I’ll be on KING-5 TV’s Up Front with Robert Mak this Sunday, talking about the War on Christmas. (The feds have me classified as an “unlawful enemy combatant.”) Tune in to KING-5 at 9:30PM or NWCN at 8:00PM.
And in addition to my usual Sunday night show on 710-KIRO (7PM to 10PM) I’ll be filling in for Frank Shiers Tuesday 12/19 and Wednesday 12/20 (9PM to midnight) and for Dave Ross and Ron Reagan all of Christmas week (12/25 through 12/29, 9AM to 1PM.) Good thing I like to talk.
I guess that holiday schedule makes some sense.
In my office, we rotate “on call” duty for weekends and holidays. I usually let the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese people in the office take it for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I’ll take it for New Years, since that holiday is more important to them, and not very important to me.
Stefan McSharksnarksy must be three shades of green with jealousy. All that air time for Goldy and none for him.
So, where can I hear Stefan? :^)
Other than on his whiny little blog.
I remember the January 20 1993 Inaugural Day storm. I also remember that a little less than two years later we dems got our collective asses handed to us. It was a slaughter through and through. Funny how more things change the more things stay the same.
a little less than two years later we dems got our collective asses handed to us.
You’re getting bigger and bigger, Goldy! Soon, you’ll be BIG!!! Bigger than Rush, Sean, Laura, and all the other winger nutjobs put together! That’s because you make sense and they’re full of shit.
BTW, does the owner of the sucky little competing blog have a radio show yet? Besides public access, I mean.
a little less than two years later we dems got our collective asses handed to us.
Damn straight. He wouldnt have had a chance if it wasnt for me. hehehe
You’re getting bigger and bigger, Goldy! Soon, you’ll be BIG!!! Bigger than Rush, Sean, Laura, and all the other winger nutjobs put together! That’s because you make sense and they’re full of shit.
BTW, does the owner of the sucky little competing blog have a radio show yet? Besides public access, I mean.
Here here. Hey if you need more funding I know some insiders at the local Boys and Girls Club. Chaaa-Ching.
You’re getting bigger and bigger, Goldy! Soon, you’ll be BIG!!! Bigger than Rush, Sean, Laura, and all the other winger nutjobs put together! That’s because you make sense and they’re full of shit.
BTW, does the owner of the sucky little competing blog have a radio show yet? Besides public access, I mean.
Here here. Hey if you need more funding I know some insiders at the local Boys and Girls Club. Chaaa-Ching.
Dan Rather says:
The inefficient socialist public power entity, Seattle City Light, will have everybody up within 24 hours. Some customers of the more efficient private sector for-profit company, Puget Sound Energy, will have to wait 7 days. Capitalism discredits public ownership again! (snicker)
12/15/2006 at 8:45 pm
Leave it to a Seattle Liberal to brag about how fast the lights come back on in Seattle while telling people in the Suburbs they cant cut down trees (CAO). snicker snicker
I enjoy how those folks in the burbs bitch about the government until they need help. Now they are whining for government assistance.
I enjoy how those folks in the burbs bitch about the government until they need help. Now they are whining for government assistance.
Yeah those soup lines sure are long (roll eyes).
If only the government did what they were hired to do instead of social engineering we would all be better off.
9 Ross Perot says: Damn straight. He wouldnt have had a chance if it wasnt for me. 12/15/2006 at 9:15 pm
You always were an arrogant asshole! In fact, you might have been president if you weren’t (though I hate to think what that would have been like). Just because you’re a billionaire doesn’t mean you’re smart.
10 JCH/righton/Janet Slut/Mike Webb Sucks/Kevin Carns: Go fuck yourself!
I’m pretty sure Kevin Carns isn’t “JCH” but I think he’s the rest of them.
Kevin Carns @17: No trees, no oxygen. No oxygen, no humans. Go fuck yourself!
Oops, that should read “Kevin Carns @12”
15 Dan Rather says: If only the government did what they were hired to do instead of social engineering we would all be better off. 12/15/2006 at 11:42 pm
If you don’t like how the government is running things, I suggest you complain to the current management: http://www.rnc.org/
15 Dan Rather says: If only the government did what they were hired to do instead of social engineering we would all be better off. 12/15/2006 at 11:42 pm
If you don’t like how the government is running things, I suggest you complain to the current management: http://www.rnc.org/
Just something to mention to the guys at KIRO… listening to the host say ‘Stores open early Saturday- be there for the holiday sale!’ as part of an endorsement deal leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of your customers without power. :P
For the record, I don’t think there’s a “War on Christmas” going on. That’s just Bill O’Reilly doing some marketing.
As a matter of fact, I don’t think there’s a war going on against any holiday.
Libertarian @24,
For the record I agree with you. My point has always been (since I first blogged on this last year,) that the “War on Christmas” rhetoric is irresponsible, as it inevitably sparks anti-semetic sentiment in response.
But you know, Fox News doesn’t seem to care, as long as it sparks a few extra ratings points as well.
Libertarian said:
I beg to disagree. I am a soldier in the national “War on Chocolate Coated Cherry Day” (January 3rd). Poor defenseless cherries are being slaughtered, and tons of otherwise good chocolate are being wasted on this vile confection.
We need to stop this senseless carnage!
Remember, on January 3rd you must not say “Have a Happy Chocolate Covered Cherry Day”. “Have a nice confection” and “Have a candy” are acceptable alternatives that will not offend anyone except the intolerant cherry-eater.
Dan @ 13-
Soup is beneath them. They want their roads rebuilt where they shouldn’t have been built in the first place. They want levees on rivers which should be allowed to flow. They want free debris disposal.
They want the government services they refuse to pay for. And they want government workers to appear at the snap of their fingers to help them. THen they want those workers to disappear.
I’ve been on the phones hearing from them.
26 – My wife’s son would be soooooooo disappointed with you. I know it’s just in fun, and a parody of Bill Orally’s “War on Christmas” hyperbole, but one thing that brightened his tour in Iraq with the Marines was us sending him boxes of chocolate-covered cherries for Christmas.
15 Dan Rather says: If only the government did what they were hired to do instead of social engineering we would all be better off. 12/15/2006 at 11:42 pm
If you don’t like how the government is running things, I suggest you complain to the current management: http://www.rnc.org/
You tell em Rabbit. It is the nation’s responsibility for local disasters in democrat run counties. And dont you forget it!!!!
PS– We dems will take care of the elections though. heehehe
Soup is beneath them. They want their roads rebuilt where they shouldn’t have been built in the first place. They want levees on rivers which should be allowed to flow. They want free debris disposal.
They want the government services they refuse to pay for. And they want government workers to appear at the snap of their fingers to help them. THen they want those workers to disappear.
Yeah you tell em. We dems in New Orleans are the only ones that can get away with that crap you ungrateful republican assholes.
Just watched you on Up Front and found your blog. I thought you were very well spoken and presented your views with extreme clarity and logic. Well done – if I weren’t still only on my second cup of coffee, I would have stood up and applauded.
MaryBeth, you need to find something more interesting in your life!