The results are final, and of the 266,034 signatures Tim Eyman submitted for I-917, the Secretary of State’s office rejected 46,859, leaving Tim 5,705 signatures shy of the 224,880 signature threshold. That’s a rejection rate of 17.6 percent… a pretty typical number.
As the Seattle Times’ David Postman reports, Sec. of State Sam Reed will have to ask the Legislature for a supplemental appropriation to cover the $125,000 cost of I-917’s month-long signature verification process. There has been some discussion in Postman’s comment thread about how we might raise the revenues to pay for Tim’s folly. My suggestion is an excise tax on the sale of fraternity watches.
Although I have a reputation as one of the state’s most vocal Eyman-bashers, I’ve actually been rather unenthused about covering Timmy’s latest debacle, leaving the task to other, equally-abled bloggers. There was a time when I thought the steady weight of bad (ie. accurate) press could crush Eyman’s operations by drying up his fundraising, and as Emmett posts over at Olympia Time, the number of contributions to Timmy’s campaigns have indeed plummeted from over 5,000 with 2001’s I-747, to around 700 for I-917. But just last year Tim picked up a sugar daddy in the form of multi-millionaire investment banker Michael Dunmire, and as long as he has one really rich guy willing to personal bankroll Tim’s initiatives (and rather comfortable lifestyle,) there’s really no way to keep him off the ballot. That is, unless Tim fucks up.
Which leads me to a post over at NPI, in which Andrew speculates on exactly how Tim managed to fuck up I-917. The most plausible explanation, Andrew thinks, is that Tim, well… fucked up. He thinks Tim simply miscounted, and by the time he discovered his mistake it was too late.
I think another plausible explanation is that Tim had a track record of $30 Car Tab initiatives to go on, and he simply stopped paying for signatures in early June because he assumed a certain quantity of volunteer signatures would pour in by the end of the month, like they had in the past. But believing his own press releases, Tim didn’t count on the degree to which his grass roots support had collapsed over the intervening years (as evidenced by the collapse of his grassroots fundraising,) and the expected signatures simply never materialized.
Of course, we’ll never know the truth because, at the risk of restating the obvious, Tim Eyman is liar — a simple fact of life reinforced when Andrew once again catches Timmy in yet another lie.
Tim stubbornly sticks by his claim that he really turned in over 300,000 signatures, and in a recent email to supporters he attempts to back this up by producing a week by week log of signatures gathered. For example, his weekly report shows that way back on June 6th of 2006, Tim had already collected 200,694 paid signatures, and 63,032 from volunteers.
Problem is, as Andrew astutely observes, Eyman gave a press conference back on June 6th in which he told a rather pissed off throng of reporters that he had successfully gathered exactly 142,613 signatures at that point in time.
As far as “Save Our $30 Tabs” Initiative 917 is concerned, in the past 4 months, our thousands of supporters have successfully gathered 142,613 signatures. We need an additional 140,000 signatures in the next 4 weeks. Reaching the halfway point in signatures is a huge milestone but it’s clear that we’ve got our work cut out for us. We need one last big blitz of signatures from our supporters before July 7th to qualify for the ballot.
He was either lying then, or lying now, or as I’m guessing, lying both times. But any way you look at it, Tim’s a liar.
Not that this is news or anything. But is does make you wonder why a supposedly respectable businessman like Michael Dunmire would continue his business relationship with Tim when he has so clearly proven to be both incompetent and dishonest?
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – State lawmaker Keith Ellison didn’t let questions about his past slow down his campaign to become the first Muslim in Congress.
On Tuesday, voters responded to his liberal message calling for peace, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and universal health care. He beat three contenders in the Democratic primary in a Minneapolis-area district long dominated by his party.
“You’re not on your own,” Ellison told supporters at an African restaurant in a speech that had the call-and-response of a revival meeting. “We are with you. We do these things together, y’all, and we don’t let nobody break us apart.”
Ellison, a 43-year-old criminal defense lawyer who converted to Islam as a college student, overcame questions about late parking tickets, overdue taxes and his past ties to the Nation of Islam. He has since denounced black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan and was endorsed by a Minneapolis Jewish newspaper. He has also pledged to improve his personal record-keeping.
