Tiger’s shrine (aside from the booty, natch) has a holy trinity of Hogan, Palmer and Nicklaus. That’s why he got where he got, by focusing on golf and nothing but. Actually, the best commentary on TW came from Jason Whitlock on Fox Sports, I’ll dredge up the link here in a minute….
Hume’s just pissed ’cause Tiger can get laid and he can’t.
DId you know Tiger’s real name is Eldrick?
Fred the beetle Barnes thinks Bret’s unsolicited advice to Woods is “wise and caring“.
Maybe next week’s show can be the conversion of Bill Goebbels Kristol?
Surely Bret sees that the Iraq War’s propagandist-in-cheif needs the kind of forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the Christian faith.
“He’s said to be a buddhist, don’t think that faith offers the kind of forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the christian faith.” -Britt Hume.
Mr. Hume is right, in a sense, that Buddhism doesn’t offer redemption and forgiveness in the same way Christianity does. Buddhism has no concept of sin; therefore, redemption and forgiveness in the Christian sense is meaningless in Buddhism. Forgiveness is important, but it is approached differently in Buddhism.
Good point. If Imus dissing Rutgers Basketballers was offensive what about Hume dissing Buddhism?
I agree with Brit. I think he should convert to the fundamentalist Mormon sect of Christianity, so he can have as many wives as he likes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Brit Hume is an asshole”
Isn’t everyone these days?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “As for Wood’s religion vs his sex life, what sex life did Jesus have?”
According to Dan Brown, He was banging Mary Magdalene.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This whole thread exemplifies what I posted a couple threads back from Andrew Cohen’s commentary in The Atlantic about TV’s obliteration of the line between “news” and “entertainment.”
There’s no purpose to inform here, folks. Therefore, there’s no need for the anchor (Hume) to have the slightest clue of what he’s talking about.
From a programming standpoint, which is the only standpoint that counts to a media executive, the only criterion here is Hume’s ability to attract an audience by saying something silly as though he were serious.
The whole topic of Tiger Woods’ drug use and extramarital affairs isn’t serious. People dying in the streets of Iran to protest that country’s dictatorship is serious. American casualties in Afghanistan is serious. Congressional policy debate is serious. This is merely commercialized voyeurism.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Personally, I think Hume is more likely an idiot than an asshole. As a federal judge once said to a defendant, “Frankly, I think you’re too stupid to form a criminal intent.” These on-air media types are picked for looks, not brains. See, e.g., Susie Hutchison.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Because he can’t get respectable work?
@6: Not sure what your point is. Hume seems to think that the concept of “forgiveness” makes Christianity somehow a better religion than Buddhism. I’m no expert on Buddhism, but Brit doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about.
I didn’t know that evangelicals allowed brown people into their churches.
Brit Hume is a goldy, and Goldy is just an isolated extremist. Too bad about his smokin’ crotch.
KOMO 1000 did a Beyond the Breadlines year-end roundup that had a panel of adults (primo Ken Hutcherson, John Carlson, Tim Eyman, and EFF’s Amber Gunn), a few sub-prime sub-adult progressives, and one whiny snot-nose little snot who wandered away from middle-school detention and wandered onto the panel by mistake. His name is David Goldstein, not to be confused with our beloved David “goldy” Goldstein. Hope nobody listened to KOMO’s Goldstein and maliciously profiled HA’s goldy (who is an asshole isolated extremist) by mistake.
Our goldy is a beloved asshole and an extremist, but he isn’t a little snot.
Hope this helps.
@20 YellowPup 01/04/2010 at 11:49 am,
What Hume thinks is that Hume is somehow entitled to publicly proselytize to a man Hume doesn’t know because Hume and his religion are superior with neither knowledge nor regard for the beliefs he is comparing.
What did you mean when you wrote
“Who needs forgiveness when you know better in the first place?“?
Alki Postingsspews:
Hume is a total douche bag. Being Christian is meaningless. You’re just as likely to cheat, kill, steal, etc. The KKK are all Christian. The Italian mafia is all Christian. The Oklahoma City bombers were Christian. All of the GOP who cheated on their wives in the last 100 years were all self proclaimed Christians. Get the f**k over it.
Here’s a meaningless Mafia KKK Christian footnote: Adam Smith cautioned students about thinking that non-slave Scotland was typical. “Their own small corner of the world was the only area from which slavery had slowly disappeared. Less than a millennium earlier, Europe itself had been a major supplier of slaves to the Muslim World. The men, women, and children who were led as capives across the Alps and the Mediterranean were then the most valuable commodities underdeveloped Europe could offer to Islamic Africa and Asia.” (via Seymour Drescher’s recent book Abolition.)
