Our good friend Stefan over at (un)Sound Politics is gloating over a report in The Hill that 8th CD challenger Darcy Burner did not make the Democrats “Red to Blue” program after all. But The Hill got it wrong, and not surprisingly, so did Mr. Lazypants Sharkansky:
The Nutroots might not understand this, but grown-up campaign operatives apparently do: The most promising place to invest scarce resources is not with a candidate who has no relevant accomplishments and whose only selling point is that she’s not a Republican.
Well, Stefan and his readers may not understand this, but the best way to determine who is or is not in the DCCC’s program is to, um… call them up and ask them. That’s what I did (it’s called “reporting,” Stefan) and regional press secretary Kate Bedingfield told me that The Hill’s (and uSP’s) report was based on a “lack of understanding of how the program works.”
The DCCC always intended to roll out the program in staggered waves, so as to concentrate the focus of donors on small groups of candidates, thus maximizing contributions. And the chronology of the rollout has absolutely nothing to do with the priority of the individual races.
Bedingfield confirms that Burner most definitely is in Red to Blue — a program she describes as “very exclusive” — and that Burner is scheduled to roll out on June 1st… perfectly positioned to extract the maximum benefit from the program during the crucial, end-of-quarter, fundraising push. Burner has been personally assured by DCCC chair Rahm Emanuel that WA-08 remains a top priority, and that she will receive all of the support she has been promised.
And if that’s not clear enough, DCCC communications director Bill Burton just emailed me the following:
Darcy Burner is running one of the strongest Democratic campaigns in the country. The DCCC has included her in our Red to Blue program as a sign of our confidence that she is the candidate for change who will unseat Dave Reichert in the fall. The Red to Blue program is staggered in order to direct as much donor attention as possible to each qualifying campaign. Darcy Burner’s extraordinary campaign qualified easily for the program and will receive the full force of DCCC financial and strategic aid.
So as much as the head-in-the-ground wing of the local GOP might want to deny it, Burner really is a strong candidate, and the DCCC knows it. Even some Republican operatives have privately told me that if Reichert’s not worried, he sure as hell should be.
As for Stefan, well… I know from personal experience that sometimes, us bloggers just get stuff wrong. But let’s see if he’ll follow my lead and be man enough to admit it.
be man enough to admit it?
this is aking to two girls gone wild chick’s criticizing each other for lack of self esteem.
But this is exactly what stefan said – she isn’t included in the initial push, but on the second wave. He interprets that as her being a weaker candidate, the DCCC spins it differently.
I honestly wish the dems had come up with a candidate like Ross Hunter. Then I wouldn’t feel like it being such sham. But darcy is an empty suit, and has nothing going for her except that she isn’t a repub. If that is what the 8th wants, then I guess they (we) get what is deserved.
BTW Goldy…
You need to educate yourself on the difference between reporting and propoganda.
You expect Steffy to act like a man? Better chance Janet S will do that than Steffy. That punk is a republican troll through and through and is not capable of truth. And the more the inbred right wing morons like Steffy, Janet S and their ilk attack Darcy, the more the world will realize that they do so for one simple reason…they know she can win and that scares them.
Janet S meantime is trying to spread the word that women’s work is in the home and that the home should be far from oil wells and that sons shoud not be required to go to Iraq if their parents are republicans.
Look Janet, we finally figured out what’s wrong with you!
What I like best about comments @4 is that they are so vapid. Readers will look at it and realize there is no substance there, so the argument – that darcy is at all wortwhile as a candidate – must also lack substance.
I merely wondered why someone who proclaims motherhood as a credential for running for office is taking a job that denies her that experience. It will make just one more item on her resume that is more fluff than truth.
BTW, no one is required to go to Iraq. The military is still voluntary.
‘There’s been some concerns expressed by some concerners out there’ -The Chimpster-In-Charge.
You can bet there have been. . .and among them are the republithug trolls wetting themselves at the thought of losing WA-CD-8.
JanetS: But this is exactly what stefan said – she isn’t included in the initial push, but on the second wave.
Stefan doesn’t say this at all. He carefully edited his excerpt from The Hill to show only the part about Burner not being part of the initial wave of funding. He leaves out the part where the DCCC points out the she’s still scheduled to receive funding next month. Mere details, I’m sure, and they do nothing to advance the BS he’s spinning.
Maybe the interpretation of this is a matter of spin, but Stefan isn’t interested in reporting the whole story and letting you interpret it yourself. It’s just not the uSP way!
Empty-Suit Dave is gonna take a dive just like the preznit-seelect. The Chimpster is below freezing. Can dapper-Dave be far behind?
I wanna hear again Stefansky’s prediction that Rossi will win the election contest. I’m always looking for factual, accurate reporting and insightful commentary. . . . .
