Darcy Burner has issued a press release challenging Rep. Dave Reichert to hold a town hall meeting during the August recess to explain to constituents his unwavering support for President Bush’s Iraq war policies:
“Doesn’t Congressman Reichert have the responsibility to stand in front of the people of his district to explain his stand on the War in Iraq? If he can vote more than a dozen times in favor of continuing and even escalating the war, can’t he talk to the voters in person just once about why he believes what he does?
“The voters deserve to hear directly from their elected representative on an issue of this magnitude, especially when the representative disagrees so strongly with the views of his constituents, as Congressman Reichert does,” Burner said. “While he is back in the district for his August vacation, I hope that this time he will not just hide from his constituents as he has done so many times in the past.”
Reichert, who has attacked Democrats for “meddling” and “politicizing” the war, has held only three town hall meetings since first being elected in 2004, and none since his reelection in 2006. Burner has consistently pledged that she would regularly meet with voters in an open and unscripted manner.
I called Reichert’s district office to ask if he had any town hall meetings, forums or public appearances coming up during the August recess, and was told that he has received invitations to events, but that there is currently nothing on his schedule.
Rubber Stamp Reichert will hide from Darcy like he hid from Gary Ridgeway.
Now how is this different than the GOP calling a special session for child molestors?
Oh nevermind, Darcy is doing this for her political gain.
Burner is right to “call out” Reichert.
We gotta get a decision on this whole thing about hyacinths vs tulips at the entrance to Ames Lake.
Clearly she’s got him backed into a corner on this issue…
“Burner has consistently pledged that she would regularly meet with voters in an open and unscripted manner.”
And why not a better time than now! She should be scheduling town meetings with or without him. Hell Darcy has all the time in world, she should be holding weekly town meetings.
IMHO, People that bitch and moan and don’t participate in the exact same activity, they wear the same cloth as those they are bitching about.
Put your words into action Darcy, and prove to the voters that you will LISTEN and ENGAGE in CONVERSATION with them, and you just might get their vote. (of course you need to exercise your right to vote also)
Burner is an empty shirt. She couldn’t call out a strike at a Mariners game.
Why should a sitting congressman answer a “prospective nominee”?
This will play big in the HA echo chamber, but nowhere else.
RS and Chris – WTF do you mean? She developed and keenly honed some pretty sharp political instincts serving on her homeowner’s association.
I REALLY want to know her position on hyacinths.
The righties must really get tired of defending that worthless hairdo Reichert. He’s a major lump of coal in their stocking at best.
I was saying Booooooooooooooooooooooo-urns.
I’m sure Reichert considers unqualified Darcy whats-her-name no more of a threat than an annoying mosquito landing on one’s arm. I hope he attends and shows her up as the unqualified, inexperienced dim bulb that she is. I’ll be eagerly waiting for her to fall on her face.
i remember cantwell doing the same thing to Mcgavick….
I hope he attends and shows her up as the unqualified, inexperienced dim bulb that she is. I’ll be eagerly waiting for her to fall on her face.
There you have it, bi-partisan support for the idea. What do you say, Rep. Reichert, do you have the stone to show up?
My only question is this:
If she and Reichert are both running in 2008 and Bush is leaving office in 2008, then wouldn’t Reichert’ ‘rubber stamping’ be a moot point?
She tried this method in 2006 and it didn’t work for her then. If I may offer some advice, instead of campaigning on “He doesn’t” campaign on “I will.” I do not care what you think he is doing wrong. What I want is for you to tell me what you will do, not that you will vote against everything a president who will not be in office if you win wants.
Thank you.
We in the eighth will no doubt hear from Reichert (at our own expense) in a four-color glossy partisan political (mail out) exercise in dishonest electioneering from Sheriff Dave.
re 15: Left Behind: If you are retarded, just ask questions and we’ll help you with answers in plain language that a simple man like yourself can understand.
I feel so sorry for you! I hope you’re not bitter.
From the wingnut bleatings on this thread, it looks like they’re really worried about whether Shurrif Hairspray can hang on in ’08.
from the leftist bleatings on this thread, it looks like they’re really worried about whether “Golden Child” can make it happen in “08”.
Absolutely, Roger… this comment thread is the sound of fear.
Reichert won’t do a town hall meeting on the Iraq war, because his handlers know that he just couldn’t handle it. He’s totally out of step with his district on this and many other issues.
How many more US soldiers and Iraq civilians have to die before he flips on this issue out of political expediency?
Rep Reichert will almost certainly have other “important” things that he has to do, and will be unable to attend.
And when the Republican party (having read the polls and realized that they won’t be able to defend this seat) tells Mr. Reichert that he’s on his own in 2008 he will announce that he won’t be running again, the wingnuts will announce that the only reason Ms. Burner won the election was that Rep Reichert withdrew.
The real concern we should have in this race isn’t Mr. Reichert. He’s already toast. We should be concerned about the oft-proven ability of our state Democratic party leadership to pull defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Witness the leadership trying to push Mr. Tom into this race. If the Republicans won’t supply a strong Republican to run against Ms. Burner, the Washington State Democratic Party will supply a Republican to run against Ms. Burner.
Reichert will be attending to the needs of his muscles and hair during his the congressional recess.
It’s the top priority of the Darcy Burner hating losers on this thread.
Dave should ignore Darcy as stated above regarding these same Moonbat!s telling Maria not to debate McGavick.
Weren’t these the same Moonbat!s who told TDSITUS not to debate George Nethercutt?
But if Dave decided to change his mind he should put Darcy Moonbat! Pelosi sniffer on the spot for her positions.
I would love to see Darcy run again. I am sure it will end the same way. Seeing her cry at her concession speech was simply delicious. hehehehe
Darcy Burner, Darcy Burner.