See? Christians weren’t meaningless. They were valuable commodities. Of course, the next time Moslems crusade through Vienna and lay siege to Paris, there won’t be any Euro Christians left to grab. So they’ll just have to get ’em here, starting with “Crystal Methodist” Ted Haggard whom everybody forgave for his un-str8 sex.
@24: I always thought salvation and forgiveness were sort of the ultimate cop-out, leading logically to the selling of indulgences and so on. To forgive is a great virtue, atonement makes some sense, but to bank on forgiveness and salvation for piety (for oneself) never made sense to me.
Buddhism does not consign folks to hell for not agreeing that Jesus is God.
Buddhism has never burned humans for not agreeing that some book is holy.
Buddhism does not denigrate ANY other religion.
Brit Hume ain’t a Buddhist.
Hume isn’t sure that Tiger can save his marriage or have much of a relationship with his kids and he knows this because he and Tiger are tight. They hang out all the time.
‘You know, because Christians never get involved in self-destructive sex scandals.’
More prime examples of Goldy’s continuing inferiority complex….good grief!
@29 Michael,
But Hume is sure. Without knowing anything about Woods, his family or his golf game (and apparently Buddhism) beyond what he reads in the paper or sees on the teevee, Hume is convinced Woods can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world simply by throwing his current religious beliefs overboard and converting.
Oh, you could say that Hume should only talk about those things that he knows, but nobody is going to watch a silent bloviator.
Maybe somebody on the panel could ask Hume how his devotion to Christianity helps him with the fact that Dick Armey slurred the reputation of his son after Sandy’s suicide. Hume’s Christianity must be real special to keep in the company of those folks. Judas could not forgive and redeem like Hume.
@30: Inferiority complex?
Wow, are you stupid or brain-addled.
It has nothing to do with your pathetically ignornat comment. goldy was simply pointing out hypocrisy….guess you are too thick to “get it”.
And Britt Hume…..an “ignorant slut” too.
A real Buddhist would not spew shit about Christians.
Mr. Hume probably thinks his microphone is bigger than Mr. Woods’ uhh…nine iron.
Tiger’s need for forgiveness, or lack thereof, is something Mr. Hume doesn’t know a bloody thing about. Mr. Woods would probably like everyone to go pay attention to the next vapid celebrity scandal so he can continue to find as many other young blonde women as possible to copulate with until the money runs out. So, probably, deep down in his gut (or a little lower) would Mr. Hume…but he can’t, because he’s not only not rich enough, but so butt fugly he has to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.
proud leftistspews:
As a Christian, I’m offended by the holier-than-thou, judgmental nature of Hume’s comments. He would do well to review some of Christ’s comments about not judging others. He also might review that passage about a camel’s passing through the eye of a needle.
goldstein, you are the most fucking dishonest, criminal, crude bloodsucker blogging today…ban me if you have the balls.
you probably wont because each click makes you money..you blood sucking pervert
I think I’ve found our next Golden Goat.
proud leftistspews:
Michael @ 37
manoftruth is a previous winner of the Goat, but, man, I guess he wants to compete with those multiple winners, Puddy and Cynical. We might just have to crown someone this week if there are enough votes. manoftruth’s post really sounds like something Christ would post if he were on this blog, doesn’t it?
I think what Brit Hume was saying was “become a Christian”, come join us we are all fucked up in a way and sin all the time, and all we have to do is apologize and repent and do it all over again. That is what he was saying.
christ wouldnt post on this blog because he already kicked you shyster moneychangers out of the temple and leaves you to the philly shyster goldstein, left coast shyster monitor.
proud leftistspews:
You defile Christianity. You are a hateful racist, who hasn’t a clue what the Gospel means, and certainly not what it requires of those who are believers. You are also, essentially, illiterate. Hey, Puddy and Cynical, why don’t you fellows post here in support of manoftruth? Are you proud that he shares your political beliefs? Are you, really? I dare you to brag about him as one of your team members.
@40 I think what Brit Hume was saying was “become a Christian”, come join us we are all fucked up in a way and sin all the time, and all we have to do is apologize and repent and do it all over again. That is what he was saying.
its funny, gman says that about christians but i’m the racist. i guess thats why this blog only has 16 readers.
Hey, Puddy and Cynical, why don’t you fellows post here in support of manoftruth? Are you proud that he shares your political beliefs? Are you, really? I dare you to brag about him as one of your team members.
go ahead, see if you can get puddy to kiss your ass and disown me, but, i wonder, when puddy watches bet and sees the violence and deprevation in the black community, who do you think he blames? blacks, or the liberal white policies that purposely keep the culture of poverty alive?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy blames the blacks who participate in that stupid crap first and then the blacks who make money off of their crazy actions. When it’s the white record companies who promulgate the filthy videos, Puddy shakes his head again. Puddy wonders if certain HA Libtardos are front and center watching that crap. Remember Bill Cosby already covered this!