The fact is Burner was NOT in the first wave of funding. So what is their to apologize. Of Course the DCCC is going to spin this favorably to Darcy Burner……SPIN COSTS NOTHING!!!!!!!!
So is Stefan supposed to apologize for telling the truth??????
Perhaps LEFTTURD can rethink his Post#4 while his Gay Lover pops the pimples on his back tonight!
Cut out the spin on both sides, and Darcy Burner is in the second tier of the DCCC’s “Red to Blue” program. The DCCC thinks it is pretty strong with the first 16 candidates, so that is why they are being promoted the strongest and soonest.
Darcy Burner and the other 5 candidates are second tier in the “Red to Blue” program, and won’t start getting promoted in earnest until at least June. By the time, the DCCC may decide to replace some of these six with more promising candidates in other districts. Or they may stop with the original 16 first tier candidates, or possibly add more candidates to the 6 folks currently in their second tier.
As has often been proven over at U(sp), the minnow would rather post propaganda than get his facts straight. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for him to correct his post and post the truth.
Actually, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for him to post the truth at all. I guess there could be a first, but since he can’t even get his name right.
Don’t you love the lapel pin patriots like Janet? She’s all for the war. Lots of bumper stickers on her car that say “Support Our Troops.” She says we need to be in Iraq. She supports the mission, but not enough to send her own kids. Talk about “empty arguments!”
By the way, when will Sheriff Davie come clean on his problems with women? He and David Brame had lots in common.
Pope, I thought your schtick was the proclaim your failed stalking target Burner as third tier. What happened?
Since this contest is between Reichert and Burner, whether the DCCC sees Burner as one of the top 16 or 22 (or whatever number you choose) challengers is pretty irrelevant. This is nothing but navel-gazing by Stefan.
However you look at it, based on current trends, this looks to be a challenging year for the GOP, and it appears Reichert has a battle on his hands. Burner may not have experience but she is apparently very smart and she has definitely done a good job fund-raising. This is likely to be a close race.
The 8th Congressional district should be in play this year. However, I am very disappointed in Darcy Burner. I attended one of her two kick off events, and saw her most recently at Progressive Majority’s fundraiser in the Columbia City neighborhood. At her first event her speech was uninspiring and honestly sounded like someone running for class president, not congress. She pointed out that she had ‘hired the best political consultant out there,’ Blair Butterworth. She said that with his advice she will run a great campaign. I agree that consultants can be helpful, but highlighting them in your first major speech to a crowd is a sign of weakness.
At the most recent event she again came off as unprofessional and simply not a good politician. It is not an easy job. She explained to the audience that after she decided to run she thought, ‘she had better find out how to do it.’ It just sounds amateurish. The state party website still erroneously describes Burner as a former Microsoft Executive–not helpful. Think about what the Republicans are going to do to her.
Perhaps the comments cited here are wrong, and that is not my point. I have participated in and observed politics for a long time. Burner is not the candidate we need right now. Hunter would have been much better. To win this seat back from Reichert we need a very strong, professional, confident candidate. We aren’t there yet.
Straight from the information resources of Richard Pope’s Butt: “Darcy may be replaced on the Red to Blue list”
The important question on this story is “what has actually happened here?”
The answer: Nothing!! According to the DCCC and The Hill, DCCC’s plan to support the Burner campaign 3 weeks from now has never changed. I repeat: nothing has been changed in the DCCC’s original decision regarding the Burner Campaign.
DCCC’s Burton says, “The Red to Blue program is staggered in order to direct as much donor attention as possible to each qualifying campaign.” Of course it is! This means that Burner will be one of only six candidates newly getting specific NATIONAL attention from the DCCC in June rather than the 16 that are starting to get it now. To me that’s even better news for the Burner Campaign!
The important point is Darcy Burner is a national target. No amount of splitting hairs will change that.
What this says to me is that the success of Democratic challengers nationwide allowed the DCCC to expand the field so that they have waves of challengers.
They are aiming at taking back the house and the 8th is one of their targets. Rs can lull themselves to sleep by dismissing Darcy based on faulty reporting — but it won’t change the fact that the 8th is in play. And, if Burner keeps raising more money and spending less than Reichert, she’ll have the resources to tell the real story of his voting record.
I wonder how many women died because Reichert couldn’t close the deal on the Green River Killer back in the 80’s? Apparently, he has a habit of not taking the appropriate action when laws are being broken in his jurisdiction. Like oversight duties of the Executive Branch.
Reichert has voted with Tom DeLay 90% of the time and has never publicly stated a congressional investigation is warranted when it comes to the Bush administration. He can’t cut-n-run from his abysmal voting record and lack of moral clarity when it comes to executing his oath to the Constitution.
Voting for Reichert only ensures more Konservative Kriminal Korruption in D.C.
No thanks, with congressional “friends” like that, who need Al Qaeda?
