Postman reports this morning that Republican Doug Roulstone has dropped his bid to unseat Washington 2nd Congressional District incumbent Rep. Rick Larsen. As Jacob quips in Postman’s comment thread:
“If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make any sound.”
No idea he was even running for Congress, and I am an above average political junkie.
It is a favorite pastime of local Republican trolls and bloggers to disparage and dismiss WA-08 Democratic challenger Darcy Burner as an “airhead” and a “lightweight,” as if repeating it often enough would make it so. But it is instructive to compare the brief political careers of both Burner and Roulstone.
Roulstone is a Navy Captain, a 27-year veteran, a graduate of the US Naval Academy and the former Commanding Officer of the USS John C. Stennis, a Nimitz-class, nuclear powered aircraft carrier. I’ve never met Roulstone, but on paper at least he appears to be an accomplished man and a commanding figure… the kind of resume that would seem a perfect match to Republicans’ own self image.
Arguably, Burner’s career accomplishments are less overtly spectacular. Burner, who enjoyed a modest upbringing in rural Nebraska, had to work multiple jobs to earn her way through Harvard University. That same sort of hard work, determination and natural smarts eventually carried her to a senior management position at Microsoft — not exactly equivalent to commanding a supercarrier, but a textbook illustration of the American dream come true, nonetheless.
Both Roulstone and Burner entered their respective 2006 House races as political novices facing well known incumbents in what most experts consider to be swing districts: the Cook Partisan Voter Index rates WA-08 as D+3 and WA-02 as D+2. (By comparison, WA-07 is rated D+30.) At the outset, neither were given much of a chance by local or national pundits, and Roulstone didn’t disappoint, losing to Larsen by a 19-point margin. Burner on the other hand shocked the political and media establishment, raising over $3.2 million and coming within 3 points of becoming the first Democrat ever to win WA-08.
Sure, it was a “wave” election in which Democrats retook both houses of Congress, and that certainly gave an advantage to Burner over Roulstone, but at the same time Burner had to swim against an unprecedented flood of GOP money while weathering the storm of being Karl Rove’s number one target. Adjusting for all the external factors — the strength of their opponents, the partisan leaning of their districts, the electorate’s thirst for change, etc. — only an idiot or a liar would deny that Burner proved herself to be the far superior candidate.
Fast forward to 2008, where Burner is preparing to announce over $600,000 cash-on-hand entering the final 9-months of the campaign, while Roulstone is quietly dropping his bid after an anemic year of fundraising, leaving 2nd CD Republicans in the unenviable position of scrambling to save face.
In many ways our electoral system has become utterly fucking ridiculous, a circus of perpetual campaigning in which money often speaks louder than words or deeds. But while this grueling and sometimes demeaning path toward elected office surely deters many qualified candidates who would otherwise make excellent public servants, it also serves to weed out those would-be office holders who are unwilling or unable to put up with the grueling demands of the office itself. It is undoubtedly an imperfect system, and our media’s (bloggers included) relentless focus on horse-race politics tends to trivialize our most crucial issues, yet it is fair to say that a candidate’s performance on the campaign trail is as good a predictor as any of his or her future performance in office.
Capt. Roulstone had an impressive military career by almost any measure, but as a political campaigner he paled in comparison to the supposedly “lightweight” Burner; that is why she is in the thick of a second competitive race, and he is not. Which is the more demanding profession? In America, our military commanders take their orders from our civilian leaders, and not the other way around.
As the oft maligned and dismissed Sen. Patty Murray — on the verge of becoming one of the most powerful figures in the US Senate — has repeatedly proven, it is not always obvious what traits make one a successful politician… though winning races you’re not supposed to win is surely one of them. Whether Burner is able to pull out an underdog victory against an entrenched incumbent in 2008 remains to be seen, but by the ultimate standard we use to judge all our politicians, she has already proven herself qualified to serve.
oh, goldy…your fascination with darcy is embarrassing.
i thought that she didn’t have a “senior” management position at micro soft, which is it by the way?
… about if you say it often enough it will stick. the problem with her is that she has clinton cooties….no charisma. she is a whiner [which is probably why you like her so much]….what is she going to do next? CRY? like hillary? when i listen to darcy”i just know better than you” burner i am reminded of a cross between cindy sheehan and hillary. creepy, lecture-y and whiney
and speaking of you, i thought you would find this next bit explanatory for your dating failures……heh heh heh
“…she has already proven herself qualified to serve.”
Where? At the Ballard Denny’s?
That The Darcy has $600K in the bank means what? That a lot of rabid netroots – how many will be able to actually campaign or vote for her? – ponied up their technology industry-generated bonuses or sold some of their Intel stock to contribute to her campaign?
Yet she’s still a submissive to the hard left POV, what with her Louella Parsons-wannabe commentary she writes for the Daily Kus.
First you bitch about dirtybadnasty money in politics, then you tout The Darcy’s qualifications as her ability to raise a pot load of dough…
No wonder you can’t get dates on the weekend, which leaves you free to do a radio gig!
Consider this: The success in Iowa of both Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee can be seen as a repudiation of ideologically driven politics, both yours and mine. And both prove that mere money isn’t enough; shoe leather beats wallet leather every time (have I already said this?). If it didn’t, we’d be faced with 10-months of the Hill and Mitt show, a farce in an infinite number of acts.