Now onto Christianity and Proud Leftist’s Christian views… hmmm… well… oh… Nuff SAID there…
But to you manoftruth… you said jo mama was Jewish and that gives you open season on Goldy… well go on with your “bad” self. You aren’t making friends here. But then again the HA Libtardos slobberingly follow Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny too.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy also thinks Proud Leftist talking about a “goat” award is still the funniest thing around. Proud Leftist giving the goat is like telling a leper he’s has great smooth hands.
@34Tiger’s need for forgiveness, or lack thereof, is something Mr. Hume doesn’t know a bloody thing about.
hey artiefartie, is this forgiveness thing why they drag 97 year old suspected ss guards from their homes by ambulance to deport them???
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 45: “You aren’t making friends here.”
Heck, Pud, that’s the best you can do? Look, I’m going to give you some credit, as you slightly diss manoftruth. Let me ask, though, do you truly believe the values he expresses here seem more Christian than those I express? That would be a yes or no question, Puddy. I am a Christian, and proudly so, Puddy. Have I ever said otherwise here? I am a liberal because I am a Christian. I can’t read Matthew 25 and be otherwise. Apparently, you can. I’ve posted it here before, but I will do so once again: Stephen Stills wrote that “Jesus Christ was the first nonviolent revolutionary.” He was more or less correct about that. You think Christ was a violent reactionary. You’re wrong, Puddy, dead wrong about that.
Stephen Stills wrote that “Jesus Christ was the first nonviolent revolutionary.
Just lets try for historical accuracy. The non violence attributed to Jesus was the eassential teaching of the Pharisees.
At the time of Jesus there were three major Jewish responses to Roman occupation.
The priests, also called the Saduccees or Hasmoneans, controlled the Temple. As long as the Romans let them run the Temple, collect taxes, etc. they collaborated.
At the other extreme were radical revolutionaries, zealots whgo wanted and eventially got two bloody wars.
Between these extremes were the Pharisees led by the man often considered our greatest yteacher, Hillel. He preached passive resistance, the idea of letting Caesar rule the state while the kept the laws of the torah. Sound familiar?
The great irony of antisemitism is that Paul and his successors denigrated the Pharisees in an effort to create a religion that would appeal to Romans not interested in becoming members of the Jewish people. Millions of my people have died because of that effort to switch blame from Rome to Jerusalem.
The promise for Muslims, Jews and Christians is to celebrate the lessons taught by the Pharisees … lessons of being true to oneslef while being tolerant of others.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
You think Christ was a violent reactionary. You’re wrong, Puddy, dead wrong about that.
Proud Leftist… Did Jesus say “I and my Father are One”?
Simple binary response.
Puddy will wait for this response.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Christianity is but one path to whatever the hell follows whatever existence is. Buddhist, Christian, Pagan, Hindu, Jew – it doesn’t matter.
Proud Leftist… Did Jesus say “I and my Father are One”?
For one thing the grammar would be incorrect.
For another the punishment for blasphemy is stoning to death and did not require approval by the Romans since this is Jewish law. If Jesus went around claiming to be God, he would have gotten .. stoned!
Since he was, instead, crucified and since crucifiction if the Roman punishment for sedition one must assume the Romans did not like him claiming to be the King of the Jews?
I can’t believe it was ok for others (post #5 and #16) to ask about Jesus’ sex life, and then when I gave my opinion it was deleted. You can’t be serious. What, are we not allowed to post anything regarding homosexuality on this site, unless it is degrading to homosexuality? There was nothing wrong with my Comment, Comment #39.
just be happy you weren’t born 300 years ago, they’d burn you like firewood.
ps, are you cute?
@54 – no, I weigh 600 lbs, have gray hair, 5′-5″, 79 years old, with a shriveled up dick, but a nice hole.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
Once again SeattleJew@52 demonstrates his Bible ignorance…John 10:30 says “I and my Father are one.”
Puddy did notice how proud leftist ignored this entry but went to other threads and left his “pellets” there.
So SeattleJew can get more of a Bible lesson
John 10:31-42 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode. And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true. And many believed on him there.
This is why Puddy challenges proud leftist’s Bible beliefs. He can’t praise God in front of other men or atheist fools. You see proud leftist John 15:16 says “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” So how come you choose not to bear fruit and not have your fruit remain proud leftist? Remember proud leftist in the Old Testament “The Lord responded; “Far be it from Me; for those who honor Me; I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed” (1 Samuel 2:30)” Jesus said in Matthew 10:32-33 “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”
So proud leftist why do you purposely deny Christ in front of your HA Libtardo “friends”? SeattleJew doesn’t believe in Christ as the Son of God and that’s his excuse. Puddy wonders what is yours proud leftist?
What…the two of you don’t know each other? You are practically neighbors!
Since you are both anti-semitic, self-loathing assholes, you’ve probably run into each other at the local KKK lodge.
