Writing in the Conservative Voice, the Rev. Jerry Falwell makes a “gracious correction” to an article in the Jerusalem Post, that had claimed he had accepted the doctrine of “dual covenant.”
Earlier today, reports began circulating across the globe that I have recently stated that Jews can go to heaven without being converted to Jesus Christ. This is categorically untrue.
While I am a strong supporter of the State of Israel and dearly love the Jewish people and believe them to be the chosen people of God, I continue to stand on the foundational biblical principle that all people
Slow News Day isn’t it.
Slow news day? not at all, Cyndi.
The Rightist movement is inextricably rooted in the belief by X-tians that the rest of us are going to hell.
Of the remaining 17% (or whatever it is) who support G.W, over half of that are people who know in their hearts that G.W. walks with God. That’s why he should be our president.
re 1: If you consider Bush lying us into another war to be a slow newsday, then I guess it is.
Cynical @1,
Priorities. I spent the morning in my daughter’s classroom, and now I have to do a little paying work.
Most of the people who consider that they are going to heaven are unbearable to have here on earth, let alone for eternity. Can you imagine running into Falwellin heaven and have him say: “I’m sorry I was such a wrongheaded asshole on earth.
I can’t imagine it either.
I wonder what old Jerry-boy thinks of us Neo-Pagans.
If Heaven is full of fat, retarded, chickenhawk, traitors to freedom like Falwell, I look forward to forever in Hell! Fuck him and his Christian pals.
@ 5:
Don’t concern yourself with bumping into Falwell, Bush, Reagan or any other conservative in Heaven.
You’ll find them at the 9th circle of Hell.
Bush is full of “good intentions” regarding the Iraq War and the illegal NSA wiretapping of US citizens without a warrant.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions and conservatives.
this just in…
Republican Rep Rodney Tom, LD 48, will switch parties to run against Sen Luke Esser in November…
Continuation from my post @ 8:
Specifically, you’ll find conservatives in the 2nd region of the 9th circle. Dante places in this region those who betrayed their political party or their homeland.
Sounds like conservatism to me!!
The Liars.
Not to sound off the cuff, or siding with Falwell types, but, I thought Jews didn’t believe in Heaven the way that Christians do.
Isn’t the Jewish belief something more of resurection of the body than a afterlife of the sould? After Israel becomes ruled by a monarch again?
I know I’m ignorant on the subject and my knowledge is vague at best, but, if I’m on the right track, then who cares what the Falwell types say about Jews going to Heaven in the first place?
Thanks in advance for a mini 101 on Judaism.
10 – fantastic news. I hope more decent, moderate Republicans do the same. This story is yet another confirmation of what people have been saying here about the WSGOP these days.
GBS @12,
What matters to me is that if people truly believe that I am condemned to eternal torment in the next world, what prevents them from denying me my rights in this one?
goldy, you’re just mad cuz he believes in something.
Booga Booga – You are going to hell – Booga Booga.
All we have to fear is organized religon itself.
Why do you give any space to Falwell, except that it continues your persecution complex? Nothing like bringing attention to yourself with a big old pity party.
I’d be more worried what the nut cases in Iran think of you, since they will actually do something about it. Falwell is just an adled old man.
Falwell is just an adled old man.
Which is why the Preznit talks to him, Pastor Ted, Dr. Dobson and other American Talibanis once a week.
There 24.7 Million blogs out there, if you don’t like what Goldy writes about, why do you come (and comment) here?
I’d always thought the quote went something like “I’d rather go to hell … all the interesting people are there”, and was ascribed to Twain. Apparently, it’s actually his contemporary Nietzsche: “In heaven all the interesting people are missing.”
But you get the point.
“Cynical @1,
Priorities. I spent the morning in my daughter’s classroom, and now I have to do a little paying work.
Commentby Goldy— 3/14/06@ 12:20 pm”
Good for you Goldy. I helped in all 4 of our kids classrooms. You only get one shot influencing your kids. You can’t do it without spending time with them….school is critical. She knows how much you care…rather than guesses that you care.
I’m focused on my own salvation and the salvation of my family. It’s not that I don’t care about you jokers….it’s just that we all have to make our own decisions. The consequences???
Time will tell.
My best to you KLOWNS in your own personal search for the Truth.
It is important to try & look beyond what we see.
Did y’all hear that Isaac Hayes (the SHAFT man) is leaving South Park as one of the voice-overs because Isaac was offended by a segment that made fun of his Church of Scientology! Here is a show that brutalized pretty much every religion weekly. That’s ok with Isaac. But a glancing blow at his cult and WOW!!!!
Shaft! Right on!
Cynical and his family are searching for the truth. Well, the truth is that sanctions against Iraq unnecessarily killed 500,000 children.
