I guess KKKarl wanted to see ShockG at Laff Hole and get his rap on.
L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem !
may the new year bring your own daily radio show …
Thanks Goldy.
I hope for a great New Year for you and Katie!
Ther eis a Dove festival planned for the memorial this weekend,
The troll under the bridge.
All along I thought that was Puddybud.
Piper Scottspews:
Now that they have an altar upon which to make them, will Seattle liberals now offer sacrifices and pay homage to Karl Rove and all that he stands for?
My masters at the RNC and Cheney/Bush White House asked me to ask you…
The Piper
Not Very Hairy Harry Reidspews:
Rove, hell. That’s Harry Reid.
Thanks Goldy!
Hope you come to the first annual Karl Rove Dove Hunt
@4 PIper
I f you link through the picture you will find a notice about the dedication ceremony and dove shoot. Everyone is invited, AFIK, but the presiding figures are Lapin and Hutcherson .. two of yours!
proud leftistspews:
Piper @ 4
Indeed, we on the left owe Mr. Rove a great deal. He caused the implosion of an ascendant Republican Party within a mere 6 years. Skill like that requires that we throw a few laurels the man’s way.
Rove, hell, that's Granny Pelosispews:
8: Your point was made earlier and better by the Atlantic. Are you claiming fair-use plagiarism, or do you owe them royalties?
Piper Scottspews:
Nope…It’s the spitting image of the late Jesse White who used to be the Maytag Repair Man…
Dove shoot, eh? Glad to see you comrades on the left starting to take your Second Amendment rights seriously! Since doves and pigeons are birds of a feather, may I suggest you go to http://www.berettausa.com/index.cfm and check out Beretta’s Silver Pigeon offerings. No doubt you’ll find one to your liking. Nothing like an Italian-made over under…
While I agree with much of what both Rabbi Lapin and Hutch stand for and say, please don’t presume to call them “mine.” Us wingnuts tend to be more independent thinkers than we’re given credit for. Don’t believe me? Why then you’re invited to attend one of our midnight rallies where chant the Pledge of Allegiance to Karl Rove 100 times…
Remember, it was Karl Rove doing his best Harry Potter imitation who got Dubya elected twice. IMHO, where he made a mistake is not honoring the core beliefs of the base…way too much big government spending and not enough disciplining Congressional morons like Mark Foley and Bob Ney…Rove is a strategist, not a philosopher.
The Piper
proud leftistspews:
Do you honestly believe that the Bush Administration has failed to pay adequate heed to the Republican base? IMHO, that’s all the Bushites have done; their “screw moderates and independents and who needs dialogue anyway” approach to governing is precisely the source of their undoing.
@10 as usual Piper you never respond to any question with facts. Are you or are you not coming to the ceremony? Will you be armed?
Do you honestly believe that Karl Rove would live in Fremont?
Live? It is a MONUMENT!!! Lenin does not live in Fremont either and never did. For that matter as far as I know Leif Erickson never lived at Shilshole.
BUT .. I ma told Sharkansky does live near the Rove memorial and will be attending the ceremony this Sunday.
Of course he’ll be armed. He can’t set foot unarmed in the dangerous, scary city of Seattle without crapping himself.
@15 Lee
That’s not, in his case, an irrational position….
Piper Scottspews:
McCain-Feingold, tariffs on imported steel, Harriet Miers, failure to die on the hill of privatizing Social Security (you have any idea how rich that could make all you leftnut software entrepreneurs???)…These are a few…
And it depends mightely on who and how well the screw is turned…There are still a lot of you folks who continue to fight the 2000 election and will until you die.
The Piper
You might learn to spell if you want credibility.
Look it up.
Piper Scottspews:
Sadly, I will not be in attendance…I believe Sunday is Hispanic Day at the Puyallup Fair, and I’m tentatively penciled in to accompany Spanish speaking friends, who are Democrats, BTW, where we will gorge ourselves on onion burgers as we admire the productivity of the fruited plain…
If, however, I attended, then, yes, I would be armed since I would be wearing the Garb of Ol’ Gaul, and one is never properly attired therein without a weapon. It’s a cultural thing among those of us who descend from blue-painted types north of Hadrian’s Wall.
Probably wouldn’t bring my Browning 12-gauge, though…
The Piper
proud leftistspews:
Piper @ 17
Ah, but then we have Terri Schiavo, Sam Alito, John Roberts, Michael Brown, the surge, the Office of Faith-based Initiatives, etc. If the base isn’t sated with what Bush has thrown its way, then that base is insatiable.
Piper Scottspews:
Terry Schiavo…I have mixed feelings on that one, but I confess to terrible angst over the killing of the ill, even the seriously ill, for the convenience of the well.
John Roberts and Sam Alito? My kind of guys, God love ’em! Dubya hit home runs with those fellows!
Brownie? Burp!
Office of Faith Based Initiatives? You can bet Bill and Hillary are pissed because they didn’t come up with the idea. And have you noticed how nearly all the Demo candidates for Prexy, save Dennis Kucinich who worships at the altar of Vegan, are wearing their religious beliefs on their arms these days???
There are a lot of faith based efforts out there doing exceptional work making real and positive differences in the lives of hurting people, and I, for one, applaud those efforts and think we should support them. I’m not saying pay to prosletyze, mind you (I don’t need anyone to pay me since I like doing it all by my lonesome), but helping a faith-based rehabilitation center or meals for the homeless program…Who can be against that? Surely not the compassionate left!
The Piper
There are still a lot of you folks who continue to fight the 2000 election and will until you die.
Haha…this said by a member of the party that’s still running against Bill Clinton.
Piper Scottspews:
Who? I don’t believe anyone by that name is on any ballot in any state in the United States.
There is a Hillary Clinton, however, who is the Dick Nixon of our time; the woman has a lust for the office unparalleled in American History, and she will squash like bugs her intra-parter opposition…and she’ll do it with a smile!
The Bill Clinton I remember was a randy yet charming rascal. Hillary would put the Borgia’s to shame. All you who support her beware what you wish for because you just might get it! Bill smiles ’cause he’s a GOB havin’ a good time…Hill smiles because she’s envisioning you with a knife in your back. The classic and typical dysfunctional marriage…
The Piper
I suspect that it’ll take the fatuous loon fairy-tale salesman with the pompous ancestral shtick a really, really long time to recover from the 2008 elections….
He may decide to use the Browning on himself.
I’ve cleaned up a few of those, but with his lack of substance and excess of hot air, it shouldn’t constitute much of a problem for the mortuary staff. Only the smell need concern them, but THAT might be a challenge.
@22 The Bill Clinton I remember was a randy yet charming rascal. Hillary would put the Borgia’s to shame. All you who support her beware what you wish for because you just might get it! Bill smiles ’cause he’s a GOB havin’ a good time…Hill smiles because she’s envisioning you with a knife in your back.
She envisions us with a knife in our backs because we already have a knife in our backs from the current Administration.
Piper Scottspews:
Think how you will, but whether there is one now or not, with her there will most certainly be one. Those of you on the left will feel her inflicted pain the worst, I’m afraid to say, because compounding the physical wounds will be continued feelings of betrayel and loss…To come so close the the Holy Grail only to see it again snatched from your hands, only this time by…one of your own.
Sic transit gloria mundi…
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
What are you? The squeege man for the KC Medical Examiner’s office?
Making jokes about people’s deaths or wishing for anyones isn’t the hallmark of a sophisticated mind.
Like most wingnut looney-tune haters, your are exhibiting pure projection. YOU will feel like you have a knife in your back, because…you know…because it’s HILLARY!
It’s a simple side effect (along with drunkenness, rejection of reality, and general bloating) that comes from consuming too much wingnut kool-aid.
Piper Scottspews:
Sigh…poor boy, you missed my point entirely! I won’t be the one with the knife in my back, laddie, you will! She will sell you lefties down the river the instant it gets her enough electoral votes or whatever…The woman has no soul!
She may be the doctrinaire lefty that Bill never was (remember, he chaired the DLC when he was governor of Arkansas), but before any political beliefs or philosophical notions Hillary might have there is her #1 priority: Hillary Clinton. She’ll throw you cats under a bus and not think twice about it if it gets her the office or something she really wants.
If she’s elected, I, on the other hand, will spend four years with my back securely against a wall as a watch how disappointed to the point of despairingly hopeless you all become. High hopes dashed…Hope your medical coverage includes mental health therapy…
Your tone reminds me of Arthur Treacher talking to the Dear Boy Himself.
Piper Scottspews:
If you’re old enough to remember Arthur Treacher and Merv Griffin together, shouldn’t you be in bed by now? Doesn’t the home have a curfew for you old coots?
Speaking of Treacher, I think I shall dine this evening at the Juanita Spud Fish ‘n Chips. The oysters there are deeeeeeeeeeeeeee-lish!
The Piper
Sandeep Can't be 60!spews:
Still, Bush firmly rejected calls to end the war, saying the insurgents who threaten Iraq’s future are a danger to U.S. national security. American troops must stay in the battle, Bush said, and more than 130,000 will remain after the newly ordered withdrawals are completed in July.
“The principle guiding my decisions on troop levels in Iraq is: return on success,” the president said.
Bush said 5,700 U.S. forces would be home by Christmas and that four brigades — at least 21,500 troops — would return by July, along with an undetermined number of support forces. Now at its highest level of the war, the U.S. troop strength stands at 168,000.
Nope…you were quite clear in what you said, and I understood completely. I am only pointing out that you are wrong, and suggested an etiology for the condition.
“I won’t be the one with the knife in my back, laddie, you will!”
No…you see, you are exhibiting a behavior that is called “projection” in the psychological sciences. You imagine we will feel that way. In part, of course, it is because this is exactly what has happened to much of the right under Bush.
“She will sell you lefties down the river the instant it gets her enough electoral votes or whatever…The woman has no soul!”
This is the part where the kool-aid comes in. You expect/wish it would happen like this, because this is what you have experienced under Bush. Yet, you have no evidence whatsoever that this will happen with Sen. Clinton, except an anecdotal experience with former Gov. Bush.
“She may be the doctrinaire lefty that Bill never was (remember, he chaired the DLC when he was governor of Arkansas), but before any political beliefs or philosophical notions Hillary might have there is her #1 priority: Hillary Clinton. She’ll throw you cats under a bus and not think twice about it if it gets her the office or something she really wants.”
Apparently, a majority of voters in NY state disagrees with you. Furthermore, a majority of self-identified Democrats in the country disagree with you (at least for now…we’ll see how that changes by 2008). In the mean time, you offer a fringe opinion (with a clear etiology), and with not a shred of evidence to support your idea (as if any of us would find your rantings the least bit credible sans actual evidence). Do you have some credentials you wish to share, or is your only credential a bad experience with BushCo?
“If she’s elected, I, on the other hand, will spend four years with my back securely against a wall as a watch how disappointed to the point of despairingly hopeless you all become. High hopes dashed…”
I understand that you really do believe that a President Clinton would follow the same path that you experienced with President Bush. Sorry, squirt…Bush is “special case.” (VERY Special.) My guess is that it will be 100 years before another President so betrays his/her party.
“Hope your medical coverage includes mental health therapy…”
Ahhh, yes. We are back to projection again. Good luck with that.
There are a lot of times where I can almost convince myself that this kind of anti-Hillary stuff is actually based on some hard evidence (Hillary has certainly been somewhat of a sellout in the past), but the sad reality is that anti-Hillary sentiments stem much more from male insecurities. No one does it quite like Lew Waters, but our buddy Piper’s got some issues he’s compensating for right now.
The disturbing thing about all these folks is they never cite specifcs.
