Of course, I’m just some crazy blogger… one of those wacky, out-of-touch, far-left-of-center, internet agitators who threatens to destroy the Democratic Party’s credibility with mainstream Americans. So when we in the “nutroots” argue that Darcy Burner is in a better position to defeat Dave Reichert in 2008 than she was in the so-called “Blue Wave” election of 2006, you can be sure that the inside-the-beltway professionals will run as fast as they can in the opposite direction…
WASHINGTON — Darcy Burner is becoming a hot commodity in D.C.
Burner, the likely 2008 Democratic opponent of U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Auburn, was one of seven candidates hosted at a special fundraiser by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) at Johnny’s Half Shell, a block from the Capitol.
Wow. Burner is a “hot commodity”… one of the DCCC’s top challengers. Who’d a thunk?
One of the other top-seven Democratic challengers is Dan Maffei, who like Burner, was a first time candidate in 2006, yet came from nowhere to draw within a few points of defeating Republican incumbent Jim Walsh.
Walsh, a former supporter of the war in Iraq, made news last month when he changed his mind and called for redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq, after a two-day trip to Baghdad.
Sitting with Walsh on that trip was Reichert, who did not alter his position. Burner is against the war.
“Burner is against the war.” How many more Americans must die before political expediency forces Reichert to switch positions?
Meanwhile, Reichert finally says something I agree with:
“Republicans should head for the hills.”
Man, I’m looking forward to 2008.
Darcy? Darcy who? Darcy Burner? Who the hell is that? UPDATE: I googled her, only to find a ditzy, incompetent blonde that resembles a small, minute pimple on the ass of politics. ;)
Marky @ whatever
And who are you, besides a boil on the ass of HA?
The difference between Walsh and Reichert is that the former is smart enough not to invite Dubya to campaign for him.
It’s not just that Darth Cheney’s sockpuppet is a deeply detested failure, but that the linkage makes it all but impossible for Sheriff Hairspray to ever dissociate himself from Bush’s War. Reichert will have to continue to wear President Albatross around his neck until November 4, 2008, no matter how catastrophic that will be to his campaign in WA-08.
@2 chadt-ty pooh:
Good, that’s what I want to hear. Mission accomplished.
@ 4
That’s pretty pathetic. You need to get out more. Set some standards for yourself, get more fiber in your diet, stay away from reality tv. Take vitamins and eat better. Take care of yourself, get fresh air, etc. We don’t want to lose you.
Good, that’s what I want to hear. Mission accomplished.
He’s just following the mantra of the Bush Administration – if you set your goals low enough, you can achieve them all.
good post, goldy. but reichert got some more green press in today’s pi about a wilderness extension that he is backing. burner needs to change the opposition to the iraq occupation from a whisper to a rooftop shout. and highlight the daylights out of each reichert vote coming down the pike: gutting the lame fisa, funding the $720M a day iraqapation, and letting habeas corpus remain in a coma.
“Republicans should head for the hills.”
I guess the ‘contract with America’ is a dead letter. Maybe some sharp attorney can sue them for breach.
Dave Reichert, survivalist. Who’da’ thought?.
Mark1 @ 1
“UPDATE: I googled her, only to find a ditzy, incompetent blonde that resembles a small, minute pimple on the ass of politics.”
You might want to try The Google again. Maybe the tubes in The Internets were a little clogged at the time.
Darryl @ 9 – Mark1 said he “googled” her, not that he used Google, so I suspect he actually just oogled her and not understanding the difference, simply saw Darcy Burner as he himself sees her.
One thing he is right about is that Darcy Burner is definitely a pain in Dave Reichert’s behind.
In ’06, Burner as a first-time candidate came within an ace of defeating Reichert. Wingnuts who believe Reichert will be stronger, and Burner will be weaker, in ’08 (see, e.g., @1) are kidding themselves. The GOP’s popularity with the public has not improved since ’06. I have news for you Marky: ’06 was just the down payment on what the voters are going to do to your ilk.
@5 Nah, he doesn’t need to do all that stuff. All he needs to do is eat more grass.
Grass is good! Lettuce is better! CARROTS are the best!! YUMMY!!! I LOVE CARROTS!!!
@7 Reichert is voting more like a Democrat every day! Tells you something, doesn’t it.
It tells me Reichert is thinking like a survivalist. Hell, he’ll probably take the Richard Pope route and declare himself a “Democrat”* any day now! The GOP brand name isn’t selling like it used to, and Reichert is nothing if not an opportunist.