Funny how as soon as Janet S. developes a rep and get’s called out for her transperency, along comes someone called “Sarah B.”
Sarah B. is still critical of Burner for the same reasons, but has been taylored to avoid the slip ups of her predecessor. I’ve been to some of these same events and I hear nothing familliar in Sarah’s description of the Speeches. Try again Janet.
@ 21:
Looks like you might have caught yourself a conservative lying.
Good work!
See, it’s not hard to do. Anyone can do it. Now, if only the media would do a little bit of homework.
Sarah B. you clearly missed the chanting crowds at the Democratic Crab Feed or the standing ovations at the King County Democratic Convention.
It sounds to be like you found Darcy before she got up an running — and then at some fundraiser for another group.
I’ve met Ross Hunter, and he’s a good guy. But he wouldn’t have provided the contrast that a young woman would.
And while we’re talking about the vaunted Hunter. Does anyone what to guess what this successful executive’s title was at Microsoft?
…Group Program Manager.
Who knows — maybe Darcy Burner qualifies for second tier, instead of third tier. Her qualifications haven’t improved any, but she is raising a lot of money. Still doesn’t make her first tier. Ross Hunter would be a first tier candidate, if he had (and he most definitely would have, if he had decided to run) the campaign and financial resources that Darcy Burner presently has. I hope Hunter gets over his lymphoma treatment okay. It is too bad that Hunter had an illness to deal with, otherwise we would likely be having a really competitive race here in the 8th district.
Ross Hunter NEVER claimed to be a Microsoft executive. His biography, in his own words, from his state House of Representatives official website:
About Ross Hunter
My wife Patricia (Tricie) is a lifelong Washingtonian. I moved here in 1983, fresh out of college, and have been here ever since. We have been married since 1989 and have two children: Jack (15) and Emily (12).
Yale University, Bachelor’s in Computer Science, 1983
George School, Newtown PA
I retired from Microsoft in 2000 after 17 years of service ranging from program manager for Microsoft Access to general manager of the Microsoft Commercial Internet System.
And from Ross Hunter’s campaign website, with the appropriate paragraph selected out of a somewhat longer biography:
“I retired from Microsoft in 2000, after 17 years of service ranging from Program Manager for Microsoft Access to General Manager of the Microsoft Commercial Internet System. I hold several patents relating to database technology.”
Speaking or resumes, Reichert better get his updated. I hear the City of Shoreline has an opening for a patrol officer.
King County Sherrif’s dept has an opening in their homicide unit, but apparently Reichert is persona non grada.
First off, I am not Sarah B. It is actually possible that I am not the only person in this area who finds darcy less than inspiring.
Big difference – Hunter has actually run and been elected to state govt, he has been active on local levies and in the local schools. That is called real community service and local activism. Darcy is empty on this count. So far, no one on this site has been able to answer my question:
What has darcy done in the the community?
No answers, but she still claims it on her resume. Fluff and more fluff. But I like the new call to arms – she’s a young woman! Aren’t we past that?
So, are you saying that being a Group Program Manager qualifies you for elected office?
Because I agree. Managing complex systems, solving business problems, managing managers and delivering products on time and under budget. That is exactly the kind of skills that we need in government.
Plus, it’s helpful if they have a young family and some connection to the military to best understand what families in the country are facing.
Hmmm…that description sounds familiar.
So Ross Hunter would have been a much stronger candidate for Congress than Darcy Burner. He was a dedicated Microsoft employee for 17 years and rose to a much higher level than did Darcy Burner. No inflated sense of ego — never claimed the phony inflated title of “Microsoft executive”.
Ross Hunter actually has genuine community service experience, unlike Burner:
“Trustee, Bellevue Schools Foundation. Promote and help fund the best possible learning opportunities for all students in the Bellevue School District
Board Member, Hopelink. Hopelink is the largest Human Service organization on the Eastside.
Bellevue Quality Schools. 2002, 2006. Won two school levy campaigns with more than 75% of the vote.
Cubmaster, Cub Scout Pack 435. I received both the Cubmaster award and the Webelos Den Leader award for my work with the pack. District Vice-Chair, Cascade District. District Award of Merit 2002.”
And to top things off, Hunter has been able to patent several items of computer technology. So he has some unique achievements of his own to challenge the man who caught the Green River killer.
Want to make yourself a venemous enemy for life. I did last year in giving a “Best Pundit” award to Stefan Sharkansky for his immortal 5/29/05 forecast in SoundPolitics.com:
“I rarely make predictions, but I feel comfortable predicting today that Judge Bridges will set aside the election.”
These New Age Progressive KLOWNS could care less about real qualifications. It’s fun to watch them rally behind a lesser candidate because she is a woman.
