Yup, that’s the kinda “conscious-driven independent” who currently serves Washington’s 8th Congressional District. The kinda congressman who apologizes to fellow Republicans for voting with his constituents and against drilling in ANWR… but of course votes for drilling when the vote really counts. The kinda congressman who votes the way the Republican leadership tells him to vote, because he knows they are trying to protect him. The kinda congressman who is comfortable voting against education funding because he knows his leadership is putting together a bill to cover his ass. The kinda congressman who jokingly compares Democrats to the Green River Killer, trivializing the deaths of dozens of women… deaths that occurred on his watch.
And this is the type of leadership Darcy Burner would bring to Congress:
No wonder the national response to our Burn Bush for Burner campaign has been so overwhelming: over 1,420 contributers giving over $47,000 in just a day and a half! (Blue Majority totals included.) Wow!
That is simply amazing, but it’s still less than half-way toward our ambitious $100,000 target. This is not just about supporting a progressive netroots candidate like Darcy Burner when she needs us most — it’s about sending a message to other Republican candidates nationwide that they bring Bush into their district at their own peril. If we can meet or beat our target — if Darcy can possibly raise more money from Bush’s visit than Reichert — then we will have effectively neutralized the GOP’s most effective fundraiser, potentially costing other Republican incumbents millions of dollars by making the rewards of a Bush visit simply not worth the political and monetary price.
So if you haven’t already given, please give today. Every little bit counts.
As for my own, personal HA targets, it’s been equally amazing. Yesterday I asked for ten HA readers to match my own $100 donation (as most of you know, a financial stretch for me,) plus a total of 25 contributions of any amount over the next day. One day later we’re an encouraging half-way towards my $100 matching challenge… but you blew my one-day 25-person contribution request right out of the water. So far, 56 HA readers have contributed over $1,700! To put that in perspective, that ranks HA number five nationwide after powerhouses Daily Kos, Atrios, AmericaBlog and Blue Majority! And on a contribution-per-reader ration, nobody else even comes close.
So here’s what I want to do. Let’s keep my $100 matching challenge unchanged, but let’s shoot for a total of 100 HA contributors by midnight Sunday. Give whatever can — five or ten bucks is enough — and let’s show Bush, Reichert and the Republican and Democratic establishment that people-powered politics can beat a handful of rich folk any day of the week.
Marvin: Have you ever taken banjo lessons from Wayne Newton?
Marvin: Why don’t you go to Vegas? I hear a competent musician (one who ‘blows’ with the likes of Doc Severinson)can get regular employment there.
Oh, I forgot. I was assuming a Republican was competent.
By the way, I saw that special on the jazz scene in Seattle that was on Public Television, so I know where your bullshit stories are coming from.
Wow… I don’t understand one thing about what you are talking about Lucy (Marvin?).
But I am in for a few bucks for Darcy anyway!
This effort, if it works, could be historic. The implications of a local blog /c club raising this sort of dollars this fast could raise real issues with traditional party mechanisms.
I hope you ar ekeeping a diary.
I always like to think of Dave Reichert as more of an “unconscious Depends-wearer.”
3 Nindid
The answer is on the previous open thread. It’s not as exciting as you might think.
re 3: Marvin Stamn is a troll in the tradition of Mr. Cynical. He keeps getting things muddled with his constant bogus musical references. I was merely nipping it in the bud on this thread.
#2 headless lucy says:
It’s awfully sweet you are thinking of me by posting to me, but I don’t do racists. Go hit on someone else.
#3 Nindid says:
She’s what us trolls call “following biatches.” They live to write about us, dream about us, fantasize about us, can’t stop talking about us.
I admit it is sad for lucy, I’ve suggested she get help for her hate filled life and racist beliefs but she isn’t at the point she can take help yet. Sad.
Marvin: You are pulling one of those Wingnut “Al Gore said he invented the internet” lies. Except you are calling me a racist.
Keep digging that hole for yourself, Marvin. There’s no light for you at the end of this tunnel. If ‘blowing’ with Doc Severinson isn’t working out for you, I’m tellin’ ya that banjo lessons from Wayne Newton is going to put you over the top!