I have no trouble addressing whether this may not be the case, do you?
Both Obama and Huckabee openly talk in directions different than where The Darcy is going.
Yet especially the way you and the HA Happy Hooligans pimp her, she’s the most ideologically driven congressional candidate in Washington State! Rick Larson, who I wouldn’t vote for even if he ran unopposed, is nothing like The Darcy, and Capt. Doug Roulstone is nothing like Dave Reichert. For that matter, The Second Congressional District is nothing like the Eighth. Apples to apples…
Query? Ever given thought as to how many votes your rhetorical style actually COSTS someone like The Darcy? Come over to the Eastside, and try doorbelling precincts in Bellevue, Sammamish, Redmond, Issaquah, Enumclaw, Auburn, Graham, and Eatonville – all those places you love to diss – and talk to voters the way you talk to people like me, then see how far you get.
I know Dems – I kid you not, they’ve told me, and they’re real Dems, not fakes – who won’t support The Darcy because she comes across as the ultimate left turn…and because of the company she keeps.
Let’s replay the tape of Dan Satterburg and Bill Sherman, shall we? Trying to cast the KC Prosecutor’s race as a hard partisan referendum failed. Trying to do the same in a centrist Congresional district may be nearly as successful.
Hell’s bells! You even have Demo posters on HA who’ve already thrown in the towel on her!
Oh…blaming everything bad in your life on the spectre of Karl Rove will only result in me writing more Karl Rove lists, which I haven’t done in months. That’s running against both yesterday’s news and a massive Eighth District, “Who cares?”
And this ‘graph:
“Capt. Roulstone had an impressive military career by almost any measure, but as a political campaigner he paled in comparison to the supposedly “lightweight” Burner; that is why she is in the thick of a second competitive race, and he is not. Which is the more demanding profession? In America, our military commanders take their orders from our civilian leaders, and not the other way around.”
What’s that supposed to mean? That Capt. Roulstone is somehow an idiot when compared to The Darcy?
Tell you what…I’ll bet he could be a Microsoft program manager a Hell of lot easier than she could command over 5,000 sailers on a nuke powered aircraft carrier!
You’re reaching, and it shows! While I’ll give you a “C” for effort (first you condemn money, then you commend it; which will it be?) you get a “D-” (too many false comparisons and analogies) for results.
But you are entertaining.
BTW…did you hear HRC’s awful cryfest that was on the radio? She’s back to, “It’s for the children…I’m running for the children…It’s all so personal to me!”
Here’s a clue: American voters don’t want to see someone who wants to stick their finger on the nuclear trigger sobbing over how badly they want the job. What’s next? Hearing her complain about being “brainwashed?”
The Piper
Piper @ 2: “American voters don’t want to see someone who wants to stick their finger on the nuclear trigger sobbing over how badly they want the job.”
All the presidential candidates want the job so badly they’d do most anything to get it. They just express their desire differently. McCain wants the job so bad that he’s running for the second time and squandered his credibility in 2004 by kissing up to Bush and the religious right just to plump up his bona fides with the base.
Guess I struck a nerve considering the first two comments go out of their way to ridicule my love life. I write a reasoned, respectful post, and you attack me personally. I guess that’s to be expected.
piper……don’t forget that goldy made sure his ex wife didn’t win her race either!
i don’t think [for a moment] that he doesn’t understand the concept of “the company they keep”…he does alright. he just doesn’t care. you know what they say ….”misery loves company” and old squeaky here just likes to hear himself talk even if it’s at the expense of his “friends”……..maybe he thinks that if he drags THE DARCY down low enough she might find even him attractive………..yech.
yeah, she’s married…so what? she’s a proglodyte…what do they care about marriage?
and seriously…. goldy likes john edwards…..need i say more?
goldy….OMG!!! you didn’t use even one dirty word!! is that a first?
wow…no one will ever guess that you are trying to clean up your act [temporarily] because the darcy told you to. sheesh…..
and this??? :Karl Rove’s number one target.
i called karl and after he laughed for about 10 minutes he said “the who???”
But did you HEAR her??? It was worse than her anger moment during a recent NH debate. She was almost sobbing, it was so bad! That is not at all Presidential.
I am genuinely shocked at the level of her meltdown right now. Obama will eat her lunch tomorrow, and the MSM won’t be able to simply laud his victory, they’ll have to talk about her inability to get the job done and how she’s beginning to crack under the pressure.
Political vultures are already circuling, and I’ve already seen one pundit predicting her withdrawal. Now, that’s premature, but compare it to the conventional wisdom of just a few weeks ago…
This isn’t a partisan thing…I’m merely stating it as an interested observer.
The Piper
hey goldsters… never did tell me why you think huckabee is a loon…..
come on…i won’t laugh, i promise.’s so sad too. i really really wanted hillary to be the candidate. it’s the candidate that the libs deserve….and it sure wouldn’t hurt me either. LOL.
“she has already proven herself qualified to serve”
You bet she has. She could become a city councilwoman, Schoolboard member, Mayor of Carnation……..
All she has proved is that she can lose. She can lose in a year when Democrats surged…
“unprecedented flood of GOP money while weathering the storm of being Karl Rove’s number one target.
I may be wrong on this becuase i did this on the quick off of the FEC site.
The National Republican Congressional Committee spent $2,948,290.00 against Dave Ross.