Ellison courted the liberal wing of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party by comparing himself to the late Sen. Paul Wellstone – and many voters responded. Others clearly relished the chance to elect a minority to Congress from Minnesota for the first time; Ellison is black. [……………………………………………………………………………………….”Eyes don’t pay no MoFo parkin tickets, and Eyes don’t need to pay no MoFo taxes!! Eyes a black Democrat Muuuuuuuuuslim!!”
“BREAKING: Tim Eyman is a liar!”
Slow news day?
TOMORROW: Sun Rises in East!
Afghanistan — The U.S. military said Wednesday it is looking into the unauthorized release of a photo purportedly taken by an American drone aircraft showing scores of Taliban militants at a funeral in Afghanistan. NBC-TV claimed U.S. Army officers wanted to attack the ceremony with missiles carried by the Predator drone, but were prevented under rules of battlefield engagement that bar attacks on cemeteries. [……Now, we wouldn’t want to break the rules!!! Why, what would the ACL Jew say?? What would the CBC say? What would the NAALCP say?]
So much for “peak production”. Guess ya gotta wait another century or so…
Or do you guys think a saudi oil minister isn’t qualified to make such a statemente?
WASHINGTON – The Republican message for this fall’s election season turns Franklin Roosevelt’s famous statement on its head: fear is good, or at least it’s a strategy. They want the electorate to be afraid, very afraid — of the terrorists, of course, but also of an elegantly dressed woman from San Francisco. Democratic operatives have been warning Rep. Nancy “Nip/Tuck” Pelosi for months that she needs to prepare for what Karl Rove and the GOP have in store: an all out, coast-to-coast assault.
As opposed to the non-fear invoking Democratic stategies:
Bush is Hitler.
The GOP will drag blacks behind cars.
The GOP will reinstitute the draft.
The GOP will destroy social security.
Government greed got put in its place today when Mayor Nickels responded to Eyman’s campaign against the “Tax That Never Ends”. So instead of attempting to confiscate $1.6 billion, the package got cut to about one third of that.
Chalk up another BILLION DOLLARS in cost savings to the taxpayers as a direct result of Eyman’s pro taxpayer activities.
Washington, D.C. — Small-scale meth labs are vanishing, but there’s been no reduction of the addictive drug that’s plagued Iowa, law enforcement experts said at a congressional hearing Tuesday. Law officials told members of the Senate Finance Committee that 80 percent of meth now is manufactured in “super labs” in Mexico. Such labs can produce 10 pounds of meth in a day. [……………………Illegals……….TB, polio, dope, gangs, welfare, food stamps, and crime………..but as long as 20 million Mexicans will cross the border to vote Democrat, NOTHING will be done.]
““Would someone on the right please tell JCH just how much he’s embarrasing your side?” – John Barelli.
“MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – State lawmaker Keith Ellison didn’t let questions about his past slow down his campaign to become the first Muslim in Congress.
On Tuesday, voters responded to his liberal message calling for peace, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and universal health care. He beat three contenders in the Democratic primary in a Minneapolis-area district long dominated by his party.
What we see here is nothing less than a triumph of the American system. Minnesota Democrats have just told the world that we really believe what we preach about inclusiveness. That in America, you are not judged by your religion.
Poor JCH posted this in another thread and seemed to think that somehow just the fact that Mr. Ellison is a Muslim was all the insult he needed, without realizing that most Americans truly believe in our Constitution and our system that says that every religion (or even lack of religion) is welcome here. There is no religious “litmus test” for public office here in the United States.
He has since added the bit at the bottom, just to make his bigotry clear to all. Poor, sad, pathetic little fool. JCH, you have my pity.
As for almost everyone else, including most Republicans, we can take this as a triumph of reason over bigotry. Muslims are part of our society, and they are welcome additions.
Just as in years past, when some small-minded pathetic people worried over Catholic immigrants, some today will lament the fact that these folks are different.
Most Americans will rejoice that our system is not based on the religious intolerance that some other nations (including many Islamic nations) currently struggle with.
We are the people that welcome other faiths and invite them to join in our great nation as full partners. The only requirement is that you leave your intolerance and hatred at the border.
Eyman was barely a bit player in that saga. Giving him credit for that is like giving credit to a crowing rooster because the sun came up.