I’m pickin’, and Marvin’s grinnin’!! Did you ever get into that ‘hep’ banjo underground here in Seattle, Marv?
Click here for photo of Congressman Blowdry: http://www.fotosearch.com/bigc.....p40364.jpg
Is Marvin Spew the latest reincarnation of Mr. Cynical? I thought he was another of Kevin Carns’ multiple personalities.
#11 headless lucy says:
Sweet jesus lucy, get some help. You’re losing your slim grip on reality.
Great job goldy. I think we’ve got the goods and the ground swell to take the MSM to task when they give hair-spray an undeserved pass on issues and votes.
I’m thinking holding the MSM feet to the fire will play a big role in the ’08 elections.
#10 headless lucy says:
I appreciate your lame advice but I don’t take advice from racists!
Want to try and explain to all the people on this blog why being around black people 24/7 is so stressful for you? Do you feel the same around other minorities?
Are you the real Marvin Stamm??
I hope so as I just ordered three CFDs. Great trumpet .. to bad your politics don’t match but thanks for the music!
I will not be supporting Darcy Moonbat! Her positions are not supportable and the gent who wrote her in the previous thread hit her right between the eyes. In 2006 she took all of the Nancy Stretch Pelosi positions and could not answer why! Goosesteeping Moonbat! Speak
Now for the real stuff. Headlice loocie is a man. He teaches in the Seattle School District. Busted using the Seattle IP Address on Sound Politics. Used to be a wrasslin coach. Somewhere he graduated from Arizona State. If his IQ was 140 he would have been in a much better institution of learning.
Going to visit some sick peeps now!
Darcy Burner is going to BURY Tommy Rod, and then she’s going to make compost out of Sheriff hairspray.
I got a call from Bill Sherman who says he will support Daarcy and let people know that Democrats (both she and he) are tough on crime and tough on terrorism.
Dave Reichert is tough on hairnets.
@17 Of course he’s not. He’s an imposter, like all the other wingnut nobodies posting on HA. You don’t think anyone who’s someone would be posting on HA, do you?
It is odd that he mispells Mr. Stamm’s name but then Stamm himself is obscure enough not be listed with itunes.
I remember one attending a dinner at Gate’s house. Bill can see me ya know, but some of the others there must have thought Bill was the emperor wi no clothes.
I wonder ma I the only Pooka here? Are you a Pooka or a rabbit?
SJ downoaded a lot of Stamm’s jazz … wunnafull stuff! I think he is planning to donate a few $$ in Stamms’s name to Darcy!
#18 Puddybud says:
I googled sound politics, did a search for headless and didn’t find a thing. Before I bust a gut laughing at a racist that coaches boys wrasslin and uses the name lucy on blogs and has some perverted fascination with me “blowing,” I’ll need a little more proof.
But either way, lucy is still a racist. At least until she explains why being around blacks 24/7 is so stressful for he/she.
Um… Could we maybe be a little more on topic please.
I feel like I have already contributed to Darcy as well as all the other libs every time they pry my wallet open and suck more od my hard earned money to pay for useless programs that they piss money away on.
Darcy Burner is going to BURY Tommy Rod, and then she’s going to make compost out of Sheriff hairspray.
Rah Rah Rah
Blah Blah Blah
You kidlets were singing the same tune in ’04.
How’d that work out for you?
In as much as you get your news with blinders on and your eyes closed, you may not have noticed that support for the war and for Bush is increasing while support for your congressional whizzzz-ards is dropping like your shit.
As long as were off topic lets talk Christian terrorism!
One of the most widely-reported Christian terrorists is Eric
Robert Rudolph, an American who committed a series of bombings across the southern United States in the 1990s, killing three people and injuring at least 150 others, because he violently opposed abortion and homosexuality as contrary to Christian doctrine[5]. He may have been associated with the Christian Identity movement. While the movement influenced his actions,[6] Rudolph himself has said: “I was born a Catholic, and with forgiveness I hope to die one.” [7].
Clayton Waagner claimed to be on a “mission from God” when he set out with his family on a trip across the United States, intent on killing multiple abortion providers. Ultimately he mailed envelopes, falsely claiming they contained anthrax, to more than 500 abortion facilities
hristian Identity is a label applied to a wide variety of loosely-affiliated churches with a racialized theology. Most of them promote a Eurocentric version of Christianity.
