From Roll Call’s article about the WA-08 race between Democratic challenger Darcy Burner and Republican incumbent Dave Reichert, R-Wash.:
Burner said Reichert’s advertising firm, Media Plus, has made what she alleges amounts to an illegal loan of as much as $1 million to buy airtime in this last week before Election Day.
“From my perspective, when they are breaking the law and then use that money to go up on television to say that I don’t have a degree that I did in fact earn, do I think it’s getting nasty? Absolutely. But not on our side,” Burner said. “They will do anything to hold onto this seat, and they don’t care about the law or the truth.”
There’s still (barely) time to throw in one last bit of turkee to help Burner counter this ridiculous and deceptive bit of Seattle Times/RNC/Reichert bullshit. Democrats are hopeful of having a big night in one week, and Republicans are desperate to hang on to WA-08 as their potential losses pile up. Darcy has done as much as anyone to challenge the Bush status quo and having her break their back by defeating Reichert would be incredibly sweet.
I know everyone is probably pretty tapped out, but if you can, go visit Darcy. As we’ve seen, every small contribution adds up, and I’m guessing last minute media purchases are vital as this race goes down to the wire. Don’t mean to be theatrical, but if you’re going to donate one last time to Burner, do it this instant.
Sarah Palin, “Diva” and “Whack Job”:
The problem for Reichert is that a sizable number of voters have already cast their votes. Their last second scare tactics will have less effect this time than they did in 2006.
I voted for Dave. Darcy is just as dirty as all the rest. Enough is enough.
Yay, Darcy. Glad to see her hitting back.
It looks like Missouri might be getting a Democratic governor. Jay Nixon’s a fairly conservative Dem, but it’s still a good pickup and an improvement over Matt Blunt.
Michael @ 4: I realize there’s probably no connection, but I would think that anybody named Nixon would have a tough road to hoe in any political career.
Back in the 1960’s and 1970’s, my hometown had a fairly big local business owned by somebody named Nixon, with their business sign very visable from the freeway. By 1974 he was complaining that he wanted to take the name down and change the name of the business, but it was too expensive for him to do so.
Now Darcy is calling upon her law degree (that she doesn’t have) to declare something illegal. Trouble is- she doesn’t know diddly-squat about elections, Congress, the 8th CD OR what the people of the 8th CD think of her bullshit campaign.
Go Darcy. Go home. Go away. Better yet Go buy a smoke detector and be a responsible parent.
re 7: “Go buy a smoke detector and be a responsible parent.” Like Sarah Palin?
You’re all class, pal. Making light of a family tragedy, how original. Seven days.
Jim, someone almost dies and you are insulting? Wow, what a prick. You should go back under the rock you crawled out of.
Somehow, I think if people had known more about Jim Vaughn, he would have gotten a lot fewer votes. Most of his backers were sincere Democrats, who preferred him at least a little bit over Darcy Burner for various reasons. I doubt that very many of Vaughn’s relatively small number of voters are going to switch over to Dave Reichert. It is bad enough that Vaughn has shown his lack of political maturity by being a sore loser and a tremendously insincere “Democrat?”. But the lack of personal maturity that Vaughn has shown in his recent post (@ 7 above), especially from someone who was supposed to be an Officer and a Gentleman (Major in U.S. Army) is truly disappointing.
I think Goldy should verify whether the “Jim Vaughn” post above really came from the former congressional candidate. If so, Goldy should post prominently every day calling for Reichert to denounce Vaughn’s endorsement and mean-spirited remarks.
Do nothing Darcy is a lying bitch
If she had an economics degree why did she fail to mention that degree two years ago?
What about the thousands of calls into district claiming she was being taken to jail?
What is this bullshit about working to “assist” women at Microsoft?
Lying about her work at Microsoft?
She should be a lawyer…every time she opens her mouth shit comes out.
Darcy can’t be a lawyer she is to busy being a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooser.
Kiss the little arsonist night night.
The trouble is Sally, is that no “hoax” has been perpetrated. Darcy Burner has been truthful about her education, but people like Heffter and Schram have decided that they have a better understanding of her Harvard education than she or Harvard alumni and professors do.
For an explanation by someone who actually knows what they are talking about listen to this instead.