Burner’s got a number of bio’s out there…
She will have to defend each and every one of them…..and explain contradictions. How Burner has represented….or misrepresented herself in the past, present and future is FAIR GAME….right???
It truly amazes me that she gets more support than Ross Hunter.
They released you from the PhatAss Farm!!!!
How many folks are registered to vote at your vacation cabin in Island County???? 4???
Mighty interesting view you have on Voter Registration.
Go to wherever there is a close race, find some to “live with” and vote. Hell, even solicit folks who never lived in Washington! The more the merrier, right Joel??!
FAIR GAME?!?! Yes it is, and so is Reichert’s voting with Abramoff, I mean Tom DeLay consistently in congress, and dereliction of sworn duty to uphold the Constitution.
That’s fair game.
So Joel…
I recall a whie ago when you appeared on the O’reiily Factor to defend some pathetic remark you had made.
You were left looking like a blubbering ball of, well, Blubber and then retracted your comments. Afterwards you were dismissed.
I have a few questions.
1. Did you actually cry at the conclusion of this interview?
2. Did you throw away your underwear or were you able to get the shit stains out?
3. Does being a butterball also contribute to your ability to be a liberal?
I wonder how many women died because Reichert couldn’t close the deal on the Green River Killer back in the 80’s?
Commentby GBS— 5/9/06@ 3:21 pm […………………………………………Er, GBS, Less than the number of women who died driving with a Kennedy!!]
Darcy Burner is about as qualified to replace Dave Reichert, as is the only announced Republican candidate (26 year old Nancy Potts, nee’ Nancy Hawk) who is challenging Ross Hunter:
“I am a Washington native and attended Washington State University, where I pursued degrees in Education and Computer Science. While there I served on the student senate and several boards. I am a precinct committee officer (PCO) in the 48th district and have been involved in politics for many years. I am currently a Residential Real Estate Agent with John L. Scott and live in the Overlake neighborhood with my husband Ken and our two cats, Peanut and Hobbs.”
Darcy Burner could take a few lessons in resume’ fluffing from Nancy Potts. For example, Burner could say that she “pursued” a law degree at the University of Washington, and that she “pursued” an executive position at Microsoft.
I see where some right-wing bloggers do not give their names, a product of deficiencies in two parts of the human body.
Anonymity is the signature of the American crank. It’s also a sign that someone worked as a Gestapo informer in a previous life.
@ 35:
The O’Reilly Factor, baaa haaa haaa. You can’t be serious!
You mean the “Faux” News program that’s sinking in the ratings while Keith Olbermann is KICKING his ass???
Yeah, Bill, the man who writes about two 15 year old girls that are addicted to crack cocaine giving a dirty drug pusher a blow job.
The O’Reilly Factor for kids is like dropping your kids off at Never Land. A bad idea each and every time.
Why would any competent parent allow a man who fantasizes about forcing drug addicted girls into giving oral sex a good person to take advice from about life?
Talk about being a hypocrite. Next thing you know they’ll be sending their kids to Scooter Libby for advice. Compared to O’Reilly though, I guess giving oral sex is better than forcing 10 year old girls into a cage to be raped by a bear while other “men” stand around to watch.
The fucking sick, warped, twisted minds of conservatives is truly bizarre.
I see where some right-wing bloggers do not give their names, a product of deficiencies in two parts of the human body.
Anonymity is the signature of the American crank. It’s also a sign that someone worked as a Gestapo informer in a previous life.
Commentby joel connelly— 5/9/06@ 4:10 pm
Wow — what an amazing discovery! It isn’t just “some” and it isn’t just “right wing”. The overwhelming majority of all bloggers — including those on totally apolitical websites — do not post their identities, or anywhere near enough information to publicly identify them — just some anonymous type nickname.
Maybe more people would be reading Connelly’s newspaper if his incredible journalistic and news-gathering talents were more widely publicized. As it is, Connelly may be forced to look for a position with his “hometown” newspaper, the Whidbey News-Times, if the Seattle P-I’s circulation figures keep falling.
NEW YORK – Trying to turn street protests into political power, immigrants rights groups say they are gearing up for a campaign to register 1 million new voters this spring and summer. The groups, working together as the We Are America Alliance, plan a string of events around the country starting next week, including voter registration drives, citizenship workshops and street rallies. Organizers also plan to lobby local, state and federal elected officials
Um… non-citizens can’t vote….
Neither can the dead, but do you think that bothers democrats?
You don’t outraise the sitting incumbent with out having thousands of people invest in your campaign. She has managed raise more than Reichert and find hundreds of more investors last quarter. Plus, she is running a tighter ship than he is, shrinking his cash on hand lead to 2 to 1. Raising $600,000 is no small feet: that’s an aweful lot of people who think she is for real.
But the biggest evidence she’s getting real traction: she has worried you all enough to get you to write long screeds about invented nannies, unborn children and her fitness as a mother.