Christian Identity’s key commonality is British Israelism theology, which teaches that white Europeans are the literal descendants of the Israelites through the ten tribes that were taken away into captivity by the armies of Assyria.
Or how about our friend Paul Hill.
On July 29, 1993 the Rev. Paul Hill shot and killed Dr. John Britton, an abortionist. For this crime, Hill was executed – but for many in the anti-abortion movement, it was less an execution than a martyrdom. They treat him as a hero to their cause and he is seen as someone who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of what God wants.
and gets charged with 2nd-degree arson. Last week, as you may (or may not), have heard, David Robert McMenemy attempted to destroy an abortion clinic in Davenport, IA by dousing his car in gasoline and driving it through the wall of the Edgerton Women’s Health Center.
edit – It’s been brought to my attention that Mr. McMenemy drove through the front doors and not a wall. It has also been claimed by a nearby resident that the gasoline was added after crashing through the doors, although this article disputes that.
Fortunately, no one was hurt because he reconsidered lighting himself on fire for God at the last moment. And laughably, the clinic he attempted to destroy does not even perform abortions.
Schadenfreude aside, this is a terrorist act. He should be tried as a terrorist. (Perhaps we should torture him in a secret prison in case he has friends who are also planning other actions. That is our policy now, right?) Second-degree arson is ridiculous. We lock foreigners (and sometimes Americans) up indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay for the slightest possible connections to Islamic terrorism. Yet, this Christian terrorist is charged with a minor felony?
Diary of a Christian Terrorist
Uhl was an a devout evangelical Christian who advocated religious violence in the name of American nationalism. Uhl’s blog, featured on his Myspace page, offers a window into the political underpinnings of his bomb plot. In one post, Uhl implores Christians to die on the battlefield for “Uncle Sam.” He justifies his call to arms by quoting several Biblical passages and reminding his readers that the “gift of God” is eternal life.
Christian terrorist attempts car-bombing in Iowa
The quiet fall of an American terrorist
In late 2001, antiabortion fanatic Clayton Waagner used packets of bogus anthrax to shut down scores of clinics nationwide. When he was convicted last week, the press was notably absent.
December 10, 2003 | Only a couple of years ago, Clayton Waagner was one of three extreme-right American terrorists on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list, a self-styled avenging angel of the unborn. In the autumn of 2001, at the apex of national fear about terrorist strikes and deadly anthrax attacks, he mailed hundreds of envelopes stuffed with white powder and threatening letters to abortion clinics and reproductive rights organizations — all in the name of the antiabortion Army of God. Doctors, staffers, clients and their families were terrified, and hundreds of clinics were shut down. That made Clayton Waagner a celebrity, of sorts, and to some, a hero.
Michelle Malkin is extremely upset because three convicted Christian terrorists in Indonesia are going to be executed despite — in Michelle’s words — “grave doubts raised over the fairness of the trial.” The title of her post is “Muslims will execute Christians”
Have you read the latest DNC talking points? Darcy Moonbat! has the standard DNC boilerplate positions. Put two browser windows up and chuckle.
About Headlice Loocie: Marvin, you just have to trust me on this. It came out in 2004/2005 what Loocie was. He told us he was a wrasslin coach and told one of the Marks he went to AZ St. The Seattle School IP Address was determined by Stefan Sharkansky.
“Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
Here’s an idea for those immigrants. Tell me whatcha think:
How ’bout you LEARN THE FUCKING ENGLISH LANGUAGE? How ’bout you assimilate to our culture? Remember why you moved here: to escape the shithole culture you came from. Don’t pollute Murka with the shit you left.
12/20/2006 at 8:32 pm”
If Darcy had real answers to real problems, the spotlight would illuminate her “qualities”. Sadly she is another walking Moonbat! for Pelosi.
You are so right about Headlice Loocie. He is a big time racist. He started making commnets about Magic Johnson’s Development Corporation two weeks ago. Nothing that comes from the mind of Loocie is worthwhile. I wonder if all that cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory messed with his mind.
