Democrats Work is bringing Gen. Wes Clark into one lucky congressional district to participate in a community service project, and today is your last day to vote for Darcy Burner and WA-08. I’m hearing rumors that she is neck in neck with Charlie Brown in CA-04, so if you haven’t already voted in this round, please vote for Darcy now, and bring Gen. Clark in WA-08!
Thanks for the reminder, Goldy!
I made sure to register my vote for Ashwin Madia of MN. I have and would strongly encourage others to do so. MADIA in ’08!
And in the true Democratic spirit, I say, “vote early, vote often!”
No worries, I’ve voted “Chicago” style. That cancels the MADIA vote 4 times over.
How many times can we vote?
Hannah @ 3
This is a Dem-run election. You can vote as many times as you like! Heck, vote in place of your dead great-grandmother! She isn’t registered? I’m sure some helpful ACORN staffer would be glad to assist you.
TRM @ 4 – Can you use your same name over and over again is my question?
@ 5:
Be creative.
Hannah @ 5
I’m not sure. I don’t have the voter fraud experience that others here do.
Hey Surreal Mark is back.
What’s with that chimp you voted for twice Surreal?
Doesn’t he know it’s the “McCain-Coburn” Transparency Act”?
Where’s John? I don’t see him… He’s not even mentioned in the text.
You should take a look at Madia’s website. He’s 100x more qualified for office than The Darcy.
YLB @ 8
Sorry to hear you missed me. Was catching up on work after getting back from Spokane.
Never said it was “McCain-Coburn.” Don’t care what GWB said or wrote. My ONLY issue is with Obama getting disproportionate credit. Check the official record and you’ll see it was all four: Coburn, Carper, McCain, Obama.
By the way, if Obama is all for transparency, why did he hide 3/4 of a BILLION DOLLARS in earmarks until March of this year?
10 – Missed you? In your dreams pal.
And what? There’s just no satisfying you Surreal. I give full credit to the R’s and what do you do?
Not even a thank you.
And you don’t care that the chimp YOU voted for twice made the same “mistake” I did? LMAO!!!
Some people!
Well I’ll just settle for 8 years of President Obama.
750 mill for some probably long overdue needs in his home state.
12 billion a month for the clusterf*ck to beat all in Iraq. A harvest of body bags, body parts and shame.
YLB @ 12
You mean like a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS in earmark money to that racist, Father Pfleger?
Naaaahhhh… no funny business going on in Chicago, is there??!!
@13 Shut your fucking mouth until we see an accounting of the billions channeled to Left Behinders thanks to your fearless leader’s Faith-Based Initiative. Of course, that doesn’t bother you, does it?
You want to see funny business look at what your boys did and are doing in Iraq.
Michael @ 15
Nothing that happened or is happening in Iraq is funny, but that kind of comment is typical for you Lefties. You think that every issue is only good for its political value.
While I disagree with the current administration’s handling of the war, the fact remains that we cannot just cut & run as you and Obama would like. Not that the idea of spitting on soldiers and their sacrifices is anything new for you and the Far Left.
steve @ 14
Oooh… hit a nerve, did I?
@9 Madia thinks we can get out of Iraq in 18 -= 24 months by “building a political solution” and that subsidized biofuels will make us independent of foreign oil.
I’m glad to see you supporting a Democrat-Farmer-Labor candidate, Mark, but the guy isn’t … you know … reality-based.
BTW, why do we owe Iraq a “political solution”? They’ve already had 5 years to come up with one. Isn’t that long enough?
Steve spews:
@13 Shut your fucking mouth until we see an accounting of the billions channeled to Left Behinders thanks to your fearless leader’s Faith-Based Initiative. Of course, that doesn’t bother you, does it?
Nope. A good portion of the money democrats get is extorted from people who are against them. Screw you.
@13 So now a guy from the party that shovels cash into duffel bags from the backs of pickup trucks is lecturing us about a $250,000 earmark?
