It’s amazing how the narrative that Rudy Giuliani is a 9/11 hero stays alive even as New York’s former mayor gets loudly booed at Yankees Stadium. Dave from Queens has more.
Lee, you’re just pissed because the Phillies lost. Besides, everyone gets booed at Yankee Stadium; New Yorkers, like HA regulars, expression their deep affection by hurling insults.
Sure thing crackpiper, just keep on believing whatever helps you wake up with dry bedsheets. But Rudy Giuliani will not be your daddy in 2009.
IAFF Firemanspews:
Wow, so you libs on the City Council not only threaten Firefighters and Police for endorsing your opponent, but you also like to slap your wives around too. What’s next?
Piper Scottspews:
Thank you for caring about my sheets…May I send any wet ones to you for laundering?
I hear if Rudy doesn’t get the nomination, he’s moving to Kent.
What seems to exorcise all you HA regulars about Rudy is his stance on the War Against Terrorism. Guess what: no matter who’s elected in 2008, the reality of it won’t go away! President Dodd’s options will be exactly the same as President Huckabee’s with both unchanged from President Bush’s. Events will drive decisions, not the other way around.
In the meantime, Darcy Burner will be happy in her new post-election job asking customers, “You want fries with that?”
Rumor has it that Mike Holmgren is in contact with Richard McIver out of a desparate need to get someone on the Seahawks who has a record of beating opponents. From what I hear, the 911 tape has his Mrs. alleging he was pretty damn liquored up. Will HA call upon him to resign? Or will he, too, be faced with Richard Pope as his opponent when next he runs for re-election?
@5 Thank you for caring about my sheets…May I send any wet ones to you for laundering?
I’d rather you just went back to the diaper.
I hear if Rudy doesn’t get the nomination, he’s moving to Kent.
That’s still pretty far from the stupidest thing someone has convinced you to believe.
What seems to exorcise all you HA regulars about Rudy is his stance on the War Against Terrorism.
Gee, you think, Einstein?
Guess what: no matter who’s elected in 2008, the reality of it won’t go away!
The reality of what? Right now, the reality is that President Bush’s foreign policy is helping terrorist organizations. Rudy Giuliani wants to continue doing the things that help terrorists.
President Dodd’s options will be exactly the same as President Huckabee’s with both unchanged from President Bush’s.
Right, and what we want is a President who looks at the options and makes the right decisions. President Bush has failed to do that.
Events will drive decisions, not the other way around.
OK, then what “event” drove our invasion of Iraq? Please say 9/11 because I’d love to humiliate you to an extent that you can’t possibly comprehend.
Can you believe those guys? Must politics pre-empt every fucking thing? C’mon, dudes, come up for air once in a while. Google isn’t endorsing the Soviet regime; all they’re doing is acknowledging a notable scientific and engineering achievement that had a large impact on our own culture.
IAFF Firemanspews:
I wonder if Councilman McIver was returning froma Drinking Liberally event.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 You’re onto something, Piper! When we diss you rightwing psychos, what we’re really doing is expressing our AFFECTION for you guys! There’s something about apologia for warmongering, fearmongering, hatemongering, and torturing innocent people that has an irresistable lure to it! It’s visceral, it’s sexual, it’s compulsive! We can’t help ourselves! We LOVE big, fat, ugly pricks!!!*
* This post is an exercise. I’m practicing fiction writing for a community college class. Repeat, this post is an exercise.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 It sure is too bad Newt isn’t running. I was hoping Newt would be their nominee!! But Rudy is almost as good as Newt. He’s had almost as many wives and adulterous affairs as Newt has.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Turning into Republicans and beating up our mothers.
Piper Scottspews:
You mean if it were a real post, we would have been instructed to tune into Sound Politics for accurate information?
As to Sputnik? You’re just pissed because a dog was sent up first, not a rabbit. What’s up, comrade?
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Anyone who’s ever seen the educational film “Reefer Madness” understands how the slippery slope works, and knows what’s behind it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “You mean if it were a real post, we would have been instructed to tune into Sound Politics for accurate information?”