Piper has been into the haggis again. It gives him the runs.
I have been contemplating that coincidence for the past couple of days. It probably hasn’t escaped Lee’s notice, either.
@38 He’s pretty full of shit, I suppose it has to be regulated somehow.
Piper Scottspews:
Haggis? Nasty stuff…never touch it.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
I’ve said it before…I’ve only ever posted anywhere as The Piper…I’m here because it’s fun, and I enjoy both the challenge and the reactions you all give me…It all amuses me.
And as far as Hillary is concerned…What I hear from Democrats who are friends of man – surprise you that I have Democratic friends? – is that many of them fear her candidacy because (1) they don’t trust her either (she’s too craven in her hunger for power), and (2) her negatives among voters nation-wide are too high for comfort. These comments mirror much of what’s reported in the media, so I’m not breaking anything new here.
If she’s elected, and she may very well be, my attitude is that we’ve survived presidents Fillmore, Buchanan, Harding, and Carter, we’ll survive her.
The Piper
The Piper
#$ Clueless: Proves thinking and you are diametrically opposed activities.
“And as far as Hillary is concerned…What I hear from Democrats who are friends of [mine]… is that many of them fear her candidacy because (1) they don’t trust her either (she’s too craven in her hunger for power), and (2) her negatives among voters nation-wide are too high for comfort. These comments mirror much of what’s reported in the media, so I’m not breaking anything new here.”
Yes and no. Her “negatives” are high among Republicans. Among Democrats, her support has been consistently stronger than the strongest Republican contender since late 2004. On top of that, the Democrat—Republican spread has increased from a 2% Democratic advantage in 2004 to a 5% Democratic advantage now. The way Bush is tarnishing the Republican brand name (and looking at the deeply flawed frontrunners in the GOP primary), I think the generalized Republican negatives are going to be far more telling than any “Clinton negatives.”
“If she’s elected, and she may very well be, my attitude is that we’ve survived presidents Fillmore, Buchanan, Harding, and Carter, we’ll survive her.”
The only real concern is whether we will survive Bush Jr. without (1) a nuclear holocaust (started by the lunatic Chimp himself), (2) a worldwide fiscal crisis caused by the buildup of a massive national debt, and (3) America becoming the most despised, ridiculed, and resented nation in history.
Don’t confuse raw party identificaiton numbers with how those same people feel toward or whether they will vote for individual candidates. And remember, in politics things change very rapidly.
Also…during the primary season, candidates in both parties tend to pander to their respective bases, while eventual nominees gravitate toward the middle. The partisan Hillary you love today may be the triangulated centrist or even, on some issues, “conservative” Hillary who infuriates you tomorrow.
One thing to take into account is Bush-Clinton-Bush-Possible Clinton fatigue. I’ll bet there are quite a few voters who would vote against Hillary just to break that cycle.
I understand that this is not easy to do, but there are sources more reliable than Dick Morris. In my own case i have met folks who know her and they describe a very intense person committed to pubic service. I have also read some good reporting on her performance as a Senator. Interestingly she has become a confidant of Sam Brownback, They both share a commitment to ethics in government that seem quite at variance with the usual spin.
For what its worth I am NOT supporting her for now but for reaosns very different form your own. I believe that class has become a major issue in our society. I believe Obama has a far better understanding of our society’s need to create opportunities that cross class barriers. I also like his ideas about foreign policy. Hillary. like Bill, seems to me to believe in a European model of foreign policy .. a community of equals where we are just the biggest member of the club. I do not agree with this and think American leadership needs to be re-established after the European style regime of Albright and the disastrous lack of any sensible for policy for the Bush years. I think that Obama, as a fresh face with traditional American ideals has a better chance of achieving this than does HRC.
For all that, I would be excited to have either of these outstanding people as my president.
Your comparrisons with the various Presidents also suggest you do not know much history. It is intersting that you focus on the last gasp of the Whigs .. the Repubicans of their day. As for Mr. Carter, while he clearly lacked Reagan’s charm, you really should look at the facts abut each of their roles in the critical issues of energy and soviet downfall. It was Carter’s restructuring of the military, esp the Navy, that changed our policy form defending against an unlikely WWII stule land war to a modern stance the Soviets simply could not match. Carter NOT Reagan built up the US military .. Reagan actually screwed it with wasted spending. As for energy … Reagan took apart energy policies that would have saved us form the current crisis. Oh Yeh .. Jimmy actulaly served in the military.
I can understand how you share a wide spread set of opinions on Mr.C. He failed at two things .. he had an awdul Secty of State and lacked communiction skill he needed to convince3 Americans that his policies were correct. Reagan had such skills BUT he used them to promote a fantasy world that to this day costs us dearly. In addition his regime was third onloy to Bush and Nixojn in the misuse of Presidential powers. Many feel that Ollie North fell on his sord so as not to reveal Reagan; sad role in Iran Contra and Iran.
Look, I do my due diligence. I think Romney or MccCin are intelligent men wioth ratioal opinions. I do not need to make fantastic commetns baout them to say I prefer Ms C or mr. O.
Piper Scottspews:
No time to respond right now save to ask…Do you sometimes keyboard with mittens on?
I will say I appreciate that you address issues and appear to have a well thought out POV and perspective rather than just in engage in gutter language swatting exercises like many. While you and I have fundamental disagreements, I respect both the integrity of your POV and your absolute right to have it.
Read the article carefully, and you will be rewarded:
For Clinton, it’s her relatively high negative ratings. In the survey, 44 percent view her positively versus 39 percent who see her in a negative light. By comparison, Obama has a 42-22 percent positive-negative rating.
In other words, Clinton actually has higher positives than Obama, but the big difference is that Obama has a larger fraction of people who have not formed an opinion of him.
When it comes to Nov 2008, the negatives and positives in the primary will have little relevance. The majority of voters will vote according to party preference. The rest (the smaller group of independents who genuinely can’t decide between the two parties) will most likely break toward the Democrats—at least that is what current polls suggest–because of the way George Bush has trashed the Republican brand name.
FYI: I am completely undecided among the Democratic front-runners. I could be happy with almost any one of them. After the massive cluster fuck we have experienced for the last 6.7 years, any of the D. front-runner is likely to look like a relative genius.
Here’s some friendly advice for ya, Squirt: when your own yard is a fucking disaster zone, you’ve got more important things to worry about than a couple of dandelions in the neighbor’s yard.
The polls are hard to understand but what I am curious about is the independent vote. How does this break?
Also, Doe Hillary’s gender help her with indie women?
Piper Scottspews:
I have no illusions about 2008, so your mouth-foaming about that doesn’t stir me. Just this morning, I read an interview with Newt Gingrich where he pegs the odds of a Demo victory at 80 – 20% in favor. He also says some candid and interesting things about both Demos and Republicans. Read him at http://news.nationaljournal.co.....913nj1.htm
Still…Hillary Clinton has what must be for many in the Democratic Party uncomfortably high PERSONAL negatives among voters who would vote against her not because she’s a Democrat, but because she’s Hillary Clinton.
Of course she’s got tremendous popularity among the Democratic Base, and it continues to increase over Obama, Edwards, et al, as commited Democrats increasingly see her as the probable nominee. But just as the Republican base doesn’t mirror the general populace, neither does the Democratic base.
BTW…I’m not getting all exorcised over all this, I’m just commenting on what I observe and expressing my thoughts. What fascinates me about you and many of your comrades is how you immediately go to blood-vessal-popping levels of spew. Most anger is life shortening and a wasted emotion.
And as far as Hillary is concerned…What I hear from Democrats who are friends of man – surprise you that I have Democratic friends? – is that many of them fear her candidacy because (1) they don’t trust her either (she’s too craven in her hunger for power), and (2) her negatives among voters nation-wide are too high for comfort. These comments mirror much of what’s reported in the media, so I’m not breaking anything new here.
I’m actually one of those people who has long been in this boat. I’ve had a significant amount of mistrust of Hillary. She has often taken stances that have reeked of shameless pandering, and her inability to show any spine when it came to the war was shameful. I don’t have a strong favorite in the primaries, but I certainly like Obama, Richardson, and Dodd more than her.
That said, if she wins the nomination, there isn’t a Republican in her league right now, and she will clean anyone’s clock. Even though I sometimes question her heart, I certainly don’t question her brain. And despite what many people in loony-toon land like to think, having Bill by her side will be a huge asset. Bill has higher favorability ratings than the current president, or any of the Republicans in the race. Despite my reservations about her, if she’s nominee, she gets my vote (although I have to admit, if Ron Paul wins the Rep. nomination, it would be an interesting one for me). This country simply can’t afford 4 more years of Republican governance.
Piper Scottspews:
I have no illusions about 2008, so your mouth-foaming about that doesn’t stir me. Just this morning, I read an interview with Newt Gingrich where he pegs the odds of a Demo victory at 80 – 20% in favor. He also says some candid and interesting things about both Demos and Republicans. Read him at http://news.nationaljournal.co.....913nj1.htm
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Hillary Clinton has what must be for many in the Democratic Party uncomfortably high PERSONAL negatives among general election voters who would vote against her not because she’s a Democrat, but because she’s Hillary Clinton.
Of course she’s got tremendous popularity among the Democratic Base, and it continues to increase over Obama, Edwards, et al, as commited Democrats increasingly see her as the probable nominee. But just as the Republican base doesn’t mirror the general populace, neither does the Democratic base.
BTW…I’m not getting all exorcised over all this, I’m just commenting on what I observe and expressing my thoughts. What fascinates me about you and many of your comrades is how you immediately go to blood-vessal-popping levels of spew. Most anger is life shortening and a wasted emotion.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
“Having Bill by her side…???” I don’t think so…
She wants the job for her own purposes, not for him to be…wink, wink…Prexy all over again. If she’s elected, look for him to be given “duties” that don’t interfere with her exercising power or distracting from the attention given her. Look for him to be appointed a roving ambassador or some job that keeps him out of Washington, D.C. He’ll be allowed to do whatever is in his nature, just so long as he does it on the road…a sort of what happens with Clinton, stays with Clinton…
“Hillary Clinton has what must be for many in the Democratic Party uncomfortably high PERSONAL negatives among general election voters who would vote against her not because she’s a Democrat, but because she’s Hillary Clinton.”
Almost all of this goes away as a real issue after the primary, and people fall out along partisan lines. But, one of my points above was that most Republicans view their own choices as far more seriously flawed than most Democratic voters.
“I’m not getting all exorcised over all this, I’m just commenting on what I observe and expressing my thoughts.”
“What fascinates me about you and many of your comrades is how you immediately go to blood-vessal-popping levels of spew. Most anger is life shortening and a wasted emotion.”
Oh??? I might add a corollary: imagining people are angry with you when they are not is a sign of…um…something not so…good.
Helpful hint for you Champ: This is a tough neighborhood, and this is often reflected in the language. But most of us show up here as a form of recreation.
The Petraeus situation is bizar, The Sheikh he helped take over Sunniland just got an IED. The sad thing is to look at the picture of Bush and this guy celebrating “freedom.”
“I am curious about is the independent vote. How does this break?”
My impression, from looking at a lot of poll results, is that the independents are breaking heavy toward an “anti-Republican” position. It is unclear whether this will carry through to 2008 or not, but there may be a substantial residual anti-Republican feeling that will boost votes for Democrats in numerous offices.
There is some speculation that Republicans will have low turn-out in 2008 just from (1) loss of support from some religious conservatives (especially if a non-pro-life candidate like Rudy or Fred is nominated) and (2) general disenchantment with Republicans. I’m a little skeptical that 2 will really happen.
One of the strengths of both Obama and Clinton is that either seems likely to increase turnout among both women and African American voters. (And a joint ticket even more so.)