You think that every issue is only good for its political value.
then you say
we cannot just cut & run as you and Obama would like. Not that the idea of spitting on soldiers
Which are mean-spirited, politically-charged lies that are completely cut from the Rovian cloth.
Way to go Surreal.
BTW Mark, do you even know what an earmark is? Hint: It’s not an appropriation.
You mean like a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS in earmark money to that racist
When Obama is the topic, the word “racist” sure gets thrown around. His skin color so threatens you right wingers, does it not?
Piss on Darcy. She associates with a half-wit, reckless cowboy who advocates inflation and debasing the currency. Many in WA-08 work hard and save for the education of their children and their retirement. What does Darcy think of these people and the debasement of their savings? What does Darcy think of the retirees whose COLA benefit, based on the CPI, is phony. The CPI, as argued by Bill Gross of PIMCO and others, is phony,
Until she repudiates the reckless and cavalier half-wit along with “Fast and Loose” Ben Bernanke, who succeeded “Easy Al” Greenspan, and Bernanke’s inflationary policies, she won’t receive my support. Piss on her.
YLB spews:
750 mill for some probably long overdue needs in his home state.
This is lib speak for paying off the ballot stuffers. heheehehe
4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!
@13 Fr. Pfleger is a lot of things, above all interesting, but racist? Didn’t you mean to say you consider him a traitor to his own race? Not quite the same thing; that would be more reflective of your racial attitudes than his.
paying off the ballot stuffers
That kind of thing only happened in Hastert’s district.
Not anymore!!! hehehehehehe
When Obama is the topic, the word “racist” sure gets thrown around. His skin color so threatens you right wingers, does it not?
No worse, liberal. It’s downright patriotic to hate liberals.
Piss on David and Darcy.
channeled to Left Behinders thanks to your fearless leader’s
More like “Dear Leader”..
It’s downright patriotic to hate liberals.
Don’t hate too hard DOOFUS. Some liberals are well armed and know how to defend themselves.
@29 As a mere dog, you’re not authorized to hate liberals (or any other humans). You’re only authorized to sniff other dogs’ buttholes.
Roger @ 18
Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding!!! We haaavvvve a winnaaaahhh!!! Darcy’s candidacy isn’t rooted in experience or reality, either.
As I said, Madia is MORE qualified than Darcy.
Ya know… It sure seems that the Dem playbook these days is the “packaged candidate,” be it a perky head of a homeowners’ association or a potential Newscaster-in-Chief… Neither of them can speak without a script, TelePrompTer or a ghost-written Iraq plan.
YLB @ 23
I call ’em as I see ’em. Pfleger is a racist. End of story.
I have no problem with non-whites or women in office. I’d mark my ballot for Condi Rice, Colin Powell, JC Watts, Bobby Jindal or any of a number of other non-whites.
It is the DEMOCRAT party that has the issue with race. As I mentioned before, GOP supporters are divided by philosophy (fiscal conservative, hawk, social conservative, etc.). You Democrats always divide your constituents by race, gender and economic status.
Dingaling @ 32 “Some liberals are well armed…”
Another case of Left Wing “do as I say, not as I do.”
The racist wing of the GOP – oops that’s the ENTIRE GOP will out itself during the campaign. It will be painfully obvious that the Confederate-flag wavin, Bible-thumpin, Nascar-lovin, inbred, cum-drunk right has nothing going for it.
Add to it a weak candidate like FlipFlop McCain, Bob Barr running as a third-party candidate, Bush’s historic low approvals, the Bush/McCain economy, a war that everyone hates and you have an eaaaaasy win for the true patriots – welcome President Obama to the White House.
35 – The name of the party is the DemocratIC party M. Rove. And all the racists fled to your party, so many that Ronnie Raygun’s first campaign stop was to broadcast States Rights dog whistles in Mississippi.
Wow you have people of color in your party, M. Rove. and they all have a flag lapel pin, an R. next to their names and a party line to tow.
