The final numbers aren’t tallied yet, but the last I heard from the campaign was that Darcy Burner expects to exceed her fundraising target for the March 31 reporting deadline. The DCCC had set her a goal of $320,000 cash on hand by the end of the quarter, and by beating it, Burner becomes eligible for $250,000 in new funds from the national Dems.
For those who understand how the DCCC functions, this is big, big news, and DC insiders tell me that Burner has raised quite a few eyebrows with her fundraising prowess and grassroots support. For example, Burner has raised over $130,000 during the last ten days alone, with the overwhelming majority of her contributions thus far coming from individual donors.
I am particularly gratified by the support shown by my own readers. I routinely tell candidates that blogs are a crappy means of achieving any kind of call to action, so don’t expect us to raise you any money… and so when I started attempting exactly that just a few days ago, my expectations were low.
And yet over the past week 32 HA readers have donated $1,176.33 through my Act Blue link, with several others telling me they have contributed directly to the campaign. I thank you all for your generosity, and for your willingness to get involved this early in the election year.
Burner is also grateful for all the support shown on all the local blogs, and will be dropping by Drinking Liberally this coming Tuesday to thank you all personally. This will be a great opportunity to raise a toast to the next congressperson from Washington’s 8th Congressional District. I hope to see you all there.
I keep getting emails and comments from readers saying they contributed directly through Burner’s campaign web site. Perhaps I should rethink my assumption that blogs aren’t much good at raising money?
Congratulations on a job well done to all concerned. Now we need to keep busy and make Darcy’s 2006 campaign a success.
Alas, no podcast this week. Woulda been fun to have Darcy on to whoop it up a bit. With progressives somewhat disallusioned with Maria Cantwell, lefties will have a chance to focus on WA-08. At least until McGavick closes the gap (which may or may not happen.) Darcy is a neat person, and I feel my time and money are well spent on her.
I responded to your call to action with a whopping $11.33 contribution to Darcy, topping your 10 buck “cheap seats” suggestion by over 10%. But seriously, your leadership, once again, on this is impressive.
Man, your standards are low.
If you’re going to lust after a married woman (I sense an interest here), go after Hillary. I’m guessing Darcy ain’t interested in adultery, and we know of course Hillary could care less
LiberalRedneck, Detroit, Gary, Milwaukee, South Central LA, and Philly. Like Harare, Zinbabwe, all black liberal Hillary Villages. And ALL Democrat voter fraud shit holes. Advice: Stay far away from Democrat shit holes, as the animal Democrats are right out of “Lord of the Flies”.
Reichert belongs in prison for crimes against humanity, like all Rethuglicans.
All right wingers rape children. All right wingers are traitors. All right wingers are cowards. All right wingers are inbred. All right wingers are afraid of and hate the truth.
Not only do they rape children, they force them to give birth to the child.
Klake Sucks Dick —- maybe yours, not mine.
Most gay men I know have political and sexual standards.
Homo Bob, who does suck dick
#6: “Reichert belongs in prison for crimes against humanity, like all Rethuglicans.”
Nah. My take is that Dave Reichert’s a decent man and a good cop, but has been swept along in the right-wing river of nonsense. There was an article in the Times last week quoting Norm Dicks, about what a sham the House has turned into. They’re only in session a day and a half a week. All they do is vote the way their leadership tells them to, on bills most of ’em haven’t even read. Then they line up to kiss DeLay’s ass, genuflect in the direction of the White House, and everyone leaves town to spend the rest of the week schmoozing with lobbyists, donors and voters–in that order.
Norm Stamper, in his book, portrays Reichert as someone who didn’t particularly like dealing with politicians. Why the hell he decided to try and become one is beyond me.
Jokes about raping children – directed to anyone – are over the line, and frankly, sick.
Get serious. you give the word liberal a bad name.
ArtFart — good post. We need to understand that this coup d’etat like most —- leaves the signs of civilian rule in place, the the orders come from the small ruling cadre.
Carl Rove and Dick Cheney and Tom Delay give a total shit about democracy. But will keep congress around to rubber stamp and applaud. And the Republican hacks set them selves up with all the graft and money from a hundred places – an Imperial Court.
A crime syndicate indeed. We must bring them down.
Among my frears, I have believed since the beginning of the Bush game – they will use nukes if they think it works – and that is why there is a rush to get nukes from third world countries. Insurance from US attack.
Bob, you don’t understand. The Rethugs threw all standards out the window. Ann Coulter says she’s “joking” when she talks about killing liberals and Supreme Court justices. Obviously, KSD is “joking” when HE says “all rightwingers rape children,” although there may well be truth to that, for all we know. After all, they rape Planet Earth, consumers, taxpayers, innocent Iraqi civilians, and anybody else they can stick a dick into. Liberals need to fight fire with fire! Somebody ought to put Ann Coulter into a concentration camp and execute her. Wait, I’m joking. No, I’m not … no, wait, oh what the hell, go ask Coulter if SHE’S “joking!” She says she is, but you can never believe a wingnut. Especially a Nazi wingnut. Wait, I’m joking — no, I’m not — not about Coulter being a Nazi, anyway.