What’s interesting about Hillary is that she’s one of the more conservative candidates in the Democratic field. The positions she has taken in the Senate will actually tend to comfort the independent voter. It amuses me that the right wing goes all apoplectic over how crazy liberal she is regardless of the facts of the matter.
Her standing with the voters of New York is a pretty strong indicator that she’s no wild-eyed nutcase, regardless of how the Republicans would like to frame her. She’s certainly no Medici as Piper (and his sources) would like to paint her.
That said, I’d be delighted with either her or Obama as the Democratic nominee. Every time I’ve heard him speak he has impressed me.
Lee, I nearly spit all over my keyboard when I read
although I have to admit, if Ron Paul wins the Rep. nomination, it would be an interesting one for me
Ron Paul is a classic Libertarian nutcase. Sure, he’s against the war and wants to bring the soldiers home now but dude…he’s no progressive.
Piper Scottspews:
I said she was akin to the Borgia’s, not the Medici’s.
“Ron Paul is a classic Libertarian nutcase. Sure, he’s against the war and wants to bring the soldiers home now but dude…he’s no progressive.”
I think it was N in Seattle who said (at DL last Tuesday) that Ron Paul is a “Shrink Grover Norquist along with the government and drown ’em in a bathtub.” His anti-war position genuinely comes out of his belief that the government has no business fighting wars–or doing anything, really.
Piper Scottspews:
“Oh??? I might add a corollary: imagining people are angry with you when they are not is a sign of…um…something not so…good.
Helpful hint for you Champ: This is a tough neighborhood, and this is often reflected in the language. But most of us show up here as a form of recreation.”
OK…fair enough now that you’ve clarified the protocal. It’s just that an essence of a good diplomat is the ability to call someone a poltroon, scalawag, or unctuous buffoon and leave him both smiling and thanking you for your kind remarks.
I, too, consider it recreation…
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
From where I sit, on the war and foreign relations Ron Paul has more in common with, say, Pat Buchanan, than any other candidate currently in the Republican field. They part company, though, on tariffs: Pat advocates them, Ron is more free trade.
Ron would eviscerate 99.9% of the federal government, whereas I advocate doing it to only 90%. I think he would keep the Coast Guard as it was originally envisioned to be several revenue cutters preventing smuggling.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Joint ticket? Do you really think Hillary would tolerate a media darling and star like Barrak Obama to suck any of the life out of her prima donna role?
If she is the nominee, look for her to dip well into the bottom of second tier candidates or even opt for someone not in the field who won’t compete for media attention. Iowa Gov. and former Prexy candidate, Tom Vilsack, comes to mind…
@52 “Having Bill by her side…???” I don’t think so…
I’m not sure what you’re implying here. That he won’t be by her side, or that it won’t be a good thing?
She wants the job for her own purposes, not for him to be…wink, wink…Prexy all over again. If she’s elected, look for him to be given “duties” that don’t interfere with her exercising power or distracting from the attention given her.
Wow, you really have women issues, don’t you?
Look for him to be appointed a roving ambassador or some job that keeps him out of Washington, D.C. He’ll be allowed to do whatever is in his nature, just so long as he does it on the road…a sort of what happens with Clinton, stays with Clinton…
That may be true, but it will be because Bill sees the Israeli-Palestinian situation as unfinished business, and I think that’s what he’ll end up doing if Hillary wins.
@62 and you have HRC’s personal phone number???
Piper ..
You go on and on about your knowledge of what Mrs. Clinton would do if she were nominated and elected. And you base all this incredibly personal knowledge on what?
You really, if you are not just some sort of bar fly, ought to re-read OneMan’s post here. Leaving dumbass party loyalties aside, in almost any substantive measure, Mrs. C is the strongest CONSERVATIVE candidate in the race. She has worked very well in the Senate with conservatives and outpolls republicans in the northern areas of NY.
As for your posturing about her relationships with Bill and Barack, everything i read seems to say the opposite. She and Bill Clinton have been a team for a very long time. I suspect they love each other but more importantly they are both too smart to not use the others skills if she is the President. Moreover, their skills and roles would be very different. Bill has interpersonal skills that are awesom and,like Jimmy Carter, has shown us all how an ex-President gan use what becomes anon-partisan office to provide a bully pulpit.
As for an Obama/Clinton ticket or the reverse, I actually have no idea. Unlike you I do not haev access to either of their personal thoughts. I doubt very much, however, that she would be intimidated by his popularity. As a veep all that could do is add to he rown and he would make a fabulous protege. Remember Jefferson and Madison?
@57 Ron Paul is a classic Libertarian nutcase. Sure, he’s against the war and wants to bring the soldiers home now but dude…he’s no progressive.
The main issue with Paul is that he would unquestionably do more to end the federal drug war and to end the Iraq War. In the bizarre chance that he wins the Republican nomination, he could win over the anti-war crowd fairly easily, and that’s no small number of people. And he would also win over large numbers of people my age who have been waiting for most of our lives for a politician with the courage to say that the drug war needs to end. I understand the concerns, he’s definitely not a progressive on a lot of issues, but he’s getting some of the big picture things right, even if he’s only getting them right due to having a very rigid ideology that is in some ways diametrically opposed to the current rigid ideology that is getting us killed in the Middle East.
@62 Joint ticket? Do you really think Hillary would tolerate a media darling and star like Barrak Obama to suck any of the life out of her prima donna role?
Wow! This just reminded me of the comedy bit Greg Proops did on Last Comic Standing this week. It’s not on YouTube though. I’m gonna keep looking for it.
If she is the nominee, look for her to dip well into the bottom of second tier candidates or even opt for someone not in the field who won’t compete for media attention. Iowa Gov. and former Prexy candidate, Tom Vilsack, comes to mind…
She may not pick Obama or Edwards if she wins the nomination, but she will likely pick someone who appeals a little more to the anti-war Democrats (I’d love to see her take Wesley Clark).
Piper Scottspews:
Women issues? No, but Hillary has Bill issues. He’s the classic frat boy – remember the El Camino? – and he’ll finagle his way onto center stage because he loves the attention. To Bill Clinton, politics and and the adulation he craves are the ultimate kegger.
If there is to be a President Hillary, his frat boy behavior will be a distraction, so he’ll need to be sent to his room so he won’t annoy the adults who are trying to get some serious business done.
Broker an Israeli-Palestinian deal? Given Hamas and Hezbollah, is such a thing possible by any human alive?
Here’s a better job: ambassador to Russia. He can party with Putin and Putin’s hand picked successor in order to keep them from reverting back to type. If given the job, he’d bring a fresh copy of The Beatles White Album with him in order to listen to Back in the USSR over and over:
“Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the west behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
They Georgia’s always on my my my my my my my my my mind
Oh, come on
Hu Hey Hu, hey, ah, yeah
yeah, yeah, yeah
I’m back in the USSR
You don’t know how lucky you are, boys
Back in the USSR
Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the west behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
They Georgia’s always on my my my my my my my my my mind
Oh, show me round your snow peaked
mountain way down south
Take me to you daddy’s farm
Let me hear you balalaika’s ringing out
Come and keep your comrade warm
I’m back in the USSR
Hey, You don’t know how lucky you are, boy
Back in the USSR
Oh, let me tell you honey”
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Wesley Clark would be a smart pick for her.
A President Ron Paul, BTW, would definitely privatize Social Security…and repeal Medicare.
I read Froma Harrup regularly…Good columns and thoughtful points…Any of you out there follow what she has to say?
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
Women issues? No, but Hillary has Bill issues. He’s the classic frat boy – remember the El Camino? – and he’ll finagle his way onto center stage because he loves the attention. To Bill Clinton, politics and and the adulation he craves are the ultimate kegger.
If there is to be a President Hillary, his frat boy behavior will be a distraction, so he’ll need to be sent to his room so he won’t annoy the adults who are trying to get some serious business done.
Broker an Israeli-Palestinian deal? Given Hamas and Hezbollah, is such a thing possible by any human alive?
The Piper
Here’s a video of the Puddybud mentality. It applies pretty good to all wingnuts though – especially that Piper.
@61 From where I sit, on the war and foreign relations Ron Paul has more in common with, say, Pat Buchanan, than any other candidate currently in the Republican field. They part company, though, on tariffs: Pat advocates them, Ron is more free trade.
That’s true. And Pat Buchanan has amazingly been smarter on Iraq than most other Republicans. Most Democrats are actually inbetween the two on trade issues.
Ron would eviscerate 99.9% of the federal government, whereas I advocate doing it to only 90%.
Well, you can advocate that all you want, but it’s meaningless if you think we need to continue our occupation of Iraq and possibly take military action against Iran. Then it’s just talk.
One of the symptoms of ARS is being absolutely convinced that you know what famous people would do. Piper ash never met Hillary, obviously read very little yet he knows her inner thoughts.
ARS is not paranoia. Its victims do not believe they are famous people. Though not as severe as paranoia, ARS borders on delusional convictions that they KNOW the inner minds of Napoleon, Clinton, etc.
Telling Piper that what he says is ill informed will not help unless he also gets therapeutic help. I recommend alimbal to people like him bit only if they can get the drug in the context of therapy.
In the meantime, there are some experiments people here can do. For example:
I know you think I am joking about ARS so let me have my little humor. BUT, without teasing can I ask you to tell us who you think could function as a VEEP with Giuliani? I ask this because, based on the same sort of knowledge you use to predict what HRC might do, mt image of da Mayor suggests he would be utterly unable to tolerate an ambitious VEEP. Maybe he would ask McCain .. assuming at 73, Mr, McCain would not be a threat.
Please help in the experiment? My goal is to exercise Piper’s limbal regions by giving him an external reality ot play with. I suspect, despite the provocative way I am proposing this experiment, that Piper’s ALS will not allow him sufficient control over his weak thymos and the answers will be dominated by id.
If I am correct, this could build up Piper’s ability to see reality despite a paatern of non operant reinforcement.
Piper Scottspews:
Again…Do you keyboard wearing mittens?
Who would Rudy pick as his running mate? Hmmmm….??? Interesting question. IMHO – and that’s all it is, an opinion – he would pick someone as socially conservative as he is not in order to offer some succor to values voters in the base. Mike Huckabee has been scoring points of late, and he’s getting some media attention even as it’s not morphing its way into double-digit Iowa poll numbers.
An irony inherent in a Huckabee pick is that he, too, is a former Arkansas governor. Who knows whether or if or if so how many voters would be reminded that a vote for Hillary is a vote for Bill and Hillary antics to be again on the front pages of the newspapers and on TV for the next four to eight years. There are a lot of people who have that on their minds.
The Piper
Piper Scottspews:
A great job for Bill in a Hillary admnistration is ambassador to Russia. Bill and Putin can party (Putin will, after all, control his hand-picked successor who would be allowed to party with them but only as the designated driver).
To prepare himself for the job, Bill would buy a new copy of The White Album by The Beatles and listen to Back in the USSR over and over and over again in order to prep himself to do what he does best…
The Piper
Don Joespews:
Playing a little catch-up here, might I offer a welcome to our new Piper at the Gates of Dawn. I have to say that reading your comments is like listening to Kenny G. It starts out being somewhat soothing, but the tone quickly descends into vapid bordering on smarmy. (I’m a Gov’t Mule kind of guy myself. Any group that can put Afro-Blue and War Pings in the same live set is my kind of group.)
Look, we all know what your opinions are, but I note a very distinct lack of any effort to explore why you hold those opinions. It’s as if you’re stuck at those gates of dawn, and don’t really want to get into the discussion. And that’s disappointing, because you appear to have been the first, and perhaps only, HA prepresentative of your political perspective who’s capable of even a modicum of critical thought.
