Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) founder and Executive Vice President Tom McCabe, the prime mover behind the GOP’s controversial “felons list,” has himself been linked to a multi-state crime spree, including burglary, criminal mischief, and driving while intoxicated. The incidents date back to November and December of 2002, but probably represent only the tip of his felonious iceberg.
I have not completed my research, and it could very well be that some of these crimes may be attributable to other “Tom McCabes,” but an exhaustive several minutes of Googling has turned up additional suspicious evidence that simply cannot be ignored. Prior to founding the BIAW, McCabe apparently passed himself off in a number of unrelated professions, including stints as a priest, a story teller, Scotland’s Deputy Health Minister, and a down-on-his-luck Santa Claus accused of murdering his landlord on an episode of Matlock.
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
No big surprise. I kind of expected such lowliness from a guy like McCabe. There would be a surprise if he didn’t have such a stain on his record.
I especially like the reference to “Scotland’s Deputy Health Minister”. There must be more Tom McCabes out there than this.
what is it called when Goldy is covering his ear?
*Trying to hold onto a thought.*
Q: What’s a conservative?
A: A liberal who made it through adolescence.
So, this is supposed to be humor? I guess instead of looking critically at a voting process that had many more errors than in the past, it is a lot easier to just be glib. I’ll stick with SP to get the facts and reality. This is just a sideshow.
That was my point also janet.
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!
David Goldstein is one of the infamous 4 convicted of the Fraud of $40 million from various government agencies.
David Goldstein was pardoned in one of Clinton’s last acts along with other criminal low-lifes like Marc Rich.
David Goldstein was pardoned because he helped deliver 99% of the Hasidic Jew vote in NYC to hillary.
David Goldstein–Convicted Felon!! Apparently he got his voting rights restored after the pardon.
Also—David Goldstein in dealing with penile dysfunction. That one doesn’t surprise anyone, does it??
Harry Goldstein (aka David Goldstein) from Newport Beach.
Convicted felon and con artist (that’s our GOLDY!!)
Has a 30 year rap sheet.
David Goldstein defrauded hundreds of people in need of immigration law services.
This is eerrryyy!!!
I’ll bet our GOLDY was sneaking in illegals, registering them to vote, voting their ballots….could it be?? At long last, we have connected the dots!
Well, that’s good enough for me. McCabe is guilty as sin. I’ve fully formed my opinion based upon your half-assed, slapdash research, and no so-called “facts” are going to stand in my way. I will be sure to tell my friends and family, write copious amounts of letters to newspapers, and have KVI and KIRO on speed-dial. Keep the good stuff coming, Goldy!
What can I say Cynical… I just don’t find you attractive anymore. Try romancing me next time.
As to the other charges, thanks for helping to prove my point. I just wish you had provided links, so you could have done so more convincingly.
I seem to be in a minority, but I like parody well done, and this is parody well done, not overdone, as your critics are alleging.
I’m with you RDC – I think this nicely parody’s about the level of research that was obviously done by the BIAW (as proven by their ever-changing up/down/wrong lists)
It is even worse than I ever, ever imagined!
Goldy is all over various Porn sites…including:
“3 Bears riding Goldycocks!
Goldy Spawn
It’s quite shameful.
What would your daughter say Goldy?
Adriel @ 3
Coulda fooled me. Many conservatives behave like they’re still in adolescene.
Janet @ 4
Today is probably the wrong day for you to be asserting this election “had many more errors in the past.” Let’s wait until people like you can tell the difference between election errors and GOP errors. Many the “errors” alleged by GOP and Rossi just bit them in the ass.
The incidents date back to November and December of 2002, but probably represent only the tip of his felonious iceberg.
Great research Goldy.
And now the burden is on the BIAW to prove each of the incidents are not true.
I have not seen any evidence yet that all of the incidents you cite to are not true.
I have not even heard them deny it. Thus, he must know he is guilty.
I suspect he will no owe up to these facts you have proven and will some deny it and the liberal media won’t even research them.
Hey Cynical why don’t you run “Don” and see how many hits you come up with it? I’ll bet “Don” has a rap sheet that circles the Earth several times!
My post @ 13 re Adriel @ 3
For example, see posts 6, 7, and 12.
The GOP is doing the detective work that the King County Election Board should have done. Are you denying that felons voted illegally in this election? Are you saying that Dean Logan is wrong when he claims that nearly a thousand provisional ballots were fed into the Accuvote system before being verified?
I’m glad you are happy with the way King County holds elections. You can join Julia Patterson in the elitist attitude that the masses have no business questioning the on-high authorities in the county government.