@57 sorry you fail to see the meaning of my posts, but I disagree I think I stand up for myself and other gay people, and I think you dislike my posts because you can’t handle the reality of most heterosexuals being bigots.
@58 – you have me all wrong. I am not anti-semetic or racially bigoted, I merely try to be the devils advocate in it to show how others are wrong about how they think. What is wrong with a gay Jesus? How is that demeaning gay people?
Censors….what a great blog, censor….you pussies are afraid of me….you got a bunch of bigots on here that you enable. You never correct them, you just let them spew it out like Hitler. Go fuck yourselves. I hope you have to read everyone of these comments.
I know you are fucking with me….remember your own words….what comes around goes around you faggot.
And you seriously claim to not be anti-Semitic?
Your use of typical anti-gay hate-speech in anger betrays that the rest of your bizarre, over-the-top “pro-gay” comments are really intended to discredit gays.
Finally, this is a political blog, and one that focuses on Washington state politics. It isn’t a forum for discrediting or promotion of sexual preferences. Consider finding a more appropriate forum for your needs, because you will not be permitted to abuse this one.
@56 You can stuff that holier-than-thou bullshit of yours up your ass, Puddy. You fucking freak, you break one of the Ten Commandments with every comment you make here. I suspect there’s an eternity in hell awaiting you for your lying your ass off in the name of Jesus. And as far as I’m concerned, you can just burn forever, bitch.
@61 – Darryl, first and foremost I apologize for those anti-semitic words or slurs that I’ve said as you say. Although I wasn’t able to reply when I first read your comment this morning before going to work, I thought about how I would try to defend what I said, I wanted to write quite a lengthy response assuring you that I am not a bigot and why I said those things. But after thinking about it I will spare you all of my initial thoughts, but will tell you I wrongly said those words in retaliation of having my comments censored. I truly can say I didn’t mean those words. I was upset and not thinking correctly. I think you will find that I didn’t say any of those things until after my comments were being censored, I too it personally. My original thought of a length explanation was in hope to prove to you that I am not a bigot. But I do disagree with you in that you think that I’ve been demeaning gay people, my whole point was to show others of their bigoted ways. Such as people on this Blog using words like cock sucker, fudge packer, etc… It seems like not enough condemnation was given when those individuals spoke that way.
Shit by mistake I hit enter and didn’t mean to.
63 continued. Anyways I could continue to try to prove myself, but I don’t know if I could really change your feelings towards me. So again, I apologize to you and Goldy and any others here that were offended. I wanted to say more, like I think you have been somewhat biased in at least on of my posts, the post regarding that Jesus is Gay, I am being 100% serious, others commented on Jesus’ sexuality and I thought I would give my perspective of his sexuality, but it was deleted. I still don’t understand why, and I do not need an answer.
I think you know I live on the East Coast, therefore I do not comment much on post regarding local issues or politics. I first came across HA during the Presidential Race and found it to be the only Blog that had any dialog amongst posters, and found some of the posts and replies to post funny at times.
But anyways, One last thing, for my bad actions, I want to show some appreciation for this Blog by pledging a donation. I don’t want to insult Goldy, by offering this donation, I don’t want it to seem like a payoff or bribe or what ever. I am serious, have Goldy name his price, up to $300.00 and the check or money order will be on its way. Again, I don’t want to insult Goldy in any way, just support the Blog, after my bad actions.
I think I’ve said too much, I wanted to continue to speak about some of the ugly words that I may have said, but I don’t think an explanation would make it right in any way, so why bother.
one last thing that I wanted to say, I want to say a lot but again I would only be babbling….it might have been clear to me that Goldy was Jewish, but I have no idea what religion you are. My point is that I just called you (and he) those words without even really meaning it. For all I know you could be anything and everything but Jewish.
Sometime when you fell hurt, it is easy to hurt back. Ok, I’ve said enough.
I’m serious about my pledge, and if I do not here anything back from you, I will send it anyways.
regarding that last comment, when I said “you”, I didn’t mean “You”, I meant in generalization and really was referring to me.
Darryl – is there any way to donate other than with Credit Card or PayPal, like mailing to a P.O. Box or specific Address? I want to make sure my donation is going to be recognized as coming from me, and I don’t see how paying with a Credit Card will assure this. If I were to donate via a Credit Card, would the donation be know to be from me?
” is there any way to donate other than with Credit Card or PayPal, like mailing to a P.O. Box or specific Address?”
You could email Goldy for his address (goldy@horsesass.org). But I believe you can include a message with a paypal donation. Try it with a $10 donation first to make sure.
Tiger’s shrine (aside from the booty, natch) has a holy trinity of Hogan, Palmer and Nicklaus. That’s why he got where he got, by focusing on golf and nothing but. Actually, the best commentary on TW came from Jason Whitlock on Fox Sports, I’ll dredge up the link here in a minute….