This comment is by Bill ‘the crutch’ Cruchon. The style and the form his argumentation takes is exactly like Marvin Stamn’s. Check out the evidence of the Crutch’s sock puppetry.
“22. “headless lucy” at #14, “You can’t stand to hear an opposing voice. You CENSOR it. You can have as many excuses as you want. But in the end you are just a pro-censorship right wing asshole.”
What in the world are you talking about? Can’t you even have the decency of illustrating your argument…instead of doing what lefties so routinely do, simply name call?
Thanks for illustrating for the umpteenth time what you people are truly like. (Just wait, bonehead. It won’t take long before Stefan censors me.)
Posted by Bill Cruchon at January 6, 2007 12:12 PM”
“Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
I’m doing some research for a white paper. I need some data….
Can somebody here provide an example of a successful vaginocracy? Just tell me what country and when. I’ll take it from there.
01/05/2007 at 6:28 pm”
Steve Sharansky always compares Ron Sims to Robert Mugabe. How do you feel about that PudWax?
#27 Puddybud says:
Was the racist using the same name, headless lucy on the other seattle blog?
and what’s the deal with the cheescake factory?
headless lucy says:
Marvin: You are pulling one of those Wingnut “Al Gore said he invented the internet” lies. Except you are calling me a racist.
Keep digging that hole for yourself, Marvin. There’s no light for you at the end of this tunnel. If ‘blowing’ with Doc Severinson isn’t working out for you, I’m tellin’ ya that banjo lessons from Wayne Newton is going to put you over the top!
So you’ve got the balls to try and sell the lie that Gore never claimed to invent the internet? LOL!!! So I guess it was my lying eyes and ears that had it wrong.
#30 headless lucy says:
Damn. I really pissed you off exposing you as a racist. You can’t get your mind off me can you. Are you a wrasslin’ coach? Work in the seattle school district? You might as well be honest, sooner or later it’s all going to come out.
So, tell us all, what is so stressful about being around black people 24/7??
michael says:
As long as were off topic lets talk Christian terrorism!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C hristian_terrorism
One of the most widely-reported Christian terrorists is Eric
Robert Rudolph, an American who committed a series of bombings across the southern United States in the 1990s, killing three people and injuring at least 150 others, because he violently opposed abortion and homosexuality as contrary to Christian doctrine[5]. He may have been associated with the Christian Identity movement. While the movement influenced his actions,[6] Rudolph himself has said: “I was born a Catholic, and with forgiveness I hope to die one.” [7].
Clayton Waagner claimed to be on a “mission from God” when he set out with his family on a trip across the United States, intent on killing multiple abortion providers. Ultimately he mailed envelopes, falsely claiming they contained anthrax, to more than 500 abortion facilities
hristian Identity is a label applied to a wide variety of loosely-affiliated churches with a racialized theology. Most of them promote a Eurocentric version of Christianity.
Christian Identity’s key commonality is British Israelism theology, which teaches that white Europeans are the literal descendants of the Israelites through the ten tribes that were taken away into captivity by the armies of Assyria.
Or how about our friend Paul Hill.
http://atheism.about.com/b/a/0 14491.htm
Uhhhhhh………there’s one slight problem with your anti Christian bigoted lie. Eric Rudolph is NOT a Christian.
Any other lies about Christianity that you want to put forth that I can refute?
#34 Mark says:
Well, gore never said he invented the internet. He said “I took the initiative in creating the internet.”
#36 Mark says:
Didn’t you already post that in this thread?
Marvin Stamn says:
#34 Mark says:
So you’ve got the balls to try and sell the lie that Gore never claimed to invent the internet? LOL!!! So I guess it was my lying eyes and ears that had it wrong.
Well, gore never said he invented the internet. He said “I took the initiative in creating the internet.”
Oh…he “created” the internet instead of “invented” it. My bad. That’s how these lying kooks with the alternative reality deny that Gore “invented” the internet. Here’s the exact exchange between Algore and Wolf Blitzed from CNN:
BLITZER: I want to get to some of the substance of domestic and international issues in a minute, but let’s just wrap up a little bit of the politics right now.