These attacks stink of desperation. Why are you all so obsessed with this “third tier”, “unqualified” candidate?
Seems to me that if your right, the system would have washed her out by now.
The only logical conclusion is that you see what we see: a real threat.
Maybe Joel Connelly can explain to us why the Seattle Post-Intelligencer is going bankrupt with a paid circulation of 131,769, while the King County Journal is profitable with less than one-third that in paid circulation — only 42,000.
Uh, Pope @ 44, the King County Urinal hasn’t been profitable for years. Check the stories in the PSBJ for more info.
How many elections have you entered, Richard? And how many elections have you won?
“We are horribly dependent on foreign oil. But we shouldn’t develop domestic oil or boost our refining capacity. We need a gas tax to wean Americans from foreign oil, but high gas prices are an outrage. We need alternative forms of energy, but we shouldn’t use nuclear power. We need renewable, sustainable energy, unless it spoils the view of rich liberal icons.
Got it?” [Al Gore]
well done, Goldy.
Maybe there should be more attention paid to King County Sheriff Deputy M. Amaad DeAllah. Fortunately, Dave Reichert is no longer Sheriff, and we have a lady running that office who was endorsed by numerous prominent Democrats and Democrat organizations to take the heat for this matter.
In any event, DeAllah was arrested on Saturday, April 29, 2006 for allegedly raping and beating his wife Joyce DeAllah at their Kent home. His wife was taken to the emergency room at Harborview Medical Center. DeAllah was arrested at that hospital, after allegedly assaulting security guards and state troopers who were trying to keep DeAllah out of the room where his wife was being examined and cared for.
Many of the details of the court proceedings have been missed by our local newspapers, so I looked at the court dockets to verify what proceedings have (and have not) taken place.
DeAllah was brought before a King County District Court judge (Elizabeth Stephenson) on Monday, May 1, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. Judge Stephenson found probable cause to detain DeAllah and set bail at $250,000.00 and also ordered that DeAllah have no contact with his wife and that he stay at least 500 feet away from the family home. Judge Stephenson gave Norm Maleng’s office until 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 to file charges against DeAllah. King County District Court No. Y6KEN0080 KPA.
DeAllah managed to post bail on Tuesday, May 2, 2006. At 11:00 a.m. on the morning of Wednesday, May 3, 2006, his wife was driving to the family home, and allegedly saw him at the family home and called the Kent police. Several other witnesses allegedly saw DeAllah at the family home as well. DeAllah was arrested and booked for a misdemeanor violation of this no-contact order, and released by Kent Municipal Court upon paying $5,000 bail. Kent Municipal Court No. K51854FV KNP.
Unfortunately, Norm Maleng has not filed any criminal charges whatsoever against DeAllah. Once the 4 p.m. May 3, 2006 deadline set by Judge Stephenson expired without any charges being filed, the conditions of release set by Judge Stephenson were automatically exonerated. That means that DeAllah gets back the $250,000 bail that he posted, and that the no-contact order issued by Judge Stephenson to keep DeAllah away from his wife and the family home automatically terminated at that time.
Joyce DeAllah went into hiding on the evening of Wednesday, May 3, 2006, because Norm Maleng refused to file charges against her husband. Unlike many sexual assault victims, Mrs. DeAllah has agreed to speak publicly and has no objections to her true identity being released — apparently out of frustration over Maleng’s complete inaction to protect her and prosecute her husband. What would we expect Mrs. DeAllah to do, when the no-contact order expired that afternoon when Maleng wouldn’t file charges, especially when DeAllah had violated that same order earlier in the day when it was still valid?
Maleng’s inaction on the DeAllah case is especially disturbing. The medical examination at Harborview allegedly revealed injuries consistent with forcible rape and anal rape, as opposed to merely evidence of gentler varieties of intercourse. DeAllah tried to forcibly enter his wife’s hospital room, despite uniformed security guards and state troopers trying to block him. At the very minimum, his alleged assault of the state troopers would be an independent felony — third degree assault on a police officer — to which there is no shortage of credible law enforcement witnesses.
We’re still trying to find out why Janet S supports the war but not enough to send her own kids. Why she supports more oil drilling but not in her own backyard…and why she supports people who beat women as long as they are republicans.
The Seattle Times has done some excellent investigation into the background of M. Amaad DeAllah. For example, in today’s edition:
Why haven’t Joel Connelly and the pathetic liberals at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer done anything more than rudimentary reporting on this issue? Especially given their detailed coverage of other King County Sheriff Deputies with far less serious complaints and allegations made against them.
Must have something to do with political correctness. DeAllah is a convert to Islam. Maybe he isn’t that devout of a Muslim, since many incidents discovered by the Seattle Times involved being drunk, when Islam forbids consumption of alcohol. But in the eyes of the Lost-Intelligencer, Muslims are victims who can never do anything wrong.