You’re obviously intelligent, but you still haven’t strung together a coherent argument about anything without pulling disputed facts out of your backside.
Take your comment about Hillary Clinton’s back-stabbing tendencies. As Darryl pointed out, you’ve offered not a shred of evidence to back that up. To do so, you’d have to both establish what Democrats as a whole would expect from our elected president, and explain what in Hillary’s record would indicate that she’d turn against those expectations. And I’m wondering, why have you made absolutely no effort to do either of those?
Don Joespews:
Sorry. That should have been “War Pigs“. I’ve been so head-down in work lately that I’ve unconsciously turned a “pig” into a “ping”.
@71 good so far.
Huckabee is quite bright and very, very strict in his morality. Obviously H would be a lot closer to the base than the ego centric Guilinai.
Would that work?
BTW, you used the ABBR … IMHO. I suspect you mean that this is a humble opinion. I thoought you were scotts?
Piper Scottspews:
It’s axiomatic to me that anyone who runs for president is to one degree or another ego-centric.
I am a Scot named Scott…there is a difference. When I played in a pipeband, a kilted colleague and I entered a room looking for the rest of the band, and a woman seeing us uttered the ultimate inaccuracy: “The Scotch are here!”
A Scot named Scott might drink Scotch were it not for the fact that, like Haggis, he has no taste for it.
In regard to IMHO…I’ve always carried with me Judge Learned Hand’s famous dictum on The Spirit of Liberty as a kind of guiding principle. Familiar with it?
The Piper
@75: I also wonder why Piper only speculates “humbly” about what Giuliani might do but is SURE how Ms. (and Mr.) Clinton would behave. How could that be?
Oh yeah, because he’s pulling it all out of his ass.
Piper, I too actually enjoy some of your posts here because it gets tiresome to only discuss issues with those with whom you agree.
However, your reaction to both of the Clintons borders on the irrational. You really need to step back from that and get a bit of a grip.
And y’know, it all just goes back to my contention that the Republicans are STILL running against the first President Clinton. You guys just can’t stand the idea that he: 1) Whupped your candidates in two elections and 2) Had sex (or not) with somebody Not His Wife in the White House.
I’ve never understood how you could still support the guy who was going to “Bring honor back to the White House” and then proceeded to crap all over the office. Just because he doesn’t fool around? It just boggles my mind.
#76 ,,, seems to me that we have had a variety of prsidents, some stupid, some smart, some ego maniacal, some patriotic, …
Back at you suggestion, if we buy the Faux media line, RG is an egomaniacal nut and Huckabee is a christian, straight shooting naif.
On what issues do you expect them to work together?
Given Rudi’s habits, hoe do you feel his sex life in the white house would effect his presidency and how would Huckabee deal with a clintonesque scandal?
If you are a scott I am an aboriganl American. You may have had some ancestor who came form there but the image of you prancing in a skirt is too much to me inagne when I think of all those manly men I have known.
Speaking of manly men, I assume you know that Bush’s Sheikh buddy got hisself blown up as soon as the lil Bush left Iraq?
Piper is definitely not Marvin. A few major differences
– Marvin is smarter about the war in Iraq
– Marvin is dumber when it comes to most other things
– Marvin didn’t seem to have such serious issues with powerful women
– Marvin is way more paranoid about the media
– Marvin tried way harder to respond to our comments, Piper just changes the subject (this last fact is making it easier for him to avoid ending up at EffU)
– Marvin was actually somewhat more aware that he was a laughingstock (which is why he’s no longer here)
Just because he doesn’t fool around? It just boggles my mind.
He couldn’t keep his hands off Angela Merkel.
What an embarrassment! Once a frat boy…
Piper Scottspews:
Haven’t given any thought to whether any extracurricular activities on Rudy’s part might impact any relationship with a VP Huckabee.
Both R and H share views on Iraq, judicial appointments, and other general governmental issues. I think R is smart enough to understand the need to separate his personal opinions from his governing stance, hence his pledge to appoint judges cut from the same mold as Roberts, CJ and Alito, J.
But that is so far in the future as to be entirely speculative. There are thousands of bad chicken dinners to be eaten, babies to be kissed, and doorbells to be rung before we get there.
Which brings me to something I think is silly, and that’s all the states clamoring to be first in line to hold a primary. Pretty soon, the first primary for the following election will be held the day after the new office holder is sworn in.
I have strong views on primaries versus caucuses. In fact, my old pal, Dwight “The Growler” Pelz, and I share many POV’s on the issue.
And, SJ, a kilt isn’t a skirt. Kilt’s are made to be worn at the waist, whereas skirts are worn at the hips…or so I’m told. Nowdays women do wear kilts, but only when playing in pipebands. Otherwise, they’re considered a man’s garment. And because Scot’s are from Scotland, the proper appellation is Scot…one T.
Any fool can prance in trews, but only someone secure in his manhood can wear a kilt proudly.
The Piper
Are you saying that Ruedi is so dishonest that he, like old Bush, would play the oreo game with the supreme court? Who in hell is CJ?
I certainly have heard Giuliani double speak, but I challenge you to show me where he has promised to appoint ideologues to the SC. Frankly, I think Huckabee has too much integrity to make oreo appointments too.
As for other governmental issues, you are uttelry and entirely full of shit. Hillary is closer to Huckabee on many issues than RG is. Tell me. oh wisest of bare bottomed scots, what Huckabee’s stance is on the national debt? gays in the military, taxing the rich????????????
As for Kilts … if you were a true Scot you would understand what I am saying much better. I have has=d on friend named Jim who was actually a Laird. You are nothing like him.
82 Lee … actually I agree. I talked with Marvin this morning, He actually does live on an oil rig!
I am wasting to much time.
Piper Scottspews:
Roberts, CJ = Roberts, Chief Justice. When you read SCOTUS opinions, the Chief and other Justices are referred to thusly.
I saw Rudy on TV news pledge to make judicial appointments similar to Roberts and Alito. Sorry…can’t recall exactly when.
Rudy – not my candidate, BTW – strikes me as running not to advance a social issues agenda, but on his record as a leader, problem solver, crisis manager, and a candidate with a clear vision of the necessity to protect American against the threat of terrorists. I’m not saying I agree with him; I’m only saying that’s what I hear him saying.
If you want to know what Mike Huckabee’s position on issues is, go to http://www.mikehuckabee.com/in.....=Home.Home and click on the “issues” link. I came away with the impression that Gov. Huckabee and Sen. Clinton aren’t ideological soulmates.
Your comment on kilts was completely incomprehensable. While you mingle in loftier social circles than do I (I am, after all, only a lowly Grade 4 piper woefully out of practice), how does your association with a clan chief make my comments about kilts, which I wear frequently, wrong?
Or were you typing with mittens again?
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
87 PS
Rudy: “a candidate with a clear vision of the necessity to protect American against the threat of terrorists.”
As opposed to the other candidates who never, ever talk about protecting America from terrorists, right?
The problem with Rudy re: terrorism is, he does have a “clear vision” of the necessity, but he als has clearly no idea what terrorist threats we face here, what their aims are, or how to go about protecting America from them. He also ignores talking sensibly about what to do in Iraq and seems to know nothing about the place (and has never been there).
I am glad he thinks it’s important. But he’s a mayor who took the opportunity to sit on the Iraq Study Group and contribute to our safety in a seriouys way, but instead pissed it away in order to make the big rubber chicken circuit bucks. Not a serious guy. He’s going down.
Daddy Lovespews:
Piper offers not a shred of evidence to back up anything. it is why his/her opinions are just so much hot air.
Hey SJ,
Interesting post here by Daniel Levy, who notes that Obama’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian situation is actually closer to Bill Clinton’s than Hillary’s is.
@87 Rudy – not my candidate, BTW – strikes me as running not to advance a social issues agenda, but on his record as a leader, problem solver, crisis manager, and a candidate with a clear vision of the necessity to protect American against the threat of terrorists.
What? Rudy Giuliani’s understanding of the Middle East and how to defeat terrorism verges on the humiliatingly naive:
The only way his plans could be more ridiculous is if he proposed drafting an army of unicorn-riding leprechauns to fight Al Qaeda.
@90 Tx
To be honest I do not take much of the posturing of anyone seriously at this point unless, like RG, they seem to be bordering on extremism one way or the other.
I would love to see ANY goyisher candidate with the courage to openly endorse PeaceNow AND challenge her or his opponents to do the same. I admired Clinton for his efforts and hated Arafat for screwing up his chance to be the savior of his people. The decrepit, karking bastard apparently valued his huge swiss bank account more than the lives of his people.
The Palestinian brothers and sisters of the semitic people deserve a lot better!
It would be wonderful to see one of the candidates endorse Peace Now while also taking a strong stand that the Ayrab leadership must put real teeth in the Abdullah proposal by meeting one on one with Israelis, visiting Israel and praying in the Dome, repeating the kind words of Umar, and working with the Egyptians to disarm the ARS inflicted Hamasniks.
I would combine this with a (quiet) US condemnation of the Euro-antisemitism that led the French to promise but never deliver on the Lebanon peace force and announcement of a “Marshal Plan” funded by the effin Europeans to create a workable Palestinian Jordanian economy.
While on the subject of miracles … Wednesday was the first day of Rash Hashana, Ramadan began, and it was the first day of the Coptic Millenium!
L’shan Tova, Salaam Mukbarak,
Mulugeta Aserate, of the Third Millennium Secretariat, said: “It’s a chance to put the turbulence behind us. The rest of the world knows Ethiopia for famine, civil war and soaking up huge amounts of foreign aid. That’s not the Ethiopia we know.”
My great dream would be for a Saudi, acting as a Sultan, to inviting Israel to visit Medina.
@91 .. this is exactly WHY ARS is so importnat. Who knows what RG would really do? He is not running in this world, he is running in the Reprican version of Second life where reality is literally what you make it.
If I were running the Barak campaign, I would make Reality my banner and ask “Where is the reality?” It would be almost funny for RG or Romney or any of the Repocans to answer questions like the ones I have posed for Pip=squeek and Stamner.
While I am on a riff, my other theme for mY Barak, would be “opportunity.” There is NO more serious issue in the US (even yor drug hobby) than the neglect of our traditional commitment as Americans to the Dream, to Opportunity. This is also a weak point in HRC. She and Bill suck goat milk when ti comes ot issues of equla opportunity. Efven GWB with his NCLB at least made this an issue.
Lee. I didn’t think Pooper was Marvy. I think Piper is the next team member in the rotation effort. Styles are too different, but 2 count ’em 2 such long-winded types coming and going in that sequence? I just suspect a concerted trolling system.
I have no idea. But I am fascinated with the different variations of wingnuttery that exist.
Well, it’s good that you have the patience to tolerate and respond to these pompous gasbags. It tyakes a better man than I to wade through that quantity of specious bullshit.
Piper Scottspews:
Thought you chaps and chappettes (are there women at HA? I never can tell) should know that as of approx. 2:40 a.m., I’m a repeat Grandpa!
My oldest daughter, who lives in NC with huspand and son, called to tell me that I have a second grandson! Elias Paul L____ (common Latin last name) was born this morning, and he’s perfect! He joins his brother, William Lorenzo L____, who’s exactly two years older. That’s right, they share a birthday! How’s that for something interesting they’ll be able to rib each other over as they grow u?
So…no tussling with you sheeple this weekend, I have family duties…
The Piper
I was afraid we were going to find out he had reproduced…
I guess KKKarl wanted to see ShockG at Laff Hole and get his rap on.
