
You’re leaving out the best part: Impeachment and removal from office of the most incompentent Commander-in-Chief, the biggest destroyer of Civil Liberties, and the most notorious thief in our nations history: Worst President Ever — George W. Bush
For anyone who is ACTUALLY interested in the climatic and oceanographic science behind the observerd cooling heralded as a political bonus for the President by JCH (and I did mention that 75% of Americans perceive global climate change to be a “serious problem,” right?), there’s a good discussion of the paper at http://climatesci.atmos.colost.....s-article/
The responders discuss the measuring technology, whether fresh water inflows and the resulting desalination of the upper ocean layers could cause the recorded effect, and so on. Pretty interesting stuff from people who actually know.
Daddy Love @ 88:
I’ll respect your post as being correct, but JCH is still a liar.
JCH lied about his military service. He can’t be trusted. He loves the terrorists because they spread fear, and wherever there is fear there is conservative politics living off of it like a parasite.
Remember when George W. Bush said there would be no safe haven for terrorists? I guess Pakistan is exempt from that “promise” translation “conservative lies.”
Repulican credo:
“Liberty and Justice for all.*”
*Restrictions apply, see Patriot Act.
GBS @ 89
Maybe it wouldn’t be the President. Maybe the Democratic investigations will point to Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rove. After all, GWB is too damn dumb to have thought up all this stuff hisself.
The “safe havens for terrorists” are AT LEAST Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, North Korea, Uzbekistan, Abzakhia, South Ossetia, Nogorno Karabakh, Dagestan, not to mention Britain, France, Spain, Germany, and the US.
Re: oceanic “Cooling.”
Please remember this is (as yet) a relatively transitory effect. The report states that “the average temperature of the upper ocean was roughly the same between 2000 and 2005,″ then goes on to document a heat loss from 2003 to 2005. Prior to 2003, the trend in ocean heat content was still positive. Between 2000 and 2003, ocean heat content increased by roughly 3 x 10^22 Joules, then decreased by about the same amount between 2003 and 2005.
Same link. Read it for yourself. Josh Willis is another one of the authors of the upcoming paper.
GBS @ 86
No, he’s right.
Commentby Daddy Love […..Er, GBS……..Your response?? hehe, JCH]
Hooray for President Bush!!! He has saved the idiot Democrats from “global warming”!! Headline: Bush Gets The Credit For “Ocean Cooling”!
How drunk was Democrat “Afro” hero “Tookie” Williams when he was giving Mrs. Carl Grossman’s rectum “9 inches” of “Tookie love”?? Question: Did Carl “get off” watching??
BTW, JCH, not that I think this will do any good, but “global warming” is a popular misnomer referring to the phenomenon of “global anthropogenic climate change.” There is a trend toward long-term atmospheric and oceanic warming, but short-term and local effects vary, and (as noted in the thread I pointed to) it “does indicate that we know less about natural- and human-climate forcings and feedbacks than concluded in the IPCC Reports.” When all we have seen is an EXTREMELY short term cooling, no one is exactly changing their minds about the overall picture.
Certainly not you, eh?
< "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat." - Will Rogers. Left Turn. While it pains me to come to the defense of Republicans, your post not only contradicts itself, but with so many minor officials on the list, a similar list could probably be compiled about Democrats. Your comment: “These are just the ones who got caught AND convicted.”
is contradicted by:
“* Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
* Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
* Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
* Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.
* Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.
* Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28.
(Side note – this is also one of those “so what?” moments. Gov Schwarzenegger is a rather liberal, pro-choice Republican, and the I believe that 16 is the age of consent in most states. Now, if he were a big “family values” candidate, it could still make a difference, but he isn’t.)
* Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman wascharged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
* Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
* Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
* Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
* Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Yes, the Republicans would make hay out of this kind of material, as that pesky innocent until proven guilty” thing has never really bothered them that much.
Now, if you have information that shows these folks were found guilty, (I did not check) or pleaded (pled?) guilty or no contest, then let’s say that.
Otherwise, it didn’t happen.
It’s interesting that John Kerry is only at 49% approval rating in his Home State of Liberal Massachusetts.
How the far-left Dems have treated Lieberman is haunting them.
Lieberman will win handily in November.