“How many elections have you entered, Richard? And how many elections have you won?
Commentby joel connelly— 5/9/06@ 4:24 pm”
I wonder how many elections Joel has entered?????
It takes courage to run….
And a COWARD to criticize someone with that kind of COURAGE!
Keep eatin’ them donuts PHATASS!!
The King County Journal has also done a better job of covering the DeAllah matter than the Lost-Intelligencer. For example:
Running for office takes no courage, especially for gadflies like Pope. He does it for ego-stroking purposes. Pope–the Harold Stassen/Lyndon LaRouche of Washington politics.
The first prediction of the P-I’s demise to reach my ears came in October of 1977, not quite 29 years ago. It was made by an aide to Seattle mayoral candidate Paul Schell. He was looking for work a month later.
A lot of talk show hosts have soared, and then crashed, during that time.
We’re still around, and kicking — witness the ongoing probe of the King County Sheriff’s Office.
In the years I’ve lived here, the P-I has crusaded against a corrupt King County Courthouse and gambling tolerance policy . . . helped block the R.H. Thompson Expressway from bulldozing the Arboretum . . . championed the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area . . . helped expose massive cost overruns at WPPSS . . .exposed pollution in Puget Sound . . . stopped abuse of kids at the state School for the Deaf . . . exposed Beaver Fever in Leavenworth’s drinking water . . . helped bring down ethically challenged Democrats, plus a few Republicans.
No wonder the Richard Popes, Stefan Sharkanskys and Mr. Cynicals of the world want us gone. As Dick Cheney would say, take your best shots.
Pope @26 and 27…
Richard, that’s not a correct proof.
Steve Sinofsky’s online bio (http://www.microsoft.com/press.....fault.mspx) mentions nothing of being an executive yet he runs the entire Office group. Does that make him a non-executive?
People who choose to use or not use executive in their bio is not proof of whether they are one.
You can do better.
Pope @26 and 27…
Richard, that’s not a correct proof.
Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 5/9/06@ 5:53 pm
Ross Hunter worked for Microsoft from 1983 to 2000, and saw the company go from being a small one program (MS DOS) local affair to the premier software company in the world. I would say that Hunter knows better than almost anyone as to whether he should use “Executive” in his resume’ when referring to his many years at Microsoft.
The first prediction of the P-I’s demise to reach my ears came in October of 1977, not quite 29 years ago. …
Commentby joel connelly— 5/9/06@ 5:44 pm
So when your fellow P-I staffers and your fellow travelers in the liberal community (Committee for a Two Newspaper Town, or whatever they call themselves) say that termination of the Joint Operating Agreement will leading to the bankruptcy and demise of the P-I, these people are really full of baloney?
We’re still around, and kicking – witness the ongoing probe of the King County Sheriff’s Office. …
Commentby joel connelly— 5/9/06@ 5:44 pm
So when is the P-I going to do any detailed probe of Deputy M. Amaad DeAllah? Is it that the P-I doesn’t think that rape and assault are as serious as writing biased accident reports? Or is it that Brother Muslim DeAllah can do no wrong?
Steve Sinofsky’s online bio (http://www.microsoft.com/press.....fault.mspx) mentions nothing of being an executive yet he runs the entire Office group. Does that make him a non-executive?
Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 5/9/06@ 5:53 pm
Sinofsky is “Senior Vice President, Windows and Windows Live Engineering”. He doesn’t have to say that he is an “executive” in his Microsoft bio, since he obviously has an “executive” title.
If Sinofsky ever entered politics, it would be acceptable to say that he was a “Microsoft executive”, instead of having to say “Senior Vice President, Windows and Windows Live Engineering at Microsoft”.
Just because a “Senior Vice President, Windows and Windows Live Engineering” is obviously an “executive” at Microsoft does not mean that every single Microsoft employee who supervises other employees (such as Darcy Burner as a “program manager”) is also an “executive”.
The eminently qualified Ross Hunter has endorsed Darcy Burner. That might clue you in to how he views Darcy’s abilities.
He is part of the Burner team because he knows what we all do: Darcy is an excellent alternative to Dave Reichert, and she’s running the kind of campaign that is putting the fear of Burner in the right wing.
Man this is so fucking funny. The right wing taliban turds are down to parsing titles and that’s their smoking gun on Darcy. You have to be kidding me. Do you assholes think this has any fucking traction with anyone other than the most loooooney of the looooney right? That and your revelation that Darcy got straight As in law school are hardly going to derail her. It does show how worried you are. Too bad you aren’t worried about all the money Sheriff Davie got from Tom Delay…or why it took him so long to catch the Green River killer, probably costing a dozen lives in the process.