Tom Mccabe claims to have worked for Ron Reagan.
well I found the connection…
read the Attendees list of the
Washington Science Fiction Association.
This is where they came up with the Idea for Trickle down economics
janet @ 18
It’s not work KC should have done, it’s work KC was LEGALLY BARRED FROM DOING. And I’m saying YOU’RE wrong when you claimed Logan allowed for 1,000 provisionals. He did not. He gave the number 660. There are some of the 348 not in that 660, but many that are.
Who said the masses have no business? They asked, they were given the info that things actually went pretty well. It’s fine to question–just LISTEN TO THE ANSWERS.
cynicalidiot @ 12 now why is it not surprising to see you posting items about porn? most micropenis types live their lives wishing to have what the pictures show. Guess that proves it beyound reproach. MR CYNICAL HAS MICROPENIS SYNDROME
Has anyone seen the details of the Elway Poll that details the demise of the Republican message?
Janet S. @ 18
I wouldn’t call what the GOP is doing “detective” work. That’s an undeserved slam on real detectives. More like “sloppy” work — not even good enough for a game of “Clue.” In a word, clueless.
We’re not denying that SOME felons may have voted illegally. The question is, though, how many? Intentionally, or inadvertently? And, not least, WHO did they vote for? (The anecdotal evidence to date indicates the illegal-felon vote heavily favored Rossi.)
You’re wrong when you say Logan “claims that nearly a thousand provisional ballots were fed into the Accuvote system before being verified[.]” 660 isn’t 1000, not even close. I hope you’re not a cashier, or if you are, that you don’t round $6.60 of change up to $10.00! If you do, your boss must love you to keep you on.
Dan @ 19
Nice work Dan! We all wondered where the Repubs got their Economics from. Now we now — it’s science fiction!
Attention Janet S. — here’s an example of real DETECTIVE work!
Someone gave the GOP a list of felons who should be denied voting rights. If this list contained juveniles, who is at fault? The state employee who published the list, or the GOP for using the list?
Dean Logan admitted 660 provisional ballots. He did not say whether this included the previously admitted 348 or if they were separate. Unless told otherwise, I conclude they are separate ballots. Add these two numbers together, which is what I would do unless given better information, and what you get? You all are SO much smarter than I am, it all just confuses me!
If the election boards aren’t responsible for registrations, and the Sec of State doesn’t have access to the records, who job is it to keep illegal votes from being case? Does this bother you at all, or are you just too smitten with yourselves and your cleverness?
You have opened my eyes.
This one finally did it for me.
You have found your true calling in life.
I am now a dedicated liberal.
Truth and justice no longer matter to me – It’s all about holding on to power.
I can’t resist the urge to compare distinguished people in positions of power to fecal matter.
I can lie to myself with impunity.
Ballot box stuffing no longer bothers me.
I can even blog at work now with no regrets.
You’re the Greatest Goldy!
Janet S @ 24 said “Someone gave the GOP a list of felons who should be denied voting rights. If this list contained juveniles, who is at fault? The state employee who published the list, or the GOP for using the list?”
Oh my. That’s an interesting defense. Let me get this straight: the GOP isn’t in fact “doing the detective work” as you put it previously? Someone else, who works for the state is doing it for them, and that person screwed up? None of this is on the GOP, or their army of lawyers, or Vance, the BIAW, Rossi or Lane? They were simply handed a bad list which they took at face value to be THE list that was going to be THE smoking gun, and tried to sell us all on that fact, without verifying anything beforehand?
Janet, are you so blind that you can’t even see what a cockup the GOP has made in their own attempt to do what they claim others should have so easily been able to do?
zap @ 25
Prove there was ballot box stuffing. Prove it! When are you Repubs going to give up repeating this lie?
Daniel K @ 27
“Janet, are you so blind that you can’t even see what a cockup the GOP has made in their own attempt to do what they claim others should have so easily been able to do?”
Well at least she admits she isn’t as smart as the rest of us.
Dan @ 19
From memory:
“Trickle down Economics is the doctrine that if sufficient oats are fed to the horse, a few grains will pass through to the road for the sparrows.”
–John Kenneth Galbraith
Kinda sheds new light on the concept of “straight poop,” doesn’t it?
Don @27 –
* Were there or were there not over 3000 extra duplicate absentee ballots mailed out by “mistake”?
* Did not a previously reported 348 provisional ballots turn into over 600 provisional ballots directly fed into the Accuvote? As admitted by Dean Logan himself?