Our constituents are all Americans M. Rove from all walks of life with many interests that include choice, fair taxes and a strong dislike of endless war sold with lies. We’re pretty happy with that.
37 – BBGOP. Right you are sir. We can’t shout it to the rooftops loud enough!
Go Bob Barr! Go Bob Barr! Go Bob Barr!
@35 “I call ‘em as I see ‘em.”
So does a baseball umpire with 20/400 vision.
@30 Is it okay if we piss on you instead?
@34 “perky head of a homeowners’ association”
Man, you ooze sexist stereotyping. But then, you’re a Republican, so that’s to be expected. One certainly should not expect to find any substance in your posts.
I’ve met Darcy in person — even got hugged by her — but I never thought of her as “perky.” Intelligent, yes. Well informed, yes. Firm and decisive, yes. Confident, yes.
Perky? What the hell does that mean? As a descriptive adjective, it’s so subjective it conveys almost no meaning at all. It’s the kind of terminology used by those who are caught at a loss for words — and also, apparently, are short of thoughts as well.
I’ll bet Mark spent 45 minutes plowing through a thesaurus to come up with that word. Ahhh, the travails of being a member of the illiterati.
@34 (continued) So, getting back to the main point of your vapid comment @34, your argument as I understand it is that a guy who thinks America can engineer a “political solution” to its miscarried invasion of Iraq and run our economy on subsidized biofuels is more qualified for Congress than Darcy?
What can I possibly say about you besides —
It’s a damn good thing Ma Nature made it possible for rabbits to laugh, because I have to do a lot of laughing, given the abysmal quality of the trolls on this board.
43: “the illiterati”
Riffing on Reichert comment thread:
23. Jane Balough’s Dog spews:
I wonder what you WingNutz will think when it dawns on you that all you elected to the white house was a little rough trade?
05/31/2008 at 10:57 pm
I will take a rough trade over a dem anyday. roof roof
06/01/2008 at 12:51 am
32. headless lucy spews:
re 23: Yes. I know you would.
“Rough Trade, a slang term for a masculine working class man who has sex with men (sometimes as a male prostitute)”
06/01/2008 at 9:25 am
I know you are just a dog and you really don’t understand what you say or do.
re 36: …and how convenient for Liberals that you are a ‘Real Mark’!
re 42: Rachel Ray is perky. Darcy Burner is animated, intelligent, and committed.
However, I do like Rachel Ray. There’s a place for perky.
I always like perky. And, Rachel Ray. Perky ain’t a bad thing, but the rightists have it wrong when they say that’s what Darcy Burner’s all about. Fact is, she’s smarter than most of them, but they don’t get that. Darcy’s opponent is Davey the Dim. Who to vote for doesn’t seem that hard to decipher.
@51 Anyone with a 2nd grade education is smarter than most of them.
Blame GOP For High Oil Prices
U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman says skyrocketing oil prices are “a simple problem of supply and demand,” the Associated Press reports.
Bodman told a meeting of energy ministers that crude oil production has been “stalled” at 85 million bpd since 2005 while demand continues to grow, according to the AP.
Bodman told reporters the world needs to “see a reduction of the use of oil” as well as increased supply.
(Quoted under fair use.)
But for years, Republicans have sneered at — and defeated — Democratic calls for energy conversation. Beginning with the Reagan administration, Republicans dismantled the conservation initiatives begun by the Carter administration. More recently, the Bush administration opposed raising CAFE standards, gave tax credits to buyers of gas guzzlers, and promoted drilling — not conservation — as a solution to supply shortfalls.
The problem is, we can’t drill our way to energy independence or lower prices, because the U.S. simply doesn’t have enough oil to fulfill its consumption needs. At a more fundamental level, the underlying problem is that we’re oil pigs. We use it so wantonly and wastefully that no amount of domestic supply would ever be enough. But the fact remains, the U.S. was the first major nation to develop its oil resources, has been producing the longest, and so it’s not surprising that we’ve used up a lot of the oil we once had.