Notice how Pope-A-Dope doesn’t want to talk about how many times he’s been beaten like a left-handed, red-headed stepchild when running for office? Too bad no one but your mother shares your views. By the way, do you beat her the way Irons beat his mom?
“No wonder the Richard Popes, Stefan Sharkanskys and Mr. Cynicals of the world want us gone. As Dick Cheney would say, take your best shots.
Commentby joel connelly— 5/9/06@ 5:44 pm”
The issue is not whether Richard, Stefan or I want you “gone”. We are merely 3 former subscribers. It appears there are alot more folks than us that think you are doing a poor job of reporting the news and editorializing. Can you imagine that Joel??? The P-I is viewed as a LEFTIST rag by many, many R’s and even some D’s. Just keep doing what you are doing and the result is certainly predictable.
Your own P-I website claims you are “The Voice of the Northwest since 1863.” It takes a major, major fuck-up to destroy something that has been around for 143 years, don’t you think joel? Are you proud of your contribution to the downfall of a great institution? Or are you going to continue to arrogantly blame us ignorant readers for failing to appreciate your less than considerable talent????
To artificially create some October, 1977 date as the prediction of the P-I demise by some Schell lacky and get some joy out of the fact that you are still here is laughable joel.
Perhaps you could turn the P-I into one gigantic COMIC STRIP joel. The sad news is, you already have.
Bye-Bye P-I!!!
Goldie, want some Kool-Aid?
That might clue you in to how he views Darcy’s abilities.
No, it might clue you in to what he thinks of the party label next to her name.
Hey, I’ll be perfectly honest: I’d vote for a Republican as unimpressive as Burner over Jay Inslee just because of their party lable. I voted for Randy Eastwood, who’s roughly as impressive (although he’s now building a real resume after winning a seat on the City Council), but I wasn’t so stupid as to declare him a great candidate. He was what he was, an obvious sacrificial lamb who I voted for because I don’t like Inslee.
Burner will also get the ‘I hate Riechert/I like Democrats’ vote, just like Eastwood got the ‘I hate Inslee/I like Republicans’ vote. Since there are more D’s in Reicherts district then there are R’s in Inslee’s district, and since she started earlier and raised a decent amount of money, I imagine she’ll get closer then Eastwood did.
However, just like Eastwood, she absolutely will not be sworn in after the election.
The O’Reilly Factor, baaa haaa haaa. You can’t be serious!
You mean the “Faux” News program that’s sinking in the ratings while Keith Olbermann is KICKING his ass???
Yeah, Bill, the man who writes about two 15 year old girls that are addicted to crack cocaine giving a dirty drug pusher a blow job.
The O’Reilly Factor for kids is like dropping your kids off at Never Land. A bad idea each and every time.
Why would any competent parent allow a man who fantasizes about forcing drug addicted girls into giving oral sex a good person to take advice from about life?
I guess giving oral sex is better than forcing 10 year old girls into a cage to be raped by a bear while other “men” stand around to watch.
The fucking sick, warped, twisted minds of conservatives is truly bizarre.
Commentby GBS— 5/9/06@ 4:12 pm
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaa. You tell em GBS. The one thing we liberals know about is warped and twisted.
Commentby Cliff— 5/9/06@ 7:10 pm
Excellent analysis. Likewise, I will vote for a Republican as unimpressive as Darcy Burner (such as Nancy Potts) over an impressive Democrat (such as Ross Hunter). But neither Burner nor Potts is going to be sworn in after the election.
I am forwarding this thread to the appropriate police officials. It sure looks like Richard Pope just threatened candidates for public office by saying they won’t be sworn in after the election. One can only assume Pope means to murder them.
You might here a knock at the door tonight Dickie.
I think the Democrats have decided not to spend money advertising Darcy, because the more you know about her the less likely you are to vote for her.
Hey left turn. Dont call the fuzz. We Kennedy’s take care of this sort of thing by taking them for a drive. Remember get good and drunk so when the police find you you have an alibi.
I am forwarding this thread to the appropriate police officials. It sure looks like Richard Pope just threatened candidates for public office by saying they won’t be sworn in after the election. One can only assume Pope means to murder them.
You might here a knock at the door tonight Dickie.
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/9/06@ 9:34 pm [………………………………………….Left Turn, As a Kennedy, I must demand you shut the fuck up. Oh well, it’s 3AM, and I must be off to vote.]
The O’Reilly Factor, baaa haaa haaa. You can’t be serious!
Commentby GBS— 5/9/06@ 4:12 pm […………………………………………….FOX News has outstanding cable ratings. FOX is growing, and the CNN/ABC/NBC/CBS are shrinking. Too fucking bad, E-3 GBS!!!!]
“As for Stefan, well… I know from personal experience that sometimes, us bloggers just get stuff wrong. But let’s see if he’ll follow my lead and be man enough to admit it.”