The difference is, Ted Haggard was forgiven for his meth-tweakin’ paid gay sex, while Tiger is not forgiven for his Ambien-tweakin’ unpaid str8 sex.
LOL. Buddhism, I thought, was all about putting aside worldly pleasures. Who needs forgiveness when you know better in the first place?
Brit Hume ought to convert to Buddhism … ar religion that requires compassion.
As for Wood’s religion vs his sex life, what sex life did Jesus have?
@4 YellowPup 01/04/2010 at 9:07 am
fails at “I thought“.
Graduate of the Brit Hume School of Theology and Religious Studies?
Any wonder now why Hume is on Faux??
Hume’s just pissed ’cause Tiger can get laid and he can’t.
DId you know Tiger’s real name is Eldrick?
Fred the beetle Barnes thinks Bret’s unsolicited advice to Woods is “wise and caring“.
Maybe next week’s show can be the conversion of Bill Goebbels Kristol?
Surely Bret sees that the Iraq War’s propagandist-in-cheif needs the kind of forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the Christian faith.
“He’s said to be a buddhist, don’t think that faith offers the kind of forgiveness and redemption that is offered by the christian faith.” -Britt Hume.
Buddhist Monks Urge Brit Hume to Take The Vow of Silence
Don Imus kicks ass.
@12 ..
Good point. If Imus dissing Rutgers Basketballers was offensive what about Hume dissing Buddhism?
I agree with Brit. I think he should convert to the fundamentalist Mormon sect of Christianity, so he can have as many wives as he likes.
“Brit Hume is an asshole”
Isn’t everyone these days?
@5 “As for Wood’s religion vs his sex life, what sex life did Jesus have?”
According to Dan Brown, He was banging Mary Magdalene.
This whole thread exemplifies what I posted a couple threads back from Andrew Cohen’s commentary in The Atlantic about TV’s obliteration of the line between “news” and “entertainment.”
There’s no purpose to inform here, folks. Therefore, there’s no need for the anchor (Hume) to have the slightest clue of what he’s talking about.
From a programming standpoint, which is the only standpoint that counts to a media executive, the only criterion here is Hume’s ability to attract an audience by saying something silly as though he were serious.
The whole topic of Tiger Woods’ drug use and extramarital affairs isn’t serious. People dying in the streets of Iran to protest that country’s dictatorship is serious. American casualties in Afghanistan is serious. Congressional policy debate is serious. This is merely commercialized voyeurism.
Personally, I think Hume is more likely an idiot than an asshole. As a federal judge once said to a defendant, “Frankly, I think you’re too stupid to form a criminal intent.” These on-air media types are picked for looks, not brains. See, e.g., Susie Hutchison.
@7 Because he can’t get respectable work?
@6: Not sure what your point is. Hume seems to think that the concept of “forgiveness” makes Christianity somehow a better religion than Buddhism. I’m no expert on Buddhism, but Brit doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about.
Tiger Woods is so 2009.
I didn’t know that evangelicals allowed brown people into their churches.
Brit Hume is a goldy, and Goldy is just an isolated extremist. Too bad about his smokin’ crotch.
KOMO 1000 did a Beyond the Breadlines year-end roundup that had a panel of adults (primo Ken Hutcherson, John Carlson, Tim Eyman, and EFF’s Amber Gunn), a few sub-prime sub-adult progressives, and one whiny snot-nose little snot who wandered away from middle-school detention and wandered onto the panel by mistake. His name is David Goldstein, not to be confused with our beloved David “goldy” Goldstein. Hope nobody listened to KOMO’s Goldstein and maliciously profiled HA’s goldy (who is an asshole isolated extremist) by mistake.
Our goldy is a beloved asshole and an extremist, but he isn’t a little snot.
Hope this helps.
@20 YellowPup 01/04/2010 at 11:49 am,
What Hume thinks is that Hume is somehow entitled to publicly proselytize to a man Hume doesn’t know because Hume and his religion are superior with neither knowledge nor regard for the beliefs he is comparing.
What did you mean when you wrote
“Who needs forgiveness when you know better in the first place?“?
Hume is a total douche bag. Being Christian is meaningless. You’re just as likely to cheat, kill, steal, etc. The KKK are all Christian. The Italian mafia is all Christian. The Oklahoma City bombers were Christian. All of the GOP who cheated on their wives in the last 100 years were all self proclaimed Christians. Get the f**k over it.
Here’s a meaningless Mafia KKK Christian footnote: Adam Smith cautioned students about thinking that non-slave Scotland was typical. “Their own small corner of the world was the only area from which slavery had slowly disappeared. Less than a millennium earlier, Europe itself had been a major supplier of slaves to the Muslim World. The men, women, and children who were led as capives across the Alps and the Mediterranean were then the most valuable commodities underdeveloped Europe could offer to Islamic Africa and Asia.” (via Seymour Drescher’s recent book Abolition.)