L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem !
may the new year bring your own daily radio show …
Thanks Goldy.
I hope for a great New Year for you and Katie!
Ther eis a Dove festival planned for the memorial this weekend,
The troll under the bridge.
All along I thought that was Puddybud.
Now that they have an altar upon which to make them, will Seattle liberals now offer sacrifices and pay homage to Karl Rove and all that he stands for?
My masters at the RNC and Cheney/Bush White House asked me to ask you…
The Piper
Rove, hell. That’s Harry Reid.
Thanks Goldy!
Hope you come to the first annual Karl Rove Dove Hunt
@4 PIper
I f you link through the picture you will find a notice about the dedication ceremony and dove shoot. Everyone is invited, AFIK, but the presiding figures are Lapin and Hutcherson .. two of yours!
Piper @ 4
Indeed, we on the left owe Mr. Rove a great deal. He caused the implosion of an ascendant Republican Party within a mere 6 years. Skill like that requires that we throw a few laurels the man’s way.
8: Your point was made earlier and better by the Atlantic. Are you claiming fair-use plagiarism, or do you owe them royalties?
Nope…It’s the spitting image of the late Jesse White who used to be the Maytag Repair Man…
Dove shoot, eh? Glad to see you comrades on the left starting to take your Second Amendment rights seriously! Since doves and pigeons are birds of a feather, may I suggest you go to http://www.berettausa.com/index.cfm and check out Beretta’s Silver Pigeon offerings. No doubt you’ll find one to your liking. Nothing like an Italian-made over under…
While I agree with much of what both Rabbi Lapin and Hutch stand for and say, please don’t presume to call them “mine.” Us wingnuts tend to be more independent thinkers than we’re given credit for. Don’t believe me? Why then you’re invited to attend one of our midnight rallies where chant the Pledge of Allegiance to Karl Rove 100 times…
Remember, it was Karl Rove doing his best Harry Potter imitation who got Dubya elected twice. IMHO, where he made a mistake is not honoring the core beliefs of the base…way too much big government spending and not enough disciplining Congressional morons like Mark Foley and Bob Ney…Rove is a strategist, not a philosopher.
The Piper
Do you honestly believe that the Bush Administration has failed to pay adequate heed to the Republican base? IMHO, that’s all the Bushites have done; their “screw moderates and independents and who needs dialogue anyway” approach to governing is precisely the source of their undoing.
@10 as usual Piper you never respond to any question with facts. Are you or are you not coming to the ceremony? Will you be armed?
Do you honestly believe that Karl Rove would live in Fremont?
Live? It is a MONUMENT!!! Lenin does not live in Fremont either and never did. For that matter as far as I know Leif Erickson never lived at Shilshole.
BUT .. I ma told Sharkansky does live near the Rove memorial and will be attending the ceremony this Sunday.
Of course he’ll be armed. He can’t set foot unarmed in the dangerous, scary city of Seattle without crapping himself.
@15 Lee
That’s not, in his case, an irrational position….
McCain-Feingold, tariffs on imported steel, Harriet Miers, failure to die on the hill of privatizing Social Security (you have any idea how rich that could make all you leftnut software entrepreneurs???)…These are a few…
And it depends mightely on who and how well the screw is turned…There are still a lot of you folks who continue to fight the 2000 election and will until you die.
The Piper
You might learn to spell if you want credibility.
Look it up.
Sadly, I will not be in attendance…I believe Sunday is Hispanic Day at the Puyallup Fair, and I’m tentatively penciled in to accompany Spanish speaking friends, who are Democrats, BTW, where we will gorge ourselves on onion burgers as we admire the productivity of the fruited plain…
If, however, I attended, then, yes, I would be armed since I would be wearing the Garb of Ol’ Gaul, and one is never properly attired therein without a weapon. It’s a cultural thing among those of us who descend from blue-painted types north of Hadrian’s Wall.
Probably wouldn’t bring my Browning 12-gauge, though…
The Piper
Piper @ 17
Ah, but then we have Terri Schiavo, Sam Alito, John Roberts, Michael Brown, the surge, the Office of Faith-based Initiatives, etc. If the base isn’t sated with what Bush has thrown its way, then that base is insatiable.
Terry Schiavo…I have mixed feelings on that one, but I confess to terrible angst over the killing of the ill, even the seriously ill, for the convenience of the well.
John Roberts and Sam Alito? My kind of guys, God love ’em! Dubya hit home runs with those fellows!
Brownie? Burp!
Office of Faith Based Initiatives? You can bet Bill and Hillary are pissed because they didn’t come up with the idea. And have you noticed how nearly all the Demo candidates for Prexy, save Dennis Kucinich who worships at the altar of Vegan, are wearing their religious beliefs on their arms these days???
There are a lot of faith based efforts out there doing exceptional work making real and positive differences in the lives of hurting people, and I, for one, applaud those efforts and think we should support them. I’m not saying pay to prosletyze, mind you (I don’t need anyone to pay me since I like doing it all by my lonesome), but helping a faith-based rehabilitation center or meals for the homeless program…Who can be against that? Surely not the compassionate left!
The Piper
Haha…this said by a member of the party that’s still running against Bill Clinton.
Who? I don’t believe anyone by that name is on any ballot in any state in the United States.
There is a Hillary Clinton, however, who is the Dick Nixon of our time; the woman has a lust for the office unparalleled in American History, and she will squash like bugs her intra-parter opposition…and she’ll do it with a smile!
The Bill Clinton I remember was a randy yet charming rascal. Hillary would put the Borgia’s to shame. All you who support her beware what you wish for because you just might get it! Bill smiles ’cause he’s a GOB havin’ a good time…Hill smiles because she’s envisioning you with a knife in your back. The classic and typical dysfunctional marriage…
The Piper
I suspect that it’ll take the fatuous loon fairy-tale salesman with the pompous ancestral shtick a really, really long time to recover from the 2008 elections….
He may decide to use the Browning on himself.
I’ve cleaned up a few of those, but with his lack of substance and excess of hot air, it shouldn’t constitute much of a problem for the mortuary staff. Only the smell need concern them, but THAT might be a challenge.
The Bill Clinton I remember was a randy yet charming rascal. Hillary would put the Borgia’s to shame. All you who support her beware what you wish for because you just might get it! Bill smiles ’cause he’s a GOB havin’ a good time…Hill smiles because she’s envisioning you with a knife in your back.
She envisions us with a knife in our backs because we already have a knife in our backs from the current Administration.
Think how you will, but whether there is one now or not, with her there will most certainly be one. Those of you on the left will feel her inflicted pain the worst, I’m afraid to say, because compounding the physical wounds will be continued feelings of betrayel and loss…To come so close the the Holy Grail only to see it again snatched from your hands, only this time by…one of your own.
Sic transit gloria mundi…
The Piper
What are you? The squeege man for the KC Medical Examiner’s office?
Making jokes about people’s deaths or wishing for anyones isn’t the hallmark of a sophisticated mind.
The Piper
Piper Scott @ 25,
Like most wingnut looney-tune haters, your are exhibiting pure projection. YOU will feel like you have a knife in your back, because…you know…because it’s HILLARY!
It’s a simple side effect (along with drunkenness, rejection of reality, and general bloating) that comes from consuming too much wingnut kool-aid.
Sigh…poor boy, you missed my point entirely! I won’t be the one with the knife in my back, laddie, you will! She will sell you lefties down the river the instant it gets her enough electoral votes or whatever…The woman has no soul!
She may be the doctrinaire lefty that Bill never was (remember, he chaired the DLC when he was governor of Arkansas), but before any political beliefs or philosophical notions Hillary might have there is her #1 priority: Hillary Clinton. She’ll throw you cats under a bus and not think twice about it if it gets her the office or something she really wants.
If she’s elected, I, on the other hand, will spend four years with my back securely against a wall as a watch how disappointed to the point of despairingly hopeless you all become. High hopes dashed…Hope your medical coverage includes mental health therapy…
The Piper
Piper. Who are you trying to sound like?
Your tone reminds me of Arthur Treacher talking to the Dear Boy Himself.
If you’re old enough to remember Arthur Treacher and Merv Griffin together, shouldn’t you be in bed by now? Doesn’t the home have a curfew for you old coots?
Speaking of Treacher, I think I shall dine this evening at the Juanita Spud Fish ‘n Chips. The oysters there are deeeeeeeeeeeeeee-lish!
The Piper
Still, Bush firmly rejected calls to end the war, saying the insurgents who threaten Iraq’s future are a danger to U.S. national security. American troops must stay in the battle, Bush said, and more than 130,000 will remain after the newly ordered withdrawals are completed in July.
“The principle guiding my decisions on troop levels in Iraq is: return on success,” the president said.
Bush said 5,700 U.S. forces would be home by Christmas and that four brigades — at least 21,500 troops — would return by July, along with an undetermined number of support forces. Now at its highest level of the war, the U.S. troop strength stands at 168,000.
Come July 2008, we will still have as many, if not more, troops in Iraq than we had back in January 2007 before the “surge”!
Piper Scott,
“Sigh…poor boy, you missed my point entirely!”
Nope…you were quite clear in what you said, and I understood completely. I am only pointing out that you are wrong, and suggested an etiology for the condition.
“I won’t be the one with the knife in my back, laddie, you will!”
No…you see, you are exhibiting a behavior that is called “projection” in the psychological sciences. You imagine we will feel that way. In part, of course, it is because this is exactly what has happened to much of the right under Bush.
“She will sell you lefties down the river the instant it gets her enough electoral votes or whatever…The woman has no soul!”
This is the part where the kool-aid comes in. You expect/wish it would happen like this, because this is what you have experienced under Bush. Yet, you have no evidence whatsoever that this will happen with Sen. Clinton, except an anecdotal experience with former Gov. Bush.
“She may be the doctrinaire lefty that Bill never was (remember, he chaired the DLC when he was governor of Arkansas), but before any political beliefs or philosophical notions Hillary might have there is her #1 priority: Hillary Clinton. She’ll throw you cats under a bus and not think twice about it if it gets her the office or something she really wants.”
Apparently, a majority of voters in NY state disagrees with you. Furthermore, a majority of self-identified Democrats in the country disagree with you (at least for now…we’ll see how that changes by 2008). In the mean time, you offer a fringe opinion (with a clear etiology), and with not a shred of evidence to support your idea (as if any of us would find your rantings the least bit credible sans actual evidence). Do you have some credentials you wish to share, or is your only credential a bad experience with BushCo?
“If she’s elected, I, on the other hand, will spend four years with my back securely against a wall as a watch how disappointed to the point of despairingly hopeless you all become. High hopes dashed…”
I understand that you really do believe that a President Clinton would follow the same path that you experienced with President Bush. Sorry, squirt…Bush is “special case.” (VERY Special.) My guess is that it will be 100 years before another President so betrays his/her party.
“Hope your medical coverage includes mental health therapy…”
Ahhh, yes. We are back to projection again. Good luck with that.
@34 Darryl
The intersting question is whether ARS is curable? ThisScottie never sates facts and jokes but probably doe sbelieve what he says.
I also wonder, do we know that ARS is not communicable? They do seem to live together.
There are a lot of times where I can almost convince myself that this kind of anti-Hillary stuff is actually based on some hard evidence (Hillary has certainly been somewhat of a sellout in the past), but the sad reality is that anti-Hillary sentiments stem much more from male insecurities. No one does it quite like Lew Waters, but our buddy Piper’s got some issues he’s compensating for right now.
@36 Interesting ..
Stamn disappears and Pip appears ..
The disturbing thing about all these folks is they never cite specifcs.
Piper has been into the haggis again. It gives him the runs.