Darcy the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOser is now wanting to catch Rigid Riechert at a town hall. That is the grandstanding of LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOsers.
She is pathetic. By the way Darcy cannot tell how she will vote on anything since she chooses not to vote so often. Darcy is so original with this concept….wow what a sharp little tack.
How hard is Rodney Tom laughing at this dimwit?
Breaking news…Darcy has just been told by Lou Grappa Guzzo that it is not the season for Tulips, so she is going to be decisive and plant hyacinths at the entrance to Ames Lake. Another bold executive decision from the chubby lady in black.
Darcy Burner, not another Heidi Behrens Benedict, Darcy is shorter, fatter, and has worse hair.
It doesn’t matter who we run against the hairdo – GOP candidates are going to be fucking looooooosers in 08. The Bush regime will bring down the whole party. We’ll have the White House and then a Super Majority in the Congress. Then we can send fake hairdo back to tell war stories about how it onlt took him 17 years to catch a high school drop out rapist.
Agreed. They could go over to Woodland Park Zoo and get a chimp that would beat Reichert.
Oh, Danny boy? Do you hear it?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick………
Darcy is pointing out that Dave Reichert is Missing In Action—again.
It’s what she needs to do–to remind the electorate that the Incredible Disappearing Hair does not respond to his constituents and is out of step with the majority opinions of both the nation at large and in his district. His support for the war is what the majority in his district opposes. Thanks, Darcy, for holding his feet to the fire.
Daddy @ 28
Why does Darcy need Reichart? Why doesn’t she get out and have her OWN town meetings?
Is she just gonna bitch about her opponent, or take some action and do what she is accusing her opponent of NOT doing.
You don’t have to be an incumbent to speak. She should be trying to get her IDEAS out there, and proving herself, by example.
But it is easier to just bitch about it, then to actually DO something.
Cantwell was MIA too! But of course that is different. She is the incumbant and a Demo. They don’t have to have their feet held to the fire, do they?
And why not a better time than now! She should be scheduling town meetings with or without him. Hell Darcy has all the time in world, she should be holding weekly town meetings.
Well, she doesn’t becuase no one would attend…..Now that would be embarrassing.
You see, the congessman HAS something that the prospective nominee doesn’t…. A VOTE.
Marcy Buhner’s 15 minutes are up.
Dave Reichert:
Trending Down.
29 WOW
For some reason you think this is about town halls, and whether they are held or not. Holding them is important? Then Darcy should hold one, if she wants them so bad!
Do you really believe that people are so stupid as to take that to be a substantive argument? Lay on, Macduff. You are one of the reasons the Republicans are getting spanked.
Umm, to be brief, the POINT is that Reichert blindly and unceasingly supports Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, which is a MINORITY position and an increasingly unpopular one. Darcy did Shiny McGrayhair the favor of pointing that out to his constituents.
31 RS
So when Darcy holds Reichert’s seat, she’ll have the “vote.”
Thanks for the obvious.
23 Puddybud
You seem to be saying that Reichert should refuse to debate Darcy Burner because he is leading by 15 points in the polls, which is why Maria stiffed Mike! I somehow don’t get that.
So, let’s recap:
Maria Cantwell was a one-term Senator who had won a narrow victory as the challenger against one of the all-time most visible and experience Washington politicians. She had (in 2006) a high profile on the issues of oil supply and campaign finance reform and had raised more than twice the money of her relatively unknown first-time challenger.
Reichert, on the other hand, as the incumbent
Narrowly avoided losing his seat by two (count ’em!) percentage points, even narrower that his margin of victory for his original open seat in what had been a safe GOP district. That’s a bad sign.
Has a challenger in 2008 who is outraising HIM. That’s a bad sign.
Is a second-term Congressman in the minority party in a GOP district trending Democratic who has not distinguished himself on any issue. That’s a bad sign.
Supports the war in a year when sizable majorities oppose it. That’s a bad sign.
Has a likely challenger has already established district-wide name recognition two years ago. That’s a bad sign.
It must be the Republican tendency to ignore reality that makes you confident, because Dave’s performance sure shouldn’t.
Hmmm, preview supports HTML that the comments thread does not. Oh, well.
Reichert, on the other hand, as the incumbent:
– Narrowly avoided losing his seat by two (count ‘em!) percentage points, even narrower that his margin of victory for his original open seat in what had been a safe GOP district. That’s a bad sign.
– Has a challenger in 2008 who is outraising HIM. That’s a bad sign.
– Is a second-term Congressman in the minority party in a GOP district trending Democratic who has not distinguished himself on any issue. That’s a bad sign.
– Supports the war in a year when sizable majorities oppose it. That’s a bad sign.
– Has a likely challenger has already established district-wide name recognition two years ago. That’s a bad sign.
32 Danno
What do you mean, besides showing us how clever you are at playing with her name? Do you mean that you think that Rodney Tom will win the primary and thus be the Democratic candidate? Because if you think she will do worse in a general election against Reichert THiS year when he no longer has the majority to prop him up, GOP candidates are lagging in fundraising, and she now has organization, political contacts, and donor lists that she didn’t start out with last time, you haven’t really been around politics much.
How ’bout a little substance, kid?
You have to be really dizzy, after all that spinning.
goldy… why do a town hall when all that is going to happen are wing nut lefties who think going to war in WWII was a bad idea, yell and scream and act like, well, nut jobs?
Goldy… on your radio show where you are afraid to take calls from people who have different viewpoints, you said (and I’m paraphrasing) “drugs are a victimless crime.” This was in relation to your desire to let all felons vote again.
If you have ever known anyone who is addicted, you know there is a victim.
Is it too much to ask for KIRO to actually find a liberal who isn’t an idiot before they put him/her on the air?