* Were there or were there not hundreds of felons that have been proven to have voted in the last election (e.g., Pierce and King Counties alone)?
* Exactly which measures were taken to prevent provisional ballots from being confused with regular ballots? Even after an audit finding specifically recommended that such protective measures be taken?
* Isn’t it true that King County still has hundreds more votes than verified voters?
* Isn’t it true that hand count totals were compiled in a manner that makes it difficult if not impossible to compare to the first two vote counts? And who made that decision to suddenly change how votes are totalled?
I can keep going but what’s the use? I have yet to see one liberal on this blog or anywhere else for that matter, honestly admit what happened. Or even better have the moral tenacity to say, “I hate Rossi with my whole liberal heart, but the mistakes, gross incompetence and the blatantly obvious opportunity for election fraud need to be eliminated.
So Don, do you want to be the first with courage and conviction?
zap @ 30
“Ballot box stuffing” is intentionally putting fraudulent votes in a ballot box to increase a candidate’s votes. That didn’t happen.
I don’t know how many duplicate absentee ballots were mailed by mistake, but I do know KC Elections identified these voters and contacted many of them. A duplicate mailing would not result in double voting unless the voter returned both ballots. Even then, the duplicate ballot would not necessarily be counted, because election workers checked each ballot against the voter database as absentee ballots were received. Even WSRP and BIAW don’t contend 3,000 people voted twice; their count of double votes is in double digits — and if this list is of no better quality than their felon list, the actual number could be in single digits. Further, such double voting as did occur, did not necessarily result from duplicate mailing of absentee ballots; there are other ways to double vote.
Logan says 660 provisional votes were fed into Accuvote machines in King County. This happened because of voter confusion, poll worker mistakes, and polling places running out of provisional envelopes. As the KC elections report states, “There has been no indication of calculated voter fraud or organized attempts to impact the outcome of the election.” At first, it was thought that 348 provisional ballots were fed into the Accuvote machines, and KC Elections identified 341 of which 252 (74%) were found to be valid. Extrapolating this percentage to all 660 yields 172 invalid votes. If you apply the GOP’s proportional method to these votes, Gregoire was credited with 29 more invalid provisional votes than Rossi, not enough to change the election outcome (using multipliers of 57% for Gregoire and 40% for Rossi).
No one knows how many ineligible felons voted in King or Pierce counties, but we now know that WSRP and BIAW’s count is wildly inaccurate. They also cherry-picked by focusing on Democratic counties and glossing over heavily Republican counties. Anecdotal evidence indicates that illegal felon voting benefitted Rossi more than Gregoire, offsetting any advantage Gregoire got from the provisional ballot problems in KC.
King County doesn’t reconcile votes with voter rolls after elections for verification purposes, nor does any other county, so this question is not only impossible to answer but also meaningless.
The fact problems occurred with provisional ballots and pre-election recommendations may not have been adopted does not mean anyone conspired to cheat. The inertia and long lead times for implementation typical of government are vastly more plausible explanations.
The hand recount WAS compared with the machine recount. During the hand recount, as each precinct was counted by a Republican counter and a Democratic counter, their counts not only had to match each other, but also had to match either the original count or the machine count. If they didn’t, the precinct was counted again by a different counting time. All of the KC precincts were counted at least three times, many of them more than three times, and KC Elections recorded the data from each count.
zap @ 30
In response to your final statement, I think you’re the one who needs to get honest with himself about what really happened.
And in response to your final question, Zap, all I will say is that talk is cheap.
I’ve spent substantial time and effort on election reform. I’ve done all of the following: Belong to committees, attend meetings and public hearings, review and comment on proposals, talk to public officials, and write to legislators.
What have you done, besides spout off on blogs?
@6-7-12. Maturty is when you growup. Try it.
Don@14. About those errors Don. Mary, spokesman for Dino, said on TV last night, she will not apologize for their putting out a list of voters, votere they called illegals by name that were not illegals by name.
@31. Old sayings. “Ride a donkey till a horse comes along.” “Riding a dead horse.”
Eagle@22. The Elway Poll showed that among 405 legally registered Washington voters between March 3rd-6th accept the past election and oppose a new vote. That 63% exceeds the 33 % that favored a revote. Margin for error being 5%.
This is a very sad day. You can’t even admit that there may be some problems with this election…yet…..I am sure you all are buying, hook, line and sinker, the supposed theft of the Presidential Election in Ohio. Let us see…over 120,000 votes between Bush and Kerry in Ohio….129 votes between Gregoire and Rossi. You are right, it is much more likely that some sort of election theft was under way in Ohio. Very sensible.