I have been contemplating that coincidence for the past couple of days. It probably hasn’t escaped Lee’s notice, either.
@38 He’s pretty full of shit, I suppose it has to be regulated somehow.
Haggis? Nasty stuff…never touch it.
The Piper
I’ve said it before…I’ve only ever posted anywhere as The Piper…I’m here because it’s fun, and I enjoy both the challenge and the reactions you all give me…It all amuses me.
And as far as Hillary is concerned…What I hear from Democrats who are friends of man – surprise you that I have Democratic friends? – is that many of them fear her candidacy because (1) they don’t trust her either (she’s too craven in her hunger for power), and (2) her negatives among voters nation-wide are too high for comfort. These comments mirror much of what’s reported in the media, so I’m not breaking anything new here.
If she’s elected, and she may very well be, my attitude is that we’ve survived presidents Fillmore, Buchanan, Harding, and Carter, we’ll survive her.
The Piper
The Piper
#$ Clueless: Proves thinking and you are diametrically opposed activities.
Piper Scott @ 41
“And as far as Hillary is concerned…What I hear from Democrats who are friends of [mine]… is that many of them fear her candidacy because (1) they don’t trust her either (she’s too craven in her hunger for power), and (2) her negatives among voters nation-wide are too high for comfort. These comments mirror much of what’s reported in the media, so I’m not breaking anything new here.”
Yes and no. Her “negatives” are high among Republicans. Among Democrats, her support has been consistently stronger than the strongest Republican contender since late 2004. On top of that, the Democrat—Republican spread has increased from a 2% Democratic advantage in 2004 to a 5% Democratic advantage now. The way Bush is tarnishing the Republican brand name (and looking at the deeply flawed frontrunners in the GOP primary), I think the generalized Republican negatives are going to be far more telling than any “Clinton negatives.”
“If she’s elected, and she may very well be, my attitude is that we’ve survived presidents Fillmore, Buchanan, Harding, and Carter, we’ll survive her.”
The only real concern is whether we will survive Bush Jr. without (1) a nuclear holocaust (started by the lunatic Chimp himself), (2) a worldwide fiscal crisis caused by the buildup of a massive national debt, and (3) America becoming the most despised, ridiculed, and resented nation in history.
Here’s a tidbit on Hillary’s negatives: http://rss.msnbc.msn.com/id/20076620/
Don’t confuse raw party identificaiton numbers with how those same people feel toward or whether they will vote for individual candidates. And remember, in politics things change very rapidly.
Also…during the primary season, candidates in both parties tend to pander to their respective bases, while eventual nominees gravitate toward the middle. The partisan Hillary you love today may be the triangulated centrist or even, on some issues, “conservative” Hillary who infuriates you tomorrow.
One thing to take into account is Bush-Clinton-Bush-Possible Clinton fatigue. I’ll bet there are quite a few voters who would vote against Hillary just to break that cycle.
The Piper
@41 Piper
with all due respect, you really seem naive.
I understand that this is not easy to do, but there are sources more reliable than Dick Morris. In my own case i have met folks who know her and they describe a very intense person committed to pubic service. I have also read some good reporting on her performance as a Senator. Interestingly she has become a confidant of Sam Brownback, They both share a commitment to ethics in government that seem quite at variance with the usual spin.
For what its worth I am NOT supporting her for now but for reaosns very different form your own. I believe that class has become a major issue in our society. I believe Obama has a far better understanding of our society’s need to create opportunities that cross class barriers. I also like his ideas about foreign policy. Hillary. like Bill, seems to me to believe in a European model of foreign policy .. a community of equals where we are just the biggest member of the club. I do not agree with this and think American leadership needs to be re-established after the European style regime of Albright and the disastrous lack of any sensible for policy for the Bush years. I think that Obama, as a fresh face with traditional American ideals has a better chance of achieving this than does HRC.
For all that, I would be excited to have either of these outstanding people as my president.
Your comparrisons with the various Presidents also suggest you do not know much history. It is intersting that you focus on the last gasp of the Whigs .. the Repubicans of their day. As for Mr. Carter, while he clearly lacked Reagan’s charm, you really should look at the facts abut each of their roles in the critical issues of energy and soviet downfall. It was Carter’s restructuring of the military, esp the Navy, that changed our policy form defending against an unlikely WWII stule land war to a modern stance the Soviets simply could not match. Carter NOT Reagan built up the US military .. Reagan actually screwed it with wasted spending. As for energy … Reagan took apart energy policies that would have saved us form the current crisis. Oh Yeh .. Jimmy actulaly served in the military.
I can understand how you share a wide spread set of opinions on Mr.C. He failed at two things .. he had an awdul Secty of State and lacked communiction skill he needed to convince3 Americans that his policies were correct. Reagan had such skills BUT he used them to promote a fantasy world that to this day costs us dearly. In addition his regime was third onloy to Bush and Nixojn in the misuse of Presidential powers. Many feel that Ollie North fell on his sord so as not to reveal Reagan; sad role in Iran Contra and Iran.
Look, I do my due diligence. I think Romney or MccCin are intelligent men wioth ratioal opinions. I do not need to make fantastic commetns baout them to say I prefer Ms C or mr. O.
No time to respond right now save to ask…Do you sometimes keyboard with mittens on?
I will say I appreciate that you address issues and appear to have a well thought out POV and perspective rather than just in engage in gutter language swatting exercises like many. While you and I have fundamental disagreements, I respect both the integrity of your POV and your absolute right to have it.
Catch you in the morning…
The Piper
Piper Scott @ 44,
Read the article carefully, and you will be rewarded:
That means…
44% positive for Clinton, 42% positive Obama.
39% Negative Clinton, 22% Negative Obama.
17% Unknown Clinton, 36% Unknown Obama.
In other words, Clinton actually has higher positives than Obama, but the big difference is that Obama has a larger fraction of people who have not formed an opinion of him.
When it comes to Nov 2008, the negatives and positives in the primary will have little relevance. The majority of voters will vote according to party preference. The rest (the smaller group of independents who genuinely can’t decide between the two parties) will most likely break toward the Democrats—at least that is what current polls suggest–because of the way George Bush has trashed the Republican brand name.
FYI: I am completely undecided among the Democratic front-runners. I could be happy with almost any one of them. After the massive cluster fuck we have experienced for the last 6.7 years, any of the D. front-runner is likely to look like a relative genius.
As we know, things are not quite so rosy for the Republican primary.
Here’s some friendly advice for ya, Squirt: when your own yard is a fucking disaster zone, you’ve got more important things to worry about than a couple of dandelions in the neighbor’s yard.
The polls are hard to understand but what I am curious about is the independent vote. How does this break?
Also, Doe Hillary’s gender help her with indie women?
I have no illusions about 2008, so your mouth-foaming about that doesn’t stir me. Just this morning, I read an interview with Newt Gingrich where he pegs the odds of a Demo victory at 80 – 20% in favor. He also says some candid and interesting things about both Demos and Republicans. Read him at http://news.nationaljournal.co.....913nj1.htm
Still…Hillary Clinton has what must be for many in the Democratic Party uncomfortably high PERSONAL negatives among voters who would vote against her not because she’s a Democrat, but because she’s Hillary Clinton.
Of course she’s got tremendous popularity among the Democratic Base, and it continues to increase over Obama, Edwards, et al, as commited Democrats increasingly see her as the probable nominee. But just as the Republican base doesn’t mirror the general populace, neither does the Democratic base.
BTW…I’m not getting all exorcised over all this, I’m just commenting on what I observe and expressing my thoughts. What fascinates me about you and many of your comrades is how you immediately go to blood-vessal-popping levels of spew. Most anger is life shortening and a wasted emotion.
The Piper
And as far as Hillary is concerned…What I hear from Democrats who are friends of man – surprise you that I have Democratic friends? – is that many of them fear her candidacy because (1) they don’t trust her either (she’s too craven in her hunger for power), and (2) her negatives among voters nation-wide are too high for comfort. These comments mirror much of what’s reported in the media, so I’m not breaking anything new here.
I’m actually one of those people who has long been in this boat. I’ve had a significant amount of mistrust of Hillary. She has often taken stances that have reeked of shameless pandering, and her inability to show any spine when it came to the war was shameful. I don’t have a strong favorite in the primaries, but I certainly like Obama, Richardson, and Dodd more than her.
That said, if she wins the nomination, there isn’t a Republican in her league right now, and she will clean anyone’s clock. Even though I sometimes question her heart, I certainly don’t question her brain. And despite what many people in loony-toon land like to think, having Bill by her side will be a huge asset. Bill has higher favorability ratings than the current president, or any of the Republicans in the race. Despite my reservations about her, if she’s nominee, she gets my vote (although I have to admit, if Ron Paul wins the Rep. nomination, it would be an interesting one for me). This country simply can’t afford 4 more years of Republican governance.
I have no illusions about 2008, so your mouth-foaming about that doesn’t stir me. Just this morning, I read an interview with Newt Gingrich where he pegs the odds of a Demo victory at 80 – 20% in favor. He also says some candid and interesting things about both Demos and Republicans. Read him at http://news.nationaljournal.co.....913nj1.htm
The Piper
Hillary Clinton has what must be for many in the Democratic Party uncomfortably high PERSONAL negatives among general election voters who would vote against her not because she’s a Democrat, but because she’s Hillary Clinton.
Of course she’s got tremendous popularity among the Democratic Base, and it continues to increase over Obama, Edwards, et al, as commited Democrats increasingly see her as the probable nominee. But just as the Republican base doesn’t mirror the general populace, neither does the Democratic base.
BTW…I’m not getting all exorcised over all this, I’m just commenting on what I observe and expressing my thoughts. What fascinates me about you and many of your comrades is how you immediately go to blood-vessal-popping levels of spew. Most anger is life shortening and a wasted emotion.
The Piper
“Having Bill by her side…???” I don’t think so…
She wants the job for her own purposes, not for him to be…wink, wink…Prexy all over again. If she’s elected, look for him to be given “duties” that don’t interfere with her exercising power or distracting from the attention given her. Look for him to be appointed a roving ambassador or some job that keeps him out of Washington, D.C. He’ll be allowed to do whatever is in his nature, just so long as he does it on the road…a sort of what happens with Clinton, stays with Clinton…
Visions of El Camino’s will dance in his head…
The Piper
Piper Scott @ 51
“Hillary Clinton has what must be for many in the Democratic Party uncomfortably high PERSONAL negatives among general election voters who would vote against her not because she’s a Democrat, but because she’s Hillary Clinton.”
Almost all of this goes away as a real issue after the primary, and people fall out along partisan lines. But, one of my points above was that most Republicans view their own choices as far more seriously flawed than most Democratic voters.
“I’m not getting all exorcised over all this, I’m just commenting on what I observe and expressing my thoughts.”
“What fascinates me about you and many of your comrades is how you immediately go to blood-vessal-popping levels of spew. Most anger is life shortening and a wasted emotion.”
Oh??? I might add a corollary: imagining people are angry with you when they are not is a sign of…um…something not so…good.
Helpful hint for you Champ: This is a tough neighborhood, and this is often reflected in the language. But most of us show up here as a form of recreation.
Bush’s Main Man in Iraq is Dead.
The Petraeus situation is bizar, The Sheikh he helped take over Sunniland just got an IED. The sad thing is to look at the picture of Bush and this guy celebrating “freedom.”
@53 .. Darryl ,, can he spell p=r=o=j=e=c=t=i=o=n?
SeattleJew @ 55,
“I am curious about is the independent vote. How does this break?”
My impression, from looking at a lot of poll results, is that the independents are breaking heavy toward an “anti-Republican” position. It is unclear whether this will carry through to 2008 or not, but there may be a substantial residual anti-Republican feeling that will boost votes for Democrats in numerous offices.