That same committe spent $2,301,715.00 against Burner…
So I’d say Ross faced more of a flood than Burner.
ChristmasGhost: That new number was 1-866-66766?
Or for the simpletons 1-866-NO-MORON
New Hampshire: Obama 38% Clinton 28%
I hear toilets flushing in New Hampshire!
Damn: I thought Kucinich was a loon until I saw his wife. Apparently he has something Goldy doesn’t?
A job maybe?
Piper @ 7
One thing I’ve noticed about virtually all the candidates on both sides of the fence is that they’re tired as hell right now. You can see it in their eyes and hear it in the way they talk. I’d be beat right now if I had to keep up the schedule they’ve been keeping up. So, I’ll cut Hillary some slack. That said, she does seem off her game at the moment.
Commanding a Navy carrier is not the best resume for a political job; in fact, it’s something of a disqualification.
The captain of a Navy ship gives orders, and doesn’t ask the crew what they think before he does; whereas a congressperson’s job description is the — i.e., listen to the people, then execute their will.
A military commander, generally speaking, has not been trained in the essential political skills of consensus building and compromise.
You can have an impressive resume as an auto racer or rodeo rider, but that doesn’t qualify you to perform dentistry or abdominal surgery.
Career military officers rarely make good politicians.
Maybe she was lamenting this decision:
“The most difficult decisions I have made in my life were to stay married to Bill.” Hillary Clinton writes in her autobiography “Living History”
@4…Goldy (sniff, sniff, sniff)…
Man, that must be a sore spot with you! I give you a detailed, reasoned, data-filled response to your post, that’s filled with countervailing arguments and analysis, yet you trip over some gag-line dictum about getting a date on Saturday night.
I am sorry!
Shall we take up a collection for you? I mean, you’re always layin’ it down for The Darcy, so why can’t the HA Happy Hooligans lay it down for you? To get you six-months at EHarmony or, that is. None of those free babes at Yahoo!, but someone who will be a good fit with “deep compatibility.”
Sound like a plan? Put me down for $5.
Oh…you could also address some of the issues I raised aside from your lack of love life…the gibe against which was all in good fun.
The Piper
Free enterprise is a Ponzi scheme. It used to take 40 workers to support 1 CEO, but now it takes 550 workers to sustain 1 CEO. This isn’t sustainable.
ghost @ 5
Dear, you are really in no position to mock anyone else’s social life. As I stated in an earlier post, you can’t even get your vibrator to like you.
Can’t help but speculate that if Darcy does succeed in getting elected to congress, manages to stay there for several terms and proves to be an astute and effective legislator, whether after all that the wingers will still be chanting how she isn’t qualified to iron her husband’s shirts, just like they’re still repeating the mantra that Patty Murray is stupid.
I’m leaning toward supporting John Edwards in my precinct caucus, but I believe Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee. Hillary will lose tomorrow’s New Hampshire primary by at least 10 points, and she will lose in South Carolina as well. Her campaign staff is now reduced to trying to lock up superdelegates in order to keep her candidacy alive. I haven’t decided yet whether to vote for McCain or Huckabee in the primary.
Clueless Pelletizer (TM): And who gets the shaft when something goes awry on the ship? Just ask Comdr Scott D Waddle, captain of American nuclear submarine Greeneville that accidently sank the Japanse shipping vessel off of Hawaii.
When a congressman/woman says or does something stupid they get promoted. Remember Patty Murray and her Osama Bin Laden comments?
Another stupid comment from Pelletizer (TM).
4 You have to consider the source, Goldy.
@14 I heard on Air America that Hillary broke down and cried today.
Public Safety Bulletin
Notice to Democrats.
“The National “scorched earth” campaign sensors indicate a high probability that the Hillary Clinton Campaign is about to go nuclear. Another stained blue dress has been found in NH. This evidence as well as the sensor indications lead us no choice but to send out this warning. Be on the lookout for Bill Clinton. Keep your wives and young daughters at a safe distance from him at all times. Any Democrat Campaigns for President should take defensive measures immediately.”
End Warning.
Proud Leftist: You are an idiot. Is that vibrator up your ass tickling that single brain cell today?
ChristmasGhost already described her love. I distinctly remember who he is and what he did! But being the moronic liberal you are you forgot this piece of information!
Keep up the good work. You surely wear the NEW Progressive Proud Liberal mantra well.
@23 As a Navy captain is an absolute dictator on his ship, why shouldn’t he be responsible if the ship hits a reef or a fishing boat? Of course, I understand this approach doesn’t comport with the Republican philosophy of blaming the Big Guy’s mistakes on the deck swabbie.
As for Patty Murray’s comment about Osama, that was just another typical case of wingnuts blaming the reporter when the facts aren’t what they want to hear. All she said was Osama ingratiated himself to Afghanis by building schools, roads, and medical clinics, which is true. Her purpose was to point out that our enemies doing smart things while our leaders do dumb things puts us at a disadvantage, which also is true. Why did wingnuts have so much problem with Murray speaking about such simple truths? The explanation, of course, is they were trying to distract public attention away from their own stupidity and failures.
Maybe Darcy The Moonbat! can educate us on what she thinks fair labor policies are? What is her position on the Writer’s Strike?
NBC And Hollywood Foreign Press Cancel Televised Golden Globes Hoopla; Big Show Scrapped In Favor Of Stripped Down News Telecast
She must have some position on labor.