Would it really be a comment thread at Horsesass without a paranoid, racist off topic comment by John Craig?
Back on topic, let’s look at the good side of Tim Eyeman. His constant lying and self promotion have convinced most citizens that any rightwing initiative which buys its way onto the ballot is a bad thing.
And this taint is spreading to almost anything the right wing touches. The BIAW’s government handouts for developers initiative is failing, and hopefully so will the judges they have bought and payed for. One has to wonder how long until the BIAW realizes they would have a lot more money if they didn’t constantly spend it on bad initiatives, bad judicial candidates, and bad websites like U(sp).
John Barelli @ 8
Kudos on your post. You’ve hit the nail on the head in lauding religious tolerance reflected in the good voters of Minnesota. Our country still has promise when inclusiveness trumps fear. I’m proud of those Minnesota Democrats. The marginalization of the rightwing fringe (the JCH and MTR-types) is occurring.
It would be a war crime, but that doesn’t bother you much, does it?
Breaking news: No prewar connection between Saddam and al Qaeda
MTR credits Tim Eyman.
I was hoping for some INTERESTING news. Like a report on the BAC breath test results for the Drinking Liberally party last night? Goldy SAID they were bringing a breathalyzer to that gathering. Just like Tim Eyman said he had three hundred zillion signatures for I-917. The breathalyzer fails to show up at Drinking Liberally, so Goldy changes the subject to Eyman!
Richard, I think you’re on to a scandal here!
Air America Radio will announce a major restructuring on Friday, which is expected to include a bankruptcy filing, three independent sources have told ThinkProgress.
Air America could remain on the air under the deal, but significant personnel changes are already in the works. Sources say five Air America employees were laid off yesterday and were told there would be no severance without capital infusion or bankruptcy. [………I wonder if Al FrankenJew will be paying back the New York Boys Club [poor black kids] the $800,000 that AIR AMERICA stole from them? Goldy, Carl, any “inside” word here?? ]
Richard Pope @ 14
“Goldy SAID they were bringing a breathalyzer to that gathering. Just like Tim Eyman said he had three hundred zillion signatures for I-917. The breathalyzer fails to show up at Drinking Liberally, so Goldy changes the subject to Eyman!”
Goldy was correct…you are wrong. There was a breathalyzer at DL last night.
Damnation, Richard, you just pulled a conclusion out of your ass—with no evidence whatsoever.
Is this supposed to exemplify your skill set for being a judge, or something?
Breaking news: Air America Radio to announce major restructuring
Mark the Redneck credits Tim Eyman
It would be a war crime, but that doesn’t bother you much, does it?
Commentby Daddy Love [………………..Nope. After 9/11, it’s time to kill the Muslim enemy. “How do you win a law and order war?” “You don’t.” Use B-52s and Tridents to kill Muuuuuuslims, and the Muuuuslim terrorists will quit fucking with America.]
There are at least 1,000,000,000 (that’s a billion if you are unable to count the zeroes) Muslims spread across the globe. And, you believe that killing a bunch of them to deter terrorist activities is going to promote security and peace here at home? I cannot imagine how a mind can become as warped and useless as yours. The Republican Party is truly vile if it seeks to appeal to people like you.
Your “nuke ’em all!” plan just doen’t make sense to me. For example, Iran has 68 million people spread out over about 1.6 million square kilometers. How many bombers and nuclear missiles will it take to kill them all? I’m thinking, a lot more than we have.
Saudi Arabia has 27 million people spread out over 1.9 million square kilometers. How many bombers and nuclear missiles will it take to kill them all? I’m thinking, more than we have.
Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt are our allies. Should we kill them all? Is it possible for an ally of the US to escape the JCH slaughterhouse?
20, Yup……..It’s time to fight back. The terrorists will not fight quite as hard when their women and children are died. Let’s start with Iran. And then take the oil. All of it.
But Air America can’t go bankrupt~–George Soros must bail them out with his bottomless bank account! (however obtained…)
George! George! We need you to write a biiiiig check!
and then, what if we kill, say, 50 million Muslims, and they DON’T quit fucking with America? What if we kill ANOTHER 50 million of them, and they still don’t quit fucking with America?