There is some speculation that Republicans will have low turn-out in 2008 just from (1) loss of support from some religious conservatives (especially if a non-pro-life candidate like Rudy or Fred is nominated) and (2) general disenchantment with Republicans. I’m a little skeptical that 2 will really happen.
One of the strengths of both Obama and Clinton is that either seems likely to increase turnout among both women and African American voters. (And a joint ticket even more so.)
What’s interesting about Hillary is that she’s one of the more conservative candidates in the Democratic field. The positions she has taken in the Senate will actually tend to comfort the independent voter. It amuses me that the right wing goes all apoplectic over how crazy liberal she is regardless of the facts of the matter.
Her standing with the voters of New York is a pretty strong indicator that she’s no wild-eyed nutcase, regardless of how the Republicans would like to frame her. She’s certainly no Medici as Piper (and his sources) would like to paint her.
That said, I’d be delighted with either her or Obama as the Democratic nominee. Every time I’ve heard him speak he has impressed me.
Lee, I nearly spit all over my keyboard when I read
Ron Paul is a classic Libertarian nutcase. Sure, he’s against the war and wants to bring the soldiers home now but dude…he’s no progressive.
I said she was akin to the Borgia’s, not the Medici’s.
The Piper
OneMan @ 57
“Ron Paul is a classic Libertarian nutcase. Sure, he’s against the war and wants to bring the soldiers home now but dude…he’s no progressive.”
I think it was N in Seattle who said (at DL last Tuesday) that Ron Paul is a “Shrink Grover Norquist along with the government and drown ’em in a bathtub.” His anti-war position genuinely comes out of his belief that the government has no business fighting wars–or doing anything, really.
“Oh??? I might add a corollary: imagining people are angry with you when they are not is a sign of…um…something not so…good.
Helpful hint for you Champ: This is a tough neighborhood, and this is often reflected in the language. But most of us show up here as a form of recreation.”
OK…fair enough now that you’ve clarified the protocal. It’s just that an essence of a good diplomat is the ability to call someone a poltroon, scalawag, or unctuous buffoon and leave him both smiling and thanking you for your kind remarks.
I, too, consider it recreation…
The Piper
From where I sit, on the war and foreign relations Ron Paul has more in common with, say, Pat Buchanan, than any other candidate currently in the Republican field. They part company, though, on tariffs: Pat advocates them, Ron is more free trade.
Ron would eviscerate 99.9% of the federal government, whereas I advocate doing it to only 90%. I think he would keep the Coast Guard as it was originally envisioned to be several revenue cutters preventing smuggling.
The Piper
Joint ticket? Do you really think Hillary would tolerate a media darling and star like Barrak Obama to suck any of the life out of her prima donna role?
If she is the nominee, look for her to dip well into the bottom of second tier candidates or even opt for someone not in the field who won’t compete for media attention. Iowa Gov. and former Prexy candidate, Tom Vilsack, comes to mind…
The Piper
“Having Bill by her side…???” I don’t think so…
I’m not sure what you’re implying here. That he won’t be by her side, or that it won’t be a good thing?
She wants the job for her own purposes, not for him to be…wink, wink…Prexy all over again. If she’s elected, look for him to be given “duties” that don’t interfere with her exercising power or distracting from the attention given her.
Wow, you really have women issues, don’t you?
Look for him to be appointed a roving ambassador or some job that keeps him out of Washington, D.C. He’ll be allowed to do whatever is in his nature, just so long as he does it on the road…a sort of what happens with Clinton, stays with Clinton…
That may be true, but it will be because Bill sees the Israeli-Palestinian situation as unfinished business, and I think that’s what he’ll end up doing if Hillary wins.
@62 and you have HRC’s personal phone number???
Piper ..
You go on and on about your knowledge of what Mrs. Clinton would do if she were nominated and elected. And you base all this incredibly personal knowledge on what?
You really, if you are not just some sort of bar fly, ought to re-read OneMan’s post here. Leaving dumbass party loyalties aside, in almost any substantive measure, Mrs. C is the strongest CONSERVATIVE candidate in the race. She has worked very well in the Senate with conservatives and outpolls republicans in the northern areas of NY.
As for your posturing about her relationships with Bill and Barack, everything i read seems to say the opposite. She and Bill Clinton have been a team for a very long time. I suspect they love each other but more importantly they are both too smart to not use the others skills if she is the President. Moreover, their skills and roles would be very different. Bill has interpersonal skills that are awesom and,like Jimmy Carter, has shown us all how an ex-President gan use what becomes anon-partisan office to provide a bully pulpit.
As for an Obama/Clinton ticket or the reverse, I actually have no idea. Unlike you I do not haev access to either of their personal thoughts. I doubt very much, however, that she would be intimidated by his popularity. As a veep all that could do is add to he rown and he would make a fabulous protege. Remember Jefferson and Madison?
Ron Paul is a classic Libertarian nutcase. Sure, he’s against the war and wants to bring the soldiers home now but dude…he’s no progressive.
The main issue with Paul is that he would unquestionably do more to end the federal drug war and to end the Iraq War. In the bizarre chance that he wins the Republican nomination, he could win over the anti-war crowd fairly easily, and that’s no small number of people. And he would also win over large numbers of people my age who have been waiting for most of our lives for a politician with the courage to say that the drug war needs to end. I understand the concerns, he’s definitely not a progressive on a lot of issues, but he’s getting some of the big picture things right, even if he’s only getting them right due to having a very rigid ideology that is in some ways diametrically opposed to the current rigid ideology that is getting us killed in the Middle East.
Joint ticket? Do you really think Hillary would tolerate a media darling and star like Barrak Obama to suck any of the life out of her prima donna role?
Wow! This just reminded me of the comedy bit Greg Proops did on Last Comic Standing this week. It’s not on YouTube though. I’m gonna keep looking for it.
If she is the nominee, look for her to dip well into the bottom of second tier candidates or even opt for someone not in the field who won’t compete for media attention. Iowa Gov. and former Prexy candidate, Tom Vilsack, comes to mind…
She may not pick Obama or Edwards if she wins the nomination, but she will likely pick someone who appeals a little more to the anti-war Democrats (I’d love to see her take Wesley Clark).
Women issues? No, but Hillary has Bill issues. He’s the classic frat boy – remember the El Camino? – and he’ll finagle his way onto center stage because he loves the attention. To Bill Clinton, politics and and the adulation he craves are the ultimate kegger.
If there is to be a President Hillary, his frat boy behavior will be a distraction, so he’ll need to be sent to his room so he won’t annoy the adults who are trying to get some serious business done.
Broker an Israeli-Palestinian deal? Given Hamas and Hezbollah, is such a thing possible by any human alive?
Here’s a better job: ambassador to Russia. He can party with Putin and Putin’s hand picked successor in order to keep them from reverting back to type. If given the job, he’d bring a fresh copy of The Beatles White Album with him in order to listen to Back in the USSR over and over:
“Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the west behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
They Georgia’s always on my my my my my my my my my mind
Oh, come on
Hu Hey Hu, hey, ah, yeah
yeah, yeah, yeah
I’m back in the USSR
You don’t know how lucky you are, boys
Back in the USSR
Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the west behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
They Georgia’s always on my my my my my my my my my mind
Oh, show me round your snow peaked
mountain way down south
Take me to you daddy’s farm
Let me hear you balalaika’s ringing out
Come and keep your comrade warm
I’m back in the USSR
Hey, You don’t know how lucky you are, boy
Back in the USSR
Oh, let me tell you honey”
The Piper
Wesley Clark would be a smart pick for her.
A President Ron Paul, BTW, would definitely privatize Social Security…and repeal Medicare.
I read Froma Harrup regularly…Good columns and thoughtful points…Any of you out there follow what she has to say?
The Piper
Women issues? No, but Hillary has Bill issues. He’s the classic frat boy – remember the El Camino? – and he’ll finagle his way onto center stage because he loves the attention. To Bill Clinton, politics and and the adulation he craves are the ultimate kegger.
If there is to be a President Hillary, his frat boy behavior will be a distraction, so he’ll need to be sent to his room so he won’t annoy the adults who are trying to get some serious business done.
Broker an Israeli-Palestinian deal? Given Hamas and Hezbollah, is such a thing possible by any human alive?
The Piper
Here’s a video of the Puddybud mentality. It applies pretty good to all wingnuts though – especially that Piper.
From where I sit, on the war and foreign relations Ron Paul has more in common with, say, Pat Buchanan, than any other candidate currently in the Republican field. They part company, though, on tariffs: Pat advocates them, Ron is more free trade.
That’s true. And Pat Buchanan has amazingly been smarter on Iraq than most other Republicans. Most Democrats are actually inbetween the two on trade issues.
Ron would eviscerate 99.9% of the federal government, whereas I advocate doing it to only 90%.
Well, you can advocate that all you want, but it’s meaningless if you think we need to continue our occupation of Iraq and possibly take military action against Iran. Then it’s just talk.
One of the symptoms of ARS is being absolutely convinced that you know what famous people would do. Piper ash never met Hillary, obviously read very little yet he knows her inner thoughts.
ARS is not paranoia. Its victims do not believe they are famous people. Though not as severe as paranoia, ARS borders on delusional convictions that they KNOW the inner minds of Napoleon, Clinton, etc.
Telling Piper that what he says is ill informed will not help unless he also gets therapeutic help. I recommend alimbal to people like him bit only if they can get the drug in the context of therapy.
In the meantime, there are some experiments people here can do. For example:
I know you think I am joking about ARS so let me have my little humor. BUT, without teasing can I ask you to tell us who you think could function as a VEEP with Giuliani? I ask this because, based on the same sort of knowledge you use to predict what HRC might do, mt image of da Mayor suggests he would be utterly unable to tolerate an ambitious VEEP. Maybe he would ask McCain .. assuming at 73, Mr, McCain would not be a threat.
Please help in the experiment? My goal is to exercise Piper’s limbal regions by giving him an external reality ot play with. I suspect, despite the provocative way I am proposing this experiment, that Piper’s ALS will not allow him sufficient control over his weak thymos and the answers will be dominated by id.
If I am correct, this could build up Piper’s ability to see reality despite a paatern of non operant reinforcement.
Again…Do you keyboard wearing mittens?
Who would Rudy pick as his running mate? Hmmmm….??? Interesting question. IMHO – and that’s all it is, an opinion – he would pick someone as socially conservative as he is not in order to offer some succor to values voters in the base. Mike Huckabee has been scoring points of late, and he’s getting some media attention even as it’s not morphing its way into double-digit Iowa poll numbers.
An irony inherent in a Huckabee pick is that he, too, is a former Arkansas governor. Who knows whether or if or if so how many voters would be reminded that a vote for Hillary is a vote for Bill and Hillary antics to be again on the front pages of the newspapers and on TV for the next four to eight years. There are a lot of people who have that on their minds.
The Piper
A great job for Bill in a Hillary admnistration is ambassador to Russia. Bill and Putin can party (Putin will, after all, control his hand-picked successor who would be allowed to party with them but only as the designated driver).
To prepare himself for the job, Bill would buy a new copy of The White Album by The Beatles and listen to Back in the USSR over and over and over again in order to prep himself to do what he does best…
The Piper
Playing a little catch-up here, might I offer a welcome to our new Piper at the Gates of Dawn. I have to say that reading your comments is like listening to Kenny G. It starts out being somewhat soothing, but the tone quickly descends into vapid bordering on smarmy. (I’m a Gov’t Mule kind of guy myself. Any group that can put Afro-Blue and War Pings in the same live set is my kind of group.)