Wait a minute… The big Hollyweird houses are run by donk too. So they must be Cheap Labor Liberals?
@26 Old news, Potato Head. Clinton is history. The campaign is all but over. Obama is going to run away with it.
It must stick in the wingnuts’ craw somethin’ fierce that Hillary isn’t going to be their November opponent.
I don’t read all the posts here, and I most certainly don’t read all of christmasghost’s posts. The posts of hers that I have read provide good evidence that she is remarkably arrogant, judgmental, and full of herself. I have never read anything from her that indicates any original insight. If she has someone who loves her great. If I were him, I’d find a high cliff and jump. I actually think you have more to offer than she does.
ah puddy….too true. but you know how it is with that idiot PL. he is a humorless fool with a brain the size of a pea.i have auto samplers that are more in tune with humanity than he is…….and they aren’t vulgar either! imagine that.
i thought goldy would be interested to know that THE DARCY is cheating on him. yup….cheating. and she went as low as she could [and that’s saying something] she went on soundpolitics…….
17. *laugh*
I guess I’m a little surprised at your skepticism. Do you think I don’t read Sound Politics? Or that I wouldn’t freely acknowledge your talent?
I’m notorious for following blogs; why would I read only the left-leaning ones? (Like Toby Nixon, I’m more broadly-read than just my side.)
And I was raised in a Republican household; you actually remind me of my youngest brother, who is both a great guy and a Republican.
But I’d be happy to prove it’s me offline, if you’d like.
Posted by Darcy Burner at January 1, 2008 04:18 PM
gee….i wonder if it’s real??? it came from her campaign site……
Roger Rabbit says:
@26 Old news, Potato Head. Clinton is history.
Of course I hope you’re right. But Really? After Iowa and NH you’d write off one of your front runners? She still polls in the lead nationally. Mostly.
Pelletizer (TM) Nice spin on Patty’s comments. So I asked where were these roads, schools, outhouses etc?
Can I Google maps them Patty?
Right Stuff: remember the liberal MSM said she was the inevitable candidate!
Clinton News Network – Manure Kos himself.
ChristmasGhost: I remember this:
“However it can be argued that Senator Clinton’s fall from inevitability was-well-inevitable. She has all the capacity of duplicity and corruption of her husband, but none of his oily charm. She is shrill on the stump and evasive in debates and interviews. Her laugh makes her sound like the Wicked Witch of the West.”
Fair use and copyleft to the URL owner!
oh PL…don’t be such a sore loser.
reread your own recent post and if you don’t see the immense humor in it….well, your farther gone than i thought.
so…you don’t read everything i have to say but you still know all about me. hm….doesn’t that just describe the liberal mind set perfectly?
PL:”I have never read anything from her that indicates any original insight. If she has someone who loves her great. If I were him, I’d find a high cliff and jump. I actually think you have more to offer than she does.”
oh…that’s just too good. but, being the honorable person i am i showed your post to my husband right away so he could decide if he wanted to head for the beach cliffs and jump…….
AFTER he stopped laughing he simply said ” so…he hasn’t read ALL of your stuff but you have never had any original insight, as far as he can see……that’s classic!”
then he added that “if he knew what you look like and how brilliant you are in business he wouldn’t even suggest that”
he’s such a big suck up, not only is he biased but…our 30th anniversary is coming up in about a week so he’s really on his toes….
had to disclose that fact……..
Hmmmmm…….but PL, thanks for the laughs…….
Tell that to Ike.
Adlai, who???
Oh…also…that fellow named Washington? He worked out pretty well, too.
The Piper
Old news, fool! I posted that in comment @7 on this thread. I stay on top of this stuff.
The Piper
Actually, my first mention of it was in post @2!
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
The Piper
Proud Leftist@32: Thanks. You realize of course, you just gave Lee, ATJ, RudeJax, and Clueless Gooberfool a headache with that last sentence.
But on a serious note, you should read the comments. I usually skip over Pelletizer (TM) when he answers one Post with 8-20 single sentence posts. Usually by the second or the third they are worthless drivel. The PageDn key is very efficient!
I zero in on headless 24/7 lucy to see what tripe he is saying.
Clueless Gooberfool is becoming more of an empty suit each day. He doesn’t answer questions, he places stupid stuff on the blog and his attacks are becoming more vacuous.
Proud Leftist, please teach Clueless Gooberfool how debating works. I realize this is a tough task but you can do it.
ghost @ 38
You’re most certainly welcome. I feel all warm inside anytime I can provide joy to others.
And you have personal knowledge of this how???
There are laws against being a Peeping Tom, you know!
The Piper
woot woot! I made it to the main page!
ChristmasGhost how far do you live from the Oxnard area?
puddy………they couldn’t have described her more accurately. i am “almost” feeling sorry for her. but is it any surprise that the democrats are throwing her under the figurative bus already?
they eat their own.
any guesses on how long after she gets booted out of the election that she not only blames that parasite she calls a husband for it but then divorces him?
did you see that classic moment where that sleazy bubba was doing his gomer pyle routine for the press as if he were the candidate and then he turns and points at hillary and chelsea and says “don’t my GIRLS look great?”
you could see hillary looking for any available sharpshooters in the audience to pick him off….can’t blame her either. he seems to have goldy’s foot in mouth disease..