See? Christians weren’t meaningless. They were valuable commodities. Of course, the next time Moslems crusade through Vienna and lay siege to Paris, there won’t be any Euro Christians left to grab. So they’ll just have to get ’em here, starting with “Crystal Methodist” Ted Haggard whom everybody forgave for his un-str8 sex.
@24: I always thought salvation and forgiveness were sort of the ultimate cop-out, leading logically to the selling of indulgences and so on. To forgive is a great virtue, atonement makes some sense, but to bank on forgiveness and salvation for piety (for oneself) never made sense to me.
Buddhism does not consign folks to hell for not agreeing that Jesus is God.
Buddhism has never burned humans for not agreeing that some book is holy.
Buddhism does not denigrate ANY other religion.
Brit Hume ain’t a Buddhist.
Hume isn’t sure that Tiger can save his marriage or have much of a relationship with his kids and he knows this because he and Tiger are tight. They hang out all the time.
‘You know, because Christians never get involved in self-destructive sex scandals.’
More prime examples of Goldy’s continuing inferiority complex….good grief!
@29 Michael,
But Hume is sure. Without knowing anything about Woods, his family or his golf game (and apparently Buddhism) beyond what he reads in the paper or sees on the teevee, Hume is convinced Woods can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world simply by throwing his current religious beliefs overboard and converting.
Oh, you could say that Hume should only talk about those things that he knows, but nobody is going to watch a silent bloviator.
Maybe somebody on the panel could ask Hume how his devotion to Christianity helps him with the fact that Dick Armey slurred the reputation of his son after Sandy’s suicide. Hume’s Christianity must be real special to keep in the company of those folks. Judas could not forgive and redeem like Hume.
@30: Inferiority complex?
Wow, are you stupid or brain-addled.
It has nothing to do with your pathetically ignornat comment. goldy was simply pointing out hypocrisy….guess you are too thick to “get it”.
And Britt Hume…..an “ignorant slut” too.
A real Buddhist would not spew shit about Christians.
Mr. Hume probably thinks his microphone is bigger than Mr. Woods’ uhh…nine iron.
Tiger’s need for forgiveness, or lack thereof, is something Mr. Hume doesn’t know a bloody thing about. Mr. Woods would probably like everyone to go pay attention to the next vapid celebrity scandal so he can continue to find as many other young blonde women as possible to copulate with until the money runs out. So, probably, deep down in his gut (or a little lower) would Mr. Hume…but he can’t, because he’s not only not rich enough, but so butt fugly he has to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.
As a Christian, I’m offended by the holier-than-thou, judgmental nature of Hume’s comments. He would do well to review some of Christ’s comments about not judging others. He also might review that passage about a camel’s passing through the eye of a needle.
goldstein, you are the most fucking dishonest, criminal, crude bloodsucker blogging today…ban me if you have the balls.
you probably wont because each click makes you money..you blood sucking pervert
I think I’ve found our next Golden Goat.
Michael @ 37
manoftruth is a previous winner of the Goat, but, man, I guess he wants to compete with those multiple winners, Puddy and Cynical. We might just have to crown someone this week if there are enough votes. manoftruth’s post really sounds like something Christ would post if he were on this blog, doesn’t it?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
I think what Brit Hume was saying was “become a Christian”, come join us we are all fucked up in a way and sin all the time, and all we have to do is apologize and repent and do it all over again. That is what he was saying.
christ wouldnt post on this blog because he already kicked you shyster moneychangers out of the temple and leaves you to the philly shyster goldstein, left coast shyster monitor.
You defile Christianity. You are a hateful racist, who hasn’t a clue what the Gospel means, and certainly not what it requires of those who are believers. You are also, essentially, illiterate. Hey, Puddy and Cynical, why don’t you fellows post here in support of manoftruth? Are you proud that he shares your political beliefs? Are you, really? I dare you to brag about him as one of your team members.
I think what Brit Hume was saying was “become a Christian”, come join us we are all fucked up in a way and sin all the time, and all we have to do is apologize and repent and do it all over again. That is what he was saying.
its funny, gman says that about christians but i’m the racist. i guess thats why this blog only has 16 readers.
Hey, Puddy and Cynical, why don’t you fellows post here in support of manoftruth? Are you proud that he shares your political beliefs? Are you, really? I dare you to brag about him as one of your team members.
go ahead, see if you can get puddy to kiss your ass and disown me, but, i wonder, when puddy watches bet and sees the violence and deprevation in the black community, who do you think he blames? blacks, or the liberal white policies that purposely keep the culture of poverty alive?