* Calling yourself a “Democrat” doesn’t make you one; see, e.g., Fred Phelps, Mike Nifong, Low-Tax Looper, et al.
Adding to RR’s list … Tim Sheldon, Brad Owen
@ all posts:
Love stirring up the pot-thanks for the replies.
@6 Lee:
You’re so typical in that you paint everyone and anyone who happens to have a few conservative views or isn’t a blind Democrat on an issue as a Bush lover. I can’t stand Bushie BTW, and never have voted for him. Try not blindly labeling people for a change, and you may find that there are other views and opinions other than just the evil left and the evil right, which in my opinion both parties have managed to fuck up a lot on many things. People that vote a straight party ticket are just plain ignorant and naive. Others vote by candidate and try and keep themselves informed on the issues of where her or she stands. ;)
Thanks for bringing up the fact that race-card playing persecutor, Mike Nifong, was a CAREER Democrat…and represeneted a logical extension of Democratic Party racial polarization politics.
Here’s to RR for reminding us all that Mike Nifong is emblematic of the Democratic Party.
Extra carrots all around!
The Piper
RR @14: I’m not worried about Reichert’s votes so much as the media play he gets out of some while his truly heinous votes are overlooked. That is where Burner and her supporters need to come in. She has offered better and stronger messages so far, but I want Reichert’s BS record called out more often.
Actually, shit-for-brains, Roger was saying the exact opposite of what you’re claiming.
Not that we expected you to be smart enough to figure that out anyway.
@18 … any specifics about Reichert?
notaboomer @ 18 – I’ve been calling out Reichert’s schizophrenic voting pattern out. Perhaps you should start a blog and join me in the effort.
No can do! Nifong’s yours, and you’re stuck with him! I don’t try to disavow Larry Craig, so you can’t disavow Mike Nifong, who ran for and was elected to office as a…DEMOCRAT!!!
The mistake RR made was in forgetting the first rule of dirty linen: when you have it, don’t air it in public.
Had he not mentioned Nifong, no one else would have.
Thanks again, RR…Would you like some lettuce with your carrots? What wine goes with them?
The Piper
Excuse me, Piper, but this is what you wrote:
Here’s to RR for reminding us all that Mike Nifong is emblematic of the Democratic Party.
To say that someone is “emblematic” of the Democratic Party goes quite a bit further than simply pointing out that he’s a Democrat. I’m pretty sure that even you can understand that (I hope).
Had he not mentioned Nifong, no one else would have.
In case you’re still confused, he was pointing out Nifong as an example of someone who calls himself a Democrat, but whose actual ethics and actions have been appalling to other Democrats.
Lee: Appaling as Nifong might be he’s still a Democrat, like many of you love to tell us Larry Craig is a Republican and we detest his actions.
If the Hsu fits…
#18 — Your strategy of taking the negative attributes of the Republican Party and attributing them to Democrats is transparent.
It’s like Karl Rove — except without the skill and brains.
Idunno…During the whole Duke Lacrosse fiasco, were all the regulars at HA agog…simply agog…over defending the civil rights of the falsely-accused defendents?
Or were they more like the shameful faculty at Duke who chose to throw them to the snarling wolves?
Mike Nifong…the Democratic people’s choice…
At least Larry Craig merely embarrassed himself…He didn’t seek to ruin anyone’s life with the howling approval of the pc crowd.
Although…with his “wide stance” I’ll bet he’s a real hoot in a game of Twister!
The Piper
Lee: Appaling as Nifong might be he’s still a Democrat, like many of you love to tell us Larry Craig is a Republican and we detest his actions.
1. Larry Craig is a Senator. Mike Nifong was a local prosecutor.
2. Mike Nifong apologized and stepped down. Larry Craig refuses to take responsibility for his actions.
3. There are a number of other high-profile Republicans in Congress (Mark Foley, David Vitter) who have acted similarly. Even during the Clinton years, there were no high-ranking Democratic justice officials who tried to do what Nifong did.
Finally! Another Karl-Rove-blame-a-thon post. Just when I thought HA regulars must have sworn off Karl Rove for Halloween!
Let’s see…what has Karl Rove been found to be responsible for today?
Karl Rove has been awarded custody of Brittany Spears children.
Karl Rove is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech writer.