Wow There is a listener to Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes on Air America. Pelletizer (TM).
Did they have anything wonderful to say about the NuTROOTS candidate Darcy Moonbat! Burner?
Thanks ChristmasGhost: I read a lot and some of these comments are Hilaryous.
puddy………641 miles. just a hop ,skip, and a plane flight……..heh heh heh
Ummm ChristmasGhost, I have to disagree with you.
Hilary got most of her support from the Bubbaites. Once they saw the real Hilary they are now blanching at the thought. I bet Bubba will get many women throwing their panties at him in a second if she divorces his ass. He’ll play the field and will be put on a pedestal.
I can see a movie about his life in the future when he becomes “Studd Bubba”!
So you are in Northern CA. Hmmm… I do bidness in the SJ area a lot…
ROFLMAOBMGRMS @ the right wing trolls, thank you for amusing me with your never-ending stupidity. I don’t even have to wade through the cesspool that is UnSoundPolitics to see your inane rantings. Do any of you losers want to put $10,000 up right now that the next president will be a Democrat? It doesn’t matter which of the 3 Democratic frontrunners win the nomination because each of the 3 will beat any of the Rethuglicans in November. How sad it must be for you to know in just 12 months Democrats will control the House, the Sentate, the White House, the Wash. House, Wash. Sentate, and Governor. What will you loons have left at that point to stop the mass suicides I am counting on from the radical right wing?
piper…….laws? PL don’t obey no stinkin’ laws….he’s a proglodyte. he doesn’t even have to read the content of something to KNOW what it is……..he’s ‘special’. LOL.
I like Hillary. I like all the Democratic candidates. For months, I’ve been considering Obama, Edwards, and Richardson. I’ve settled on Obama, not because of his Iowa win, momentum, or what pundits say. It’s just that I think he seems like the most adult of any of the candidates (including, of course, the Republicans). He has the power of soaring rhetoric (and Hillary was wrong to mock such), excellent judgment, and a demeanor that could actually bridge some of the chasms that exist in our political circumstances. My fear is that by settling on Obama, I may have just killed his chances. My candidate in the primaries has never been the Democratic nominee.
somehow rob, i sincerely doubt that you have 10,000 dollars to put up or that you have a clue about who will be running the “Sentate” as you put it[twice] what is it by the way?
sadly,why would anyone want this??? “the mass suicides I am counting on from the radical right wing?”
counting on?
why? because someone has a different VIEW than you do…you would wish them bodily harm?
behold the idiocy that is the far left………
RobK: I just did an informal poll around the area I am today.
Many of the conservative brothers here said they’ll pay the extra tax burden just to have Obama in the House! A BLACK MAN IN THE HOUSE! Now if you think the Congressional House is all yours, why didn’t your side win the special elections recently held in Virginia and Ohio?
Oh…. you didn’t hear about it on Kurse or Morons? That’s because the liberal MSM had nuthin to say!!!!!
“He has the power of soaring rhetoric (and Hillary was wrong to mock such)…”
Worse…she was wrong to be jealous such that it showed. Kind of like the kid who can’t play sports or sing on pitch who then dismisses as “dumb” those who can.
Envy can be seen through in a matter of minutes…and HRC is the archetype of the downside of all virtues. Under pressure, great men and women show their mettle, virtue and character. HRC, on the other hand, reverts to type and goes nasty!
The Piper
Ya know ChristmasGhost: I never heard Darcy or Hilary discuss
Appendix I, ACLU Policy Number 4. I wonder why?
puddy…….northern california is an understatement. humboldt nation to be exact.we refer to SJ [i take it you mean san jose?] area as central california….that’s how far north i am. i do a lot of business there too.
hey….we don’t disagree….what i meant was that the libs are so dense that they never even looked at hillary. i think that is what is cracking her now…she isn’t stupid…she has just realized that no one wanted her as the dems candidate [except US] they just wanted more bill.
poor thing, she has the charisma of a blow fly.
PL….you like obama. yup…he seems like a likable guy…he really does. he has a terrible record though and a nasty habit of voting “present” rather than taking on an actual issue. is this who you want running the US?
would you choose your surgeon this way?
puddy….a democrat challenge the ACLU??? come on! stop teasing me……….
especially on porn???
hillary has to let that slide or bill would be a bigger pest than he is now……you know under the “any port in a storm” rule…….
Bob Novak says it best about Hildabeast:
” The third-place finish in Iowa by Sen. Hillary Clinton (N.Y.) had a negative impact in New Hampshire, where she had been slipping against Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) even before her loss in Iowa. It is beginning to look like a double-digit loss for Clinton.
She was supposed to come out swinging against Obama in New Hampshire, but her boring, pedantic campaign style had not really changed from Iowa. At one rally where we were present, Clinton never mentioned Obama by name and criticized him only once (on healthcare) as “one of my opponents.” Former President Bill Clinton, campaigning separately, is sprightlier but no more effective.”
Now why didn’t I think to use the word pedantic? Pedantic and Clueless Gooberfool are diametrically opposed particles.
ChristmasGhost: That was a dig at Clueless Gooberfool (YLB) too and how he loves to post that YouTube on “Fox Porn”.
I was at a wedding in Humboldt County a few years ago. My impression is that the county’s economy pretty much amounts to its denizens growing marijuana and then selling it too each other, and to whoever might pass through. Congratulations, then, on succeeding in business in Humboldt County.