Why should Democrats, looking at the Democratic nomination process, support you instead of Bill Bradley, a friend of yours, a former colleague in the Senate? What do you have to bring to this that he doesn’t necessarily bring to this process?
GORE: Well, I will be offering — I’ll be offering my vision when my campaign begins. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope that it will be compelling enough to draw people toward it. I feel that it will be.
But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I’ve traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.
Sorry Mr. VP for lying about you all these years. You “created” the internet and I’ve been accusing you of having claimed to “invent” the internet. Please forgive me.
re 35: “…can be…”, not ‘is’….
Changing ‘can be’ to ‘is’ makes everything you say a manipulative lie.
#40 headless lucy says:
Okay, I’ll play your childish little word game.
For you, what “can be” so stressful about being around black people 24/7?
I hope you all send all your hard earned dollars to Darcy. It warms my heart to know that she has the support of the wacky left and hardcore Seattle Dems.
Anyone have any idea what Darcy has been doing since she lost the election? Has she found a job? Has she figured out what school district she is in, or who is in charge of her local govt? She has absolutely no interest in her neighbors or her community. But she thinks all you guys in Seattle are swell. Too bad you can’t vote for her. Oh, wait, I bet you can, given that Ron Sims is still in charge of King County Elections.
re 41 Would you like to play that childish game with Mark, as well?
#39 “Oh…he “created” the internet instead of “invented” it. My bad. That’s how these lying kooks with the alternative reality deny that Gore “invented” the internet.”
#43 headless lucy says:
Afraid to answer the question about your racist statement?
“Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7. Believe me , I know.”
So tell us all what you know about being around blacks 24/7.
Why does Steve Sharansky always compare Ron Sims to Robert Mugabe, a murderous African dictator.
It’s racist.
And I know how Marvin is very concerned with racism. So , go back to uSP and use your real name of Bill Cruchon to tell him how much you despise his racism.
#45 headless lucy says:
I’ll go check uSP after I get you to answer. What’s wrong, rabbit got your tongue?
Sorry, I’m not bill cruchon, is that someone else you had the hots for? Remember, I don’t do racists.
“Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7. Believe me , I know.”
So tell us all what you know about being around blacks 24/7
Refute what ever you like, but you saying “Eric Rudolph is NOT a Christian.” Doesn’t refute anything. You need to site facts and stuff. You’ll find that if you follow the links I provided there are facts to back up the claim that Rudolph’s actions were based on common Christian Right ideas and the belief that abortion and homosexuality are wrong because the bible says so.
Also, there’s nothing bigoted in anything I posted and I’m not anti-Christian. I’m just not real thrilled with the Christian Right at the moment. I happen to be quite fond of Quakers and Mennonites.
re 44: Define your terms. I said that: “Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7.”
Are you telling me that is an inaccurate statement? In order not to be a racist do I have to say that it is never stressful to be around black people? Wouldn’t that be condescending?
Isn’t it racist for Steve Sharansky to compare Ron Sims to a murderous African dictator like Robert Mugabe? Why won’t you answer my question?
Marv: Isn’t it racist for Rush Limbaugh to say that the only reason Democrats want to stop the killing in Darfur is so that black American voters will vote Democratic?
Why can’t the Republican Party elect even one single black Congressman or Senator?
Is there some sort of problem with the Republican base that prevents that? Why won’t you answer?
headless lucy says:
Of course it’s an inaccurate statement. It’s a racist statement! I’m not stressed around black people. I;m not stressed around mexicans. I’m not stressed around gay people. But I’m not a bigoted racist.
Why are you stressed? Do black people scare you? Smell bad? Look ugly? What s it about black people that stresses you so much that you out yourself as a racist on a public blog?
Comparing a black person to another black person is racist? Ouch!
#49 headless lucy says:
I’m not rush limbaugh, I can only speak for myself. Just like I’m not asking you why robert byrd enjoyed his time in the KKK.
I’m asking YOU why you are a racist, why you feel so stressed around blacks.
Anyone else see the irony in Sheriff Dave the Great Cop speaking with effusive pride about doing what he was told to do by a bunch of crooks?
Isn’t a stamn part of the sexual apparatus of a flower? Are you gay?
#53 SeattleJew says:
Am I gay, no. Sorry.