What if we kill so many that we run out of bombs and we run out of missiles somewhere shy of a billion Muslim dead, and they STILL don’t quit fucking with America?
In other words, JCH, what if your plan is just a big crock of shit and killing all these people just makes things worse? What should we do then??
Should we kill them all?
Commentby Daddy Love […………………………………….Let’s start with Iran. Then let’s see if the Muuuuuuuuuslim terrorists still want to fuck with America.]
“EXCLUSIVE: Air America To Declare Bankruptcy, But Progressive Radio Remains Strong” [Headline written by dumbass Carl Grossman]
21 “JCH, Your ‘nuke ‘em all!’ plan just doen’t make sense to me.
So what? Nothing JCH posts here makes any sense.
(Damn. That one was just tooooo easy.)
So Michael Dunmire’s a “supposedly respectable businessman”? Lessee, he’s an investment banker, so he works for the “vulture capitalists” who profit mostly from other people working themselves half to death. Ah, well, in the last few decades, the business definition of “respectable” has undergone some substantial revision.
Timmy must have talked this guy into thinking he can be Woodinville’s answer to Richard Mellon Scaife. Sounds like they’re both a couple of jerks.
Hey Goldy, as a liberal radio host, any thoughts on the bankruptcy of Air America Radio??
Well Goldstein, now you have competition now don’t you?
Err AmeriKKA goes bankrupt financially. They were morally bankrupt before they even starting broadcasting.
C’mon, leftwing nutjobs. Let’s hear all you tinfoil hat conspiracy theories of how Bush is responsible for their failure. It will give you practice for when Goldstein goes off the air.
Please, poor little JCH who spends all of his time in his basement posting here shakes in his boots over the idea of going outside, can you believe how he would act if there was a real war?
Of course, all of this is easy for him to say since it isn’t his ass on the line. Amazing how easy it is to talk about killing people when you don’t have any real power. Of course, that is probably the most fun of Just another Chicken Hawk, he is funny because he is afraid and has no power. He would be scary if he had any power, but hell, even the Republican’s aren’t that stupid.
Speaking of morally bankrupt: Hi pbj.
“Would someone on the right please tell JCH just how much he’s embarrasing your side?” – John Barelli.
At this point it should be obvious to all concerned that one of two things are happening.
1. JCH is just pulling the chains of the adults around here. A bunch of pimply-faced fourteen-year-olds that should be in class right now have skipped school to have a bit of fun at the expense of the grown-ups.
– OR –
2. JCH is actually an extreme far-left type that is here as a parody of the right wing. If this is true, please stop. Nobody believes it.
It is already well established that JCH is not, nor has ever been in the military, with the possible exception of someone that lied to get in and was promptly court-martialed and thrown out.
It is also well established that JCH is not a representative of any of the major parties. Republicans may have some weird ideas, but they don’t generally support mass murder and genocide.
Certainly JCH is one or more worthless cowards. It really is rather sad, because folks like JCH will likely force Goldy to require some sort of sign-in arrangement, and while it would be nice to be rid of him/them, I have come to the belief that we would lose a certain free-wheeling discussion here. (WashBlog is interesting and educational, but not nearly as much fun.)
I enjoy dealing with many of the right-wing types that are brave enough to post here. Even MTR and MWS occasionally get in a good point, and their presence helps to look at our own beliefs. We should welcome them (and still not give them any slack).
There is a very old method of dealing with folks like JCH. It’s called “shunning”. Remember, he/they are only here for the attention.
JCH is just jerking our chains. He/they are not real, and probably never were. This will be the last time I refer to JCH in any post.
34 John, JCH claims to live in Hawaii. I’d like to see Goldy check his web server logs and do a traceroute on whatever IP address his postings are coming from. Needless to say, it’d be hilarious if it turned out to be a middle school in Burien.
As to the age of this person or persons, a lot of righties are pimply-faced kids deep down inside, even if stumbling around in wrinkly, arthritic, impotent 78-year old bodies. Remember the bullshit about how “the adults have taken over” when Smirk-boy moved into the White House? Can you possibly think of more cases of arrested development putting on Daddy’s old suit and playing make-believe? It’d be the biggest joke in history except that they’re doing it with our money and our lives.