It’s about time liberals make the fascist trollfucks eat their own shit! We need to do more of it!
“Among my frears, I have believed since the beginning of the Bush game – they will use nukes if they think it works – and that is why there is a rush to get nukes from third world countries. Insurance from US attack. Commentby BOB from BOEING— 4/1/06@ 10:20 am”
You’re absolutely right, Bob. Faced with an aggressive, saber-rattling, fascist U.S. regime casting lustful eyes on the Third World’s natural resources (as our own dwindle), many Third World governments see nuclear weapons as an insurance policy against invasion by a neo-colonialist superpower. Not to mention their own neighbors. Nukes are cheap, and the technology is simple and in the public domain. Getting weapons-grade fissionable material is problematical, but can be overcome by a patient regime. Nothing promotes proliferation like an aggressively interventionist U.S. government … within 25 years every tinpot dictator in the world will have nukes.
Before I forget, klake is a nazi
Click here for photo of BIAW staff meeting:
Goldy, I’m sure the effect of your advocating for contributions to Darcy was not represented by what showed up in the ActBlue link. I tried to contribute that way, but wasn’t able to link up, so I went right to Darcy’s website.
I too went to Darcy’s website because I wanted to help with the deadline (Everything donated to ActBlue wont be given to the candidates before the primary).
Great work though. You should add more candidates to your ActBlue and give it a permanent spot on the left or right column. Don’t forget the 5th CD and Peter Goldmark!
Actually, it makes sense for nations like India, Pakistan, Iran, Korea, etc. to acquire nuclear weapons. In the case of India and Pakistan, relations with the US have greatly improved since they became nuclear powers, and Korea has been able to thumb their nose at us and enlist the sympathy of their cousins in the south since they became so dangerous.
We came up with the idea of mutually mutually assured destruction, but its a hell of lot scarier since the number of nations involved has expanded from five to ten.
Once again a few comments in and the trolls succeed in pissing on yet another thread.
That’s the problem with these threads, and by responding to the garbage they post we allow them to affect the dialogue here.
daniel k
The Rethugs threw all standards out the window. Ann Coulter says she’s “joking” when she talks about killing liberals and Supreme Court justices. Obviously, KSD is “joking” when HE says “all rightwingers rape children,” although there may well be truth to that, for all we know.
We know that donks rape children in our public schools. The teacher’s union protects them too. And if they get kicked out of the teachers union they have NAMBLA there for them.
RUFUS – in over ten years – as an active homo – I have heard one peron mention NAMBLA – you.
The group has been completely repudiated by the Gay community. Over ten years ago they were banned by Seattle Pride from any participation – after several well attended discussion evenings.
Straight men molest little girls- often – and usually they are related or neighbors, teachers, pastors — not strangers. Get your own house in order.
You are pathetic.
Rufus you are an asshole. The Union resisted the relaese of names of those accused and not convicted. You know, the old presumed innocent thing. Why do you hate America and our Bill of Rights? Is your ideology more important than our system of government?
Rufus you are an asshole. The Union resisted the relaese of names of those accused and not convicted. You know, the old presumed innocent thing. Why do you hate America and our Bill of Rights? Is your ideology more important than our system of government?
Commentby K— 4/1/06@ 8:39 pm
Hey if you think it OK to play mucical chairs with teachers/coaches who have been repeatedly accused of sexual misconduct than I assuming you defended the catholic church. Right K? You are consistent on this issue, right? Yes or No?
RUFUS – in over ten years – as an active homo – I have heard one peron mention NAMBLA – you.
The group has been completely repudiated by the Gay community.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 4/1/06@ 7:58 pm
I never tied NAMBLA to the gay community, what are you talking about. NAMBLA is one of the ACLU’s best clients. The ACLU is liberal!!!!
I don’t see why molestation of a child of the same gender makes you gay. Molestation and rape are mostly about power not atraction and many men and women are raped in prison by people who are nominally straight.
Shurff Dave is a stealth wacko. He won last time only because of the stupidity of the WA State Demo Party. He got a free ride because Republicans were able to make Dave Ross the issue.
This time, Shurff Dave is the issue. I’m sure he wishes he could have another campaign running against an opponent who won’t give up his real job. But Burner’s made it clear that she’s gonna run against a Rubber-Stamp Republican.
Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay are Dave’s copilots. Cat-killer Frist is his medical advisor. The senile racists along the Mexican border are his spiritual deputies. This time, the campaign will be about his almost-total obedience to an unpopular president, an unpopular party, and a whole raft of unpopular ideas.
Shurff Dave is a stealth wacko. He won last time only because of the stupidity of the WA State Demo Party. He got a free ride because Republicans were able to make Dave Ross the issue.
Dave Ross would have been a the perfect donk for the democratic party. What ever happend to him? Oh thats right he got convicted of insurance fraud and got kick off the air. Like I said he would have been a great donk for you dems.