We all know that the gang had some great ideas, like going from polling place to polling place and filling out provisional ballots. Gee, those 660 odd additional provisional ballots in King County do seem curious… Yes, yes you are right, it is much more believable that Bush and Karl Rove hacked into computers, changing votes in Ohio.
Come on, how are we ever going to get anything positive done, if all we do is agree to disagree. What is really surprising, look at the stands of both parties… it is almost like the democrats have become republicans and the republicans have become democrats. All so we can disagree.
BF @ 38
There is a difference. When you look at the Conyers report, and go to you will see that there is actual testimony of Disenfranchisment, and the ease to which GOP supporting owned voting machine, not only keep their source codes secret, but can be hacked in five minutes, with no trace of 100,000 vote change. In the state of Washington, There is no proof of Fraud or Disenfranchisment, just mistakes.
Todays best GOP swindle is the House Ethics commitee. Does that not concern you at all?
B.F. @ 38
Is this the new wingy bullshit line? That “Democrats do it too?”
# 39 – I have been to blackbox and I listen to Randy Rhodes…..well, as much as I can stomach of her….and well I realized that if we looked anywhere as crazy as you all do when we believed all the stuff about Clinton.. you know the murders, the Cocaine and Tyson food, Ron Brown, etc. etc. …then we (republicans) also looked like complete and total idiots. And O.K. I admit it we bought all the lies…just like you apparently are. Well maybe in a few years you too will see the light.
Don, Number 40 – No, it is just that I wanted to bring to light the hypocrisy. I just don’t understand how you can defend not even looking at the possibility that perhaps this election in Washington was not without its flaws, when you can just absolutely believe the likes of Conyers and some lunatic fringe website … come on, just be reasonable.
Nobody anywhere is disputing the fact that there were flaws. They are being remedied as we speak. However we don’t believe the election should be set aside because of these mishaps. Compared to just about every other election in this country, this election ranked among the best in terms of accuracy.
However if the tables were turned and Rossi was on top would you be in favor of a revote because of the “flaws”.
Of course not! Don’t make me laugh!
John @ 41
If Gregoire had won the first two counts and Rossi had won the last count, and if Rossi friendly counties had found votes, after every other county had turned in their numbers, than I would absolutely be embarrassed if Rossi became Governor.
Look, I think there was more than just flaws; I do believe that the crowd went to as many places as possible and “stuffed” provisional ballets in the voting machines, I am sorry, but I also found it very interesting that during each of the three counts King County “found” more ballots. It just looks wrong.
Put yourself in our shoes. Say Chris Gregoire, won count #1 and count #2 and during each of these counts Spokane County found 10,000 more ballots here or there. Unfortunately, there were not enough ballots to score a win for Rossi, so during the final hand recount, Spokane County comes up with another 550 ballets, m/l. Further, while counting votes the canvassing board made decisions for people that did not vote for governor, but voted republican for all other offices by deciding that showed “intent” so they checked off Dino Rossi for Governor. All that said, now amazingly and after every other county certifies their numbers Spokane County somehow has eked out just enough questionable votes so that Dino Rossi wins. Wouldn’t you be even the least bit suspicious? If you are honest with yourself, I think you will understand why we are bothered by these election results.
B.F. @ 43
“I do believe that the crowd went to as many places as possible and “stuffed” provisional ballets in the voting machines”
I can’t think of a way to reason with a delusional paranoiac, but I’ll give it my best shot. Which of the following seems more likely:
1. Handed the same ballots used by regular voters, and watching regular voters feed their ballots into the Accuvote machines, some provisional voters got confused and did what they saw everybody else doing — they fed their votes into the Accuvote machines.
2. Elderly poll workers got confused about the provisional voting procedures and gave the wrong instructions to some provisional voters.
3. Poll workers got so busy at times that they couldn’t keep an eye on the provisional voters after they got their ballots to make sure they put their ballots in a provisional ballot envelope instead of an Accuvote machine.
4. When polling places ran out of provisional ballot envelopes, some provisional voters fed their ballots into the Accuvote machines because there were no provisonal ballot envelopes to put them in.
5. An out-of-state organization recruited people willing to risk felony convictions and prison time, stole a bunch of blank ballots, and drove them around the city in unmarked vans dropping them off at various polling places where they walked past the poll workers without signing the poll book, fed these ballots into the Accuvote machines, and no one saw them do it.
Again, with the insults to our poor elderly population…
It doesn’t matter how we ended up with so many provisional ballots in the machines, we did. They are not considered to be legal until they are validated.