Awwwww, poor xmasghost. The best you can do is comment about a typo? What would I expect for a loser who keeps saying they are going to start posting their rantings on their website but then never does. And the reason I am counting on the mass suicides is to weed out the negative traits the radical right bring to the gene pool. The fewer knuckle draggers there are the better for mankind.
And yes puddy, I am as sure the Dems will retain the house as I am sure you are as stupid as you appear to be.
Hmmmm. We got quite a love-in here between PSilly and Christmas the Delusional Ghost.
To toast this love affair here’s the link again:
You right wingers love your porn – the fleshy kind on Faux Noise Channel and the torture kind on 24!
Hey Stupes,
You can’t possibly support McCain. Quote:
‘it’s not like 24, this is real life’
You don’t know for squat!
Here’s a breaking story on how NH Senator John Sununu saved Washington Post journalist Al Hunt’s life by performing the Heimlich to dislodge a hunk of chicken (probably Arkansas grown) from his throat!
When was the last time a Demo elected official at any level saved a journalist’s life? Or any life, for that matter!
The Piper
Piper: If it is on NewsMax, Clueless Gooberfool won’t believe it.
He’s very stooooooooooopid that way!
Sorry pud, but the correct explanation is only a right wing fool would believe anything on NewsMax. That is almost as good as quoting Faux.
69 – Geez Piper I dunno. Does this bit of heroism have any relation to:
the brewing love affair (complete with rendevous in SJ) between PSilly and XmasGhost?
Or the porn on Faux Noise Channel?
Or the torture porn on 24?
Congrats to Sununu and all but he owes his seat to Tobin who burned through a lot of NH Republican Party and RNC money to stay out of jail.
With all due respect Goldy, you appear to have developed an unhealthy and, yes, embarrassing obsession with Darcy Burner.
What is it with you and this porn fixation? To you, everything is porn this and porn that!
Were you denied breast feeding as a child or something? Do Macy’s lingerie ads in the paper cause your palms to sweat? Do you favor wearing patent leather shoes in order to look up women’s skirts and dresses? Are you sad that Rosie O’Donnell doesn’t swing your way?
Kink all you like, but consider…Goldy may yet turn this into a family-friendly blog! Especially once he realizes that the only way he can help The Darcy get elected to anything, even sewer commissioner, he’s going to have to gentrify himself.
The Piper
Piper@74: Clueless Gooberfool is nowhere without his Fox porn show. I bet he has it cached for his daily Rosy Palm show!
Poopster –
Watch the clip – everything is taken from Faux Noise Channel!
What does that say about the people who watch that stuff?
I don’t watch it. I have the cheapest cable!
Patent leather shoes? That’s a new one on me!!!!
LMAO!!! I wonder about you Pooper!
So RobK, did Sununu save his life or not?
Are you another of those wrongheaded meatballs Carl My Left Foot Grossman describes?
Clueless Gooberfool: You are cheap aren’t you.
Cheap commentary
Cheap debating skills
Cheap use of web sites
Cheap vacuous attacks
So how can you comment on The Wire, if you have the cheapest cable?
Oh you borrow a friend’s DVD cuz you too cheap to buy your own right?
78 – I’ve rented the DVDs. One of these days I’ll break down and buy them.
The Wire is greatest TV, Movie, Novel, Play, etc. that’s ever been done.
Ok, that going a bit far but IMHO it’s very close.
#4 Goldy says:
It is strange, he was acting outright progressive.
This thread has become a dirty toilet, thanks to right wing trolls.
Goldy, you have some work cut out for you. Do you want the comments to function simply as a conduit for fletch wads or is there some way the conversation can be trimmed of poison.
The toxicity of the “nothing squad” has saturated the blog.
This pitiable group of quacks is more suited to a cesspool than any intelligent conversation.
Darcy whats-her-name again an ‘airhead’ or ‘lightweight’? You hit the nail on the head. “Ditzy”, “unqualified”, and “obtuse” also come to mind.
It is okay Mark1, we all know you are threatened by an intelligent woman, maybe you should stick with the single digit IQ women of the right, at least they are no smarter than you.
Off to take my youngest daughter to the airport where she’ll fly to Quebec to study for four-months at Lavalle University. She was home for two-weeks after spending nearly five-months in France at the University of Nantes.
That kid can parlez the vous better than some Frenchmen!
I hope Goldy allows a personal expression of pride in what is the hardest working senior at the UW (these are all UW-related study abroad trips).
BTW…she thinks The Darcy is an empty suit.
The Piper
Thorn: What have you added her?
I can’t see anything except complaints.
Remember Disco Sucks?
Well now there’s Faux Noise sucks:
Wow! Why are conservatives so angry?
@12 “Puddybud says: New Hampshire: Obama 38% Clinton 28% I hear toilets flushing in New Hampshire!”
An even more interesting number will be total Democratic votes vs. total Republican votes.
@34 It would be difficult to call someone who loses the first three states in a row by double-digit margins “the front-runner.” However, a wingnut like you might be capable of it.