You seem to have missed: “What if killing millions of Muslims is a terrible idea that won’t work?” What then? What’s YOUR plan B to handle the blowback? You don’t HAVE a plan B, do you?
“Speaking of morally bankrupt: Hi pbj.” – JDB
Introducing yourself as morally bankrupt? No need JDB, we already know. ;)
“There is no religious “litmus test” for public office here in the United States.”
Not officially stated. But who here ever thinks and atheist can be president?
You seem to have missed: “What if killing millions of Muslims is a terrible idea that won’t work?”
Commentby Daddy Love [……………………………………………………………..What if killing millions of Iranians is a great idea and stops Islamic Terror?]
The Muuuuuuuslim terrorists know you Dems are to scared to fight back. That is why the kill Americans. And as long as American Muuuuuuuuuuslims vote Democrat, you Dems will do nothing to stop the Islam terrorists.
Black Democrat Keith Ellison is involved with the Nation of Islam and is an active supporter of terrorist rights. Gee, what a fucking surprise!!!!!!
I agree with John Barelli. John Craig Herman is obsessed with making racist statements. Lately, he has taken an interest in me that I find facinating in a horrifying way. I have challenged him to prove his claims of being, among other things, rich, educated, retired, a producer, a stock wiz and on and on….. He has actually proven to us he is none of these things.
I have spent a few dollars and about 20 minutes researching John Craig Herman. Either it is a fake name he uses, or he lies. The credit rating and personal holdings of John Craig Herman do not amount to a hill of beans in HI. If John Craig chooses to challenge me on this I will, for about $30 start my own website, perhaps, and I will publish on this website all of the PUBLIC information that I have gathered.
JCH made a mistake in severely underestimating my ability to know my adversary. Now, he would be wise to curl up in his miserable little hole and leave the blogging to those of us who can form cogent, thoughtful sentences that are free from the vitriolic, inciteful hatred that John Craig Herman seems to favor.
He is a liar, a coward and a fool.
I will not acknowledge him further. I would ask that the rest of the regular bloggers do as John Barelli and I have pledged, and make no mention or acknowledgement of his presence here.
Young Western-born Muslims recruited in universities, mosques and on the internet are increasingly being turned to jihad by terrorist networks, which train them in Islamic countries to support and conduct attacks on their homelands. The return of brainwashed sleeper agents trained in counter-intelligence and covert fundraising, as well as the use of explosives, was the ‘’biggest threat to humanity in modern times’’, said Boaz Ganor, founder of the Israeli-based Institute of Counter-Terrorism. [……………………………………………………………………………….As long a Muuuuuuslims vote Democrat, nothing will be done about this.]
All the above may be somewhat true, but the old initiative passed by virtue of the will of the people meant $30, not all these bullshit fees sneaked on afterwards. Typical deaf ears in Olympia. My tabs were almost $50 this year. WTF!?!?
Goldie: Since you HATE Tim so much why do you give so many blog page sq ins to him? I wonder is there some “penis” envy here? Tim hobnobs with big shots. Tim gets press coverage. Tim is on TV. Tim got national news coverage. What does Goldie get?
Carl What’s his Foot
Just Damn Boring JDB
John Barelli
Oh So Clueless
Proud of His ASS
Whack Job Wayne
Daddy Lost His Love
The three professors (DJ, E, GT) – Have you seen the ? Three Mary Annes ? lately – Marilyn, HorseWhisperer, Priscilla
Assorted other left-wing whack jobs
Now placing the thinking cap on…
Yes there’s envy!
Scare Amerikkka.
Al Magoo Frankenstein – Those glasses
Randi Gun Shots Rhodes
Janeane Bulging Head GawdAwfool
Remember when you had credibility on this blog? Then I caught you lying about your military service and ever since then everyone thinks you’re a lying asshole and doesn’t believe a word you say.
Yeaaaaaahhh, yeah ya do. You remember.
You are like 99.9% of the conservatives today: liars. Bush, Cheney, DeLay, Rove, Libby, Chertoff, Brownie, Ken Lay, Duke-ster, Ambramoff, Ney, Eyman, Bill “she has visual stimuli” Frist, Limpdick the child molester Limbaugh and especially MTR, and any other conservative you can name.