Commentby Goldy— 3/14/06@ 1:27 pm
“What matters to me is that if people truly believe that I am condemned to eternal torment in the next world, what prevents them from denying me my rights in this one?”
Perhaps you were endowed upon by your Creator certain unalienable Rights. So unless Jerry Falwell created you, I don’t think he could take them away. Unless, of course, the rights you are talking about aren’t really rights, but privileges.
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/14/06@ 2:02 pm
“Which is why the Preznit talks to him, Pastor Ted, Dr. Dobson and other American Talibanis once a week.”
Do you honestly believe that Bush is installing a theocracy in this country? The constant comparison between the Bush Administration and the Taliban only serves to desensitize people to the true dicatorial rule that the Taliban presided over. I think it’s fine to dissent against the policies of the Bush Administration (I don’t always agree with them myself), but to compare them to the Taliban is patently ridiculous.
25 – Oh really?
Did y’all hear that Isaac Hayes (the SHAFT man) is leaving South Park as one of the voice-overs because Isaac was offended by a segment that made fun of his Church of Scientology!
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 3/14/06@ 2:32 pm
Kinda like the pot calling the kettle…well, you get the picture.
I get really upset when Falwell dables in politics, because I don’t think the church should do so. Jesus set a good example in this, refusing to get drawn into the political contoversies of his day (“…render unto Ceaser what is Ceasers…”).
Likewise, on political forums we shouldn’t be dabling in theology. Falwell is entitled to interpret the Bible on religious questions any way he sees fit. Those who disagree can follow their own religious beliefs.
CF @ 25:
All right, I’ll be the first liberal to agree with you that comparing the Bush admin to the Taliban is patently ridiculous at first blush.
But, we are headed in that direction albeit ever so slightly. There is proposed legislation now to jail journalist for 15 YEARS and/or a fine of $1,000,000 if they report on any ILLEGAL activity that George W. Bush is doing.
Bush, authorizing wiretaps without judicial oversight violates, or at the very least, invites encroachment on our civil liberty. The if you have nothing to hide why worry mentality is dangerous thinking being espoused by the right.
I could go on, but the point is: Bush is leading the country in the wrong direction. A direction we’ve never gone before as a country. A direction our forefathers NEVER intended for us to travel.
For the first time in our history, or at least in my lifetime, taking our country backwards would be a good thing.
It’s a slippery slope this leader is going down and his track record of failure at EVERY CEO position he’s ever held does not give confidence to the American people.
At the bottom of this slope is is where you’ll find the likes of the Taliban and dictatorial / totalitarian governments. That’s why so many people makes the comparison.
“Do you honestly believe that Bush is installing a theocracy in this country? The constant comparison between the Bush Administration and the Taliban only serves to desensitize people to the true dicatorial rule that the Taliban presided over.”
Hmmm… let’s not forget who created the Taliban, and why they were considered useful for such a long time. (Does CentGas ring a bell?)
Commentby rhp6033— 3/14/06@ 3:35 pm
“I get really upset when Falwell dables in politics, because I don’t think the church should do so. Jesus set a good example in this, refusing to get drawn into the political contoversies of his day (“…render unto Ceaser what is Ceasers…”).”
That’s baloney. Jesus was asked if people should pay taxes to Caesar, not whether or not they should be active in political debate.
Here’s the complete passage to put it in context (Matthew 22:15-21):
“Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are. Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”
But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?”
“Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then he said to them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.”
Commentby GBS— 3/14/06@ 4:13 pm
“There is proposed legislation now to jail journalist for 15 YEARS and/or a fine of $1,000,000 if they report on any ILLEGAL activity that George W. Bush is doing.”
I’m skeptical that this proposed legislation exists. I certainly couldn’t find any information on Google. In the event that this is more than some left wing blogger’s paranoid fantasy, such legislation would never be put to vote, if it was voted on, would never pass, and if passed, wouldn’t survive Constituional scrutinty, if the Republicans were politically suicidal enough to try.
“At the bottom of this slope is is where you’ll find the likes of the Taliban and dictatorial / totalitarian governments. That’s why so many people makes the comparison.”
Like I said, it’s a long way from the Bush Administration to the Taliban. If you want to argue that the Bush Adminisration is too autocratic, then I’d agree with you. In my opinion, this is proof we need less government, since a smaller government gives any President less power to potentially abuse.
Commentby Dr. E— 3/14/06@ 4:25 pm
“Hmmm… let’s not forget who created the Taliban, and why they were considered useful for such a long time. (Does CentGas ring a bell?)”
I think the Taliban created themselves, but I think the U.S. government did help in creating the environment to allow the Taliban to happen. I’ve never been a fan of the policy “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
righton is going to Hell, too, for being a Republican! He’s gonna be Goldy’s bitch.