Karl Rove’s name will be the only one on the ballot for any office in any future primary held in the State of Washington.
Karl Rove told Ron Sims not to support Prop 1.
New Karl Rove shenanigans are revealed daily…
The Piper
Idunno…During the whole Duke Lacrosse fiasco, were all the regulars at HA agog…simply agog…over defending the civil rights of the falsely-accused defendents?
I sure as hell was. Why don’t you go back into the archives and look for yourself?
Or were they more like the shameful faculty at Duke who chose to throw them to the snarling wolves?
Archives. They exist. Investigate.
At least Larry Craig merely embarrassed himself…He didn’t seek to ruin anyone’s life with the howling approval of the pc crowd.
I beg to differ. Larry Craig did a number of things as a legislator to limit the freedom of homosexuals at the request of the perpetually-offended howling PC police of the religious right.
Karl Rove is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech writer.
In a certain sense, he is (not literally, of course, but considering how Ahmadinejad’s speech is always calculated to pander to the Iranian right, it’s very similar).
Well you could ask what institutions Darcy started?
We know Hilary Clinton help start institutions such as Media Matters and Center for American Progress.
Well she did say that at the Yearly Kos convention with a big shit eatin grin!
Maybe Darcy can tell us why when the Dow breaks 14000, not one of the libtard MSM web sites not carry it immediately.
Only Fox and Yahoo immediately carried it!
Amazing! Four hours later ABC and CBS placed it on their web sites!
Maybe Darcy will have an opinion on Oscar Wyatt who pled guilty today. Maybe she’ll have an opinion on how Moonbat!s try and skirt the law!
Piper Scott @ 30
“Finally! Another Karl-Rove-blame-a-thon post. “
No, it wasn’t. It was just a cheap shot, dip shit.
“Just when I thought HA regulars must have sworn off Karl Rove for Halloween!”
Sorry to disappoint you, Wingnut…but nobody is likely to change what they think about Rove (or much of anything else, for that matter) because you are unnaturally sensitive about it. In fact…it might be used to provoke you into another Puddyesque diatribe.
@17 I vote for the candidate, not the party. It’s merely a coincidence that all the candidates I vote for are Democrats. It’s not my fault the Republicans can’t come up with a single candidate worthy of my vote. They need to take a good look in the mirror and rethink their attitude toward their fellow man (not to mention rabbits! Do-nothing congressman Reichert has been in office for THREE YEARS and still hasn’t hugged a rabbit!).
And why the hell would you expect workers, who comprise the majority of voters, to vote for a party that believes only wage earners should be taxed while rich people who get their money from inheritance or stock market winnings should pay no taxes?
Why would you expect ordinary Americans who are struggling with monthly bills to vote for a party that spends $150 billion a year on an optional war in Iraq but thinks $7 billion a year for children’s health care is too much spending?
Why should I vote for candidates who let corporations do whatever they want, but vote to outlaw collective bargaining and refuse to raise the minimum wage?
I never vote a party ticket — I always vote for the best candidate, regardless of party affiliation. It’s not my fault the GOP’s candidates suck so bad that the Democrat is ALWAYS the best candidate! Even drunk, any Democrat is better than a stone sober Republican, 99.9% of the time! The other .1% is Richard Pope.
(That may not be the best hypothetical, given how hard it is to find a Republican candidate who’s sober.)
@18 “Thanks for bringing up the fact that race-card playing persecutor, Mike Nifong, was a CAREER Democrat”
Bullshit. Nifong was a career opportunist. The only reason he called himself a “Democrat” was because he ran for prosecutor in a county that votes 90% Democratic. Wouldn’t have made much sense for him to run as a “Republican”, would it, unless he had a death wish for his career?
The fact you conveniently omit is that the local Democratic Party not only publicly repudiated Nifong but also ran a candidate against him in the primary who promised not to serve if elected so the governor could appoint someone else. The party candidate nearly defeated Nifong.
Yes, Nifong called himself a “Democrat”, but that didn’t make him one. Nifong was a career prosecutor, not a career Democrat. After graduating from law school, he couldn’t get a job, so he did unpaid volunteer work in the county prosecutor’s office for a year. Apparently his work was satisfactory, because when a paid position opened, they hired him, and apparently his work continued to be satisfactory because over the years he advanced through a series of promotions to chief criminal deputy, and then when the prosecutor’s job became open, the governor appointed him. It’s unclear what happened next to cause an apparently competent and ethical prosecutor to suddenly turn into a lying persecutor; but whatever his motive was, he fully deserved what he got, namely, the end of his legal career and loss of his law license not to mention the civil suits by his victims that are sure to financially bankrupt him. He’s going to spend his old age in poverty.