You’re weak. Mentally and physically. You and your ilk are whimps and pussies. You talk a tough talk as long as somebody else’s kids are doing the fighting for you.
You would rather be loyal to your President and party, even if it means being disloyal to the Constitution and the principles our Founding Fathers.
It’s OK, though, there have been dark times in America’s past from enemies of freedom like you; they’re called Jesse Helms, McCarthy, Nixon, Bush, Nazis, Fascists, Communist, terrorists and conservatives.
Like the Liberals before us, we will shed the light of truth on your kind and prevail with the strength and character that are the hallmarks of Thomas Jefferson, FDR, JFK, and Bill Clinton. Each of these MEN served as pillars of Democracy, each of these MEN understood that strength and wisdom go hand-in-hand and are not opposing forces, unlike Bush and today’s conservatives.
We will win this fall. We will take back the House of Representatives for certain, and maybe the Senate. There’s nothing conservatives fear more than Nancy Pelosi with subpoena powers. This November, your worst nightmare’s will come to life.
Democrats will win the War on Terror, we will fix the mess Bush and the Republicans created in Iraq. We will restore honor to government. We will make America respected by our allies and our enemies again. Because we are strong and we are intellects. No Iranian president would ever challenge President Clinton to a debate on world affairs, nor would President Clinton let it go unchallenged in a time of war and appear weak in the Muslim world and in the eyes of our enemies.
The Dow Jones will take off again, working Americans will experience real wage increases, job security, health care will become accessible to everyone, oil prices will drop, and research will begin alternative fuel sources and stem cell research. We’ll pay down the National Debt, AGAIN!
All of which you and your ilk will benefit from. Then, in 10-15 years when things are rosy again, you’re side will tell new lies and try to make another power grab to destroy liberty and freedom again. But, to no avail, the young Liberals of today will carry on the mantel set forth by Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Paine and the others; Men with radically Liberal ideas. Men who understood that religion has no place in governing the masses first and foremost, men who granted that power be vested in the common man and not culled into an elite few who have gained power through inherited wealth.
You don’t understand these principles because you believe in the writings and teachings of Ayn Rand and other haters of freedom.
This country was founded on Liberal ideals, by Liberals for everyone to share in its glory. Throughout mankind’s history there has always been people like you conservatives who do not believe in power of the people.
Thomas Jefferson, a Democrat, penned the Constitution. That’s right Democrats trace their roots back to the founding of this GREAT NATION! Can you name one Republican at the formation of our nation? No.
That’s the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. We’re the genuine article, you are some Johnny-come-lately who thinks they “get it.” I’ve got news for you, you don’t.
We’ll get our way in less than 8 weeks. No matter how much poison you pitch, no matter how much you try your scare tactics, no matter how many times you write muuuuuuuslim, you’re going to lose the elections.
Simply put, conservatism is PROVEN to be a failed model of governing by the very people who’ve promoted it’s cause.
Later, Loser.
The Dow Jones will take off again?
Dude GBS: The Dow was 225 off of it’s Clinton High of 11700+ Tuesday
GBS: Sorry you are a liar – From Wikipedia:
The Party evolved from the political factions that opposed Alexander Hamilton’s fiscal policies in the early 1790s; these factions are known variously as the Anti-Administration “Party” or the Anti-Federalists. In the mid-1790s, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison organized these factions into a party and helped define its ideology in favor of yeomen farmers, strict construction of the Constitution, and a weaker federal government.[1]
They named it the “Republican Party” to emphasize their devotion to republicanism, which they considered the core American value. A related grass roots movement, the Democratic-Republican Societies was supported by French minister Citizen Genet in 1793–94. It was not officially affiliated with the new party, although many local Jeffersonian leaders were also leaders of the societies, and the party came to be called the “Democratic Party” by some Federalist opponents.[2] According to the Cyclopædia of Political Science of 1881 the party was generally known as the “Republican Party” even though the name “Democratic-Republican” became the party’s official name in the 1790s:
Good Try GBS!
@49: The Dow Jones will take off again?
Dude GBS: The Dow was 225 off of it’s Clinton High of 11700+ Tuesday
Given the abysmal GOP fiscal policies of the Bush maladministration, I find this hardly suprising. However, if you go with the long term trend, well, the Dow will definitely rise again. Otherwise, why “reform” social security and put the proceeds in a declining market?