I could’ve sworn I saw your big, fat, ugly face in that fiction writing class, and it turns out I was right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 What dog was aboard Sputnik? Don’t get me wrong, I think sending dogs on one-way missions into space is a great idea! In fact, I’ll volunteer Jane Balogh’s dog for the next mission right now! However, I regretfully must inform you that your understanding of scientific history is all fucked up. There was no dog (or any other animal) aboard Sputnik. Only some circuit boards and batteries.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 (continued) That’s not the only thing about you that’s fucked up, but I have a limited amount of time here this morning, so I won’t go into the rest of it right now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Nope, I was there last night, and didn’t see him. He must’ve been with you guys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 What war against terrorism? The pubbies are so preoccupied with trying to grab Iraq’s oil they haven’t gotten around to the terrorists yet.
To make this point further, let me resort to the pedagogical technique known as comparative literature:
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.
I am truly not that concerned about him.” – George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
“What, me worry?” – Alfred E. Neuman, circa 1956
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 As a bit of history trivia for you nostalgia buffs, according to Wikipedia, Mad Magazine began publication in 1952, its iconic Neuman character first appeared in 1954, and the “What, me worry?” slogan first appeared in 1956 when the magazine spoofingly put Neuman forward as a write-in candidate for president.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit’s Ranking of 1956 Presidential Candidates
First Choice: Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver
Second Choice: Alfred E. Neuman
Last Choice: Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon
Don’t get me wrong, Eisenhower was a fine general and not too bad as a politician (if a do-nothing president is what you wanted), but the other guy on the ’56 GOP ticket poisoned the whole ticket.
Piper Scottspews:
In re the diaper…would you then return it to me please?
Since debating the future isn’t debating the past, no matter who is elected President, decisions about confronting terrorism will be the same.
Events will force President Obama, after he’s gutted our nuclear deterrance, to vigorously confront terrorist threats. President Clinton will order massive airstrikes on known terrorist targets, which coincidentally will be hotels Bill frequents with any number of nis “nieces.” President Gravel will nap. President Biden (the official candidate of the Hair Club for Men) will authorize covert CIA activity in any number of countries. President Richardson will continue to press Congress for additional funding for both military, diplomatic, and law enforcement efforts against terrorism. President Kucinich will invite Osama bin Laden to a vegan feast and joint hug-fest on Fox News.
The point? NOTHING WILL CHANGE! Including the fact that the netroots will continue to shake their electronic fists at the occupant of the oval office, only this time they’ll feel betrayed in the process.
Your innocence has an almost Greek or Shakespearian-tragedy quality to it. It’s like we all know the outcome, but we continue to yell at you and beg you to turn aside from the inevitable awful consequences of your insistence upon self-destruction.
The upside, though, is you can shop this to TNT or or WE! as a mini-series during sweeps week; nothing like making a buck off your own misery to soften the blow.
The Piper
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit’s Ranking of 2007 Presidential Candidates
First Choice: Any Democrat
Next Choice: Any Independent Candidate Except Bloomberg
Fallback Choice: Alfred E. Neuman
Hail Mary Choice: Unnamed Write-In Candidate
No Way, No How: Any Republican
@21 In re the diaper…would you then return it to me please?
Buy your own, you freeloader. It’s sad enough that the big scary world makes you lose control of your bowels, do you have to also rely on handouts?
Since debating the future isn’t debating the past, no matter who is elected President, decisions about confronting terrorism will be the same.
No shit. But if you don’t understand why the decisions that President Bush has made have been wrong, you’re much more likely to make the wrong the decisions in the future.
Events will force President Obama, after he’s gutted our nuclear deterrance, to vigorously confront terrorist threats.
What the hell does nuclear deterrence have to do with confronting terrorism? Terrorists aren’t deterred by the fact that America has nuclear weapons. They’re MOTIVATED by that. Are you retarded?
President Clinton will order massive airstrikes on known terrorist targets, which coincidentally will be hotels Bill frequents with any number of nis “nieces.”
My god, can you go five minutes without thinking of Bill Clinton’s penis. That’s just sad. I know how much you’d love to give him a blow job, but it’s never going to happen for you. Buy a cardboard cutout and a banana and use your imagination.
President Biden (the official candidate of the Hair Club for Men) will authorize covert CIA activity in any number of countries.
Wow! A President will use the CIA! You don’t say!
President Richardson will continue to press Congress for additional funding for both military, diplomatic, and law enforcement efforts against terrorism.
Of course he will. That would be his job, you buffoon. But unlike the current occupant of the White House, Bill Richardson actually has the cojones to talk to world leaders who he doesn’t agree with.