Yeah delusional…..let’s see, when was the last time you visited…
Look, I am not here to call anyone names, or cause arguments, I just wanted to try and explain, in some rational way, why some people may feel that we in fact have no idea who the State of Washington actually voted for governor is, that is all.
I am just really tired of all the anger and vitriol and was hoping that someone on the other side of this issue might understand. I certainly understood the concerns of your side after the 2000 election.
B.F. @45
Hope you stick around for more topics than this. Don is actually a softy…you need to read his idea for a Perpetual Motion Machine…
Perpetual Motion Machine
Hope you are drinking an adult beverage of some type…
BF… I have stated on a number of occasions that I have empathy for Rossi and his supporters, particularly given how disappointing it must be after initially believing he had won. And if the tables were turned, I too would be suspicious… just like I am suspicious of what happened in Ohio. But you don’t see me blogging on Ohio, do you? I can’t find the hard evidence to back up my suspicions, so I’d feel a little foolish accusing the R’s of stealing the election.
Conjecture all you want, but there is absolutely no evidence of organized fraud or corruption in WA state. And there is no evidence that any of the disputed ballots disproportionately favored Gregoire.
Yes, this eleciton was flawed… as are all elections. As I’ve been saying since before the hand recount, this election simply was too close to confidently determine the winner, but we did so according to the laws in place. It’s kind of silly that the R’s were completely comfortable with Rossi being declared a winner by 42 votes, but Gregoire’s 129-vote lead simply can’t be legitimate.
Apologies, and I hope this one does not cut off…
marks – Thank you, I needed some entertainment this A.M.
Goldy – Thank you, I appreciate your comments. I would ask you one more question though. Were you one of the people calling the 250 +/- vote lead and the 42-vote lead a tie?
And no, I would not have felt comfortable with Rossi’s 42 vote lead, although you are right I probably would have called that a “win.”
However, looking at all of the suspicious incidents surrounding the election in King County I certainly have some questions regarding this election. Moreover, there were a lot of Democrats who voted for Rossi; otherwise the race would not have been so close. Some of those are people that I work with, who on every standard would be considered progressive… and they do not feel good about the results of this election.
Why don’t you feel comfortable with putting Brad Owens in the Governor’s Mansion and then holding a new election in November? – Either this November, or in 2 years? At least Brad Owens was legitimately elected.
BF @50,
Yes… that was the heart of the pissing match I got into with Stefan before the start of the hand recount. I argued that the race was so far within the margin of error that it was a “statistical tie,” and he dismissed me as not understanding statistics. (He went on to assert that even if Gregoire won the hand recount by several hundred votes, Rossi would still be the statistical winner.) I stand by my position.
I have written in detail why I believe the election should stand, even though we can’t have confidence in the outcome. First that is what our law intends. Second, I agree with the law on pragmatic grounds. Setting aside this election, without evidence that Rossi really won, would set a terrible precedent that would send every close election into the courts, and turn every contest into a fishing expedition for errors. We require candidates to win by a single vote, not a single vote greater than the margin of error. To require the latter would require a subjective judgment of the margin of error in every close election.
Don @33 – Don, I have done nothing in my life that I can boast about (Try Job 8:1-7). For me, the blogs are a bit of entertainment sprinkled with patriotism. Suprisingly, if you really supported reasonable election reforms, we wouldn’t even be in this quandry – An illegitimate governor elected by 129 votes gained, for all we know, by double voters, mystery ballots, provisionals counted with verification, felon voters, and the list goes on. If we had real, structural, sysstemic election reforms, the electorate would accept the results without question because the election screwups would not have even occured. If you want people’s trust then you need to conduct elections with an integrity and to a standard that no reasonable person can doubt. That just didn’t happen in this case.
This is the funniest thing I have ever seen! You typed in Tom McCabe and came up with this! Hahahaha! Incredible! You guys bought this? So ludicrous it is funny. Tom McCabe was my college rommmate and best friend. He was my best man in my wedding. I bet he got a kick out of your little silliness! Now type in my name and you will discover I am a pastor. Hahahahah! NOT!
Oh, and I have something improtant I need you to investigate, because, obviously, your research methods are of the most sophisticated nature I have ever seen. Give me a call. Hahahahaha!
Hey Brad… it was a joke meant to prove a point about the sloppy “research” being done on the other side. Nobody bought anything. Now don’t you feel like a dufus?
Read the comments. Some people bought it.
By the way, Weekly World News wants you to give them a call.
Brad Courtney, Ph.D.
And the “D” does not stand for “dufus.”