Look, we all know what your opinions are, but I note a very distinct lack of any effort to explore why you hold those opinions. It’s as if you’re stuck at those gates of dawn, and don’t really want to get into the discussion. And that’s disappointing, because you appear to have been the first, and perhaps only, HA prepresentative of your political perspective who’s capable of even a modicum of critical thought.
You’re obviously intelligent, but you still haven’t strung together a coherent argument about anything without pulling disputed facts out of your backside.
Take your comment about Hillary Clinton’s back-stabbing tendencies. As Darryl pointed out, you’ve offered not a shred of evidence to back that up. To do so, you’d have to both establish what Democrats as a whole would expect from our elected president, and explain what in Hillary’s record would indicate that she’d turn against those expectations. And I’m wondering, why have you made absolutely no effort to do either of those?
Sorry. That should have been “War Pigs“. I’ve been so head-down in work lately that I’ve unconsciously turned a “pig” into a “ping”.
@71 good so far.
Huckabee is quite bright and very, very strict in his morality. Obviously H would be a lot closer to the base than the ego centric Guilinai.
Would that work?
BTW, you used the ABBR … IMHO. I suspect you mean that this is a humble opinion. I thoought you were scotts?
It’s axiomatic to me that anyone who runs for president is to one degree or another ego-centric.
I am a Scot named Scott…there is a difference. When I played in a pipeband, a kilted colleague and I entered a room looking for the rest of the band, and a woman seeing us uttered the ultimate inaccuracy: “The Scotch are here!”
A Scot named Scott might drink Scotch were it not for the fact that, like Haggis, he has no taste for it.
In regard to IMHO…I’ve always carried with me Judge Learned Hand’s famous dictum on The Spirit of Liberty as a kind of guiding principle. Familiar with it?
The Piper
@75: I also wonder why Piper only speculates “humbly” about what Giuliani might do but is SURE how Ms. (and Mr.) Clinton would behave. How could that be?
Oh yeah, because he’s pulling it all out of his ass.
Piper, I too actually enjoy some of your posts here because it gets tiresome to only discuss issues with those with whom you agree.
However, your reaction to both of the Clintons borders on the irrational. You really need to step back from that and get a bit of a grip.
And y’know, it all just goes back to my contention that the Republicans are STILL running against the first President Clinton. You guys just can’t stand the idea that he: 1) Whupped your candidates in two elections and 2) Had sex (or not) with somebody Not His Wife in the White House.
I’ve never understood how you could still support the guy who was going to “Bring honor back to the White House” and then proceeded to crap all over the office. Just because he doesn’t fool around? It just boggles my mind.
#76 ,,, seems to me that we have had a variety of prsidents, some stupid, some smart, some ego maniacal, some patriotic, …
Back at you suggestion, if we buy the Faux media line, RG is an egomaniacal nut and Huckabee is a christian, straight shooting naif.
On what issues do you expect them to work together?
Given Rudi’s habits, hoe do you feel his sex life in the white house would effect his presidency and how would Huckabee deal with a clintonesque scandal?
If you are a scott I am an aboriganl American. You may have had some ancestor who came form there but the image of you prancing in a skirt is too much to me inagne when I think of all those manly men I have known.
Speaking of manly men, I assume you know that Bush’s Sheikh buddy got hisself blown up as soon as the lil Bush left Iraq?
Piper is definitely not Marvin. A few major differences
– Marvin is smarter about the war in Iraq
– Marvin is dumber when it comes to most other things
– Marvin didn’t seem to have such serious issues with powerful women
– Marvin is way more paranoid about the media
– Marvin tried way harder to respond to our comments, Piper just changes the subject (this last fact is making it easier for him to avoid ending up at EffU)
– Marvin was actually somewhat more aware that he was a laughingstock (which is why he’s no longer here)
Just because he doesn’t fool around? It just boggles my mind.
He couldn’t keep his hands off Angela Merkel.
What an embarrassment! Once a frat boy…
Haven’t given any thought to whether any extracurricular activities on Rudy’s part might impact any relationship with a VP Huckabee.
Both R and H share views on Iraq, judicial appointments, and other general governmental issues. I think R is smart enough to understand the need to separate his personal opinions from his governing stance, hence his pledge to appoint judges cut from the same mold as Roberts, CJ and Alito, J.
But that is so far in the future as to be entirely speculative. There are thousands of bad chicken dinners to be eaten, babies to be kissed, and doorbells to be rung before we get there.
Which brings me to something I think is silly, and that’s all the states clamoring to be first in line to hold a primary. Pretty soon, the first primary for the following election will be held the day after the new office holder is sworn in.
I have strong views on primaries versus caucuses. In fact, my old pal, Dwight “The Growler” Pelz, and I share many POV’s on the issue.
And, SJ, a kilt isn’t a skirt. Kilt’s are made to be worn at the waist, whereas skirts are worn at the hips…or so I’m told. Nowdays women do wear kilts, but only when playing in pipebands. Otherwise, they’re considered a man’s garment. And because Scot’s are from Scotland, the proper appellation is Scot…one T.
Any fool can prance in trews, but only someone secure in his manhood can wear a kilt proudly.
The Piper
Are you saying that Ruedi is so dishonest that he, like old Bush, would play the oreo game with the supreme court? Who in hell is CJ?
I certainly have heard Giuliani double speak, but I challenge you to show me where he has promised to appoint ideologues to the SC. Frankly, I think Huckabee has too much integrity to make oreo appointments too.
As for other governmental issues, you are uttelry and entirely full of shit. Hillary is closer to Huckabee on many issues than RG is. Tell me. oh wisest of bare bottomed scots, what Huckabee’s stance is on the national debt? gays in the military, taxing the rich????????????
As for Kilts … if you were a true Scot you would understand what I am saying much better. I have has=d on friend named Jim who was actually a Laird. You are nothing like him.
82 Lee … actually I agree. I talked with Marvin this morning, He actually does live on an oil rig!
I am wasting to much time.
Roberts, CJ = Roberts, Chief Justice. When you read SCOTUS opinions, the Chief and other Justices are referred to thusly.
I saw Rudy on TV news pledge to make judicial appointments similar to Roberts and Alito. Sorry…can’t recall exactly when.
Rudy – not my candidate, BTW – strikes me as running not to advance a social issues agenda, but on his record as a leader, problem solver, crisis manager, and a candidate with a clear vision of the necessity to protect American against the threat of terrorists. I’m not saying I agree with him; I’m only saying that’s what I hear him saying.
If you want to know what Mike Huckabee’s position on issues is, go to http://www.mikehuckabee.com/in.....=Home.Home and click on the “issues” link. I came away with the impression that Gov. Huckabee and Sen. Clinton aren’t ideological soulmates.
Your comment on kilts was completely incomprehensable. While you mingle in loftier social circles than do I (I am, after all, only a lowly Grade 4 piper woefully out of practice), how does your association with a clan chief make my comments about kilts, which I wear frequently, wrong?
Or were you typing with mittens again?
The Piper
87 PS
Rudy: “a candidate with a clear vision of the necessity to protect American against the threat of terrorists.”
As opposed to the other candidates who never, ever talk about protecting America from terrorists, right?
The problem with Rudy re: terrorism is, he does have a “clear vision” of the necessity, but he als has clearly no idea what terrorist threats we face here, what their aims are, or how to go about protecting America from them. He also ignores talking sensibly about what to do in Iraq and seems to know nothing about the place (and has never been there).
I am glad he thinks it’s important. But he’s a mayor who took the opportunity to sit on the Iraq Study Group and contribute to our safety in a seriouys way, but instead pissed it away in order to make the big rubber chicken circuit bucks. Not a serious guy. He’s going down.
Piper offers not a shred of evidence to back up anything. it is why his/her opinions are just so much hot air.
Hey SJ,
Interesting post here by Daniel Levy, who notes that Obama’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian situation is actually closer to Bill Clinton’s than Hillary’s is.
Rudy – not my candidate, BTW – strikes me as running not to advance a social issues agenda, but on his record as a leader, problem solver, crisis manager, and a candidate with a clear vision of the necessity to protect American against the threat of terrorists.
What? Rudy Giuliani’s understanding of the Middle East and how to defeat terrorism verges on the humiliatingly naive:
The only way his plans could be more ridiculous is if he proposed drafting an army of unicorn-riding leprechauns to fight Al Qaeda.
@90 Tx
To be honest I do not take much of the posturing of anyone seriously at this point unless, like RG, they seem to be bordering on extremism one way or the other.
I would love to see ANY goyisher candidate with the courage to openly endorse PeaceNow AND challenge her or his opponents to do the same. I admired Clinton for his efforts and hated Arafat for screwing up his chance to be the savior of his people. The decrepit, karking bastard apparently valued his huge swiss bank account more than the lives of his people.
The Palestinian brothers and sisters of the semitic people deserve a lot better!
It would be wonderful to see one of the candidates endorse Peace Now while also taking a strong stand that the Ayrab leadership must put real teeth in the Abdullah proposal by meeting one on one with Israelis, visiting Israel and praying in the Dome, repeating the kind words of Umar, and working with the Egyptians to disarm the ARS inflicted Hamasniks.
I would combine this with a (quiet) US condemnation of the Euro-antisemitism that led the French to promise but never deliver on the Lebanon peace force and announcement of a “Marshal Plan” funded by the effin Europeans to create a workable Palestinian Jordanian economy.
While on the subject of miracles … Wednesday was the first day of Rash Hashana, Ramadan began, and it was the first day of the Coptic Millenium!
L’shan Tova, Salaam Mukbarak,
Mulugeta Aserate, of the Third Millennium Secretariat, said: “It’s a chance to put the turbulence behind us. The rest of the world knows Ethiopia for famine, civil war and soaking up huge amounts of foreign aid. That’s not the Ethiopia we know.”
My great dream would be for a Saudi, acting as a Sultan, to inviting Israel to visit Medina.
@91 .. this is exactly WHY ARS is so importnat. Who knows what RG would really do? He is not running in this world, he is running in the Reprican version of Second life where reality is literally what you make it.
If I were running the Barak campaign, I would make Reality my banner and ask “Where is the reality?” It would be almost funny for RG or Romney or any of the Repocans to answer questions like the ones I have posed for Pip=squeek and Stamner.
While I am on a riff, my other theme for mY Barak, would be “opportunity.” There is NO more serious issue in the US (even yor drug hobby) than the neglect of our traditional commitment as Americans to the Dream, to Opportunity. This is also a weak point in HRC. She and Bill suck goat milk when ti comes ot issues of equla opportunity. Efven GWB with his NCLB at least made this an issue.
Lee. I didn’t think Pooper was Marvy. I think Piper is the next team member in the rotation effort. Styles are too different, but 2 count ’em 2 such long-winded types coming and going in that sequence? I just suspect a concerted trolling system.
I have no idea. But I am fascinated with the different variations of wingnuttery that exist.
Well, it’s good that you have the patience to tolerate and respond to these pompous gasbags. It tyakes a better man than I to wade through that quantity of specious bullshit.
Thought you chaps and chappettes (are there women at HA? I never can tell) should know that as of approx. 2:40 a.m., I’m a repeat Grandpa!
My oldest daughter, who lives in NC with huspand and son, called to tell me that I have a second grandson! Elias Paul L____ (common Latin last name) was born this morning, and he’s perfect! He joins his brother, William Lorenzo L____, who’s exactly two years older. That’s right, they share a birthday! How’s that for something interesting they’ll be able to rib each other over as they grow u?
So…no tussling with you sheeple this weekend, I have family duties…
The Piper
I was afraid we were going to find out he had reproduced…