Energy conservation and increased efficiency is just common sense. But common sense is the one thing you’ll never get from Republicans. To them, the problem with conservation is it doesn’t ring up at the cash register. No one gets rich by selling less of something. They wanted us to use more, not less, oil — and pursued policies that would virtually force us to. For example, opposing public transit.
Now, all the chickens that GOPers let loose on us are coming home to roost. The U.S. doesn’t have sufficient oil reserves to bring down crude prices. And since the lead time on developing new oil discoveries is a decade or more, there’s no short-term fix to the supply shortfall that came into being on Bush’s watch. For the time being, at least, we’re stuck with high oil prices and their inflationary and recessionary effects on the entire economy.
History will, justly, remember the coming decade as the Bush Stagflation.
You may be paying $6 a gallon by the end of this year, and $10 a gallon by the end of this decade. As you watch your hard-earned paycheck and your (former) standard of living disappearing into your gas tank, just say “Thanks for nothing, Republicans!” because they are, really and truly, to blame.
High gas prices are leading to the destruction of eastern Washington’s agricultural economy.
This economy is dependent on migrant labor. Farmworkers typically live in towns like Prosser and Oroville because there’s no housing at the farms and orchards. They often must travel long distances to where the work is.
Guess what’ll happen when the cost of commuting to the fields exceeds what they can earn in the fields? The labor force will disappear, and farmers and orchardists won’t be able to harvest their crops. The stuff will rot in the fields and on the trees, and Washington’s food production will cease.
In fact, this is already happening. For the last couple of seasons, orchard operators have been in crisis mode because they can’t hire workers to pick tree fruit. They can’t raise prices to pay workers more to compensate for high fuel prices because of competition from China and other sources of imported fruit. So they’re going out of business.
Meanwhile, the workers are moving to cities for work — and also welfare and social services.
Eastern Washington’s farmers and growers have diligently voted Republican for years. By doing so, they cut off their own balls.
It is folly to overlook the strategic importance of food and fuel.
The precipating cause of Japan’s decision to attack Pearl Harbor was the oil embargo imposed by the U.S. in response to Japanese military advances on the Asian mainland. In those days, the U.S. was the world’s Mideast, the main source of oil exports. Japan, a naval power with an oil-fueled fleet, has no oil and depended on imported oil not only for its military strength but also its national survival. When the U.S. suspended oil sales to Japan, the Japanese leadership decided they had no choice but to seize Far Eastern oilfields — and cripple the U.S. Pacific Fleet to keep it from interfering.
Today, we’re not only importing 60% of the oil we consume, but we’re also importing a growing amount of our food supplies. As of right now, about 90% of the products on our grocery shelves contain at least some imported food materials. A significant amount of that comes from China.
What if we get in a tiff with China? Over human rights issues, or their cozy relationship with North Korea’s dictator — or Taiwan? What if there’s another war on the Korean peninsula, and China allies itself with the other side, as they did in the first Korean War?
What if China, for whatever reason, embargoes its food exports to the United States?
Now let’s cut to the chase. Who do you trust most to pursue policies that support, rather than detract from, our national security interests?
For decades, the GOP has sold itself as the America-first, national-security party. The problem with this is they put all of their effort into mastering — and monopolizing — the rhetoric of patriotism; and none into execution. They talk the talk, but haven’t walked the walk. Their actual record on issues such as energy, food, and national security is one of incompetence, irrational policies, and dismal failure.
So, I ask again, who do you trust most? WHO SHOULD YOU TRUST? Think about it. I’m just sayin’ …
Darcy – reschedule my 1:00 meeting and how many times do I have to tell you….only ONE teaspoon of sugar in my coffee!
Roger Rabbit @ 55
I thought we were up to about 70% of our oil being imported, and that we still exported a lot more food than we imported. But I haven’t been keeping up on my reading the last several years. Things just suck too bad to read more bad news than I need to.
Looks like Wes is going to Cali.