The numbers are in, and they don’t look too good for Dave Reichert, with challenger Darcy Burner expanding her lead over “Congressman 401” in the much watched category of cash on hand. Reichert raised only $331,000 in the first quarter, compared to the impressive $517,000 hauled in by Burner, who now leads Reichert $922,000 to $698,000 in cash on hand.
And that’s with a fundraising visit from the First Lady. Pathetic.
You seem to know a bit more about campaign finance law than I do, so I’m wondering if you can clarify something…
I’ve heard that McDermott (D-Baghdad) can use his campaign money to help pay off his lawsuit debt. Does that kind of money thing only apply to office-related lawsuits? Can Darcy use the extra money she’s acquired to settle the lawsuit against her? Does it matter whether it is property damage or personal injury?
The Real Mark @ 1 – Hmmmm… then that would mean that Reichert can use the money he’s received from his Laura Bush fundraiser and others to settle the lawsuits against him.
Good to know.
go Darci kick the sheriff’s ass! god he is a dick!
When I first saw your title, I thought maybe some kind of poll had been done.
As with every Dem (except Hillary)I would like to see Burner win, but money does not always translate into votes. Particularly, when you are going up against an incumbent with, deserved or not, largely positive name recognition.
Btw, like the new HA style.
If this continues, Republican candidates will need public financing to stay afloat.
Pooor sheriff hairspray. At least he is not the least powerful congressperson. It is good for his supporters to know that he actually does vote against his party’s leaders, when they let him. That is by the way a quote. In all my years, I have never heard of any person in congress so stupid that they actually admitted in public, that they count the votes. I commend sheriff letemgetawaywithmurderforyears Reichert for his honesty/stupidity. (Psssst Dave. Yer not sposta tell em they count the votes….)
So sheriff. How much do you think we should borrow from China to fund this war? 3 trillion? 5 trillion? more?
Reichert is definitely trying to win the retard vote. Anyone not wanting to replace him with Darcy is a retard.
And to think. McCain may be stupider than Bush….
You mean like what the democrats have with NPR already? Or are you talking about unions who extort money from their members?
McCain has even admitted he doesn’t know jack sh*t about economics. How many decades will it take Dems to fix the damage the GOP has done to our country in the last 15 years?
Remember when the dollar wasn’t worth a quarter?
I think she will need to raise money for the tissue she will need when she loses for a second time. Oh it is going to be so precious seeing the tears flowing form that dumb broads face. hehehehehee
Remember when the dollar wasn’t worth a quarter?
I do. Let’s not go there.
Hey doggie style. Why is it called “liberal” when it is truth related, and not fantasy based?
What I love most is the pictures. A bomb kills 60, and on TV all we see is puddles of blood. Americans are too cowardly to view a pile of 60 peoples’ blasted apart bodies. Arms, legs, women, children, the works.
Wanna make an impression on a Republiconvict? Pile 1,000,000 Iraqi corpses on their lawn, and put a sign on top of the pile KILLED BY THIS REPUBLICAN AND THEY ARE PROUD OF IT.
Hey doggie style. Why is it called “liberal” when it is truth related, and not fantasy based?
Well I guess it would depend on the liberal meaning of “truth”. Do you mean like the forged document type 60 minutes tried to pass as truth??? Is that what you mean by truth???? Or like the Hillary “We were shot at by sniper fire” truth???? You mean that type of truth??? What type of truth are you talking about?? To a liberal what is truth??? Of course before you answer that you must define the meaning of “is”. Good luck. roof roof.
Oh wait… maybe you were referring to the Spitzer type “take a left on honesty lane” while screwing $4,000.00 per hour prostitute type truth. Yeah, that might be what you are talking about.
@10 – OUCH!
Shit-eating mutt @ 13
I understand you hate the sin.
Do you love these right wing sinners?
Oh wait, I know what type now. The “we can not show Americans jumping from a public buiding because it is to cruel to the families but we donks can parade republican soldiers in our anti war (commie) marches” type truth. That might be it.
Did he put ice on that?
reichert should resign like all the other republiconvicts that know their days are numbered have. They even lost Hasterts seat.
17 – Many if not all of these Republican child molesters have indeed been “put on ice”:
It goes on and on….
@11 It is alot of dead people but, hey we
need that oil and you libs wont let us drill
in Alaska so its on your shoulders, dumbass.
What have those mud people contributed to the world anyway?
Who let the dog in?
His breath stinks.
You would have to be sick to want to serve in the permanent (forever) minority the GOP will become. The number of morons that are buying the fear mongering, race baiting, hate policies pushed by tody’s rovian inspired republiconvict maggots is down to single digits.
They only offer 2 things. Blood and bankruptcy.
What have those mud people contributed to the world anyway?
Mud people? Were you just at
As the right wing feces eating cur @ 16 would say:
Mark. If your retarded friends listened to jimmy carter we wouldn’t need their oil. You were too busy sacking his presidency, and paying iranians to hold our hostages a little longer so ronnie could win.