During all those years when Nifong was establishing himself as a career prosecutor, he was never seen around the local Democratic clubhouse. He never campaigned for any Democratic candidates, and so far as anyone knows, never contributed any money to Democratic campaigns. He was simply an anonymous employee in the prosecutor’s office. He didn’t become a “Democrat” until he had to declare a party affiliation to get considered for appointment to a vacancy in a partisan elective position, and since he had spent his career in an office in a county that votes 90% Democratic and the governor was a Democrat, it’s not a mystery why he chose the party label he did.
Nifong a “Democrat”? Only in his imagination, and yours. What he did in that office is contrary to everything Democrats stand for and believe in. On the other hand, sadly, as we have seen in the U.S. attorney scandal, Republicans don’t skip a heartbeat over using the prosecutorial powers of government to further their partisan interests, up to and including covering up election crimes committed by their party operatives and bringing malicious prosecutions against opponents. As you can see, Nifong fits the Republican mold much better than the Democratic mold, lending further credence to the inescapable conclusion that Nifong was a Republican at heart who bandied the term “Democrat” as a label of convenience.
@35 Rove is the GOP’s Rasputin.
This coming from a rabbit who believes the life long liberal, Jew Killing Haq was a right wing Christian because he attended church a couple times. Of course what do you expect from a donk. roof roof.
@20 Lee:
Shit for brains? Wow, I would have expected something more creative from someone who considers himself a brain-i-ac and believes he so intelligent as you do. Name calling sometimes is humorous, but gets you nowhere. Rather juvenille if you ask me. Have another toke there Lee-boy. You obviously can’t stand a contrasting opinion as I said before, and now you’ve proven it. Puff the magic dragon.
AS “hot commodity” what does good ole Darcy have to say about that shameful “MoveOn” advertising????
No Mention here, is there….. I guess the silence speaks volumes….
Darcy hobnobbing in DC….I wonder how many “local” votes that will get her…Ohhhhh I keep forgetting…It is the Dollars that count, not the principle…
In fact we could name her “Darcy Burns Us” with her refusal to speak out against the Move On ad, or even her Endorsement of that same ad which is obvious from her silence.
Moveon.org? Nah, nary a word said because there simply is no defense. Silence says it all. I’ll be glad when ditzy Darcy is movin’ on; to the unemployment line that is.
Roger Rabbit says:
Why should I vote for candidates who let corporations do whatever they want, but vote to outlaw collective bargaining and refuse to raise the minimum wage?
10/01/2007 at 5:55 pm
This coming from someone who supposedly voted for Perot in 1992. hehehehe I mean roof roof roof.
Name calling sometimes is humorous, but gets you nowhere.
I’ll be glad when ditzy Darcy is movin’ on
Actually, @28, having been wrongfully accused of rape by a vengeful ex-girlfriend. I was posting and preaching a wait and see attitude towards the Duke Lacrosse players. Also, there were many Republicans that were carrying pitchforks against them as well. Including the DA that brought the charges against them with only her statements as evidence. That is a poor example.
You seem to be pulling fringe idiots that claim to be Democrats out a lot lately. Personally I am not familiar with this Nifong gentleman but I would assume that he is as much a poster child of the “Democratic people’s choice” as Rev. Fred Phelps is a poster child of the “Republican people’s choice.”
Ah, I should have googled first, in regards to Mike Nifong. :)
Shows what happens when you post under the influence. :)
@30 You forgot that Karl Rove signed on to be a consultant for Hillary Clinton. How else could her vote for Kyl-Lieberman be explained?
@48 Her statement is that name calling is bad when either party does it. Republicans on the other hand feel that if it is their side doing it, they should receive a commendation.
General Petraeus isn’t the baby Jesus, and if he goes on national TV pimping Bush’s illegal oil war, then he opens himself up to political criticism.
And the criticism of him is valid.
He’s not risking his life in Iraq. He’s sitting safely in the green zone sipping tea and eating crumpets.
“Forward he cried from the rear and the front ranks died.” Pink Floyd (Wasn’t he the barber on the Andy Griffith Show?)