Darcy Burner and Dave Reichert released their July fundraising totals today in advance of WA’s August 19 primary, and as reported by Postman (or maybe Emily Heffter, I’m kinda confused) it wasn’t even close.
Rep. Dave Reichert, the two-term Republican incumbent, raised $115,474 during July, compiling $929,113 in cash on hand.
Democratic challenger Darcy Burner raised more — $350,837– during July, and reported having almost $1.5 million in the bank. […] Burner has been outpacing Reichert in fundraising throughout the campaign, but she’s also been spending more.
“Burner raised more” …? Talk about an understatement. She raised over three times more. And while yeah, sure, Burner’s numbers were pumped up by the incredible outpouring of affection and support in the wake of the fire that claimed her home, her cat and all her belongings, Reichert’s numbers are truly pathetic, barely covering his $100K in expenses for the month.
And as to Postman’s (Heffter’s?) assertion that Burner’s “also spending more,” um… no she hasn’t. So far both campaigns have spent about a million dollars over the cycle, with Reichert actually outspending Burner by a few thousand dollars.
Running for office is hard work, and it’s beginning to look like Reichert just isn’t up to the task. For example, Reichert relied on PAC money to make up over 55% of his anemic July total, whereas Burner only raised 5% from PACs. That kind of disparity tells you a lot about both candidates’ work ethic, and their allegiances.
Democratic challenger Darcy Burner raised more — $350,837– during July, and reported having almost $1.5 million in the bank
Kleenex doesn’t count as money. Oh I can’t wait to see her cry again. Her concession speeches are so precious. hehehehehe
Do-nothing congressman is old and tired, and the 8th C.D. needs fresh young blood. It also needs somewhat who hugs rabbits. Darcy hugs rabbits! Reichert wouldn’t know a rabbit from a kangaroo if one bit him on the ankle.
Military Tribunal Kicks Bush’s Ass
The outcome of the first Gitmo detainee military commission trial is a crushing defeat for the Bush administration.
Of course, it was foreordained that the Busheviks’ hand-picked judges in their custom-designed military tribunal — where the Constitution and due process and rules of evidence were thrown out the window — would convict OBL’s alleged driver of something. An acquittal would have been so embarrassing Bush would have ordered airstrikes on the tribunal.
So they convicted him of “providing material support” to al Qaeda. But they acquitted him of terrorism.
Then rebuffed prosecutors again by sentencing the defendant to 5 1/2 years, with credit for time served. Translation: The prisoner goes free in 5 months.
This case has several extremely interesting nuances, to wit:
1) 5 months coincides exactly with the inauguration of President Obama. In other words, the sentence handed to the first detainee to be tried will not outlast Bush’s term of office.
2) Legal experts agree the conviction is certain to be reversed by higher courts, because the tribunal only had jurisdiction to convict Hamdan of terrorism, and lacks jurisdiction over the charges he was convicted on. However, by the time the conviction is reversed, Bush will be out of left office — and the tribunal’s judges know that.
3) Notwithstanding the tribunal’s verdict and sentence, Bush could continue holding Hamdan as an “enemy combatant” … for 5 more months. After that, he won’t be able to give orders to a traffic court judge, much less the Gitmo commandant.
Think about it. The Bush administration picked a high-profile defendant against whom they thought they had a slam-dunk case for the first detainee trial, which they knew would receive very extensive media coverage. And got kicked in the nuts by their own tribunal.
Bush looks very much like a guy who doesn’t have enough pull to hail a taxi.
Hopefully she wins the real race and not just the money race.
Hopefully she wins the real race and not just the money race.
Agreed. Ditzy Dave 401 needs to go.
David Gold Stain reports:
“Burner kicks Reichert’s ass in July”
…someone may want to inform the head donkey on this site that the election is actually in NOVEMBER, He appears confused. Rest assured the outcome will be identical to that of 2004.
Thanks for the laugh though, dumbass!
Did anyone else see Darcy’s 10-page, full color magazine-style mailer she sent out as a “get to know Darcy” piece for the primary election? She must have spent a fortune on it, but it looks like Obama and the DNC covered some of the costs.
Still, if I’m Dave Reichert I can see [a] what her money can buy that I can’t hope to, [b] that she has major backing from her party that I don’t, and [c] that she has a real shot at getting more votes in the top two primary than I do.
The CIA’s present-day interrogation methods are based on the “work” of Ewen Cameron, the psychiatry profession’s Dr. Mengele. Cameron served on the Nuremburg Medical Tribunal after World War II, then was recruited by the CIA to conduct medical experiments on non-consenting humans under the auspices of McGill University in Montreal. His victims were either patients referred to him for treatment of minor psychiatric problems or research volunteers who were misled about what would be done to them.
Cameron is best known for pioneering the use of electric shocks to erase memories and destroy personalities. The shocks were administered at household current strength — 120 to 200 volts — and some victims were given these shocks hundreds of times.
However, Cameron also experimented with sensory deprivation and used a wide variety of drugs — including LSD and PCP — to put his victims in comas for months at a time.
Cameron was a consultant on torture and interrogation tactics to Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and other Latin American autocrats. However, he was primarily in the employ of the CIA, was paid by the CIA to conduct these experiments, and the information he provided to the CIA became the basis for not only the torture techniques of the rightwing regimes sponsored by the Reagan administration in Central America in the 80s, but in the “interrogation” tactics later used by the CIA at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and at Guantanomo Bay Detention Facility up to the present time.
Cameron was a big shot in the psychiatry professions, serving as president of the American, Canadian, and World psychiatry federations. He died of natural causes in 1967. Too bad. He should have been hanged. He is now remembered as the “father” of modern torture methodology.