235 In Afghanistan, stupid.
I was at a wedding in Humboldt County a few years ago. My impression is that the county’s economy pretty much amounts to its denizens growing marijuana and then selling it too each other, and to whoever might pass through. Congratulations, then, on succeeding in business in Humboldt County.”
now that’s truly amusing. you noticed huh? wow….so you aren’t as stupid as i thought. what gave it away for you?
and “denizens”…what are you ….80?
sheesh…what a fool you are. you noticed that weed is grown in humboldt county…wow, are the feds aware that you have this incredible ability to see through everything this way? to just cut to the chase and condense everything down to it’s totality?
don’t be such a yutz. everyone knows weed is grown here…so what? i bet lee will have to take you to the woodshed for your comments this time……….
and if your reading and comprehension skills were any good you would know what my business is…
ah…but we can’t ask for everything now, can we?
and robk…it’s not the typos that worry me….it’s your obsession with harming people that don’t agree with you.did you know that we have free speech in this country and that the only way america can exist,and stay free, is by the use of said free speech? naw…i guess that one went right over your head, along with common decency and thought.
@39 You mean do-nothing Eisenhower? The president whose chief claim to fame is that he did nothing in office?
40, 41 – Isn’t it somewhat presumptuous of you to assume that I read your comments?
You DO know what a scroll key is for, piper?
@48 That would be the Ed Murray show … and another stupid wingnut who assumes shit.
puddy……..uh oh! i guess that crafty YLB has caught on to us. he must be using his shoe phone…….
“the brewing love affair (complete with rendevous in SJ) between PSilly and XmasGhost?”
heh heh heh
Corporate capitalism is like a Monopoly game. The objective is for the CEO to end up owning everything on the board. The workers and shareholders get nothing.
@90 Yeah, it’s kinda interesting how after 7 years of Republican rule our national forests have become giant pot farms and hikers who venture into them disappear.
YLB……..the wire? THE WIRE? oh, come on!
“8 – I’ve rented the DVDs. One of these days I’ll break down and buy them.
The Wire is greatest TV, Movie, Novel, Play, etc. that’s ever been done.
Ok, that going a bit far but IMHO it’s very close. ”
better than John Steinbeck? east of eden? grapes of wrath? the wayward bus? sweet thursday? cannery row?
does this give you any perspective at all?
the wire is just a creepy all too realistic shot of just how disgusting people can be ….,.and often are.
figures YOU would like it.
Another Republican betrayal of public trust.
wow! This thread is already up to 100 posts! That’s more than the competing fascist blog gets all month.
thorn…may i suggest that if you don’t like seeing free speech being used you go to kos?
Goldylocks, you are embarrasing the hell out of yourself with your jerk fantasy coverage of The Empty Suit. Have some self respect for crying out loud! I’m just trying to have your back…
Oh, Piper…..I’ll chip in $5 for Goldy’s membership.
roger@96……..this has to be the dumbest post ever…even from you.
“Corporate capitalism is like a Monopoly game. The objective is for the CEO to end up owning everything on the board. The workers and shareholders get nothing.”
so you don’t know how corporations work but you are still trying to convince me that you are an attorney and not just goldy’s pinkie finger? come on……..
the CEO is an employee. he/she probably owns stock but they can be fired at any time by the board of directors. they don’t own the company, unless it is a privately held corporation and they are the owners.and the board of directors can still fire them.
the CEO cannot “end up” owning everything on “the board”. that is just a completely stupid thing for you to say. by the very nature of a corporation they cannot….it just doesn’t work that way.
better than John Steinbeck? east of eden? grapes of wrath? the wayward bus? sweet thursday? cannery row?
My favorite Steinbeck was “In Dubious Battle.”
The Wire is just about that good, yes.
You wouldn’t like it because it’s plain obvious to anyone that you have no stomach for reality.
You’re nuts. You warp things to the way you want them.
ghost @ 90
Your self-promotion is remarkable. If you are married, your husband is a cuckold to your ego. You don’t know a damned thing about me or most of those whom you put down, yet you venture how much brighter, more successful, more important you are. My lady, go fire up a bowl of good Humboldt County weed. Maybe you won’t feel the need to keep telling the rest of us, who don’t give a rat’s ass, how wonderful you are. Keep posting. You let us patriots on the left know the nonsense we’re up against.
Re: 97, Maybe if all the liberal hippy’s and lawyers would stop smoking pot there wouldn’t be a need to trash the national forrests to supply them with it.
They won’t though, liberals have an obsession with breaking the law. Whether it’s small time hoods like
Jacob Nickels, mayor’s son, sentenced to three months in prison for role in casino-cheating ring
Or the people the liberals elect to office.
Justice Department to investigate Port
The U.S. Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into the Port of Seattle following a scathing state audit that found waste and possible fraud.
Idiocy sucks. Criminality is a function of humanity, not political persuasion. Your side breaks the law, my side breaks the law, those who are of no ideological persuasion break the law. So, when you suggest that lawbreaking is limited to liberals, you really make yourself look stupid. rob, do you like looking stupid? It’s hard to get dates when you’re dumb, dumbshit.
roger roger roger…….you silly old geezer/goldy.
so, now “@90 Yeah, it’s kinda interesting how after 7 years of Republican rule our national forests have become giant pot farms and hikers who venture into them disappear.”
yup rog…that’s the way it works alright. they just disappear. and this phenomenon only started after bush was elected.
what are you on tonight anyway? i mean, i usually don’t ask those questions as you are usually snarky but not ,well, stupid in your replies……..
actually the CAMP program busts all the growers [who are mostly mexican/south american organized crime] that are growing in the forests. that isn’t tolerated at all.i can’t remember the last time someone disappeared……….oh, that’s right, they haven’t.
are there areas that you don’t want to walk on? yup….they are called private property.
as lee has pointed out so many times…if they would just legalize it they could regulate and tax it and permanently get rid of the mexican mafia side of it.
i mean…when was the last time you heard of someone running whiskey [other than the kennedys] in todays no alcohol prohibition world?
it’s just common sense.