Puddy blames the blacks who participate in that stupid crap first and then the blacks who make money off of their crazy actions. When it’s the white record companies who promulgate the filthy videos, Puddy shakes his head again. Puddy wonders if certain HA Libtardos are front and center watching that crap. Remember Bill Cosby already covered this!
Now onto Christianity and Proud Leftist’s Christian views… hmmm… well… oh… Nuff SAID there…
But to you manoftruth… you said jo mama was Jewish and that gives you open season on Goldy… well go on with your “bad” self. You aren’t making friends here. But then again the HA Libtardos slobberingly follow Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny too.
Puddy also thinks Proud Leftist talking about a “goat” award is still the funniest thing around. Proud Leftist giving the goat is like telling a leper he’s has great smooth hands.
@34Tiger’s need for forgiveness, or lack thereof, is something Mr. Hume doesn’t know a bloody thing about.
hey artiefartie, is this forgiveness thing why they drag 97 year old suspected ss guards from their homes by ambulance to deport them???
Puddy @ 45: “You aren’t making friends here.”
Heck, Pud, that’s the best you can do? Look, I’m going to give you some credit, as you slightly diss manoftruth. Let me ask, though, do you truly believe the values he expresses here seem more Christian than those I express? That would be a yes or no question, Puddy. I am a Christian, and proudly so, Puddy. Have I ever said otherwise here? I am a liberal because I am a Christian. I can’t read Matthew 25 and be otherwise. Apparently, you can. I’ve posted it here before, but I will do so once again: Stephen Stills wrote that “Jesus Christ was the first nonviolent revolutionary.” He was more or less correct about that. You think Christ was a violent reactionary. You’re wrong, Puddy, dead wrong about that.
Just lets try for historical accuracy. The non violence attributed to Jesus was the eassential teaching of the Pharisees.
At the time of Jesus there were three major Jewish responses to Roman occupation.
The priests, also called the Saduccees or Hasmoneans, controlled the Temple. As long as the Romans let them run the Temple, collect taxes, etc. they collaborated.
At the other extreme were radical revolutionaries, zealots whgo wanted and eventially got two bloody wars.
Between these extremes were the Pharisees led by the man often considered our greatest yteacher, Hillel. He preached passive resistance, the idea of letting Caesar rule the state while the kept the laws of the torah. Sound familiar?
The great irony of antisemitism is that Paul and his successors denigrated the Pharisees in an effort to create a religion that would appeal to Romans not interested in becoming members of the Jewish people. Millions of my people have died because of that effort to switch blame from Rome to Jerusalem.
The promise for Muslims, Jews and Christians is to celebrate the lessons taught by the Pharisees … lessons of being true to oneslef while being tolerant of others.
Proud Leftist… Did Jesus say “I and my Father are One”?
Simple binary response.
Puddy will wait for this response.
Christianity is but one path to whatever the hell follows whatever existence is. Buddhist, Christian, Pagan, Hindu, Jew – it doesn’t matter.
For one thing the grammar would be incorrect.
For another the punishment for blasphemy is stoning to death and did not require approval by the Romans since this is Jewish law. If Jesus went around claiming to be God, he would have gotten .. stoned!
Since he was, instead, crucified and since crucifiction if the Roman punishment for sedition one must assume the Romans did not like him claiming to be the King of the Jews?
I can’t believe it was ok for others (post #5 and #16) to ask about Jesus’ sex life, and then when I gave my opinion it was deleted. You can’t be serious. What, are we not allowed to post anything regarding homosexuality on this site, unless it is degrading to homosexuality? There was nothing wrong with my Comment, Comment #39.
just be happy you weren’t born 300 years ago, they’d burn you like firewood.
ps, are you cute?
@54 – no, I weigh 600 lbs, have gray hair, 5′-5″, 79 years old, with a shriveled up dick, but a nice hole.
Once again SeattleJew@52 demonstrates his Bible ignorance…John 10:30 says “I and my Father are one.”
Puddy did notice how proud leftist ignored this entry but went to other threads and left his “pellets” there.
So SeattleJew can get more of a Bible lesson
John 10:31-42 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode. And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true. And many believed on him there.
This is why Puddy challenges proud leftist’s Bible beliefs. He can’t praise God in front of other men or atheist fools. You see proud leftist John 15:16 says “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” So how come you choose not to bear fruit and not have your fruit remain proud leftist? Remember proud leftist in the Old Testament “The Lord responded; “Far be it from Me; for those who honor Me; I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed” (1 Samuel 2:30)” Jesus said in Matthew 10:32-33 “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”
So proud leftist why do you purposely deny Christ in front of your HA Libtardo “friends”? SeattleJew doesn’t believe in Christ as the Son of God and that’s his excuse. Puddy wonders what is yours proud leftist?
“What, are we not allowed to post anything regarding homosexuality on this site, unless it is degrading to homosexuality?”
Almost everything you try to post on homosexuality demeans gays.