President Kucinich will invite Osama bin Laden to a vegan feast and joint hug-fest on Fox News.
And Bin Laden would still complain that Bush treated him better.
The point? NOTHING WILL CHANGE! Including the fact that the netroots will continue to shake their electronic fists at the occupant of the oval office, only this time they’ll feel betrayed in the process.
Depending on what the next President does, we may very well be angry about how they fight terrorism. We want it done in a way that works. The war on drugs is an appropriate parallel here. The war on drugs exists to stop drug addiction. The way we’ve fought the war on drugs over the past 30 years has made the problem of drug addiction in this country worse rathen than better. However, the people who have been seen as being “tough on drugs” over the years have been the ones who’ve done the most damage. The war on terror is going down the same path, where our collective ignorance over the realities of human nature have led us down a path that is completely counterproductive.
Your innocence has an almost Greek or Shakespearian-tragedy quality to it.
Hahaha! Yeah, that’s a good one. I’m not the one supporting the people who are making the terrorists stronger. I support doing things that make terrorist organizations weaker. What we’ve done in Iraq was a gift to Al Qaeda and other related groups. The fact that you can’t see that means that you’re the naive one.
It’s like we all know the outcome, but we continue to yell at you and beg you to turn aside from the inevitable awful consequences of your insistence upon self-destruction.
That’s hilarious! So I’m guessing you still think that Iraq was the right thing to do and that we just need to be more patient? Hahahahahahahahahaha. You are SO adorable, crackpiper. Just precious.
The upside, though, is you can shop this to TNT or or WE! as a mini-series during sweeps week; nothing like making a buck off your own misery to soften the blow.
Believe me, I’ve experienced a lot of emotions reading this utterly retarded comment, but self-pity is not one of them. I truly and deeply feel sorry for you.
Well, you guys have fun with Piper. I can’t stomach that obnoxious ass any more. I’m outa here.
What was the first living thing to go into space and return alive?
Two dogs, Belka and Strelka, were launched into space on August 19, 1960 aboard the Soviet’s Sputnik 5 spacecraft. They returned to Earth one day later, becoming the first living creatures to be launched into space and returned safely to the ground. Belka (“Squirrel”) and Strelka (“Little Arrow”) were actually accompanied on their historic flight by 40 mice, 2 rats and a number of plants.”
Yet, given the Russkie’s well known aversion to the truth in those days and their less than stellar regard for things safety, who’s to say what living things were sent up only to come down decidedly not so?
And a legit question…you said circuit boards and batteries…Was their a circuit board as we understand that term on Sputnik? I know Anglo-Austrian engineer, Paul Geisler, invented some during WW II, but given that Sputnik 1 was the size of a beach ball, I’m curious as to what exactly was in it that gave it the ability to send beeping sounds back to earth.
No rabbits were killed in the writing of this post…
The Piper
Don Joespews:
Piper’s not obnoxious. Pompous, yes. Feckless, absolutely. Effete, makes W. F. Buckley look like the Blue Collar Man. But he’s not obnoxious.
He’s at least bright enough to know that he’d be on the losing side of any serious debate, so he doesn’t engage. Just keep that in the back of your mind, and you can easily laugh away at a Republican carricature of Monty Python’s Black Night.
Another TJspews:
Monty Python’s Black Night
Don Joespews:
Sorry. Black Knight.
Freud, and all that rot.
Another TJspews:
I was kind of hoping it was a new blended whiskey. Sounded promising.
Pooper Scottspews:
Fred Thompson has taken to wearing adult diapers at public functions.
Peace of mind is a priceless commodity!
Don Joespews:
Nah. Besides, for several reasons, it would have to have been a single malt scotch.
Piper Scottspews:
@30…PS (unclever ripper-offer of my moniker)…
No truth to the rumor President Thompson’s Attorney General will be Jack McCoy or that if Hillary Clinton loses in Iowa, she’s arranged to have all her caucus and primary opponents kidnapped and shipped to Gitmo for the duration.
Lee, you’re just pissed because the Phillies lost. Besides, everyone gets booed at Yankee Stadium; New Yorkers, like HA regulars, expression their deep affection by hurling insults.
The Piper
Seattle City Councilman Richard McIver was arrested and has been booked into jail for investigation of domestic violence assault.