And the Dems that failed to support him publicly will suffer for it.
The “Lieberman Factor” should not be minimized.
Nationally, folks like Lieberman and view him as very honest.
The Dems once again snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
“Lieberman will win handily in November.”
Really? Because “folks like Lieberman and view him as very honest.”
Well, I have my doubts about his victory. As I mentione in aother thread, I find it hard to believe that Lamont will lose ANY of his supporters, that Lieberman can hold onto EVERY Democrat who voted for him in the primary now that he’s not the Dmocratic candidate, or that EVERY Republican who currently SAY they support him now (I have heard roughly 58% of CT Republicans) will continue to support a candidate who since his Independent bid was confirmed has publicly stated, “I’m a Democrat” and who has pledged to caucus with Democratic Senators. Not bloody likely. He has nowhere to go but down, in my view. Can you come up with anything better?
BTW, Kerry got 80% of the votes when he last ran for re-election.
Daddy Love–
I believe you are correct in your view that Lieberman has nowhere to go but down…..
Unfortunately for you, I also believe Lieberman has a floor on how far he can go down and that still yields victory for Lieberman.
The Dems have really screwed that race up.
Republicans know the current “R” candidate cannot win.
I believe the gap will close from the current 12 point or so margin Lieberman has…..but I doubt it will drop below 5 points.
Enough to win AND send a message that American’s desire folks who strongly stand on the side of American strength vs. terrorism and not to cut-and-run out of Iraq.
Dems are viewed as very weak on National Security Daddy Love.
Doesn’t matter what you & I argue here.
The Dems are viewed as weak.
Too late in the day to undo all the faux paus that have lead to that conclusion.
It is why Lieberman closed so dramatically from the Polls to actual results in the Primary.
Time will tell.
Time will also tell how Lieberman votes on many issues once elected as an Independent. If the Dems continue to screw with him, they may end up shooting themselves in the foot.
Daddy Love–
It’s true Kerry got 80% in 2002.
However, he was running against a Libertarian Candidate named Cloud who had almost no money or name recognition AND went on a Hunger Strike to get attention.
There was NO Republican candidate.
No money against Kerry.
In addition, there were over 200,000 undervotes where voters voted for no one.
Since that election, Kerry’s popularity has steadily declined in his home state.
I have no clue who the R’s will run against him this time….but they will probably find someone.
Commentby John Barelli said
“While it pains me to come to the defense of Republicans”
It obviously does not. In ALMOST every case I could find a conviction by going to the state involved and doing a public records check. That cost anywhere from $4 to $55. Knock yourself out. Prove they DIDN’Thappen.
SUSA did pretty well in the 04 races, and Rasmussen (another robo-calling outfit) was nearly dead on. So I wouldn’t discount them, although they do have significantly different methodologies, which means different kinds of errors can pop up on each.
Speaking of Rasmussen, they have Lieberman and Lamont in a dead heat, as does ARG. The chance that Holy Joe will even be in the race on Election Day is less than 50-50, IMO.
Left Turn
After reading a bunch of posts on various web sites that were identical to yours, I can see that this has been going on for a while.
The Republicans do the same sort of thing over at SP.
I actually did some searching for convictions on the cases I pointed out. Guess what. Some of them haven’t gone to trial yet, others apparently just died out and a few of them I can’t find anywhere except on party blogs.
So much for your checking of public records, unless of course you’re referring to posts on other blogs.
There are plenty of Republicans that have been convicted or have pled guilty to some really terrible things. But it seems like human nature to want to embellish.
We don’t need to.
The Republicans are the party that lies and tells half-truths. If you feel that we need to become Republicans in order to beat them, then why are we bothering? How are we better than them? Is this whole struggle just an attempt to replace their hypocrisy with ours?
Perhaps the folks that say there’s no real difference between the parties are right, but I’m not willing to give up hope just yet.
If Bruner had the balls to include the war in her ads she would be ahead. Her timidity and veteran pandering shows this wont be her year 41% sucks no matter how you slice unless your opponent in under 50.
Correction: She WAS within striking distance, that is, until she opened her mouth on the John Carlson show.
John who?
megabit dummies sees Herman Thracian.overturn