We need to destroy alaska about as much as a junkie needs more heroin.
Republicans do to america what lead paint does to children.
If a monkey can beat a democrat for president why not a retard…they are still a better choice then a donk. roof roof.
So dog breath. What does reichert think about our destroying our constitution cuz weeeere askered?
It is not my fault 50 million americans would vote for a monkey…. They do as they are told…. baaa baaaa baaaa
It is not my fault 50 million americans would vote for a monkey…. They do as they are told…. baaa baaaa baaaa
Like I said a retard would be a better choice than a donk… it was over 62 million dumbass. Geeesh.
JBD: It is amazing that republican idiots like JBD tout their retards as being qualified for anything. Oh yeah – Bush lost to Gore and then barely won a second term and after 7+ years of incompetence and corruption we now have:
1. the worst economic performance in 20 years
2. the largest budget deficit ever
3. the largest trade deficit
4. the biggest gap in income between the top and the bottom
5. the highest coporate profits ever – for Exxon
No the idiots policies have worked – an unnecessary war (14 billion/month now), spending to break the backs of any real government and energy policy written by Enron and Dick Cheney, politicization of the Justice dept., the FDA, the FEC, the Dept. of agriculture and on and on – they have wrecked the government and that was their intention. Not to mention illegal spying and wiretapping and torture.
It is hard to believe so few could do so much damage in such a short time to our country. Real patriots are ashamed of what Bush has done.
But you have to give credit to the 59 million (well 58 million if you discount for fraud) to the facist commies who goose-stepped for Kerry. roof roof.
@23 Mad people. OOps
@24 I know for a fact if given a map you
would not be able to find ANWR. Besides they
wouldn’t even have to cut many trees, so relax.
Drill, drill, and clean up that underground
evironmental disaster by pumping out the oil
and burn it in our cars.
@29 Wait a minute, all those things you say
have happened since the democrats took over
congress. Start blaming the right people.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
No, it hasn’t. They are the continuations of trends that started in the early years of Bush’s term.
Actually is started in the Clinton administration… of course the economy is always is shambles when a donk leaves office.
When will McCain release his tax, medical and military records – or is that just lie number 283,211 for him?
Um, no. We actually had a budget surplus when Clinton left office.
McCain has a long way to go. You are at least four orders of magnitude ahead of him in that department just on the lies you told here about my family.
36 JBD
Continuing from Lee @ 38
…AND a growing economy. The recession started in March 2001 and ended in November 2001 ( ), after the longest economic expansion in US History. The entire recession was on Bush’s watch. I think it was a lack of consumer confidence in President Retard.
I was just waiting for the wingnuts to come in here and
(a) Claim that money raised doesn’t matter (1 post) or
(b) Change the subject (all the rest)
It’s good when one’s expectations are met. Sort of satisfying. Go Darcy! Consider Reichert’s ass kicked.
37 BBG
McBush can’t release his medical records. If he did, we would then discover that he died in 2002.
Buh-bye, Dave.
www. pollingreport .com
Buh-bye, Dave.
So Puddy you admit McCain is a liar? Well I guess it takes one to know one bitch.
My God, 44 posts here, and not one Republican can articulate a rational reason for keeping Dave Reichart in office. (No, blaming Bill Clinton for the current economic crisis isn’t a rational train of thought, by any measure).
When you consider that even the Republicans consider Dave Reichart to be a “weak link”, then that’s really saying something!
First time visitor. I was wondering about the site, so I visited. I am an independent who isn’t a fan of Reichart and am even less impressed with Burner.
However, it is interesting to read the very strong views on here. Most are very polarized from each other (ultra conservative & ultra liberal) and different from the majority of citizens. Many are downright hateful. Interesting what we do in the name of politics.
Dave Reichert will be voted back in office. Darcy Burner can collect all the money she want’s. Dave Reichert still has the votes.
Max @ 47: Well, this is a pretty partison blog, with no pretense at neutrality. Therefore, it will attract some pretty partison comments.\
Most of the time I’m pretty restrained when I voice my opinion on other forums. But on this one, it’s helpfull to sometimes ridicule that which deserves to be ridiculed.
AND a growing economy. The recession started in March 2001 and ended in November 2001 The entire recession was on Bush’s watch.
The very definition of a recession is two straight quarters of negative job growth. I know you donks are not good at math so I will do it for you.
Recession March 2001 = (October + November + December = Negative jobs) + (January + February + March = Negative jobs). Who was president the majority of that time??? Proof positive that donks leave the economy in shambles. roof roof.
Right Direction 24%
Wrong Track 71%
Unsure 5%
Buh-bye, Dave.
No bye bye democrat congress. heheehehe
I know you donks are not good at math so I will do it for you.
Barking dogs should stick to barking, because they sure as hell don’t to Economics very well:
(emphasis added)
Although I typically vote Democrat, I am finding myself to be more and more independent. I am not a friend of Jim McDermott and quite frankly, it is time for him to go. I find this man to be nothing more than a disservice to his country and his political party.