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c om/html/localnews/2003938792_w ebmciver10m.html
Sure thing crackpiper, just keep on believing whatever helps you wake up with dry bedsheets. But Rudy Giuliani will not be your daddy in 2009.
Wow, so you libs on the City Council not only threaten Firefighters and Police for endorsing your opponent, but you also like to slap your wives around too. What’s next?
Thank you for caring about my sheets…May I send any wet ones to you for laundering?
I hear if Rudy doesn’t get the nomination, he’s moving to Kent.
What seems to exorcise all you HA regulars about Rudy is his stance on the War Against Terrorism. Guess what: no matter who’s elected in 2008, the reality of it won’t go away! President Dodd’s options will be exactly the same as President Huckabee’s with both unchanged from President Bush’s. Events will drive decisions, not the other way around.
In the meantime, Darcy Burner will be happy in her new post-election job asking customers, “You want fries with that?”
Rumor has it that Mike Holmgren is in contact with Richard McIver out of a desparate need to get someone on the Seahawks who has a record of beating opponents. From what I hear, the 911 tape has his Mrs. alleging he was pretty damn liquored up. Will HA call upon him to resign? Or will he, too, be faced with Richard Pope as his opponent when next he runs for re-election?
So many questions…
The Piper
Thank you for caring about my sheets…May I send any wet ones to you for laundering?
I’d rather you just went back to the diaper.
I hear if Rudy doesn’t get the nomination, he’s moving to Kent.
That’s still pretty far from the stupidest thing someone has convinced you to believe.
What seems to exorcise all you HA regulars about Rudy is his stance on the War Against Terrorism.
Gee, you think, Einstein?
Guess what: no matter who’s elected in 2008, the reality of it won’t go away!
The reality of what? Right now, the reality is that President Bush’s foreign policy is helping terrorist organizations. Rudy Giuliani wants to continue doing the things that help terrorists.
President Dodd’s options will be exactly the same as President Huckabee’s with both unchanged from President Bush’s.
Right, and what we want is a President who looks at the options and makes the right decisions. President Bush has failed to do that.
Events will drive decisions, not the other way around.
OK, then what “event” drove our invasion of Iraq? Please say 9/11 because I’d love to humiliate you to an extent that you can’t possibly comprehend.
Speaking of Bronx cheers, the Far Right is booing Google for commemorating Sputnik’s 50th anniversary. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....gle10.html
Can you believe those guys? Must politics pre-empt every fucking thing? C’mon, dudes, come up for air once in a while. Google isn’t endorsing the Soviet regime; all they’re doing is acknowledging a notable scientific and engineering achievement that had a large impact on our own culture.
I wonder if Councilman McIver was returning froma Drinking Liberally event.
@1 You’re onto something, Piper! When we diss you rightwing psychos, what we’re really doing is expressing our AFFECTION for you guys! There’s something about apologia for warmongering, fearmongering, hatemongering, and torturing innocent people that has an irresistable lure to it! It’s visceral, it’s sexual, it’s compulsive! We can’t help ourselves! We LOVE big, fat, ugly pricks!!!*
* This post is an exercise. I’m practicing fiction writing for a community college class. Repeat, this post is an exercise.
@3 It sure is too bad Newt isn’t running. I was hoping Newt would be their nominee!! But Rudy is almost as good as Newt. He’s had almost as many wives and adulterous affairs as Newt has.
@4 Turning into Republicans and beating up our mothers.
You mean if it were a real post, we would have been instructed to tune into Sound Politics for accurate information?
As to Sputnik? You’re just pissed because a dog was sent up first, not a rabbit. What’s up, comrade?
The Piper
@11 Anyone who’s ever seen the educational film “Reefer Madness” understands how the slippery slope works, and knows what’s behind it.
@12 “You mean if it were a real post, we would have been instructed to tune into Sound Politics for accurate information?”
I could’ve sworn I saw your big, fat, ugly face in that fiction writing class, and it turns out I was right.
@12 What dog was aboard Sputnik? Don’t get me wrong, I think sending dogs on one-way missions into space is a great idea! In fact, I’ll volunteer Jane Balogh’s dog for the next mission right now! However, I regretfully must inform you that your understanding of scientific history is all fucked up. There was no dog (or any other animal) aboard Sputnik. Only some circuit boards and batteries.
@12 (continued) That’s not the only thing about you that’s fucked up, but I have a limited amount of time here this morning, so I won’t go into the rest of it right now.