#90, poor xmasghost, I see reading comprehension is not your strong point. If you looney right wingers kill yourself I will not be harming anyone, or did that go over your head? Funny seeing anyone on the right touting free speech when the right are the biggest offenders of stifling free speech, what a shock to see hypocrisy from the right.
PL…”if you are married”
now you see, that’s why you don’t know anything about the people that you are talking to. you don’t listen or pay attention.
i like to read what people write, even if i don’t agree with them, i find them interesting and sometimes quite illuminating. i think there was even an interesting one from you once upon a time.try it…you might be surprised. it never ceases to amaze me how self righteous and nasty some of you [you especially] will get JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS A DIFFERING is it a threat to you? because no one reacts the way you did without feeling threatened, do they?
and even when you do actually read a post someone has written you obviously “just know better” don’t you? so if someone says they are A you assume they are really B.
which, really, says so much more about you than those you are talking about, doesn’t it?
it’s well known clinical fact that neurotic people tend to accuse others of the faults they themselves have.
so i guess one can assume from that that you lie about everything you say on here. i don’t. why would i…or anyone else for that matter? if it’s no one’s business then say that…or don’t say anything. but the self aggrandizing you accuse me of really speaks volumes about you and your posts….
it’s another thinker……..
robk…in the civilized world wishing that someone would harm themselves just because they do not share your point of view is not only considered bad taste ,it’s just downright creepy.
nothing wrong with my comprehension. but i would say that you are never going to get your “human bean” status with your attitude.
Whew, thank gawd I am creepy to a right winger, the day I seem normal to a loon like you is the day I check myself into the rubber room next to you.
Re: 107. To start with I am married so I will pass on the date offer.
According to the Department of Justice bureau of prison statistics though, the prison population is as follows.
49% of the prison population is African American. 90% of African Americans vote democrat.
19% of the prison population is Hispanic. 60% of Hispanics vote democrat.
The balance is white and 55% of whites vote republican.
Since you believe you are some sort of superior intellectual, you can do the math asshole.
ghost @ 110
I couldn’t agree with you more. The phenomenon that you are describing is what psychologists call “projection.” Projection involves believing that others must be suffering from the same insecurities/demons/whatever that plague you. You plainly project. If you can believe this, my best fishing buddy is a rightwinger (not on social issues, however). He was an Army doctor, and our fishing trips often involve explosive arguments. I, like you claim, love to listen to people’s tales. What I’m talking about with regard to believability, is that on the internet, people can claim all kinds of things about love, and success, and whatever the fuck. You claim all of those things, for reasons that are unclear to someone like me. Some of those on the right–I hate to say so, but the Piper–have some credibility with me. And, it’s not because of what he says about himself, which he says too much about, but because I know he thinks. You, madame, just tell us how smart you are and expect us to take that at face value.
90 Ghost, I have to say that I’ve been through Humboldt County a few times, and my impression there is that the main thing that happens is….not much! I suspect that has a lot to do with why you’re there, and you’re very fortunate to have the means to do so.
PL…i have no reason to disbelieve that you have a right wing friend. why would i? i have several so far to the left they can barely stand upright friends. one of whom is my closest friend and has been for over 40 years! do we have “explosive” arguments as you described…yup, sure do.
we try not to talk politics though…better that way….as she does admit that like many on here she can’t stand to even hear a differing view.i don’t understand that point of view but it’s hers so that’s the way it is.
you said “You claim all of those things, for reasons that are unclear to someone like me. ”
i suspect that the “someone like me” part is a bit of a freudian slip……
soooooooo, i am too happy, too successful, too happily married and for too long for your taste???
well….would it make you feel better to know that i have survived a violent crime? that i have epilepsy? that my first son was born sick and had to have liver surgery when he was only 10 months old?[thankfully he’s fine now and brilliant….oops, i guess that’s not good for you]
and that ,like everyone else, sometimes things just don’t go my way at all. understatement of the century. but what can anyone do? you get up, dust yourself off, and go back in to fight another good fight.
listen PL…the only time someone is really lost is when they DON’T get back up.
and honey, my life is good ,very very stressful [as all business people will tell you] but very good and that has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with yours not being good if it isn’t, okay?
art@115……..yes humboldt county is very rural and very beautiful. alot of things happen here all the time, people have lives and families etc…..but not like they do in a city environment obviously.
i’m not sure what you mean by “I suspect that has a lot to do with why you’re there” part though. my guess would be that you are saying i like the rural natural world? you bet. living in western washington state was pure torture.the noise, the pollution, and my god! the light pollution….it was horrible and yes i am really really damn lucky to be able to live here.fortunately my husband and i own a business that thrives on privacy……we don’t have to worry [so much] about corporate espionage. that sounds so stupid to even say it but it is an issue with our business.
BTW PL…just where did i tell you how smart i am again???