How can you expect him to be man enough to admit he’s wrong, when he’s not even man enough to share the loot from his lawsuit against King County with the generous donors to his “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit?
Dave Reichert isn’t man enough to hug a rabbit, but Darcy Burner is woman enough to do it.
Speaking of empty suits, Janet, Darcy Burner has already hugged a rabbit but Dave Reichert doesn’t even have a plan to hug a rabbit.
GOP = party of no ideas, no plan.
Here is a website for people who LIKE RABBITS:
This recipe were sent by Nova.
1 three pound rabbit
6 small onions, chopped
1 bay leaf
½ cup chopped celery
2 tsp. salt
2 cups diced carrots
3 raw potatoes, cut up
3 tbs. flour
1 tbs. chopped parsley
Clean rabbit and soak in salted water. Drain, disjoint it in pieces for serving and place in a large kettle with onions, bay leaf, celery and salt. Cover with cold water and cook slowly until tender, about two hours. Add chopped carrots and potatoes and continue cooking until these vegetables are done. Smooth flour with a little cold water and add slowly. When thickened, add chopped parsley and serve.
I’m telling you, Patty Murray can never win that election. I mean, for godsakes, she’s just a woman, and the other candidate is a man and a Republican and … What? It’s not Patty Murray? … I’m telling you, Darcy Burner can never win that election. I mean, for godsakes, she’s just a woman, and …
Pope @ 60 —
So, you’re argument is you know an executive when you see it. They don’t have to say it — unless they say it, and you don’t like it, then you call it out.
Guess it’s really up to each and every individual to decide what an executive means — or we could rely upon, say, the dictionary. Would that work?
Rufus and Dick [Just a Cocksucking Hypocrite] Cheney:
I know that the truth does not matter to both of you, but O’Reilly has been losing viewers constantly. And his average viewer is now in their 70s. Fox is losing viewers too. On the other hand, MSNBC and Olberman’s show has been constantly gaining viewers, and constantly gaining in the important money democratic (24-58). Apparently the only ones watching Falafel boy any more are sex perverts hoping for tips.
Explains a lot about you two.
Still no apology or retraction over at U(sp). Not a surprise as Mr. Sharansky has proved several times that he cares more about propaganda than the truth.
Or course, if he really wanted to be accurate for once, he could just post a disclaimer on the top of his blog “We apologize for the fact that everything on this blog is wrong and posted purely for propaganda reasons. If you want the truth, we strongly suggest you look elsewhere.”
Of course, that is what most people have done, which is why the minnow is lucky to get 20 post a thread.
Imposter Bill Clinton @ 72:
What’s more warped and twisted: Getting a blow job from a consenting adult or fantasizing about putting 10 year old girls in a cage to be raped by a BEAR while other men watch?
Let me ask you this hypothetical question: Would Jesus buy a copy of Scooter Libby’s or O’Reilly’s books involving child rape?
I can see it now, Jesus, just arriving on Earth for his 2nd coming rents an apartment in New York City. On his first day Jesus walks around the Big Apple getting a feel for the city and stops in at Jewish Deli for a Kosher meal. Afterwards, He comes across a home electronics store and sees His first television broadcast. The channels are set to FOX News and the O’Reilly Factor is on. Bill is doing a segment on how poor Scooter Libby, a strong Christian conservative, is being unjustly persecuted by the evil liberal media and Patrick Fitzgerald. Seeing that they’re conservatives who are “fighting the war on Christianity” Jesus decides to stop by a bookstore to get a copy of the Bible and pick up some reading materials written by a few top conservatives. Since Jesus saw Bill telling the story of how great Libby is, Jesus decides to pick up a copy of Libby’s book The Apprentice and O’Reilly’s book Those Who Trespass.
On his first night Jesus is getting ready to settle down, relax and do some reading. On his nightstand are the three books; the Bible, The Apprentice and Those Who Trespass. The Bible, which Jesus is familiar with, is filled with stories of the Holy Land, His Father and His own teachings of virtue, social justice, acceptance and love, decides to start with the other books.
As Jesus begins to read the conservative writers books he quickly discovers they contain passages of homoeroticism, incest, bestiality, pedophilia, prostitution, biastophila and drug abuse.
Now for the big question What Would Jesus Do?
There are really only one of two answers:
1) He would punish the evil and vile conservatives and sweep them out of power in November and imprison the most evil of them. or
2) He’d become one of them and reach for a falafel and a bottle of Jergen’s lotion.
I’m going for answer #1 myself.
Conservatives, like JCH, MTR, Janet S., Konservative Krime Klown and the rest of the gang who falsely believe Jesus is with them would pick #2.
There is innacurate information about Mack Deallah in this thread. Mack is NOT a convert to ISLAM as was claimed, I attend the same evangelical christian church that he attends.
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