@8 Nope, I was there last night, and didn’t see him. He must’ve been with you guys.
@5 What war against terrorism? The pubbies are so preoccupied with trying to grab Iraq’s oil they haven’t gotten around to the terrorists yet.
To make this point further, let me resort to the pedagogical technique known as comparative literature:
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.
I am truly not that concerned about him.” – George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
“What, me worry?” – Alfred E. Neuman, circa 1956
@18 As a bit of history trivia for you nostalgia buffs, according to Wikipedia, Mad Magazine began publication in 1952, its iconic Neuman character first appeared in 1954, and the “What, me worry?” slogan first appeared in 1956 when the magazine spoofingly put Neuman forward as a write-in candidate for president.
Roger Rabbit’s Ranking of 1956 Presidential Candidates
First Choice: Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver
Second Choice: Alfred E. Neuman
Last Choice: Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon
Don’t get me wrong, Eisenhower was a fine general and not too bad as a politician (if a do-nothing president is what you wanted), but the other guy on the ’56 GOP ticket poisoned the whole ticket.
In re the diaper…would you then return it to me please?
Since debating the future isn’t debating the past, no matter who is elected President, decisions about confronting terrorism will be the same.
Events will force President Obama, after he’s gutted our nuclear deterrance, to vigorously confront terrorist threats. President Clinton will order massive airstrikes on known terrorist targets, which coincidentally will be hotels Bill frequents with any number of nis “nieces.” President Gravel will nap. President Biden (the official candidate of the Hair Club for Men) will authorize covert CIA activity in any number of countries. President Richardson will continue to press Congress for additional funding for both military, diplomatic, and law enforcement efforts against terrorism. President Kucinich will invite Osama bin Laden to a vegan feast and joint hug-fest on Fox News.
The point? NOTHING WILL CHANGE! Including the fact that the netroots will continue to shake their electronic fists at the occupant of the oval office, only this time they’ll feel betrayed in the process.
Your innocence has an almost Greek or Shakespearian-tragedy quality to it. It’s like we all know the outcome, but we continue to yell at you and beg you to turn aside from the inevitable awful consequences of your insistence upon self-destruction.
The upside, though, is you can shop this to TNT or or WE! as a mini-series during sweeps week; nothing like making a buck off your own misery to soften the blow.
The Piper
Roger Rabbit’s Ranking of 2007 Presidential Candidates
First Choice: Any Democrat
Next Choice: Any Independent Candidate Except Bloomberg
Fallback Choice: Alfred E. Neuman
Hail Mary Choice: Unnamed Write-In Candidate
No Way, No How: Any Republican
In re the diaper…would you then return it to me please?
Buy your own, you freeloader. It’s sad enough that the big scary world makes you lose control of your bowels, do you have to also rely on handouts?
Since debating the future isn’t debating the past, no matter who is elected President, decisions about confronting terrorism will be the same.
No shit. But if you don’t understand why the decisions that President Bush has made have been wrong, you’re much more likely to make the wrong the decisions in the future.
Events will force President Obama, after he’s gutted our nuclear deterrance, to vigorously confront terrorist threats.
What the hell does nuclear deterrence have to do with confronting terrorism? Terrorists aren’t deterred by the fact that America has nuclear weapons. They’re MOTIVATED by that. Are you retarded?
President Clinton will order massive airstrikes on known terrorist targets, which coincidentally will be hotels Bill frequents with any number of nis “nieces.”
My god, can you go five minutes without thinking of Bill Clinton’s penis. That’s just sad. I know how much you’d love to give him a blow job, but it’s never going to happen for you. Buy a cardboard cutout and a banana and use your imagination.
President Biden (the official candidate of the Hair Club for Men) will authorize covert CIA activity in any number of countries.
Wow! A President will use the CIA! You don’t say!
President Richardson will continue to press Congress for additional funding for both military, diplomatic, and law enforcement efforts against terrorism.
Of course he will. That would be his job, you buffoon. But unlike the current occupant of the White House, Bill Richardson actually has the cojones to talk to world leaders who he doesn’t agree with.
President Kucinich will invite Osama bin Laden to a vegan feast and joint hug-fest on Fox News.
And Bin Laden would still complain that Bush treated him better.