On the other hand, we are all dead in the long run.
Your ignorance is, however, duly noted.
Watch the equivalence:
Hate Christianity
Hate Capitalism
Hate Israel
Like Fascism
Who are they?
Leftists and…
You old historical revisionist, you. The Republican Party formed in the 1850s, after the implosion of the Whig Party. Political parties were quite fluid at the time, despite, paradoxically, the populace being quite partisan. Eligible voters voted at about a 75% rate, and they actually read newspapers and listened to speeches. Jefferson was a Democrat, so was Jackson. Lincoln would never have been a Republican had he foreseen the direction his brand new party was headed.
Revisionist? Ha ha ha ha ha.
I told you the source. Used by moonbats all over AssesHorse!
Given the abysmal GOP fiscal policies of the Bush maladministration, I find this hardly suprising. However, if you go with the long term trend, well, the Dow will definitely rise again. Otherwise, why “reform” social security and put the proceeds in a declining market? On the other hand, we are all dead in the long run. Your ignorance is, however, duly noted.
Commentby Proud To Be An Ass— 9/13/06@ 5:35 pm
Help me understand what this moonbat was trying to say!
No, GBS has claimed in his arguments against the right of being a “technical” scholar. I took him to task for swalling some kool-aid.
I like to read when I am home.
The first authoritative claim of the party name occurs in Jefferson’s letter of May 13, 1792, to Washington, in which he says: “The republican party, who wish to preserve the government in its present form, are fewer in number [than the monarchical federalists]
Come on now moonbats you have to do better!
Remember Tim Eyman is a liar – Goldie!
Yet moonbats misspell his name and think they are making a statement?
Swalling is really meant to be swallowing. So much for distractions while typing
Has anyone noticed FactsConfusesHim arrived when LeftHisTurdBehindLostHisMind left the premises.
To paraphrase the jackASS himself, I guess ol’ MWS chased away that profane moonbat!
@48- GBS- just how in the hell did Jefferson write the Constitution and get it to the Convention in Philadelphia while he was serving as ambassador to France? Al Gore hadn’t invented the internet yet, and sending messages by sea took so very long…
Anyway, Jefferson’s “Democratic-Republicans” were the folks who had OPPOSED the Constitution and who had OPPOSED Washington’s Administration. A bunch of slave-owning, French Terror supporters who allied themselves to Bonaparte. Ah, yes…
Then there was the first REAL Democrat President- ol’ Andy Jackson. The Cherokee Removal- don’t forget, the Trail of Tears was a Democrat transportation project. And when the Supreme Court told Andy he couldn’t do that, he told them to go fuck themselves.
Then the next good Democrat President- Polk- stole the upper half of Mexico.
Then next among Democrat Presidents were Pierce and Buchanan. Thank Gawd that the Republicans and Lincoln came along.
So let’s see what kind of Democrats you are so proud of- they fucked the slaves, then fucked over the Indians and Mexicans- but nowadays they just let interns blow them. Gotten lazy, don’t want to do any of the work of fucking. And such waste of a good cigar is what should have been the impeachable offense.
Yes, we should talk about these Democrat presidents a lot more.
GBS opened a can of democrat worms and a can of Whupass was unleashed on him!
46 No, George W. Bush is the reason AMERICA is bankrupt.
And such waste of a good cigar is what should have been the impeachable offense. Commentby Jim King— 9/13/06@ 7:11 pm
Jim, Democraps invented the “aromatic” cigar!
“Lincoln would never have been a Republican had he foreseen the direction his brand new party was headed.” – Proud Leftist
You are a proud liar too! The Democrat Party in the 19th century was the home of the KKK. Lincoln would have NEVER belonged to such a racist party.
My God, pbj, you are for once right. However, you igrnore the fact that the Democrats got rid of their racist, and they all joined the Republicans in the 50s and 60s. It was called Nixon’s Southern Strategy. It is why you have Senators in your party that call people Macaca.
Lincoln would look at the Republicans, and at its supporters like John Craig Herman and Mark the Yellowback, and then gladly become a Democrat and just shake his head that his once proud party had been reduced to a bunch of chickenhawk racist.