I expect you repubs to get on board for this. You feel the Bible should be taken literaly and laws should be based on it.
Have at it.
I propose the following constitutional amendments codifying the definition of marriage entirely on biblical references:
Marriage shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Gen 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5).
Marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed (Deut. 22:13-21)
Marriage shall not impede a man’s right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3)
If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. (Gen. 38:6-10; Deut. 25:5-10).
In lieu of marriage, if there are no acceptable men in your town, it is required that you get your father drunk and have sex with him (Gen 19:31-36).
If we’re going to follow the Bible, let’s follow the whole thing.
“When I see a first-class individual who makes $80,000 a year, he’s lower middle class. When I see someone who is making anywhere from $300,000 to $750,000 a year, that’s middle class. When I see anyone above that, that’s upper middle class.”
–Rep. Fred Heineman (R-NC), explaining that his yearly income of $180,000 leaves him short of middle-class status
“I think Mohammed was a terrorist. He – I read enough of the history of his life written by both Muslims and – and – non-Muslims, that he was a – a violent man, a man of war. And I do believe that – Jesus set the example for love, as did Moses. And I think that Mohammed set an opposite example.”
–Jerry Falwell, 60 Minutes, October 6, 2002
“I have never said in a sermon or a speech that Muhammad is a terrorist.”
–Jerry Falwell, interview with Religion News Service
“Obviously, I would tell our nation, ‘Prepare to meet thy God.’ America must return to God. We must return to America’s obligation to the Creator, the One we originally recognized in the Declaration of Independence. We must recognize God’s providential care of this nation and His blessing on our people.”
–Jerry Falwell on “Old Time Gospel Hour,” June 1, 1997
“Modern U.S. Supreme Courts have raped the Constitution and raped the Christian faith and raped the churches by misinterpreting what the founders had in mind in the First Amendment of the Constitution… [W]e must fight against those radical minorities who are trying to remove God from our textbooks, Christ from our nation. We must never allow our children to forget that this is a Christian nation. We must take back what is rightfully ours.”
–Jerry Falwell, March 1993 sermon
“The Jews are returning to their land of unbelief. They are spiritually blind and desperately in need of their Messiah and Savior.”
–Jerry Falwell, Listen, America!
“If he’s going to be the counterfeit of Christ, he has to be Jewish. The only thing we know is he must be male and Jewish.”
–Jerry Falwell commenting on the anti-Christ, January 1999
“I’ve been talking to you about the clash between Israel and the Palestinians which is a clash between President Sharon and Yasser Arafat. But deeper than that is a clash between two cultures: the Jewish culture and Islamic culture. At times this seems to be a clash between God’s plan and Satan’s plan. I deeply believe that God has a plan for the Jews and for the land of Palestine. The violence is Satan’s opposition.”
–Jerry Falwell
All those statements are true to Christians. Ken have you ever read the bible?
old jerry sure is a loon. what the hell! all the most interesting people [and definitely all my friends] will be there anyway…….
this is why i think organized religion is so horrendous.
but we really can’t go down the soviet path on it can we?
maybe we should just use some of their own ammo against them and do some good old fashioned SHUNNING.
so, which is worse:
a. christianity
b. scientology
c. islam
it’s kind of a toss up isn’t it?
Cyniclown @ 1…..
Your post is antisemitic. You are a piece of work. Your parents must be so proud.
Isn’t it funny how the right wing bible thumpers quote the bible (and the Constitution) only when it serves them? And it’s also funny (as well as sad) that they ignore major portions of both the bible and the Constitution when they deal with peace, love and freedom.
The Christian right are hypocrites. Christians have rightly been persecuted throughout history. Oh those were the good old days.
Of course I have read the Bible. Many times. But I don’t believe it is the literal cherrypicked version you seem to be reading. I am from NC and lived most of my life in Jesse Helms district. I toured Europe and the US with an A Capella Baptist choir when I was in highschool. I have lived in a Christian Commune in Mabton for two years.
That’s how I can tell a theofascist from a theologian.
I was offered a full scholarship from oral roberts university and turned it down.
Faith healers, “prosperity gospel” charlatens and televangelist are the cancer on the protestant community and Ralph Reed, Gary North, Tom Delay, Grover Nordquist and the Fallwell-Robertson-Dobson axis of evil are the Republican typhoid Mary’s of that cancer.
It seems some of you here have the same disease.
Seek help before it is too late and purge your party of the theocrats before you wake up one morning and find your beloved Republic is no more.
“One of the embarrassing problems for the early nineteenth-century champions of the Christian faith was that not one of the first six Presidents of the United States was an orthodox Christian.”
–The Encyclopedia Britannica