The point? NOTHING WILL CHANGE! Including the fact that the netroots will continue to shake their electronic fists at the occupant of the oval office, only this time they’ll feel betrayed in the process.
Depending on what the next President does, we may very well be angry about how they fight terrorism. We want it done in a way that works. The war on drugs is an appropriate parallel here. The war on drugs exists to stop drug addiction. The way we’ve fought the war on drugs over the past 30 years has made the problem of drug addiction in this country worse rathen than better. However, the people who have been seen as being “tough on drugs” over the years have been the ones who’ve done the most damage. The war on terror is going down the same path, where our collective ignorance over the realities of human nature have led us down a path that is completely counterproductive.
Your innocence has an almost Greek or Shakespearian-tragedy quality to it.
Hahaha! Yeah, that’s a good one. I’m not the one supporting the people who are making the terrorists stronger. I support doing things that make terrorist organizations weaker. What we’ve done in Iraq was a gift to Al Qaeda and other related groups. The fact that you can’t see that means that you’re the naive one.
It’s like we all know the outcome, but we continue to yell at you and beg you to turn aside from the inevitable awful consequences of your insistence upon self-destruction.
That’s hilarious! So I’m guessing you still think that Iraq was the right thing to do and that we just need to be more patient? Hahahahahahahahahaha. You are SO adorable, crackpiper. Just precious.
The upside, though, is you can shop this to TNT or or WE! as a mini-series during sweeps week; nothing like making a buck off your own misery to soften the blow.
Believe me, I’ve experienced a lot of emotions reading this utterly retarded comment, but self-pity is not one of them. I truly and deeply feel sorry for you.
Well, you guys have fun with Piper. I can’t stomach that obnoxious ass any more. I’m outa here.
Perhaps not on Sputnik 1, but on Sputnik 5, per a NASA website –
What was the first living thing to go into space and return alive?
Two dogs, Belka and Strelka, were launched into space on August 19, 1960 aboard the Soviet’s Sputnik 5 spacecraft. They returned to Earth one day later, becoming the first living creatures to be launched into space and returned safely to the ground. Belka (“Squirrel”) and Strelka (“Little Arrow”) were actually accompanied on their historic flight by 40 mice, 2 rats and a number of plants.”
Yet, given the Russkie’s well known aversion to the truth in those days and their less than stellar regard for things safety, who’s to say what living things were sent up only to come down decidedly not so?
And a legit question…you said circuit boards and batteries…Was their a circuit board as we understand that term on Sputnik? I know Anglo-Austrian engineer, Paul Geisler, invented some during WW II, but given that Sputnik 1 was the size of a beach ball, I’m curious as to what exactly was in it that gave it the ability to send beeping sounds back to earth.
No rabbits were killed in the writing of this post…
The Piper
Piper’s not obnoxious. Pompous, yes. Feckless, absolutely. Effete, makes W. F. Buckley look like the Blue Collar Man. But he’s not obnoxious.
He’s at least bright enough to know that he’d be on the losing side of any serious debate, so he doesn’t engage. Just keep that in the back of your mind, and you can easily laugh away at a Republican carricature of Monty Python’s Black Night.
Monty Python’s Black Night
Sorry. Black Knight.
Freud, and all that rot.
I was kind of hoping it was a new blended whiskey. Sounded promising.
Fred Thompson has taken to wearing adult diapers at public functions.
Peace of mind is a priceless commodity!
Nah. Besides, for several reasons, it would have to have been a single malt scotch.
@30…PS (unclever ripper-offer of my moniker)…
No truth to the rumor President Thompson’s Attorney General will be Jack McCoy or that if Hillary Clinton loses in Iowa, she’s arranged to have all her caucus and primary opponents kidnapped and shipped to Gitmo for the duration.
The Piper
Don Joe,
Also, check out the comments.
UPDATED: City Councilman McIver arrested for domestic violence
Here’s the updated articles 2:11 PM and 2:27 PM from the PI and the Times, resp.
Thanks, ATJ. I’ll take the h/t.
Dang, but this one’s making the rounds:
See the update here:
Which points to:
It’s the gift that just keeps on giving.
Dang, but this one’s making the rounds
Yep, it seems to have gone a wee bit viral. Good work.
Nope. Not taking credit for the way it’s gone viral. All it takes is a simple web search for “Michelle Malkin health insurance” to find it.
But I do like the fact that it has gone viral.