Oil Falls To $116
Crude prices are off almost $4 today, falling below $117. Oil has declined about 22% from the high of $149 reached just 3 weeks ago, which should translate into a roughly 95-cent drop in gas prices after the declines work their way through the distribution system to the pump.
There was never any shortage of refined products at the retail level. This fact, coupled with the swift rise in crude prices and equally swift decline, is compelling evidence of market manipulation.
Under the system of laissez faire capitalism practiced by the Bush administration, everything is fair game — electricity, gasoline, home heating fuels, even food. And no one — not speculators, not price fixers, not thieves — is regulated. Necessities of life are a convenient means to transfer money and assets from the working and middle classes to a new class of robber barons in a new gilded age.
Why would anyone vote for these motherfuckers? The answer is, the majority of us didn’t. They stole power and control of government as surely as they stole our money.
Let’s find a pretty town in the heartland — say, in Kansas or maybe Illinois — and convene domestic Nuremberg trials.
We could use the Gitmo detainee trials as a procedural model, but we really don’t need to, because there’s enough evidence against the G.O.P. Party and its leaders to convict them of conspiracy, grand theft, and crimes against humanity in a real trial in a real court.
Most industry analysts agree that supply-demand fundamentals justify a price of about $80. After all the larceny is squeezed out of the market, gas prices should fall back to about $2.40.
Let’s bring a class-action suit against every Republican in the country to recoup the money they stole from us.
Rigged electric rates
Rigged gas prices
Defrauded investors
Ripped off pensioners
Depressed wages
Medical bankruptcies
The damages are in the trillions, so we should confiscate their passports and put them all under house arrest pending trial so they can’t flee the country with suitcases full of cash, diamonds, and Tim Eyman wristwatches.
War Erupts In Former USSR; Russia Invades Georgia
Oh my! The world has a new brand new war today — Russia has invaded the independent republic of Georgia in support of rebels fighting to overthrow the Georgian government.
“MEGVREKISI, Georgia (Aug. 8) — Russia sent forces into Georgia on Friday to repel a Georgian assault on the breakaway South Ossetia region and Georgia’s pro-Western president said the two countries were at war.”
(Quoted from AP under fair use.)
Police Blotter
A married Republican state legislator in Missouri has been indicted for raping his mistress’ 14-year-old daughter.
Rep. Scott Muschany, 44, who represents a district in the St. Louis area, was first elected in 2004 and decided not to run for re-election in May 2008 three days after being arrested for sexual assault.
Looks like those Republican “family values” strike again.
In political news, Democratic Convention organizers have given Bill Clinton a speaking slot just before the vice presidential nominee’s acceptance speech on the third night of the convention.
@14 At least he isn’t raping little boys.
Initial battle reports indicate airfields are being bombed, a major Georgian city is being shelled by Russian artillery and tanks, there are hundreds of civilian deaths, and a couple of Russian jets have been shot down.
Georgia’s democratically-elected government is closely allied with the Bush administration and has about 2,000 troops in Iraq, which are now being recalled for homeland defense. Georgia is mobilizing its reserves.
Georgia’s government angered Moscow earlier this year by seeking NATO membership.
Turns out that in Tennessee, incumbent Republican Congressman Dave Davis has been defeated in the primary by another Republican who accused Davis of “selling out to ‘big oil’ by accepting money from industry PACs and backing legislation supporting offshore drilling.” Wow, if Republicans are turning against that sort of thing, McCain has just picked a huge loser of an issue as a pillar of his campaign!
Dave “Don’t Touch The Hair” Reichert supports drilling now too, but he tempers it by saying that he doesn’t think we should drill in ANWR. Still, he’s on the loser train (you know, “drill here, drill now”) as well.
News reports are saying that Russian tank columns are heading to Georgia. That’s not good news.
Of course, in a tense international situation like this, you want to have a U.S. President who has a strong standing in the world community, who’s credibility and gravitas is respected around the world. A President like that can influence nations and broker cease fires, preventing the incident from becoming a full-scale ware which might quickly involve other nations. (After all, WWI began with merely the assasination of Austrian Duke by a Serbian terrorist!)
But instead of a President with international credibility and gravitas, we have instead – George W. Bush. I’m sure this was a factor in the Russian decision to use the military option, with the U.S. having few real allies left and little international credibility or influence.
By the way, this all broke out over a dispute regarding the status of a break-way Georgian province, South Ossetia, which has been semi-autonomous since around 1992.
The good news? Twenty + years ago, the headlines “Russian war planes bomb Georgia” could have had a much different meaning.
20 rhp
This Georgian invasion is really a poke in the eye at NATO. Russia’s been pissed ever since conversations about NATO membership for Georgia cropped up a few eyars ago. They think they own that part of the world, and don’t much want so-called “Western” interference.
“What’s NATO going to do about it?” might be what Russia’s saying here. And how WILL they respond? Fuck the US. No one care about the US any more. It’s Europe, Russia, India and China now.
14 – I love that website!!! Just the thing to show to all these holier than thou right wing stooges.
Re oil: The hedge fund managers are backing off on their speculative positions because their bullshit is sinking the global economy. This bubble was shortlived and may bring down the price of oil to between 80 – $100 fairly soon. Which is still a historically high price. Ok in my book. I think the price of oil should be on the high side to encourage the development of carbon-neutral/carbon-free alternatives and energy efficiency.
6 – “…someone may want to inform the head donkey on this site that the election is actually in NOVEMBER, He appears confused.”
the election is in august, dumbshit