54 WADR then why do you call yourself by the name of a floral sexual organ?
I think, unitl you do more to tell us somehting that is not a lie about your identity. we should be free to make a “model” that makes sense.
As a friend of Harvey, I asked him to run a new, imporved version of Milke Webb’s Gayometer. It is a lttle known fact that Mr. Webb always had a Pooka with nhim in the studie as an assistant and the gayometer was actually based on the unique ability of pookahs to “read” people.”
Here is Harvey’s report.
1. Male, age 56.
2. gay but has been married. Now divorced, ambiguous sex life, no close female friends.
3. lives in Kenmore .. or at least N and East.
4. born in the NorthEast.
5. 5′ 10″
6. balding
7. electric shaver, Phillips made.
8. not politically active in either party.
9. subscribe to full service cable, WSJ,
10. Drive a Japanese car made in USA.
11. wear boxers with tee shirts.
12. never served in military
Before denying any of this, remember anything you say is your word against that of a Pooka.
Not that it matters, you are probably referring to stamen. But no doubt you have other things on your mind.
@55 Yes, I know what a stamen is, but YOU are the one who chose this name. Hunhhh? Hunhh? Just an accident or ????????????????????????????
He’s a pistil!
#56 SeattleJew says:
In case I mentioned trumpet I didn’t want the “crazies” calling/emailing the real one. I was hoping Marvin being primarily a studio player, thus more obscure, wouldn’t show up as an alternative spelling in google. Since you found him, obviously I was incorrect. Glad you like his playing. Which CDs did you buy?
First three on the site, one with long soloes. More than that. I would rather keep personal chit chat over at my own blog.
You still have not responded to the post on what Harvey thinks of you?
#59 SeattleJew says:
What post and harvey who? How about a link or even just the title of the thread.
#59 SeattleJew says:
Your blog link doesn’t show up in your name. Just the generic http://.blogspot.com/
“Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7.”
It is clearly idiotic of you, Marvin, to say that this is an unfair or inaccurate statement.
“Why can’t the Republican Party elect even one single black Congressman or Senator?” You avoided answering this one, so I’ll answer it for you: It’s because the white n’ rite voting base of the Republican Party is racist.
“Isn’t it racist for Steve Sharansky to compare Ron Sims to a murderous African dictator like Robert Mugabe? Why won’t you answer my question?”
Your reply:”Comparing a black person to another black person is racist? Ouch!” Yes. It is racist.
Your answer to this question completely overlooked the fact that Robert Mugabe is a murderous dictator and focused only on the fact that Mugabe and Sims are both Black. THIS IS SO BLATANTLY RACIST ON YOUR PART THAT I WILL BRING IT UP EVERY TIME YOU CALL SOMEONE ELSE A RACIST.
You are clearly the racist. If Steve Sharansky said that Sims was exactly like Slappy White because they are both Black, well then, to quote you: “Comparing a black person to another black person is racist? Ouch!”
The first AA senator since reconstruction was Ed Brooke, a Mass. Reprican.
My blog is SeattleJew.
You m ight enjoy it .. there is a lot more diversity of content there. Not a lot of discussants though.
re 63: I remember him. He was elected by Democrats, not Republicans, although his party affiliation was Republican. I don’t think he would have fared as well in most states as he did in Mass.
re 63: But my point is about now, not about then.
Actually the Repricans, for better ow worse, have been working hard to find AA candidates. The problem is that many Reprican stands are not in the itnerest of the AA community,
#62 headless lucy says:
It is unfair, idiotic AND racist!
Since you are too scared to admit why it is stressful for you, let’s start with an easy question.
Do you have any black friends?
#62 headless lucy says:
By reading you posts on other blogs, yes, you really are as stupid as you appear! And yes, just as racist and bigoted.
I asked the local pookas in your area to tell me more about you. They tell me you are gay but refuse to accept that. They say this was one reason oyur marriage failed. I apologize of they are wrong, Tracing identities by internet is a lot harder than an analyzing in person.
Would you like for me to arrange a visit by a Pooka? People who know us find the experience positive and the encounter usually is largely invisible to outsiders.
If you come by DL some Tuesday I can set you up!