Sorry chump, the one sure way of being thrown into moderation status is to re-post a comment that has been deleted.
“ps, are you cute?”
What…the two of you don’t know each other? You are practically neighbors!
Since you are both anti-semitic, self-loathing assholes, you’ve probably run into each other at the local KKK lodge.
@57 sorry you fail to see the meaning of my posts, but I disagree I think I stand up for myself and other gay people, and I think you dislike my posts because you can’t handle the reality of most heterosexuals being bigots.
@58 – you have me all wrong. I am not anti-semetic or racially bigoted, I merely try to be the devils advocate in it to show how others are wrong about how they think. What is wrong with a gay Jesus? How is that demeaning gay people?
“I am not anti-semetic or racially bigoted…”
Oh???? You have a funny way of showing it. Remember when you got mad at Goldy and me? You revealed yourself in your anger.
You commented:
and then:
Followed by :
And this:
capped by this:
And you seriously claim to not be anti-Semitic?
Your use of typical anti-gay hate-speech in anger betrays that the rest of your bizarre, over-the-top “pro-gay” comments are really intended to discredit gays.
Finally, this is a political blog, and one that focuses on Washington state politics. It isn’t a forum for discrediting or promotion of sexual preferences. Consider finding a more appropriate forum for your needs, because you will not be permitted to abuse this one.
@56 You can stuff that holier-than-thou bullshit of yours up your ass, Puddy. You fucking freak, you break one of the Ten Commandments with every comment you make here. I suspect there’s an eternity in hell awaiting you for your lying your ass off in the name of Jesus. And as far as I’m concerned, you can just burn forever, bitch.
@61 – Darryl, first and foremost I apologize for those anti-semitic words or slurs that I’ve said as you say. Although I wasn’t able to reply when I first read your comment this morning before going to work, I thought about how I would try to defend what I said, I wanted to write quite a lengthy response assuring you that I am not a bigot and why I said those things. But after thinking about it I will spare you all of my initial thoughts, but will tell you I wrongly said those words in retaliation of having my comments censored. I truly can say I didn’t mean those words. I was upset and not thinking correctly. I think you will find that I didn’t say any of those things until after my comments were being censored, I too it personally. My original thought of a length explanation was in hope to prove to you that I am not a bigot. But I do disagree with you in that you think that I’ve been demeaning gay people, my whole point was to show others of their bigoted ways. Such as people on this Blog using words like cock sucker, fudge packer, etc… It seems like not enough condemnation was given when those individuals spoke that way.
Shit by mistake I hit enter and didn’t mean to.
63 continued. Anyways I could continue to try to prove myself, but I don’t know if I could really change your feelings towards me. So again, I apologize to you and Goldy and any others here that were offended. I wanted to say more, like I think you have been somewhat biased in at least on of my posts, the post regarding that Jesus is Gay, I am being 100% serious, others commented on Jesus’ sexuality and I thought I would give my perspective of his sexuality, but it was deleted. I still don’t understand why, and I do not need an answer.
I think you know I live on the East Coast, therefore I do not comment much on post regarding local issues or politics. I first came across HA during the Presidential Race and found it to be the only Blog that had any dialog amongst posters, and found some of the posts and replies to post funny at times.
But anyways, One last thing, for my bad actions, I want to show some appreciation for this Blog by pledging a donation. I don’t want to insult Goldy, by offering this donation, I don’t want it to seem like a payoff or bribe or what ever. I am serious, have Goldy name his price, up to $300.00 and the check or money order will be on its way. Again, I don’t want to insult Goldy in any way, just support the Blog, after my bad actions.
I think I’ve said too much, I wanted to continue to speak about some of the ugly words that I may have said, but I don’t think an explanation would make it right in any way, so why bother.
one last thing that I wanted to say, I want to say a lot but again I would only be babbling….it might have been clear to me that Goldy was Jewish, but I have no idea what religion you are. My point is that I just called you (and he) those words without even really meaning it. For all I know you could be anything and everything but Jewish.
Sometime when you fell hurt, it is easy to hurt back. Ok, I’ve said enough.
I’m serious about my pledge, and if I do not here anything back from you, I will send it anyways.
regarding that last comment, when I said “you”, I didn’t mean “You”, I meant in generalization and really was referring to me.
Darryl – is there any way to donate other than with Credit Card or PayPal, like mailing to a P.O. Box or specific Address? I want to make sure my donation is going to be recognized as coming from me, and I don’t see how paying with a Credit Card will assure this. If I were to donate via a Credit Card, would the donation be know to be from me?
” is there any way to donate other than with Credit Card or PayPal, like mailing to a P.O. Box or specific Address?”
You could email Goldy for his address (goldy@horsesass.org). But I believe you can include a message with a paypal donation. Try it with a $10 donation first to make sure.